Roxaway. â€" YVesterday afternoon, at @bout two o‘clock, a horse belonging to Ed. HKiopelle, ran away, while the driver was in the !ioman Catholic Cathedral, atâ€" tending to the funeral services. The \ oung man who trie i to arrest his progress ha i a narrow escape firom having bis legs son s 5."("’ oIL CHROMOS [\ CASH PURCHASERS OF $1.00 " Womaa‘s Sphere." The meeting was an interesting one and composed of a very attentive audience, which there is no doubt benefittel greatly by being present. Cmacrorere Fir® ComraNy‘s Soctat.â€"A most successful social was given last evening by the members of the Chau diere Fire Company it Ryan‘s Hall, U‘Connor street. The arrangzements were admiraâ€" biy carried out. Mr. T. Kpane, the Seâ€" cretary of the Company, @cted as floor manager, and discharged his duties in a most efficient manner. The music by Gowan‘s band was quite up to its usual excellence, and the refreshments were served in capital style by Mr. B. Mellon. Dancing commenced about nine o‘3lock, and was continued without intermission, except for supper, until an early hour this morning. About 150 couples were present, and a number.of firemen appearâ€" ed in uniform. The saffair throughout was a great success, and further established the reputation the Chaudiere Company have already earned, of getting such gath erings up in really good style. in the vestry room of the Dowin:on Methodist Courch. After the preliminary business was transacted, the programme of the evening was proceeded with, when Mr. P. C. LeSueur read a very interesting essay on "Sabbath School Work." The Secretary of the society, Mr.J. C. Parlow, gave a reading which was well appreciated by the sudience ; this was foliowed by an essay from Mr. T. R. Preston on " taxa tion of church ~property." _ The Kro gramme was brought to & close with a short speech from Mr. A. Learoy, on Mexsers or Pasconiext and strang ers purposing being phot~graphed, will do well to call on Mr. Jarvis at his studio 140 Sparks street. His motto is " First class work at moderate prices." Call and see specimens. 4067 Fizz.â€"aAbout 2 o‘clock this morning a fire was discovered in a tenement house, the property of E.J.0‘Neill,Superintendent Dominion FPolice, situate on Ashburnham Boaro.â€"The asy board at "The Lonâ€" don‘" is, without exception, the best and cheapest in Ottawa. AssociatioNn.â€"The aunual dinner of th Association has been tixed for next Satu day at the Russell House, and a pleasan time is looked forward to by the Scribes Hili. lt appears that tue fire originated in a vacant tenement, but communicatsd to a house, the property of mr. Fuler, who wus not insured. It is understood that Mr. U‘Neil is insured on his property to the amount of $9,0U0. The fire brigade were promptly on the spot, and no doubt contributed in a great degres to the suppression of the fire. Novelties in Collars and Cuffs at Char. Bryson‘s, 110 Sparks street. the city for meals. Servms at all hours. y eomnrarcbts 408112 Tez Loxpox.â€"No delay in getting served atthe London. _A hot lunch can be had immediately. Kid Gloves a speciality at Chas. Bry son‘s. * 4082 i2." broken Caristiax axp Literary Society.â€"The regular weekly meeti~g of the Christian and Liter~ry Society took place last night Use Crark & Co.‘s extra quality six cord cotton, with anchor on spool, Leadâ€" ing sewing machine agents say it is the Costuas Puoro‘s â€"stiff Brothers have every convenience for taking |‘hotos in costume. â€"â€"_â€"_â€".._. Lusc#, Dixxe® axp Strrer at the Com mercial, served in the best style, at lower prices than any other Restaurant in the Puotoczaruy.â€"For artistic pictures 0# to Stiff Brothers, Sparks street. Tus Loxno®, at the east end of Scpgen Bridge, g.ves the cheapest and best board to day boarders. Tas Loxpoy.â€"Tho oyster suppers at the London cannot be equalled in the city . PALACE SHOESTORE,) ° Windsor Coxcer: given | she Jebhun ir prano, M Kearns. of Tus hours. Temple of Fast Laxrs axpo Caaxosursrs for hite, with Silbes light. W. Hraex, Sappers Bridge. be one of unusua to be liberally p: music in Uttawa. "Queen" Restaurant. ®&~ Boots and Sho ods marked in plain Best Grey Cottons at Chas. Bryson‘s. Tez Loxbox.â€"The best restaurant New Black Lustres at Chas. Bryson‘s, Lunch Bill of Fare. Tms Loxpo® ba st Kocal intcllinenuce. Tussday, Feb‘y 29. ®@~ Dinner at 6 o‘clock. & Loxpox restaurant, meals at all A T OIL CHROMOS |[Vow SPARKS ST REKT Head Scarfs at cost price for 30 days at‘ M. M. Pike‘s ou, Sparks street. 4082 i6 o order at Chas. Bry M TORS Ba s stocked with the axp Reroxtsas‘ dinner of this 1 for next Satur and a pleasant In A Festive Scene in the New Library. His Excellency and the Countoss Dufféerin Prescnt. ioor was onme of the Princess of Wales, the two having been taken from the Senate Chamver for the occasion Round the room were placed seats covâ€" ered with red baize, and at intervals here placed plaster casts representing classic sabjects. Two bands of festoons puTted io distemper from a design of rm. Wm McKay, of Metcalf street, hid the places where the gailerjes are to go, the spo§s in which the supports are to be being inâ€" geniously hidden by green roseftes, eight handsome trophies of flags were placâ€" at intervals on"the upper band, |and the whole affair was alike a handsome oinam=nt and also a credit to the designer and bis »ssistants. A spacious orchestra elavated from the floor, and it was draged with Dominion flags, and presented an extremely handsome appearance. The room was magnificently lighted with gas jets round the dome; from the summit were suspended two enormous chande liers, one beneath the other, while round the room were tifty bracket lights, the whole forming a scene like fairy [and, The beautiful proportions of the ceihuk and dome were brong .t out. in strong relief, and wore for the first time seen in ali their beauty. ihe heating of ‘he chamber is ovuta‘ned in a similiar manner to the other portions of the Government Buildin%s, aud none could complain of the cold. In fict the arrangements in every respect were peifect, and the commitiee are to be congratulated upon the success of their efforts. It seems that the Lower Province Memovers do such things in right royal style when they :et about it, if the ball of last night is to ve taken as a criterion, for certain it that for magnilicence it could scarcely be surpassed. Tue fair ones who were present and it may also be ventured to be asserted many of thrse of the sterner sex, will mark the night in their calendars as a "red letter one,. From eight p m. the guests began to arrive, and the bustle and stir in the streets, and up to the entrance of the Parliamect Buil iings, made it apparent that an event of unusual magnitmfe was on the fapis Soon after nine o‘clock the interior of the library was thronged with the " fair women and brave men‘‘ of the Capital, and a sene that can be better imagined than described for brillancy presented itself. Half of the asâ€"embled guests present wore the same costumes in which they appeared a‘ the Governor General‘s Ball. Sir Walter Raleigh and E irl of Leicester wer» there, and a hundred courtiers of different centu ies, jesters and representatives of nations and times, which for variety and richness could not be excelled. Among the fair were Mary Queen of Scots, Maric Antoinette, and from the gipsy to the stately Queen Elizabeth, every coâ€".ceivâ€" able character was represented perfectly, and their beautiful costumes blended with charming effect, and made a bold contrast to the â€"ombre «vening dress of those of the opposite sex, the fout en semble presented was an exceedingly brilliant and effective one. By ten p. m. dancing had fairy commenced to the strains of the Guards band, and soon the riom became so warm that many sought the halls and corridors, wuich afforded a happy contrast to the heated library, besides disclosing many a quiet nook wherein that haif whispered tete a tete could be carried on uninteruptâ€" edly. The scene througnont wes one of continued animation and fascination, throughout the whole night, ana an ~dmirable example was shown by their Exceliencies, who danced several times during the evening. A few of the costumes which were particularly effective, and which have not been described before, were :â€" & ly grand the drawing ner parties, James Fletcher, "Duke of Alva," Spanâ€" ish court dress, 16th century, black velvet tunic slashed and turved buck with crimson satin, crimson satin trunks, black velvet cap trimmed with silver braid and white ostrich feather held by silver crest brooch, white silk tights, and black slashed slippers. Surely the Capital of the Dominion has scarcely ever been made the scene of so mnni brilliant and festive gath erings,. in &0 short a spate of time, as it has been since the commence ment of the present session of Parâ€" Lament. â€" First came the more than usuâ€" a ly grand opening of Parliament, then beautiful structure afforded, and the genâ€" eral appearance 0" it, lent considerable eclat and charm to the oceasion The floor Alfred Tydd, ©Don Fernand," Spanish court dress, l6th century, green velvet tunic, puffed and turmed back with yellow, sleeves and trunk yellow stripped with black, green velvet cap with white ostrich feat ers held by silver crest brooch, white silk tights, green slashed slippers. _ _ Mrs. Henty Linasey, pale pink Brussels net over pink silk tasti fully ornamented with white flowers, headdress to match, ornaments silver. was all that could suit the most fastidious votary of Terpsichore,and the decosations, if they were not extensive, were at least â€" chaste and fh goo!l keepâ€" ing and © taste. _ Facing the door leading from the chamber at present used as the Library was a dais covered with crimson cloth, with a green piece in the centre loaJling to the portion whereâ€" on six chairs upholsiered in crimson lamask, were placed for the accominodaâ€" tion of theif Ex ellencies and suiteâ€"in & niche over the dais cas a marble bust of His Royal Higuness the Prince of Wales, and to the right ol that over another C. H. Taylor, ©Faust," green velvet tunic and trunks slashed with white velvet and trimmed with gold, cloak of same material, and hat with white ostrich feather, white tights, green velvet shoes slasl'lgd' with white. W L. Orde, "American Yatchsman," costume, dark navy blue shirt with white edging, dark blus trousers, with canvass shoes, yachting hat. Mrs. R. W. ~tephen, rich plale green satin dress, bhandsomely trimmel with Honiton lace, Brussels net, and pale pink and white worsted flowers, headress of flowers to match, ornaments necklet bracelets, earâ€"drops of rubies and pearls. on the dais were their Excellencies the Governor General and the Countess of Dufferin. The hon. mrs Littleton, mrs. Cauchon» mrs, Russell Stevenson, mrs U Connor, roiss Hamilton and miss Vail The bail was opened with a quadriile in which the following took part :n the order flven. His Excellency and mrs. Gauchon, on. mr. Lattelier and Her Exgellency Hon. A. J, Smith and tars, Mackenzie, Hon. Alexander Mackenzie and mrs. Scott, lon. K. W scott and mrs. Ritchier. Hona. _ mr. Cartwright _ and _ mrs. Littleton, Capt. Ward _ and _ miss Macdonald, Judge Ritchie and mrs. Vail Lieut. Colonel gletnchet and mrs Penny, General Smytn an t miss Fellowes, Hon. mr Vail ani mrs Stephenson, Hon. Col. Littleton and miss Morrs, Chief Justics Richards and mirs Bierstawit, Hon. mr Huntington and mrs O‘Connor, aad durâ€" ing the evening the following programme wes neriorm=l by the Guard‘s Band in crpite â€"tyle, which in itseif was sutficient inducement to keep the most tardy of ILLIANT CATHERINC. THE BALL. 1 gallants continually on the flow:â€"Quadâ€" rille, "Angolina," Farmer; Waltz, "silver Ripples," Coote ; Galop, "Encore,"‘ Coote4 Lancers, "Lord of Lorne," Godfrey ; Walts, "Blush Rose," Harman ; Galop, "Eclipee," Coote : Quadrille, "Colonge,"‘ Coote; Waltz, "Dreams of Childhood," Montgomery ; Galop, "Cross Country," Godfrey; Lancers, "riginal," D‘Alibert ; Waltz, "Bluo Dan ube," Strauss ; Waltz, "Der Morgenstern," The committeo of management wereithe Hon. H. Fabre, the Hon. H. A. N. K;nul- back, tho Hon. Hoeury Aylmer, méssrs. H. Naschereau, G. A, Kirkpatrick, W. Laurier, L. F. G. Baby, G. E. Casey, A. Desjardius, I:t. Harwoad, A. St. Georges, the Hon. J. G Blanchet, messrs. St. Denis Lemoine, M. H. Goudge, N. L. NeKay (C.B.), and ‘F, L. Nowlan; the latter three gentlemen haviag worked assiduously to make tho event as suc: cessful as it ‘proved to be, Supper was provided in the Commous dining room by mr, Cavailo and his assistants in capital style at one o‘clock, after which dancing was resumed and kept up vigorâ€" ously until halfâ€"past three, when but few remained to give the unusually brilliant @pening but a quiet corclusion. ‘The ball Labitzky ; Quadrille, "La Fille de Madame Augot," Leclerc; Waltz, Soldaten Lieder," Gungel ; Lancers, "Bella Helene," Les clerc; Waitz, "Leap Year," Strauss ; Galop, "Prince Imperial," D‘Albert; Waltz, "Approach of Spring," Strauss : Queadrille, "Charlestowa," D‘Albert; Waltz, "Duchess," , Farmer; â€" Galop, "Always Happy," Herold ; Waltz, "La Perlchole," Coote. Cassells Mr and Mrs R W, Clemow Mr, Misses and the Misses, Clemow Mr F, Coutles Mr R (Q), Courier Mr J, Christie Mr J, Corbett Dr and Mrs, Coutlee Sheriff aud Mrs (Q), Chesterton Mr and Mrs, Cruice Mr aud Mrs, Chamberlain Col ano Mrs, Charles Mr, Oass Mr aod Mrs C ()), Coursolles Mr and Mrs (0), Cross Mr and Mrs, 0, Crake mr, 0, cook Henry, O, Charles mr D H, 0, Carre wr and mrs, Cavillin mr, mrs and miss, Cayley mr B, Cuzuer W J, Caltelliee mr and mrs, Caeckley mr, Carruthers mr, mrs and miss, Carruthers mr J, Campbell mr, Costi gan mr,Checkiey mr F,Church mt and nmrs, Carm, M and Madlame A (Q); Core, Mr and Mrs (Q); Cheveau, Mr and Mrs a (Q) ; Chen s, Hon Mr and Mrs and the Misses (Q); Coonig Mr (Q); Connolly, Mr J (Q); Connolly, Miss (Q); Craig, Mars, Mr and Mrs (Q) ; Caron, Lieut Gov, Mrs and the Misses (Q) ; Carruthers Miss, Cartwright Hon M¢© and Mrs, Coffin Hon J, Coursol Judge and Mts, Coffin Col Mrs and Misses, Cockburn Mr Mrs and Misses, Casgrain Mr and Mrs, Carrier Mr and Mrs (Citizen); Cotton Mr Mrs and Misses, Cotton Major E, Cotton Major:J Cotton Major A, Cote Mr Mrs and Misses, Coltor Mrs P W, Clayton Mr and Mrs, Chapleau Dr and Mrs, Casgrain Mr, Courtney Mr and Mrs, Carruthers Miss, Chapleau Mr and Mrs, Crane Mr and Mrs J, Caverhill Mr and Mrs, Cassils Mr A, Cassils Mr and Mrs J C, jr; Chapleau Mr and Mrs, Campbell Xr and Mrs R A, Crathem Mr Mrs J, Cameron Mr and Mrs G A, Cassils »ir and Mrs W, Clendenniog Mr and Mrs W, Cramp Mr and Mrs T, Coulson Mr and Mrs D, Cross Mr and Mrs A, Chandler H: Mr and Mrs, Cantin A Mc and Mrs Can tin A Mr_aod Mrs, jr; Christin Mr Mrs, Cassidy Mr Mrs J L, Chaify Mr and Mrs A B, Cowan Mr J, Cushing Mr and Mrs, Cherriee Mr Mrs, Cowie Mr and Mrs, Cowan Sheriff, Chesiey, muiss A, Chesley the misses, Cantin, Christie mr and wrs, Christie Mr John, Curtis mr R U, Cherryman mr and mrs, Conroy mr mrs and muisses, Couiter miss, Clegg miss, ramp mr and mrs, Casgrain mr, Casgrain miss #, River Ouelle; Crossley mrs S, Cambie mr _ and mrs H, Cosgrove mr I, Cambie mr aud <mrs A J ‘Delery M, Mirs and Misses (Q), DeLery Misses, 3 (Q), Duval Chief Justice and Mrs (?), Duchesuey Col and Mrs (Q), Dobeil Mrand Mrs (Q), Delegrau, Mr and Mrs (@), Dunscomb Mr, Mrs and Miss (Q), Dautferin Earl and Countess and suite (Q), Deviin Mr aud Mrs (Q, Duval Mr and Mrs (Q}), Dorion Chief Justice (Q), Dorion Judge, Douglas â€", Drummoud tron Jusâ€"= tice, Mrs and Miss, Deskosiers Dr and Mde, David Mr and Mrs L 0, Do iovan, Mr and M, Devlin Mr and ’w 0 J, Dugas Mr_and Mrs C A, Deolet Mr and Mrs @ A, Dorling Mrand Mrs® A, Doutro, Mr and Mrs J, Dobell Mr and Mis U Y, Desmarteau Alderm«n and Mrs, Dy le Col and Mrs, Dandurand Mr ard Mrs O E, Douglass Mr and Mrs J, Drummond Mr und&rs, Dunlevie Mr and Mrs, Dennis Col, Mrs and Miss, Draper Hon Justice and ladies, Durham Miss; Dombell Miss, DeCeiles â€", Duffy Mr, Davison Mrs (Monâ€" treal), Dart Consul General, Dioune Hon E and Mrs, D)ai‘d Mrand Mrs L 0, Drisâ€" coll Mr and Dombe‘!l Mr ana Mrs, Dennis Mr J S, Dessaulles Mr and Mrs G C (Q), Dunlevie Mr and Ms (UV;, Dickson Mr, U‘ Areteail, Mr E A, Dosbarats Mrand Mrs G (Q); DBellefewmila Mr and Mrs E L (Q), Doutre, Mr Mrs w (Q) Drolst, Miss A, Desktivieres Mr _ and AMadame, Drolet Miss H, Dion Mr L Q, Davy Mr and Mrs, was. a decided success throughout, the onception and carrying out of which reâ€" ect the greatest credit and isideserving of he highest praise from all tuo:e who par} ok of the hospitality of the " members r Quebec." ‘The following is a list of he invited guests :â€" Alleyne Mr and Mrs Miss, (Q, Archer rand Mrs J(Q), Aagers Hon Mrand Mrs Q), sllan Sir Hugh and family, Audley Mr Ars, Adamson Mr & Mrs, Archambault t and Mrs, Armstrong Mr. and ts L, Alexander Mc soad| Mrs H , Amos A E Mrand Mrs Angus R B Mr nds Auston HL W Mr andMrs, Aylmer Hon Mr _ and _ Mrs, Auwond D I, Armoyr Mi»â€"s, Anderson Mr3, Allen Mr and Mrd, Allen Mrs J, Andâ€"rson Mr J, Armstrong Mr Mrs and Miss, Aumond Lieut Coltand Misses, Aumond Mr and Mrs W, Ashworth MrMrs and the Misses, Anderson Mr Mrs and Miss, Austin Mr and Mrs, Archibald Mrs, Arnoldi Mr. and Mrs, Archanbault Miss E, (Q) Achintre Mrs A, (Q), Alleyne R, (Q), Armstrong Mr and Mrs, (U), Adamson Mrs, Aylen Mr and Mrs. $ Bull Miss, (0), Bellomare Mr Mrs and Misses, (Q), Boyer Mr and Mrs A, (Q), Brault Mr d A A, (Q) Bouthillier Mr F, (Q), Bouzette Mr, Burieck Mr J G, Bowl by Afrs, Bernier Mr and Mrs M E, (Q), Baillarge Mrs L G, (Q), Baillarge Mr and Mrs (Jitawa), Bouneville Mr, Botterell airs, Benoit Mr Mrs :(nd Miss, Blanchet Mr and Mrs Bedard Mr F, Boyd Mr and Mrs, Bingham Capt, Barthe Mrs G H, Bably Mr and Mrs, Baker Mr and Mrs G P, Barthe Mrs G H, Belford Mr, Boyle Mr J, (U), Barrett Mr. W H, O, Bieuveun Mr, Q, Brock Mr J H, 0, Braciey Mr G P, 0, Barrett Mr W H, U, Brewer Mr and rs, Boiton Mis, A B, Brown Mr A S, 0, Brouse Mrs, Baldwin Mr and Mrs, Burrows _ sirs, Broderick <â€" Mrs, Berâ€" ford Mr and Mrs, Bentley, ODr. and Mrs Bavy Mrand Mrs W (Q), Bsillargpfeon Dr, Mrs and Mss (Q), Bouroushs rs and Miss (Q), Biake Hon E: and Mrs, Brown Miss, Burpee Hon Mr, Mrs and Miss, Barâ€" thelot Judge and Mrs, Burritt Mrs, Buckingham Mr and Mrs, Brunel Mr and Mrs, Brunel Mr J and G, Bowes Mr and Mrs, Bramley Mr, Mrs and Miss, Bourinot Mrs, Blake Judge and Mrs, Bliss Mr and Mrs, D+Boucherville Mr an‘l Mrs, Buchanâ€" an F, Boucher Mr and | Mrs, Brophe Mr Mrs, Bucke Mr and,. Mrs, Brown Miss, Baker Mr anud Mrs, Brassard Mr and Mrs, Berthelot Hon Mr Justice, Butten Mr and Mrs D, Bond Col Fand Mrs, Beique Mr and Mrs F L, Brunet Alderman and Mrs, Barsalon Mr and Mrs J, Brash Mr and Mrs G, Bernard Dr and Mre, Burroughs Mr C 8, Brydges Mr aod Mrs C J, Brown Mr and Mrs, Beausoleil Mr and Ars C, Buchanan Mr and Mrés W U, Beaudry Miss, Bain Dr, Brooks Mrs E J, Bethuna Mr and Mrs Buchaoan Mr and Mrs A B, Baker Hon Geo and Mrs, Brymer Mr and Mrs D, Brophy (Miss, Bate Mr, Bell Dr, Mrs and Miss, Burton Hon Judge and ladies, Blair W L, Bown W R, Bury Misses, Bsaubiâ€"n Dr and Mrs, Bate Mr, Mrs and. Miss, Borrodaile Mr, Mrs and Miss, Bowie Capt and «Mrs, Brunel Mr J, Brunel Mr 4, Beresford Miss (Montreal), Bruce Mr H D, Bourgeois Mr A B and Mrs (Q), Bachand Mr, M P P, and Mrs (Q), Biais Mr,â€"Mrs and the Misses, Bassano M le Conte et M la Contesse, Brodie Mr, Biackmore Mr, Burpee Mr and Mrs L J, Bennett J @, Bennett Miss, Brown Mr and Mrs (0), Boswell Miss U).. . THE TIMES, OTTAWA, | _ Meredith Chief‘Justics, mrs anl miss, (Q) ; Mayor of Quebec and, Murphy mrs, (@) ; Marsden Dr and mrs, (Q) ;«!yurphy jA H and mrs, (Q); Malouin mr and mrs J, (Q) ; Montizambert major and nrs, (Q); .Muckenzie ton A and mrs, Macklem mrs, Morrison A, . Morris miss, mr Toller, Mondelet Hon mr Justice, Mullarâ€" ky mr and mrs M C, Matthews wnrs F B, Mackenz:e mr and mrs H, Macksy mr E, Mclutyre mrs, McKay Hon mr Justice and mrs, McKay, mr H, McKay Wm and ’ miss R, Mclatyre tr and mrs D, McLenâ€" nan mr Ewan, Mallette, mr and mrs L Z, Meclver, mr Geo, McCready nir J, Molson mr and rors, McCready mr and mars 13 Musson mt and mrs, Macnider mr an mrs A, Milloy mr and mrs A, Monk Hon mr Justice, Miner mr and mrs $ H, Moâ€" jInty:e Sheriff, mra and miss, Morse mr H pud Imisses, Mayer Mr H, Monck mr G W, 'M.onla.:nr B, Monck mr H, Major Lieut, Milis Lieut and mrs, Malloch Dr and mrs, Millar, mr, Martin Dr, Morrison Hon Judge and |ladies, Moss Hon Judge and ladies, Mor; mr and mrs, Morrison mr EF, M :esee nyt'ld,:nn,i[u mrs lnc(lwtho misses, (Ne ork); Mutt mrs, (New York) ; Megker %; C B, (New York); ‘May miss, Monk Geo, Meredith mr, | Joliy Hon Mr.and Mrs, (Q); Joseph Mr »nd the Misses, (Q) ; Jackson Dr and Mre, (Q); Jones ‘Mrs, Mr:, and Miss R Jones Mr E J, Jones Mr R and Mrs sm{ Miss, Johnston Mr an:i Mrs, Jones Mr E, Amok Mr and Mra Jas, Jodvin Mr _A jr, Johns ton Mrand Mrs J, Jodoin Mr and Mrs A, Johnsto~ Mr and M‘j Jo loin Mrand Mrs P A, Judah Mr H, Judah Mr T, Jarvis Mr and M=s, Jones Mrs and Miss J, Joseph Hou Mr Just and Mrs, Johnâ€" ston Miss Lizzie, Johnson Mrs Just, Mrs an4 Miss, Jackson Mr and Mrs, Jones Mr C and Mrs ®, Jones Mr Albert, Jones Rev srand Mrs, Johnstone Mr and Mrs W J, Johnstone Mr Jno, Jarvis Mr L, Jones Miss F, Jenning Mr and Mrs. _ Gilmsur Miss (Q), Glover Mr and Mrs (Q) Garneau Hon Mr and Miss (Q). Grey Major and Mrs (Q), Gregory Mr and Mrs (Q), Governor General &c, Geoffrion Mr andâ€"Mrs (Q), Gautier Mr, Gourdeau Mr and Mrs, Gelinas Mrs, Gagnon Mr and Mrs (Montreal, Q), Gingras Mr, Gray Mrs and Mr N, Gough Mr Mrs and the h{iuos, Grant Mrs 4, Gould Mc C H. Grenier Mr and Mrs J, Gilbert, Mr and Mrs BE E Gordon Miss, Galt Sir A, and Lady, Galt Mr E, Goald MrsgJ, Gardner Mr and Mrs R, Gardner Major, and Mrs, Greene Mr and Mrs E K, Gerkin Mr and Mrs F, Grendley Mr anud Mrs R R, Gillespie Mr and Mrs, Genaud Mr, Graburn, lfr and Mrs, Griffin Ensigo, Grant Capt and Miss Gilinour Mr and Mrs, Grant Br, Mrs and Miss, Grant MrJ A Griffin Mrand Misses, Gormully Mrs, Gilmour Mrs Alsn, Ginâ€" gras Mr, Grant Mrs E, Graham Mr, Gagâ€" non :?), Graham Miss, Gingras Mr (Q), Gerin Mr and Mrs (Frois Riv.), Guislott Miss, Genereux Mr, Mdme and Mdiles, Gravel Mr Mudute, 4alarneau Mr and Mrs (Q), Gibgon Prof J (0), Galarneau Mr L, Graham Df and Miss, Goodeve Mr and the Misses, «ty Mr and Mrs, Gordon Rev. D M and Mrg, Gitbons 3r W, Gowlge! Mr M i jr, Grant Dr (Swith‘s Falls), Gra:â€" ham Mr and| Mrs, Gibbons Mr. Henry, Judge, and Miss ; Harrison, Chief Justige, and Mrs ; Hingston, Mayor of Mogtreal, and Mrs ; Humphrey Wm, Hermarxj Miss, Hamilton Miss Lucy, Himsworth Mr, Mrs and Misses, Herbert Mr 8t L, Mr W, jt. Higgins Mr and Nrs, Heron Mr, Mts ant Miss, Hinsworth Mr Mrs and Misses Fred, Henshaw Mr F W, and Miss, Huptert Mr and Mrs W 8, Hutâ€" ton Mr and Mrs W H, Hincks Sir F and Lady, llopkfps Mr and Mrs J W, Hodï¬lon Mrand Mrs J, Huntington Mr R W, Huan:â€" tington Mr F, Holton Mr and Mrs, Hick. son Mr and Miss, Horely Mr and Mrs J, Hawley Mr J A, Hamilton Mr and Mrs A Hutcbinsuon Mr apd Mrs M, Hutch‘nson Mr and Mrs J, Horne Mr and Mrs G, Healey Mr and Mrs C, Heneker Mr and Mrs R W, Hasker Mr. and Mrs B A, Hayes bon F Pand rs, Helliwell miss, Hunt mds A F, Harrington mr and mre, Hasper mr and mrs, Haycook mr, mrs and mi Haycock mr and mrsâ€" R H, Hulewon mr, mrs and miss. Horsey Dr, Hopkirk me H G, Ho;)kirk J C and the misses, Hagarty Chief Justice and Ladias, Holâ€" land mr and miss. Hancock miss, Hawkins miss, Hart mr, mrs and miss;, Hart mr junior, Hart mr. F, Hamilton mr G, Hogg nf and tars, Harhel mr, mrs and mise, Eowu'd miss, Heétor mr nrs and munx Harris mr and mrs RC,â€"Hearn mr an: miss, Humphrey mr and mrs, Horetzky tor and mors, Hill Dr, mrs and miss, Hartâ€" ney mr and mrs, Hartney mr P, Horton mr E E, Howett mrs, Himswo th mrs and misses, Himsworth John, Hirginson Rev t:‘r- and miss, Haskett Capt &ud wars, Hall ) R, Hinton mrs snd miss F, Holiand mr G, Holland mr A, Hallimore, mr, Hamel mar. Hamel mr A and the misses, Holmes misses, Hanuna miss. _ 5 [A Mr, Lieut.â€"Governor of Quebec, Laird Hon D, Loranger, Mr and Mrs, Sorel, (Q, Laframboise Mr Mrs and Miss, Lang: ton Mr Mrs and ‘Miss, Lejoire Mr and flu, Lynn Dr and Mrs, Leprohon Mr Mrs and Miss,Langevin Mr, Le Moine Mr Mrs and Miss, Le Moine Mr and Mrs De 8t. D, Lamers Mr Mrs and the Misses, Q, Lapierre Mr Mrs and Miss, 0, Leckie Mr Mrs, Lacroix Mr and Mrs J C H,Laflamme Mr L, Lyman Mr and Mrs Henry, Lyman Mr and Mrs: Benjamin, Lyman, Mr and Mrs Theo, Lyman, Mrand Mrs F 8, Lyman Mr Jones, Laframboise Mr M J, Lamother, Mr and Mrs G, Leclaire Mr ad Mrs J, Lynch‘Mr and Mrs, Lindsay v Dr, Mrs and Miss, Le Barron Mr an i rs. B, Le Barron Mr and Mrs J B, Lefe: re, Mr and Mrs J, Lee Cgptand Mrs, Lynoh J F, Lee Mr Mrs and Misses, Lyon Judge ani Mrs, Lacfontaine Judge fld Miss, Lapierre Mr and Mrs and Miss, ‘Laroque, Mrs A A, Lacotte Mr ani Mad: pme, Letellier the Misses, Rev, O, Loran ger Mr J, Montreal, Lynch Mr J F Levesque Mme W, Q. Leblanc xr and mrs W, Q, Lamothe Mr H .Q, Laframboise Mr Louis, Q, Larcan Mr E, Q, Lebouf mr, Q, Lapriere mr, Lindsay mr and mrs H, Le Vassour, mr N, Lunisden mr (i C, Leslie mrJ, Lewis B and ladies, Lee mr E C (Cambridge,) Lo Seuier mr, Lumsden mr tA_. Lees mr and mrs, Lord mr C, Lamâ€" bert, Hon O H. Kimber R J, Kidd Mr and Mrs,KilbyMr and Mrs R, Key MrG, Kirk Mr and Mrs J W, Kay Mr and Mre W F, Kerr Mr and Mrs W H King Mr and Mrs U, Kinï¬ Mr .]zd Mrs E, Kâ€"enan Miss, Kavanagh Mr Lnnï¬lioru and Madame (Q),Lemieux Dr and Mrs, (Q), Lemieus, Mr and Mrs M, LevyMr Mrs and Miss °C E, [Q) Light Gordon Mr (j(ontml'), Globenskie Mr'b, Gerin Mr and Mrs (Frois Riv.), Guislott Henry, Ju Chief Justi Mayor of Mot Wm, Hermai ‘‘Irvine Mrs and Mrs, Inos Mr and Mrs, Isb:ster Mr and Mrs J, Irwin Lt Col and TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 29, 1876 mrs *nd misses, Meredith miss, Murphy mr, mrs and the misses, Montizambert mr, Moylan mr and mrs, Machian mr, ‘Moor mr and mrs J C, Manâ€" ning mr Att, Morton mr, Maingiuy mr m, Maunn miss, Matheson mr A J, Macdonald Lt. Gov. and the misses Mackensie Fred (Q), MacShane mr An‘i mrs J (Q), MacDonell Dr and mrs, Mac Maren miss, McNut mr, mrs and miss, l MaoDonald major, MacDougal mr and mrs Alan, McDonell mr and mrs (Sergtat«â€" Arms), McDonell mr, Mackay (?), Macâ€" douald Lady and Sir John, McKay mr, mrs and misses, Morrison mrs ([oronto) ‘McCuaig mrand mrs P C W, McPherson Capt, mrs and miss, MoD)nsld mr and mrs U ENT O EOE Pn PC EC Y HESRe EmE C P CESTE d ‘ A, Wise mr E, Walker mr and mrs J, | giveD & Warner mr :uï¬mn J F, Willett mr and | "BOt: mrs, Wood mr and mrs J, Williams mr| 77 and mrs, White Major mrs and miss, W'. Weatherley Captain mrs . and m.ln BA Weatherley mr Charles, White mr (fMce mrs Fred, Wicksteed Major and zars, | House, J J, MoLean mar N and miss, Mcintyre mrs, MoPherson Col, McDonald mr B, McKay mr H, Molntyre mr and mrs D, McCarthy mr, mrsm'iy misses, McGillivray Dr (Uttawa), McGee mr and mrs C, Mc Kenzie mrs P, McGachen mr, McAdam mr, McMill mrand mrs, McGregor mr, Mcintosh mr C H, McLenuan miss, Moâ€" tachlin mr 8, McDonald mr_and mrs Duncan, McCurdy mr A, McKey F 8, McLean mr and mrs L. t s l Nolan miss, Nolan mr, Nash Col and mrs, Nelson mr and mrs H A, Noyes, mr and nirs, Newby mr F, Noel mr and mrs Nicholson mr, Nellis mr F. Norris nar J' G, Norris mr J F, Nichols mr C H H, Nettle nar, ars and miss. _ O‘Farrell mr, mrs and miss (Q), O‘Conâ€" nor mr and mrs D, O‘Counor Hon J and Mrs, O‘Connor miss, O‘Gara mr and mr», U‘Gilvyy mr and mrs J, O‘Gilvy mr and mars Jas, Ostell mr and mrs John, Ostell mr and mrs Thos, O‘Leary Drand mrs, w‘ Halloran mr, mrs and miss, U‘Meara mr and mrs, Ouimette Hoa and oirs, U‘Donoâ€" hue Ds and mrs, Oswald mrJ K. _ Pope Col mrs and miss (Q), Pacaud mr E [Q], Perauit miss, Pratt mr and mars Joha [Q] Patton mirs, Peachey mr, mis and misses, Power mr and miss, Powell, Col (0) Picae mr and mrs (O) Fatterson mr and mrs, Plammer mr and mrs (0), Priogle mrs, Patrick mr and mrgy Patrick mr and mrs, Patrick mr A P, Pouliot mrs, Pope mr and mrs, Penny miss, Perry mr aud mrs A, Porrault mt and mrs C B, Perâ€" rault mr and wrs J, Papineau mr and mrs D E, Pupineau arrand mre C F, Papineau mrs (G, Prefontaine mr R, Proctor mr and mrs C D, and miss, Pratt mr and Mrs, and miss J, P.erce mr, mrs and miss, Paton mr and mrs A, Petters mr and mrs J C, Penâ€" noyer mr H T, Piusenault mt A, Phelps miss, Patrick Captand mrs Patrick, Patâ€" terson Hon Judge and ladies, Prou ifoot, Hon Judge and ladies, Perley mrand mrs, Poweli mr, mrs and miss, Pinard mr J A, Panet mr and mrs C, Peseanet mr J, French Consul, Pelietier mr and mrs T, Phelps miss (0], Prevost mr and mrs W [Q], Palmer aar and mrs, Page mr and mrs, Parker miss, Povier miss, Pattee mr and mss (G@ B, Phelan mr A E, Preston J H, Parmelee mr W G, Powell Sheriff, Penâ€" nock mr and mrs J I, Pennock W; Phitâ€" lips Revy mr and mrs, Postgate mr, Phillips Rev T D, Pattison mr and mrs T C. Quin mE â€" PR hy se in & Russeli Dr. and mrs, Russell H T and mrs, tenand mr aod mrs, Ramillard mr and mrs, kuodes Col ani mrg, Roche mr and mrs J, Aobitaille Dr and aus «\, Ross mr and mrs D, Ross mraud nmrs J, Ross mrs and Hon, J J, Legislative Assembly, Speaker of tae, Ritchie mr aars and miss, Richards Cuf Jus and miusses, Rainville Judge, R:tchie miss, Ramsey Judge, Rusâ€" sel mr mrs and miss, «tinfret mr, Redpata mrs and miss P, Redpath mr F and the misses, Rinfret mr F V, Robideau nr and mrs J 0, Rainville mr H B, Hoy mr and wref8, Haakin mrJ, Robertson mr D, toy mr A, Robert Aiderman and mrs, Reford mr and mrs R, Heekie mraad mr RJ, Reid mr and mrs R, Roy mr and mrs B, Robertson mr and mrs W W, Rï¬:n rar and mrs, neddy mr and mrs J B, Hobe:t mrs ) W, Smith miss, Stanton mr J % Sanborn Hon mr Justice, Stewart mr an: mrs J, Stewart mr and mrs A B, Stephons mr Romeo, Stewart mr and mrs D, Starnes Hon Heary and mrs, Selwyn mr and mrs A, Sheldon mr and tmrs, Stephens mr and mrs H, sache miss, Shanley mr Walter, Bcott mr Wm, Sweetland Dr and mrs, Swesetland misses, Sutherland, mr E D, | faschereau mr and mrs H, MP, Q, Tasâ€" chereau Judge and mrs, Q Tetu mr, mrs and the misses C, P, rembley mr and mrs, Q, Turenne Comte de, Taschereau mr and mrs, Tache mr J, Trudeau mr and mrs, 0, Tomlinson mr and mrs, O, Todd mr, mrs and miss, Tache mr and mrs, Taylor mr and miu,Tglor mr and mrs H, Tilley mr and mrs J, Trestler Dr and l’.i‘"' 'l_‘ï¬mnoe %on mrI,J ';nutice and mrs, Tourville mr an mr and mrs J G, Taylor nflmgd mrs, E%homn mrand mrs F W, Tiffin mrand mrs Jos jr, Thibaudeau mr and mrs J R, Thomp son mr and mrs S, Tessier Hon mr Jus tice, Tyler mr ani miss, Tiffin mr H J, Trudesu mr and mrs U, .Torrence mr, mrs and the misses, Tilton major and mrs, pev ol tvdbate ind on tireentndedatt A Ti tuin ts trilionmi purvlly olï¬ t hnd d Todd Gapt, Toller mr apd mrs, Taillon mr, folmache mrs, Thibaudean mr and mrs R, Tetu mr, mrs and the misses L, Riviere Quelle, Turgeon mr and mrs Jos, Tremâ€" ley mr, mrs and the misses, Q, Tims mr abpd mrs D Tetu mr E H, Tait mrand mars, Taylor E H. j Underwood miss. Verret mr and mrs, Vail Hon. mr and mrs, Valois mr ani mrs N, Vandelar miss, Valade Dr and mrs. 8 soa mr aad mrs and the tars A, Hobertson Dr and mrs D ‘, Ross Col and mrs, Rod: ger mr, Richardson Col mrs and miss, rowan mr and miss, Russel mr and mrs L, Rauscuer mr and mrs, Reynolds mr misses and son, Reynolds mr, Russell mr mrs and misses, I{uuol i1 mr, Robertson Buter mr, Spi Hon Judge and ladies, Skead mt E, siator mr, mrs and mi?:’. Stewart Col and mrs, étewut. mrs and mrs McLoeod, Sherwood mr, mrs and miss, Smythe, miss, Stevenson, m rs Rusâ€" sell, Stewart mr and mrs Jas, Sinelilie _ Surveyer mr and mirs, Q, Stroet mr and mrs C F, 0, Stuart mr and mrs C, 0 Stuart miss, O, Smito Hon D A mrs and mr, British mm; Ritchic mr F and mrs, Roll:nd miss, mm;%% Iit_&sn mr l:lah and mrs, 0, Rivard ~mrs, Q, Koy mr P, Q, Rivet Piecre, Q, Ritchie and friend, Ryan mr mrs and neice, Rowley my and mrs, Richardson mr ‘I‘ J, Ryan mrC, haiford miss, Koss W B, Reynolds miss, Richards m:ss, Ridout mrs J . Walsh Captain and mrs, Walsh miss Wicksteed (Chptain, Wilion mrs and miss Z, . Woodman mr mrs and mise, Wright â€" Doctor, W{iv;ht mr, Wilson Hon Judge and.Ladies, Wilson mrs and miss," Wilmot mrs, Winhrlgmiu (Montreal), Wyse mr and mrs, right mr(New York), Worsley Lt Col, Wilson Lieut, Wilson miss, Watters mr, White mrand mrs F, White miss, Wallis miss, Wilmot E A, White mr and mrs (Monâ€" treal), Wells R W mr (Toronw“deor mr, Wilson mrmrs and miss, Waish mr and miss, Walde Young Hon John, mrs and the misses, Young mr and mrs J M and misses, Yale mr, Yielding mr, mrs and the misses. The meeting of the County of Carleton, adjourned from January last, was held yesterday afternoon in the Court House. There being present Mr. R. Cummings, Warden ; m{;gllowing mem â€" ber;‘ of th%hl}ounoil: C essrs. Smith, Anderson, ompson, Clarke, Beatty, Baker, M. P. P.;" Stewart, askeryits, Robillard, Davidson, Green, Neil, Dean, Armstrong, Sykes, Hil}, Cleland, Hender â€" son, Craig ; '.he,cnl{l member of the Board not beil:f in his seat being Mr. Manion of Huntly, _ _ touched upon the importance of a care ful oonplc}::hon of the report of the Officeâ€"Master in Cuncery Che House, Qstawa, CaBadu........_ _ ful consideration of the report of the School Board, the latter being one of most material interest to the wellâ€"being of the residents of the County. He referred to the subjects which would be submitted by the Special Committes on Bridges, and ed them to use their monJudwiom :;fniom on them, so as to avoid any un due expenditure of money. s He then called upon the clerk to read P THE COMMUNICATIONS . â€" which had been received since the last session of the Council. They were as Moxpay, Feb. 28. Gabriel Quillette and Isadore Benoit were ohrg with disorderly conduct. ‘They were both fined $20 and mmai John Hickey was fine@ $3 and $2 costs for getting drunk. Edmund Cusson was charged with being drunk on the streets. The case was adâ€" journed until toâ€"morrow. s sent down for & week. and th% received confirmation. 0 The Warden then said before the reguâ€" lar business was entered into, he would make a few remarks as to what was likely to come before them this session. He was glad to be in a position to state that since they last met, all matters in the County had gone on in the most harmoniâ€" ous manner. He referred to the fact that the Finance Committee‘s r. port would be submitted, and would require their moset careful attention. He called their attention to the gaol report, in which he -taltled that :3 the 28th Foba ruary, there were 30 male prisoners, an 16 iemales incarcerated, umf the working Fromâ€"Robert Walker,â€"jr., and thirtyâ€"siz other nm?oyen of the Townships of Huntly and Fi .ukint:iorsmnt_of Q350forthobnmofn dge over the Carp River, in order to obviate the presâ€" ent trespasses made by travellers over private property. . TAE AL HOUSE, SIGN AND FRESâ€"O PALNTER, Wellington street, â€" â€" Near Fcoles‘s Briige. very descrip jon of House Decoration, Inu‘ndu:‘( G idinz, ':irflnlng. I.rlnu‘ tle., exzecuwd in a superier style ani at p vo suls the times. & OltaWa, Feb. 14, 1876. streem‘aih _ c [ss c 0 [toC o C C000 Huil, Maronq, 285. |____________ ssaiy1_ 0. ARCHAMBAULT, ' NOTARY PUBLIC AND ADYOCATE, Has opened an offce in the city ‘of Hull.‘t#m ior the tnnn?&n of .nh: hm sod Coge! bonpert sther io ons P19 given to the onllection of accounts m : The Clerk opened the proceedings by reading the minutes of the last meeting, and they received confirmation. the Council would reconsider their deciâ€" sion as to tmpd overcharge, made From John Cochrane and others, prayâ€" ing for a grant towards erecting a bridge across Castor river, on the boundary line, between Osgoode and Russell . From Jane U‘Brien, asking for relief in the shape of either money or medical at~ tendance for her sick son. Was I0MI0200 WiIG! COBLS, P Louise Stattel, for stealin® a pair of boots from Mr.J. W. Dobier‘s store, was Tem uroalw Office at Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main Huil, March$, 1875. |______________ 2%%ly1 coUNTY OF CARLETON CoUsCiL. follows: From their Honors J’udfl Ross and Lyon, in reference to the Division Court ffice, asking that the present room mdquambennm appropriated to the use of the Di Gonncfark, _ From Anderson and Cherry, asking that along discussion, and finally the report was carried by a majority ol 15 yeas to 4 nays. wAnba:::: uport,suhtin to the ltlhul@f e bridge across Stephen‘s on the township line between the 'g:.kui:.ipo of Marlborough and North Gower, was read ; and â€" it recommended that immediate steps be takenâ€"to erect a new one. E. Proulx was charged with using insulting words to M. Dorion. The case was dismissed with costs. % by them for the construction of the porch * prows it HE:&'R f the Young We From Mrs. of the Young Woâ€" men‘s Temperance Home,asking for assistâ€" nmmg%‘ Jb Whyte, & o. Rev. James enclosing his oorflm: of eligibility as County and City Exathiner, and asking for re appoint: ment to the office. From J Mills, asking for the apâ€" pointment of Tavern License Inspector. POLICE Civkt. Before M. O‘Gara, P. M. _â€"Thomas Cote was fined $2 and $1 costs for a similar offence. putation gncï¬osbfl.ljg + Fron'otl}e'nn'ntopqm of the Townâ€" ships of and Russell for & nle):r bridge over Cain‘s Cr“’kl.) raying a new brm" Cain‘s Creek. _ _ From Wilson, relative to some land he had purchased at a recent sale forhx:n,udpul:lï¬utotholo-&f.ldd lands some errop on of the éounty oflo:fld pat THE CONSTANCE CREEK BRIDGE, The question of a report made by a deâ€" putation appointed to enquire into the were read from the following persons : â€" Several accounts were presented and referred to the Finance Committee. . The Council then W_uvx;hl ten o‘clock this morning. the Council 1 practicability of building a bridge over %omtmoo Creoek, wu‘::_l_uo__ thod-guoot of Officeâ€"Master 1 Huli, Oct. 26, 1974, HAS. W. LEONAu, BARRISTER, 4 TIORNEY, NOTAREY, &o, Y, H. FERLANXD, MARSHK L MATHESON, Adjourned Meeting. ADVYOCATE, J ASSORTED STOCK OF DRY GOQ] Ladies‘ NOW _ OPEN _ â€" BROADWAY TAILORING . Members of argest and best . SPROIAL AGENCIRSâ€"Oameron Apeoial Steant Pamn; J, A. 0. ‘ohul;ufln-; Americao Saw Company, m‘; C.j J&'M # L $ * ® T . SPARKS STREET, â€" â€" Are prepared to execute Orders for | ___ ALL KINDS â€"OF PICTURES, is hereb to our patrons and the pubiic generally in the Mï¬‚â€œï¬‚ï¬‚ï¬ this Com p& m{oumd«l to continue a drauch @f#ice in this City and have leased aoad com m w--mmmuhnnnuaww Messrs, Angus & Co,, No. 85 wher they have OPENED +N OFFICK, under the wu’MM the newly appointed General Agents for the Oitawa PFirst Prize MARBLE MANT LEPTIROR .â€' First Prize for xougnnu; HEADST O. Prizes for SLONE SE , R@~186 & 188 RIDEAU STREET. 4e W, M. SOMER A sole Canad has taken extra p ize ©C. Co., jor which he is also agent. Ottawa, Nov. 1, 1875 Winter Goods at Cost. ROBERT STEWART, uy ie Oe in AHSSn AOIHe Soiiect o bome, *NERdenTE. en 70 SPARKS STREET, OTTAWA. Manutacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and MWM% JOSEPH â€" DIMBLEBY, FASHIONABLE TQH:ORING ESTABLISHMENT 29| RIDEAU STREET |29 . .. At .beir Spacious Rooms, Ottawa Branch â€" â€"â€"â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" 88 Sparks Strao M MACBIEERY OF SVEXKY UESCRIPMION, ROUOK D%LLS, llldfllflil' Thke GENERAL MILL !UPPM& * | r â€"-(.) mm j I : 3 am uow The Royal Exchanï¬e Hotel, WELLINGTON ST s s A First Class Family and Commercial Hotst, PHOTOGRAPHY. _ * STIFF ~BROTHERS CANADA ° # Agricuitural Insurance Coy. * HEAD OFEFICE, MONTREAL. â€" : Itaw s Fab 5, 1574 They will als> ffod the work of our Milliners, Dress makers and Oltawa, Fob. 14, 176 Ottaw», Feb, 17, 876. BARGAINS : Ottaw»s, Fob. 12, 1376 ___ . SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, | * MACHINERY DEPOT, Bend for Ci Al_ex. Russell & Co., OFFICE aND WAREROUSF Ost. 17, 18?5, Ottewa, Jan. 27, 1876 t They respectfully rolielt a Visit. 1875â€"PROVINCIAL EXHIBITIONâ€" WELLINGTON â€"STREET, ST. ANDREW‘Sâ€" CHUR s â€" P. C. AUcLofln, MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, COL. A. 5. /L MB'OOaD.. WILLIAM ANGUS. _ _ UF THE UEST CANACLIAN, ENGLIS AND AMERICAN MAKE CHAS. BRYSON‘sS Parliomett, their CLUFF & MILL, GNERAL AGENTS. SPECIAL NOTICE, S NOW â€"OPEN. 66 & 68 SPARKS STREET GENERAL OUTFITTING ESTABLISBMENT, sSPECIAL NOTICE TO MAKE ROPM FOR SPRING Go0D8 ALL GOODS WARRANTED SHRUNK W. M. SOMERVILLE, Co tt ons . & Gents‘ Outfitting. t, their Ladies ani Strangers at present} in Ottewa, win find the ;Ã©ï¬ _ President Viceâ€"President. ORDERS PROMPTLY EX ECUTED. %ax CAPIIAL â€" ‘$1,000,000 Lite Assurance. TAILORING. ROBINSON‘S BLOCK, IN THIS oITY, aAr senbenscec®#6 60 be0 SEE EDWARD A. GOFF, JAMES A. 8 u;r 0 BFArA ST, OTTAWAâ€" BARGAINS ; e NroRAs ball QMM% PROPRIETOR, , unsurpassed by H. R. Ives ING TRAPB s Maro® i4 i94 Ne 11 Sparke ouvl-é.cmulfu My Young 0% g:.."'?.;.ta,:-;a pal bufallibiity,â€" P 20VINCLAL JA ND Oftewe, Just reseived U‘ tawe, South side May be consulied vor and Albe +8 wot 14, 187% ol-. C OFFICEâ€"Cor. C Rours, 10 t~ .2 « m Al Call and get price Otiawa, Jan. 15. YOL. ~X Ottawe, Feb. 1 , BTHUR F.