EARN atin and Greek ‘s, Dictionaries, ‘ French Canaâ€" egalia, e Corte, hinery, ) w ays on hand inists and l.nlly- rks.§ ai. men achine Shop UE H. _ _ ntal Painting, E PAINTiR TTA W A AL, * A RE ER YV.. UNDRY. tablisament in pow er {*Ih.un hine. ey are <ORTMENT Frangios Xa ING LATHES ads kewise Factory RIN hrystal ckets, _ Boilers‘ ump$ Agent Okseller, Ottawa, Can Paiterns. work manahip inds, ure the Lamb, 8, with latest prevent leakâ€" ce, Brass amd ester. en as to the nery already g and Manuâ€" the Ottawas orks. Pages, ‘Fools & w a x _street, Near York. RES ag en. kshops, and wols some of sTREET eceipt of & of Cigare Portr as rade x1 ~uremes or other» 418071 d the 4238y1 ends D D l) l.g 04 D Stte w & Engiaod x ARTIN,0‘GAR D (,’l «9 .8 Barristers, A F __ House, Ottawa. w.H. WALKER A.l «P ® Barrister, Attorney, Soliditor, etc. OFFICEâ€"Over Mr. B. Huckell‘s Flour store cor. sussex and York streets, Dttawa. sf"Al #, 0 0% IIIS'LI'-; & GoR wULLY, » BARRISTERS, ATTOR.N®YS, SOLICITORS, «¢. OFFICEâ€"New _r‘laing ifing Montreal Telegraph Offices, on !“el".gdre street. McLzop Stzwart | F. 11. CHRYTSLER, § page Core TT AW A rem poiary Office at May %. Al oTTAWA Carpet and burniture HOUSE. . sHNOLBRED & CO. z. Ro scoNNâ€"H & [an. 15, 1876 i\ v. H. FERLAND, w Ltb Lumber and Com 1.04 xost! J A MES cou8se1"T Graham Flour Buckwheat Flour Cracked Wheat etc iR\ LAPIERRE & 7 A L is E H, 3. D. K. wcess Jewellry: Made to Order iRPETS, LACE CURT A. OILCLOT H§ (VAGE & RUSSELL ::z‘xlultauun at all hours. ______ cHAsSs. A. MARTIN, L.D 8S., ving Canadian Commission. Me‘al a da, e in» pe ure ma w. W. WiAaRD, T LAMBERT, D ucbovom..% To F‘. ROBERTSON, LNIEL O‘CONNOR actical Watchmaker, & Jeweler 79 Sparks street. rs, Atcorneys and Solicitorsâ€"inâ€"Chanâ€" cery. ‘Eâ€"Bell‘s Block, Elgin street, Ottawa. 1N 0‘CONNOR, Q.C. 6. K. D‘DOUGHERTY. NOR & Hott,. No. 34 Elgin street Rele EDWARD P. REMX bes, C aRD i ER OF Medals, Ring: wels, elc., eto A ttorneys O rson, to which they oonndentl{rln- ‘tion, a stock of B!\ck Walnut Furâ€" de by R. HAY & GO., (late Jacques ronto,) is now all ssorted and emâ€" ny novelties. ~ * sSHOOLBRED «& CO, 64 Sparks street, Ottawa New Desigus M1 ui CDOoNELL, As you have been . the Centennial | Exhibit Judges. appointed by th« sion, you Will leate ur‘ names, Of e name 0 ish engra" on t_'he n YnER MARTIS, ASsJCC CE c Uitdsian byv . the Centennial | Exhibition by the Tudges. appointed by the Canadian sion, you will pleate forward the e names, or the name of the firm u’lsh eng ra on the medal. You 3# see that this| is done in a plain, hand, so that NO mistake may be y the 'Engruver. | will, therefore, fll tn".tb?“.mxod DEXTIST, 4 STREET, OTTAWA etc., etc. k, Wellington street. rm the Public that they rery steamer their 9 J. J. GORMULLY 152 RIDEAU STREET \ ttorneysâ€"&atâ€"Law aveyancers, eto MelNTYRE & FERGUSON F. M‘INTYRE. A. FERGUSON 4180 oyal College of Physiâ€" llow of the Obstetrical ate Resident Assistant mas Hospital, London, nnor and Queen streets, Dr. Corbett. 39901° Advocate. at Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main ocks and Jewellery cleaned and ecial attention given to Monoâ€" s, Rings, Bracelots, Lockets,Maâ€" Russell House.) . HORACE LAPIERRE v‘DOTGHEAT + , rs, Notaries STHR BERLIN, Ont., ed RADFORD, refore, MA" TL s Muaa 00 0 ard at ‘once as directed. Y ours r%fllfll’l LL, Cal n W‘ ne use of the knife iy and almost pain iven by parties suc Conveyancer, etc., Rideau & Sussex Ste. xO 1335 oMee hours from specftal attention 1 Accoucheur Solicitars, Notaries, {agee & Russell‘s y I x REAL EstAT®E eaun street, «mear eitors; Conveyant EET n Agent, Broker REMON, and 2 to 4 p.m "entre Town Maria street w. p. HOGG. 4Blyl TTA WA he uter e, east end opposite Russell Xtiawa and 1 from 2 to 4 in the evenâ€" of Surgeons attended to ree Xtawa st iawa. Ont. (J. GEMMELL AINS, & FPLOOR 4358y 1 ngut of 227y 1 «Bld&wyl Ete Solicitors 4208yl 4208yl )tte w a 4146 Dec. 8th, 1876. awarded a are reâ€" CONFECGTIONERY & OYsTSE: OEPOT Parties requiring b turesque America, : \+ 01‘1 Real Estate Security in amounts to suit borrowers at & reasonable Rate of Interest. / For terms and conditions apply at the Office WENERML STATIONERY WARKHOUSE : A. MORTIMER | _ Aug 9 1876 . (e 4210100 _ | Gofln RooMs WITH BOARD.â€"A c â€" ' dne ot good bedâ€"rooms wit! bo rd. may ra had at MRS. KERR‘S, corner of Elgin und ‘ qlater streets 0 10041f Bookâ€"binder, Paper Rulet and ACCOUNT BOOK MANUFACTURER, 198 Sparks street, Has just received an extensive assortment of goods well suited for Xmas and New Years presents, mnulstln%o( Chromos, Holiday Litâ€" erature, Photograph and Autograph Albums, Scrap Books, etc., eter, and would respeoctâ€" fally call public attention to the same. PROPRIETOR. B@~ Choicest Fruits and Confectionery constantly on hand. U 19m1 T 8 W COOKING, BOX AxD COAL STOVES. Tinâ€" ware sold or exahanged for metal, iron, Brass, copper‘ pewter, rags, etc., HUGH HINDS, PURYVEYOR TO HIS EXCELLENCY T HE GO VERNO Râ€"G ENER AL. GENtCAL GROCER & WINE MERCHANT, NHEAPEST PLACE IN OrTaAWA ‘ Do wW‘s celebrat‘d Montreal Ales the Sparks Estate No. large stock of ACCOUNT BOOKS, always hand at very low prices. T urkish Bath \9T. L&WRENCE HOTEL Reâ€"Opene d October 2nd, din them > m better J k Agents ishiy FAIRKIELD VINYAR , BRANT Co. >4 ONTARIO puro Grape Wines ! Ontario Port, and Ontario Claret! e@xXEY TO LOoAN GENT LEMEN JAMES BUCHANAN, Sussex street. Deo 8 1876 1 1238 & & IV 1 LE T TLA T have examined the wine submitted to me for analysis and find it a pure %rodnct from the juice of the grape, I find nothing deleterâ€" lous in the wine and c‘lf recommend it as & ic U onphevarece. H. H.CHO®T. _‘° _ wholesome beverage. Nov 10 1876 ________ *R. sSMITH &.CO No. JAMES BUCHANAN,. Rideauâ€"_§treet. For a Comfortable Home <ry t Y APPO!INTMCENT aBORATORY, \ 25 4 1. .A fls c tbA c t t 4 1 from xnï¬land, Elll be held at the house of MR JAMESJO NSO ~, No. 381 Daly street, '.hroughout this week, for the beneft, of Miss M.rr erson‘s mission. All friends of the cause are cordially invitâ€" ed to attend, when they will find a large variâ€" ly"ot_ articles suitable for Christmas preâ€" sen $ Dec 19 ~ 3015 & CoXsIGNMENT OF For Tonie and Strengthening Properties.. It 18 nnlnrg:-ed by any other native wine, & wine to be relied upon.. TRY IT. _ For sale by mgng PATTERSON. H A M M A M _ _R. SMITH & CO‘S pURE GRAPE WiINES _2 .0.3 Gillcsthanine Propeftion, It The annual sale of MARCHMONT HOME U â€"eful n lots to suit purchasers The Market Fire, ; ::w:: ::ne-"t:: his nnmerous customers that he WOODEN BUILDING 69 Blue Store, on SPARKS STREET, immediately opposite his late stall in the market. Ceders canbe filled as usual from the new SUSSEX â€" Orders can place. ____ One car load very choice} Money to Loan on Farm pro t Business localities. A gyliwwm. fls Abouas sreers, requiring books bound such as picâ€" America, or Shakespere would do ll at this establishment instead of them to Book Agents as they will seâ€" tter jJob and at lower rates, saving ents eommission which has to be glving inferior materials and workâ€" Dec 20. 1878 4B Sussex street L AM P S in aal Agent. 153 Sparks street, Otiawa. _ Nov 9 140 St. MONIQUE STREET. MONTREAL DRIED APPLES, 56 Sussex Street, NEAR RIDEAU. .._A. TZampbell, 4A EPVEREBRR MRACCCCOC cGarity & Thompson Room 11 M P t : over * Rideau street IN WOOD and \BOTTLE. QUARTERS AND SLICED, Money to Loan. &lfred Bufton UxIvERsITY. TokONTOâ€"COLLEGE June !5th 1876 To R. SMITH, & + 0. and Fancy Articles, SHAW‘S FRED. CHAMPNESS, > Proprietor. iMPROVED FOR JAMES CLARKE FOR CHRISTMAS GODFREY RUEL w. H. ROBERTSON, videau street, Oltawa 304 Rideau street. Go To THOS. PATTERSON, Tht OTTAWA. Address, <ry this Heiel. $1 per diem. 31m6 Proprietor 4219m6 164, Brockville _|â€" BALE! , and {City 1876. WINWER 187 7. CHRISTMAS PA S&NTS Owing to a ehunie about to take pla are about to offer the balance of our sto Cote and unseasonable goods much _below. Comâ€" meneing from whoen the stock will be remarked Ottzswa Skating Rink. 1876.â€"77 This :\pnhr Rink is tlhn(uh ed patronage e fovâ€"Geneal asd Coontess of Dufferin, h TERMS OF ADMISSION. Family Ticke s per season s10 00 Ladies _ do do 4.00 Ranilaman‘s ® do !-†Manager WEDNVYESD1}Y, 2 0th Feetware TH£ BurwmInG BOOTS AR CHUR L. HOLMES, 1876â€"â€"Christmasâ€"â€"1877 â€"Â¥Xmas Qoods HAVANA CIGARS REDUV CE D RATES, JAMES BIRKETT: Sign of the Qirgfflar Saw, Graham Flour, Cracked Wheat Buckwheat Flour Oatmeal, / »PECIAL SALE WINTER WHEATFLOUR Taylor‘s. Flour Store plendid A ssortment XMAS & NEW YEAR HOLIDAYVS. > GREAT BARGAINL commenc‘ng On Monâ€" s{mh.!muthh stock must be cl¢ared at to make room for Fall importations. *X mas Cards and Stationery, Church Services, Hymn and Prayer Books | Biblesâ€"all the styles, Albumsâ€"Photogra ph, Scrap . Morgan & Sons, Gold Pens and Pencils‘ 4 Gift Booksâ€"a choice selection, Tlluminated ay Books, Writing Desks, Games etc,, Te Cigars Go,10 ARTHUR BISAILLON‘8, 322, Wellington Street. w ® HAIR COMBINGS done up in the lates ni.leo cheap. ‘or %osood SHAVE, _HAIR CUTTING SHAM ING, and HAIR DYEING. Ladies Hair Comhlnidono up to any style, and on the shortest notice at | agttvl ARTHUR BISSAILLON‘S HARDWARE, !rm. %,Lï¬â€˜offlâ€â€™ FORK8, 1.10 "DQOMINION (STOR" pneer nasearllâ€" 4s Decemb®C ied Grocries and LiquOTS\DUl{Il*] HOLIDAYS WHiwtiv & V e eCmm C 0 COd P * No. 514 Duseex BI. ‘The subscriber, J. C. Nolan w rrepared to offer duriug the Kolldnn,:woo selection Grocerles, Wines, and Liquers, Fruits, Poeols, & at prices which cannot fali toplease even those who rall at the hard imes, no ‘l‘lï¬â€˜ll prices are quoted as a trial onulwl is convinâ€" Sed will be found to be the advertisement, wa. A CALL 38 SOLICITED SR GREATEST At Cost v schools._ Must be CAPRUT® 2" "‘Tor "p.nwm"“‘“‘:-ixxi to the 5‘5 Just Received 22 b;n'hl street. MJ 4 s â€" NDERSON & CO FURS FOR Rink I: noï¬ open under the disâ€" trouage of Their IExcellencies gss RIDEAU (Opposise the Post Office.) Go)to A Lor or CHOICE sUSSEXSTREET â€"HAS THEâ€"â€" IN TOWN Tobaccos and : Snuft 44 x _eblane‘s REDUCED TO i1 J. C. Nolan, Notice. nephiy io iRectabenotne 514 Sussexstr FIFPE! FIRkK! Satchell Bros , latcof Wellington Ward Marâ€" ket, in returning thanks to their Friends and Paâ€" trons for past favors, beg to announce that they will reâ€"open in the temporary stalls adjoin ing the Martket on Satâ€" urday, 23rd inst, with "an extensive supply of \the very primest prize |\ Beef, Mutton, etc., _ all 'i imported from the West. | All the delicacies of the season will be supplied in profusion, prize poulâ€" try from the West, Veâ€" nison, and 6ther game, Hams, Pickled Tongues, spiced Rounds etc., s0 that customers may deâ€" pend on being supplied equally well, if not betâ€" New Advertisements. ter, than previous to the late @sastrous fire. An early call is respectfully solicited. $ Bs .. Nutwuhlundln%the serious loss and inconâ€" venience entailed by the recent fire at * elâ€" lington Ward Market, the advertiser is happy to inform his many customers and the citizens of Ottawa that he will have no lack of good things in hi« line during the approaching fesâ€" tive season ; : and followlnsd.yl’ he will have a MAGNIâ€" FICENT SHOW of the very finest meat that can be bought, no matter by whom or where. This willinclude _ SEVERAI, CATTLE FROM GUELPH AND ELORA, all prize takers, & number of Southdown and Cotewold Sheep, allfed by mysel , a nice display of Veal, two Bears, fed at Bx;rln( Park, Porkers in quantiâ€" ties. likewise fed at Spring Park, Venison, Loo are especially fine brutes. They have been ggmhued and brought from the West for the iristmas market, and may be thoroughly reiied on too, are mï¬culvn;; choice, and myself her warrants me in their good qualities. Of the â€" POVE RCCots O® OR VEAL, BEARS AND PORK, s it is only needful to th: will sustain the hvounb.lt’p dm"'w‘ tion of my fellow citizens I have the honour to enilqy. and that they are capable of affordâ€" ing the choicest morsels to the daintiest epiâ€" curean. As already stated, all are of firstâ€"class qualâ€" ity. infâ€"tior to none, and therefore I trust to be favoured with many commands. e favoure? ©""" 0+ all my customers and BJ. TT UTI TL L de anmmaandg be favoured with many commands. T desire to thank all my customers and friends for their favour, and to wish each & " Merry Christmas and & Happy New Year." > WM. SLATTERY, No. 1 Stall, By Ward Market, and corner of Sparks and Bank street, Centre Town. CHRISTMAS BEEF! Wm: Slattery. on qmereqnptnd rove Glo0C TWELFTH® NIGHT RViLS, Gowan‘s Opera House _ sth JANUARY, 1877. TIVKETSâ€"Orchestra Chairs, T5¢ ; Parguette and Balcony, 50c ; Gallery, %c. To be had at Mesars. Orme & Sons, where plan of the house can be seen. ' â€"â€"â€", 8516 The College of Ottawa. Dramatic Entertainment *» "THE SEIGE OF LIMERICK" will be played by the l.ndmtl,_ln_&he _ Tuesday Evening, 26th pNORS OPENAT 7 P,M, TICKETS 2 a new kind of sleigh likewise fed itry, Fowl, etc FRIDAYitheTWELFTH day of JANUARY next will be the last day for receiving Petiâ€" tions for Privato Bills. h oc in o it rat abuoarance of" thol two weeks from the fir m;omvonf Notices, in the Ontario Gazette, place a copy of 0 n the a ol the Bill, and the sum _ of one iundrdmrl in the hands of tne Clerk of the House. CHARLES T. GIIIA‘I;“I_Q? T P‘ S M O N DW _ Boys and Girls "~OLLY JUMPER" ‘Gollege Hall CM and see their Stock Harness and Trunks! IITTLE N FRIDAY 22 INSTANT, Will notZadvertise further till after OTTAwWA TUESDAY. DECEMBER 26 1876 REDUCTION IN PR‘CES ‘"XMAS M O N DF S Singing Birds ot all kinds @# THE CATTLE Notice. ONLY AT Clork L A. SON fed by ing of MACNAUGETONXâ€"At New Edinburgh, on the Jith instant â€"Mrs. MacMaughton of & daughter. GrarAXâ€"On Christmas Day, Duncan Graâ€" hnm.wl:u eollector of H.. M. Custo=s, at Ottaw#, in the $nd year of his age. Thé funeral will take placé at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, the 27th instant, from his late residence, 815 Daly ‘ytreet. Friends and ac« quaintances afe respectfully jnvltod to attend CooK.-An experienced Man Cook wants a situation early in January, Hotel or Resâ€" taurant, nt.h.r permanent or Jnflnx cession caly, A reas 110. 811 Care P. Fitsgerald 44 Philip street, Montreal. tts l; ;ï¬ulnxr se "'ll:l‘r‘:;t:(;;{ytéo;r';n meve the url‘n; n t A B I rovi Toj % whd paring tor This aaversisement. * *_** FQ'I!I.;A Lady‘s GOLD EARRING on Pussex street, owuer can neve the same MUSICAL & LITERARY ENTERTAINMENT ; By the Pupils of the Convent "Congregation De Notre Dame" To their 'Ihvonnd pastor J. J. COLLINS, P. P Feast f8t. John, D&fl'l 1876 Gloucester St. Doors, open at 7 0‘cl p.m. ‘Tickets 50 ots. GENT LEMRN:â€" ' F Havine u?ud the nomâ€" ination to represent you as ‘Weter Comnisâ€" stoner, for ‘877, and h.vln‘g been promised the support and ‘munoe of L large number of the electors. I trust that all those w:lling to support me will do so by vcl:ina early, and I rrom’l-o that when elected I look afte: the nterests â€"f the Ward and the City to the best of my ability time. T ours faithfully; â€"____ : _ TO THE ELECTORS CF ° â€" . ST. GEORGE‘3 WARD New Advertisements. St. GEORGE‘S WARD GENTLENMEN:â€" Your votes and influence are reâ€" spectfully solicited for JOHN STEWART, at the election for Aldermen for 187¢. St. George‘s Ward The last Joy of the Ol¢ Year, GENT LEMBN:â€" Your votes and influence are respectfully sol‘cited for J. W. McRAE, at the election for Aldermen, for 1877. Ottawa Dec 26 will be held in the HALL adjoining ITUATION waNTEDâ€"By an experienâ€" ced Bookâ€"keeper, Address this OFFICE. on St. Patrick‘s stree seven o‘clock A, Soctikhth rpezee ELECTORS OF T. GEORGE‘s wAERDb. to becomé a can« t my aut! . ou + mud’;t the m last, at the Al + n‘h ence yonhsvy:: | NBeH) . s . 5190 GrxTLEX®EX,â€"I noticed in the editorial eolâ€" umns of the Trx®s of Saturday, (.h:.tz in answer to a arge and inflnential q'pyu Aon &st waited on me y::ta’rds , I had consented a candidate for erman! m Sure PM Renticmen. PHAL‘I;".‘..".‘.‘.“X *"f:"‘*, OUTE PSth mt ie out my authority, but, on the contrary, as 1 at the moetinï¬ on Thursday evening last, at the Albion otel, and also at the %0:, it is not my intention to be & ‘ " you, "Zéentiemen, for the confid« ence you lu.v’:.' npotedF in me dnrln(mtho past year, I am, your obednit servan: e ayu 9 4 9. CoKRarer Ottawa, Dec. 26th, 1876. TOo THE lbmnodinflmonnn;.-m £2C e GEAET ECCCE i gowan, an em of the firm, who was Electors of =t. CGeorge‘s Ward § ;g‘ 4 ‘bg“â€â€œl Aatteg. oc 7 daler Commisaioner io. this Perish~d in the Flames. %;:.rd tormtl,h: ensuing year, I would again AUBUERK, Dec. 23. 'l'h. extensive tan most respectfully solicit {our lnfluonoem.‘rg nery, op by Da support; and if returned I promise, as in the I’Andï¬.o'mn.d& Gnmd.. 17 MN. #5 'flfl' c "eor oo seply my past, to apply my BUPPOR®) TDA O ahilftics at 4 p.-f.“ to apply mty best abilities at the Board soiooin ty nou indin iduaily® I appoal to fou. co) vely and individually. I ap on my merits in this ncpeg d‘“i"d‘f the 1?.'1 ‘ year, being fully convinced that d my duty as 'mr Te resentative faithfully, snd beâ€" le that I would still be more useful in this position, I place myself with confidence in handsâ€"confidently trusting that, your of on and mine will be in harmony on one Pomt, namely, That the exvflmentot obng; ing npmen(.tlvel at the Water Wo aurd uv:.ry yu:.'i;. lnot. one of a lohnmm promote munic pm unless some “"""wm“ oortiate har betcayed the trast your ve confi( in him. & wM. COWAN. County Treasurer‘s Office, Court House, Y om't.nou.&."lm ' A nsm'me L EK C.FR.O R S Water Commissioner, 1877. . _ * Wanted::_ NB 8CHOOL DIE‘EIGI‘ NUMBER 8, Township af Osgoode, A WELL EXPERIENCED holding either second or third class certificate to whom a liberal salary will be given. or foll particulars apply by letter £0, UNEQUALLED IN .QUALITY QUANTTY & â€" FAVORABLE] PRiG€S St. Annes* Church For full particulars apply by i@LLEY TD For fall Porteul * O0l, ILALED_Q:_," Nov 2 Scientific Wonder Box Boy‘s : Own Laboratory New Smelling: Bottles ELECTORS Waltham Movement for MALE TEACHFR Ard Perfumery at 20 per cent reduction woe. $ 1 23,75 I. HODGES. 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Orposi:e the British Lien M‘." n o mAï¬ AT |..,..'".';a=:n=a=::-.â€"a- other perfumes 3 OZ. CASE, FULL JEWELED | m‘m fimfis ELECTORS OF BIRTH. DIED. _; FURS. W ARD W. M. BOMERVILLE OF W. HEARN, I NOW at halfâ€"past _ Morniag Despatches. Parts, Dec. 23.â€"The sentences of 61 more communist convicts have been reâ€" mitted or commuted. Loxpox, Dec. 23.â€"The Times editorial ontho:A&hm:(ndnu, says : The United ftates: is perfectly within its competence in considering how the surâ€" plus money of the Geneva award shall be :ï¬errï¬t&d. The indemuity was paid for losses, which the United States as a whole, was held to have sustained, not what individuals proves to have sustained. It would be too much, &h-p-, to expect any conscience in a Congress sensitive enw'“:h to enquire whether the Geneva # was too hifh, and consequently that ‘a portion of the unapproprimted balance might be returned. We would be sorry to see such a delicate question raised interesting as it would be. ; Another Fire. tl:nldmgl;n’ D.ufo &‘ï¬:tï¬."n bmld?:: a ight in i and still continues in the ng')}:r stories of the Masonic Hall, burning the whole roof papers and books will probably be save« in a" dm.?dmd oood'x'gtlm. Tho’lnn.!:l::‘ on the bmlding> is $30,000. . These on the bmlding> is $30,000. . These premises, on the ground floor, are ocâ€" cupied by the Portland Savings Bank, mï¬;mm & Sons‘ Bankers, will be soaked with water. : Naw Yorx, Dec. 23.â€"The* Executive Coqgaitho of the Western .gni:d'f* grap yes s op resoâ€" fitoas adihoig jthe President of the Cormpany to make all proper legal resist ance to the demand of the House of Representatives and its Committes, for pads . emnsr ie ul t GERSST TL IICTâ€"POTL N this be done witho 1t interfering with the :u':ï¬ng of accounts. * {A Trasted Servant Turns Rascal. , ‘ Hugh McClelian, clerk for Wm. H. Webb, shipbuilder was arrested last night mdmdmdbdxntbo'l‘ombl Police Court, charged with embezzling between $30,000 and $40,000 belonging to his emâ€" ployer, These defalcations have extendâ€" ed over a number of years. Examination of the books of the firm disclosed large numbers of erasures and alterations. Accused is a Scotchman and was trusted implocitly by his employer. : Afternoon ~Despatches. Negotintions with Belgium. ~ Loxpox, Dec. 23.â€"A despatch to Reuâ€" ter‘s Telegraph Company from Brussels says : Contrary to the assertions of the ‘Berlin press, it is positively stated that serious negotiations are still proceeding with Belginm for the occupation of Bulâ€" garia by Belgian troops. to, and to make a requisition for the surrender of fugitive criminals under the Treaty of 1842. * ‘ :ii;d':“.&;ï¬v"upoua‘ B e dcin mnidster State bhas notifien the Bril minister that the President is prepared to r-eopa:d Nuw York, Dec. 23. â€"The dï¬ storage warehouse of McKesson & was burned this morning, and Terrance Macâ€" gowan, an employee of the firm, who was "Times" on the Alabama Award. Ad e i n t e e oC te e o nery, owned and operated by Davidge, Landfield & Co., at Newark Valley, on the ,Southern Central Ru.ln::k was deâ€" stroyed by fire yesterday, Thomas Hines, night watchman, perished in the flames. â€"The loss is estiniated at $60,000, a Fire with Loss of Life. partially insured. ‘‘ The Hon. C. F. Fraser arrivedâ€" in town on Saturday, and left the same evening. . Mr. D. McoMaster arrived from Montreal on Saturday, and put up at the Russell House. Mr. Drinkwater, Private Secretary to the General Manager of the Grand Trunk Railway, is in town, having been called on a melancholy da.yâ€"to attend the deathâ€" Grabam, late Collector of Customs here The following Canadian visitors have registered their names at the New Offices of the Canadian Governmhent, Lordon, England, during the week ending Tth December, 1876 : H S Robertson, T Hamilâ€" ton, F Cumberland, Toronto ; _T H Clark Binks, E Robillard, M D, W Little, D McNaughton, G _R Wanless, M D, TELEGRAPHIC. Grovorerer.â€"The nominations for the oo ioio ce ons o 0 Cotme wiren s Billings‘ Bridge on the â€" following . were mm’: For Reeve, Robert Cummings and Wm. Hurd: EPPA en en enA Winmacls â€" Teanents heeve, Al€Z BPCUNNTYI CCA ) zons | Alex Gravelle ; 3rd Deputy Reeve, Forgus . O‘Connor, reâ€"elected by acclamation ; for Conneillor, James Kelly and Daniel East: man. Neppax.â€"James Clarke and W Y Rochester for Reeve; Thos Anderson, A A Grant and John Dawson fr lst m Reeve ; John ‘Thompson, Thomas and Truman Young, 2nd Deputy Reeve ; Of OAE C PAE W Aae , distilled from leave the city uill 1e COITOPORCE Rinmme!‘s Lavander Water. will not concluded its labours. _ __ C Wwwwm ; has Dec. 26 â€"A Standard‘s Vieuna ‘Whiinusele ESuast of Lime Sulce and Gizee | ,,.‘“""q atch says it is believed Sir G. H. e =+ e * ‘~ i to Constantinople, in warm P Elliott will not return 0 Soap, perfamed with the Marquis of %&.â€"-....:-m; . pertame4 W"*" | it will be replaced by GEREAT RBITAIN. lancholy da.yâ€"to attend the deathâ€" of his fatherindaw, Mr. Duncan Defjying the House. mt Sacar erarindiortncrcom ue ul a SPHIE Bask ; 1'21’2?3‘_’.‘?.:';&.‘.’“.:&" Tanuty Yhe Treaty Restorcd. mm e e 2 "'" h- IMMEL‘S CHWALCE PERFUNES. "‘“Wi“‘m""†n.:g.â€"m c-::l /‘ ‘Patronised by all the World, | ence has adjourned Thureday, ols .!'nnu Venda, â€" Hanna ‘Puesday as before It is now %},rw,,,g- %ha other ‘perfumes . DOL (Q6 2P is Sibts Snfish Minister, s_“% To anfier Water, distilled fro®w | wij not leave the city till the Conference cham FIOWeIS. __._____ __.uâ€"cted tor use . has concluded its labours. _ ____ _ _ _ GREAT BBITAIS. NEW YORK. wAasHINGTON Cimtcs NEW YORK. ANCE PERSONALB ELECTIONS. ; 2nd Deputy | govinia. _ We intend giving large reIOPINS | closed ‘Jorennntnt 5. oo seviecur arfe ts Abe “'1"’":;1‘-!*; ‘Sinte for the | with you don‘t Europe t0 | and nominal. _ Railroads irregular, : iPaes | Cot ons teronte) wp mm uromee Berope | were auiet daring ihe CBleSMraip .‘ For | came here a und!;nnbu;ifwo.pwo :;:ï¬â€œ list ‘having been @hY‘ 11 Lgmd.‘pumom,luym;hdnldbm smenetomies ) * Basker. | the graves of those we leave behind.. CHICAGO PRODUCE MARKET, . m‘ Loxnox, Dec. #5.â€"A special despatch mm ,Fm~;‘£,:?‘£$"«£’.“:£2: on s ratone | wiest quhe firm | fo. 2 Ohloago, spring :u:u;for Mudwmrauby"z:'m 21;%&':-1& _ el Eastâ€" qrm,(}m_oftbomfl?n-‘ .hq 3 Chicago 10J, to & vinces may be foreigners. _ _ _ _ n__.md“lï¬om -l-dl.bh‘ t of Bpecial to THE TIMES. _ Moxtrzar, Dec. 25.â€"In the Audn:x of Music t.luioveniuae play of " Nai Pmaan" Aadicated to the Countess of by the audience; two l4diet WP"""“ were nearly tram; A general rush from ‘l-hop P::“"!““'" several falling headiong down stairs. The ushers in attendance quiected the audience, and the play stopped for a second or two, and again. Several individuals â€" A rvunmrill_ from the window in their excitement. It is stated by those who sat in the dressâ€" circle that the g.llcqunh.d The play was resumed, sevâ€" ladies faisting, and one or two went into hysterics. From tbomï¬hbuinhtl:'rofhotdr from the vast audience d, giving an â€" . } An â€"Alarm df Fire. A SURCAT RUSK FOR‘THE DooRs. A PROVIDENTIAL BELIVERANCE APPEARANCE OF SMOKE, and it is thought caused the alarm of fire mHu 1t 1B CNUIGAE UAAAE Oe ww to be raised. Several bundreds left after un.xaumtdmwhsbtv““" h-nportba'.? that the gallery was not safe. No person was burt, and a general 1rush was prevented from the uppuplhryinï¬mo. Wasumorox, Dec. 20,.~â€"During & INM®A® toâ€"day a man in the gallery was seized with a fit, the disturbance causing cries of *fight" and "fire" and a small panic. restored and the play went on. 1 Claxton was on the at the time. A CROWDED THEATRE. Loxpox, Dec.. 23.~The Berlin corresâ€" Times telegraphs that the M{‘fl"___â€" nanafer â€"anf .« [ en bepi henelifiegine m transier Of & certain number foreign soldiers into the Turkish service is & failure. No second rate State will mo:& with the Eastern question. Bslgium been confidentially soinded, and had declined to take any part in Eastern affairs; thereupon, 1t apâ€" s 9 $ea0l,,irentoone, in Eolw.m“, Tu: service was mooted | {En‘hnd.bntit rejected byiRussia. T any plan K‘:l.'dmï¬â€˜l‘;.““i:‘: m‘-faoo lflw 9 ‘ can only be the revi oftbï¬nt:“m“ above mentioned mes, framed in .ounlhl'ml,“dd without vtery strong hopes of guccess ‘%oPoat ; in officiafform, that B.Umhurd’nnd supply soldiers for the occupation of . It is saidithat it is now proposed each Commissioner bonooompniod,byu}.homndofhhm mm..pdl..m A LE AMLS MRt.<ss Hunes â€" Tiama THE TURCOâ€"RUSSIAN WAR states that the Sultan is ill, and his indie position is ofnnï¬nntocu-‘o‘m :I:‘ C hy i3 . ce madtints an tm neightourhood of Adrianople, and remain there a month. . ‘The Vienns correspondent of the Times reports that the Maros affair caused an excitement which almost overbears the interest in the Conference. mas Times‘. Hariin despatch says: It Merrible Scene of Fxcitement. that the aggressors in this case mmmmmd*" rison of Belgrade. â€" AVWW“WMWE: reports that Austris has accepted reparation offered: by Servia; and the Hungarisan authori have been directed .u,_u.u:.uux i oogowu'dlknqnilv ising the popular feeling in Mungary. . _ LLZ . Spsste haw C +4 IZT The 1 h‘s special from Pera um on Thursday communicated to the Sultan the informal conclusions of the European Plenipotenâ€" tiaries. At this interview it was resolved Mm.,oon&yhldinnflï¬h"“ would impeach hd‘m""" , | The s&.d-rd and 'm“& tives at Pera think Turkey accept the proposals of the Powers. Other :m ts express themselves idflm infon. . The Times‘ desâ€" are disposed to be reasonable. P ieme on ts on , SaY8 : .mh-tcnilg“; happily, the accord oftlnPowonnmpbhiï¬Niï¬ tion of the Porte, however, does not look strongly of this opi 5 C thie declares that the majority of the | shoe mmdupmdbbombh- artic ;d.puhwmmr.w Ni Agency, says : The Preliminary Chri ence has terminated ; happily, the accord | /; . of the Powers is complete; the disp08} | ghre \m«mmw«ndflm ] son pivoursble: Military preparations | P2L, TELFGRAPHIC. Pasha, the newly appoIint@d URAIO® *"."@" in n onmmmunication with the Marquis of Salisbury, said : The Turks have déecid9d Mw. B}’m_g_- |-._.u_.‘-_-' Ala ARNICTCY TT ep oc x r favour of on the of Turkey, lm&#«-fl& as reâ€"as Lustas far nasan A but QUICKLY BURST .OPEX Amotber Panic. were more or less io go to the and remain PRICE 3 CENTS. day passed the Public Worship Estimates, restoring. the grant for the salary of the clergy, which had hnnnmiy the Chamber of Deputies. The Senate also reâ€"instated the grant for Seminary Scholarâ€" ships, which was likewise suppressed by the Chamber Loxpox, Dec. 2 â€"A Dundee aown ionane thei is is poriath at Tok the north east coast of Scotland during Friday and Saturday. . The loss within the Rom:ghci-uunmdum-tfloh- and 12 vessels. tie of Accounts continue to arrive on the mmawm ney Islands. Particuiars are known of amrif reng ol chcrsig frrvlfmre vessels from Scandinat ports, Midnight Despatches involving a loss of 250 lives. the Illinois and Midland railway 6 at Paris last night, killing Louis Cisxourxam, Dec. 25.â€"The Timesspecial 3 says : An ecastward bound passenger train f on Cleveland, Colhimbus, Cincinatti and Indianapolis ‘Railroad, when nesr Belle fontaine, Ohio, this morning, was thrown â€" P from the track by a broken rail. â€" A« PMÂ¥ / 1% Legislative Obstivracy . Vezrsairies, Dec. 24.â€"The Senate to TALLiWisss, Deo. 24.« i06 uw Court met toâ€"day. : Counsel for the of Canvassers withdrew the motion made ocm rean i e 9 ordered the Board to reâ€"ounvass the vote by the 27th instant, and file the report of their action on (the third day, and Shen took recess until four o‘clock to make up its record. 1. 4 24 . TL Loo uce utd Teaxs Havre, Deo. 24. â€"An engine 6b Intimidation of Kigg +rsâ€" ie New Ortzixs, Dec. 23.â€"At a meet ing of the Senate hv% mittee toâ€"day, John Culpepper ( mï¬h&.hoymd at Cuba last heard Democrate say were to carry the election byglï¬ ing white Republicans, and if the did‘nt vote the Democrat ticket they ;ould have to ub: consequence. he witness stated negrogs driven to the pdl-lihu\up-d‘ï¬, to vote ouly the Democrat ticket, and wuï¬:g to the gmfl-‘ufl-‘dï¬â€˜ ‘ can 4 %o{ ap Poox is 1060 by aeeae o 4 men for voting the. ticket.â€"saying that Dr. a fow days before the election told his father if he voted the Republicanticket he would be a dead man as sure as hell. Ai the last election witmess through fear voted Nzw Yorr, Dec. 23. â€"The NeWw TOrE Relief Coz‘miu.o for the relief d: a sufficient uum % various contributions, have ceased collections and adjourned sine dis. Their wuwmm:::b % Col. W. R.V ermylea, of Ver &#Co, bankers of this clty, being held to the heads of the men,. The robbers then praseeded to sack the house. {They removed rar&bbcï¬ob.ï¬ndfll‘“o .w:bti:u. For one hour and # half the remained in the: house, Thek 0. td fon aeoe dn en un sher ‘uat cofieoted the siolot goods, carried them to a boat and rowed "'.,, M “ ll“ “m “ '-"“-.';;â€"â€"VT ‘i'v “"'? .‘- articles is about $3,000 es We N-wYou.Du-m!‘.‘ Chris. Smith quarrellied in the lstter‘s saloon toâ€"day, when Pesse shot Amith in three places. Smith returned fire sh00t &l"mh two places. Both are proâ€" fatally injured. . _ _ A TELECRAPHIC. Ihe egrects of the Storm. and cabinet makers, 389 Weilington tables and cornices made b*ï¬ mm;.uw d-J.I restored ; cane reseated ; matâ€" trasses made to order. * ‘“ LAROEXY. Rouse! was arrested ym%“h Jean Bissette, at Gatineasu Point Bisâ€" NEW YOERK MONEY MARKET. 4 s callt remcacte "op ons e 2 PC P + w sette, the prisoner. and others were drinkâ€" ing in what is commonly known as a soft mumm'&l& gtdmkqdw.flflnddh The W'ï¬m by P. C. McKenns in the Evening Star, a house at the corner of Dalbousie and Clasence Chas. Johnson, fireman, and A. GREAT BRITAIN HJocxert Peremptery @rder COMMERCiAL FRANCE. Brooklyn RelieL 1XDIANA. FLORIDA« LOUISIAKA. KEW YORK. quiet 23. â€"The New York