yesterday of congesti0 he deceased was the s some years past bhad occupied a prominent pisce in the eyes of the public, owing to certain decisions which he bad felt it his duty to give. He gave the judgement in the famous Gursorp case which was apâ€" pealed from, and which was fully sustainâ€" ed by the highest Court in the realmâ€" The municipal elections in all parts of the Province appear to have been held yesterday ; and Ottawa stands in the singular pesition of holding its election toâ€"day. But‘we believa that our City Solicitor is confident that he hi‘s rightly ti Mr. Asoucs Mozsrison was yesterday reâ€" elected Mayor of Toronto by a majority of over 1,000. ilis opponents were Mesars. Kexxzor and Bairtox®, Mr. Kexx®or was, _ we _ believe, the _ candidate of the Temperance people, or, at all event., he was largely supported by we believe keen cons GBoRGE DROWN lor contempt of Courl in violently assailing Mr. Justice Wirsox, notwithstanding that the {rule applied for was dropped, bis had at least one good effect. From veing the intemperate assailant of the Judges, the @lobe has become their defender and protector. For an alleged attack upon the Judges of the Supreme Court‘ and Judges of the Court of Appeal, Ontario, the " Big Push" journal reads Mr. Dacrox MoCazrtHt, the newly elected member for Cardwell, a rather severe lecture. It suits the jourâ€" nal‘s purpose to wilfully misrepresent the remarks Mr. McCartur made us of, so as to make it appear that he had been guilty of disrespect and diseourtesy to the Judges. What Mr. MoCartar did say at one of his election meetings, as fully explained â€" by â€" bimsel{ in _ lotters New Adveriisements Fresh Oystersâ€"J A B M ntreal Telegrap Meeting Confectionery â€" J A ] To the Trade â€"J A B to the : loronto journais, . was . l0 the eff:ct that certain gentlemen had been takenm from the Bar and ‘placed on the Bench in Courts, where they would have to review tha decisions of Judges who have been on the Bench ~for years. He takes the ground, apparently, that these newly appointed Judges have been put over the heads of those who have great experience on the Bench, and quesâ€" tions the propriety of the Minister of Justice thus passing over the claims of the elder occupants of the Bench.‘ He has not, therefore, made any attack or asâ€" sault on the Bench, but simply spoken words in â€" favour of the elder Judges. Mr. MoCarrHy‘s sins in the estimation of the Globe are that he is a Conservative, the newly elected member for Cardwell, and that he should have dared to say one word to chalienge the wisdom or propriety o. ie iH{on. Mr. Brake‘s appointmens to hom ‘3‘ite eliey ion Goreinment, with a view no doubt oi obtaining all the aid which can be placed 2t bhis disposal for the protection of the Iae strike of the locomotive engineers on the Grand Trunk still continues, and there is no certainty of an agreement soon being made beiween the Company #0d their rebellious servants. The strike was ordered from the headâ€"centre of the Brotherhood in the United States, and is, therefore, supported by the whole body of United Enginesrs on the continent. From ~ail appearrnces the strike was a hasty: and ill advi,cd movement, as no proper sleps seem‘to aave been taken to get an amicable »ettlement of the differâ€" ences between the men and the Company. The whole thing was a surprise, sprung on the Com:any and the public at a very imconveniel time, _ and. planned, no doubt, t> overawe the Company into conceding the terms demandâ€" terpreted the ased was always a staunch defender of ed by _ the _ men. Unfortunately the strike has been marked by several acts of gross violence and intimidation. ‘The worst of these occurred at Beileville, the strikers at that point either being of a peculiar class or under the influence of bad spirits. _ An attempt was made to take a train from the station, but, not withstanding the presence of a company of volunteerss, the driver was pulled from his engine and seriously beaten. Why this violence was allowed under the ciroumstances is rather mysterious, for by the exhibition of proper firmness the authorities should, with the aid of the military, have been in a position to uuell any disturbance. it is reported that the manager of the Grand Trunk has placed simselfin communication with the Dominâ€" e elections he TT AWA stmas Ca an | Te en« A Y he discharge of his duty, as always actuated by a P« H W a inNUtCS, DC estion whethe A N t nual Gener® 180 M to say, died the lungs. e the case 1e ho ind for ge enA om led | _ Mr. Waller should e ‘ | as Mayor to sign cheq: £8â€" ‘ Murphy the sum of $ we | above their origimal co for | as he states, the Cor ent i their bill; of extras of the City Engineer t to lox' the contract and being put to the stoppag d IOr th &, | James Kyleson. contra wh [he facts, however, are quite different. Theoriginal coutracts, if carried out acâ€" cord!: ; to the late Mr. Sowden‘s estimate of th > surk, wou) i have been as follows : Ne Bc se ks s c ee e ie c ... .. §173,366 06 o the Editor of THE TIM Es. <ig,â€"Although wosent from the city on nomination day, my attention was called on my return to the statements containâ€" ed in the speech of His Worship the Mayor made on that day, as published in the city papers, in reference, amonust other things, to the contractors of the main sewer, ond finding that His Workhip on that, occasionâ€"if the reports of the :peech be corrâ€"ctâ€" mads several serions ment As to my Injudicious action ag@inst the (‘> poration, [ can truly say that in due t‘me and before the proper court iny ciaim {will be adjusted according to the law ot the land and not by a Committee with His Worsbip presiding. f Yours etc., Sad. Your revort reads: "The minutes were then read, in which it appeared that a communication appeared in the Canade Baptist Indep<rident, stating that .the Christendom, aad that the oranances ad~ ministered hy pedoâ€"Baptist were invalid.‘"‘ I need not inform you, Mr. Editor, that there is n> such piper published in Canalaâ€"nor thit no letter containing such _ â€"{>ment was ever written by me to any _ cnal whot sver. To the Canadian Incâ€" ient, a r athly journal published by Congrep tional body, I wrote in ant e as foliows : " A sentance read ou connection from my address de 1 at the Fariist Confe: ence, J)‘fl’l\‘ ttawa, 30th Dec MmoOGeSL 8UM Ol.........ceesseens _ 200 00 rich, he say>, the aforesaid gentliemen ally accepted as a satisfactory settleâ€" In your editorial nouce, Mr, Editor, you. remark, " It is, perhaps, unfortunate that the Rev. Mr.. Cameron should have proved himself pugnaciously inclined." Now, sir, as a British subject, and an adâ€" vocate oi british freedom, were your right to give expression to yout most sacred convictions called in que:tion by a body baving no constitutional authority to inâ€" tar‘ere with your liberty of speechâ€"would you also not fee! "pugnaeiouly inclined ?" las it come to this, that a Baptist miu:s ter cannot, in a Conference of Bapusts, give & full and fravk expression to a Je :trine held by the whole body to which be belongs, wituout being submitted to such an Inquisitorial examination as [ bave been on two memorable Fiidays in Drcember, 1876 % I claim that the wisawa Branch of the Evangelical Alliâ€" auce bhas so_ far overridden its "basis‘ vnd constitufion as to constitute itself into an ecclesiastical "Star Chamber," of which [ am the first victim. The genius of the freedom of the 19th century is laughing at the proceedings of the last two Fridays of the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy»six. Iv. Waller should ex lain how he cams Mayor to sign cheques to pay Booth & rphy the sum of $45,678 02 over and ve their original cootract price, when, he states, the Corporation went into ir bill; of extras with the assistance he City Engineer under the provisions the contract and specifications and uced their bill of extras to $3,253 85. (ow, as to his personal reference to sel‘, he states that I have been paid sum of $30,298 26 on account of my tract on the main sowe>,. | ‘he facts are these : EP receiged from he s the i Y OJ Dec 30th 1879 rs have eff AtIO By adiffe 5 V d figcres ; (or in no instance in astic and abusive reference to me peech referred to, is he borne out and â€"rights of _ the Comâ€" the meantime the public are to great inconvenience through age of trains and detention of y their violence, und by their ference to the comfort and con:â€" mak@s Ol aplists are \ N GFILI @2# 10 remain, ince 1 r Lang. ‘s Waro.â€"Vote the independent W & Yours truly, ing you. e meeti â€"W HF W el not 1 be 8 STATEMENIS IY 15 MAIN SEWER A G K ORS. per cent, the _ total er N A MLTANOF th i the XUTiks _ nce to to the ou ‘kindly permit wisap prehension s repo LOL A. A. CaxmBRoN. it themse H Gao. CrRAaIN, 199 () iâ€"Roll in Comâ€" BR3THERKHOOT | es ter the ves the y this lidate, i NOT ellcal . tha U The Head Contre ~Ews FROM ALL Violence and Tha Strong Arm of the Volunteers Palsied Special to THE TIMES, Beickvicu®, Dec. | 30.â€"Much excite ment and great inconvenience have been caused here by the strike on the Grand Trunk. In consequence of the stoppage cf trains, sleichs were run to Napanee toâ€" day by livery men here ; the roads are badly drifted by last nliht’l snow storm, but all the stages were able to get through with much ditficulty. The strikers did not take their pri oners to Shannonville, but instead placed them in the lodgeâ€" room of the Brotherbhood under guard. The authorities are tnkinf] steps to reâ€" lease thom, and punish their gaolers ss they deserve. ‘Tho latest development is that the prisoners havejoined the Brotberâ€" lhood, who have quartered them in a hotel iNVa4810N 3F THME EOUND HoUSEs. wiich waited at Napsnee until the necesâ€" « ry preparations bad veen made. The »:r.kâ€"~rs bad pulled the soow ploughs off the track one at each end of the yard, and atter one had been replaced under the supervision of the military, they pgo- ceedea to put the other on the track, but the moters again in the meantime pulled off the rails the one which had been reâ€" placed ; under these circumstances the express was detained at Shannonville un til this morning, when Mr. Davis, mecBanâ€" ical nuperintond’ont. went down wlkh‘m agent and brought it here. The strikers gathered ‘in force at the station, and owing to their threats it was some time before an engineer cou‘d »a nrocured ; at length one was got <~=~| an engiud WAs brous\t out and at‘» _ 4 to the train, but gs the platform was : «lvd,tbomiliLry who were on duty ght were unable to prevent the :i «1 from severely besting the en The volunteers were nut ordered \ or to use their Layonets, and sto :pectators of |the scene. Une of 1 cers, in attemptâ€" in« to wrest a b ‘rom a volunteer, Iwo Freuch Cauadiaos Sterm Breach. scene. OUne of | cers, in attemptâ€" ing to wrest a b ‘rom a volunteer, received a wou ‘he neck ; some other parties got s . .urts and several pistol shots were but nobody reâ€" ceived any dange. urt, though one man was said to b« Jled. After this, the engine, whic rioters had | suecâ€" ceeded in partially « ng, was returned to the shed, and th 1 remains at the station. . The auth« are for the time beaten ; but_four < «nies of the 15th Baitalion havy be< dered out. The men seem unwillin turn out, only 40 being under a 08 ; pm. two ¢omâ€" panies from the com. .;y are expepted. The civil and militar _ authorities ;&mo each other, but certai !y neither acted with tha vigor which was expected. [It is proba‘ie that a further attempt will be mudo to start a train from here this afterâ€" noon, when a sufficient military force will probably bave besn coliected. In the meantime the men of the 49th Battalion have Leen returned to their quarters. The strikers do not seem (\nclinod to injure â€" the oompny'l property, but they are determined to preveat the operation of the line. Much exciteâ€" mert exists in town, and it seems probaâ€" ble that this last outrage will cause public sympathy, which has been to a considerâ€". mnble extent with the strikers, to‘turn in‘ an opposite direction, when there will be no difticulty in securing volunteers. Later, 7 p.m.â€"The Company had inâ€" tended to make another attempt to move the train at 4 o‘clock, but abandoned the intention. Thirtyâ€"four men of the 15th Battalion and several officers went to the station at 4:20 will m:mn duty during the night, to guard â€" pany‘s property. (It is cxg:otod that more efficieut meagures will be taken toâ€" morrow, in order to secure the mution of the line. It is reported t the striketrs offered this evenimg to allow the mail car to proceed, but insisted on the possenser cars remaining here; the offer wes declined. _ The strikers are still gathered about the station in the taverns, and, so (1r, have made no further efforts to block the line, which is now clear. Naraxgz, Dec. 30.â€"The snow storm of yesterday and last night was the most severe we have witnessed for years ; the roads toâ€"day have been almost impassable and business bas almost been suspenided ; no mails from Toronto since Friday noon, and none from Montreal since Friday evening. The train leaving Montreal Friday evening arrived here at 9 [p.m., being 24 hours on the road. She was ordered to remain at Napanee till further orders ; the passengers went to the hotels, and had n&pdot and put up for the night, but were called at 2 p.m., and left at 2:30 for Belleville. _ it 4 \ DRIVER PULLK | {FROM HIS EN GINE, BEATEN 4%D BRUISED . to prevent the beiting the en were nut ordered Layvonets, and st« Dec. 31.â€"The strike of engineers on the Grand Trunk Railroad has caused quite a commotion here toâ€"day. The pasâ€" senger train, No. 4, from Montreal art rived here this afternoon at 2:15. and reâ€" mains here till 9 p.~m. The Mayorre eeived orders by (c‘egraph to send a company of volun : from Napanee with the irain \~ leville. The fire bell was rung at 3: sall them out and got in readiness, » ; bing further was done, as the men aot prepared for auch aa emergen: _ 3 passengers are at the hotels iryi > « make themselves as comfortable ano contented as posâ€" sible under the ciâ€"==stances, except a {ew, who hired liver :~: ms and procéeded to Belleville. NaraN®s, Jan. 1 o passenger train which left Montre: Jaturday at midâ€" night has been wai t Neapanee since yesterday, the 31 â€" . 5 p.m., and still remains here at 4 ; day. The pasâ€" sengers are convey ) the hotels for their meals by the 1 omt:ibmu and then return to the 8 ; y are getâ€" ting very impatient seing d\ long, on the road, :« put to extra ex:« pense besides. An e:zine was sent from here to Kingst n this forencon to bring up a company of veluateers, and it is exâ€" pected they will proceed to Belleviile and probab‘ly lucooedp in protecting the trains as they pass Belleville. 4 LATEER, [t is reported that the engine which started for Kingston this forenogn to ling public. The strikers are quli:: here anda bavée a comuittee in session con tinuously awaiting developments and keeping an ¢ye on the ":cabe," as the new drivers placed on the engives sre ealled. There is more or less intimiua tion going on, and in consequence these new men feel frightened and are gl_uu:l- ant about go‘ng out. A Grand Trunk Railroad employee says that the railroad authorities will be unable to secure more than 50 new drivers to do the work of the road, and many of these appear afraid to act. No freight trains will be dispatohed until the present trouble subsides, An engine driver, who is not a member of the Brotherhood, was on his way to the city th‘s morning with a train, when he was uccosted by some of the strikers, He pointed out his position to ‘them with ,tcars _ in. ~his eyes, showing that he bad a large family depending upon him, end while theyfwere receiving Mowtrsar, Dec. 30. â€"i he Grapd Trunk sauroad engine drivers swike is causing serious trouble, not only to the Compan but to tife Postal autborities and tnnl bring up the volunteers only got as far as Eineston. 1 VOLUNTEERS OBDERED EAST. â€"2 p.m.â€"Matiters have taken us turn, the strikers are for the in the asgendant. Last night t\ 49‘h Battalion were ordered roceeded to the station to seâ€" is<ave of the Montreal express he neck ; some .urts and several but nobody reâ€" urt, though one Jed. After this, rioters had suocâ€" make themselves intented as posâ€" :‘stances, except a ms and procéeded THE TIMES, OTTAWA, TUESDAY,. JANUARY 2 1877 effected with nearly the whole of the men east of Montreal. _ Weset of Montreal acts of violence bave been committed at Believille, Toronto, and Stratford, and the strikers have succeeced so far in preventâ€" ing the Company from proceeding with ite business. The latter appears to have a large stock of men in reserve ready to work in case of difficulty.‘ At some points these men have . been taken ossession _ of _ by the rioters. i'lngino men â€" who â€"bhaye. defied at one point both the civil and â€" military power the Company ‘ has called upon the Government to interfere, and toâ€"day is likely to see a stop put to the whole of these lawless acts. Rocuments which have come into the hands of the police show that the men were urged by the Chief of the Brotherhood to‘ strike before they had any opj »rtunity of conferring with the chief Exeocutive officer of the road. They have ali nated entirely all public sympathy by delaying the passenâ€" gers and mails, and have MJ a yery strong feeling of irritation nfln themâ€"~â€" sd}ves. The Company has offers of assistance from other roads,.and considerâ€" able numbers of men are offering themâ€" selves for employment. The Executive nfpnrs, however, . to be desirous of bringing about some reconciliation Dec. 31.â€"The situation of matters as regards the strike of engineers on the Grand Trunk Railway may be briefly stated as follows :â€"On the eastern secâ€" tion passenger trains are running as usual and a settlement has practically been Jan. 1, 1877, 1 a. m,.â€"The Graad Trunk drivers‘ stri‘:e still continues he.e. The passenger trains arg being started east and west. Some more nonâ€"striking drivâ€" ers a. on hand. The round houses and workspops are guarded, and watchmen lime‘the track from the depot past the Junctica. The strikers expic»s a bitter feeling and trouble is feared to morrow. of bringing about some reconciliation with the men and of reâ€"employing the old bands rather than fll |their places with Toroxto, Dec. 3C. â€"Mr W..J. Spicer, General Supe .nteadent of the Grand Trunk, has issued 0: lecs that the wants of impecunious passongers are to be atâ€" tended to. Large numjsers of railway men and the general public are ccmfu gated at the prino:'rd points of the line and at the round house, and & strong ?.urd of police is found to be necessary ; t is even thought probable that the voluntee s will haye to be called out; ‘The course of the s.rikers in intimidating the Company‘s se.vauts, coupled with the discourteous treatment of pas: »ngers, is gene: Jlly'f)mid( -d‘_unwiu,_:nd‘;l:‘d}‘recb sii augers. 5; public sympathy towards the Comâ€" pany. A snow plough was «espatched east from Belleville, but was forced to return, the strikers'owing stones and using thi~ats towards the driver. Durâ€" ing the absence of the police f/r & short time from the r »and house an engine was run off the track and some property of the Company damaged. No trains will be run before Monday ; till then the Comâ€" pany will devote their whole attention to dlerring the track. Threats have been 1. ed towards Mr. David Preston, locomoâ€" tive foremar at the roundwiouse. © .« . . Sr: arsaxs, Dec. 31. â€"The Grand Trunk Reilway Company has ‘applied to the Central Vermont Railway run their trains from St. Johnsbury:to Montreal, which was done toâ€"day. _ ‘ MonTrsat, Jan. 1.â€"â€"This forencon<$B8> of work for alenatbened period if necesâ€" Local Committee of the Grand: Trunip 2:,.; orgoï¬;:::nï¬eo?:;i i‘.†o::gelr‘n:de?:.ho Railway d""'('; l"gd.‘“ :::“"" ®itH strike has been gone about quietly, and Mr. Hickson, demanding restoratiOh ‘many of the travelling public were un: to the service of all locomotive brethreA. aware of the fact until Saturday morni discharged, and the liberation. of 466 when they were sedly raprointed at ivers now under arrest. . Hickson ing n + declined to treat with thon‘:idbut n‘lid ui finding no train and no . prospepts of one. the Central Commiitee would come dOWn | pgy wosyt POWERFUL KEMEDY OF he would enter into negotiations with it. ELN TIMES Leavey and Richmond, the two drivers| / , Monk radighig‘ ‘ arrested at St. Hyacinthe, have been libâ€" Benson‘s Oapcine Porous Piacters. erated on bail. _ Tae: Local Committee â€"â€" s here has sent two nemm wes _w|r For thirty yéars there has been one ob Brocokville to quell. the nce, the. jection to porous plasters,‘ and that conâ€" other to Bellevilie to induge the s km |Bisted in their slow action. The invention to send their delegates on to the Central | of Benson‘s Capcine Porons/Plasters overâ€" Committee. | comes this difficulty. They will positively Mr. Hickson is now in communication {cure disedies in a énfl _hours, which : other with the Ottawa Government relative mpllltel: énts or compounds to the deadlock, an1 asking that the civil | requiredays and weeks of continuons wear arth of the law be exerted to?ull the | to simply relieve. mob law, and all w the passage of trains, Thous?mumwo.:ï¬mmthmaho tiil such time nc trains can be run past | tricity, and more pow as a local re Brockville, Bellevillé, and Stratford, the | medy.. .They do not blister, are purely three worst points. _ _:1_ _ | vegetable; and contain ~neither metalli¢ The strikers here are in session this evening, and communicating with Mr. Arthurs, Chief of the Brothorgood » The train which left for the west this morninf only took passengers to Prescott, and will return from there. The Island Pond, No. 6 Express, camée in all right this evening, and the. Eingl ish W'm‘ was safely conveyed to the Intercoâ€" d'lbeGh. T. R. drivers on ::dw istrict have compromised at work to morrow. No mails (Jrom the west since Saturday . morning. The drivers imagine they are masters of the position, and their visit was looked upon as a dictatorial one. â€" There is but little to add to what was sent last nÂ¥ght. Lhe situation is very liitle changed ; vioâ€" lence Las again been comn...ted by the strikers at Brockville The militia is called out at and other points to preseirve orde and protect the Uommny’n property. A very v ry large number of the men who have seruck work are ready to accept the compromise which has been offered by the Company, but are preventâ€" ed from doing so by the action of the leaders of the Brotherhood in the west. lt is hoped that better counsels will shortly prevail and that matters settled without further serious ‘trouble. The trains west toâ€"night are canceiled, but one will leave «oâ€"morrow murning. _‘ QueBzec, Jan. Iâ€"The wesiâ€"m mails arrived he e and cre distributed yester day. There is no strike on the Grand Trunk in this district, but toavoid a<diâ€" dent from obstructions all night trains have been discontinued for the present. The Engl sh mails from the west arrived without difficalty at River du Loup at 7 a.m., on Saturday and were forwarded. to Halifax immediately. â€" Our Provincial Police are ordered to hold themselves in readiness in case of an on:xmy conâ€" nscted with the engineers strike on the Grond Trunk Railroad. Toroxto, Dec. 31.â€"Yesterday and toâ€" day _ the Union _ Station, ... round house, and other points 0.,the line in this vicinity continued to be spots for the asâ€" semblage of large numbers of railway emâ€" ployees and their sympathizers and the gener.\ pub!igz: The rengiezvqm both of ers _ appears to be _ a _ large hotel _ near . the Union _ Station, or where a row occurred last evening, and | John Eatou, uing:dcrh the strikeand | Secretary to the therhood, was arrestâ€" | ed. This morning a.train started and reached .Cobourg without molestation, but there it came to a stop, for what causgâ€"it is notâ€"known ; but it is believed | The old the «iriver deserted to tle strikers. Anâ€" | WISheT§ other attempt to run & train through to | Al"the Montreal'wifl be made toâ€"morrow mornâ€" | Prasd n iuï¬ the Ime is cleared of dead engines | yaoxks ra and cars, &nd if men can be got the The mai officials here exgrnutho hope that they | MNS!S 9 will be able on ‘Tuesday, partially to reâ€" | Why! ‘ sume trafic, The strikers are coniing | The old ually adding to their ranks, however, by desertions from the Company,. The conâ€" ductors express their intention not to Remem! run with incompetant and strange drivers, gflï¬wi and a meeting was held last evening rrop D# to consider the _ matter. Others 1 All the of the _ Company‘s _ servants â€" are said to be in & BtAtO | Loves ki of insubordination, and â€" the strikers Solut a] openiy boast that the only reason work B:eak of of a.l sorts is not entirely stopped along the whole line is the necessities of the . MS&STS employees. Mails from.the west are to and are be forwarded 0 Montreal on Tueslay via the Holi the States The train which left here *"°** this morning on the Grand Trunk re WA;E! mains at Cobourg ; the ensine is reported disabled. The unionis:s <zenmalry exâ€" | press sympathy with the s ikers, and a mass meeting of union wen of every trade is to be held in the middle of the | () week to consider the strike, and to give expression to sympathy for the men taking part. All is how quist, but‘a guard _ J 1 of police at the round house and Union Station is"still thought necessary. Roo Toronto, Jan, 1.â€"Some sensation was visible as the news became noised abi »ad that the military had been ordered to hold themseives in readiness, _ Orders were given last evening to the officers‘ of the Tenth Royalsâ€"to have théir companies ‘in readiness, and to day twoâ€" hundred of the Queen‘s Uiwn were ordered <to be preparâ€" ed to be forwarded to Belleville, possibly this evening., 1t is understood that toâ€" morrowâ€" &A . traim . . <â€" ~mails will leave . the _ Unionâ€" Station for the East _ at nine _ o‘clock under @strong military escort . â€" I6 ds furâ€" ther ‘reported <‘thait the strike s have offered the Government to provide men for running the mail trains, but only under Government auspicss ‘ and without passâ€" engers; A train arri¢ed from Cobourg this morning driven by two Frenck Canâ€" adians. . Néar the Don river it was boarded and run off the track,â€" but & ~stroug passe of police ‘having been proâ€" cured â€"the. French Canadians returned and took the train to Union Station, after which they were conveyed by the police to St. James Hotel. The volunteer offiâ€" cers Oï¬enl{ express their doubts as ‘to the reliability of theirzmen should they be called jon to render service against the strikers, and say they are nearly all Trades‘ unionists, and to a man sypmpaâ€" thizing with the engineers, _ _ Jan, 2.â€"The G. T. R. train leaving at 9 o‘clock this morning with mails for the east, will have 200 of the Queen‘s Own and 20 oflicers on bonny commanded by Colonel Otter and Major Jarvis. â€" Loxpos, Jan. 1.â€"In relation to the ('y\‘l vai llage Fatviloly; Grand Trunk atrice: the Pree ‘Prevs this i ‘ morning 8ay8, t tened strike of the DALY STEERT International Brotherhood of Locomotive 58 arÂ¥ * 58 Engineers in the. employ. of the ~Grand "~â€"â€"~ _ ie Trunk Rclilluy Com::ny came on thi; C AL xn¢s k city entirclyjanexpected ms it.was believe s‘;ompmn;('no mxfln Bbo accepted. On Carr i&‘ es and meighs Friday, however, t rotherhood receivâ€" Ke t on hand or made to orijcr,at the shortâ€" ed tg'o l'ullowl'ng laconic. message : â€" O;E -.?:-'.:B ockat :lu bent â€" ‘n‘oflu. and by "Friday, six kfl-v if not countermanded,‘‘ R";.mn‘ and painting:promptiy attended and: the strik® became fen- to era), although not till 9 Ylhm. the whole of _ Auk 5, 1878 asiby1 the engineers along the line from Quebec _ _______________________________ to Port Huron, with two exceptions, leayâ€" ylv T3 ing their trains immediately at a standâ€" ¢ * ; still. At that bour the expected orders were issued, and ever{ engine man in active service on the line brought his locomotive to a standstill ,and extinguishâ€" ed his fires, the only"hm exceptions to this rule being the men running the evening train from Toronto to London westward bound, and those in ohnrfo of an eastwarcd bound train from S which reached Toronto as midnight. ‘The latter, however, did not. come farther than Stratford, and «ince. Friday evening no traing have either: departed from the city or arrived.© Traffic is thus at a complete standstill. â€" Of course the mails from the the east were bwl?\lt to this | city on Saturday morning,.. The mails from this city, which are‘ usGally éart by the Grandâ€" Trunk Railway, were re u.2>.l zo the post office, and will be sent a; :.‘ zs possiole by the Great Western Railway and other‘ branch Jines>Lhe strike has taken place at an awkward time both for the Company and the travelling public. The former had given motice;, that tickets /would be issued ron Friday at Oneâ€" fare, good"for return until the 2nd of January, and hence the number _ of passengers dt.:snlh:.;r on Friday or ¢xpected on Saturday was lacge. ‘The inconvenience‘ eaused is, tuereford, great, and much in favour of the men, who are united and say they can stay out of work for ulenï¬.hened period if necesâ€" sary. So far as this city is concerned, the ~strike has been gone about quietly, and Many .of the travelling public were un: aware of the fact until Saturday morning , when they were sadly. disappointed at finding no train and no prospects of one. â€" They are a great improvement on other porous plasters: The strongest possible evidence of their great vurative proper: ties lies in the fact of their being imitated by unserupulous individuals, who seek to palm off worthless compounds under the name of "Capsicum" or "Capsicin‘‘ as beâ€" ing the same as:Bonson‘s Capcine Porous Plasters. Be not deceived; they are totally unlike the genuine. To protect the conâ€" sumer the â€"word Capcine is cut in every plaster. ho ue? _ R medy....They do.not blister, are purely vegetable; and : contain ~neither metalli¢ or mineral poisons. ‘Their celebrity is founded upon their great activity. ¢ They are in no sense & nostrum or & patent medicine, but founded upon true medical skill ; Kny attack diseases. with This remarkable remedy is endorsed as the best external medicine:known by over 2,000 physicians and druggists, of excellent reputation. rrige 25 cents. 2| SEABURY & JOHNSON, â€" ::,':’ui.aon‘?i'.‘:'m‘,‘.'..fl ï¬i tion. Â¥ee Eumctors of Wellington Wardâ€"Reâ€" member the man who spared no pains to serve you, and pile in .th> yotes for Lang, THs Inpepexosxt Caxnpioare for, St. George‘s Ward. Vote early this mornâ€" ing. % QuaiLs ! Quails for Xmas and New Â¥ear‘s dinner, at McGarity & Thompson‘s. 34i7 Orrawa Drawatio Oupvs.â€"This Club purpose giving another public performâ€" auce early in Febpuary, At J J; Dewar‘sâ€"A a»w lot of Beaver Overcoats worth. $11 for 4. 60. . Guaran: téed ‘the test value ever shown in the County Carurtox Gexerat Prorestaxt Hosritany â€"Visitors | this week. â€"Direcâ€" tors : Messrs. Alex. Workmn and W H; Waller. ~Clergy‘: Reyd‘s, W.â€"Mcor: snd Mark Ami. Ladies‘ Commutte=; M»sâ€" dame& J _Duria and A. Rawa Phe.i. _ _ 4!! my publicationsare published in English dam<s J.â€"Durie and A. Rowe. Physiâ€" i cian KEawaad C. Mallool * / ses EDT sASIYS VLIOK, Rechester, $. Y Frzea Ovsters every evening at Critch ley‘s. d&w Pharmasdutica Chemists, N.Y. Fiesw Oysters at No. 118, Ridean street of new. music just;received by The old sweet story, by Reotl Gatty. Withered rases, by t Â¥* As you Wke it, by Pinsita Al‘ the world‘s a stage C 0) * Drasd n, China Molloy Folly #* Jacks farewell l The maid I love is six years old Aide Music of the sea, ho 6 The old love is the new, " Remember or forget Waltz, Coote gnï¬wlln » “' o « Trop D# Bonheur, Schneid Messrs. Orme & son, have a very large stoc* Of Planos, and Org ns. now in their show room and are offering special inducements during the Holidays boih in price and terms of payâ€" ment. I + WAsERQ) M 3kâ€"â€"â€"NJ. 31 sPARK3 8 . Loves kiss Waltz Solut a New York B:eak of Day, Galop, Roots, Barks, Herbs, FROM THE SHAKERS. Flaid fxtract Winte greenm, Tilden‘s »* * Eha barb &* ®* *# Senna se AND ALL OTHER EXTRACTS All warranted genuine. . Prescriptions careâ€" fully prepared. H. F. MacCARTHY CHE MLSP, WEALLEN 40JN 11‘335{[“_ Tl!l Market Drug store, Orme & Son, immediately after close of,navigation to work A4LWAYS ON HAND. MR t APhysicians‘ Prescriptions and Family Receipts carefully pnpcnst Ne 25 Vork satreet. Ottaws. PATENT mx%“ ;_â€" G@Q:NVILLE C‘NAL ENLARGEMEN Apply at the works to TO THE AFFLI TED! 800 Laborers W A NTED Royll Carriage Factory, 58 nirstee:r. §58 The well known Clalrvoy.%t. Physician who Lh.e' l;be'e‘n‘ :.'rav:lll:.g Ghl’ola‘h he Domln.lon for HRony wondetfcl curge in now estopping sit the RUSS LL HOUSE, SUPERIOR FOUNDRY COMPANY a w a.. Entrance on Sparks street. All the «boveWaltzes are‘beautifully illusâ€" trated. Stoves ILLUSTRATED v;%ciï¬â€™iimmuz Fift Illustrations, with descripâ€" en ie mitey * egetables world, & them "all for a two cont bostage stamp, K4 in TT n m 8 . i â€" Vick‘s l'ln-l Snlde, Quarterly, 25 dents 4 v'vr. t 2 [ ick‘s Flowerfland vegetable Garden, 50 cents paper: in elegant cloth covers 81.05. 8 Address, JaAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. a beautifal Quarterly Journ«), finely illustratâ€" ed. and cont«ining uelo?ent colored Flower Plate with <the first number.‘/ Price only 2 cents for the year. The first No. for 1877 ©just issued in German and !uï¬hh. ; Vick‘s Flower and Vegitable Garden, in paâ€" p%bifoéiï¬; with elegant cloth covers, 'g).ï¬â€˜ ick,s Catalogueâ€"800 illustrations only two cents cents is the most hï¬:‘um work of the kind in the world. 1t coni npnurympu'ol hnndreds of fine lilustrations and siz Chromo P% of M‘,,'Mhllz‘dmwn &nd colored f: nature. Price 50 cents, in &r covers; §1.00 h_z‘e_l_egsnt. eloth. Printed &. rman and Enâ€" glish _ _ 260 dArB" s"s 25d 0 *Viok‘s Fiorat Guide, Quarterly 25 ceits a ear. i‘_’ggl'l Catalogueâ€"300 Illustrations, only 2 ARE PLANTED BY A MILLION PEOPLE IN AMERICA. V:ck'n Catalogue~â€"800 Illustrations, only 2 cents. Vick‘s Floral Guide, Quarterly, 25 cents a year. e Vick‘s Flower and:Vegtable:Garden 50 cent with elegant cloth ccvors $1 00, _ _ ~_ _ | Vick*"s FLOWER AND VRKEGETABLE GARDEN Det 28 Vick"s 1 cO&~ i FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS *XMLS BULLETIN Just Received Vick‘"s Floral Guide Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N, ‘¥. (LIMITED) o 1 TO 29 DALHOUSIE STBREET v ontreal. (Opposite:the Russell House ) oTUAwWA. T. W.,POMROY. Instrumental. James Goodwin. 31 SPARKS® ST STEPHEN 8. SDRATTON, Holloware Vocal. Cowen # '%UH“Y ETCO Kowalaki _ $1.00 White 50 Lamothe Schneider CEXTS 8) 40 80 35 75 HOLIDAY SALES W EEK Cur Fancy Stock is stil Large and Complete, K/D GLOVE D&PARTMEN®. F ANCY GOODS LEPARTMENT ESTABLISHED 1854 Secure Your Kid Gloves during this Weâ€"k, T. Hunten Son & Larmonth THOS. PATTERSON Direct Importations from the FProducers SRANOIES, â€" PORT & SHERRY : Wwixck j« P0°TEi & PURE and UNADULTERATED,. for Family use and Medicinal purposer, 200 Packages "FZ. "Faundsast Exâ€"Steamer Phcenician« Exâ€" Steamer TagusaGB0N0E ¢ B;AGKTELTA_ Pickles, Sauces, Pure Malt Whiske Porter and Alos= SVINESSEE MAohrys. prakze pasaze, yoUuNnGERs, Powder for Oysters and Infant Bologna Sa e SOUPS and TINNED MEATS assorted, 2 large collection m-fluflh&%rsi;‘g&m"emw“"m to name.. of .the fbent Teas, Sugars, Coffee & syrups=$,} Crackerse SpNeps nouns $ooag in ax + Exâ€"Steamer Tham »s. COPUNA, i6 cclebrated Mustord.rentiine and D. 8. ®. PUaI’aLO..BUILDm“ and PRIV ATE ;RESIDENCES, HeatedTon the most_approved" prin« & TENDERS*ON APPLICATION. ; KOUSE FUB.NI;KING and u_m.nm HARDWARE OF THE BESTMa £ ES FALL, PARL®R] 1 ND #tr oriih #ro vas m GRBAT YARIBTYJAPANNRD _ . . FARKE, HOLLOWARE, ETCO , HRPO., It Brilliant udl to the 1 It is «i reputding, &nd doos not emoke, or get out of order. Can be burned muum \% h &\u sed‘fro‘ 3. D.Gould, of Boston, Mass., the the " BELE! " for the D » injon of Canada, are mwm m“?l..n%u‘l‘ th(‘ts nn-u“vllh -'5. (n rmolfh Te Por tlrely overcome by the [23 e »A n m i iintinn or tno Hermeted itmar. * o;le.u. and is even cheaper than the * kerosen can lQ&Nrd still ft is by lowest Pipes, and is le to any street w , _ "~~. IMPORTANT NOTICE. i a : NEW%GASC~LIGHBT FOR THE STREETS â€" BLYTH & KERR, LIMPORTANT "I $ team Fire Engine Heave veeh awarded the CLAPP & JONES ENGINE sleve y Fair «t which they haye been FaJR OF TBE aAMEKICAN 1NSTITUTE, Jsés. MICHIGAN STATE FAIR AT/|JJACKSON, ; 180», d a FAIR OF. TEE AMERICAN INBTIPUTK wro. § â€" MICHIGAS STATE FAIB aAT LAN@i ~G, i# NEW YORK ®*TATE FAix AT ALBANY, iB Shaving, Hair Cutting and Shampooing Booms, Usrivalled Hair Cuiting, â€"â€" Unparalleled Reputation, Eat Â¥ .. «_ Shavine not Fqualled. ties ""ag Tambines ‘ma‘s ond Dresset do om jyle [(AN IXsSPE"TtoX 1NViITED.] Rept 30 1876 Liks TR HOTâ€" AIR! HOT WAiER!! ~STEAMILN 56 RIDEAWJTAEET, 56 Oitawa, April If, 1776 TOWN ‘AND CUUKTY Rlw«HTS FOR SALE Iso, Patent Gas Burner, Regulator and Shade combined, Aun AitBiHET n ET worlds ho ue aaie 97 dn sn veprage econony.â€" Will muve in to Ottawa, Jan. 20, 1876 m "ormaorank UVMaWazany 4; 1016 Every Article in this Large Department has been Reduced. "Josephin‘s,;‘ Best Quality, Warranted. Its Poinits of Merit are : ves a Brilliant Light, fully equal to the coal gas. It is si Our Celebrated "Hortense" Ki/ Glove 2 Buttons 8740 per pair, 4 Buttons $1.2 do 3 Buttons, $1.12ic per pair. 6 Buttons $1.60 do IN ALLTHE NEW EVENING AND DiY COLOURS. 2 Buttons 90c per p ir ‘"‘Jouvin‘s" Gold Medal First Choice. 2 Buitons $1.12 per pair MABUFACTUEING COMPANY, SUILDERS, HUDsON, WilOLESALE & RETA. Purveyor to His Bxorilenay the Barl of Duferin, Governor G@eneral. ALL FANCY GDODS MUsT BE ~OLD THIS WEEK A Call:â€"solicited to Examine at _ THO*. P A TTERSON‘®S, CcoNqUERED AT LASBST. 6° WOREAU‘S The CALDWELL & CO., 94 and 96 Sparks strect. No. 5% Wellinvton street, Eajotte‘s Blocok, o Wellin CLAPPâ€" 4& ‘JONES‘ Special reductions for this week only FIEST PREMIUMS REQUIRJING PFRE PROTECTIO®N. NE W FRUIT, (the finest .of theJocason) in §Raisins, Ourrant C+ FRAISX RROW N & CO,, J. MCKINNAN & CO , in variety, and McKenâ€" Lambert, Meech & Co., â€" .-ut.!mrqm--tuma-nnm ‘"3 .\ OLD RUM and DE KUY GIN, Peas Â¥ Meal, (fresh) Bolit Peas, mm *==00 and Most Economical 18‘ Bporks street, Ottawa, Agents for Ooped#®. _ . * JOHN MOTR & BONS Jams and Jellies, Marâ€" malades in 14 Jars, Ginger in pots, 1 lb. size. 69 (BLUE STORE) Rideau street Oitawa, TEY THER NONQT+ â€"2 Wellington eet. A. full ssortment of the finest 1 Button 75¢ per pair Tassels To¢ do OTTAW A, 1876â€"77 NEW XOK ; 4 lnes [ CugvELAND, V., dent at Ashtabul J have im' retur ....u,.n-iu Lops, only one of Niegare . Falle, pight 34 bodies { ow will be jden 1KHE RAILW pIST RESSAING The : Grie the palace car en with thre others tiie glass in thecs instantily the car seaied with lus and as he went do hbe could and he Mnmho: found biupself al ’Uï¬ï¬‚pl BRU! 4#U h’“’ †OUBCZ could be foun0. m,,di.eodlq in every partâ€" : â€" u.e'ood'-',kï¬' ‘The following i ‘.udna‘n Brooklyn, states .â€" vl " one of the gen: 'wâ€â€œ instavtiy, while of New York, h 1t scemse that ered the bridge lie scrose the Ja the abutments stands at the fo up it seems @0 «and Louis 2 peight "and & CLBVELAND, ers by the A pital bere inst w s 150 ieet apai is M:: is ut Paria Cunend McNeal, baggage Haten Ogang aven, $ rence lonegan, Kepler, A D Sur Ashtabules ; .A had i4 not be ble that pot on lort. The wate about three feet by some that wi ber of bodies an« A specia: to killed are, »ot reach J20 . * > tributed among allls 7W77m†y v*‘ terday over ; clearing she del und h:b A 86 bodies or ened fleah. ptink m; Mre 1 :‘n-. f& received for more bodies burned pieces ied Ariag [ Cieveland, Church ; 1 Butli ;d express 1 ermg, Ch Uhio. ï¬mfwi‘n- : oners‘ sing at e va. dn who It is auts regularly of milk ; a Christian .A kub 'doqu‘ uiing of 1: of Emmanue the pab.sshe year‘s issue i Daily. Trxes, Let Well mejority tos | A rew sale at vo? A Mixzo 841 at MoGarity !l'u chesp vertiâ€"eme; Rerves Tu Bt Gâ€"orse‘s #+P oL. birs loo The juy have CaUsE Ts ; LJ beap other Hin: of