BLE SEEDS s for Carada erly % cents % cheste nd colored from er covers ermaAn Mg qualled. Shyle. AM ! ! ! ‘RE ETS TION®S ALBAMNY, 1871 cers s attend Guide vercome by the patent right of ared to furnish ned, warranted L save l5 to 5# 4tions, only 3 rly 2 cents & jarden 50 cen$ zed in Englist O N arden, 5) cents I n e KoGms, @TALOGUE Street. LOPLE EN awa, Ont S * expense of lag of light us, only # }ARDEN â€" deseripâ€" wers and Plll“e. a wa clection * fnes; ustrat in the adreds s4 acker many weeks, a deceased occu; and London ic conduct of affa (He sgemed to past that his e1 conduct of allairs being very successful. Heséemed to real‘z» for some months past that his end was near, and predicted that ken>s‘" ctoeullive the winter. The funetai will take place toâ€" morrow. m .grain dealers, Shaw & Pearson, charged by the Bank of Montreal with the joi(:i’(orgcry of a warehouse receipt inâ€" volving the alleged value of 750 bushe s of barley, came before the Police Court. Mr. Shaw asked an adjournmert of the Mes turne over H40 1 cemh:L thrown Exbibitioo, for Ontamo. Mr W. H. } in. vurance Company for $2,000. and states Frazer will probaviy be the nominee of' that on meking bis claim on the office for those interested. the money, he was pat off from day to Iait evening‘s Teleyram says, anent the | dav with excuses, intil a month elapsed. Montreal Bank steal, that Barber is codâ€" | An action in the Superior Court was yesâ€" fident he will not have to wear a striped | teâ€"day institu.ed against ths Company. suit, and tHfat were he to do so, several| he Company, by making a defence, it is other ruits would be required. It | alleged, is a means to obtain further intimates that Barber could reveal several | delay, _ M secrets which would astound the financial | _ The Stock Market was dull and inaoâ€" world ; it also says that should the culprit | tive. Montreal, 1834; 25 Jacques Carâ€" not in the meantime make good his escape, | tier, 34 ; Commerce, 121}. be will be brought up on Tuesday next LATER and sufficient evidence taken to COMMit | severed His Connectionâ€"Leetureâ€"Reâ€" bim for trial. After that bail will be markable +ondust â€" Arressed for offered for any amount the law may deâ€" ’ Stealing 1y pe. manod, backedi by the influence of the Moxtrsar, Jan. 7.â€"Mr. Desbarats has strongest tinancial men in the community. | severeq his connection with the Canadian and Barber will then _leave the country | MMlustrated News, and will continue on his with a light heart and a beavy purse. own accoint the publication of L‘Opinion Barber‘s presence is a source of trouble | Publique. t Agi ativg for a ommissionerâ€"‘b> Barâ€" ber tasoeâ€"Eogagement Conciadedâ€" Personalâ€"FÂ¥userils to tho:e persons who bad a hand in his speculations, and the Zeleyram says it has reason to beli~/e that last week Barber wrs offered his liberty and $25,000, but he demands $100,000, and claiins that those parties who know of his doings can very weil atford to buy him off. It further states that all tuat c=n be done to stifle the investigation will be done, and menâ€" tions several stock brokers who, it says, stould be examined. A romour was cur ren. this evening that Barber had made his escape, but an snquiry failed to conâ€" firm it. and sufficient evide: bhim for trial. Afte otfered for any amo md. backed by it strongest financial m« and Barber will the with a light bheart Barber‘s presence is to tho:e persons wh Miss Neilson concluded her engage ment at Mrs. Morrison‘s Theatre last evening before an overflowing audience. She intends to visit Toronto again before returning to England wnen she will preâ€" sen . ~hakespeare‘s play " Cymbeline &ng of Briton." _ The Bishop of Alzoma is in town and preached this eveniag in aid of the mussion to liis diocese. _ Seven funerals took place to â€"day, two of which were masonic. â€" THX® MOST POWERFCL xEEMDY 0} MODERN TIMES. to simply relieve Their action is more vigorous than eles tricity, and more powerful as a local re medy. They do rot blister, are purely vegetable ; and contain neither metallic or mineral poisons. Their celebrity is founded upon their great activity. They are in no sense a nostrum or & patent medlicine, but founded upon true medical skill ; they attack diseases with um:hmg vigor, miï¬uickly restore the c ton to its nor condition. porous j evidence This remarkavle remedy is endorsed as the best external medicine known by over 2000 physicians and druggists, of excellent reputaticn. rrice 25 cents. SEABURY & JOHNSON, d&w Pharmacentica Chemists N.Y. Tas bankmorsâ€"le of boots and shoes still continues at W. E. Brown‘s, 555 The Duke o the public by ary cond & m# f OxDON Bensou‘s Capcine Porous Placters. 0: & s LEGR&APHIC r wil then _leave the country it beart and a beavy purse esence is a source of trouble reons who bad a hand in his s, and the Teleyram says it has beii~/e that last week Barber i his liberty and $25,000, ands $100,000, and claiims that es who know of his doings car Tord to buy him off. It further all tuat c=n be done to stifle ation will be done, and men al stock brokers who, it says xamined. A romour was cur TOoRoNnNTo. a Zredt LONDO®. nommer com Deon s Lapcine Porous eived; they are totally To protect the conâ€" ipuine is cul in every <D t W ovement of tee Contest Local iva exvended iralive ry Lindon, he London lock yester : illness of years _ The n at Malden nted. The on pail in nday Ccne s under the an exten a deterâ€" stance of featin & acturers «thoue roperâ€" itated ek to other W H | Mr. C. P. Davidson, QC., was last | month appointed a commissioner by the | FE.ovincial Government, to enquire into | the administration of justice 1).' C. w. | Foster, dis.rict magistrate of Bedford. The enquiry has, so far, lasted for four days, and & considerable amount of eviâ€" dence, covering 300 pages, h1s been taken. lhe cha.ges are, substantially, thait he caused prosecuting comnsel ana.witnesses | to ue paid o it of fines and penalties ; | that he bas brought the administration of | justice into contempt by reredering absurd | and contradictory judgments; that cosie | taxed in his Courts are exorbitant, and that he is guilty of favouritism towards certain of lawyers who practice before | him. | _ Mrs. Kent Mason Clayton lectured this evening in the Theatre Royal to an imâ€" mense sudience on the subject of temâ€" wM“. & wios i n uio ce Centennial _ Fxhibiters‘ Banquetâ€"Inâ€" quest Incidents of the La e *trike â€" Nurglagy â€"*trike M a )n d ne in ts tirmâ€" tion +« F. K. s ow <Arrangemeniaâ€" Neported Appointment~‘ efaulting struck retvrned last night from the west, and they are so much defaced by having veen tramp‘ed and stamped upon that it was with ditliculty their relatives recogâ€" nized thein â€" The engine drive© who was carried off bodily from the Montreal express train whilst halting at Prescott Junction has not turned up yet. Last night burglars broke the padlock to the front entrance of Messrs. Greene Bros#. clothing swore, St Joseph street, and remove i over $400 worth ef ready made elothing, consisting of overcoats, pants, and coats. There is no clue to the thieves, who it is possible may have left the city with their plunder. â€" [oâ€"day sorie 240 men employed on a subâ€"section of No. 4 Section of the Laâ€" chine Canal Enlargement are on a strike, owing to a nonâ€"fuifilmert of a paomise maie by their e np‘oyer, Patrick Rodgers, that he wor‘d pay the n ther wages for Pecember yeswerdsy afterrcan. The men ray he has received their pay, and they can ot understsrd why he does not apâ€" pear and settle with theim. _ Thev are doâ€" ing no work toâ€"day, but will return to it as scon as they are paid. They are very quiet and orderly. â€" Rodgers is not heard pear and settie w ing no work toâ€"da soon as they are aiet and orderly on This afternoon the Grand Trunk locoâ€" motive enginee s received copies of their agreement, containing in detail the stipuâ€" lations as briefly mentioned on the se nd page. _ 0 Itis reported that Judge Belanger may fill the vacancy caused by the decease of Judge Mondelet. Mr. G. M. Pe ty, of Coteaa Landing, lost heavily by a fire last summer. He was insured in the Niagara District Mutual In. vrance Company for $2,000. and states that on meking bis claim on the office for the money, he was put off from day to day with excuses, ‘intil a month elapsed. An action in the Superior Court was yesâ€" te day institu.ed against the Company. The Company, by making a defence, it is alleged, is a means to obtain further delay, â€" ks s The Stock Market was dull and inaoâ€" tive. Montreal, 1834; 25 Jacques Carâ€" tier, 344 ; Commerce, 121}. LATER. Severed His Connectionâ€"Leetureâ€"Reâ€" markable +ondust â€" Arressed for _ _A wan named Dalton, while his wife lay dead in his house on Dorchester street last evening, came home and acted in such a violen: maoner that all the inâ€" mates fled, except Thomas Bowen, whom he attacke i with ai axe, cutting him very severely. e L2 2 L he eastern tailway, w hreatened Early this moraing Gz?t Strafford and John Wall were arrested while in the old Sun office stealing {type. They had broken in. Adonis : Miss Jones, do you think Brown so awfully ugly! Miss J : No, inâ€" deed! Why weall think him extremely nice looking. Adonis : Well, I was talkâ€" ing to him on the stairs just now, and a h«}y passed an ° I beard her say, "That‘s the ugliest man [ ever saw!" And chere was no one there but him and me. FRIDAY,theTWELFTH day of JANUARY mext wili be the last day for receiving Petiâ€" tious for Private Bills. ol â€" Soal Applicants for Private Bills must, within two weeks from the first appearanceof their Notices, in the Ontario Gazette, place a eog{‘ol the Bill, and the sum of one hundred dollars IS, NEW BOND STREET, LoNXDO®, W 18 Carat Gold EARBRINGS 18â€"Carat Gold BROOCHES In all Jewel‘ry sold or reâ€"arranged bg‘xr Streeter, the Stones are mounted in 1= rak Guid, and the quallt: stated 0~ the invotce. 18â€"Carat Gold . BRACELETS\ = ,l40s to £300 WEDDING PRESENT3S _ /) Z2 \100sto £500 PROBATE. Valuatian made of every description of Old Silver, Family Plate nnd.lm& ur same pur chased for gu’h. less 5 per cent off valuation. MR, STREETER 18. x W BOND ST. LONDON W SILVE iSMITH. Lega! Regulations for the Standard of Gold and.Si.ver Ware in the different counâ€" tries of the world Translated from the German of Studnitz, and Edited, with additions, by EDWIN W. STREETER, PRIZE CUPS $â€"Carat Gold LOCKETS _/ An inquest was held toâ€"day on the body Louis .Guennette, who, after shooting s friend, swallowed a dose of oxalic d. _ The evidence went toâ€"show that ennette was a dangerous man, whose nper was embittered by bis wife leaving n to live in adultery with a paramour ; d the jury returned the following verâ€" t : " That deceased, while in a state of ‘ntal aberration, committed suicide by allowing a qu«ntity of poison, cailed Insurance . Compauy â€" The Sto« Mourk et. HRISTENING SETS ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES FREE T LEGRAPA4!C JEWELLER. nt of the strike comes from section of the Grand Trunk 1ere an engine driver was y two beligerents with pistols ids, andl « .tre i not to move t the peril of his life. On GGOL !.:" STREETER, Notice. t UB Price3s 64. 18 New Bond street, W. {t i driver let on the sible and the train ers‘ friends slunk cting their object. ves who went up the men who had )* ( Clerk L. A. . 5sto £100 (m-tom °___.." _ | CAUTION! Pond‘s Extract has been imitated. a strike, | ‘The genuine afticle has the words Pond‘s 70s to £2309 FROM 60s to £500 FROM 50s to £50 x ‘The People‘s Remody. 1 The Universal Pain Extractor. râ€" Note: Ask for Pond‘s Extract. r Take no other. often permanently cured. PHY SEC IA§! of all m{ools who are Afl\ninhd with Pond‘s Extract of Witch Hazel recomâ€" mend it in their practice. We have letters of commendation from bundreds of Physicians, many of v}:on:(;:gder itt;om in their &:-; practice. n ition i order its use for !wolllnm .‘m ds, Quinsy, Sore Throat, In Tonâ€" sils, simple and chronic Diarrhcea, Caâ€" tarrh (for_which it is a specifc), Chilâ€" blains, Frosted Fect, of Insects, Musquitoes, etc.. Chapped Hands, Face, and indeed all manper of skin diseases. an marting ; heals , Eraptions and Pimples. It revives, invigorates and. refreshes, while wonderfully improving the ___ _ Complerion. Complerion. To l‘gl.l&nsâ€"l'b-d'n wnolorates and permanently heals ali ulnd- of Inflammations and ulcera« tions. HEMORRHOLDS or PIL ES find in this the only immediate relief and ultimate cure. No case, however chronic or obstinate can long resist its regular use. VARICOSE VEINS. It is the only sure cure. KIDNEY, DISEASES. | It has no equal for pere neust ons t BLEEDIENG from any cause. For this it is a speâ€" cific. It has saved hundreds of lives when all other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from t ‘n‘?ehuomach, !nn.'hmd el-'beh;nd TOO CHE, Earache curalgia l}l!fgn:u-q_ are qi mlike relieved, and the only article used by Physicians, and in the ho-gimno{tmlmnt?udEumpe. HISTORY and Uses of Pond‘s Exrtract, _______ in pamphiet form, sent free on application to in pamphlet form, sent free on application to mvgp‘nx;rnec'l’ CO.PA.I!‘:““ Maiden POND‘S EXTRACT. ds Hmucr manent cure. . BLEEDING from any cause W. CHAMPN.. 48 begs to draw the attentio of his patrons and the public generally to his Centre Town Livery Stables. RITISEK Lig® AOTEL, Livery Stables, Oarriages, AaARVD VEHICLES, which cannot be beaten. Carefu land attentive Drivers aiways in attendance when required. Conveyances can be had at all hours by leayâ€" jng orders at the CENT ENNIJ A L ‘Scientific Wonder Box Boy‘s Own Laboratory New Smelling Bottles Clioths HEAVY;TURNING!A W ARDED;TO GEoRrGs NEwWEEL Hull |Furniture Manufactory GEO.;NEWELL mt Proprieto Ottawa. July 2, [875 Perfumery at 20 per cent reduction. LIVERY STABLES ENTEE Tow 0op FOoR HULL A SPLENDID AsSSsUORTMENT OF GBEO E .PRESTON‘S Extract blown in each bottle. It is prepared by the only persons living who ever knew how to prepare it properly. Refuse all ARMERSâ€"Pond‘s Extract. No Stock Breeder, uo Livery Man can afford to be withâ€" out it. It is used by all the Livery Stables, Street Railroads and first in New York City. It has no equal for Harness or B‘ddhalghnnnp. 8 i Pneumonia, Colic, Diarrhcea, Chills, C &c. _ Its range of action is wide, and the relief it affords is so prompt that it is invaluaâ€" bie in nurym-‘{udunu as in every will néver be without it. Lane, New York. H. P. GIBSONX, Sp arks street, Ottawa. Cw allic ail Worlsa Coffins and Caskets of every sty le, with mluibla Irimmings always on hnand. . Shroads, arfs, Crapes and Gloves lup%?led on the shortest notice, or reated if required. _ U ND ER T A K I N 6 "its Branches. Coffins, Caskets, Shrouds, etc., Iways in Stock. AA Hearses t to rt of mmntryu::dm:ongn‘:s:o Residence over the Store. _ _ May 2, 1876 dawâ€"y Coffin Store, QUEEN & METCALK STS., OTTAWA. R. ANGUS, â€" â€" Proprigtor, A _BRANCH _ESTABLISHâ€" MENT was o,rnod on the 1st instant, in essrs. _ Garland, on Svarks stroce, where every? on rks thing connected with t above business may be obtainâ€" ed on short notice at J NDERTAKER Hearses sent to any part of the ountry a . PRICES.TO SUIT THE C 3. No. 15, Nicholas street, near Rideau street, Ottawa. M Residen as former at Nicholas n::‘t. 9 May 8, 1876. il4ly FIRST PRIZE for Winter Suits â€"ATâ€" Sucsessorto ? A. Swalweil,) MY USUAL MODERATE CHARGES. TTAWA Residance 2) 4‘ Albert street NEW LAMPS, JA)~ i( A4Ki4G. 105 :43. U adataker. CONFECTIONER SPARKSSTREET BARTOS, â€" Ar}ra®2 W. HEARN, â€"ANDâ€" y Tweeds. THE TIMES, ~OTTAWA: MONDAY, JANUARY 8 1877 Theabove company want two‘or three 108 ectable and active agents. N‘B.â€"All kinds of gun repairs and general Jobbing attended to. eE ROOFING MATERIAL, MNARINE AT ORES a vVARNISHES, ETCO. jï¬ * 480 Sussex‘ street, between York and}Clarence streets. cfln’flh cheaper than any other house in the _ Estimates given. All orders promptly ‘at This Wotel is the I"‘"‘ and only First Class House in the Cl:{. t is ftted, furnished and kept as an exceptionable GAS AND STEAM FITTER, BELL HANGER AND COPPERSMITH, GUNBSMITH AND J. W Patterson & Co. tended to. suit the times Howe Sewing Machines i Tukike khrost _ _ duril: Craws sefoung Ohding bisite Reraian oey ESTIMATES_ON ‘APPLICATION Orders from a distancejpromptly attended; to _Public buildings and private residences heated in a most modern and healthy manâ€" ner. s CITYREFERENCE3 Milt & Crossâ€"Cut Saws PILE8, BABBITT MET AL Rubber and Lâ€"ather Helting, Chains, Aunchors, Câ€"rd"g*, Bar lron, Tin Plates, Sheet ou, Stoves, Furnaces, Elacksmith‘s Coals, Wood ware for Car ages. Carts, Waggon, Sleizhs, Broad ani« Narrow Axes, &c. &c. AT; OUR STORES .. Rideau and Wellington Streets. _ wa, ept. 26th, 1876. 0000 _ HIGHEST PRIZE muwn_gg-nnm;m COAL & “'Oi)/l). ‘Capital" Stove Depot 525 Sussex street. CHRAUDIERE ISLAND T Dec, 1 1876 Fresh Bulk Oysters JUST RECEIVED the priivest qoniily of ment mds chares ’ n very lowest pr ces in order toâ€"secure & F. MCD IUGâ€"~LL &£CO‘S Battens and Furrings | ‘(Late Salesman at Satchell‘s) . s to inform his friends and the 1 To o on ie c e now HARDWARE. FURS. ; UNEQUALLED} IN .quauTy +~ * QUANTITY & © FAVORABLEPRiOEs New â€"Butcher‘s> Stall _.'lhu:u:g.mux x SortorrE». o. *"* im nkl, ., _ s Manufacturer and Dealerjin‘all us kinds of gg&'rom AND AMMUNITION, . _. SPORTING IMPLEMENTS Aug 23 1876 An assortment of Lumber kept constantly [631 SUussex STREET. Bept 23 1876 @s4 â€" Alex. Workman & Co. HARDW ARE CENTENNIAL ored Whier Wheris, Sening and Orfatmaili mu-mmm'w mtl'{l'l'fll’ attended to. OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, & Wholesale and Retail. Steady Employment, All orders will be attended t in the most WASHBURN‘S AXESâ€"ROPES; BURRILL‘S AXESâ€"CHALNS BOWAN‘3 AXESâ€"POWDEE HIGGIN‘S AXESâ€"SAWS IRONâ€"STEELâ€" SHOT HEAVY STOCK OF LUMBERING and GENERAL RUSSELL HOUSE, . HODGE S . No. 144 Rideau Street, nextito the .8t, LAWRENCE NOTEL ..‘.MI&.“ u--a- #8"~ ArPPLY IMSZEDIATELY "G& OT AIR FURNACES HOUSE, SIGN AND FRESOO PAINTER, ngton street, â€" â€" NMear Pooley‘s Bridge HAND W ARE. D. BOOTH, Wellingtan stroot, Ottawa. H. MEADOWS & CO. HENRY CRACK ~** ~% . DEALERS {IN H. BALDWIS, & CO. Chaudiere Planing Mills, PATTER8ON & LAW. FIRST CLASS HOTEL : $6 COMMON,8STREET, : MONTREAL® MOULDOINCS Tongued and Grooved, Matched or Bplit able prices, and warranted to give OTTAWA, CANADA. ‘OUT TO ORDER AWARDED AT THE 2ERY CHEAP! 66 SPARKSST,, OTTAWA. T HE â€"ATâ€" 1 ro diticcd Bill Heads, made with Mereaanis ad perl on atinlinearaien wlich can be Concert Programmes, HIDBMBATU ST. paper ted in Otta: Snd bosl adtenthiay Rreafon is dn Otfere !‘M’. ‘!_fl_“ .‘4‘1’“..&5“_! i‘!!Ld"," suburbs and Hull, at 15 cents per week, or ann: hcu.whhiuh g!gi'!-;ï¬!!'!!.!-_" names and 60 & 70 Rideau Street, 10B PRINTING OFFICE CIRCULARS l.§ B. ~TAYVLOR. i ntuatan n io golt * Servants and those in want of situations of BH~M rohants will please call and use THE TIMES OFFICE { # . Business and ELEGANTLY PRINTED AT ( DAILY AND WXEKL A ~gPECIALTY.: Netices of Mostings. 68 & 70 Bills and Posters offered special inducements !!,!'flln "Tall 19 ahil aud Visiting Cards, paper, offers double advanâ€" Gimes @ at on > lar Curver and Gilder, Mirrorâ€"andiPigture Framée Yo. 206 RIDEAU ATREET Brogy con emmemmetnn® y the has oren for the last nine vears, begs to inform the STEAJ_D_IERS. Sailings â€" of <:Mail Steamers, Night Train. To Montreal every night (Sunâ€" u’ï¬- excepted). ty uie Bure connection with Grard Trunk Trains East & West, ‘and with the Rome & Waterâ€" town and Central Vermont at Ogdensb to flmnomd gz York, Boston, and all ::nu an %cflnnnum Bl ng Car running from W rw'n&oxcwzork, can be secured at Company‘s Ticket in Ottawa. Time m&my any other route. Trains are run on chan time, 0 , ___ ; _ Managing Director, Ottaws. Bailzays. For Ottawa â€" and> Pembroke, via Brockville. Cummnn. OPrAWA, ONT, This House is well known, situated in a fine locality on Court House Avenue} ml'hieln- sample: ropms Jfor! commercial Every attention paid to guests.‘® “m “"K{.“:’;?_"""""‘ from Of uniform gauge with the Grand ‘l'nu;k Reilway Ox and Frox MoxpAY, NoYEXEE® 2074 1876 ______â€" FROLLOWS:â€" _ > & LEAVING OTTAWA. ARRIVING IN OTTAWwA For West and South at‘From both East and 10:50 a.m. | West at 8:45 a.m. For the East at 200)From the East and p.m. Bouth at 4:10 p.m. QTTAWA RAILWAY, T'l SREAT ENGLISHK REMEDY! :Brockville & Ottawa mmflw s Th h Pullman Cars withou fllhmn. To Montraal -nrvtn?g:â€'n-.-.; Nov. tes Eo mm e eE West at 10:00 p.m. . | p.m. Bept 5 1878 R. C. W. ~MacCuaig TRAINS, EACB #AFf, DAILY, AS Specific Medicine. Doth . East and|From the West at 7:00 es esc ie ; WILLILAM ;‘GRAY‘A DEB. "T § results have been experienced, which have o aiinelt aaemniness. g‘mcmlulppmu- has now been discovâ€" ;M,bywhhh&l::thlbhm:l‘on on the 44 Te Aigaa none wihen mrevious mudeertaf of those drawbacks wh ie sn on n adnads odes| o set ofï¬higiiliï¬i?. and be indifferent 6_66{}] ivlzth-ot‘er; m:by occur in the hnl-::.lho orm, snn? as quickly as nâ€" or mugm.uon emands, and l.lun!l‘lfl flaming that flhu may breathe and wo! f-t.‘:’ orpï¬ona for;b:)l:xunt.‘}?k:h:n lnp.‘:- sive atid, to % upon its unwearied shouilders the mere weight of stones of B what is here said of the brain, as contrasted with the bones, will apply with :?ul;g;‘;lmm {lm 1i sy8â€" .u:" bollcnmtw::luuu »bodfuom aoh wo Ne ontiving poiate in the assi w&’bn." «o Bowbstbam e it e duments to aroie state is an essential element of aoâ€" tivity in t ~ nrainand fiervous system of anâ€" _53 l hllrlwu 2® €R PICRACE ty vn::i can im $ and quickly pass from enndmo': 0/ g’or{ cMn?csl activity 3 Th of great ch;m inertness. !nvirt‘r‘ character Phosphorus may follow !'!994'5,'! its changes, may oxidise in one great imais} i+‘ equally difficult to resist the conâ€" victicn «‘ the of Phosphorâ€" ous 2 an element (M&W Materia Medion. _ Tre question presents itseli, :‘vï¬ummm-ouuuw and so seldom bed * The enly which can be given is :â€"that acertain d ty has been found in so it that lcï¬onmnï¬bo kept under ect -nugt‘:‘nolan in Sulphuric in reotined or, mlahhmm'ï¬mmw #ul '[ but however valuable it has M1’ onuuw-uu,m Tation, berthen irrequ‘s: results have been experienced, which have it is a matier of ouulnt{'mt in all vhc’x: t‘l’n animal vitality wmllln‘, ;@:» ecidedly superior ev other remédy at pm-r-ltl‘nown. It will w::{ effects such as nothing else will produce, and it possesses the great advantage of not causâ€" ing, when its use is relinguished, the slightest tï¬:&n or depression.‘ f April, 1861 1 Magazine 0 h , SAYE :â€" " But of all the ic elements, none to e ogl':‘ngm t of “m & nt 0 bod[ 1{% Here, then is an elemen HE NEW CURATIVE AGENT, AND ONLY RELILABLE:REMEDY FOR NERVOUS!L AND, LIVER ‘COMPLATNTS This Phosphatic combinati eAllmh th hv.;l mm Intom‘:.o%lu in n&n{ remedies uman ‘fluâ€.‘.!""-’ is a matter of certainty that in wnï¬:nmeummp;mngol DR. BRIGHT‘S& all the ‘powers an functions of the system to ‘hx.t dflwmm«ï¬mm; PHOSPHODNN E in 13s action, while "Mï¬"hlnm‘.:?’alflï¬ extraors inE i ie i tor s n eapeh o apitment, ies Persons sufferin= from _ _ _ _ > > $# gAUT 10 N.,â€"The" inrge and increasing to .m.r{?'&mm..""m.".“.-; cmï¬ubw" that each case bears the Government Stamp, with the words fl%-_:m:m ved thereon css ce cans s 2e ie bage tast ht eu-hunbu-“" mark and “M’“ï¬u -nlgud are requested to note the directions use showing the WJ“DMQ'i& only in Cases at 10s. Chemâ€" o5 C hn Pntont Modicine Vondore CLom..m. m m.lllsl flls usls €200 Toados. E0; Oaliey & Oo, i9 ‘Great Winech s ter street ; & Brooks & & g %‘" Nimtznic and vinvigurnling "charsoter. brain and muscular -né.m m Nervous Debility, *&ny o1 the hundred ‘symptoms which this Protected by Royal Letters Patent. ‘Dated October,l1th.,‘1809. MEDICINE PHOSPHORU®:! The Phosphodyne APPETITE INCREASES WONDERPULLY, THE BOWELS BEOOME REGULAR, ctual and even speedy cure by the 205 06 This mun Tnyaihable »otholy. 1 im vhiali oo to balpray i% throughout the Globe. (tbo rpaentlai conptivaente or the ve substance, and for developing Cures Sudden Colds or Coughs. :hcoh'i- Killer .E;B"bf puspicio â€"iâ€"_; in o cimatnt es m-‘ .ll ‘. h. KE_k.. and worh“v:'th E x to E # :.ur-.:.'ill be m-u"d to the fl& w. The Public are cautioned against of the Prain Rilieryand to ‘be suepiomunnersent Taxex mmrerxaucy it relieves énstandly the most acute pain. Us@D exresxarur it is the best Liniment in the world. Affords relief from the most intense paing. PAINâ€"KILLER Acts promptly in Cholera and Bowel troubles, «ures Canker in the mouth and stomach. A uuen‘s Price 25 Ots. per Rotile, Bold by all Druggists andâ€"Country Storeâ€" Keepers throughout the world. 3s a Sovereign Cure for Diptheria. anedonipriiiidceaee.. PAINâ€"KILLER HOUSEKHOLD L Pinmes.amimne e ind PAINâ€"KILLER Icls.t-uu Balt o uot Iasiptiish wou Sudor ahoh Powirepiite and Humer Cure can be had. 2t any Drug Store. ~~PAINKILLER PILE & HUMOR FOWLE‘$ ’ PILE & HUMOR n w v PILE & HUMOR FOWLEԤ PILE & HUMOR Perry, Davis & Sonp & Lawrence, PAINâ€"KILLER PAINâ€"KILLER PAINâ€"KILLER PAINâ€"KILLER PAINâ€"KILLER eware of the numberiess cheap and worthâ€" UNG BALSAM! ° [ ET CONSUMPTIVES EmADI â€"| _ De rarecil, if sthaaked‘s every Doctor recommends it# o Failtte in Ten YTears! FOWLE‘S