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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 1 Jan 1975, p. 3

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------a Everyone's all smiles as Mayor Vince Moreau inks the contract for phase four of the west sanitary sewer system in oe MA' D.V. MOREAU Te we: 3 . B3% Smiles at the town office Don Sherk (front; left); town clerk Yvon (back; superintendent Fred Lynn. Gagne Penetanguishene. Looking on is contractor left) and public works staff photo LIP. grant completing centre | It's taking two Local Initiative projects but the Lafontaine Community Center should be completed by mid-April 1975. A year and a half ago Vic Moreau, the manager and sponsor of the current project, wrote up the LIP application together with the Lafontaine Parks and Recreation Committee. The Center was largely - completed following the first LIP project and has been used since but the most recent LIP grant for $15,000, All - Ontario meet will improve and enhance the Center's interior. Most of the work is being done in the basement where recreation facilities are being added by dividing one large basement hall into three separate areas. The smallest room contains a pool table, another will serve as woodwork shop, and the largest room can be used as a meeting place for social events such as teen dances. Ping pong tables and dart games may also be set up in the largest of the three basement rooms. In the upstairs hall workers are finishing wood work which was not com- pleted during the the initial LIP project. Six people are employed on the project, five on a full time basis and one part time. This includes Vic Moreau the program's manager. All of the workers come from Lafontaine and through the LIP project they are also laying out roughly 10 miles of cross country ski trails. | Badminton team off to Winter Games The Georgian Bay bad- minton team boarded a plane on Thursday to make the trip to Thunder Bay for the Ontario Winter Games. The eight-member team along with its coach Mate Lichtenberg of Midland and manager Dan St. Amant of Penetanguishene spent four days in the competitions but displayed in last year's Pérkies pooped The popping Perkinsfield Perkies appear to be pooped. On Thursday, the Perkies dropped their second game in as many starts by losing 4- 2 the Wyevale. The loss leaves the Perkies somewhere below the halfway mark in the Elm- vale and District Senior Hockey League standings. In doubling the count on Perkinsfield Wyevale evened out the Perkies season record at four wins, losses and a tie. results were not available by press time. The mixed team was put together from players in Georgian Bay leagues especially for the event. All players are under 30 years old and were picked for their acheivements and ability John McGowan, who scored the Perkies only goal in their 5-1 loss to Mansfield prior to Christmas, notched the first Perkie tally on an unassisted effort. Gary Preston popped in the only other Perkie goal connecting on a pass from Andy Parnet. The game was a fast and hard hitting affair. The Perkies will be out to turn things around in the new year on Thursday when they Centre d'Activités Francaises Aprés un an d'opération, le / Centre d'Activités Fran- falees est en pleine marche. e Directeur M. Roland Desroches et les membres du Centre vous souhaitent une bonne et heureuse an- L/Office national du film du Canada en collaboration avec le Centre d'Activités Francaises présentera le film intitule "Le Reel du Pendu", lundi le 6 janvier, 5. Keep Christmas trees After Christmas, a Christmas tree indoors is a fire hazard. Throw it out -- but into the garden, not into the garbage. In the garden, there are many uses for discarded Christmas trees. "A few branches, cut and laid on the ground to form a mulch, will protect roses, strawberries, chrysanthe- mums, and other special plants," suggests Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food horticulturist R.F. Gomme. "The branches trap snow, and snow is one of the best insulators. It forms an even cover and costs nothing. Mulches prevent the freezing and thawing which heaves the roots and damages plants." Other uses for the Christmas tree: Evergreen needles and small cut up branches could be dug into the garden next spring to improve the soil texture. Flowering bulbs in pots can be rooted outdoors in tren- ches, for later indoor for- cing, if the soil in the trench {is protected by thick layers of Christmas tree boughs. In addition, discarded' trees make excellent bird shelters and feeding stations: "but see us before YOU buy! EUS January Specials MAIN STREET SHAW'S CARPET WAREHOUSE ELMVALE 322-1961 Georgian Bay _ senior championships. Team members. are Robert Berdan of Penetanguishene, Steve Tasker of Bracebridge, Paul Forth of Parry Sound, Bill McCartney of Owen Sound, Angela Wesser, Kathy Payne, and Heather Koch all from .Penetanguishene, and Jane Forth from Parry Sound. "T'm hopeful they'll win a few games," said the coach, "but it's hard to say."" He added that teams are competing from the Toronto area, and that he is ex- pecting very tough com- petition. The Ontario Winter Games have not been alive for too many years. The com- petitions also include sports like basketball and hockey, with the winners continuing in competitions at the national level later in the year. Coach Lichtenberg feels that the provincial com- petitions will become an annual event and feels that teams from this area will compete regulary. This is the first year for badminton and the first time a team from this area has been entered. All travel and lodging expenses are paid for by the provincial government under the Ontario sports program. Build for the future, for yourself and others by Reverand Al Farthing Minister at the Presbyterian Church in Penetanguishene I would like to think that each of us is building for the future, and I certainly hope that we all live to make a claim on the future that we are building! But realistically, we know that we have no guarantee that we will inherit, that for which we have worked, hoped, and prayed. Nevertheless, I would really like to believe that our struggle for a good future is worthwhile, whether or not we are ever able to claim it! I would like to believe that our work, our toil, our plans and our prayers have a significance that extends far beyond whether or not we are able to claim the future that we are building. In other words, when I build for the future, I build not just for myself and my family, but for you, for old people in Newfoundland, for Eskimo babies in the Northland, and even for people in faraway lands. More and more, we must accustom ourselves to being citizens of the world, all of us having responsibility for one another's welfare. We are one family in this world, and it is long past time that we realized it. Now I am impressed with that ancient story from the Bible, in which Moses receives his final message from God. $67,702 sewer contract Town Officials recently signed a $67,702 contract to initiate work on phase four of the west sanitary sewer system in Penetanguishene. The signing of the contract with Don Sherk Construction Ltd., of Penetanguishene took place on Friday, December 20 at the town office. Public works superin- tendent Fred Lynn explained that work starts at Center and Poyntz Streets and extends narth~ to Robert Message po par Reverand Guy J. Hamel L'Année 1975 nous apporte le theme de la Réconciliation avec Dieu et avec tous nos fréres de la terre. Cette annee sainte promulguee par Paul VI devrait nous fournir occasion de reflechir su les grands problemes de l'heure et nous inciter 4 apporter des solutions durables con- duisant a la Paix et le par- tage du pain quotidien. L'année 1975 devrait donc stimuler tous les hommes de bonne yolonté 2 changer leurs attitudes egoistes~ et non-chretiennes pour se tourner davantage vers Dieu par la priére, des attitudes plus conformes a la loi de l'Evangile et une meilleure comprehension des grands principes de justice sociale et Economiques. s De plus 1975 devrait nous inciter a suivre les directives des €veques catholiques canadiens dans leur message a l'occasion de la féte du travail de l'année qui s'achéve: "la modification des comportements per- sonnels, la reforme des structures Economiques, ce sont la deux voies 4 prendre pour donner aux hommes le plein usage de leur repon- sabilité dans la gestion des biens."" Voila donc I'objectif a atteindre pour l'annee 1975. Que cette année de graces et de paix vous rapproche sensiblement de votre Sauveur Jesus-Christ'et vous . ~ ica aide a_sombler le fosse qui nous separe du Tiers Monde dans la lutte contre 1'in- flation, la famine, la maladie, les desastres cosmiques et la guerre. E&R FASHIONS Seasonal Clearance! of evening gowns, daytime dresses, winter, coats, a few pant suits in the group. small assortment of sweaters, slacks & blouses & many items not mentioned. ALL ITEMS REDUCED 40-50% 74 Main St. Penetang 549-7901 Street West. Another branch of sewers will be put in ex- tending east from Poyntz to John Street and South to Robert Street West. Sewers will be extended east on Poyntz to Scott Street. Don Sherk Construction Ltd. is currently involved in construction of the Penetanguishene Sewage treatment plant doing the excavation and concrete work. The company's con- tract there is for $75,000. ur 1975 Que le paix et la joie du Christ regne dans vos coeurs et que l'année 1975 soit sainte, heureuse, prospete et profitables pour tous nos fréres humains. | Que Dieu vous benisse. As the Children of Israel were about to claim their future, their great leader was told by his God: 'This is the land which I swore to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, that I would give it to their descendants. I have let you see it with your own eyes, but you shall not cross over into if; 7? What a bitter pill that must have been for Moses to swallow! What a _ cruel smack in the face it must have seemed, from the hand of the God who had asked so much of him over the years! After building for this wonderful future, Moses was to have no part of it! All his building was for a future, that he was not able to claim! He was to die, and leadership would pass to the great Joshua, of Jericho fame. The Children of Israel would enter the Promised Land without their great leader and prophet -- Moses. If he made a word of protest, it has gone unrecorded. But I rather suspect that after years of listening to the voice of God, Moses was content to accept whatever his God had to tell him! And besides, even if he personally could not claim his future, his beloved people would! There is a deep lesson here for us, as we stand at the beginning of another year We may or may not claim and inherit the next day, the next hour, even the next minute! But whether we do or not, we know that others will inherit the future. And if we can see ourselves as a part of the great family of God, and the great family of humanity, then we can rejoice -- whether or not we make a personal claim on the future, for which we are all building! May God's grace be with us all in 1975 and beyond. Newspaper 'not delivered? If your copy of The Penetanguishene Citizen has not been delivered by Wednesday night call 949-2012 9 am. - 5 p.m. RVI macy?" ORERVRORHRVR THE NEW YEAR WILL BRING NEW MEDICINES 80 per cent of the prescriptions we now dispense contain ingredients unknown less than fen years ago. We still use a few of the old reliables, but most of them are being rapidly replaced by better new products. Like your physician, we study to keep in- formed about new discoveries. We learn their dosage, physical qualities, proper storage and incompatibilities. That is why we can fill any Prescription, including those prescribed by physicians in distant cities. "A great many peopie entrust us with their prescriptions, health needs and other pharmacy products. We consider this trust a privilege and a duty. May we be your personal family phar- "Your Own Community Pharmacies" Open Daily Toép.m. Open Daily To 9 p.m. Including Wednesday Friday To9p.m. CLOSED SUNDAY Wednesday & Saturday Toép.m. Closed Sunday UO A ao be) Soar So ea A GD y PHARMACY R Elmvale 322-1011 =o) HITFIELD'S IRETON'S fa IDA # PHARMACY V Penetang 549-2555 H PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST RHRVRORERVRORHRWROR B x SESSESESESS ET ESAECES ESTES ess ssss Castle Village Giftshop BALM BEACH RD. AT HWY. 27 MIDLAND A REAL CASTLE? YES! Where we sell early Canadian furniture, wicker, lamps, brassware, copperware, pottery, glass, candles, cast iron, woodenware, paintings, and many, many other gift items. Come inand browse! Monday to Friday - 10a.m.to9 p.m. Saturday - 10a.m.to6p.m. Sunday - 1p.m. to 5p.m. ASK ABOUT OUR LAYAWAY PLAN YAMAHA TRE Ce) gee Small. Sno," J g 2bilas « Engine Shop i he <3 in the heart of DOWNTOWN WAVERLEY 322-1960 322-1960 ONTARIO The Liquor Licence Act NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING Licensing District No. 8 Take notice that the Annual Meeting of The Liquor Licence Board of Ontario for Licensing District No. 8, comprising County of Simcoe, County of Dufferin , District Municipality of Muskoka, District of Parry Sound, Regional Municipality of Peel will be held at Court House, in the City of Barrie, in the County of Simcoe on Thursday the 9th day of January, 1975, commencing at the hour of 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon at which time it will hear and determine applications for the renewal of licences in accordance with The Liquor Licence Act, and the Regulations thereunder. And Further Take Notice that any person who is resident in the licensing district and objects to any application shall file his grounds of objection in writing with the Deputy Registrar at least ten days before the meeting. H.J. Browne (Acting) Deputy Registrar 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East, Toronto, Ontario, MSE 1A4. ANOTHER GNC HOME Capri Impressive is the word for the split level, three-bedroom Capri, with a three-windowed, spacious living-room and formal dining area just off the beamed, cathedral ceiling foyer -- the unique features of the main level. The set apart sleeping area on the second level has three family-size" bedrooms. The top grade, kiln-dried lumber specified for all GNC models is stored indoors under controlled climatic conditions, curtailing the risk of excessive future shrinkage due to weather. We now have 14 models to choose from For more information write or call G.T. STEVENS CONTRACTING LTD. or WASAGA HOMES at Box 232 Elmvale Phone 322-1601 YOUR EXCLUSIVE BUILDER DEALER FOR GNC HOMES IN SIMCOE NORTH Wednesday, January 1, 1975, Page 3

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