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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 27 Oct 1976, p. 31

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' Happy Cooker One day, we shop. A couple of days later! we carry oul the garbage. In terms of weight and bulk, out-go exceeds income by about one-quarter, I'm sure. Our household isn't unique. Per capita, Canadians throw out four pounds of garbage a day, on the * average. A little book called The Garbage Book, published by the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Resources, has introduced me to Garbage Gus. The energy people think Gus is overweight, and the 100 page booklet is full of ways to slim him down. Garbage, when you think about it, represents a lot of energy. We have to conserve energy, and one way to do it is to cut down on our garbage. - The Garbage Book suggests way to reduce garbage, and they are worth noting and remembering. For instance - learn to reject. or a{ least control your consumer impulses. Don't buy anything you don't really need. Check packaging, and buy for contents. not container. Avoid buying disposable anythings - diapers to dishes. Look for re-fillable containers. Buy durable goods and repair faulty ones, rather than throwing them out. Save ribbons, string, paper clips, and the like. You can store them in the glass jars you have pulled from the garbasge. Make use of rummage sales and second hand stores for disposing of things you no longer need, and for sniffing out bargains for yourself. Make a back yard compost heap. Use re- cycling depots where they exist. Buy recycled paper. The book takes its own advice and is printed on ae containing recycled, post-consumer fibre". A lot of waste originates in the kitchen and the Garbage Book has some useful tips to save garbage, energy and in the long run, money. It suggests making your own bread crumbs for croquettes and casseroles by drying ancient bread in a 250 degree oven (try to use the oven when its been on for something else). You then crush the bread with a rolling pin and store the resulting crumbs in a glass jar. And here's an oven-cooked stew which will eut down on the supply of left-overs in your refrigerator. Cut fish, meat, chicken or turkey in small pieces. Add an equal amount of cooked vegetables. If you wish also add cooked rice or diced boiled potatoes, mix well and moisten with #ravy, cream sauce or undiluted cream soup. If the mixture seems too thin add bread or cracker crumbs. Too thick? Add gravy, milk or tomato juice. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Spoon into a casserole and sprinkle with some of your hoarded bread crumbs. Bake at 370 for 30 minutes. from > vividly. Movie reviews Exceptional double feature coming to Pen Theatre by Terry Dupuis "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" "The Midnight Cowboy" "Futureworld" Beginning this 'Saturday for four evenings, the Pen be running an exceptional double feature consisting of two top Academy Award winners-- The Midnight Cowboy was the Best Picture winner of 1969 and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest won the award for Best Pic- ture of 1975, as well as a number of other top awards One. Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a most worthwhile) movie, and one which can even be cnjoyed_a second time. In t. I liked it even better the secc Once I was ab on the e ~ winning Jack Louise as the formances by the entire supporting cast. I also appreciated the humour of the film a lot more on the second viewing mynd time T saw it knew the story | le to concentrate xceptional Award performances of Nicholson and Fletcher, as well flawless per The Midnight Cowboy | have seen only once, when the movie was first released. and 1 Upcoming presentations College offers oasis Midland is no cultural desert, but if you think it Is, there's' an oasis not very far away 'The well-appointed and conifortable theatre at larrie's Gcorgian College will be the scene of many delights for mind and spirit over the fall and winter season Closest on the horizon is the 'Theatre Passe Farmer's revolt -- Startling realism Theatre Passe Muraille brings startling realism to the passionate account of the farmers' rebellion against the tyranny of the Family Compact, al Georgian College Theatre. Tsarrie, on Tuesday. November 9th al 8:30 pp.»m Vastly entertaining. this remarkably gifted ensemble of young actors under Paul Thompson's inspired direction, bring the' events of those troubled times to life with preat accuracy and ex- citement Seen from the angry farmers, point of view. the uprising is depicted with William Lyon Mackenzie as_ the driving force behind it Brilliantly acted by the famous Theatre Passe Muraille Company, the scripl by the members and Rick Salutin provides an evening of local history as the people saw it. Be sure not to miss it! Brought to Barrie by The Georgian Foundation for the Performing Arts, tickets may be obtained only from the Foundation office. 103 Dunlop Street east. Box 454, Darrie, Ontario L4aM 417. (705) 728-4613. Lower level reserved; $4.00; Upper level unreserved $2.50. Muraille, which ts coming to the Georgian Theatre under the auspices of the Georgian l'oundation for the Arts. On Tuesday November 9, the famous Canadian troupe will perform 1837--The Farmers' Revolt. devised by Passe Muraille members. and Rick Salutin Later in the month, the loundation is bringing two theatrical giants to our area~ Hume Cronyn and® Jessica Tandy. On November 29 the famous husband and wife team Will appear in The Many Paces of Love, a progran of readings from famous writers, including Ikdward Albee, Dorothy Parker, Ogden Nash, Bertrand Russell and William Shakespeare The Georgian College Faculfy Association has already presented one outstanding concert this Sisters honoured Seven daughters of William and Matilda McWatters were honoured at a_ family reunion at Shady Acres, Orr Lake' on Saturday, October 16. A total of 149 guests, all members of the family, dined, danced and applauded as each of the sisters was presented with flowers, and an inscribed plaque bearing a photograph of her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Willian: MeWatters. William and Matilda MecWatters were pioneers, who raised four -sons and seven daughters in Tay and Medonte Townships. The seven surviving sisters are Mrs. Violet Drennan, Toronto; Mrs. Thelma Elliott, Midland; Mrs. Mossie Snider, Waverley; Mrs. Lola Kells, Toronto: Mrs. ern Sennet, Toronto; Mrs. Gretta laragher, Midhurst; and Mrs. Evelyn Willis, Waverley. Morley Kells. ol Yoronto, prepared a book ol family history. and photographs called "An Early Canadian Family" and copies of the book were given to family members at the reunion. John Deere Snow | Blowers 'wo power models | to handle any snow- clearing chore John Deere Snow Blower makes snow removal fast and easy. The 7-hp model" cuts a 26-inch path. The 8-horsepower, a 32-inch path. Both models have five speeds, plus reverse. Anda pressure-activated safety clutch. Two-stage design witr 16-inch auger. () See us now for a John Deere JUSTIN MOTORS 25 Bradford St., Barrie 728-2697 (705) 322-1991 2ND MORTGAGES ARRANGED--BOUGHT- SOLD W.C. PLAYER Real Estate Ltd. Broker Elmvale, Ont. Notice Herb Johnson former propriotor of Phelpston Store wishes to thank his friends and customers for their support and hope they will continue to patronize Mr. and Mrs. M Piwtorak the new owners The Miners thought it unlucky to go into the Hole in anything but Now we find it Denim. unthinkable to go anywhere without it. IT'S FASHIONS North Queen Lane Elmvale 322 -3031 K a: 6 : 1977's in stock and DDI | 94A Tiffin St. THE ORIGINAL MINI AUSTIN MINI 1976's Being cleared from $2695." plus lic., tax, freight "SIMCOE SPORTS CAR CENTRE LTD. Barrie of yh i = number of other awards It made an overnight! star looking torward to seeing it again. As I recall it, it is a downbeat bul moving mixture of comedy and tragedy Nest. it is both funny and sad Cowboy Like Cuckoo's The Midnight won the Best icture of its year and a of Jon Voight and con- solidated Ian's Career as one of the finest veneration culture Dustin Hoff his (Midnight actors ol sensational debul in The Craduate). Hoffman went on to give excellent performances in. Straw Dogs. Papillon. Lenny and most recently Marathon Man. Bul 1 think that his role as Ratzo Rizzo in The Midnight Cowboy is his greates! performance Beginning today al the Odeon Theatre in Midland is Futureworld, the long awaited and well-rated sequel to Westworld. This sclence-fiction film is Osod Car Cowboy was Hoffman's first movie after his fall with the Gabrieli 'The Georgian College Brass Ensemble from -- theatre is superb from the lritain. Their next at point of view of sight traction will be an Jines. acoustics and evening with Sylvia comfort. 'There are ¢x- Tyson, on January 22 cellent facilities for On February 16, Leona relaxation and-- refresh Boyd, a young classcial © ment on performance Lullarist of distincti pearing Georgie sponsorship of the student associal kreal evenings and parking is on, will be ap never a problem. And in concert at) what happens on stage is mi ocunder. the -- net te be missed | by anyone interested in' the lon arts e Dresses ¢ Long Dresses Just Arrived Come in and see our selection of Ladies Dress Winter Coats. We think you'll rae 4 ttl ae ps like what you see Sy, in smart new \. fashions & fabrics. \ There are many to choose from in both plain and fur trimmed. ' Also see our entire : new stock of: | ae (CLEARANCE ) 76 F100 pick up Demo V-8 auto ps/pb lic H 26 508 $4200." 75 LTD Brougham 2 dr h/top V-8 'auto ps/pb_ radio lic FKV 410 75 F100 V-8 auto H 30 122 74 F100 6 stan lic H29 9925 $2600." 74 Pinto 4 cyl Std low mileage lic FKV 347 74 Torino Elite V-8 ps/pb HXX 222 $3200." 74 Mercury Montego2 dr hardtop V-8 ps/pb radio $4200." pick up ps/pb $3500." pick up dard 3 door $2500." 2 dr hardtop - Gowns °¢ Sweaters ° Pants HUB 325 $2400." 74 You're always welcome at e Blouses / 1971 Chevelle Malibu 2 dr. Hdtp. V-8 auto pb/ps radio Lic. No. FKT 458 *1495" E.R. Fashions Main Penetang 549-7901 DON HOCKEN FO On the Spot Financing ELMVALE RD SALES LTD 322-1241 aboul an adult playground where people can have their wildest futuristic fantasies fulfilled. Peter Fonda and \rthur Hill are the stars, and Yul Brynner appears again as the robot gun- fighter he portrayed in Westworld ISITA FERRARI? Not quite. But it's not quite the price either. This is the Datsun "2" Only two new 1976's left in stock. Test drive one today, and then make an offer. You will never again be able to buy a "Z" for so little. Me DATSUN --_ SIMCOE DATSUN 549 Bayfield St. N. BARRIE (Just north of Georgian Mall) 737-0254 OIN IN THE F and excitement with your neighbours. You may be a winner of one of 65 PRIZES Ist Prize -- *50.00, 2nd Prize *25.00 Sponsored by PERRIN'S FLOWER SHOP 321 King St. Markle Community Newspapers Midland Times, Elmvale Lance, Penetanguishene Citizen MIDLAND ONE ONLY Forney Compressor 34HP.* Motor Single Cylinder 4 % C.F.M. Reg Price $329.95 Sale Price $269.95 Elmavle Auto Supply Elmvale 322 -1111 10% orr ALL DUTCH BULBS Now is the time to plant LARGE TROPICAL PLANTS CACTUS Assorted hanging flower baskets MACREMAE HANGERS Elmvale BARRIE AUTO (49 M. P.G.-based YAN. MAR 240 For Those Tough Jobs On Home Or Farm SEE IT AT YOUR DEALER LUDWIG MOTORS ELMVALE Essa Rd. & Gowan St. Barrie @ 737-1061 on E.P.A. test) ( plus tax, licence ) P.D.I. 3 Blocks E. of 400 Hwy. HONDA SALES a 3159.~ Eom Supply '| ELMVALE LEGION, EVERY THURSDAY ©20 Games - ©Specials $50. jackpot going every night. Entry Fee °1.00 Refreshments --BINGO-- 10:; Sree ce TRUST OORIATIC STERLING +; Meme Canara nge to maturity 5 Year Guaranteed Investment Certificate Rates Subject To Change Del Reed 309 King St. Midland ED 526-3768 63 Prizes of *2.00 Gift Certificates FLOWER NAME SCRAMBLE RULES 1- Solve Flower Name Scramble by re-arranging the letters shown in the master squares and placing them in the appropriate squares at the bottom of each entry blank, in order to form the names of two flowers 2 - Anyone is eligible to enter except employees of the Markle Community Newspaper Ltd. and Perrin's Flower Shop, members of their families and professional flower growers 3 - You may send in as many entries as you wish on the official forms as they appear each week in the Midland Times, Elmvale Lance or Penetanguishene Citizen. Note: All entries should be saved and submitted with Master Entry Form that will be published November 7th. f 4 - Prizes will be awarded as follows: Ist. Prize $50.00 2nd. Prize $25.00 plus 63 prizes of $2.00 Gift Certificates redeemable at Perrin's Flower Shop 321 King Street, Midland 5 - Prizes will be awarded on the basis of correct entries, neatness and legibility. In case of a tie, the entry with the earliest postmark will be judged the winner and prizes will be awarded accordingly. If two or more contestants are tied and their entries have identical postmarks, they will be required to solve a special tie breakina Flower Name Scramble. A participant can win only one prize. The decision of the judges is final, and all contestants aqree to abide by the judges decision. All entries become the property of the Markle Community Newspapers Ltd. 6- All entries must include complete entry form from each weeks publication in numerical or- der, along with master entry form which will be published November 17th. They must be securely fastened together and wrapped with sufficient postage attached, and addressed to the Flower Name Scramble Editor, c o The Midland Times Box 609 Midland Ontario, L4R 4L3. All entries must be postmarked no later than midnight Nov. 24th. No entries will be ac cepted other than by mail. 7- The Markle Community Newspapers Ltd. or Perrin's Flower Shop cannot be responsible for delays in the mails or non-receipt of an entry through any cause, and reserves the right to correct any typographical errors which may appear during the Flower Name Scramble with due notice in the publications which it is ap _ pearing in. 8- The Markle Community Newspapers Ltd. and Perrin's Flower Shop cannot enter into correspondence or telephone conversations regarding invididual entries. y - Authority for correct spelling of all the flowe: names used will be the Webster's International Dictionary. FLOWER NAME SCRAMBLE L D R -- SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS -- Use each and every letter once only to form the complete and correct spelling of two flowers . . . Gi; L A | P|M I {N| 7 1) Ss cabana Bid NAMES OF FLOWERS ARE Lh Es sie Bae ds liad Be cee Co Name Address Town or City Note Keep all entries until Master Form is published Wednesday, October 27, 1976, Page 31

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