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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 8 Dec 1976, p. 28

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Call Contact Coldwater 4-H Club winners 526-9333 z : Hours 9 a.m. to5 p.m. by E. Lorraine Orr sponsored by the Cold- The winner in each of Bank Specials - Beef Calf in Record Book = Helen Monday toFriday ; 4-H Pledge _ water Lions Club last the individual awards Member Showing most Hawke (Except Holidays) Pledge - my HEAD to week at the Anglican were as follows: Enthusiasm and Progress Dalton Jermey The Grey Cup Game is behind us and now its on to clearer thinking Parish Hall. We. de Sheppard - Bill Beaton. Dairy Calf Championship Award Christmas entertaining and the joys the festive season my HEART to greater Each member ac- Memorial - 1976 North member showing most Grand Champion Dairy brings to each individual as he or she sees fit to loyalty cumulates points during Simcoe Judging Com- Enthusiasmand Progress Heifer Nancy Tripp celebrate it. my HANDS to larger the year for, project petition- Helen Hawke. - Nancy Tripp. Member Reserve Grand Dairy The football Grey Cup parties were fun for all of us Service visitation, judging Questionnaire on Club taking Best Care of Calf Heifer - Kim Ball but Contact would certainly like to thank two very _my HEALTH to better competition, attendance, Work - Nancy Tripp During Club Year - Calvin James Woodrow special people that put the day to good use. At the party living keeping of record books, Showmanship in Dairy Bell Special - Novice Member they attended they sold popcorn and peanuts and _For my Club, my- exams, showmanship, Calves - Nancy Tripp Walter Orr Specials - Standing Highest in Club - turned the money over to Contact. It wasn't all that Community, and my and exhibits. The total Showmanship in Beef 1975 Member Showing Calvin Bell much money but the thought was great and every little Country possible points attainable Calves - Helen Hawke Greatest Gain in Marks, Howard Hawke Special bigbyips. We at Contact are so grateful for every little _The members of the are 1000. The winner this Grant Robertson 1976 - Bill Beaton. 1976 - Showmanship - Open - bif@-help, monetary or otherwise so a special thanks Coldwater and District 4- year was Nancy Tripp of Special Best Novice Member with Best Mark Helen Hawke to Mac and Vera Perrin of Midland. H Club were honoured RR 3, Coldwater with 887 Showman - Calvin Bell. The octave of Christmas is an especially wonderful with a dinner and _ accumulated points. Toronto-Dominion presentations of awards, ER TOPSOIL and mystic time to be enjoyed. It is tree trimming time, carol singing time, a time to re-discover the warmth of family ties and old friendships. It is also open house time:and a time for sharing with the less fortunate, and all culminating in the Christmas BROOKLEA Motel & Dining co. LTO. Midnight Service. As we step into Church joyful music S welcoming the Christ Child floats out, candles gleam, Since 1889 Large or Small Amount Room and everywhere the air is redolent with sweet SARJEANTS Medium & Good Quality Priced accordingly. fragrance of fresh evergreens. We are renewed again. When it is time to decorate the Christmas tree invite the neighbourhood children and your elderly neighbours to come and join with your family for a tree trimming and carol singing party. Children love to sing, and their sweet young voices create the real Christmas spirit. Let them 'choose their special favorites for the tree, just provide the materials and let them use their imagination. Enlist the aid of the teenagers to make the refreshments and to generally direct the party and a good time will be had by all. Contact is collecting lists of names of families who wish to share-a-meal on either Christmas or New Years day. So if you do not have a family or any loved ones to be with on these special days please call us at Contact 526-9333 and we will be only too happy to give you a name of someone that is lonely and does not have anyone to share-a-meal with. Sharing with others is the Offer You A Worry » Free Winter With 8s tua J at * Automatic Fuel Oil 5 Deliveries Radio Dispatched Helpi ng ha nd * 24 Hour Emergency Service * Annual Cleanouts Bazaar and Bake Sale. Most of the . goodies were gone in the first half hour. Staff photo Catering for \ Weddings, Banquets, Luncheons, Parties Renate Schmidt and young Monica Schirmuly prepare a display for last Saturday's German Canadian Club service directory HOME Low Cost Replacement Plan Parts For further information call BRUCE TINNEY 526-7269 * Equal Billing Budge's (No Carrying Charges) * Complete Farm Service, Diesel-Gasoline-Lubricants Meeting rooms available Highway 27 MIDLAND 526-9872 FOR INFORMATION OR SERVICE CALL 326-3513 728-2460 HOME HOME true spirit of Christmas so do open your doors and SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE oo hearts to someone less fortunate. ARONA mT . a Remember the Salvation Army Christmas Cheer uthorized Appeal begins on December 10th and runs through to is eae iia aa eee December 24th. Do support the Salvation Army when 'are Centre Canada) Limited #§ ' SaOTT you are approached. = Sea Sarin dln Bi Burke your aeason s greetings "Abe hearth is the heart Remember happiness is helping others to help GountiRdias CARPET Barrie Branch .. IN easp-care gas ranges f pour home" themselves. aTARIeESE ae CLEANING glia tel: (705) 728-3392 ot pour ) Mary M. Gibson Waverley a ae bee aes tme SIEGLER GAS FIREPLACE Administrator UPHOLSTERY ey HEATER Model SF 25J-1 322-2915 CLEANING This hearth is a heater and combines to give you an win REYNOLDS exciting way to add beauty u inc 0! comfort to your Camelot at Drywall Problems? x Sieerdic and eomy Soro Ta a . @ Insulation penal RET Wyevale or OlvelGrean Corner or i ee OO rectangular base. M id la n d . sani =e Wiring - Plumbing Heilvered only --i tt a Heating Legs, Plaque 7 FREE est tt he 4 e@ Spraying ai Pickup & Delivery 322-2300 screenextia, D409 econ a ry @ Handmade Ceilings Residentialiand @ 20 yr. experience commercial The students at Midland Secondary School will , be staging the musical '"'Camelot" on December Call Louis 526- 7251 mage MINNINGS ze : P 6th, 17th and 18th. Approximately 60 students J Panetpagisaioen ELECTRIC ...and after the feast comes under the watchful eye of director R.J. Holt will Dusome Building Elmvale the big clean-up with an " take part in this pre-Christmas treat for Midland Products ElectricaliGentractor RORInRUnIcHWAGhCE ------ ¢ residents. Portable / Convertible eas ¥ Reserve tickets are $2.50 and are available specializing in Alcan BELANGER 322-1307 Model 02468 se 4 B from Midland Secondary at 526-2274. General Aluminium Siding, ALUMINUM SALES Thelen work P admission at the door will $2.00. Curtain time on Troughs and Windows Specializing in REG. $389 ECITERGaRI PS&E all three evenings is 8 p.m. 549-8597 Aluminum Siding Harrison Metal Works In SPECIAL 4 cycles. 3 indica Box 240 Soffit and Face Board i ENTERPRISE GAS RANGES P tor lights, dual Penetanguishene Windows, Doors, Bs aa Model 70WCSUK--30" Delivered $359 3 covargen cispen * 5"S | E + h Doors-Siding-Awnings Wx: More than a dozen modern advanced-design hite & ah aus calc Video ta pe On M H INSULATION rr choice of colaurs Pe ree Claes ae ty Boleimaneaedtine In choice o Insulated Glass cook's choice D0ard, forced air pg A INSTALLED Phone Collect 526-6836 Sales, Service, Repairs BeIRGtEpOIan A group of second-year groups which visit the eBlown eLoose 338 Eighth St. - Midland Vinden St. 526-6870 Avocado or Gold television majors from __ institution. eBatts eStyrafoam colour $10 extra > the Radio-Television eMicafill BE CSS S28 White Broadcast Program at NEW HOLLAND For estimates 24" Model 72WCSUK also available forsmaller REG. sas9 SPECIAL $375 Canadore College in Farm call Peter puchens ea eee ety oat SPECIAL i . +e . et ~; YET a oth ranges come i vi "¢ arth tree eaves pe E 526-8573 evenings ELECTR IC AL INSURANCE Avocados$10 extra $339 y nta ea entre c ( ulipment White ' (MHC) recently, to make q p TV TOWER ; DUTCHER& Dalvered ka : INGLIS LIBERATOR ah ie MENSS | SOESENOn BEATTY 4--10ft. Section BUMSTEAD'S CORBETT LTD f @ =] casorver about the institution. f E ; i 3 Model GO 72001 Pump and Bee eas preake ca INSURANCE . Hea tal | M F quickly, conve The program, which Tha Ree erin oe viceie Repalrs 322-1533 | rently with flexible details the type of Water oA res eet - ie eal ; arying times, per treatment programs ° yevale, Ontarlo Fred Harpell | Pe Br ert! available in the Oak Systems Gr aeeraltia "End rest pou AC, A ea feneeeliata Ridge division of the ITY ; 5 ' ' ¢ Cima * | dryer capacity E hospital, wil be used for | DOR Completely installed WHEELER | MORTGAGES merry iz ee re sso 3 orientation purposes, and Willinstall ELECTRIC gentlemen' \ | 244 as a substitute for guided FARM Companenticccaratal Telephone FINANCIAL F ae { ay | $ Aa tours for interested eye aaah 835-2316 ENTERPRISES .. With clean, fresh air... Delivered SERVICE epithe Dt ea Mortgage Brokers 428-2346 JAMES WOOD Industrial Phone 726-7130 BE eee a Main St.W. Stayner 322-1880 Hillsdale, Ontario 01429-2815 $449 MICROWAVES OF THE FUTURE ARE HERE NOW - . FIVE SEASONS Microwave ovens cook amazingly fast. Be sure PORTABLE ve HARDWICK 30" LUXURY GAS RANGE Delivered and see these 1977 models, with their specia Model PKL 9631-350-DC fecatcone bonus offers a: Beauly, efficiency and modern design add to your This unit removes airborne dust, pollen, tobacco LITTON/ a kitchen decor; star features add to your special joy smoke and odours from any room in the house MOFFAT '4 in cooking--continuous cleaning oven, delay-start weighs only 20 Ibs , portable enough to "DELUXE we k th k hold' family-size Ate " pronram cooking wi cock and nold family size move anyanere. Quiet peed tan," D14Q MICROWAVE q no extra cost. MUC-2456Z Built-in MODELS for Modern Kitchens! $68 © Hardwick Deluxe Built-in Ovens $399.00 BONUS © Surface Cooking Units for your mee a counter top $149.00 i 27 ELECTRO AIR ELECTRONIC WITH DELUXE @ available in White, Avocado, Copper, Brushed OVEN Chrome or Gold Tone _'; AIR CLEANER | Model SS-10 $279 MOBILE CART @ Under-counter Dishwashers are also available Attached to your and 10-pe furnace, this re Del'd, -- OVENWARE SET Bi be sure of markabie unit clears the ai b: A throughout the entire house $ B 4 your spring Your family will breathe warm Features: za mas fresh air that's cleansed of eV ani ramia automatic (ood a fertilizer * AB ae ne particles of dust, dirt temperature control -P ' pollen; air that's cleaner, more Varhecchavencontra! q Nest ee Bless the master of the house health because bacteria, YaiecooW"oven control, 4 fang fertilizer buying = 4 with an easy-to-use vues spores even pethairs » Micro-Browner™ Steak Grill rush... avoid it! Buy Gas Barbecue Both rae coe © Easy-clean acrylic interior with sealed. your CO-OP* fertilizer CHARMGLOW PERFECT oa ie t! ted units give Pyroceram™ shelf now and have your HOST ee ayn cif comfortable relief to allergy © Variable Power Microwave Cookbook ab a che Model TNK Portable and hay-fever sulferers--a truly thoughtful gift * A viclbic:ealcapdclty when you need it. Propane Gas Barbecue installation can be arranged © Defrost cycle Instant-on, instant-off enables you to cook Also available save too. within minutes. for LITTON/MOFFAT 'STANDARD' winter, summer, all-year- Model MUC 2446-Z with many of the above Product taken in round enjoyment. Cooks features. Bonus 10-pc. Ovenware $599 FREE in all our showrooms--a special 16-page everything from roasts steaks, fish and poultry set included December guaranteed at $3.50 below spring HUMIDIFIER Wait-Skuttle Drumatic 90-S to vegetables and - ices. desserts Very easy to test 7 on Deu pnt this booklet. It's called Microwave Cooking and it \ f umidifier moisturizes the air in Palla. vou ailatioutit DuecanyalsOMorgen A ree your entire home, prevents static | alicia 2 ole ur bulk fertilizer at SELOIAE $1 99 electricity, protects furniture Ht = ------ reduces fuel costs by making ', 1 2 set price. Call us to- Many other Gas Barbecue jower temperatures more (ey) PUA SRECIALL 1976 MICROWAVE OVEN day. models are available for comfortable. | Hurry while they're still in stock. Quantity is hris i Christmas delivery limited. Litton/ Moffat Solid State We have and excellent choice $69 r. Delivered only Model MUC 2495G Reg. $699 Sl MCOE { Financing is available, with low easy payments © installation arrangements available Special $599 | on a monthly basis. Shop in comfort in our © 1-year manufacturer's warranty on parts Hardwick Microwave Oven Model pnowrop ms. or phone for personal Shop at © Finance up to 2 years on your gas bill EH 213-450 Reg. $469 Special $369 lome"' service a ~ | CO-OP SERVICES 259 Innisfil St. Barrie 726-6531 "A Pleasant Place to Deal" All Warranteed in our WINTER SALE BARRIE--165 FERRIS LANE--726-6558 MIDLAND 526-7301 Showroom open Friday night until 9 p.m. 'i (Gonsumers' <\as Wednesday, December 8, 1976, Page 29

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