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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 29 Dec 1976, p. 13

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Call Contact 926-9333 Hours 9 a.m. to5 p.m. Monday toFriday (Except Holidays) These are a few thoughts with which to start the New yj oe amid the noise and the haste, and mber what peace there may be in silence... As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are vexatious to the spirit... If you compare yourself with others, you may become bitter or vain, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time...Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals, and everywhere life is full of heroism...Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection. Neither be cynical 'about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass... Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness...Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gnetle with yourself. You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you havea right tobe here. And whether or not is it clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God, whatever you conceive Him to be...And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy. by Max Ehrmann Happy New Year from the Staff of Contact, Mary Gibson, Marion Reed and Barbara Emerson. OPP make senior appointments, five members promoted Commissioner H.H. Inspector S.A. Pierce is Graham today announced the following promotions in senior positions of the Ontario Provincial Police Force. promoted to the rank of Chief Inspector, effective December 15, 1976. This officer will remain in Seeurity Branch, Special _rank of Staff Superin- i Chief Superintendent Services Division. Z J.W. Lidstone, Field Why Soe MIDLAND eee Why not, Midland? Penny Carnival at YMCA It's that time of year when school is out for at least a week and the small fry are let loose to do with their time as they like. It's also the time of year for mothers to be especially inventive and innovative if they're to have a moment's respite from stream of traffic that is guaranteed to keep the carpets soggy with snow. The Midland Y.M.C.A. has come up with a perfect diversion that's sure to please mothers and tots alike. Try a Classified Ad! Chamber publishes attractive brochure "The best prestige Midland Chamber. of mental offices interested Binkley said. photography work Was Atkinson's familiarity piece for a town of any Commerce. in opening offices and The pictorial concept done by former Midland with the town was, size" is how Anne, ; companies in Midland and captions for the resident Ray Atkinson Binkley pointed out, a Binkley of Raesgo The twelve booklet has ang environs. brochure were the work who now livesin Thunder definite asset in the ; been in the es of out-going Chamber of Bay. Chamber members photography work. It Advertising in Barrie stages for over a year an Commerce general shows in-his sensitive describes an industrial was only recently made | Ail aspects Bie ine manager Ren Moffatt. had to choose from mare eatment of old and new pictorial brochure available to industries, Midland scene from than 200 pictures shot by fecredonaunlcnranicere commissioned by the businesses and govern- fee ee Aglaia The Chamber's last Atkinson over and above in Midland. anit eunyieds araietey promotional booklet, industrial photos supplied 'Why not Midland' and living facilities are published in 1968, was, by local industry indeed! oye beautifully portrayed in aes ae : pene Celebrities roast the more than 40 color Garruth YAN ear and black and white, '2trties that are. out AMF SNOW BLOWER photos that tell Midland's Sat = Ae at q ore The : : storymeunder: <thé stheme . Cone ay a h S De "Why not Midland?" book comes out." The old en e now iS ep | a Oya or "It's a> tich looki adage "a picture is worth ' Rachie. aor it re ae a thousand words"' would, The Ontario Federation portant to have a rich the Chamber's industrial committee decided, be George McCague. Tickets will be available on a first come, first served basis from the OFA central office at appearance if you're going to attract industry and people to a town," more effective. The of Agriculture will honour past OFA president Gordon Hill at a "Gordon Hill Appreciation Night" majority of the A Pictorial Presentation to be held at the Royal 387 Bloor St. East, aor : York on January 27. Toronto. Price for the 4 = gece -- Hill will be roasted by dinner and "celebrity" Bi NGO 7 SEE IT AT YOUR DEALER such notables as Darcy McKeough, Eugene Whelan, Everett Biggs and Dufferin East MPP roast is $10 per person. Further information can be obtained from Ron Jones. Farm & Home Fuel Service ELMVALE LEGION, EVERY THURSDAY ©20 Games LUDWIG MOTORS ELMVALE HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU NEED ? 2,500 to 100,000 Pay off all your debts in one have only one small monthly payment ILL LEND YOU MONEY TO .... @ Pay off a mortgage @ Combine 2 or more mortgages into 1} e@ Pay taxes and insurance e Consolidate overdue bills @ Improve property @ Pay off a loan company or bank @ Purchase car, boat or cottage © Or for any worthwile purpose CALL ME PERSONALLY DUANE PATFIELD 429-3615 Specials '50. jackpot going every night. Entry Fee *1.00 = Refreshments ELMVALE SIGNS Truck Lettering- Banners _ Metal and Wood Signs Fluorescent Plastic displays Animated Signs 3rd dimensional clean sweep and It's a Penny Carnival! On December 31, starting at 10 a.m., the Midland Y.M.C.A. on Hugel Avenue will hold a holiday penny carnival for children 5 to 12 years of age. Feed-Fertilizer-Ag-Chems "A Pleasant Place | nn to Deal" | Gooe\ FEEDS Ss There'll be a fish pond, ring toss, dart and bean bag throw and lots more to keep young, and young SIMCOE DISTRICT CO-OP at heart, entertained Further information on 259 Innisfil St. BARRIE Queen St GREAT NORTHERN CREDIT CORP obtained from the "Yat 726-6531 ELMVALE 322-3124 Box 143, Collingwood, Ontario. 526-7828. Division, is promoted to the rank of Assisstant Commissioner, in charge of Field Division, ef- fective December 1, 1976, to fill the vacancy created by the promotion of Deputy Commissioner K.W. Grice. Staff Superintendent V.C. Welsh is promoted to eMurenre 1 directory 2% THE CATHOLIC PARISH OF FLOS SCHEDULE OF MASSES MSGR Vincent Foy J.c.D. 22-1200 fe the rank of Chief Phelpston Sun. 9a.m. Superintendent and Elmvale eal 7.30 p.m. transferred from Central Sun. 10.00a.m. Records and Com- munications Branch to PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Field Division, effective IN CANADA December 15, 1976, to fill the vacancy created by the promotion of Assisstant Commissioner Minister: Rev. Sydney McDonald BA Phones: The Church 322-1411, The Manse, 322-2453 Elmvale Church: Christian Education, 10a.m. Christian Worship, 11a.m. Lidstone. Chief Inspector A.J. Wart is promoted to the tendent and to assume responsibility as _ the Director, Central Records and Com- munications Branch, UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA St. John's -- Elmvale Minister: Rev. B. Gazzard Worship: 11:00 a.m. (Nursery during Service) Phones: Church 322-1472, Manse 322-1522 Wyevale United Church: 11:30a.m. Waverley United Church: 10:00a.m. Rev. Allan J.McLaughlin, (e OF FAMOUS NAME STERLING SILVER vue 20 WALLACE Staff Services Division, Minister effective December 15, 1976, to replace Chief Soler fale ear Superintendent Welsh. Capt. and Mrs. Roy Figley xf The Salvation Army are meeting in the Youth Detective Inspector - D.J.A. Alsop is promoted Hall at the rear of 251 2nd St., Midland. to the rank of Chief 9:30 a.m, -- Sunday School for all ages Inspector and transferred 11:00.a.m. -- Sunday Morning Meeting from the Criminal 7 p.m. -- Sunday Evening 3 Investigation Branch, Tues. 7 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Fellowship Special Services Division, Wed. 2:00 p.m. -- Ladies Meetings. é , tical to the Central Records Appointments for spiritual help, practica WALLACE STE LING INTERNATIONAL STERLING and Communications assistance, marriages, dedications, funerals, Branch, Staff Services marriage counselling, suicide prevention, etc. ROSEPOINT; STRADIVARI GRAND PRELUDE, JOAN OF ARC PINE TREE APSODY ROYAL DANISH Division, effective telephone 526-2751 -- Captain and Mrs. R.C. GRAND COLONIAL SPANISH LACE] paROQUE LOUIS XV ENCHANTRESS ANGELIQUE | RH 1867 December 15, 1976, to Figley. Reg. Sale | Reg. Sale | Reg. Sale | Reg. Sale Reg. Sale | Reg. Sale Reg. Sale | Rey. Sale replace Chief Inspector Price Price | Price Price} Price Price | Price Price Price Price | Price Price Price Price | Price Price ae Ware SPOONS SPOONS ; THE Coffee spoon 12.00 9.60 13.00 10.40] 15.00 12.00 } 11.50 9.20 Teaspoon 22.00 17.60 | 22.00 17.60 26.50 21.20'| 28.50 22.80 Small Teaspoon 15.75 12.60 | 17.50 14.00] 19.00 15.20 | 15.25 12.20 Teaspoon small 20.00 16.00 | 20.22 ioe 24.00 a ae Ae r Regular Teaspoon 18.00 14.40 | 20.00 16.00 | 21.75 17.40 | 17.25 13.80 Coffee 15.00 12.00 | 15.00 2.00 16.00 a F i ----(Great Esca pe Cream soup spoon 26.50 21.20 | - - 31.50 25.20 | 25.50 20.40 Dessert or Cereal 32.00 25.60} 32.00 25.60 36.50 29.20 | 40.00 32.00 R.B. soup spoon 31.50 25.20 | - - 38.00 30.40 | 30.50 24.40 Cream Soup 32.00 25.60 | 32.00 25.60°| - - 40.00 32.00 TAKES YOU TO THE Dessert spoon 30.00 24.00 | 33.00 26.40) 37.00 29.60 | 28.75 23.00 FORKS Tuners We -- Raneresn 31.50 25.20] 36.00 28.80] 37.50 30.00 | 30.50 24.40 Dessert or Luncheon | 44.50 35.60 | 44.50 35.60 | 47.00 937.60 | 50.00 per Dinner 36.00 28.80 | 41.00 32.80 | 42.75 34.20 | 36.00 28.80 Dinner 48.00 38.40 | 48.00 38.40°| - 52.00 41.60 Salad 25.50 20.40] 27.00 21.60} 31.50 25.20 | 25.50 20.40 Salad or Pastry 32.00 25.60 | 32.00 25.60 36.50 29.20 37.50 30.00 "As If Summer Never Ended" Oyster 20.00 16.00 | 21.50 17.20] 23.00 18.40 | 20.00 16.00 Seafood 22.50 18.00 | 22.60 18.00 | 23.00 18.40] 24.00 19.20 Hollow handle fish 30.00 24.00} 32.50 26.00 | 33.75 27.00 | 26.75 21.40 TWO SHOWS: JAN. 16th Faiues Pwivis | fe H.H. Luncheon 24.75 19.80 | 27.50 22.00] 30.00 24.00 | 23.25 18.60 Dessert or Luncheon | 20.00 16.00 | 20.00 16.00 21.00 16.80 | 24.00 19.20 3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. H.H. Dinner 29.00 23.20 | 31.50 25.20 | 33.75 27.00 | 28.00 22.40 Dinner 22.00 17.60 | 22.00 17.60*| - - 27.00 21.60 F.H. Butter spreader 21.00 16.80 | - - 23.00 18.40 | - - H.H. Butter Spreader| 18.50 14.80 | 18.50 14.80. 19.50 15.60 | 20.00 16.00 TICKETS WITH CHARTER ONLY H.H. Butter spreader | 22.00 17.60 | 23.00 18.40 | 24.50 19.60 | 21.50 17.20 F.H. Butter Spreader | 29.50 23.60 | 29.50 23.60°| - = : Hollow handle fish 30.00 24.00 | 32.50 26.00 | 33.75 27.00 | 26.75 21.41 Hollow ground steak | 30.00 24.00 | 32.50 26.00 | 33.75 27.00 | 23.25 18.60 *NOT AVAILABLE IN ANGELIQUE PATTERN Get the Beachboys' Tickets available at: Wing Jazz--Orillia Music World--Barrie "FIFTEEN BIGONES" At he MUSIC COMPANY Huronia Mall--Midland 526-9614 i Music Company--Midland Serving pieces In above patterns available at the same big Serving Pieces in the above patterns available at the same big savings. Allow extra time for special orders savings. Allow extra time for special orders. P.D. Murphy Jewellers YA NAME YOU CAN TRUST" 251 KING STREET, MIDLAND WHY WAIT USE YOUR CREDIT Wednesday, December 29, 1976, Page 13 i LAAASAPAANAANAANAAAAARAMAAAAALAAAAAAA JADASALAAAAKA VSSANAD SAA B88 429 Ome at.) = Pewwve © Ff SESE

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