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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 10 Aug 1977, p. 13

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Ee Or er dag alte LL SS iD 2 EN Go a a nn Ae ae a oe ae Flyers change to Jr.C.S status, say lack of ice time crucial in decision The Midland Flyers Jr. B hockey team is a thing of the past. Flyers' executives met with Ontario Hockey Association officials Monday night to officially change the Midland hockey team's status from Jr. B. to Jr. C for at least a year. ; Last season the Flyers were winless in their first 14 games, primarily due to lack of ice time for practices. The team also lost $9,000. The two factors gave the Flyer brass "no choice" but to make the move, two years after they applied for a Jr. A franchise. The Jr. B season starts October 1. Jr. C. gets un- derway the third week of October. "Tf ice time was available in a month we'd go Jr. B,"' said Flyer owner Ron Sauve. The lack of a Midland arena and the uncertain opening date of Penetanguishene's rink means the team would be in the same predicament this winter as last if it continued in Jr. B -- starting the regular season with only one practice under their belt. Sauve feels the demotion to Jr. C will make the Flyers "really competitive", thus drawing more fans. "People are just not coming out and the costs are just getting enormous,"' he said. "But I think there's a good chance of us having a first place Jr. C team."' The change will likely be only for one season, until the Midland arena is complete and the Flyers gain respectability. Sauve even hints at again trying for a Jr. A franchise after next season. The question arises whether last year's Flyers will accept the change and come out to play the weaker opposition. "I don't know,"' reflects Sauve. "They're not degrading themselves playing Jr. C. It's a pretty good league.'"' > Travelling will also be cut down. Rather than busing to Owen Sound or Thornhill, Flyers will be playing in towns such as Collingwood, Huntsville, Bracebridge and Alliston. The change will almost certainly result in Flyers losing their top player from last year. Rene Peltier lives in Huntsville and if he's not playing in Jr. B. Peltier would likely dress for his home team. Another Flyer, Paul Robillard, was drafted by Hamilton in the Jr. A draft. Robillard was the only Flyer selected. Wednesday, August 10, 1977 Sitizen sports beat Howard's one over par 71 tops of 160 entered in 30,000 Islands Golf Tourney by Alex Lapere Midland's Russ Howard added another victory to his list of golf ac- complishments with a first place finish in the 30,000 Islands Golf Tournament. Howard shot a one over par 71, one stroke ahead of Chester Graham, two ahead of Dale Stringer and three strokes ahead of Glen Placidn. Paul Jackson and Neil Smith were tied at 75. North Simcoe's most prestigious golf tour- nament was played at the Midland Golf and Country Club Saturday A field of 160 teed off under instruction of Gordon MacLean with the first off at approximately 7:15 a.m. and the final putt dropped at 6:00 p.m. Golfers came from as far away as Chatham in the west and Kingston in the east. The tournament started under very. threatening weather conditions after the heavy rains of the previous night. But with a steady improvement play was completed without weather being a factor. Gerry Barbour of Midland paced the field as low net winner at 64 and a comfortable four stroke edge over Rudy Stocking from Barrie. Midland's Dennis Abbott won the long driving contest on the tenth hole with Leighton Smith, also of Midland, winning the lucky draw at the number 11 hole. Top scorers in order of flights were: First Flight - Gross Handicap 0-9 Russ Howard, Midland - 71; Chester Graham, Midland 72; Dale Stringer, Midland - 73; Glen Placid, Blue Mountain 74; Paul Jackson, Midland - 75; Neil Smith, Aurora - 75. First Flight - Net Ron Mark, New Dundee - 69; Jim LeQuyer, Lake St. George - 69; Brian French, Mid!and 69; Murray Halford, Midland - 69. Second Flight Gross Handicap 10-14 Ken Muir, Thornhill - 79; Wilf Smith, Couchiching - 80; Jim Warner, Midland - 81; Jim Hill, Midland - 81; Tom Garner, Midland - 82. Third Flight Gross Handicap 15-20 Gary Preston, Midland - 84; Richard Bruneau, Midland 84; Ross McClymont, Horseshoe Valley - 86; Paul Jensen, Midland - 86; Ron Kearsley, Midland - 87. Third Flight Net Rudy Stocking, Allandale 64; John Gignac, Midland 68; Dave MacDonald, Muskoka Sands 69; Hugh Robertson, Brooklea - 70; Vince Moreau, Midland - 70. Take home $200 When Doug Atkinson's boat isn't being utilized for kite flying, it often goes to work pulling water skiers in Midland Bay. Doug cuts a You should see what | can do on two skis sharp right hand turn, sending up an enveloping wall of spray from the heel of his slalom ski. Staff photo by Chris Knowles Lercar boys win arena tourney Lerear Construction "Lercar won $200 for SO 00 close Jim Beardsall misses sinking a putt on the last hole of the 30,000 Island Golf Tournament held at the Midland Golf and Country Club Saturday. Jim shot an 82, not good enough to be among the leaders but satisfying none the less. Staff photo Garrisons walked away with top prize at the weekend's fastball tournament held at McGuire Park, but more importantly $1,049 was raised towards repairs to the Penetanguishene arena. In fact the whole weekend was so suc- cessful organizer Mare Dahmer said the event will become an annual teurnament, taking place on the long weekend in July. their efforts. They defeated Caswell's 7-3 after two extra innings in the final. Keith Bath, Rick Anderson and Alvin Robillard blasted home runs for the Garrisons. Caswell's second place finish was good for $100. Brule Hotel and Olympia Sports each earned $50. Extra innings were also needed in the first game of the tournament in which Caswell's downed Coldwater 5-2. Caswell's scored three runs in the seventh. Lerear Construction Garrisons reached the final by defeating Olympia 5-0, Duntroon 9-0 in the most lopsided game of the weekend and Caswell's 1-0. Caswell's won their first game, then proceeded to shut out the Brule Hotel 2-0 before being shut out themselves by Garrisons. They met the Brule Hotel gang again, beating them 4-1 In other action, Olympia Sports downed Duntroon 6-1 and the Midlanders out of medals in Legion track Despite two personal best performances by mem- bers of the Georgian Bay Roadrunners track team, the Midland club failed to win any medals at the Legion Provincial Finals in Timmins on Saturday. Cheryl Desroches placed fourth in the bantam girls' shot put with a throw of 24.33 metres, almost four metres better than her best previous throw. Marc McInerney recorded a time of 17.4 seconds in the 100 metre hurdles, also his best time yet but not good enough for his placing to be noted. Georgian Bay Roadrunners is the new name for the Midland Track and Field Club. Todd Clarke teamed up with three other members of the District E area, of which Midland is a part, to place second in the relay. Ernie Desroches placed fifth in the midget boys' 3,000 metre race. New track facilities could cost $100,000 Construction of a home for the Georgian Bay Roadrunners will cost between $75,000 and $100,000 says Bill McInerney, president of the Midland track and field club. The figure is contrary to a report printed in the Free Press which said new facilities would cost ap- proximately $20,000. The cost of installing a track at Sacred Heart School and various other facilities could be substantially reduced if donations continue coming in. At a meeting last week the club announced that an unknown number of trucks have been committed for the job, concrete curbing will be donated, Bob Merkley will survey the area free of charge and Bill Lediard of Penetang Sand and Gravel will provide fill. Ernie Desroches and Greg McInerney were each presented with two tickets to.a Blue Jay game for their winning entry in the name contest. Both entered 'Georgian Bay Roadrunners' which will replace the old title - 'Midland Track and Field Club'. Club president McInerney approached Midland Town Council for funds Monday night and talked to School Board officials Tuesday to get permission for the renovations. eB vices may finish econd in lacrosse Midland Minit Market Novices played one of the most exciting games of the season, tying Barrie 4- 4 in lacrosse playoff action last Wednesday. The tie gives Midland three wins, one loss and a tie with one game remaining in the finals. Coach Dave Robertson Says he expects his team to finish in second place because "'Nobody is going to beat Gravenhurst." The Gravenhurst team is currently undefeated on top of the standings. Jay Dolan and Jamie Finlay scored two goals each for Midland. Gary Cooper scored all of Barrie's goals. Use left hand to pull back racket for good backhand The definition of a backhand shot is simply the reverse of the forehand shot. It is a shot hit on the left side of the body by a right handed player and on the right side of the body by a left handed player. To obtain the correct backhand grip, grasp the racket handle with the eastern forehand grip, rotate your hand one quarter of a turn counter clockwise and you have the eastern backhand grip. Hold your racket with the backhand grip and support it at the throat with your left hand. Take the ready position behind the baseline (back line). Face the net, feet shoulder width apart, body weight on the balls of your feet, racket pointed toward the net and you are ready to move in any direction. The backhand has an advantage over the forehand in that the left hand may assist in pulling the racket back in the proper backswing. Pivot on the balls of your feet and with your racket hip high pull it back as and turn the shoulder so that your right shoulder points to the net. The racket butt should also point to the net. The racket head is perpendicular to the gound. To hit the ball, step toward the net with your right foot, lean toward the net as you concentrate on making the racket contact the ball in front of your right foot. The arm is straight and the wrist is locked. The swing is executed through the shoulder and upper body. The most common error by the novice player is hitting from the elbow. Here are the main points to remember when hitting ground-strokes (balls hit after they bounce): Watch the ball from the time it leaves your opponent's racket. This will improve your anticipation and help you in making early preparations in backswing and footwork. Keep your wrist firm throughout the swing, especially at the moment of contact with the ball. You may relax your grip slightly on the backswing but really squeeze your racket handle as you hit the ball. Remember to use the support of your left hand on the racket throat between shots. Practise a free flowing swing. When hitting a ball with a full backswing and a complete follow-through you have executed a backhand drive. Commodore Hotel 8-4 before being shut out by Brule 1-0 in a con- troversial match. Olympia had a man on first with none out. The batter hit a pop fly and on his way to first interfered with the first baseman, knocking him over. Following the rules, the umpire called both runners out. The Olympia team went haywire, the game was called by the umpire and the Brule team had a 1-0 victory. The Brule team also won two games from the Expos -- 6-5 and 7-4. Duntroon downed the Commodore Hotel 9-5. Whew - that was close Kevin Timmons of the Garrisons slides under one Duntroon player to reach second base before the ball. Timmons Poor starts cost Toole first place Things are getting desperate for Tim Toole. The Midland outboard racer placed third in one heat and fourth in the second for fourth place overall in races at Port Perry on Sunday. Toole's rival in the Mod 50 points standings, Dwayne White, won the event and the 400 points that go with it to boost his lead over Toole to 631 points. Toole earned 169 points for his finish. OMC (Outboard Marine Corporation) are getting too fast," shrugged Toole. "They're doing their homework." The Mercury driver and his' mechanics worked all day trying to find a winning com- bination, but to no avail. However Toole blamed the loss on his poor starts was safe at second as the Duntroon player missed the grab. Staff photo by Chris Knowles machinery. "T had two poor starts. There was only two seconds between the fastest and slowest boats so the starts were im- portant." Unlike the debacle in Fenelon Falls July 31, the water was calm and no flips occurred. "There's still a slim chance of catching Dwayne," said Toole with two races left including the double points National. Does he plan on abandoning Mercury for OMC at the end of the season? "No, not really. Mercury will come out with something better Golds for Midland track athletes Vanessa Bourgeois and the boys' relay team won gold medals for Midland in the Speck Memorial Games in Mississauga on Sunday. A team of 23 athletes chosen from the best performances in the inter-playground meet at Midland Secondary School last month, was sent to the meet by the Georgian Bay Roadrunners. Only * athletes 11 years of age or younger were allowed to compete. Bourgeois won her gold medal in the Mite division long jump. The relay team, consisting of Scott to lose."' Toole doesn't like to lose either, but he feels he has little chance of winning his next race -- the world championships in St. Louis Saturday. "'I don't plan on winning." John Southwell from Toronto won the SE class Bradley, David Birkett, James Black and Robbie. Bianco, also ran in the Mite division. Black added a fifth place finish in the 400 metre. Stephen McInerney won a bronze medal in the Tyke high jump and Corinne Bourgeois placed sixth in the same event. Drew Varley won a silver medal in the Atom discus and a bronze in the javelin. Chris Lemieux placed fourth in the high jump and sixth in the long jump. The Atom boys' relay team placed fifth, the Atom girls' squad finished sixth. race in Port Perry. Whitby's Peter Stelter was first in the FE race, Tom Woods from Peterborough won the Mod U event, New York's John Sherlock won the SJ race and Sandy Harrison from Kingston placed first in the FJ event. Midlander to train Maple Leafs Midlana resident Guy Kinnear has been named head trainer of the Toronto Maple Leafs hockey club. Kinnear succeeds Joe Sgro and is the fourth trainer in the history of the club. Backhand rather than on the next year. They don't like Bantams win but out of playoffs Midland Bantams finished their season on a winning note in lacrosse action last Wednesday. However their 7-5 win over Alliston gave them a one win, two losses and one tie record in the round robin, and meant elimination from further playoff rounds. Paul Hahn was the only two goal shooter for Midland. Scoring singles were: Harvie Windover, Gord Graham, Todd Jackson, Scott Jackson and Keith Sager. Baseball heartbreakers Three Midland baseball teams lost heartbreakers in Ontario Baseball Association playoffs on the weekend. The Legion Peewees scored two runs in the seventh inning to tie their game with Newmarket 4-4. An extra inning provided no scoring but in the ninth Newmarket scored two runs. Midland wasn't able to reply. Thornhill met Newmarket in the final and defeated them 9-5. Scoring RBI's for Midland were: Wilson Cowan with two, Gary Wencker and John Johnson. Bolton Tykes scored four runs in overtime innings to down Midland Tykes 9-5. Midland defeated Elmgrove 18-12 to advance to the final with Bolton. Midland Midgets won their first game 9-5 over Collingwood on Saturday but couldn't overcome the Stayner attack on Sunday, losing 7-5. Wednesday, August 10, 1977, Page 13

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