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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 5 May 1978, p. 2

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There have been a lot of hold-ups over the winter months, but predictions are that the Old Fort Road bridge will open Construction on time in June. On Tuesday the con- struction site was a flurry of activity as workmen put the beams in place using an enormous crame. Staff photo Search on for kidnapper The assistance of police forces and _ federal agencies throughout Canada and The U.S. has been enlisted in the searh for Frederick Schott, 34, the man wanted in con- nection with a suspected kidnapping that ended Tuesday afternoon in Coldwater. A warrant has been released by Orillia OPP for Schott's arrest on counts of forceable con- finement and rape. It is beleived that Schott is the man who last Friday abducted Kathryn Stuart, 28, from outside a Portland, Maine medical centre. Ms. Stuart escaped her captor at about 1:30 Tuesday afternoon, after the abductor left his yellow Volkswagen van to enter a Coldwater liquor store. During her cap- tivity she had been held at gunpoint, wrapped in chains, and _ sexually assaulted. Ms Stuart returned to the U.S. Wednesday, and was questionned by FBI agents in Boston. Shortly after Ms. Stuart's escape, a massive manhunt for her abductor began. A police helicopter from Toronto flew to the Orillia area Wednesday, but left late in the afternoon after failing to uncover any sign of Schott or his vehicle. As of late Thursday afternoon, police were still no fur- ther ahead in their search. Meanwhile, details of the cumtances surrounding Ms. Stuart's alleged abduction have been revealed. Her ordeal began last Friday as she was leaving her day shift job at the Portland medical centre. A man, believed to be Schott, forced her at gunpoint to enter a yellow van, and the pair sped off. A sawed off shotgun was found in Ms. Stuart's parked Mazda automobile. FBI agent Richard Bates said from Boston Wednesday that a trace on the gun showed it was purchased April 28, the day of the alleged abduction. Bates said police were unsure whether Ms. Stuart had been abducted from her vehicle, although, he saild, one report stated that she had been taken at gunpoint and the shotgun had been thrown in her ear before the abductor and his captive fled. Bates also confirmed an earlier report that Schott had 'some type of relationship allegedly in the past" with Ms, Stuart. He also confirmed a more cir- w report that schott had a history of psychological disorders. The FBI agent also stated that Portland police were not aware of Ms. Stuart's absence until contacted Tuesday by Orillia OPP. After fleeing Portland, Schott and his captive apparently stayed in hotels in the Niagara Falls and Hamilton areas. One report stated that Schott had suc- cessfully crossed into Canada from the U.S. by. hiding Ms. Stuart under a seat in the van. Ms. Stuart is reported to have told police that while in captivity, she had been chained to the van. It was apparently a failure on the abductor's part to scure the padlock attaching the chains around Ms. Stuart's legs to the van that allowed the woman to escape when he left the vehicle at the Coldwater liquor store to purchase a bottle of whisky. Her ordeal ended when, carrying the chains in which she had been found for three and a half days Ms. Stuart flagged down Coldwater resident Mrs. John Cropper, who took the woman to the Coldwater municipal offices to await the arrival of police. IT' FUR STORAGE TIME We have our own cold storage facilities right on the premises so there's no waiting when you want your fur for that special occasion. We also do repairs and alterations. DWARDs SPECIALTY SHOP 926-2271 age 2, Friday, May 5, 1978 Council grants extension on G.A.L subdivision Midland town council has given G.A.L. Investments, a company which owns land south and east of Lakeview Cemetery on King Street, an extension of their subdivision plan in order to give them a chance to purchase land in the area Local parks not affected by alcohol ban The temporary alcohol ban which was imposed in 10 Southern Ontario provincial parks won't affect the parks close to Midland and Penetanguishene. A spokesman for the Ministry of Natural Resources in Coldwater confirmed the fact that Six Mile Lake will not be affected. Tom _ Scott Superintendent of Awenda Park, which is scheduled to open this summer, said he un- derstands Awenda won't be affected either. On Wednesday, Minister of Natural Resources Frank Miller announced the temporary ban which will be lifted June 19. It is designed to help control some of the rowdyism that occurs on Poets to gather in Collingwood Poets and poetry lovers from across Canada will gather at Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood for the third annual Canadian Festival of poetry June 2 ; h 3. year 20 of Canada's most acclaimed poets including Margaret Atwood, Bill Bissett, The Horsemen, Al Purdy, Jay Macpherson and F.R. Scott will participate in workshops, discussion groups and_ public readings. Expenses for par- ticipants in the festival need not exceed $70 which includes registration, six meals, two nights lodging in a chalet and a choice of six activities and four major readings by the featured poets. For further information contact Blue Mountain 705-445-3430 or festival co- ordinator Barbara Weider, 869-3799. from the Simcoe County Board of Education. Council passed the motion at a_ special meeting on Wednesday the Victoria weekend. The ban applies to only one park in Huronia District of the Ministry of Natural Resources. In Alliston Earle Rowe Provincial Park will be affected. Across Southern Ontario, Arrowhead, Balsam Lake, Bon Echo, Fitzroy, Kilbear, Outlet Beach, Presqu'ile, Sib- bald Point and Turkey Point, will have tem- porary bans imposed. At Algonquin, alcohol will be permitted in the interior only. < Under the _ alcohol regulations, park officers have the power to remove violators and cancel their permits. They will not be permitted back into the park for 72 hours without the permission of the superintendent. In the parks which aren't affected by the temporary ban, open containers of alcohol will be permitted only on the camper's campsite. Most of the parks in southern Ontario open on May 12. Day PARADE OF HARMONY HURONIA HARMONIZERS ANNUAL SPRING SHOW SATURDAY, MAY 13TH, 1978 at 8 p.m. Penetanguishene Secondary School, Penetanguishene Adults® 3.90 Seniors and Students $2.50 Tickets available from:any barbershopper or in Elmvale:Huronia Travel Service Penetanguishene: Bryants Jewellers Midland: Johnstones Music Land, T and G Remnant Shop, Lamers Paint and Wallpaper. night with members of the Planning Board and G.A.L. Investments present. A motion requiring the 'draft plan was also passed by council. The purpose of Wed- nesday's meeting was for council to consider purchasing the schol board property and transferring it to _G.A.L. Investments. The school board has put the land G.A.L. want to purchase up for sale. School boards have the first opportunity to buy it. If there are no school boards which want the land, the municipality has second choice. Fourth choice goes to anyone interested in purchasing it by public teder. G.A.L. needs the land to provide an adequate street pattern to connect Dudley Avenue, a proposed road allowance in the G.A.L. subdivision, east to Manly Street. The town has stipulated that this must be done. Commenting to the Planning Board before the council meeting Alderman Platt said "I think the concern of G.A.L. is that they might be out bid on the property when they tender for it." G.A.L. purchased the land on King Street five . years ago. Since that time have had difficulty get- ting their draft plan of subdivision approved. One of the main concerns has been the fact that the property is in the Little Lake watershed area and proper storm water treatment is required. One of the other problems is access in and out of the subdivision, which purchasing the school board property would solve. At Thursday's meeting, Wilfred Trivett, the solicitor for G.A.L., told council "'Mr. Ferlito (one of the investors) has been entirely co-operative and done his very best." "We are dealing with an impossibility. It could have disastrous results for Mr. Ferlito,'"' he said. Mr. Trivett told council, they are being unfair to his clilent and alluded to other subdivisions which don't have all the requirements, council is asking G.A.L. for. A UNG LOVE SPOR: For everyone who believes in happy endings MARILYN HASSETT ., TIMOTHY BOTTOMS "i The continuing true story of Jill Kinmont, a woman with enough courage for ten lifetimes...and a man with enough love to carry them both. 'THE OTHER SIDE OF THE MOUNTAIN' PART ADULT CANADIAN ODEON Theatres King St., Midland Nitely 7&9 526-5791 - INMAENT . With little discussion council agreed not to purchase the school board property to bail the developers out of their situation. , "My position is that we should have a hands off attitude. We shouldn't get involved in these sorts of transactions. It's not our business," said Alderman Richard Platt. "If you study your mistakes you can only make more mistakes," said Alderman Malcolm. "It's a ridiculous plan." He told the represen- tatives of ~G.A.L. Investments that in another Midland sub- division the single access in and out has created numerous problems. In order to give G.A.L. Investments enough time to tender for the school board property when ji, becomes availabl council had to extend their draft plan of sub- division past the June 6, 1978 deadline. Canter Call sts equestrian centre ~ ~ - Lessons JOHN ang CHERYL equitation LACKIE hunter RR 1 PERKINSFIELD peulsi a ressage 549-2749 = Boarding 322-1674 - Outdoor rings & STABLE 3 MILES NORTH hunter courses OF PERKINSFIELD ON - Resident CON Ceol Ces Instructor --ee Opening In yO - Arena 70' x 130' "What we have here is a total lack of respect for the law!" DRIVE-IN Sally Field Jerry Reed..Jackie Gleason 2nd Feature OF BRAI GESTR."eeucuxs'| open 7:30 MIDLAND EVERGREEN SIDE RD. 526-2411 WARNING: oom janguage may be offensive --Theaties Br Gates THEATRE Midland and District Community Calendar Saturday, May6 --The German Club is holding its Annual May Dance at Hunters and Anglers Lodge. We will serve Wiener Schnitzel. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Music by "Oberkrainer". Dinner served from 7 p.m. Saturday, May 6 --Camp Kitchikewana Dance at Elmvale Community Hall. Music by the Jet Stars (Art Beausoleil). Lunch, pop available. Proceeds to help send H.C.E.S. Grade 4 students to Camp Kitchikewana. Tickets are available at the Public School or at the door. Saturday, May6 --Annual "Symphony of Salads" will be held in St. Mark's Parish Hall, from 11:30 a.m. to2 p.m. Saturday, May 6 --The Wyebridge Warriors (ball team) will hold a garage sale at Home Hardware parking lot, Yonge Street, Midland, starting at 10:00 a.m. Anyone wishing to donate articles, call 526-7989 or 526-8390 for pickup. Monday, May 8 --The HDH Auxiliary "Spring Fashion Show" and dessert bridge will be held at St. Paul's United Church, 1:00 p.m. For tickets, please call Mrs. Barbara Thompson (526-7175), conve.ner Mrs. Tom Mc- Cullough or president Mrs. Tom Luke. Bridge players are reminded to bring their own cards. Wednesday, May 10 --PSS presents the Annual Spring Concert featuring Junior and Senior bands, dance orchestra at 8 p.m. in the School Gym. Tickets available at the door. Friday, May 12 --Ladies Auxiliary for the Mentally Retarded will hold a Rummage Sale 12:30 to 3 p.m. at the IOOF Hall, Midland. For pick-up of good saleable items phone 549- 8452 or 526-7239. Everyone welcome: Saturday, May 13 --The Civinettes will be holding a Flea Market at the Parkside Inn. Anyone wishing to donate call 526-6019, Saturday, May 13 --Monster Garage Sale--10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Midland Civic Centre, sponsored by the Midland Jaycees. Call Contact centre at 526-9333 regarding pick-up of donations. Saturday, May 13 --U.C.W. of St. Paul's United Church, King Street, Midland, will be having a Rummage Sale. Doors open at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 13 -- Huronia Barbershop Chorus Spring Show - 'Forty Years of Harmony" will be held at Penetanguishene Secondary School at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, May 14 --The Third annual Flea Market, sponsored by Historical Automobile Society of Canada, Huronia region. Held at the Penetanguishene Curling Club, from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. For information contact Gord Maybee, 325-3011 or John Magill 526-4921. J . Monday, May 15 --The Midland District Shrine Club is holding their Annual Shrine Circus at the Midland Centennial Arena, King Street, with two performances, one at 4:30 p.m. and the second one at 8:15 ve ay --All Saints Anglican Church, Penetanguishene, ACW Annual Spring Dinner, May 17. Two servings, 5:15 p.m. and 6 p.m. Tickets: call 549-7295 or 549-8856. May 18-20 and May 25-27 --Huronia Players present "Once Upon a Mattress", a musical, directed by Lynn Gorell, at Sacred Heart School, William and Elizabeth Streets, at 8 p.m. Lynn Gorell directed last season's play, "Paint Your Wagon"'. Wednesday, May 17 --The final meeting of the Midland District Camera Club for the season 77 / 78 will be held on May 17. The evening will feature a Pot Luck supper starting at 6:30 followed by a slide presentation by Rodger Chittenden of Toronto. f Wednesday, May 17 --Annual Spring Buffet Dinner, featuring a roast beef dinner, will be held in All Saints Anglican Church, Penetanguishene, corner of Peel and Robert Streets. There will be two sittings, 5:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Tickets are available now from Mrs. Wice, 549-7295, Miss Porter 549-8856. Friday, May 19 --Salad Plate Supper in the Odd Fellows Hall, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Bake Sale, Talent Table. Monday, May 22 --The Barrie Civitan Club Inc. Annual Fireworks Display, Centennial Park, Barrie, Ontario, Monday, May 22. From dusk (app: 9:30) until 10:30 p.m. Admission: Only $3. per family. All proceeds from this event over and above expenses, are to go in aid of charities within Simcoe County. Friday, May 24 --The Midland-Penetanguishene Big Brothers Association will hold its annual meeting May 24 at the Athenian Hall, Midland. Drinks will be served at 6 p.m. with the meeting getting underway at 7 p.m. Judge John Gammell, who has been active in the area and is currently serving as a Family Court judge in Owen Sound, will be the guest speaker. Tickets are $5. each. Saturday, May 27 --A Centennial Homecoming will be held for all former students of Midland High School, M.P.D.H.S., and M.S.S. The afternoon reception will be at 2 p.m. in the M.S.S. cafetorium; the dance at 9 p.m. at the Country Mill. For information, call 526-2274. May 27 --ACW Rummage Sale May 27, 12:30 p.m. at All Saints Anglican Church, Peel Street, Penetanguishene. hlici --Organizers are invited to their up ing events free of charge in the Times Community Calendar. Please call the Community Calendar editor at 526-2283 or drop your message into the Midland Times office, 525 Bay Street. .237 Second Street MIDLAND ATHENIAN BAN 526-9814 or 534-7816. 526-5231 01 526-2721 Complete Catering pa aN @ BANQUETS @ CLUB SERVICE @ BIRTHDAY PARTIES * @ ANNIVERSARIES @ WEDDINGS @ MEETINGS T HALL DISC JOCKEYS ary . merv buchanan Box 471, Midland, Ontario (705) 526-5013 You'll soon need - &, . «+10 BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME @ Call the experts at Perrin's Flower Shop 321 King St., Midland 526-7844 PROFESSIONAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES REASONABLE REALTOR 303 MIDLAND AVENUE MIDLAND ARE OUR BUSINESS! sound THE GRAND OLE OPRY SHOW IN (OSHAWA) CANADA Star Studded Castincludes Archie C Stonewall Jackson e@ Minnie Pearl Roy Drusky ,e Ronnie Robbins Sat, April 29 / 78 - Two performances 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Departs: Simcoe Cty. - approx. 11:00 a.m and 5p.m. For Tickets and informationcall: eae TOURS 526-5438 835-3011 428-3136 hall ip Baie, Collingwood, Midland and Orillia. @ vusethis ad for a 10 per cent discount Yamaha YZ12 handle anything you dre: up. New chrome-m This mid-size dirt bike will Steel frame and more. MIDLAND CYCLE 620 Bay St. 526-7751 am oly When you know how they re built

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