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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 11 Jun 1980, p. 28

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er sc. sa = = ye ge is Rae a 2 iP a eee mas TUESDAY oom JUNE 17, 1980 mums EVENING os 7° BE DIRE BENT s0BoeQaooaoo NEWS ORAL ROBERTS "Keep Holding On" TORONTO NEWSHOUR © @ GLOBAL NEWS @©@ CAROL BURNETT AND FRIENDS @ POLKA DOT DOOR CE SOIR WELCOME BACK, KOTTER 6:10 @ CE SOIR EN ONTAR- 10 é 6:30 (2) NBC NEWS @ CBS NEWS @ ABC NEWS © WORLD BEAT NEWS @ BEST OF JACKIE GLEASON @ KIDSWORLD CE SOIR MARY @ CANDID CAMERA LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE Three desperate convicts break into the School for the Blind and take Mary and Laura hostage. (R) @ P.M. MAGAZINE @ HAPPY DAYS AGAIN i 6 FAMILY FEUD TIC TAC DOUGH © CHIPS @ STREET TALK _ ® PEOPLE AND PETS @ LE MONDE MER- VEILLEUX DE DISNEY "Gus" Les hommes de Charlie continuent leurs manoeuvres visant a empecher Gus et son maitre de participer au Super Bowl. (Derniere de 2) TYLER 7:30@ ® @ STARS ON ICE @) THE MUPPETS @ MATCH GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT Chery! Wilson and Steve Cooney visit a body building and weight lifting fitness center for men and women in Ston- ey Creek; gymnast Elfie Schlegel is profiled; and Mel Lastman demon- strates keeping by swim- ming: © @ BOB NEWHART JOKER'S WILD @ LIVELY COUNTRY @ MAGIC SHADOWS kkk "Things To Come" (Part Il) (1936) Raymond Massey, Ralph Richardson. THE ODD COUPLE 8:00 @ MOVIE xx*x% "She Waits" (1971) Dor- othy McGuire, Patty Duke. @ @ THE MISADVEN- TURES OF SHERIFF LOBO © ® REACHING OUT A shy, emotionally disturbed girl learns about understanding and caring when she meets a paraplegic boy confined to a wheelchair. (R) @ THE WHITE SHAD- WwW re) Go WHAT WILL THEY THINK OF NEXTI @ HAPPY DAYS © MOVIE *** "Han- nie Caulder" (1971) Raquel Welch, Robert Culp. @ UNDERSTANDING BEHAVIOR IN ORGAN- IZATIONS CAPITAINE ET ROIS LAWRENCE WELK 8:30 @ LAVERNE & SHIRLEY @ WATSON AND REyY- NOLDS Two female per- formers offer a program of musical harmony: 9:00(@) NBC MOVIE **'% "Little Women" (Part 2) (1978) Greer Garson, Meredith Baxter Birney. @ A QUESTION OF COUNTRY Il The reasons behind the "'No"' votes cast in the Quebec Referendum and the complications which may negative responses are examined. @ MOVIE xx 'The President's Mistress" (1978) Beau Bridges, LE TELEJOURNAL DAVE ALLEN 10:45@) TELEJOURNAL ONTARIEN 11:00 @ ® © CTV NATION- Karen Grassle. ~ AL NEWS © @ PETULA CLARK: @ @ NEws THIS IS YOUR SONG © ® CBC NATION- THREE'S COMPANY AL NEWS @ SCIENCE AND ENGI- © @ GLOBAL NEWS NEERING FAIR Tom Cherington hosts the 20th annual district Sci- ence and Engineering Fair, including interviews with different exhibitors. @ WATSON AND REyY- NOLDS Two female per- formers offer a program of musical harmony. (R) NEWLYWED GAME 11:10 NOUVELLES DU @® VISTA SPORT TEL QUEL 11:20 © © NEws 93008 © @ JOHNNY CASH: THE FIRST 2 YEARS A @ TAXI AINSI VA LA VIE 11:27 NEWS 11:30 @) TONIGHT BARNABY JONES And Costello Meet The Mummy" (1955) Marie Windsor, Michael AnSara. 11:50 @ SOAP 12:00 MIKE DOUGLAS MOVIE xxx "Say Hello To Yesterday' (1971) Jean Simmons, Leonard Whiting. 6 | MERV GRIFFIN @ KOJAK NEWS CAPSULE 12:15 @ MOVIE **% "Skin Game" (1971) James Garner, Lou Gossett. 12:20 @ CINEMA "En Route vers Rio" (1947) Bing Crosby, Bob Hope. 12:25 @ ABC MOVIE x*% "No Margin For Error' (1978) Glenn Ford, 10:00 @ FROM THIS @ @ SPORTS PROBE James Farentino. MOMENT ON... COLE Host: Mike Anscombe. 12:40 MARY HARTMAN, PORTER Guest: Earl Weaver. MARY HARTMAN BARBARA (Part 1) 1:00 @) TOMORROW WALTERS SPECIAL @ ABC NEWS (apie sus WELBY, 1 @ PARTY GAME ID: 3 Gee @ QUESTION PERIOD 1:30 GUNSMOKE @® NEwS ALFRED HITCH- t 6 ] THE GONG 10:30 €} SOUNDS GOOD COCK PRESENTS _,_, SHOW @ RARE BREED 11:45 @ THE GOOD LIFE 1:40 GB NEWS (AR) @ THE IDEA MACHINE @ MOVIE ** "Abbott 2:50 @ NEWS <= -- oa See eu BEST Be T pacman Denver searches for new frontiers By RAINA GROSSMAN John Denver says we should look up to the future. To dem- onstrate he is taking to flight in his latest environmental special, "The Higher We Fly," airing Sunday, June 15, on ABC, The special deals with the history of aviation, but also with Denver's interest in conservation, solar energy and employment. His message is that we can be hopeful about our future if we direct ourselves to capitalizing on technological trends. wen TELE-PUZZLE oe Ves 2e ave 46/6 Ge 17218 1S ep 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 125 26 |27 28 30 |31 32 34 36 40 41 |42 43 144 45 46 |47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 2) ACROSS 1,6 Pictured, 'cooking is her specialty 11 Planet 13 Artist studio craftsman 14 Slangy negative 15 High-minded 17 Hawaii Five-O food 18 Certain railway (coll.) 19 TV script origins, at 34 Three-wheeler, for short 35 Dull 36 Estrada's note signoff 37 Miss Arthur, to friends 40 -- the World Turns 41 John Walton, to his kids 43 The Three -- 46 Converse's cufflink times letters 21 Miss Pleshette's 48 -- Vigoda monogram 50 Alleviated 22 Torme's shirt insigne 51 Age 23 Short snooze 52 One of Henson's 24 Franciosa's initials creations 26 Cognizant 54 -- Pyle 29 Happening 56 Agitates 32 Leslie -- 57 Requires 33 Instrument for Welk DOWN 1 Summer month 39 Old 2 Russian mountain range 41 Miss Dawber's 3 CHiPs crew enforces it namesakes 4 Buck Rogers--the 25th 42 Border against Century 5 Female relative 6 Algonquian Indian 7 Alpert's stationery idents 8 Little devil 9 Namesakes of Genn 10 Fall in drops 12 Presently 13 -- Wilson : 16 Feminine undergarment 19 Diff'rent -- 20 Telly's last name 22 Donny's sis 25 Unborn baby 26 Olivier can do it 27 Armed conflict 28 Compass direction 29 Kind of tide 30 Negative word 31 Explosive 37 The Love -- 38 Greek dawn goddess 44 Golfers' gadgets 45 Barbara -- 46 -- MacMurray 47 Taxi vehicles 49 Roof finial 51 Miss Arden 53 Pernell's hanky letters 55 Northeast (ab.) SOLUTION SBeEER iss SERNECEREAR MN MEE GEISME! ERI PE SESCCNS WE WEI) EE ININAlE SIM Sy NOV Nio'uiv/>) IINISIA oe ES Mks SVE IVINE LW FS SERNONS HE 110 SS|OINEEMVIN Sav VvSlSl TSIAINIVSTAl di AlD> Viale Page 28, Wednesday, June 11, 1980 A devoted pilot who owns his own plane, Denver is a long-time admirer of astro- nauts. He says he would "gladly trade in my guitar for a few days in space." His father was a profession- al pilot in the Air Force; yet Denver found that his poor vision prevented him from becoming a pilot. "The Higher We Fly" looks at all kinds of air travel, from hot air balloons racing above Snowmass, Colo., three short jumps in a re-creation of the Wright brothers' original Kit- ty Hawk Flyer, with Denver talking the place of Orville Wright to a lift-off in the most sophisticated Force's F-15. Then switching to the near future, Denver commands a simulated ride aboard the Space Shuttle, intercut with actual film of the Space Shut- tle in action. A conversation with astronomer Jessy Green- stein at Mount Palomar Observatory takes us beyond the immediate future, to the question of what man will find when he ventures into space. jet, the Air Denver thinks the Space Snuttle might make its first trip in just a few years. He is, however, disappointed in our diminishing commitment to the space program. The program, he says, is a boon to our economy. Computer clocks came out of the space effort. "The application of high technology -is like a war," he said, "we make as much mon- ey off of it. The more we extend ourselves, the more we help our economy." He wasn't kidding when he said that a sure-bet job is space carpenter. There willbe thousands of jobs available, he said, as we schedule space shuttles. Relating space technology to our unemployment prob- lem, Denver mentioned his brother-in-law who graduated from school with highest hon- A TRICK -- Could you please tell me if the movie "Magic" has been on televi- sion and, if so, when? My hus- band says "no,"and I say it has. I do remember both of us seeing it on TV, as well as in the theater. My husband dared me to write and ask. So please tell me if I've been having strange dreams or am sane. -- "Dared," Junction City, Kansas. We've both been having strange dreams, becuase I could have sworn it was on TV. But, according to NBC, when they air "Magic" next October, it will mark the film's television premiere. HANGING -- Can you please tell me what happens to J.R. on "Dallas"? As a "Dallas" fan I'm very frus- trated in regard to the follow- up of J.R.'s shooting. Please help! -- E. McCarthy, Pleasantville, N.J. n Well, you can put your black dress back in the closet because it's going to take more than that bullet to dispose of J.R. Ewing. Hag- man is back on location shoot- ing next year's shows, having received a more than gener- ous raise in salary to match the ratings his gleeful greed and corruption raked in for "Dallas." IMAGINE -- I have recent- ly read in your column about Janet Gaynor. My cousin, Marjorie Guthrie White, played in some films with Janet Gaynor. If I recall correctly, the one that really MILITARY MADCAPS--Alan Alda (left) and Mike Farrell try impressed me was called "Just Imagine." It was a story about what things would be like in 1980. I can't help but think this is the year it should be re-played. -- Mrs. Lucy Kennedy, Brandon, Manitoba, Canada. Your cousin, Marjorie White, was one of the stars of "Just Imagine," but I'm afraid Janet Gaynor wasn't. The other stars of this 1930 sci-fi musical were Maureen O'Sullivan, El Brendel and John Garrick. The film proba- bly isn't as impressive 50 years after the fact and I doubt that we'll be seeing it on television this year, unless one of the public stations runs it. BRIDAL BUNCH -- I have two questions for you. Who played Joshua, the middle brother, on "Here Come the Brides"? And how old is Mau- PUT UP DUKES -- Can you tell me if the "Dukes of Hazzard" will be on next season? -- Mark Schadt, Greensboro, N.C. Yes, I can, and yes, it will. OTHER WOMAN -- My friend and I have a bet. I say the woman who plays Bailey on "WKRP in Cincinnati' is the same woman who played Mrs. Kotter on "Welcome Back, Kotter." My friend says she's not. -- D. and D., South- ington, Conn. Although the two look alike when hidden behind their horn-rimmed glasses, Jan Smithers plays Bailey Quar- ters and Marcia Strassman played Mrs. Kotter. (Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, NEA, 200 Park Ave., New York, N.Y. 10166) ors and can't find a job. "But there are jobs available if you are aware of present and future trends." Denver is optimistic. He feels our biggest problem is our attitude. Our stubborn- ness. Our being unwilling to make changes. "People: are simply not aware of our resources," he said. "There are ways to help our energy problem. For instance there is a way to have solar power channeled from space that will microwave energy on earth." But this measure isn't seriously considered. It's not because big business is afraid of the competition. Rather, Denver asserts, the problem is' awareness. "We have to raise the heads of péo- ple who are unconcerned and unaware," he said. That is his aim. He hopes "The Higher We Fly," will show people who are afraid of flight just how sophisticated the operation is. Secondly, he hopes people will consider the vast technological develop- ments and direct themselves toward new frontiers. "Many people are naive about the specifics of flying," he said. "As you increase your understanding, you become . less fearful. Flying is an incredible thing with a lot of control. It's a physical thing. You put your body through the pull of gravity, weightlessness and you have to develop coor- dination to maneuver the controls. I want to get people's interest up. "T think we should continue to search for new worlds. Per- haps this is our last frontier." reen McCormick who played Marcia on "The Brady, Bunch"? Your answers will help settle a bet. -- K.J., Rohnert Park, Calif. David Soul, who went on to trade in his ax for a Magnum pistol on "Starsky & Hutch," played middle brother Joshua between Robert Bolt and Bob- by Sherman. Soul even mar- ried one of the brides, Karen Carlson, his second wife since divorced, during the two-year run of the show. Maureen McCormick is in her early 20s, with 11 years having passed since Carol first mar- ried Mike and 'gave birth to the Bunch. to keep face amidst the lunacy of the Korean War in the phe- nomenally successful CBC comedy series "M*A*S*H." FILC IN THE MISSING LETTERS IN THE "TV WorDs! BELOW. PIRII Ss} Il AILIN| [IR G| El |cir [ELIT] [A [0 BIEIR Now REARRANGE THE ic LETTERS YOU FILLED IN 2 TO SPELL THE NAME OF A MOVIE DETECTIVE M4 paverte x URE 1 > -- © 1980 United Feature Syndicate "NVHD BINAVHD --laisg7y twa 'NOllov2a NIVHD LH9I2 Sl 221d SOAMS Ny ST

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