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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 25 Jun 1980, p. 28

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LE) THE WHITE SHAD- Back Me," 10:30 @ THE IDEA MACHINE 11:45 @) THE BEST OF CAR- 2 BOB NEWHART ow ; "Respect," "'Sparkle" LE TELEJOURNAL SON a 'jereaes!! SOKER'S WILD @ @ WHAT WILL and 'The Real Thing." DAVE ALLEN THE GOOD LIFE LIVELY COUNTRY THEY THINK OF NEXT! THREE'S COMPANY __10:50 TELEJOURNAL @ MOVIE xx "Night- MAGIC SHADOWS HAPPY DAYS @ THE BASTARD ONTARIEN mare At 45 Hillcrest sseibitinss **& "Knight "Without @ MOVIE xxx Upon hearing that the 11:00 © A4 CTV NATION- iia oe Hutton, = " "Stunts" (1976) Docu- father of her illegitimate ¢ eter Mark Richman. saan EVENING oom eee Gone Arnon | Bertil) 11687) eae a pel ol Rise Ab at @ @ @ @ News 11:50 @ SOAP OODSAGGM rm Sw orraenr Senn m GUNDERSTANDING -- eneauanre foment -- IB CRC NATION. an eran EEO : : BEH. @ ic TAC DOUGH eer CAMERA om OF eababe Bonin [ZATIONS man and insure her son © @ GLOBAL NEWS Savage Seven" (1967) SUMMER LITTLE HOUSE ON Campbell hosts a tribute TOLLER CRAN- of his rightful inheri- THE REAL STORY nore Walker, Mimsy NEWSHOUR THE PRAIRIE to- past and present STON: DREAM WEAVER tance. The Charboneaus cee pelted GAME oie © @ GLOBAL NEWS @ P.M. MAGAZINE Canadians who left the 8:30 @ LAVERNE & meet resistance, 11: sabes Les Deux 5 Meanie GRIFFIN @ CAROL BURNETT THE CANADIAN country to spread SHIRLEY NOWEVElE 1) BU 11:20 @ & € @ News NEWS AND FRIENDS BRASS: CAPITAL CON- Canada's culture and @ THE REAL STORY Duke's legal wife and 11:27 © @ News 1216) MOVIE, wed POLKA DOT DOOR CERT The members of heritage to other parts of 9:00 @ @® IN SEARCH ou pe ane evr ono 11:30 @) WIMBLEDON , "Across 110th Street" CE SOIR the Canadian Brass the world. @) MOVIE kkk "A mel th "UPDATE Highlights _ of (1972) Anthony Quin BEWITCHED encounter vatiaus @ @ THE MISADVEN- Woman Called Moses" @ VISTA ighlights o nthony Quinn, (1978) Cicely Tyson, @ FETE DU CANADA today's events (from the Anthony Franciosa. se rd renee raat ba ie okweel beeisa as ig aad Robert Hooks. Le discours du Gouver- All-England Lawn Tennis 12:40 @} BARNABY JONES 6:30 (@) NBC NEWS i teal re National Arts @ @ TOLLER @ CANADA DAY neur General du Canada and Croquet Club in 1:00 @ NEWS - @ MARY TYLER © @ FAMILy FEUD CRANSTON: DREAM @CBS MOVIE xxx est inclu dans cette Wimbledon, England). L hase WELBY, MOORE TIC TAC DOUGH WEAVER The skating "Bound For Glory" : spectacle. @ CANNON Lae & TORGE : @ CBS NEWS involves (1976) David Carradine, 9:30 @ TAXI © @ SPORTS PROBE : ROW @ THIS WEEK IN @ STREET TALK guests Dan Hill, Andre Sy Coe cat --dieet ila views Jim Rice. (R) ONE! ONTARIO PEOPLE AND PETS Gagnon, Salome Bey, Jo (6) IN CONCERT- ABC NEWS ro} THE GONG APC RE Ws LE MONDE MER- eo: pia nHehy MOC tee? AEA harente tae Coen PARTY GAME SHOW : WORLD BEAT NEWS VEILLEUX D Shelley in a fantasy-ori- ! ae 5 : @ BEST OF JACKIE 7.39 aie ena Gi ented demonstration of thing Goes," "Touch Me GD THE PALACE SEPLER Hci... ot ee GLEASON "ICE his incomparable talents Up," "You Light Up My @® COPE = black i agnept aT @® KIDSWORLD (2) THE MUPPETS onice. (R) Life,' "Until You Come NEWS COCK PRESENTS uel" (1971) Dennis 3 ® CHiPs superstar ae Mike Anscombe _inter- oma BEST CAE asapamamen Roker and Cover want more lines 1:30@ EMERGENCY Weaver, Tim Herbert. By RAINA GROSSMAN separate personalities with Cover added that their The main thing is Helen and Therefore, she watches her ter, Jenny, over her son ~ two children. "For instance," interracial statement speaks Tom don't posture; they role for inequities, but so far because her color is darker. "T Roxie Roker and Franklin said Cover, "I'm hen pecked. for itself. All their jokes cen- behave and react. For feels there are few cliches. said, 'no,' color is not an Cover, who play Helen and Tom Willis, the interracial couple on CBS's popular "The Jeffersons" series want big- ger roles. They are cast as the in laws who live upstairs and come downstairs to irk George's sensibilities. Yet, they are two We could pursue that." "Exactly," said Roxie lean- ing forward. She is a tall, stately woman with smile lines creasing the sides of her mouth. "We were more devel- oped when Norman (Lear) was around," she said. "Now writers anticipate our lines." oon TELE-PUZZLE oe Rant 38 Eartha's jewelry ter around it. Happily, their statement is believable. He feels comfortable with Roxie both on camera and off, and this shows. They kid each other. Franklin commutes between New York and Los Angeles, and Roxie usually drives him to the airport. "No limousine for me," said Franklin. "He just likes to bother me,' teased Roxie. Viewers accept them, trusting they enjoy and love each instance, in last season's episode, Tom feels bad because he wishes he could understand more of the black person's mannerisms. "The important thing here," said Roxie, "is that Tom doesn't want to be black. He wants to understand black. So when he talks to George about it, he doesn't pretend to move and talk like a black person. That makes the character real." She talks openly about her marriage, not as a political gesture, but as a growth process. "I don't wake up in the morning and see a white man next to me," she said. "And if Sy woke up and just saw color, we'd be in trouble." Her marriage has given her an insight into the Willis's that writers don't naturally have. In writing for jokes, they either looks or talent, and looks seem to be enough for a 4024 N. Radford, Studio City, escape route. No mother would favor one child over the other because of color." While the writers will usu- ally listen, Roker and Cover don't always have the time to make script suggestions. They know their characters; yet they can't infringe on writers' territory. "There are times you don't catch something right away," said Cover. "How many times do I turn to you (Roxie) and RIY| [0 1 3 4 7 F 9 other. Roxie's own off-camera 17- Sometimes side step the ., , 'Oh, now, I know how to In fact, Roxie said there year mixed marriage to Sy 4ynamics of a relationship. m4 it.' And by then it's too 0 11 12 3 have been few, if any, adverse Kravitz coincidentally resem- One script idea had her late." fan letters. bles her on-camera role. character favoring her daugh- = Just a few weeks before the 14 15 6 new season rolls, they had lit- roger ge} gem TV DIALOGUE eet 3 mn ee ae ere ee While they are happy in the show, even though the pace 5106 ey 78 20 80 _ INDIGESTION -- My ques- Boat" and would like to send Mass. sometimes makes Carver's tion concerns Barbara Del it to them. -- Mary Haron, Bixby still has "The Hulk," head spin, they hope they will TT 30 Geddes who is so terrific in Gulfport, Miss. but he did lose his wife. be more than George's foil. Dallas." She still retains that -- Send your ditty to Aaron CLAPS FOR TAPS -- I They have jobs, children, 33 34 5 certain twinkle in her eye that spelling Productions, Box 900, thought 'Baryshnikov on interests anda home. 4 she had when she killed her Beverly Hills, CA 90213. But Broadway" was excellent. Talking about home, that's 36 37 38 husband with a frozen leg of [qd register it before sending Would you please give me an one element that makes them lamb and later roasted it and jt anywhere. address where I could write to most happy. "This is a good- 39 140 1 42 , coer Served it to the detectives who = STAR CENTER -- A few either Liza Minnelli or image show for blacks," they were wondering where the weeks ago you mentioned that Mikhail Baryshnikov? -- agreed. "Blacks need to see an 46 47 48 49 murder weapon was. Do you "The White Shadow" would be Norris Harber, Southeastern, upward-mobile couple." recall the picture? It does not adding new people to the cast. Pa. "T've been watching the re 5] 52 53 seem to have been repeated | was wondering if they are Pll give you both. Liza with runs," said Roxie, "and "m recently. -- _Wilma Vasvary, a "z" is currently in New not ashamed. There is integri- 5A 55 i New Brunswick, N.J. going to have auditions York making a film with Dud- ty in the characters." 19 Of course I recall it. In fact, because I've studied acting ley Moore called "Arthur." Rather than hope for a spin- GROSS I was just discussing it with a and was a pretty good center You can reach her through the Off one day, they want to friend who was thinking of on the high school basketball production office at 130 West remain with the cast, but j 1,4 Pictured, appears Sor @olor shade doing in someone with the old team. Is there someone I can 57th St., New York, NY-10019. branch out. They agreed the in The Stockard 33 Alleviated ~ frozen leg of lamb routine. It write about this? -- Mark As for Misha, he gets his mail cast gets along well. "We act Channing Show 35 Midler or Davis aired as an episode of "Alfred Flannagan, Akron, Ohio. ' at the American Ballet as an ensemble. We are truly 10 James Earl Jones' 36 Waste allowance Hitchcock Presents," which is This may be your big break. Theatre, 888 Seventh an integrated group. No one is role 38 Make uunintalke still Seen in many cities in The producers of the show Avenue, New York, NY 10019. a token," said Cover. : 12 Chad -- 39 Carney's initials syndication. have been looking around for 14 Nautical expression 41 Amiss, in baseball YUCK! -- Perhaps you someone to play a new char- 15 -- Bosley 43 Wire measure don't print unflattering acter on the team -- Patrick 16 Grant or Meriwether 46 Lassie, for one comments, but the Cheryl Falahy, looks 16-18, but must 17 Alice's boss 48 Feel poorly Ladd special was a terrible be 18 or over (this to avoid 18 Warnings 49 Miss Lavin's show. Just because she looks problems with the child labor 21 A Sandy's monogram portrayal good is that supposed to be laws). The other requisites are 22 TV golfer, for one 51 Occasional TV enough? Doesn't talent count six feet or taller, Irish looks, 23 Harness trapping offering anymore? -- Mrs.G. Wehren- very tough character who 25 The Rockford -- 53 High fliers oa auger Nx 'f ei basketball. It sounds ) 28 Appellations 54 Horse enclosures eruna e commen ike you've got most of the 31 Lou Grant will do it 55 Conducted that fit, flattering or not. As description ie pat, so send | Be ak HE MISPING LETTERS 1M for what counts on television, a photo and resume to Lori THE "TV WorDs" BELOW. DOWN the ratings count more than Openden, CBS Studio Center, MA a EE ee ee ee ee 2 1 5 2 Spoken etchings lokiok vi CA 91604. Break a leg, but not 3 | 3 Yugoslav city 39 TV product messages DEOT VIG WETS. on the court. d 4 Bristle 40 Slang name for CHiPs ROCK THE BOAT -- Could DIVORCE COURT "= S 5) Blopharit- tusk ee you tell me where to reach the Someone said that Bill Bixby |= R L A IM N E | | tee Go einen producers of "The Love and Brenda Benet are now f tHe e Vers Rope aia Boat"? I have written a song divorced. Is this true? -- | oes 4d Rotiperetea called Rockin the Love Anna M. Mancuso, Lawrence, 5 fel A & | R L. 1 | la¢ 9 nape en 45 Nielsen to friends fs; ' " é 3 UA re ina 10 -- Dawber 47 Obtain Now N 11 Big names on TV 50 Nickname for Miss ° REARRANGE THE -- $90 13 A Knight's first name Tomlin LETTERS YOU FILLED IN SUT i 19 Behold! ' 52 Akins' shirt insigne TO SPELL THE NAME OF A pik i 20 Winter Olympics SOLUTION contestant asm ria >lvS ms Sg Aa Sige ag Salt) AN plalds DETECTIVE SERIES: ive forth ef Be Sl oivi An vigoiola Alen) ay arge made by Sgn) EWIRGSIEES pci 3k : ani Rockford SIEIE) MEISIN ie ap) te + Se ale daisival Let Fixe Mi aH i ' : 29 Adjective suffix as ae a 4 a3 Love Refrain 'LYVH QL L a 30 Sainte (ab.) EINICES NE Rob. F 'SNWYi eee PEG eerie He gan Ae GSI ee obert Preston stars as a traveling salesman who goes BNWVH TAV2 VWAL 'Of ; 5s Qu as TV dation -- STS WIOLLT LL St vi Aly' jtoa small lowa town to organize a band -- and winds up 5 ie 37 Courtroom activity Aj LSlelS/AlS} [S| eid wooing the local librarian (Shirley Jones) -- in Meredith ie. SEES Nioly Willson's "The Music Man" on NBC's "Friday Night at i the Movies," July 4. ; ; a -- ] Page 28, Wednesday, June 25, 1980

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