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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 16 Jul 1980, p. 31

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mums TUESDAY mun JULY 22, 1980 DENCES Bie ay EVENING = 7:00 © © DIFFRENT 6:00 @ & 7 STROKES heen Gare (2) CANDID CAMERA TIC TAC DOUGH LITTLE HOUSE ON SUMMER THE PRAIRIE Despite NEWSHOUR reassurances from their 6 J GLOBAL NEWS father, Laura and Mary © CAROL BURNETT worry as they prepare to AND FRIENDS go to school for the first @® POLKA DOT DOOR time. (R) CE SOIR @ P.M. MAGAZINE @ BEWITCHED HAPPY DAYS AGAIN 6:10 CE SOIR EN ONTAR- 6] FAMILY FEUD 10 TIC TAC DOUGH 6:30 @) NBC NEWS © CHIPS © @® MARY TYLER MOORE @ CBS NEWS @ GALLOWAY'S GAL- LERY ABC NEWS @ WORLD BEAT NEWS @ BEST OF JACKIE GLEASON @® KIDSWORLD @B PROPOS ET CONFI- @ STREET TALK @® PEOPLE AND PETS LE MONDE MER- VEILLEUX DE DISNEY "Des Anges... ou presques"' Le petit Tony est tout heureux d'etre accepte dans la chorale des Petits Chanteurs de Vienne. (1re de 2) THE ODD COUPLE 7:30 @ STARS ON ICE (@) THE MUPPETS @ MATCH GAME FOR THE LOVE OF SPORT Steve Cooney and Cheryl Wilson take a look at archery from the Archers of Caledon Club; Canadian athletes dis- cuss their reactions to the Olympic boycott; actress Dixie Seatle demonstrates how to keep fit by jogging. © @ BOB NEWHART JOKER'S WILD @ LIVELY COUNTRY @ MAGIC SHADOWS wkkk* "The Ghost Goes West" (Part Il) (1936) Robert Donat, Jean Parker> @ WELCOME BACK, KOTTER 8:00 © THE AWAK- ENING LAND "The Town' Despite disease and the problems brought by civilization, Sayward and Portius a repe mt ok back Gore yee UCN ONE oa sea) warm wistfully on their early Griffith ; NEWS : = see ee Landau. ~_ Heysedeart s(A) 2 T: 10:30) THEIDEAMACHINE 11:50 @ mel 8 @ THE AWAKENING Qdtacht HUMPER. LETELEJOURNAL _-- 12:00 JOHN DAVIDSON LAND "'The Town" DINCK Englebert _per- @ DAVE ALLEN © MOVIE x* "A +4 Despite disease and the forms "Just The Way 10:5°0@) TELEJOURNAL Girl Like Me (1969) ar problems brought by You Are,' "Something ONTARIEN bara Ferris, arry civilization, Sayward and Special," "What | Did 11:00@ @®.@ CTV NATION- Utli3 ete) Portius prosper but look For Love" and "This AL NEWS © @ MERVG back wistfully on their Moment In Time." Qo NEWS @ KOJAK early days. (Part 3) (CC) THREE'S COMPANY @ CBC NATION- cl a {R) @ THE BASTARD Phil- AL NEWS 12:05 e* sat ae © @ @ cri FOor- lipe, who has fled to the © @ GLOBAL NEWS att He ger, BALL Hamilton Tiger Colonies and changed @ THE REAL STORY 245 uGuE sack dus. Cats at Montreal his name to Philip Kent, @ NEWLYWED GAME -- 12:18 @ MOVIE * "4 cal Alouettes joins a band of revolu- 11:10 @ AINSI VALA VIE 4 Ee tyle" ( bescnts @) THE WHITE SHAD- tionaries. While fighting 11:20 @ NEws a rian, Ow the Crown forces,he has 11:27 @ NEWS " > yom wove wu 6) WHAT WILL a brutal confrontation 11:30) THE BEST OF CAR- 12:25 @2 niaiy Bole FID 78 THEY THINK OF NEXT! with his half-brother, SON That sah 0 4 ) HAPPY DAYS commander of an Eng- @ CANNON Fred Williamson, Teresa @ BIG SHAMUS, LIT- lish regiment in Boston. - © @ SPORTS PROBE : on aErinnite JONES TLE SHAMUS (Part 4) Mike Anscombe inter- 12:40 @ BA ie @ UNDERSTANDING (® WORLD LEADERS views Tom Cousineau of 1:00 @) eee 'gee BEHAVIOR. IN ORGAN- TELEMAG the Montreal Alouettes. he U , IZATIONS MERV GRIFFIN (Part 1) an MLD. CAPITAINES ET _ 9:30@ TAXI @ ABC NEWS 1:30@ @THE GONG ROIS 10:00 @ STARSKY & PARTY GAME ; SHOW * @® LAWRENCE WELK HUTCH ALFRED HITCH- 1:50 @) MOVIE ** "Family 8:30 @ LAVERNE & HART TO HART COCK PRESENTS Flight" 1972) Rod SHIRLEY @ THE PALACE 11:45 @ THE GOOD LIFE Taylor, Dina Merrill. @ THE REAL STORY @ COPE @ MOVIE *x* "Sta- ; @ NEWS (A) 9:00 @} CBS MOVIE **'2 LES SONS DES gecoach To Dancers' 2:50@% NEWS SET aa BO SS ae uum BEST BET exo Hippo and frog teach manners and morals By RAINA GROSSMAN 'A 6-foot hippo, named Henrietta, and a 5-foot-6-inch frog, named Freddie, are helping pre-schoolers learn how to care for each other. "The New Zoo Revue," cre- ated by Barbara Atlas, who is first a mother and second a producer, is syndicated to 96 Stations, which means about wen TELE-PUZZLE oe 76 percent of the viewing audience. It has won a dozen impressive awards and played two command performances at the White House. "It doesn't take an educa- tor, but a parent to teach good manners and morals," says Atlas, who also feels parents shy away from disciplining their kids. "My generation said 'I want 10 11 12 13 14 15 {16 26 |27 31 33 29 |30 41 |42 47 52 53 56 ACROSS 1,4 Shown, he's Buck Rogers 10 The Goodtime -- 12 Miss Parker 14 Pub beverage 15 Group of eight 17 Former French coin 18 Lindsey's initials 19 Miss Farrow 20 National (ab.) 22 Anew (pref.) 23 Tulip origin 24 Rich Little, for one 33, Take exception 36 Pays attention to 38 TV lawyer enters it 40 TV -- pattern 41 Miss Blake's monogram 43 In Search Of subject (ab.) 44 -- Life to Live 45 Monogram of a Lennon 7 -- Jaffe 49 Welles' first name 51 TV network symbol 52 Little House 26 Creases on the -- 28 A Barbara and family 54 Dick and Susannah 31 --*Wallach 56 Snuggle 32 Color TV -- 57 Rockford's charge DOWN 1 Fish feature 37 Compass direction 2 Anger 39 Spring month 3 Miss Lavin's laundry 40 Also letters 41 Viper Obtain 42 Farm building -- Verdugo 45 Dick Van -- Monogram of an Alda General Hospital aides (ab.) 9 Portal 10 TV comedy show item 11 Dirties 13 Regret 16 Taxi vehicle 19 Mire 21 -- Knight 23 Dirigible 25 Adjust anew 26 Nourished 27 Bullring cheer 29 A Romero's first name 30 Streets (ab.) 34 Adjective suffix 35 The Last -- 36 Comedian Youngman 4 5 6 Record for TV again 7 8 46 Nielsen, to friends 48 Miss West 50 Look 51 Before 53 Eight -- Enough 55 Love -- Life SOLUTION =la]_ fal ijs YIOAL [Al Teh Z|> LL] 9) L|O}O) uy d WV CC}LU} NO} oz} =! M INE) S| qa q = See Bem Wiwio} [Wo oro) fA LU} CML) (| LU) Dw Ol<lan) njol--|1 a irapal) (alti) mn Eid =| al (a) q fal W a a wil <[o | | |Z Wy] J} ZZ) OiWit (9}--|_)J WE) =] fe) O q --|O¢}U) Page 32, Wednesday, July 16, 1980 to give kids what my parents couldn't give me,' so we didn't demand that much from them. Just that they get good grades." Atlas, who is never "short on theory," decided something was wrong in the Haight-Ash- bury movement. Everyone seemed high on peace, but short on principles, values and ambition. With no prior television experience, she and Doug Momary created a show that would combine music with anecdotal sketches aimed to support pre-schoolers in becoming more accepting, happy, directed people. Her theories are evident in her family life. Years before "New Zoo," Atlas had studied interior designing but was afraid her work would interfere with raising her daughter. "I wanted to be home with my daughter," she says. "You have to know where your priorities are." Instead she pursued crafts. She designed art/needlework crafts and toys, such as a suc- cessful beanbag frog that was released under Playco. When Channel 22 (a Los Angeles station) asked her to design products for a show, she decided to trade her creations for a show of her own. She invented Henrietta, who would give Miss Piggy a run for her mirror. Atlas wanted to enter her in the Miss Amer- ica contest. She also asked Johnny Carson to give Henri- etta equal time when he had Kermit on his show. "We wrote three times and there was no answer." Critics feel Henrietta isn't a good image for little girls. She is a dilettante, yet Atlas thinks she makes an impor- tant statement. "Henrietta doesn't feel guilty for not working," says Atlas. "Whatever you do you should do well and be proud of ate Charlie the Owl feels he's been everywhere. His tree house is a scientific lab and Freddie is "like a normal child learning through experi- ence." The lessons are on drugs, birth, responsibility, caring, Sharing, staying in school, moving and nightmares. "We all have dreams. Most parents will tell children about night- mares after they are scared. We tell them what to expect of dreams," says Atlas. LONG WAIT -- It's been two years since I first wrote asking about a guy by the name of Don Shanks. He played on "Grizzly Adams." I have seen him on other shows but know nothing about him. I have tried writ- ing Sunn Pictures but never received an answer. So where can I write him? -- Buffy Red Elk, Chandler, Ariz. I don't recall your first request, but I think I've got something for you this time. His agent is listed as Herman Zimmerman at the Stevens Gray Agency, 8733 Sunset Blvd., Suite 206, Los Angeles, CA 90069. You can ask to have it forwarded. ATTACK -- Was there ever a movie about a 50-foot woman? If so what was the title and who played it? I think it was on about 18 years ago. -- J.A., Longview, Wash. Of course there was. It was "Attack of the 50-Ft. Woman," and was probably the worst movie of 1958. The stars were Allison Hayes, Wil- liam Hudson, Yvette Vickers and Roy Gordon. In case you're wondering, Ms. Hayes was the tall lady. THE BEST -- Could you tell me who plays Luke Spen- cer on "General Hospital"? I think he's the best actor on TV. -- A.Adams, Milford, Mass. I think he's been getting a lot of mail on Tony Geary a.k.a. Luke Spencer. Both for your information and all his other fans, the address for the set is 1438 North Gower St., Hollywood, CA 90028. FRENZIED -- Could you please dig up some informa- tion about Jon Finch? He is a British actor I recently saw in several Shakespeare plays from the BBC. -- Laura Alfonso. Tampa, Fla. The 39-year-old actor got his first big role in Alfred Hitchcock's "Frenzy," in 1972. Before that he appeared in "The Vampire Lovers," "Hor- ror of Frankenstein,"' "Macbeth" and "Sunday Bloo- dy Sunday." He still works primarily in Britain as evi- denced by the Shakespeare imports you saw. SPACEY -- Please settle a bet. My sister's boyfriend and I havea bet about the robot on "Lost in Sapce." He says its name was Robot, I say it wasn't, but I can't remember what his name was. -- Lisa Marchesseault, Naug, Conn. Doesn't sound like a very safe bet you made there. As it turns out, you lose. Although the robot was a ringer for Robby the Robot of the movie "Forbidden Planet," Will's pal on "Lost in Space" was simply called the Robot. Dreamer Richard Dryefuss is an ambitious kid from the wrong side of town with a head full of dreams and a heart full of hustle in "The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz," REBELS -- Didn't Lou Gossett once star in a TV series about the Revolution- ary War? A friend says I'm just thinking of "Roots," but this was long before "Roots." Please help. -- Sarah Jacobs, Providence, R.I. Gossett played an ex-slave, Isak Poole, in "The Young Rebels," which was a kind of Revolutinary War 'Mod Squad" that lasted half a sea- son in 1970. FATHER & SON -- Did Noah Beery and Noah Beery Jr. ever star in a picture together? -- Michael Evans, Bloomington, Ind. Junior made his movie debut at age seven with his father in "The Mark of Zorro," in 1920. (Send your letters to Pepper O'Brien, NEA, 200 Park Ave. New York, N.Y. 10166) A typical lesson might be: Freddie wants to be an astro- naut. He thinks going to space is the greatest joy. But you don't have to go to space to be in space. There are other kinds of space. For instance, the space between you and -- me. "We have no superheroes or villians. Everyone is learning from each other," says Atlas. "I wanted to teach children the everyday values of caring and living and do it all through music," she says. "We hope children will like them- selves much better so they will respond to others better." She attributes better response to a sense of person- al worth. "I thought about what was wrong," she contin- ues, "to me it was a lack of simpler things. We needed to create an atmosphere of less stress." For Atlas, less stress means more parental support, and that support comes through discipline. "I'm not afraid to say 'no.' When I go to the supermarket, I say 'no' to junk foods. I wanted to please my parents, and my daughter who is 34 has also wanted to please me." She is also not afraid to test her marriage by being an active producer who believes in her show. "Again, there are priorities. I couldn't stay mar- ried if I treated my home exactly as I do work. We share our business problems. My husband no longer travels with me because I hate to see him wait for me. I don't mind waiting for him though." Now that the 1980 tribute to the Year of the Family might bring erstwhile values back into vogue, is Atlas concerned that "New Zoo" will lose its raison d'etre? "No," laughs Atlas, "I'd be happy to see these values come back." TV AWORD- LINK | FIL IN THE MISSING LETTERS IN THE "TV WorDs" BELOW. s| | iM 0|0 IBIOlD Cl IIL IN CIC BL] Isl NOW REARRANGE THE LETTERS YOU FILLED IN 8 TO SPELL THE NAME OF te, Inc. SITUATION COMEDY: A © 1980 United Feature Syndic "hIWY3 2odigtywd --2aWIvd hs178 'D223 'Aanl2a WWD AdagqaqS Wis :soSpsny Mid Lev wed rec the hall new the thei , in \ i--~aoeeeeeeae ee S| er Ju

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