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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 18 Feb 1981, p. 30

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Classified Word Advertising Rates ' Up to 18 words First insertion 3.20 Second insertion 3.00 Third insertion 2.90 Subsequent insertions ea. 2.90 Additional words By TENDERS TENDERS TENDERS TENDERS TENDER FOR TREE PLANTING Sealed tenders will be received by the District Manager, Ministry of Natural Resources, for the planting of a total of approximately 707,000 tree seedlings in 3 separate lots, on lands within Simcoe and Dufferin Counties. Tender forms and further information are available from the Huronia District Office, Midhurst, Ontario. LOL 1X0, telephone (705) 728-2900; ; Proof of competence and references may be required. Tenders will close Wednesday, March 11th at 2:00 p.m., with public opening at 2:30 p.m., at above office. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. TAN North Simcoe ---- and @rillia C3 Housing Authority TENDER: SC-TS-2/ 81 REPLACEMENT OF CARPETS 4 Senior Citizen Apt. Buildings 1-Collingwood, 2-Midland, 1-Penetang The North Simcoe and Orillia Housing Authority will be receiving sealed Tenders for the above until 12:00 noon, Wednesday, March 25, 1981 at 303 Midland Avenue, Suite 208, Midland, Ontario, L4R 4L3, c/ o the Maintenance Supervisor from whom details and specifications may be obtained or SIMPLE butit works A Classified ad is sure to work know you have it to sell if you because there are don't advertise. So call today, and watch the fast results. always people ready to buy. They may not NOTICES NOTICES | NOTICES Ministry of telephone 705-526-4225. The lowest or any tender Natural Resources not necessarily accepted. 14, 15 14 NOTICES | NOTICES NOTICES | NOTICES LOI SUR L'EXPROPRIATION AVIS D'UNE DEMANDE AUX FINS D'OBTENIR L'AUTORISATION D'EXPROPRIER UN BIEN-FONDS EN CE QUI CONCERNE une demande faite par Sa Majesté& la Reine du Chef de |/Ontario, representée par le Ministre des Services gouvernementaux (expropriateur), aux fins d'obtenir, en vue de Il'amenagement d'un parc provincial, |'autorisation d'exproprier des biens- fonds aui constituent une partie du lot numéro 4 situe dans la concession numero 21 du canton de Tiny cy comte' de Simcoe de la province de \'Ontario. LES PRESENTES DONNENT AVIS qu'une demande a été présentée aux fins d'obtenir 'autorisation d'exproprier les biens-fonds deécrits ci-dessous: L'ENSEMBLE ET CHAQUE PARTIE d'un certain lopin ou d'une certaine etendue d'un bien- fonds situes dans le canton de Tiny du comtéde Simcoe de la province de I'Ontario, comprenant une partie du,lot numefo 4 situe dans la concession numero 21 du canton susmentionne'et qui constitue les portions designées comme parties 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, et 11 d'aprés le plan numéro 436-17L du Ministére des Services gouvernementaux. Ce plan de reference est. depose au d'enregistrement des biens-fonds pour la Division d'enregistrement de Simcoe (numero 51) et porte le numéro 51R-9885. Tout proprietaire dont les biens-fonds font 'objet d'un avis qui deSire obtenir une enquéte pour determiner si Vappropriation de ses biens- fonds par l'expropriateur est juste, bien fondee et suffisamment necessaire pour permettre a ce dernier d'atteindre ses buts, doit en aviser l'autorite*compétente au moyen d'un avis écrit, bureau (a) signifié par voie de signification a personne ou par courrier recommande, dans les trente jours de la date a laquelle I'avis lui est signifie' ou, si celui- ci lui est signifie'par voie de publication, dans les trente jours de la premiere publication de cet avis, lorsqu'il s'agit d'un propri¢taire enregistré; (b) donne%dans les trente jours de la premiere publication de I'avis, lorsqu'il pSagit d'un proprietaire qui n'est pas enregistre comme tel. L'autorité competente est: Le Ministre des Richesses naturelles 6e étage, Immeuble Whitney Queen's Park © Toronto, Ontario M7A 1W3 SA MAJESTE LA REINE DU CHEF DE L'ON- TARIO, representee par le Ministre des Services gouvernementaux Douglas J. Wiseman Ministre des Services gouvernementaux VEUILLEZ NOTER 1. La loi sur l'expropriation prevoit ce qui sult: (a) lorsqu'une, enquéte est demandee, un enqueteur nommeé par le procureur général doit en avoir la conduite; b) 'enquéteur x (i) doit donner a chacune des parties a I'enquete l'occasion de présenter Sa preuve et sa demon- stration et lui permettre de pr ra Vin- terrogatoire ou au _ contre-interrogatoire des temoins, soit qu'elle le fasse ,elle-meme, soit qu'elle ait recours a un avocat ou a un mandataire, et (ii) peut recommander 3 Vautorite. compétente qu'une partie a enquéte r olive | un montant donné"n'excédant pas $200 pour la defrayer de ses frais d'enquéte et Vautorite" compétente peut, selon qu'elle le juge a propos, ordonner a |'ex- propriateur de verser ce montant sans délai. ae * opridtaire" et ""'propriétaire énregistre" sont definis dans la loi de la fagon suivante: "'propriétaire"' comprend un creancier hypothétaire, un locataire, un créancier beneficiaire d'une salsie-execution, une personne Page 30, Wednesday, February 18, 1981 qui posséde un droit restreint de tenure ou de propriéte" dans un bien-fonds, le curateur aux biens d'un déficient mental ou de celui qui est incapable de gérer ses affaires, et le gardien, V'exécuteur testamentaire, l'administrateur ou le fidéicommissaire a qui le bien-fonds est confié; "propriétaire enregistrée"' designe le propriétaire d'un bien-fonds dont le droit dans celui-ci est defini et dont le nom est inscrit dans un document con- serve' au bureau d'enregistrement, au bureau d'enregistrement des titres immobiliers ou au Bureau du shérif appropries et cette expression comprend une personne désig comme étant le locataire du bien-fonds a la derniére révision du role d'evaluation. 3. Sont arties a Venquéte l'expropriateur, chaque propriétaire qui avise I'autorite'compétente de son desir d'obtenir une audience A I'egard des biens- fonds dont |I'expropriation est projetée et tout autre propri¢taire que I'enquéteur designe. g R. R=O. 1970, Réglement 285, formulaire numero zz Cet avis a fait l'objet d'une premiere publication le 4 &éme jour février 1981. 10, 12, 14 The Expropriations Act NOTICE OF eos othe FOR APPROVAL fe) EXPROPRIATE LAND IN THE MATTER of an application by the Corporation of the Township of Tay for approval to expropriate land being part of Lot 10, Concession 10, more particularly described as Part 1, Plan 51R-9902 in the Township of Tay, in the County of Simcoe for the purpose of improving and enlarging the Waubaushene Water Works. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that application has been made for--approval to expropriate the land described as follows: ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land and premises situate, lying and being in the Township of Tay, in the County of Simcoe and being part of Lot 10, in the 10th Concession of the said Township and more particularly described as Part 1 on a plan of survey dated the 10th day of November, 1980 and registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of Simcoe as Pian 51R-9902. Any owner of lands in respect of which notice is given who desires an inquiry into whether the taking of such land is fair, sound and reasonable necessary in the achievement of the objectives of the expropriating authority shall so notify the approving authority in writing, (a) In case of a registered owner, served personally or by registered mail within thirty days after he is served with the notice, or, when he Is served by publication, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice; (b) in the case of an owner who is not a registered owner, within thirty days after the first publication of the notice. THE APPROVING AUTHORITY IS the Council of The Corporation of the Township of Tay, Victoria Harbour, Ontario. NOTES: 1. The Expropriations Act provides that, -- (a) Where an inquiry is requested, it shall be conducted by an Inquiry officer appointed by the Minister of Justice and Attorney General; (b) the inquiry officer, (i) shall give every party to the inquiry an opportunity to present evidence and argument and to examine the cross-examine witnesses, either personally or by his counsel or agent, and (il) may recommend to the approving authority that a party to the inquiry be paid a fixed amount for his costs of the inquiry not to exceed $200 and the approving authority may in its discretion , order the expropriating authority. to pay such costs forthwith. : 2. "owner" and "registered owner"' are defined in -- the Act as follows: "owner" Includes a mortgagee, tenant, execution creditor, a person entitled to a limited estate or interest In land, a committee of the estate of a mentally incompetent person or of a person incapable of managing his affairs, and a guardian, executor, administrator or trustee in whom land Is vested; "'registered owner" means an owner of land whose Interest in the land is defined and whose name Is specified in an instrument in the proper Land Registry or Sheriff's office, and includes a person | shown as a tenant of land on the last revised assessment roll; _ 3. The expropriating authority, each owner who | notifies the approving authority that he desires a ' hearing in respect of the lands intended to be ' expropriated and any owner added as a party by the Inquiry officer are parties to the inquiry. _ THIS NOTICE FIRST PUBLISHED on the 4th day of February, A. D. 1981. The Corporation of the Township of Tay, . by Its solicitors, Teskey, Heacock and Ferguson, 361 King Street, Midland, L4R 4P4 10, 12, 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND/ OR CLAIMANTS All persons having claims of any kind whatsoever against the estate of Benjamin Franklin Cox, late of the Village of Elmvale, in the County of Simcoe, Retired Traffic Manager, who died on or about the 25th day of November, 1980, are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitors on or before the 18th day of March, 1981, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. Dated at Midland, Ontario, this 16th day of February, A.D., 1981. Teskey, Heacock, and Ferguson, Barristers and. Solicitors, 361 King Street, Midland, Ontarlo, Solicitors for the estate of Benjamin Franklin Cox. 14, 16, 18 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND / OR CLAIMANTS All persons' having claims of any kind whatsoever against the estate of John Stewart Ferguson, late of the Village of Elmvale in the County of Simcoe, who died on or about the 16th day of October, 1980, are required fo file the same with the undersigned solicitor on or before the 20th day of March, 1981, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. Dated at Elmvale,' Ontario this 16th day of February, A.D., 1981. John H. Heacock, Barrister and Solicitor, 12 Queen Street West, Elmvale, Ontario. LOL 1P0 Solicitor for the Estate of John Stewart Ferguson 14, 16, 18 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND/ OR CLAIMANTS All persons having claims of any kind whatsoever against the estate of James Robert Furlong, late of the Village of Elmvale in the County of Simcoe, who died on or about the 3rd day of November, 1980, are required to file the same with the undersigned solicitor on or before the 20th day of March, 1981, after which date the assets may be distributed among those persons entitled thereto, having regard only to those claims which have been filed. Dated at Elmvale, Ontario this 16th day of February, A.D., 1981. John H. Heacock, Barrister and Solicitor 12 Queen Street West, Elmvale, Ontario. LOL 1P0. Solicitor for the Estate of James Robert Furlong. 14, 16,18

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