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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 25 Mar 1981, p. 3

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Sida Camp de jour au Centre D'activites francaises durant le conge d'hiver pour jeunes de 7 a 12 ans. Ils participent aux activites culturelles suivantes: theatre, bozarts, fabrication de marionnettes, films, spectacles, filage, artisanat; et aux activites sportives suivantes: patin, gymnase, quilles. Il y aura aussi visite a la manufacture "Coca Cola" et une "'grand'fete". Reunion Annuelle du Centre d' Activites Francaises QUAND: Mardi le 31 mars a 20h00 OU: La grande salle du Centre QUT: Tous les francophones de la region COMBIEN: Gratuit POURQUOI: Pour assurer une con- tinuite au Centre - pour donner vos im- pressions, vos suggestions au sujet du fonctionnement du Centre - pour elire dix directeurs au Conseil d'administration du Camp p'tit mousse Centre. Un vin et fromage terminera la soiree. La Nuit sur 'Etang QUAND: Vendredi 3 avril, 1981 a 20h00 OU: Universite Laurentienne, Sudbury COMMENT: Par autobus - M. Urbain Maurice, conducteur $13.50/etudiant - $15.50/adulte (comprend transport et entree). Tl ne reste qu'une dizaine de places sur l'autobus. Ne tardez pas, telephonez au Centre d'activites francaises a Chantal ou Ghisele au 549-3116. L'hebergement se fait a l'Universite meme - vous n'avez qu'a apporter un sac de couchage. Cafe Chantant QUAND: Samedi 4 avril a 20h00 OU: Salle Paroissiale de Lafontaine COMBIEN: $3.50, adulte $3.00 / etudiant les artistes suivants ont accepte de se produire: Mme. Linda Desroches (Denis), Mesdemoiselles Louise Cadeau et Nicole : Marchand, Messieurs Denis Chartrand, Yves Marchand et Pierre Lamoureux. Fete des Benevoles QUOT: Une fete pour tous les gens qui ont contribue a faire un succes du Car- naval *BL: chansonniers(eres), musiciens(nes), cuisiniers(eres), laveurs(euses) de vaisselle, etc... etc... QUAND: Samedi le 11 avril a 20h00 OU: Au Centre d'activites francaises. Loyer de la Salle Ia Grande Salle au Centre d'activites francaises est disponible a tous - c'est un endroit ideal pour y recevoir vos parents et amis lors d'une reception, pour feter un anniversaire, faire un "shower" a l'oc- casion d'un mariage ou d'une naissance, eles: Ia Salle peut accommoder 121 per- sonnes legalement. Le cout est: sur semaine $50.00 - un vendredi soir $60.00 - un samedi soir $75.00. Boutique Chez-Nous On aime le monde a la Boutique Chez- Nous - plus il y a de monde, plus on est bien! On vous invite donc a venir prendre un cafe avec nous, piquer une petite jasette. et meme lire le Droit! Nous sommes ouvert du lundi au samedi de 9h00 a 17h00. Nouveau disque par Angele Arsenault intitule "'Chanter dans le soleil'. Dans ce recueil elle chante: "J'ai maigri", chanson qu'elle a interprete a la television a Vemission '"'Lautree '81"; nouveau microsillon de Jacqueline Lemay et d'Edith Butler: '"Barbichon, Barbiche"' pour les jeunes de 8-9 ans. Les paroles des chansons sont sur la pochette. Penetang Council Briefs __. Mayor Ron Bellisle announced during Monday's meeting of town council that citizens may make appointments to meet with him in future through the municipal office on the Monday and Tuesday of each week. Meetings will start at 11 a.m. in the municipal office. The mayor said it has been his practice to meet with the clerk each day. Town museum A bylaw to designate the town museum at 13 Burke Street as being of architectural and historical interest was given third reading by town council Monday. Council granted first and second readings at its previous monthly meeting but stopped at second reading. It was pointed out that the museum board might not be aware of what council . was doing. New employee As of April 6 Russell Bagnell will be the newest employee of the town public works department. Bagnell has been hired as a Machine Operator, Class 1, but like all other starting emplovees, he will start with a pick and shovel as his tools and work his wav through more complicated equipment. Public Works com- mittee chairman Ray Baker told council that 29 people applied for the job. and that he was "only sorry that we don't have a job for everv one of them."' Commodore Council directed the clerk to inform the Liquor Licence Board of Ontario. in response to an -inquiry from the board. that elimination of bedrooms in the Commodore Hotel is not a concern to the town. The Commodore Hotel has applied to the Liauor Licence Board for reclassification to beine considered a tavern rather than a hotel. and to stop of- fering bedrooms to the public The application has also been sent to the town planning board for the planning board's examination as_ to whether the change in classification conflicts with the local zoning. _ . Oppose increase Bell Canada and the Canadian Radio-Tele- vision and Telecom- munications | Commi- ssion will be receiving notice from the town council toheaet Penetanguishene op- poses the 30 per cent increase in telephone rates sought by Bell Canada, to be effective Sept. 1. Profit reported February's _Winter- ama was a financial as well as a popular suc- cess Council was told Monday that the Win- terama committee has determined $503 remains after expenses. Winterama took in $4.459 and paid out $3.956. Short meeting Monday's _ meeting, while perhaps not a record for brevity, as one councillor speculated, was cer- tainly short. Council went about its business at the regular time of 7:30 p.m. and concluded the public portion of its monthly meeting at 8:38 p.m., then holding a private meeting. No delegations wished to address council. Jack O'Hara., who attends the maiority of council's meetings, had several questions to ask of council. Lane war Nine. people are for, and seven people against. the changing of Robert Lane to Dupuis Drive. as part of a plan by the town to give official, identifiable names to eight lanes in the town. The nine people for the. change to Dupuis Drive each have Dupuis as their surname, and live either on Robert Lane or nearby. No Dupuis are among the seven objectors, who all live on Robert Street Lane. Objection is made on the grounds that Robert Lane has been used for over 50 years, and that to change it would cause confusion, would cause in- convenience, and in- volve legal fees. Flection signs Jack O'Hara asked if council could pass a bylaw to prohibit-during municipal elections the posting of election signs within 100 feet of a polling booth. He told council that during last week's election he saw a candidate's sign in the doorway to one of the local nolling booths. He said he knew of two peonle who changed their vote because the sign was there. Clerk Yvon Gagne said that under the Municipal Election Act signs may not be posted on the building being used as a polling station, or on the property. This legislation however applies only at the local level. not at the provincial or federal level The clerk was _ in- structed to check to learn if any other township has passed such a bylaw. Accounts Council approved accounts of $321,721.38 for administration mittee. com- the finance and~ Museums value recognized Penetanguishene's Centennial Museum is the second building in Penetanguishene to be officially recognized as being of architectural and historic interest. Town council gave third reading to a bylaw Monday designating the former Beck property, deeded to the town to be a museum subsequent to a recommendation from the town Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee. ' Odesse photo chosen by National Geographic Penetanguishene photographer Mike Odesse will have one of his photographs in a future issue of National Geographic. The photograph is one Odesse took while on a trip through Nahanni National: Park in western Canada last summer. He used the timer on his camera to take a picture of the falis in the park with himself in the foreground. Odesse returned last Fridav from Australia, where he met the photographer who will photograph the wedding of Prince Charles this Julv. Odesse was part of a group. sent to Australia on a Rotary Club sponsored visit. An Australian group will come to Canada to complete the exchange. Mt, : am Lanes name change not simple The changing of the names of Penetanguishene's eight lanes from the official names they have had for decades to new names recommended by the town Local Architectural Conservation Advisory Committee by A, town council is not proving to be simple. Two different groups have complained to council about the proposed changes. Above is a section of the lane between Robert Street Wes! and Poyntz Street. Wednesday, March 25, 1981, Page 3

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