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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 6 May 1981, p. 3

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A RAE RR ~-- nee eae 9 LJ = LJ a Subdivision on paper and in fact Town clerk Yvon Gagne indicates with his marking pen one of the lots in phase one of Clerk says Price increase of lots expected by Murray Moore The price of single family home lots in the municipally owned Blitz night subdivision, Rolling Sands Estates, is likely to rise next year. Lots in the east end subdivision Rolling Sands. Many of the lots on the outside row of phase one and phase two have been have been for sale at the same price since the subdivision opened three years ago, but more than $8,000 raised The Midland Salvation Army's Red Shield Campaign target of $25,000 is well on its way to being met thanks to canvassers in Penetanguishene, Midland, Wyevale and Perkinsfield who blitzed those communities, Monday night. In Penetanguishene close to 50 men and women knocked on doors. The town blitz was again spear-headed by members of the Penetanguishene Legion. According to Bill Stevens and Len Bower a total of $2,216.65 was Piast s eva in Penetanguishene. The Legion hopes its final total will be closer to $3,000 once the Legion and its Auxiliary chip in later this week. Both Stevens and Bower marched in Saturday's parade in Midland to kick-off this year's campaign for funds for the Sally-Ann. In Midland with still the commercial area to be called on as well as industries, Monday night's blitz raised $6,073.48 for a grand total of $8,290.13 to date. The campaign committee set up shop at both the Salvation Army citadel on Second Street and at the Bank of Commerce where dedicated bank staff under Treasurer Jack McCague gave freely of their valuable time to assist the cause. Their yeoman service didn't go unnoticed during the night as they tabulated returns to well past 11 p.m. Last year's goal of $13,000 was missed by just $500. However only half of Midland was canvassed, reports Lt. Ray Braddock, head of the local Salvation Army. An exhausted, yet delighted Lt. Braddock indicated his pleasure at the results of Monday night's blitz which required between 250 and 300 people to can- vass Midland. Blitz organizer Nel Peever was praised too for lining up the can- vassers while overall chairlady Nancy Keefe was cited for her un- selfish efforts and the advance work that both she and her committee had done in preparation for the campaign. next year the price of a lot will likely rise to keep in line with the price of privately sold lots. This week town clerk Yvon Gagne said that he expected that a minimum of 15 lots would be sold in the phase two area of the subdivision this year, and that 13 have been sold to date. The sale of 15 will mean the town can pay back the money it has borrowed to service the lots. Lots At present 13 single family lots are vacant in the phase one area and 29 lots are vacant in the phase two area. The price of a lot starts at $10,000 and tops at $16,000, the difference being chiefly how much of a view of Penetanguishene Bay is visible from the lot. lot. The two phases are two of an eventual six phases that will take an estimated 20 or 30 years to fill, the clerk said. A full. subdivision would have a population of 2,200. To date, 20 lots were sold in each of the sold; some have houses on them. To the right first two years, and 13 so far this year. $150,000 has been taken in by the town this year. Sale The income from the sale of all of the lots in phase two 'will be around $460,000, com- pared to a loan of $162,000 to ready the land for sale. The cost of servicing phase one was $450,000, but the projected in- come when all of its lots are sold is close to $1 million. Because money used to pay for the servicing of phase one was ob- tained through the government, a separate fund from general revenue had to be set up as a condition of the loan. Money from the fund will be used to create a park in the area, or support the local arena, or in some other manner to benefit residents of Rolling Sands. The money to develop phase two was borrowed from a bank and is without this restriction on use of profit. Roughly half of the buyers of lots in the town subdivision moved i to Penetanguishene from elsewhere; the other half are residents who have an older or smaller home in another part 'of the town who sell to move into the new subdivision. Dream The single family dream is still alive in the area, the clerk says. People seem to feel there is too much land here to crowd together in multiple density housing, he says, and they only do so if a home of their own is beyond their financial reach. Of the close to $500,000 TOWN Gr RENE TANERLSSHEN? ROLLING SANDS Avenue; below and unseen to the left is is the view of Rolling Sands from Lorne Church Street and Penetanguishene Bay. spent on phase one of Rolling Sands, $130,000 was spent landscaping the slope immediately above Church Street, especially the former sand pit. Twenty acres were sodded and land- scaped, Two years ago 14,000 trees were planted. But because of a very dry spring,' 40 days without rain, all of the trees died. Trees will be planted again, as much for their effect at preventing erosion as for their looks, possibly in clumps rather than rows. High school bid deadline end of month The opportunity to tender for the right to construct a high school on John Street here for the use of students at- tending Ecole Secon- daire Le Caron will end on May 28. The Central Ontario office of the Ministry of Education has approved an application by the Simcoe County Board of Education to begin construction of the school. On April 22 the school board voted 18 to 2 in favour of applying to the Ministry's Central Ontario office for permission to build. Local trustee Alvin Gravelle said yesterday the contract would be awarded shortly after the deadline and that "we'll go from there." francaises Fetes des meres A toutes les meres qui liront ces lignes, nous souhaitons une Joyeuse Fete des Meres et tout le bonheur que vous meritez car, sans vous, ou serionsnous? Vente Garage - Club Richelieu et 'On S'Fete"' Le club Richelieu organise une vente- garage pour samedi le 9 mai au garage chez M. Romeo Asselin, 131 rue Main. Cette vente debutera le matin et durera jusqu'a 18h00 (6 p.m.). Le soir, a 20h30 (8:30 p.m.) les Richelieus invitent tous les francophones de la region a venir se feter au Centre d'activites francaises. La soiree com- prendra une degustation de fromage, des amuse-gueules, un bar payant, une raffle de boeuf, de la' musique et surtout une occasion de se rencontrer et se feter entre amis. Le cout d'entree est de $2.00. Le Centre d'activites francaises est situe dans "'la vieille post' office' au 63, rue Main, Penetanguishene. Ane pas Manquer Quoi; Piece de theatre "La mesure humaine"; Quand: Dimanche le 17 mai a 20h00 (8p.m.); OU: La salle paroissiale de Lafontaine; Combien: $3.50 /adulte - $3.00/ etudiant; Billets disponibles; a Penetanguishene: au Centre d'activites francaises, a la Boutique Chez-Nous, chez Ameublements Maurice, Marie's Dress Shop. A Lafontaine: a l'ecole secondaire LeCaron, O Pissenlit, a la Quincaillerie, chez Rose's Confectionery (Martial Dupuis), et Desroches' Esso. Le silence d'une tragedie ou La Mesure Humaine relate des --evenements historiques de 1963 qui eurent lieu a Reesor Siding, situe entre Hearst et Kapuskasing. Des evenements tragiques qui se sont soldes par la mort de trois bucherons et ont opposes, a cette epoque, des travailleurs d'un meme milieu, d'une meme realite, parfois d'une meme famille. Boutique Chez-Nous C'est la Fete des Meres dimanche le 10 mai. Pour vous assurer que les mamans de votre connaissance auront une belle fete rien de mieux qu'un petit cadeau. Chez- Nous, a la Boutique, nous vous suggerons: -des roses en epinglettes ou corsage: de vraies roses qui ne faneront jamais car elles sont traitees specialement et enduites de resine. Chaque piece est faite a la main par des artisans canadiens; -des tasses personnalisees inscrites "Maman" et "Grand'maman" avec boite; -un certificat d'achat a la Boutique Chez-Nous. Nous vendons aussi de jolies cartes pour la Fete des Meres. : Wednesday, May 6, 1981, Page 3

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