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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 13 May 1981, p. 3

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theatre "ta Mesure Humaine' ou "Le silence d'une tragedi" Quand: Dimanche le 17 Quoi: mai a 20h00 Ou: la Salle paroissiale de Lafontaine Qui: Theatre de la Corvee et d'la Vieille 17 (un des interpretes est Jean-Marc Dalpe que nous avons vu dans "Les murs de nos villages" et "Protegera nos foyers et ..."") Cout d'entree: $3.50-adulte - $3.00-etudiant "Trois bucherons qui etaient en greve ont ete tues et neuf autres ont ete hospitalises ... au cours d'une rixe qui a eclate en foret entre un groupe de bucherons independants et un groupe de travailleurs syndiques ...' (Le Droit, edition du 11 fevrier 1963). d Resumons les faits: a Reesor Siding, quelque part entre les villes de Hearst et de Kapuskasing, dans le Nord ontarien, un groupe de bucherons independants tire sur les grevistes de la multinationale Spruce Falls Power and Paper. Bilan': trois morts, neuf blesses. Que s'est- il passe? Qu'est-ce-qui a motive cette violence criminelle entre travailleurs? La piece nous fournira sans doutes quelques reponses a ces questions. Nouvelle Employee Nous sommes heureux de vous presenter un nouveau visage au Centre d'activites fran- caises: Mile Pierrette Bergeron nous donnera un coup de main pour seize semaines grace a un programme du College Georgian "Ontario Career Action Programme" (OCAP). Ce programme aide a de _ jeunes travailleurs de 16 a 24 ans a s'integrer au milieu du travail et leur fournit de l'ex- perience dans une carriere de leur choix. Voyage a Timmins et Kapuskasing Vendredi le 1 mai, Mme. Rosita M. Des Roches, secretaire au Counsel d'ad- ministration du Centre d'activites francaises (CAF), M. Roland DesRoches, president du CAF et son espouse Regina et M. Basile Dorion directeur-general du CAF se ren- daient a Timmins pour assister a ]'overture officielle du Centre culturel La Ronde. Ils participerent a un banquet avec environ cing cents autres personnes. Le lendemain, les 2 et 3 mai, ils se rendaient au Centre de Kapuskasing pour une rencontre de l'Assemblee des Centres Culturels de l'Ontario. Ils recurent un tres bon accueil aux deux centres et furent tres impressionnes de la grosseur et de l'envergure de ces centres. Camp D'Ete Nous sommes heureux d'annoncer que notre demande au Ministere des Affaires Culturelles et des Loisirs pour de l'aide financiere qui nous permettra de mettre sur pied un camp d'ete francophone dans la region de Penetanguishene-Lafontaine- Perkinsfield a ete approuve. Ce projet d'ete cree trois emplois: 1 superviseur et deux moniteurs-trices. Les candidat(e)s doivent posseder un excellent francais; doivent etre enthousiastes et ac- tives en plein air et dans le domaine ar- tistique; doivent etre matures et respon- sables. Veuillez contracter Chantel au Centre d'activites francaises, 549-3116. Ce projet est realise dans le cadre du programme special, d'emplois d'ete pour les jeunes "Experience" En Ontario. Jeu de Cartes Le comite de parents des garderies du Centre d'activites francaises organise une partie de cartes. !'Quand: mercredi le 20 mai a 7h30. Ou: Centre d'activites francaises, 63, rue Main, Penetanguishene. Entree: $2. Inclus: petit gouter et prix. Man guilty on two counts Richard Buttineau, ot: of RR2, Penetanguishene, was found guilty Monday in Midland Provincial Court of breach of probation, and theft under $200. Four counts of attempted theft were withdrawn. The charges were laid following incidents on July 4, 1980. The theft charge was related to the siphoning of gasoline. Buttineau received a sentance of one month less a day. Main Street clean-up starts today Spring clean-up will be held along Main Street today and tomorrow. The east side of Main Street will be covered today and the west side of Main Street will be covered tomorrow. This is how it works Both the Historic Establishment at Penetanguishene and Ste. Marie among the Hurons at Midland held open house, Sunday. The Mother's Day crowds at both locations was a prelude to what these popular North Simcoe attractions can expect again this tourist season. Needless SHE Er ES to say there was plenty of things to see as these visitors found out in Penetanguishene. Police Week... invitation fromacting Chief Welcomes school children May 11 through May 16 is Police Week in Canada. An open house for the local force is planned for the near future . The public safety committee of council is now engaged in filling two vacancies on the force, in choosing a new constable and a 10 year pin Penetanguishene General held their 1981 Pin Presentation Saturday evening at the Country Mill Hospital in Midland and among _ those presented was Sharon Schepers of Phelpston. Sharon was given her 10 year service pin for nursing by Sister Joan Whelan (left) while master of ceremonies for the evening was PGH Chief of Staff Dr. John MacKenzie of Elmvale. new chief of police. "This being Police Week allows me the opportunity of stressing the importance of our police force working together with the members of our community., The ef fectiveness of good policing within a community goes hand in hand with the amount of input by its citizens." "Our municipality is a small one and that in itself enables us to have a closer working relationship between the mem- bers of our force and the people." "T believe it is important that the people of our community understand that we are law enforcers. "Therefore, we appreciate and need the support and assistance of our citizens in the apprehension of law breakers, even if it merely involves the recording of a license plate number of a vehicle being driven erratically. In this way the citizens could be considered to be the eyes of the police force."' "However, it is our reponsibility to make the citizens aware of the presence of crime, either through the news media or through actual contact with them. "This awareness, together with their support and assistance, creates a strong mutual respect between the police and the people. A relationship such as this can only make for a better and safer community." "Perhaps this week can be a first step towards a better understanding of our job in the community and our need for the support of people." "T would like to say that the members ofour police force are very pleased with the new police building provided by the people of Penetanguishene. We would welcome school children to come and view our facilities. However, due to our situation of being short staffed, we would ask that the necessary arrangements be made prior to their attending." Also, an open house is being planned by the public safety committee for a future date, in order to allow any interested members of our community to attend.' Wednesday, May 13, 1981, Page 3

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