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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 7 Oct 1981, p. 3

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From another era Titan - Wallis - John Deere! They competed in the Antique Plowing, a daily event at the International Plowing Match and Farm Machinery Show. These are nol the names of the plowmen, but rather the names of the tractors which still are capable of doing a day's work. Penetanguishene Building's front Penetanguishene. front door is opened. A contract for the alterations of Municipal office has been awarded to Quality Carpet of Although no date has been set to start on the renovations, it should be very soon to effectively cut down on heat loss in the wintertime every time Contract awarded for municipal office alterations Under the proposed plan, wooden partitions will be constructed in the front entrance of the building around the desk, creating a weather lock. This would mean heat will stay in the building instead of going out the open door. The plan will also mean an existing light fixture and fresh air duct in the entranceway will have to be relocated to accomodate the new partition. Bellisle voices concern ¢Continued from Page 1 matter where they're going todumpit, they're going to have op- position. The people in Chalk River are going to be up in arms as well as those in Base Borden." Bellisle, however, does not agree with councillor Ken Tan- nahill who, at the last town council meeting, said the radiation level in the soil couldn't possibly be more than that in your television in his understanding. Bellisle points to the blood test results taken lately that show almost 30 per cent of the residents in the Malvern subdivision in Scar- borough have low white blood cell counts as proof that something may definitely be wrong with the soil, It is hoped, though, those results are because of a virus that is going around the community at this time and a second test will be taken in two weeks time to make sure of the findings. Low white blood cell count is connected directly with radiation contamination. Tannahill has since said that his views have been dictated by what he reads in the papers and according to those sources, the soil is low in radiation. Disc Jockey equipment stolen from car Midland OPP are investigaling a theft of disc jockey equipment valued at $6,365, from a parked car in Georgian and subdivision in Tiny Township, that took place early Saturday morning. Ronald Wiggins of Concession 16 in Georgian Sands left the equipment on the back sealt_of his car in a driveway overnight and woke the next morning to find someone had broken into the car and taken the equipment. Taken were speakers, amplifier, double turn- table, microphone, a carrying case con- taining 300 LP's and a carrying case con- taining 900 45 records. Wiggins worked as a part-time disc jockey. Your Ontario Heart Foundation can tell you where CPR is taught in your area. $1,000, mer Ne Se at C Me: e ~ arbage pickup until further notice Dump site off-limits by Adrienne Graham Gardner Difficulties between the Midland-Peneta- nguishene-Tiny (MPT) Landfill Site Committee and the operators of the Eric Pauze landfill site in Perkinsfield have reached the con- frontation stage. In spite of a preliminary study of the site in January by the Ministry of the Environment which pointed to con- tamination of the ground-water both on and off the site as "highly likely" area municipalities seem to have waited until their contract with Pauze had expired to declare. an emergency _ situation. Although the MPT has been searching for an alternate site for two years, the participating municipalities are left without a place to take their garbage unless the Minister of the Environment __recogn- izes the 'emergency' and permits dumping at the Wasaga Beach site. Following a day-long meeting by the' MPT committee with Pauze and the Ministry, in the words of MPT Chair- man John Lackie, the position of the Ministry~ seems to be "you've been dumping (in Perkinsfield) for 10 years now; three more months won't make any difference. At Friday's meeting, Drummond Peet, solicitor for Eric Pauze, produced but did not distribute a letter from Pauze's. consulting hydrologists, - Morrison Beatty, which describes "gross contamination"' at the Perkinsfield site. Although this report from the hydrologists was received by Pauze in early August, it was not brought to the at- tention of the MPT until Friday. Reverend Pere Thomas Mar- Coincidentally, the Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the re- zoning of the Pauze property to allow ex- pansion of the dump scheduled for July 28 was postponed _in- definitely at the request of Pauze's solicitor. Under the Environ- mental Protection Act, the Ministry and the operator of the landfill site are responsible for supervising the operation of a dump. The MPT committee, who contract with Pauze for the right to dump in Perkinsfield, have no control over the way in which the dump is operated. Last year, MPT paid $78,000 for its contract with Pauze. With ad- ditional contracts with Coldwater and Port MeNicoll, Pauze's revenues from municipal contracts was Close to $100,000 in 1980. The seven municipalities who contract with Pauze through the MPT have decided to declare an emergency situation rather than continue dumping in Perkinsfield under a Ministry ex- tension. MPT Chair- man Lackie explains, "Our legal advice has been that at this point we have no liability, but if we go back in, we'll be leaving ourselves wide open to liability." The liability for proper closing of the Pauze site and remedial action to contain off-site migration of leachate is uncertain. Lackie estimates the cost of "close-out" including covering and shaping the dumping area witha clay mantle to promote run-off and seeding of the cover would be approximately $100,000. However, the cost of remedial action necessary is impossible to determine until the full report of Pauze's hydrologists' is revealed. Morrison Beatty, Pauze consultants sunk test wells alt the site, one well going 60 feet down into an aquifer on the westerly boundary of the dump. This aquifer, or layer of gravel containing ground walter, is considered relatively deep and flows to the west in the direction of the hamlet of Perkinsfield. The MPT has asked the Simcoe County Health Unit to test the wells in the surrounding area to determine if the contamination has reached the populated: area. The exact substance of the contamination is not known at this time. However, the Ministry's preliminary study in January describes two areas of the dump used to accept industrial waste sludges including heavy metals, phosphates, fluorides, oils, organic solvents, chlorinated solvents, plastic resins; pigments, paints and plant) and = animal wasles. Local industries who have used the Pauze site include Dayton Tire, Bay Mills, RCA, Midland Industries. The report charged that up to 500 cubic metres of liquid and solid industrial waste have been discharged into this area annually; some of this material is described as "loxic". The Pauze site was never licensed to accept liquid industrial waste. When it was discovered that these materials were being accepted in 1974-75, the Ministry allowed the practise to continue until last fall when the site was of- ficially closed to liquid industrial waste. Ca "'swingnait" vendredi soir dernier a la Salle paroissiale de Lafontaine. Le premier Cafe chantant de la saison s'est revele etre une occasion de rencontre et d'echange de nouvelles. Plusieurs jeunes du post-secondaire se revoyaient pour la premier fois depuis le debut de l'annee scolaire. ; L'almosphere etait celle d'une rencontre de famille avec, en plus, la bonne musique de chez-nous. Ridogon - Halloween Cette annee, les Rigodons du Centre revetleront un caractere nouveau. En plus d'offrir une soiree a la saveur du bon vieux temps avec un(e) artiste vedette, et de servir un gouter sortant de l'ordinaire, nous voulons saluer une famille de la region. : Afin de proceder d'une facon aussi juste que possible, nous avons pris le bottin de telephone et avons choisi les familles dont le nom parait le plus souvent. La premiere famille fut la famille Marchand, la seconde, a notre Rigodon-Hallowe'en, sera la famille Charlebois. Le but de ces Rigodons est de donner loceasion aux membres de la famille a V'honneur de se rencontrer pour s'amuser. pour echanger des anecdotes, pour faire et ecouter de la musique, pour danser, pour manger el, dans certains cas, pour faire connaissance avec "'un p'tit cousin du cote de ma mere ou un grand'oncle du cote de mon pere...'"' Les amis et voisins sont invites aussi, c'est certain! Ce pourrait etre fort interessant et amusant pour les amateurs de genealogie. Notre prochain Rigodon aura lieu le soir de |'Hallowe'en samedi le 31 octobre a 20h00 au Centre d'activites francaises. Costumez-vous, on vous prendra peut-etre pour un Charlebois plutot que pour un Maurice ou un Laurin et vous serez a Vhonneur vous aussi! Les billets se vendent $3 / adulte - $2 / etudiant. Vous pouvez vous servir de vos billets non-gagnants Wintario pour beneficier d'un rabais d'un minimum de 50 sous et d'un maximum de $2 sur le prix d'entree. Campagne De Souscription La campagne bat son plein: les locaux suivants sont vendus: la salle du Conseil, $2,000 achete par Rejeanne Guay; le Bar; $2,000, Romeo Asselin; salle de Tissage, $1,000, Ronald Asselin; Salle de billard, $1,000 M. et Mme. Louis DeVillers; Bureau d'administration, Gabriel childon; Cuisinette du Cafe, $1,000, Ameublements Maurice; Bureau du president, $1,000, Roland Desroches: Cuisine, $1,000, club Richelieu; atelier de Photographie, $1,000, club Richelieu. Des dons de $500 furent faits par: Mme. Meranda Marchildon, Mme. Medora DeVillers et M. et Mme. Albert Blondin. Plusieurs dons de $20 at $250 furent aussi recus. Le grand TOTAL se chiffre a $15,665 en plus $3,000 a $4,000 promis d'ici quelques jours. Nous remercions tout ce monde egalement car chacun donne selon ses moyens et ses interets et chaque don est apprecie egalement. Katimavik - Hebergement Comme vous le savez tous, Katimavik est un programme pour jeunes canadiens de 17 a 21 ans et ils sont dans notre region pour neuf mois. Pendant leur sejour ici, ils doivent aller rester dans des familles pour trois semaines. Ils ne vont pas en visite mais pour partager leur mode de vie, elur culture et leur langue - les jeunes sont a peu pres un liers francophones et deux tiers anglophones. Ils doivent faire leur part dans le travail de tous les jours des familles chez qui ils seront heberges. Nous avons donc besoin de familles qui seraient interessees a heberger un ou plusieurs jeunes. Les dates d'hebergement sont: du 17 octobre au 7 novembre - du 24 octobre au 14 novembre et du 31 octobre au 21 novembre. Katimavik aide a defrayer le cout de la nourriture. Veuillez contacter Diane Veilleux au 36171318 ou Cindy Thomas au 549-8968. C'est une experience que vous ne regretterez pas. Offre D'Emploiu Poste: coordonnateur (trice) a la programmation Description: sera responsable de la programmation artistique et culturelle du Centre d'activites franecaises et de la coordination de ses ateliers artistiques. Exigences: excellent francais - facilite de contact avec la communaute a tous les niveaux d'age - sens de l'organisation - facilite d'animation et d'organisation pour activites artistiques et culturelles - facilite de travail en equipe - tendances ar- listiques. Salaire: capacite. Telephonez: 549-3116 ou venez au 63, rue Main, Penetanguishene a discuter selon experience et

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