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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 18 Nov 1981, p. 3

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* Si Vai ig 7th century flotillato be | re-enacted On June 1, 1982, a total of 16 volunteers will set out on an historic canoe trip with a sense of mission and purpose that would make even their forefathers proud. The project is "Destination: Ste- Marie' and the participants will traverse more than 1,200 kilometres originating from Quebec and con- cluding at the reconstructed Jesuit mission of Sainte-Marie among the Hurons in Midland. The group is expected to arrive on Saturday, July 10 which coincides with the third annual "Shondecti"; a special event introduced by Sainte- Marie in 1979 to commemorate the arrival of flotillas at Ontario's first European community in the 17th century. "Destination: |Ste-Marie" is an authentic re-enactment of a flotilla that left "Kebec"' in 1648 and was the first to reach Sainte-Marie in more than two years. The trip will take six weeks covering the same water routes travelled by the Jesuits, French laymen and Natives who made the trip to the isolated mission 334 years ago. Little did they know at the time but the 1648 flotilla would prove to be the last One to reach Sainte-Marie among the Hurons before the Jesuits burned their mission to the ground. Every effort is being made to make the 1982 flotilla as authentic as possible according to Bill Byrick, Manager of Sainte-Marie among the Hurons. "Preparation for the trip started four months ago and not only must each participant make his own authentic costume but he must also represent a person who was on the original flotilla which means they will _be doing a lot of research between now and June," Byrick commented. Byrick is very enthused with the number of people who have expressed an interest in participating, con- sidering it is strictly volunteer and means sacrificing six weeks of their summer Each participant recognizes that the time spent on the actual trip is only the tip of the iceberg and they will be making many more sacrifices even before the first canoe is launched in Quebec. "It is imperative that the par- ticipants not only understand the people and history they are representing but they must be prepared physically as well and this means several labourious excursions through the winter," Byrick said. The flotilla will average about 56 kilometres a day, allowing for more than fifty portages and inclement weather. Midland resident, Jim McKinnon, is responsible for the conditioning program and as a former recreation co-ordinator in the Armed Forces, he has designed a winter itinerary that will give all par- licipants a taste of what is to come. The fitness program includes 40 mile canoe trips, 50 mile hikes and a 50 mile cross-country ski marathon. The exercises are held exclusively on weekends so as not to conflict with school or work. province and some must travel great distances to participate in the training program. Community businesses have also caught the spirit by contributing funds to the non-profit undertaking. The largest donation to date has come from Bay Mills in donated $2,500 worth of fibreglass for the construction of four canoes. "We hope to accomplish a number of things with this trip but most im- portant we hope to share a significant part of our heritage with people along the route and show them that this country does have an exciting past that we can all be proud of," Byrick explained. The participants readily believe the trip will result in many _ fond memories for them and the people they meet along the way. Wave sent driver to hospital here The driver of a car who waved to a passerby as he drove in Tiny Township Sunday afternoon and then went off the road and hit a tree was taken to Penetanguishene General Hospital. Midland OPP reports that David Lesperance, 25, of 147 Steel Barrie, is reported to have received major injuries. The scene of the ac- cident was County Road 26, .3 kilometers north of the 15th Concession St., Many of the par-' . ticipants are scattered around the. Midland who ~~~ Bi ple % "a 4 eo GQ SOE Fun in the The Finlaysons of Midland took advantage of Sunday's mild temperatures to visit Awenda Park at the north end of Tiny Township and to relax awhile on the shores of Georgian Bay. The mercury rose to 65 degrees on the old scale which made it one of the warmest Nov. 15 in recent memory. In picture is Caro] Finlayson with her daughters Shelley and Wendy. K of C to hold special mass A memorial mass for deceased members of the Knights of Columbus will be held tomorrow evening at St. Theresa's High School in Midland at 7:30 p.m. An invitation to the general public is being ex- tended by organizers of tomorrow's mass...Laurier Council, No. 2004, Knights of Columbus. Last Thursday evening this same recently reactivated fraternity conducted a district K. of C. meeting at St. Theresa's. The district includes K. of C. organizations as far south as Newmarket, east to Orillia, west to Collingwood and _ north to Midland- Penetanguishene. Special guest was Howard Markham, grand knight, of Huronia Council-Penetanguishene. The meeting itself was chaired by District Deputy Ed LeClair from the Barrie Council of the Knights of Columbus. The large crowd discussed plans to hold a district spelling bee while preparations were also made to promote a free-throw basketball com- petition. Both competitions will be open to all schools in the district, both separate and public, with St. Theresa's High Schoo] staging the finals in the free-throw competition. = francaises Campagne de souscription Le petit bonhomme sur |'engeigne au Centre d'activites francaises fait son chemin, Il attend son nouvel habit rouge sur la marche du $30,000. Nous avons atteint et depasse ce chiffre impressionnant! [1 nous reste toutefois encore $50,000 a prelever pour atteindre le $80,000 prevu pour les renovations.....Le travail accompli a date comprend la remise a neuf du magnifique plancher au troisieme etage, la peinture a |'exterieur et la couverture neuve sur le toit du Centre; une renovation pour donner meilleur acces a la salle de conference, la peinture interieure et la construction d'une remise de 18 x 20 a ]'arriere du Centre. Il nous reste a rediviser le sous-sol afin de fournir deux salles de recreation reservees au Club 50 et Plus; (..)munir la grande salle d'un systeme de son adequat, de lumieres et d'estrade; re-equiper la cuisine; installer un systeme partiel de ventilation, un systeme d'alarme et de feu, Visolation ainsi qu'un nouveau systeme electrique; |'achat d'auvents au rez-de- chaussee-et Jinstallation de nouvelles sorties d'urgence et escaliers de sauvetage et, finalement, l'amenagement du terrain. (..)amenager une cuisinette ala Boutique Chez-Nous afin d'integrer le Cafe de la. Cour durant les mois d'hiver. BOUTIQUE CHEZ-NOUS Un disque par CLAUDE VALADE: Claude Valade nous revient avec un deuxieme microsillon de chants a caractere religieux. Apres son microsillon Comme tu es grand: Chansons chretiennes, elle nous presente main- tenant Oui, je crois. Elle y reprend quelques chansons-succes du style blues- religieux comme Oui, je crois, De quelle couleur est la peau de Dieu. Elle in- terprete aussi deux- belles chansons de Michel Conte Les enfants de la vie et La colombe et le serpent. C'est une production commerciale en ce qu'elle reprend des succes du genre religieux. Cependant la qualite d'arrangements et d'interpretation en font un disque digne de mention qui pourrait avantageusement etre utilise pour une thematique de foi et d'esperance. Un Alleluia de Claude Gaudette, l'auteur des arrangements, donne un petit aspect Littleton a cette production. ~ Claude. Valade chante avec conviction tout au long du microsillon. Elle est en- touree d'un choeur mixte de bonne con- sistance, qui fail un travail professionnel. Disponible a la Boutique Chez-Nous du Centre d'activites francaises. UN SPECTACLE POUR TOUS Samedi le 28 novembre a la Salle paroissiale de Lafontaine a 21h00 (9 p.m.) 'rendez-vous avec Donald Polquin, un gars du Nord (pres de Hearst) qui sait nous faire rire et jouer de la musique. Ce que Donald vous offre, dans le moment, c'est un spectacle de folklore et de musique traditionnelle a participation ou l'auditoire est appele a chanter, taper du pied, battre la mesure et surtout avoir du plaisir dnas l'esprit de nos soirees de famille traditionnelles. Le repertoire se compose d'un eventail de ce que comprend notre heritage folklorique, a partir de la berceuse, la chanson casse-cou, la chanson plus regionale, la complainte jusqu'a la chanson a repondre. Lorsque 1l'occasion s'y prete, On y trouve un conte, ou meme une gigue executee par Ti-Poil le gigueux. C'est un spectacle qui s'adapte a tout le monde! Precedant ce spectacle, aura lieu le congres regional de l'ACFO / Simcoe nord: souper a la salle paroissiale de Lafontaine. Billets $5.00/ adulte $4.00 / etudiant(e). A cette occasion prenez avantage d'une aubaine sans pareil: le souper et le spectacle pour le meme prix de $5.00, c'est-a-dire $5.00 vous permet de souper et-d'assister au spec- tacle! Gardez vos billets pour les re- presenter a l'heure du spectacle: En plus, vous pouvez profiter d'une remise maximum de $2.00 sur vos billets de spectacle en presentant vos billets non- gagnants Wintario. Apportez un maximum de 4 billets pour une remise de $2.00 (.50 chaque billet). REUNION-RENCONTRE Lundi soir le 16 novembre avait lieu un souper-rencontre au Centre d'activites francaises grace a l'appui financier du Ministere des Affaires culturelles et des loisirs. Trente el un groupes francophones de la region de Penetanguishene, Lafontaine et Perkinsfield rencontraient quatre representants d'agences gouver- nementales: le Secretariat d'Etat du Canada, le Ministere des Affaires culturelles et des loisirs et le Conseil des Arts de |'Ontario. Serge Prud'homme, coordonnateur a la programmation au Centre s'occupaitde la restauration avec l'aide de Francis, Pat et Steve de Katimavik et de Mme. Rosita M. DesRoches, Christine Desroches, Jennifer Currie, Denise Pauze et Monique Mar- childon. Merci a tout ce monde pour un excellent souper. Les representants des groupes francophones locaux eurent l'occasion de se jaser entre eux, renouer des liens et s'informer aupres des agents gouver- "nementaux. Ce souper-recontre iul une experience tres valable du point de vue meilleure communication entre nous. Le coor- donnateur a la programmation du Centre, Serge, fut mandate par l'assemblee de, premierement organiser une autre recontre et, deuxiemement de proceder a elaboration d'un calendrier d'activites regionales. Il sera maintenant possible d'eviter de se couper l'herbe sous les pieds et de planifier nos activites en tenant compte des autres groupes. Wednesday, November 18, 1981, Page 3

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