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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 13 Jan 1982, p. 10

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A tt by Leuise Wanless Mr. and Mrs. Camp- bell Steele of Brockville and Campbells' mother, Mrs. John Steele of Belfast, Ireland, spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Clarence Atkinson. Other visitors on Dec. 26 were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Atkinson, Joanna and Sarah of Alliston, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atkinson and family of Guelph, Dale Atkinson of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Atkinson and Jordan of Utopia. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Freedman and Rachel of Deep River and Mark Freedman of Toronto spent the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Temolder of Elmvale also visited at Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cullen, John, Mike and Kathleen of Toronto, and Dan, who is at- tending Trent University, Peterbo- rough,: spent' the holidays with the Huth family. Bob Lennox of Ottawa was also home for Christmas. Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John DeGorter and Caroline included Mr. and Mrs. Harry DeGorter of Berkeley, California, Mr. and Mrs. John DeGorter, Carey, Jackie and John Curtis of Fergus, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Atkinson and family of Guelph, Dr. and Mrs. Paul Denbeigh of Kitchener, and Peter, who is attending the University of Western Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Edward DeGorter were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kerr of Stayner. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Cameron were Christmas dinner guests _ of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dilworth and family of Elmvale. Mr. and Mrs. David Sutherland of Guelph and Misses Shauna and Kelly Sutherland of Langley, B.C., spent the holiday week with Janet's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Wanless. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Wanless and Alissa of Sundridge and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Corbett, Lindsay and Graham of Toronto spent a few days. Bill by Jeanne Webb The Bavarian House, east of Midland, catered to the Campbell Clan, Sunday night, December 27. All the family but one, 30 of them, were there to help Mrs. Edgar Campbell celebrate her 85th birth- day. They all thoroughly enjoyed the dinner and the get- together. The Wyevale United Church and the Waverley Charge joined together at Waverley for their Christmas Eve and Communion ser- vice. Reverend John Locke was in charge. Mrs. Mina Parnell, from the Villa Nursing Home, Midland, and 101 years young, spent Christmas Eve with the Nerpin Family, Wyevale. She joined the rest of her family at Valah and Ken Cooper's, Elmvale, for the Christmas Day celebrations. A New Year's Eve dance, sponsored by the Recreation Group, was held in the Orange Centre. There was a good crowd there to see the Old Year out and the New Year in. Some of the people home for the Holidays were Colleen Hall, Calgary; Judy Camp- bell, Toronto; Brian © Contact Community information Rainford of Barrie and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wanless of Minesing were also guests on Christmas day. Mrs. Harold Smith, Harvey and Don, spent Ch ri S;Cameas> ° pn Newmarket with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith, Scott and Jamie. Sunday guests of the Smith's included Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Doan and family of Crossland, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Kitchen of Elmvale, Ray Kitchen of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Tim Kitchen of Regina, Sask. and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith and boys of Newmarket. Scott Smith remained for a holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Porretta, Linda, Robert and David visited at Campbell, London; Edward Grenier, Toronto; Danny Grenier, Peterborough. Many others spent -a happy Christmas Season with their families. Mrs. Jean Webb spent some time with her daughter Betty-Lou and family in Toronto. Grandma had help to get the twins oriented. Mr. and Mrs. Terry 526-9333 9 a.m.-5p.m. You may have noticed in the papers or heard on the radio that we are advertising for new members for our board of directors. In reply to the inquiries that have been coming into the office, qualifications for members are 'interested citizens who are residents of Huronia."' The area that we serve takes in Midland, Penetanguishene, Tiny, Tay, Flos Townships, Port MeNicoll, Victoria Harbour, Christian Island and Elmvale. These are the areas for our purposes, that we consider Huronia. We meet once a month on the third Thursday of the month. Isubmit a report of the happenings through the month, a treasurer's report and a statistical report. The board goes over each report and through these decide the direction our Centre should be taking, evaluate various requests for assistance, identify unmet needs in the community and plan future fund-raising events. A member may be required to assist with fund-raising events or on occasion, if their schedule allows, man the office if the staff are involved in development or training programs. For the most part no one person needs te.spend too large an amount of their time on the running of the Centre. If you feel you have something to offer our Centre or that you would enjoy working with us by all means send a resume or letter of application. On a totally different note, we've received notification that the Minister of Community and Social Services, Frank Drea, announced approval of a $1.2 million supplementary budget allocation to improve the rates paid to foster parents by Children's Aid Societies. The improvement of foster care rates is the latest in a series of comprehensive provincial initiatives aimed at improving foster care. Other initiatives include: the addition of 52 staff to societies to further develop foster care programs, the development of public awareness campaign materials to promote foster care, adjustments in foster care rates to compensate for rapidly accelerating food costs, funding specialized foster care programs for the developmentally han- dicapped. The solution to even the most difficult problem begins with the first step. If you have a problem, take the first step. Call Contact your Community Information Centre today. Irene Quesnelle, Administrator. Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Spohn of London. They also called on cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spohn of Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Saltys spent Christmas in Aurora with their son- in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Fewer and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zymantas had all their family home for the Christmas weekend: Mr. and Mrs. John Zymantas and Vicki of Sudbury, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Zymantas and Karoline of Toronto, and Mrs. Les McBride and boys of Milton. Miss Anne Rawn of Toronto spent' the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gathering of the clan Williams and John were to Toronto to visit the Roeslers. We are sorry to learn that Ab Martin has been a patient in Penetang Hospital. He is wished a speedy recovery. It was back to school for teachers and students alike, on Monday morning. None of them were in a big hurry. The vehicles moved very slowly. Why? Mother Nature was giving them a slippery send-off. She thought she had been good to us long enough. We, from Wyevale Community, extend a Happy New Year to the Lance staff and all it's readers. May 1982 be good to you! ' Dale. Cline Rawn, Larry and Miss Catherine Rawn of Hamilton was also home for Christ- mas.) - Christmas Day guests of Marshall and Dorothy Pilkey were Mr. and Mrs. George Smith, SCOUTING AROUND 2), by Robin Nutbrown Visitors galore Gordon and Karen, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith and Corey, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Simo of Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Pilkey and family of Wasaga Beach, and Dorothy and Brian Pilkey. The purpose of the 75th Anniversary celebration, is to promote Scouting as a worthwhile modern program which is meeting the needs of youth. Scouting is proud of its past and is eagerly looking forward to the future. Careful planning must be done to ensure the celebration activities: (a) are part of the regular ongoing ac- tivities - not an '"'extra" tacked on. (b) are planned so the general public has an easy access. ; (c) are spaced throughout the period February 1982 - Jyly 1983, so the Anniversary has impact during the eighteen month period. There will be several highlights during the celebrations: Feb. 21-28, 1982 - Scout / Guide Week - launch of celebrations - 125 years since the birth of Baden - Powell. Aug. 1-9, 1982 - 75th Anniversary of the first official Scout Camp at Brownsea Island - Camps with the theme "take a friend to Brownsea."' Feb. 20-27, 1983 - Scout / Guide Week - 75 years of Scouting in Canada - Group reunions. July 4-14, 1983 - 15th World Jamboree in Alberta - Join-in Jamborees - Wind up of the 75th Anniversary. This schedule provides a major event every six months during the celebrations. Each group or section can plan their own activities to make best use of the op- portunities provided. Historical, museum type displays which show Scountings' past will be of interest to former members who wish to reminisce. Today's youth and their parents will be at- tracted by modern, active programs showing that Scouting is "with it." Our members and potential members will judge the success of the celebrations by what they do. build for the future. The 75th Anniversary - an opportunity to Penetanguishene Chamber of Commerce is having their ANNUAL MEETING -'Thurs., Jan. 14-7:30 p.m. upstairs in Canadian Legion ECOLE SECONDAIRE PENETANGUISHENE SECONDARY SCHOOL Presents we Présente LIL ABNER a musical comedy/une oy. 2 33 Jan. 20, 21, Tickets : aah a50' eke Pas! tickets available at: Huronia Office Supply ~ Johnstores Music Lond- The Sea Horse-Ted Lights Penetang 1GA-Zellers- Ken Coté Super Save Bir Basel! Mme J. Waugh, ~ M4N 3M6 (416) 487-6201. Universite a Penetanguishene En mai et juin 1982, le College Glendon offrira le cours HU370.3B La femme en France et en Angleterre au 17e siecle. Dates: 21-22 mai, 28-29 mai etdu 11 au 30 juin (3 fois par semaine). Frais de scolarité: $103.50 Nota Bene: Les etudiants qui désirent suivre ce cours doivent s inscrire et faire parvenir leur cheque vise al'ordre de |'Université York avant le 31 janvier. Pour tous renseignements, veuillez vous adresser a: Bureau des programmes scolaires, Collége universitaire Glendon 2275, avenue Bayview Toronto, Ontario Page J0-Wednesday, January. 13s, 1992 ----

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