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Penetanguishene Citizen (1975-1988), 25 Aug 1987, p. 8

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Readers"comments Monarchists want to keep oath to Queen Dear Editor: Immigrants coming to Canada should be educated in our form of government, and thus proud to swear allegiance to Her Majesty the Queen. However, ap- parently Secretary of State David Crombie does not agree. In a_ recently- released discussion paper ironically entitled "Proud to be Canadian", Crombie suggests downgrading or eliminating the Queen from the Citizenship Oath. 1 am writing to alert your readers to this insulting and untimely proposal, and to ask them to join in making certain that it does not become law. Canada is a constitu- tional monarchy. That principle is entrenched in our recently-proclaimed Constitution, and the presence this year in Quebec of both the Queen and the Queen Mother shows how uncontrover- sial and widely accepted is Travels in fear of fall King Street Editor's Note: This is a copy of a letter sent to the Mayor and Council of the Town of Midland. Dear Sir: Every time I drive on King Street past the new Seniors building (Smith's CKMP radio promoted Danish Police Band Dear Editor: A follow-up on the Aug. 7 visit to Midland of the Danish Police Orchestra Tag day with the Main Street parade and one hour concert. The official welcome to may raise awareness Dear Editor: The Huronia District Hospital Auxiliary would like to thank everyone who contributed to its recent Tag Day. The public may be more aware this year of the Quite the trick hospital's need for funds because of the Fund Rais- ing Campaign. Whatever the reason, the results of the Tag Day were most gratifying and great- ly appreciated. Tag Day Convenor Evelyn Moffatt 4 u * The three-ring circus held in Penetanguishene earlier this month featured some real feats - including this one. Talented canines jumped through hoops of all Midland at the Cenotaph, King Street was a very special occasion and my thanks are expressed to all the media who attended and CKMP in particular. Their David Cohen and "Old Scotty" Scott War- nock whose organizing was invaluable.- Cable 6 Frank Myers had promis- ed, due to popular demand through my office and the cable station, to screen the event in its entirety in mid-September. Yours-truly, Brian P. Dubeau Vice-President and General Manager, PMCL & vA Pk me tase, a , i / / sizes, over barricades, and cus was sponsored by the tre in Midland. the role of the Crown. Recognition of this fact should be made by anyone who wants to become a Canadian. One of the discussion Ppaper's proposed oaths places the Queen in fourth place, and eliminates the promise '"'to bear true allegiance"' to the Sovereign. This is justified as follows: "Some believe the country itself ought to take precedence over the Crown", falsely-suggesting that there is a conflict. Our way of expressing love:of country is through loyalty to the Crown, because the Queen is the neutral and non-political Head of State. ing in road Mobile Park), I travel with trepidation, hoping my car will not fall into the cut in the road. It was my understanding that there were to be no open cuts across King Street. How come there is one at this location? Newspaper articles ad- vised us that the Highland Hotel and Central Sports both had to tunnel across King Street. Do some peo- ple get preferential treatment? While I am slowing down to miss the hole, I can't help notice the sign that has been erected for the senior's building. It must be completely on the King Street right. of way! Shades of Meatland's pro- blems on Midland Avenue. It seems to me that the Town's bylaws are a farce, slid down slides. The cir- Catholic Family Life Cen- Thanks for helping bring circus Dear Editor: The board of directors and staff of the North Sim- coe Catholic Family Life Centre extend a thank-you to the entire community for helping to bring the Kely-Miller Brothers Cir- cus to Penetang this month, We could not have sponsored it without the interest of individuals and local businesses who pur- chased tickets, as well as the assistance of our adver- tisers, ticket outlets and many generous volunteers. Thank you in particular to the Times and especial- ly, Laurie Watt, for your ex- cellent promotion and en- thusiastic coverage of the circus. Our Centre has been operating in Midland, of- fering counselling, educa- tional and advocacy ser- vices to the community for almost six years. We pro- vide individual, marital and family therapy to anyone irrespective of financial or religious situa- tion. We are involved in Page 8, Tuesday, August 25, 1987 educational programs, most recently conducting a Couples Communications Course. Our primary source of funding is Catholic Charities of the Ar- chdiocese of Toronto. We are required, however, to raise 10 per cent of our budget ourselves. The money raised through this circus and other fundrais- ing endeavours will meet our financial obligation to Catholic Charities and pro- vide for capital expenses that will enhance our services. We are proud of the work our Centre does and we think that through your support of this event you have worked with us to im- prove the quality of family life in our area. With sincere thanks, Joan Gallagher-Main Public Relations Chairman and Fund Raising Chairman North Simcoe Catholic Family Life Centre and are waived at any given time, depending on who you know; or have they been changed without our knowledge? Awaiting your reply, James McCready The other proposed Oath justifies removing any mention of the Queen with the ridiculous argument that immigrants having dif- ficulty with English or French may prefer a shorter Oath. Come on, Mr. Crombie - which is more difficult to unders- tand "'being faithful" to the most widely-known and loved woman in the world, or promising to "abide by"' a Constitution, a piece of paper most have never read? People matter most; that is what Monarchy reminds us. For such. an insulting proposal to come from a Conservative Cabinet Minister in the 35th year of the Queen's reign, and of her unswerving service to Canada, can only disturb the average loyal citizen, who wants immigrants to share his proud loyalties, not reject them. I urge readers to write to their M.P., to Mr. Crombie and to the Prime Minister ex- pressing opposition to these suggestions. A detail- ed brief containing arguments against any change in the Oath and suggestions for further in- dividual action may be ob- tained free of charge by writing to: The Monarchist League of Canada, 2 Wedgewood Cr., Ottawa, Ont. K1B 4B4. Yours sincerely, John Aimers, Dominion Chairman Summerama '87 most successful Dear Editor: On behalf of the Penetanguishene Chamber of Commerce Summerama Committee, I would like to extend our sincere ap- preciation for your involve- ment and promotion of Summerama '87. Weather conditions this year necessitated the rescheduling of the Power- boat Races to the Civic Holiday. With the addition of the Pro Bass Tourna- ment, Summerama '87 must be considered to be one of the most successful we've held to date. Again, we thank you and look forward to working with you for future events such as Winterama in February and Summerama in August. Sincerely, Bill Stevens Chairman Penetanguishene-Tiny Chamber of Commerce Summerama Committee You Can Vote Before Election Day! Thursday, September 10th, 1987 If your name is on the list of Voters, or on a Certificate to Vote, but you expect to be away or unable to vote on Election Day, you can take advantage of any Advance Poll in your Electoral District. BUT YOU MUST VOTE IN YOUR ELECTORAL DISTRICT. Except for those locations marked * ground level locations have been chosen for easy access by the elderly or disabled in wheelchairs. Advance Polls to be held at the locations listed, on Thursday, Saturday, Monday, Sept. 3rd, 5th, 7th 11:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. * Advance Poll Voting in the Elections Ontario Office from Aug. 29ththru Sept. 8th. Sundays excluded. In the Electoral District of SIMCOE EAST = 5 * Orillia District Collegiate and Vocational Institute (O.D.C.V.I.) West St., Orillia © Coldwater Community Centre, Coldwater © Poyntz Plaza, Penetanguishene *22 West St. South, Orillia, Ont. Ballots cast at the Advance Polls will be counted at the close of the regular Polls on Election Day. PUBLISHED ON BEHALF OF THE RETURNING OFFICERS FOR THE ABOVE ELECTORAL DISTRICTS BY Warren R. Bailie, CHIEF ELECTION OFFICER Elections Ontario KEEPING. YOU INFORMED AP3/34 TORI RS BT SET, hee Wea

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