Atwood Bee, 21 Feb 1890, p. 8

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bid the COUNTRY TALK. Newry. W-.m. Tfumphrey has had a severe at- tack occassioned by a visit of L. a. 4Grippe. Poole. Miss M.McBoag is visiting friends in “Listowel. —Mroand ‘Mrs-Peden;of Garafraxa, are _ visiting at J. B. Chalmers. 1), Chalmers 1s busy getting eut tim- bes for a new cheese factory and press room. Air. Niven, of Stratford, with the aid of the nusicul portion of the Poole res- itivuts is endeavoring .to organize a sioging class. Grey. Mrs. avis, of Holmesville, is visiting her parents this week. W.. Bishop paid a brief visit to the Outario Agricultaral College, Guelph. President Uriah McFadden represent ec the East Huron Farmer's Institute a at Toronto, Wednesday evening, Feb. 12, bi Cuapman, of London, gave a magi lantern entertainment in shine's sonal Jive. P.C. Duncan, of Drandon, Man, is here on a visit for afew weeks. He has been in tke west for the past sige e eight years ang likes it well. wn isa son-in-law to Lachlin. NicNell well known in this township. The naction sale at Donald McLauch- i's Feb, 12, vas largely attended. The proceeds amounted to about $1,300 out- side of the real estate. James ‘Duncan hough: t the 50acre lot in Morris for 3700. e.corner farm in Grey, which is splendidly located, was bid up to $5,030 but as this did not reach the reserve place was not sold. F. 5. Scott, of Drussels, wielded the auctioneer's hammer ina hia abit sty! le.— Post. ‘Donegal. The revival services have been con- t'ued durag theweek by Rev. D. hogers. S. Vipond has had a severe attack of the prevailing di tg Mrs. V. is also confined to the h . Charles Stason | is , ebkibae to enlarge his karn. When finished 1t will be one of the niost convenient barns in the township. J.McCracken has had severe and pro- tracted brag in his fawily. Whoop- lig cough has se — the children of a nunber of familie Donega! has lost another of her fair daugiue.3, m1 the person of Miss Mary Jjnrke, whu was united in marrage to James Keaiog at her father’s residence. he knot ue neatly tied by Rev. Mr. lie. idersuL, Md. ; Atwood, in the pi, csence of a 5 targe number of ‘friends. I'he presents were valuable and useful. uil meeting of the Donegal ctury, Which was well attended, The patvons seemed well pleased with 1 ¢ management of the factory during Lae pas’ sfas in. The following figures v. ore taken from the secretary's report: ‘otal amount of milk received, 1,352,439 los; cheese manufactured, 126,910 Ibs.; uyerage amount of milk to make I lb of cyerse, 1) 74: ave rage price pet season, 405, ‘The total amount realized for eieese Was 312.008 47. Alexander Mac- henzie has been engaged as cheesemaker Joc the comming season, he is one of t..e best cheesemakers in the country. Mr. Mcallister has rented his farm and jutends devoting all his time to the Juinas yement. of the b tnctory. Listowel. La Grippe iss*ill doing its work. Yhe Mechanies’ Institute reading rooms are being well patronized. Our poplat enetionser, T. E. Hay, is laving a ares run of sales this winter. Hess Bros. & Co, have again started Tull time which will greatly benefit the jtuwn. Messrs. Kidd Bros. have sold their tuoroughbred stallion, Baron Roths- child, to William Bishop, New Ham- burg. W. J. Rothwell, late of the Standard, Je ft for Denver, Colorado, where he pur- 19ses remaining for several mont! with other members.of the family locat- ed there. Rey. Mr. and Mrs. Ilughes gave a conversazione and concert in*he parish ytoom in the rear of Christ Church last ‘Thursday, 13th inst., for the benefit of the Guild'funds. It was liberally pat- ro Stock holders in, se Listowel Agri- cultural and pebbiten Association are notified that the treasurer is now D gr pared to issue stock certificates, and all parties entitled to same are requested at Alr. Morphy's office for ssme. The firmof Shinebeine & Wildfary have dissolved partnership. Mr. Shine purposes temaining in the business, and Mr. Wildfary has started a gent's ‘fur- = shop on Main fate next door ner office. He intends te do pd a y the fine trade. hos. Hamilton, of Scott's bank, left town last Monday Artin for Buffalo, where he will be married to Miss Fer puson on Tuesday, Feb. 18, Miss Fer. | D6 2° a resident of = friends wil] be n. There are a a ‘oo epses of diphtheria |t in t wn, in four famijliesin all and one death so far resul néions ure being taken to preyent the spread of the disease among the school c Families in which there are any sus- picions of the disease should keep all ~ children at home, guson was ferm © towel, ana b a m pleased to many At a meeting of the fire company last Friday a ot the followin chitens wens elected:—R. emp, Chief; Jos. Wil. fon, Captain; ata Orr, “Lieuten ant; W Sec. Treas Bnimer, J. Neaburger. W. = Wricht, W. Tinim, R. Tremaio, Geo. Porter, Branch and 3 Millbank. James Crommie was called‘ su home tast week, his mother Salar “taken | BANGS very ill Miss Mary McLenan and Miss Alice Willoughby, both of this town, have been Visiting for the past few days at J. Grant's, Strausburg. ao boxe d tile yard h ti e and tile are get a large supply of ood od band ra they will run-2-more- extensive business than ever. Mor n. (TOO LATE FOR coh fags: The Milverton Lite i organi an. 30, held its s first meeting’ Thursday evening last. After reading and adopting .the cunstitution a lively debate Place. ‘The subject was:— “Resolved that country life is more con- ducive to happiness than city life.” Mr. Munroe the aflirmative while Mr. Torrence sustained the eens. The former was suppo Messrs. Weir, Garting, Gritin and Hamilton; affirmative victorious. The origina for next Thursday evening will consist of a debate: “Resolved that man will do more for honor than wealth,” songs, readings and recitations. Jas Edwards, jr, late of Manitoba, is still in a low condition physically. We hope the coming spring will see him restored to health. Avonton, A correspondent to TE BEE want- ed here. Who will come to the front? At the annual meeting of those inter- ested in the cheese tactory in this nel hborhood, on Friday, Mr. South- the careful manager, r that i 187,271 pounds of milk ceived during the past season, made 111,374 pounds of cheese, total value of which was 310,329.69. Eleven tons more cheese was made-the past season than in 1588. Messrs. Andrew Aitcheson, John Wood and John Dawe are the managing commit- tee for this year and Ileury Wood is the treasurer ies (re-claoted) Elma. Wm. Little was taken ill on Sabbath, and is lying ina dangerous candition. Our old friend Mr. Tucker whe moyed to Stratford about a year ago paid us a yisit on ‘Tuesday. Mrs, L. Baechler who has beeen visit- ing her friends in St. Agatha returned home on Monday. John Beck, who is attending the Central Business College, Stratford, spent Saturday and Sunday with his purents. Mrs. John Grey, 10th con.. is recover- ing nicely from an attack of la grippe; also Mrs. Hugh Wilson, of the same concession. Wm. Heard of the I2th con., was thrown from a young horse and had several ribs broken. He has been con- fined to the house for some days but is recovering. = terial ready for the erection ofa brick residence on his farm. Jolin Armold is following his example. These when completed will be a great improvement to this part of the township. On Monday last a son of Alexander Herds, of the 12th con., met with an ac- cident. A colt which he was tryin ride rared and fell on him, breaking sume of his ribs. Dr. Hamilton is at- tending to his injuries. Ile will be unable to work for some time. Wm. Shannon, 8th con., had the mis- fortune to lose a valuable horse last Weduesday, [Jt appears he tied the a toa i in front of J. Fisher's, on. when the horses took fright, qe and ran away, strik- ing against a rail fence along the road- side, a rail piercing the breast of one of ist the horses cau sing death ina few min- utes. ‘The animal was valued at $150. Monkton. Mrs. J. C. Wilson has been down with a grippe, but we are glad to say she is pod the mend. . William Gill and his good wife have been down with la grippe, but are slow- ly recovering. say his prayers after so close a call. Cheif of Poljoa Brougton hada hard fight with a wild steer this week. We rr the gravel road got the worst 0 Tne Bee ig fast finding its way into the houses of this section. Subscribe, you will say it is well spent money. Only $1. We hear David Swann is going into the butcher business before long. We wish Dayid well and nave he may make a fortune. James and Samuel Adair, while in the bush last week, seen a very large deer. These animals are not seen every day in this vicinity. We are gad tonotice Jacob Leng w has been sick for a long time is able e around acob has the best wishes of all in the community. Mrs. Wilford, of Oxford county, sis- al to p Ph Pegg and Chas Me rryfield, of village, was visiting friends here last ras She returned home on Sat- y the saine day oyer shooting a in this loccli ail oso Edward Henry las bought eye fine imported hotse which will be great favorite with the people of ‘this | ‘ on a8 soon as ke is on his rounds in the spring. We wish Ned success as oe has e more for this northern secticn jn the atock Une then any other man, in C j n & Brothers, proprietors of | #248 Louis Baechler is busy getting ma-| Thos, Sherwin is around again after a |; few weeks illness, Wehope Tom will pr wish J bch ibe continue toimpl Baris Zeraty iy Atwood, is doing. a good business exh day he comes to our village with h his bread wagon. Mr. Zer- and all whocan should on him, Su c.H. con aur has taken out an au- _ : as-wellas orders leftat the the ‘THe Ree ae will be attendeg to at once. Chas. H charges nothing for — bills or other “he Stratton Herald reporter of this es to improve his a plug hat, andthe week after he gets married. Woebe wuto him. What our bg a is in need now is a Justice of the Teace.—A man who can —A watchmak¢.—A butcher, and one thousand more inhabitants, and we would have quik a village. We understand! C. H. Merryfield will us- | hold at Huggirs’ hatel about the end of March a combijatian sale ot farm stock. All who have sock to sell should have them on the lit at once as we believe the sale will 4 of the largest held in this sectie We understabd Ilenry Kerg is going to be an officer in the Salvation Arm shortly. Henrt is a and we think le could do more with the hammer than he can with his tongue in the amy. However we wish him every succss in the good work. Huggins & BcKenzie has ordered a large number ¢ their new patent emery wheels which vill be ready for the mar- ketin a few weeks. Eyery farmer should have on, as itis run by a sew- ing machine, ai it is complete as can be, wnd as people buy they will say it is arg its weight in gold. We wish the firm succ Will Harrisis “— agp enh ane we rejoice that God, his has spared his lif. cr was wiought ‘at one time he pould not live. We also glad to say his sister Mary o A the mend, who was also at death’s door. Dr. Hamiltonis to be congratulated on his success infhese cases as they were the worst of tae kind in the whole coun- try. ee Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Company. A PROSPEROUS AND PROGRESSIVE IN- STITUTION. The 27th annual meeting of the members of the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held in the com- pany’s office, Stratford, on Wednesday afternoon. There was a gf atten- dance, W. Mowat in the absence of the president, ne were awa Among those present were: W, Mowat, George Leverage, Henry Dooring, wn. David- son, James Jones, John Robertson, Alex McLaren, Jos,,*°'keld, Th Orr and A. Frame. ©. P: ‘kert act secre- tary. The sities directors . ere all re- elected—Messrs. Trow, M. P., A McLa- ren, Mm. Davidson ant Joseph Salkeld, At a subsequent heeting of the board big Trow was)re-elected presi- Mr. Mowat hig ol amen and Mr ‘packert secretary-treasure The financial reportshows that dur- ing the past year the/company issued and renewed 2,145 polities, the amount written being $2,393J94. The total number in force on oy Ist of January was 5,106. close of the year, the company begi ning the year with a lean ood T Ee assets show $40,315,0 in debentures; cash in bank furnitur, etc., and $105,- 434.01 in preminm naes, or a total of #145,749.10, and afterproviding for the re-insurance of all current risks on the cash system, which anounts to $8,757.- 1, leaves a net balame fur the security of note policy holder:of $137,021.39, TO THE PEOPLE OF NEWRY, ATWOOD, ANI SURROUND- * ING COTNTRY. I take this opportinity of extents my sincere ory fa your liberal pat- ronage accorded meiince commencing business in Newry. During a little over six months mong you I am or part of their omamed rl tile to do allinour pewerto make the deal pleasant and ap necseenr i Having had sixteen years éucceisful experience in mercantile business and buying for cast in the best makets, places me in a position to meet the requirements of our increasing tadeboth as to quality of goods and prices. Our stock will at all times be found complete with feasonable goods. TEA EAS AND FFErS.—Having made as studyin these goods for sey- era years our Pfforts in the past have o | been rew saa controlling the largest tea trade donein Listowel and we are ing effu keep up our Lier by ihowing full li differ . pranchas pa Jengiieh | ane blend a = y), an in, rices that will meetthe wishes 0 tthe closest buyer. Dry Goon te SHons— New arabeing opened up for ab trade racing all the neatest 2 les, designs, mit to enumerite in conclusion You n tion to one andall to call feeling con- vinced that a fair ard impar ial com- a| parison 5 on oul goods | prices will donvinee the nost fmtidious that we prattice what ve presch. : J. s. CEE, NEw RT. issue marriage license—A tinsmith.| there were no un claims at oe i READ AIM FIRE from $3.75 up. will pr probaly not occur &c. is almost what we ory lasts. Y! AIM To get the best for y your money. member our Overcoats are faulfless in style, and as perfect in fit as Tailoring art ever produced. FIRE! = With your Cash for this is no credit sale nor produce taken. No goods sold at the present sacrifice . ean be charged or sent out on approval. Re- Your money into our safe and take awa with you double the value of your “ously in stylish, well made and durable gouds. Former Prices, $6, $7, saitt/ Present Prices, $4, $4.50 $6.50 &c. $10, &c. To make a speedy sale I| Robes worth $9.00 for $7 00 have marked Suits down to Caps worth 1.00 for rock bottom, starting them} Caps worth 3.50 for Shawls worth 1.50 for Shawls worth 2.50 for Felt Boots, Overshoes, &¢., at interesting prices as they must be Closed Out by March 15. ou live for a century such an epportunity as this egains our loss in every garment for it, but as we are overstock— ed there is no alternative but to sell. ey borrow enough to buy some of these goods, it will be an investment never to be forgotten while life and mem- If you have no mon- J. L. MADER, MAIN ST., ATWOOD. PATENTS Caveats and Re-issues secured, Trade Marks registered, and all other patent eauses in the Patent Otfice and before po Courts promptly and carefully tees 1 receipt of Model or Sketch of inyention, I make careful ex- amination, and adyise as_to patentabil- in personal attendance there, it is apparent that I have superior fac- es for making prompt preliminary a ches, for the more vigorous and : entrusted 4 my care, in the short- , possible tim vee Moderate, and exclusive atten- tion gi given to patent business, Inform- ation, advice and special references sent on request. LITTELL, — | Soiicitor and ——— in Patent Causes shin D. oie US. Patent Office. THE BEST oY NEWSPAPER IN CANADA. #1889 weexcies 11890 ‘FREE PRESS, LONDON, ONT. flor aia printed paper in the Dom ‘All t he news in full. By telegraph, telephone, mail and correspondence up to the hour of publication. liiustrations, practical and useful, are given each week. Special Market de- partment. Agreaburel department. Capital story ways running. Ingen- ious Puzzle column. Humorous read- 5 ust the thin member of the for it each week. rtment is anoted fates of the Free aS, bans always up to the rege = conducted by persons practically skill Large $1.00 = clubs of four and u Saran, Tee. 3 each is — Cromos given weer free of charge to every su 1890. Artists who have seen the sarance sheets. of the Christmas number Shp it a “gem,” and alone worth the price of the subscription. AGENTS WANTED verywhere. Liberal Cash Commission allowed. The sa popular k fi M can be meade je “pe mon work for. Se = ing for the Pee Teams Coan wt neny ocuae employment. Address, it. ~ FREE PRESS, London, Ont. Tne BEE and Free Press 81.75 cg per annum in advance. |OYSTERS! J.8. HAMILTON Ilas just received a large cminnent of Baltimore Oysters, together with a choice Stock of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, CANNED FRUITS. CONFECTIONERY, &c. Give Him a Trial. J. S. HAMILTON, tf ATWOOD, ONTARIO. Fancy Goods The undersigned wishes to intimate to the Ladies of Atwood and vicinity that she has a choice and well assorted stock of Fancy Goods, comprising BERLIN WOOLS, YARNS, PLUSHES, EMBROIDERIES, “ LACES, ETC. STAMPING A Specialty. CALL’ AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRIUES. MRS. JOHNSON, 13m ATWOOD; ONT:

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