Atwood Bee, 21 Feb 1890, p. 4

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opted Ain the shape repicked J by the majarisy of a RM. BALLANTYNE James Creech has again been appoint- ed to the — of constable, tax-col- ros heheer ons coe | balb-ringer, i in N , | fam ter, care-taker ieding g Paper in North Perth wt ie a x reat bay ot . ’,.FEBR —ei- ny_one w: ; eee toe 2 = ne eae suena abi his position should ne wed to i ; <THE LEADING— n order tha Washington Letter. ’ as dent thereto, and also to appreciate Mr. oy. (¥rom Our Regular Correspondent.) | (ince eon PP Merchant Tail Or WASHINGTON, Feb. 10, 1890. Goop Horses ‘SOLD .—Wnm. Rinn, the 4f the rules of the House are ad {he committee, as ru ‘or good orevil, must it rest with the oe Tathey | ; ure found to operate unjustly te the i rights of the tiibecier or of individual members, vy shutting off meritorious motions, and restricting legitimate dis- cussion, it is the intention of the dem ocrats to make good use of their oppor tunities and turn the situation to their owit political account. The deal of insistence that the rules are un-| sum of $925 fair, obnoxious in many particulars, contrary to well established precedent, and that contain all the radical viola- tions of paring which the Speaker indulged in while tanaging the House under what he termed “general parli- mentary law.” They will so urge dur- ing the forthcoming discussion and en- deavor to aes certain modifications or eencessions. It is their undoubted province and privilege todo so and. tt ig their right to protest. But if any wrong is committed over their heads it is not their wrong. The republicans make the issue, All thatthe demecrats van do is'to meet it courageously, and if the republican side of the chamber shall commit itself to a serious blunder there- by, Mr. Carlisle, Mr, Crisp, and tireir as- suciates, 8 should remember that it is a Jong Jane which has no turning,. and it is nota long lane from one gression- election to another. The passage of Blair bilby the fifty- first Congress is by no means acertainty, = though its backers, in view of its eae the Senate two or three tim oa ‘ite having had a substantially solid republican su apes in the House, full of ‘oufidence. decided weakness has been preivied among its supporters in the Senate. Some of the republicans Who voted for it betors will do so only form the work fora they might experience the duties inci- well-known geet -man ofthis township, of it bred stailvons that éver left the township. This colt was coming threeand weighed livered ay. was sired by Borland Chief.—Wm. Mc- Gavin, of taal stallion of the same age buyer for @300. iar a Dale, ir. of Hullett, sold at the Seaforth Fai V democrats charge with a good |j what I know about it this last cro sold three bushels to_a farmer who close to St. Helens. Ashfield sowed # ji he realized in crop 40 peers: i the ‘four bushels 50WTl taivemeine whee? le first be presumption for me to say, try or not, as whea well eitherin quaitity or quality. evening at the e by director of the opera at Songrua. The British Extradition Treaty, with a few unimportant amendments. sold lately on the Canadian | Of Atwood, i¢ determined to Cut Prices 1,740 to suit the hard times, po He was sold to an Amer- can bu for $450, and Mr. Rinn de- im at Exeter on Tuesd He bury, seeie i nats -s +4 the same| Biggest Reduction air on ,asplended wl ear-old geld- ng for Which he recei the handsome James White, of Hensak, . A few sales such mitigate hard times. ome Kerr, of the Lucknow rolter' In Ready-Made Clothiug EVER KNOWN. in tes unt tell wwe Vives | Men's All wool Tweed Suits $1T for 89 of this wheat testing fully . " “ “ 312 “ $10 pounds to the bushel. It “ s «lw ea sample. He got38 pounds of flour to B15 $12 ‘A tarmer in Biack Worsted from $16 up. WE KEEP THE BEST TRIMMINGS AND GUARANTEB AN acrone droning of year. Not beinga farmerit would tof any «ind has ‘rot yielded vanigois listic meeting. _ The intluenza has n set to music A 1 Fit or No Sale. ——, . 8. senate has ratified the 4o maintain the consistency; others are Quite prepared array themselves against it, and the Senators from the irew states ary, to say the least, deabt- ful as to what course they should take, |} Senator Blair has undoubtedly impaired the prospects of .this-one great scheme by becomming the patron of so many tranky projects, and of aP legislative bodies the Senate, full a it4s of men of ‘ erty and situated on Mafi St. sont Atwood. hel articulars apply at THE BEE olflice, or Frousé and Luct for Sale. . Se Hee Seek eee Call and Examine Our The undersigned offers his house and - ot forsale. Itis a very desirable La Goods and see for ALEX. CAMPBELL'S yourself. Flarness Shop, Atwood. ——_ uffairs and able lawyers, is the least of wIinclined to tolerate cranks, Other things which militate agatoe® the pas- vege of the bill are the belief that the nuderlying principle has been sapped vote-catching concessions; the fear th the a will be diverted by State au- thorrties for political purposes: and the leeling that the wards of the nation are ‘ut age and ougbt to be able to take care uf themselves. farm for sale, being t} Elma, containing 100 acres, and sitainted oue-half mile west of Newry P.Q. For further particMars apply to 2-sin E*armm for Sale. The undetsigned offers his valuable za, ML BALLANTYNE ATWOOD. JOUN CLARK, Proprietor, Newry. The United States can borrow as mitch money as it wants at 3. per cent, or less andit§ has a surplets- ol « hundred millions 4r more for which it gets nothing, yet the i inagpary pays $121,700 a yeur rent for the ad dittonal buildings it uses in W ashington because of the overcrowded conditiun ot ‘tg own, This amount paid im rent rep- resents a loan to the government of $1,221,290 at eight per cent, which is avout what is considered a fair returu tor money invested in real estate in the District, and which is almost three times what the government would have te pay for money with which to erect its own buildings, in case its treasury wert empty and it were forced to bor- row. Nor are the buildings it secures what they should be, since they are put up by private parties either for. their own use or for business purposes, Itis unbusinesslike for the government to rent at eight when it can build at three per cent. and build to its own accom- modation and to the beautifying of the capital. The Social season of 1890 so fat as of- ficial life1s concerned, is over and will go down on record as one ™f the most raat which Warhingtttn has ever wh. ‘It virtually came to a close last ‘Monday morning when the first sad tidings of the id Grong calamity in the Tracy household brought everything to a sudden ‘standstill. The White House receptions, with the State dinner to have been given last Thursday, together with the'dinner to have been giv en dast Saturday night by the Véce-president have been postponed until after Lent. The Cabinet houses will also be clostd ‘until after Lent President Hariison has raised himself very,much in the estimation of both frends and foes by the tender sympathy ‘and manliness wth he shown in the afilictions that Lave fallen oe the Blaine and ‘Lracy families. He been a perfect ministering angel to the ‘bereaved statesmen and their families, A leading republican member of Con- gress eStimates that {f Speaker Rr g 8 code of rules are Adop the House the apptapriations eal f foot up at the end of the session about 8500,- ‘oue,000, At this rate the-time is not far ‘distant when a, can np lon ‘point with to the fact t at our system © ‘qovernuient ‘is cheaper than the monarchies atl emipires of Europe. Huten County Notes, Auction Sale Bills, ~ +SUBSCRIBES ——FOR— CHE ATCOOD LLF NLY— 1 In ‘Advance. The Bee Job Department IS GOMPLETE. New Presses. New Type. New Designs. Circulars, Dodgers, Billheads; Letterheads, ‘| Envelopes, Invitations, And All Kinds of Card work turned out: Neatly, Cheaply, and. Expeditiously. Orders by Mail The Brassets salt lt works opened ap th Pr omptly Executed... Tall blast last week will Ft eg Habs along, pe ny inthe ‘i ‘ ce iry salt. Mr. Purcell, of Sea : CG U T t is in‘chdrge of the block, ive S a fla a At a meeting of the creditors of Don- ald McLaughlin, held in A.Hunter’s office russels, Friday afternoon, Jan. 3lst, and F. Tt 3 ' ‘Eide, @about t $5,000 outside of the mortgages. chet aaction 12th inst. ‘hie Hiabt ene R. $, PELTON, Bee Publishing House, HERE WE ARE oa _.___. STILL IN BUSINESS Having failed to find a purchaser for my stock, I have found it necessary to get in new ik te to keep the business going. Our new spring goods are to hand, and we have opened up a alent line in New Prints ! New Shirtings ! New Cottonades ! The patterns are all new and handsome, the qualities are the very best, and the prices;—as” usua wit us, are Right. 6 cates of New Boots atid Shoes to hand and now opening up. See them before you buy. Balance of win- ter goods will be cleared out at cost. Tailoring Department. _ In our Tailoring Depa rtment we have jst opened 50 pieces New Tweeds and Jorsteds; the newest designs and the finest assortment of Tweeds to be found any- where. Our Suits Always it. If you haven't expérienced this give us a trial” and we will convince yous Look out for special tailoring anouncement ina few weeks. Terms cash, or very short date credit to respons— ible parties. It's the cash trade we want, and we are making our prices tosuit. ‘The highest market price paid for ali kinds of produce. James Irwin. P.S.~—We don’t claim to have the largest stock. in Atwood, but we po claim to do the phigh Bese siness, and we have the papers to show for it. Put these two facts together and you have good proof of who sells the cheap- est goods. JAMES IRWIN: ‘Atwood Carriage and Blacksmith Shop. | Carriages, Wagons, § Sleichs and and Cutters , and all kinds of Repairing done on Shortest Notice. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Prompt ard special attention given to Horseshoeing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also Agent for Hawkey’s and Begg's celebrated Road Carts. These are two of the best carts that are made. See and be convinced. ott HENRY HOAR. The 777 Store. The 777 Store is Headquarters in Listowel For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &e. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town.>. JOHN RIGCS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. /Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECIALTY. WM. DUNN. Atwood, Ontario. Change in Business | J. G. Robertson has rented the Atwood Bakery and Confectionery Business to Charles Zeran For Qne Year. Mr. C. Zeran is well known and will doabtless do a zood business in that line.. He keeps on. the present baker, A. Clarriage,-who ls a thorough. knowledge of the busitess.

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