THE BEE, COUNTRY ROADS: _ The improvement « of country roatis fs one of the chief topics of discussion in several of the Northern States. An _ exhaustive paper was recently read be-|. fore the Pensylvania State Board.of Ag- Ticulture, containing estimates of the cost of various kinds of stone roads. |~ The writer said: “When it is remem-, bered that through the greater part of the year the country roads are in poor’ condition some idea may be gained of the 1mmense loss in horse power which they causeto the farmer. It is plain, therefore, that when the roads are so improved thata farmer can get over fifteen mules of good road with ne more trouble and expenditure of horse pow: er than is required ever ten miles of bad road, that five miles have heen added to the territory tributary to the city’s market, and that the advantage is. therefore, mutual between town and country. But in the face of these facts it seems that the solution of this ques- tion must in a great measure be solved by long and constant agitation and lab- ored effort to show by mathematical demonstration that good roads are ad- vantageous and economical. This meth od of moulding and educating public opinion to such needed reform seems inconsistent and reprehensible. But as long as people are so willing to endure the great inconvenience and loss which they sustain from the mud road the prospect for road reform is not ‘bright, and educating the people upon this subject must continue. This inexcus- able and pernicious method of zoad making and repairing from year to year without a particle of improvement is beyond One’s comprehexsion or recol- lection, and can only, be explained at all upon the erroneous principle of eheapness.—Ex. AN EXEMPLAR MAN. Written for THE BEE. Give me the man whose principle is eterling honesty, Whose “motto” is to do all things well, Whatever it may be. A champion of truthfulness, Howe’er results may en With caution ever to address A foe as if a friend. Possessed of thoughtfulness and care, Transactions to-dispense, With strict consistency compare By genuine common sense. Of perseverance firm and strong, Keen e’er-to ascertain The real import of moves along The bustling business train. An advocate of diligence, In every line we move, Opposed to eupty mere pretense Which naught can e’er improve. With patience blest and sweet content, (In which is wondrous gain) Trusting the hand all provideut, Will ever so reinain. A man who loves a temperate move In every path we tread, Striving with care to weigh and prove Whate'er is wrote or said. A man tr snip Ma be oy and brave, Whatever be his Doing unto othe = 1s ‘he would have Others do unto him. A man of well taught intellect, Of brilliant scheme and plan, In every movement circumspect, A lover of God and man. And more than alla Christian given, Who loves the truth of God, And knows his passport into Heaven, Through Jesus’ precious blood. Whoever seeks to ee. ‘The truth he lives to sho That precious souls may mich be blest And seek its joys to Kn 10W TE. Hammond. Elma, April 23, 1890. Buried Gold. French statisticians are making a eurious calculation of the amount of old ipa L, annually buried in the Tnited States. M. V. Meunier asserts after cuseful inquiries, that the Ameri- can dentists insert in American teeth the enormous amount of 800 kilogram- mes (about 1,800 pounds) of the precious metal, which represents nearly four hundred and fifty thousand American dollars. This vast amount of gold is huried with the persons in whose mouth tt is placed. ern allowance for the rapid increase of the population and the continued detenoration of Ameri- can teeth, it oppears that in less than a hundred years American eemeteries will contain a ae amount of gold than-now-exists-in- Fran i. ie is no fancy sketch as the Rest f the den- tist’s patients will att There is as yet no news: of steamships entering the St. Law The Erie Canal is. to ‘be opened on April 28, and the Champlain on May Ist. striking workmen r a row in Montreal Monday and roughly handled ” policeman. arrese towns Were Visited ap by dions 0 fires during the last days| B eR Kiaa has been nominated by Bist -Peteborough Equal Righters for the Local House, NEW (SATEEN PRINTS New Gashmere Prints. Our first stock of these are sold out already. Lace-Gollars, Lace for Collars Hand ‘erchiets, and trimmings, | Ladies’ Vests. Ribbons and Ties Obie Stock of Staples is Always Complete. Grey and White Cottons, Cottonades, Shirtings, &c., al- ways at close prices. Our Boots & Shoes Are the Best Value. We have the Nobbiest Felt & Straw Hats, A NEW LENE IN BOY’S SUITS, JUST OPENED. OUR TAILOR SHOP Is.crowded with Orders, but we always find room for more. Just Follow the-~Crowd And you will find yourself in the store of YOURS SRULY,. J ames Irwin. Drugs & | Putont Wall Paper and Medicines. Books. MARTIN E. NEADS would age. the public that he has opened a Dregs} Book, and News Store in BALLANTYNE'S OLD STAND, Next door to Meder's, where he hopes, by close attention to business, and supply- ing nothing but the BEST, at reasonable prices, to merit a share of the trade. Daily Papers for Sale. GARDEN SEEDS. Prescriptions and: Recipes a Specialty. NEWSPAPERS AND STATIONERY. The 7@77 Store. The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGCS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECIALTY. WM. DUNN. Atwood Carriage and Blacksmith Shop. Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs and and Cutters, and all kinds: of . Repairing done on Shortest Notice. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Prompt ard special attention given to Horseshoeing. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Also Agent for Hawkey’s and egg’s celebrated Road €a These are two of the best carts that are made. See and be convinced. otf HENRY HOAR. * GOTO Mal Paper. F since Patterns. J. Ss. GES, WEWRT. Jas. Nenderson THE PEOPLE’S Shoe Maker, ATIC OOD, Keeps a first-class stock of French Calf, Canadian Calf, Kip, et¢., and. is prepared to do fine Sewed or Pegged Boots, in style and perfect fit guaranteed. to suit the times. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY, Prices “T1OP—One Door South of Tne BEE Publishing House. A TRIAL SOLICITED. R, M. BALLANTYNE —TI LEADING~ Merchant Tailor Of Atwool, is determined to Cut Prices to suit thehard times. B iggest Reduction In Ordered Clothing EVER KNOWN. Men’s all wool Tweed Suits $11 for $9 $12 “ $10 $15 “ 812 Black Worsted from $16 up. Ati “c “ “ WE KEEP THE BEST TRIMMINGS AND GUARANTEE AN A 1 Fit or No Sale. Call and Examine Our Goods and see for yourself. —_——— R, M. BALLANTYNE, |i: J.S.GEE’S= “NEWRY, FOR a se DAVID EDGAR, Prop: "eaeneat Beinting. horou hbred oat oe “ig on Lo Con. 7, fine, re rms reasonable, & The undersigned be begs to inform the ne aur : citizens-of Atwood a ae trusted to the same will receive prompt - attention. REFERENCES _ McBain, Mr. R- Forrest, Mrs. Hary z ae RODDICK Painter, Brussels. FOR SALE. Brick house and seven acres of land, and some fine frame houses and lots in Atwood; also inproved farms in Elma and Grey. Money advanced to purchasers and others at Lowest Rates of Interest, and best terms for repayment. Conveyancing Doxe. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. THOS. FULLARTON, 9tf Commissioner in H C J. HORSEMEN ‘@ET_YOUR ROUTE BILLS PRINTED AT 8tf. THE BER OFFICE. Excelsior Painting Co Mitchell, have opened a paint shop in Atw ood. They are prepared to do al) Sted of ee Sign and Decorative -ainting, | aining, Paper-hanging, eee Ginzing, &e. <All orders: SEIOP, ON MAIN STREET, Over Wm. Moran’s Carriage Shop Will be promptly attended to, W. 3: M ARSHALL, Manager>— 4.0 V7 OOD Pork Packing House. The undersignéd wishes to intimate to the public that he keeps a choice lot of HAMS, | Smoked, Dried, and Sugar- cured, Long Side Meat, well cured, ete. Those wanting choice meats should give the Atwood Packing House a trial. Prices Low. Special reductions made to those purchasing large quantities of meat. Terms Strictly Cash. W. Hawkshaw. -. ATWOOD BAKERY The auitiedigant 3 having leased the* Lege business front John Robertson repared to meet the wants of the- oe lic. ( Fresh Bread, Buns, and Cakes Of all descriptions kept constantly on hand, ; ‘Pastry, and Pies, Also babe cme made to order on © Shortest Notic Alarge and ee stock of s Confectionery ant na Goods offered at Reduced i ‘solicit a continuance of the patron- ne ly bestowed én me in the sig « on on goes to Monkton: Pica Aan and ine and Ethel Wed nesday and Saturday of each week. — Ee ATWCOD. CHAS. ZERAN.