__here, as-he-was-always-an-obliging and Pie eae aegis J. H. CUNTHER, Grand Chance. | : OF GOLDSMITH'S HALL, _ MAIN ST, - - LISTOWEL, “Was decided to sell goods ata Creat Discount Up to May 1st, ff Buttons, or iver” ware, you will find Goldsmith’s Hall the Cheapest House ink Town To Buy your Goods. Fine Watch vad pairing a Specialty, J. H. GUNTHER, Goldsmith’s Hal}, Main St., Listowel. Two Doors East of Post Office. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : GOING SOUTH. Express 7:21 a.m. Express 12:24 p.m. Mixed ..10:00'p.m. GOING NORTH. Mixed .. 8:07 a.m. Express 2:34 p.m. Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE, Stage leaves Atwood North and South zs follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH, Atwood 8:0 a.m. | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Newry = 8:05 a.m. Lf Beniit 1.920 Dan. Monkton 9:00 am. | Mankton 4:45 p.m. B’rpho’m10:15 a.m. New Ty 5:55 p.m. Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6:00 p.m. TOWN TALK. — NELSON McBarn and Mr. Wolfston,of Listowel, Pe Sunday at the resitience of J. W. McBain. SATURDAY Nient says there are six thousand vacant dwellings and hun- dreds of vacant stores in Toronto. THE Millbank aye to i Beacon says:—M. E. Neads, druggist has removed from here to Atw ood, where he is opening up a drug store in. that town. Mr. Neads will be greatly missed industrious man. Rey. A. HENDERSON, M.A,.sted Wm Lochhead were at Windsor this week at- tending the Synod. Mrs. Lochhead ac- companied them as far as London where she intends spending a few days. with her son. Mrs. Lochhead has been very poorly of lateand the change will doubt- less do her good. SuRscuiprTions for THE BEEare com- ing in rapidly. We are determined to roll up our circujation to 1,000 by Jan. Ist, 1891. Weaim to make THE BEE the neatest, newsiest and cheapest news- paper in the county, and with our able staff of correspoudents we have al nearly eyery section in North Perth rey resented in onr columns weekly. Only 50 cents.to the close of 1890. Send for sample copy. THe WEATHER.—The spring, mom opening later than last year, is now parently here for good, and ‘farmers me immersed in plowin, and other spring work. Fall wheat has come through the winter in remarkable good shape; and the warm rains of last week have given it fresh vigor. Some complaints are made regarding the heaving of clover plants, but the damage done in this way is not extensive. OLD NEwspaPEers.—James H. Mc- Henry, of Kingsford, while overhauling some packages came across some old — among other copies of the Pilot, of Montreal, dated _Au- much the same as those discuss Canadian and Irish journals to-day, 45 years after these dates, viz;. the action of the education department i in Ontario in reference to the schools of the pro- vince, and the ret to Maynooth col- a <4 jege, a branch of the home rule contro-|. versy. pears to be nothing new under the sun as far as politics are concerned. EXAMINATION of candidates for the .- Methodist ber orig d of Guelph Confer- ence, 7 eta pril 16th and 17th: . (:) M: A., ident of the Conference, presided, E. A. Crown,B.D., | 1 ; i . The follow- ing isthe Teralt of the examinations:— Fourth year—J. W. Churchill, Guelph District. first class. Third year--W. Kerr, Owen Sound District, second class. Second year—T. W. Cozens, Goderich, first class; A. E. Henderson, Palmer-+ ston; Judson §Truax, Stratford; F. M. &. Cascon, queipb,| ly in the prelint nary course but ewe .| Stations and f ‘officers; . | 761 stations and 924 officers; making 3.| total of 3.451 stations and 8, 571 officers, .| being a clear and | 359 ue ne druggist, o of Southamyp.- —MRaS- Ror, of-Listowel;-is- the guest | ‘of Mrs. Walter Hamilton, 8th cone ¥Ei- ma, this week. ton, was in town THE small boy with fish pole in hand making rai may be seen ds onthe finriy tribe these days. Mr. ANDREWS, a i merchant, of London, was in the waek, .| He was the guest of Wm Dunn. C. A. on us last Satu good season in the ae gery ine R. MiTrcuE ty, of Palmersten, form- a of T = Bee staff, spent Sunday in a steady, reliable young fellow Re a rapid compositor. REV. R. HENDERSON, of Bayfield, is announced to preach in the Presbyter- ian church ert Sabbath morning in the absence of his brother, Rey. A. Hen- derson, M. A. Wit Harris, of Monkton, smiled on our citizens last Monday, ¥ ill looks well considering bers long and severe o he has recently passed through. ae toaey friends ee were glad-to see 2 .—~ Ontario Farmers’ Flax’ Manu- facturing Co. have disposed of about 600 bushels of flax seed this season which is double the amount sold last /j year. Ifthe erop turns out well and the price per ton is as asiast year our farmers will make considerable money out of the industry. THE contract for building a fence around the Elma Agricultural Society show grounds was let last. Saturday gveulng to James Priest for the sum of $114. The fence is to be of board, straight up and down, and 5: feet high. There were only 4 cents per rod differ- ence in three of the tenders, The con- tract for levelling the ground was not =e re PETER LILLIco, pritate banker in Listowel, who for several years past-has oe a branch office in Arthur, has been obliged to suspend payment. He was supposed: to be possessed of considerable wealth, and the people of Arthur and vicinity had between $20,000 and $30,- 006 deposited in the agency here, The present embarrassment is saic to have been caused largely by korn a much money locked up 1 real esta HARDWARE Emporrum—the farm- ing public and others in need of hard- ware, tinware, baro be pants, many, arvest and gard en tools. ca etc, should get- their supplié at the Atwoud Hardware Empori Al- though R. Brooks & Co: have. ot—bsen long in business here thsy hav4 succeed- ed in building up a large and profitable trade, the result of experience and straightforward dealing. Read: their announcement in this issue, THE Bo¥ WITH THE CATAPULT.— One can hardly pick up an exchange that has not a reference to the gris and all condemn the practice. In som cases complaint is against fie wacleenle slaughter of the feathered songsters of he grove, During the warm weather these lads get out into the woods and everything has to suffer. In some cas- es bore eyes are knocked out, ‘windows smashed, and the ceuce to pay generally. No. respectable merchant should beé guilty of selling these abominable wea- pons tochildren. The police should be invested with full power to cenfiscate these dangerous weapons in the hands ls of boys er where offered for e. The practice should be stopped. Wuat WE MAy Expect.—Rhubarb pies and “sass.”—-The palm leaf fan.— April showers and May tlowers.—Build- ing boom in Atsvood.—Croquet and tennis._Strawberries and cream.—Early tae —Manitoba paisenger traffic to take a rest—A néw sidewalk between twood and Newry.—The youngsters to be tickled over their success at the recent promotion examinations, and the teachers to breathe easier—The farm- ers to be rushed: with their seeding op- erations.—Taffy palls'-to take a batk seat.—The pitiful wailing of the garden | ea they sw i to and fro these utiful moonlight evenings.—More -| genuine dog fights in an hour on Mam Street than in any — town of its size in a week.—THE to get out an ex- ny builders’ edition rinted on rg amine this fall.—‘The people to 5 to 8 eep in church as usual during}; the warm weather, and the ministers to be kindly requested to preach short sermons, SALVATION Army ProGress.—The report of the pros ss and work of the Sa vation Army throughout the world has been published, ending 31st, 1889. We in the» following fi ures from the :—Canada and New- foundland ‘hos. 452 stations with officers; England, Ireland and Scotland, 1,396 stations an 4,497 officers; France and Switzerland, 138 stations and 310 officers; Sweden and Norway, 95 stations an nd 292 officers; Germany and Italy, 16 olland, 39 sta tions and 98 offi ; Denmark, a3 sta- tions and 37 omheste; United Sta 358 stations-and- 1,002 officers; mdi stations and officers; South Africa, 71 stations and 163 officers; Australi oF a * of 737- stations and he short space of seven months. anada has one~ Drunkards’ :| Home, ‘which contains 226 inmates, and ue Home. Num through the Girls’ Training Home, 6; Men’s, 6; French, 1. Thisis a in- crease for such a short time. The / rmy _&= a of on are ge Fair rday. “Messrs. Geo. Hess, B. Rothwell, Thos. E. @ | den, is the pobe its work tO every quarter| Jap aPC CCEA j Mostar Fate net fae wah Ema © of Mitchell, called ou us 8 olny finan lage Friday enroute fo Bt Thorman, rifts Dowatmnow spent Guiitay ‘with bills printed printed at "THE BES office. ‘Terme Pi yer perieet tad om Ist, 1, ee of eStats Mr. HonpeEn, We wish her a pleasant vis- there is no ble reason why there ‘should not Fi oor bent ma Bring in your stock next D. MURRAY'S Meee and ote ran in to! it J. A. Porter’s in front of R. Graham’s ‘hotel last Tuesday pad upset Mr. Por- ter’s rig, ng him out bag Berd ger he was not hart buggy sustained no serious damages. RR. CAraPBELL, H. Hoar’s blacksmith; had the misfortune to get kicked in the face on \Wednesday of this week while serait | a colt belonging to Jno. Grub- ber, 8th con, Elma. It is hoped. that his ‘injuries ‘will not prove to be very wae T. M. Liebert the popular and effic: ent teacher of 8.8. No. 2 2, Elma, i be congra falated over the al gat of the recent promotion exam. Out of the 23 papi who wrote 22 succeeded in pass ing, which, to say the least, is creditable’ eed to beth teacher and pupils. OVER 2509 applications ge ee barley have been receiyed at the Ex mental Farm, Ottawa, and the sta worth night and day in order to Ty edite distribution. Those farmers who desire samples for seeding this spring should communicate wil Prof. Saund- ers without delay. oni . JOHNSTON left for the Queen City on 'Fhursday, being interested in the as- signment of Thayer & Co., wholesale jewellers, Toronto. Mr. Tolmston was unfortunate enough to go security for the firm for a considerable. amount. of money. However, we hope matters will be adjusted satisfactorily. A VERY neatly executed sign adorns the front of Wm. Moran’s carriage shop his week. Itis a fair sample of the excellent work turned out by the Ex celsior Painting Co. We understand that a number of our merchants pur- pose having their places of business painted and otherwise improved this sumamer which isa move in the right direction. Rey. A. McLEAN, of Blyth, unanimously chosen Modezator of the: Hamilton and London Synod, whict met in Windsor-this-week:Being sonally acquainted with Mr. MeLear’ we feel to congratulate the church in securing such an able represertative. res McLean has filled the pulpit of St Andrew's church, Bl¥th, very accep ably for the past 22 years, and is one of the ablest and mos alae men in the Presbyterian chu CHANCES are that the woods will be full of candidates to represent North Perth in the Local — ool nae the following names — a. . TRE Hay, Dr. Parke, J. W.Se Scott, pistowel, kk. Jones, Logan: R; Cleland, Elma; Johnston, W.B. Freeborn County ve =i Milbank; Mayor Brown, Schmidt, David Campbell, Stratford: Geo. Hyde, North East: ope, and more townships to hear from. Mrs. HAMILTON received the sa news last Wednesday to the effect that her brother-in-law, Mr.Hamiltonjof Win- terbeurne, W aterloo coun , Was Deceased was a resident of ‘Elma for a number of years and was much respect- ed by all who knew him. He was 46 year4 of age and leavesa wife, two sons and a daughter to mourn the joss of a faithful husband and a_ kind: father. Mrs. Hamilton left for Winterbourne eres to attend the funeral. ry mu with your papet and it should have the ioe support.of the whole commun- ‘A MisTAKE.—in our last issue we an- nounced what we understood from the publishers to be'the new story,“Mystery | © of a Pullman Car,” but we have learned since that the story in question will not commence for a week or two, so that we will of necessity hold our readers in suspense for at least a time. However. we feel confident in stating that it will be a serial of thrilling interest, and in order to give all an opportunity of rend- ing it we offer THE BEE to the close of 1890 for the paltry sum of 50 cents. THe Methodist Conferences will be held this year as fellows:—Toronto Con- ference, at Elm street church, Toronto, June 19th; London Conferenee, at Chat- 82} ham, June 15th; Niagara Conference, at C ‘entenary church, Hamilton, June 4th; Guelph Conference, at Central church, Stratford, June 5th; Bay of Quinte Co ion Street church, Co. Montreal Conferen 5th; British Columbia Conference, at Vv ancotiver May 2ist; ahr nrg Con- ference, at Yarmouth, Juné ‘18th; New fron novt year be emplored “under the Chair and-the gain for’ the purs' Tsu=f Ne pwidundiand Conference, ‘at at, George Tant year ar willbe scmething tremendous, i Street church, Sc Joan's, ‘world in basement o Presbyte church, ob A. He ~ = sr chair. | Brovt: Tr TOgTam WAs a8 i. on- tea” _ Hume; itation, W: cade and it was-a remurkable fact that the majority of the great men of the all a were produced in a similar latitude ant climate to ours. Our climate being so conducive to health that such diseases as yellow fev- er, ete., so prevalent in the Southern b-| States,” were comparatively unknown to Canadians, Canada is very — in ‘her mineral resources, and as a r she is wealthy, and wealth contributes largely to one’s happiness. The U. o | system of a ee judges was tap. ior toours. In the republic a judge could hold office only for a very limited ote _| time, whereas in Canada they were a pointed b the Crown for life, and did not have to bow down to the goddess of wealth, or be influenced by party, ae or creed in order to retain office.. Som states in the Union do away with capi tal punishinent which is a bréach of the Scriptural injunction. He also spoke’ of the lynch law, Fenians, and Mor mons. J. L. Wilson, leader of the neg- ative, sailed into the previous speaker with the statement that about half of Canada was in a frozen state most of the year, and ae cone tet — was quite prevalen nada but unknown to the American people. Canada had to import her coal iru from Great Britain and the tates. The republic made greater commercial progress mail a letter to the States, and they pay ouly 2c. to mail a letter here. The tax- ation per head in C: at was higher than that imposed on the American citizen. The French Catholie element in Canada was aserious barrier to her national, civil and religious prosperity. The school system was better from’ the fact that the Government did not toler- ate separate schools. American politic- ians have not to bow down to the Bleus of Quebec as Canadian politicians do. Thought the_first speaker-in Spee ae the crime of the U.S. did nat take i consideration the vast diffey re n opulation of the respective countries. .L. did exceedingly well and ‘nailed more than one point to the inasto? the stars and stripes. Jos. Ward defended the old Union Jack and thé land of = maple leaf in a very forcibe ‘and patr otic manner, although he hat not ae voted much time to thé study of the subject. He touched on 7 goon many of the arguments brought forward by the first speaker, as well ai endeavored to refute some of those advanced by To cointeract the in man instances a sigt of national Ldevelopment and prospecity. Canada was only 21 # i old and’s jist begin- ning to build her ashi all of com- merce, hence the expen e re- ed the school system * ie Caneda the st in thé world and challenged proof to the contrary. United Siates politie- ians were known to bow down to the liquor etément and other cliques: in order to retain offica. The — swindles carried on in so many state: were a curse to the republic. There is more cheap land in Canada which af- forded the young men a tetter oppor- , | tunity of acquiring property and mak- ing ey oe themselves. The last : er, S. Harding, apologised on ne ee that he knew nothing of the character of the eg? for de - until he was reques fk hour of so previous, oalng oul expected to either do justice to himself or the subjeet under discassion. The miner&l, lumber, and grain output of the republic was as great as that of Canada. The manner of appointing judges in the States was use they could not remain in cffice if they big physically or mentally incapacitat- but the reverse wag painfully gn cat in‘Canada. In hada they w were hicten whefe farmers ‘have enter- ed suits in the above court and haye came out minus their farms, whether they won the case or not. Itis an ex- iti rotten system of administering He ae the Court of Ap- oa, asin the U. an¢: which’ is a urning question vith thelegal frater- Htity of both England and Canada. Mr. arding’s remarks in this particular were forcible. and--eloquent. rade riots were common to both coutityies. The immigration of Canadians to the U.S. was a serious problem to be solved by the Canadian parliament. He be- lieved the French Catholic problem would not-be solved for years to come, Fs ; | and then only by resorting to gdod many other phases of the “* bject Were discussed by the various sfeakers but our space forbids" verbatim re- port, suftice 2 say all dittcredit t} them- ceive and the absorbing question at issue. oak due deliberation the judg- of Messrs.-W. : Pn iene a __ daughter ALtaR. I on the “ae — artha Ranney, both it mre a safe return. 5 Jett to-day (Friday) ee Sgitukrawing OF contain — At the residence of Wat; Woop: < : the ri ea itathar on W Victoria, B:C., Dba he purposes seek«|the meetings durin summer Api 1 the’ Rev. A. Hi ba fortu He purchased his months was: disc at considerable a. Genre it ender- ticket from B. Rnor by T. M. Wilson, S. H. Hardin 80 ssUascline eklest dntghe daly nogpaper of the various 1 Toronto i and P.Feent; when on oton of ter of Mr. George Inglis,.of Elma.- ~afall, 830 dbe, $90,000; Empire, til the fall. oti (nny eve rat caer : goo ne ae ‘$23,000; World, 3,000;. ing featu of the p on Wie the fa: ve eny at on Load 2d: itist., he x forest bis" Atwicd wendy PRE: “Resolved that ¢ anada is @ more enry ha donee ie ext ‘luesda y, 29th inst, onThe United States” “The ae di ee the pr oka youngest da ughter a Mt gre D \y e leader o af- r. roads ‘are. in spleuid condition and firmative, T Wilson, took. the ‘oor Calbéck, ded years and apg > aL b ee ee ee ee ee ed ee ee rs qr atSasoSeseeg Hides POET. wo. cee sense Sheep skins, each.......... Wood, 2 ft Potatoes per bag........... Butter per lb.............. Eggs per doz.............. SERRENESS - —— = Business Directory. DMEDICATs.: J.R. HAMILTON, M.D.C.M.- Graduate of i University, Mon- treal. Member of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons;Ontario. Office— Opposite THE BEX office. Residence Queen street; night messages’ to left at: tesidence. LEGAL. W. M. SENCLAIR,. Solicitor, Convey ancer Notary Pnbiic &e, Private funds to loan at lowest han the Dominion. There were 100,000] rates. Collections promptl attended pe er! rail inthe U. S. and only 12,-| to. Office—loerger’s Hotel, Atwood. 000 in the Dominion. We pay . to Every Wednesday at 12:24 P. m., and remain until the 9:12 p. m. train. DEWALT J.J; FOSTER, L: D.S., Uses Vitalized Air, &c., for painless extracting. Satisfaction guaranteed im all operations Ottice—Entrance beside Lillico’s Bank, Listowel, Ont. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.S., DENTIST, Is extracting = ed without pain: through the of “The Electric Vibrator.” The. cnost satisfactory re- sults are attained by the use of this wonderful instrument, for which h3 hol — gael right. ferences, &e., n at his dental .apart- ren ty over eThompson Eros.’ -store. Entrance, Main St, Listowel. AUCTIONS ESZs ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Perth Cownty.- Adil sales attended to promptly and at motrate rates. Information with re- pete to —_ may be had by applying at this THOS. E. HAY, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Perth. Rates moderate. Oftice—Over Lillico’s bank, Listowél. All orders left at THe BEE office will be attended to promptly. Money te iuéan At Lowest Rates of Interest. Erouse and Iuct for Sale. The undersigned offers his house and lot forsale. Itisav ery desirable pro: erty and situated on Main St. sou Atwood. For particulars apply at THE BEE office, cr at ALEX. CAMPBELLS 33m HF. BUCK WALLACE STREET, “|LISTOW EL. I wish to intimate t to the people of Atwood and vicinity that I have on hard a most ss compioe stock of all lines of Furnitu uainoost SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, SPRINGS & MATTRASSES, ‘AN ¢.best of their class: T afc? bound THE LARGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS Fof'Picture Framing in Town. UNDERTAKING G. fide Geena ony Same John OTS, gave pd baile -cision in favor of the negative, - Py 1-3m Furniture Kmporium,. AND PARLOR SUITES.- sell them. Call and get prices: - a iaity. Full lines funeral goths * H. F. BUCK, Wallace St--