Atwood Bee, 9 May 1890, p. 8

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; the city feeling the pulse of the elector- Country Talk. Turnberry. Rev. Mr. Hartley preached an elo- i quent and and_instructive sermon..Sunday Several of our farmers have finished their seeding-in April. This is some- thing new as during the past few years the general end of seeding was about the middle of May. Communion services ara fo be held in Bluevale Haid Meedge chuseh on Sun- day, 11th in The Rev. Mr. Heer |= will aid the pastor in i , who mi alehure, he ane pup he thet" Cm Cangregn onal chure to the congre his potion oa pastor at the elose o Jas. Lillico, who removed ‘to Mani- toba a few months ago, has died since reaching the western province. Deceas- | t ed lelry ‘or mamy years a respected citi- ven of Turnberry and a brother to P. Lillico, banker, Listowel. Britton. is the standing of the Britton, at the late eounty promotion sruminaies The number of marks requi into 250; Senior Fourth, 236; Junior Fourth, 220; Senior Third, 172 F Cc ie Teasdale, 418; well, John Mayburry, 438; Robert Tintendee, 382; John Lang, 2¥9. Senior Fourth—Annie Johnston, pe oibe, a ances 415; Ps | ie Form os. Alexander, 343; The followi pupils of No. R Los ob: Pearl J. Sproule, 337. exander, 310; Mina Oe eaneer: 284; Geo. Tanbrook, 262; Rebecca Crawford, 223; 3 Josephine Teasdale, 214; Jessie Burnett, aye Albert Hammond, 216; John Free- an, 251; Jabez Chapman 194; David ‘Alevandat. 184; Isabella Forman, 224; Adeline Stevenson, 193. Grey: The-babbath School = S.8.N opened Sunday, May 4t Mr. Klump, butcher, - Atwood has started on his rounds again. Mrs. Peter Sinclair, jr., is recovering from an attack of acute ‘bilfousness. Robert Pyne has returned from his travels abroad, looking hale and hearty as of yore. Mrs. Kelly, of the 16th con., is serious- ly ill. and, sad to say, there are no hopes of her recovery. John Harris, of the. 16th con., made over 40 gallons of _molasses during the season just ended. James Sinclair, who about.the first of April received, an injury in the leg caused by a plow falling cn it, is able to be around again. ‘It is said one of the bones of his leg was broken. Tramps are once more on their Yo. 8 re- eTe- grinations in the country, and they are | ¢ aregular nuisance. If they al! could be conveniently shipped to~ Goderich jal! the people would not grieve very much at their-departure. The framework of Peter McIntosh’s new barn is up, and as the work of en- elosing itis belng pushed rapidly for- ward, it is expected to reach completion in about a week. The old fashion plan of raising oe by asking about a hundred | and choosing sides i relegated to thes past and gone practices of “ye olden time.” The work in this ease was done the framers themselves with the aid. of horses and pulleys. Thos, Newsome has the con- tract and‘as he is a skilful and exper- jenced hand he will make a good job of it. STaTistics.—For the following inter- esting statement concerning Grey town- ship we are indebted to Assessor Ray- mann:—Value of Real property, $1,711,- 220; vaine of personal property, 35.200,- income, 3400; total value real, personal and income, $1,716,820; No. of acres in - township, 64,933; No. of acres cleared, 7,655; No. of children between 5 and 16 years of age, 1,010; No. between 7 and 13 years of age, £00; ‘No. of children be- tween 16 and 21 years of age, 327; No. of male persons between 21 and 60 years of age, 7.5; total number of persons, 3,7 ves No. of dogs, 372: No. of Intches, 11; N of cattle, 6,138; No. of sheep, 2,629; No. of hogs, 1,429; No. of horses, 1,956; No. of acres of wood land, 7 7,144; No.of acres of swamp, 20,1: is acres of or- chard, 442%; - No. of acres of fall wheat sown, 3,338; No. of births, 69; No. of | © deaths, 97. Stratford. The Stratford Foot Ball Club has been reorganized. The Guelph conference of the Metho- dist church is called to meet in this city June 5th. Over $200 was raised among the ho- telmen and confectioners to bring the Queen’s Own here on the 24th. The receipts of the Grand Trank the past year were nearly $100,000 in excess of those of the Canadian Pacific. R. Cleland, the Reform candidate for the local in the North Ri ding, was in . G. MeQuarry, assistant secretary of the Hamilton ont M.C. A., -has ac- cepted the ater secretarys ipof the Stratford associa Fiags floated on fe pad ffice build- ing, the re hall, Cheapside and the Albion, Wednesday, of last week in honor of England's patron saint. It is ramored that a private .citizen ofthis , has-been served-with tening him witha a ano- tice over a letier pas gainer in a paper in city. uantities of live stock are! Mrs. on se ye dollars a here, ot oe as sre are a out Gat weekly by ; Se wil Biout:s Com pampedi) water dariag the iene Water Su caoofad hi st tent 4 satcigusred with the %)° clerk for “the last month. “The syndied! empt nuniber of eats, bout the assem- led wisdom didnot ey the property en any such conditions. The annual meeting of the Liberal Conservative Ajsociation of Stratford, convened at Cémmercial hotel Thurs- day evening to dect officers for the year: resident, D. Scrimgeour; Vice-presi- dent, Joseph Dinsmore; Sec-sreas., W weesee There was a meeting of the band committee Friday evening of last. week to-consider matiers affecting the inter- ests of the bandand to talk over the prospects of haring a sealobration here th of May. The be- on the 24 band are hind $200. The citizens acai come to he assistance ¢f the energetic ee They certainly keeping the b Brussels. . any Reid, of Seaforth, was in town Sun- ; ure ee Suzdayed in the Queen City 8 W Tu Rabie 6th inst., snow storm Rey. D. Pert, of Thorndale, was in town last week. Ross McGur spent several days inSea- forth this week. Miss Nessie Kay is rusticating in Seaforth this week. Mr. Tompkias, of Feats City, Mich., is visiting relatives in to we had quite a are home on a visit from Toron eMiss Cunningham, of Toronto, is vis- iting her sister, Mrs. W- Nightingale. week after a yisit at Drayton and Lis- towel. Gorrie, were the guests of Mrs J. 3 pin last: week. Mrs. Campbell, (nee Miss Della Baw- tinheimer) of Saginaw, Mich., is here visiting her father. Mrs. Arthur Vealand fauntly left here last Tuesday for Fenton, Mich., w they intend making their ome. Mr. and Mrs tonrad Vanstone, of Southampton, were here attending the funeral of his father, the late Wm. Van- stone. Last Sabbath evening Rev. Jno. Ross, Sellery, b.A., of the Methodist church, exchanged pulpits. The Melville church W. F. M.S. held its sixth anfiiversary on Tuesday even- ing, May 6th. The services were of an sa gee ak and interesting character. Kev. A . McKay, of Lucknow, gave an presiding. There was a large attend- ance, special interest ‘being centred in the case of Miss Montgomery vs. credi- tors of the Veal state. The report will be given next week. We are pleased to notice in last week's BEE that Geo. Currie is no longer atone. L suppose now he will sing: “This is the way t long haye sought and mourned because I founcit not.” We wish them both success in their new life and hope they will pull evenly in double harness. A splendid oil portrait of Rev. John Ross, B. A., wason exhibition in the window of T. Fletcher's store. It is the gentleman. It will, no doubt, be very highly prized by the recipient. off on a visiting expedition to friends in Morris tow nship. n theirrambles they Maitland and one of the party bein of a nautical turn of mind, manned a raft and went for a voy age. “All went merry as a marriage bell” until the rap- ounded and the fair sailor who had een warbling “A life on the ocean wave’ ” changed her tune to “Rescue a” perishing.” ~ A noble hearted youth se cured another raft and gallantly w ent to the rescue, and to the music of “Pull for the shore,” with the mppling waters for an accompaniment, the storm tossed voya soon reached the harbor and received the congratulations of their friends over their narrow escape. Mother! May I go out to boat? Uh! yes! my dearest daughter, But take a raft that is sure to float And keep your “tootsie-footsies” out of water. Oxsit.—On Friday last one of our old- est inhabitants passed to his final re- ward in the person of Wm. Vanstone. Mr. Vanstone had been ailing for some years with a disease known bale consum p- tion of the nerves, which years had the effect of Weakening his mental powers. He built the first saw and grist mills in Brussels and years one of leading spirits in every en- terprise and his money and efforts: were never stinted in promoting the best in- terests of the town in which he has been aresident for 3u years. De- ceased was a staunch Conservative in litics. He was buried with Masonic lo from Goderich, and T. Vanstone, of Colborne, es 9 har ‘ecautik toh taxation Percy Jackson and ‘his sister Lizzie Miss Blakeman returned home last Mrs. Gilpin and her son George, at Te ic B.A.,-of Melrille—church,-and-Rey, 5+ Fourth Division Court was held on Thursday of last week, Judge Doyle |. handiwork of Mrs. (Dr.} Graham, of this town, and is a most substantial proof of ber ability and taste as anartist. We} understand it was a gift to the reverend} On Monday of last week a couple of young ladies beionging to Brussels went ot to the banks of the quiet flowing ids were reached where the stately ship’ was for many |. Bornholm. Miss Gertie Hord, of Mitchell, spent $#aturday and Sunday with Mrs. Woola-|> cett. acquitted thameerved at the geo romotiean examination, there being only two faalures out of the sixteen candidates. Quaiterly meeting was held in Bethes- da chureh last Sundiy. Quite a num- ber of nsembers from the other appoint- ments were present at the: communion. Rey. Mr. Swann preached an appropri- Hr sermon for the occasion. A. Jarmuth, of Calrfornia, returned twelve years. He is delighted atseeing | sucha great change in t township, et could not be seaidesd to remain here. Vhen he left that statea week ago thae was beautiful weather, he brought with hins some splendid specimens of orang- es which ripened i in a J anuary. Donegal. Charles: Sfason has lately added anew mower and horse rake to his pievious extensive stoek of farm implements. *| They sk puorhased of J. T. Peebles,of Listowel. William Vipond as be = Peak ale kick from a herse he driving last week, but we’are glad £6 vatata that he is able to get areund once more. Jas. Dickson, jr., took advantage of arbor day to plant’ a large number his farm eel sure that in a .few years they willamply repay the trouble and expense of theit planting and oth- ers, of our residents, may be indueed to go and do likewise. While returning from Listowel on Thursday night of last week a team of colts, belonging to ‘I'hos. McFarlane, broke loose from their driver, pitchin him out on the side of the road an taking a jaunt on their own acceunt. They kept the gravel road to Monkton and then turned west pr conouine along the boundary between Gr ic- Killop until compelled to call a “halt by the cessation of.the road. They were easily tracked on Friday by an oeeasion al blanket, pieces of the-box, etc., show- ing that they had made a desperate run of it. mie to-say the horses were comparaive y uninjured when captur- Trowbridge. thy merchants have raised eggs to 9 Richard Sutton, whe has been away to St. George for some time, returned oe on Saturday. n Tuesday of last week John Mann left Listowel in company with his brother W. F. Mann, witha car load of fine horses. for Minnedosa, Manitoba. T. Later is selling a number of wag- ons and buggies. Some have gone to Manitoba, also to Blytheville, poy Co. One yery-fine buggy went to ‘Atw We understand. that the aoe here have chan their hours for ser- vice for the Sabbaths during the sum- mer months to 10 o'clock in the morn- ing and 7.o’clock in the evening. Rey. Henry Berry, of Mildmay, a former pastor of the Methodist church in this Pg pe preached a very’ interest- ing and instructive sermon to an at- ag audience last Sabbath evenin r. Berry has a great many frien $ here especially among the the & _ ple, who are always delighted to The remains of the late Wm. oa were followed on Tuesday of last week from the old homestead to the Elma Centre capstan 7 by a large crowd ve people. Poor WV iilie, though a great sufferer both in mind and body, bore his afflictions patiently and gave clear and |strong evidence that for him to die | would be his eternal gain. E=ouse, Sign, amd Orna- mental oe MATE The undersigned be begs to inform the citizens of Atwood and surrounding country that he is in a position to #. all kinds of painting imrfirst-class styl and at lowest rates. All orders en- trusted to the same will receive prompt attention. , REFERENCES :—Mr. McBain, Mr. R. Forrest, Mrs. Harvey. WM. RODDICK, Painter, Brussels. —IF YOU WANT— OOD PHOTUS —GO TO— > LHE For Extra Cabinet or Large Groups. 8tf. Best Déght in TWoewmn for Gre . Ps. Sunbeam Photos. Only $1 per Dozen. FRAMES AWAY DOWN Old Photos Copied and Enlarged. nd | DON'T -~FORGET —-THE—PLACE— OVER HACKING'S DRUG STORE. G. A. LEE, LISTOWEL, ONT: home on Thuisday, after an absence of |; of fine Pca p aap along the front of |° e HARDWARE ‘Plain Wre, Paints constantly in stock. always o1 hand. 14tf ss ATWOODSs ~ EMPORIUM ! eooooo R. BROOKS & CO. eocces Headquarters for Hardware, Tinware,, Cutlery, Barb Wire, Oils, Varuna very best Prepared. ‘House Paints, ete. Milk Cans Made to Order. Harvest and Garden Tools. Anything and Everything in the Hardware line kept Headqnarters for Sportsmen. Arms and Ammunition ee a Specialty. Ftnme Grarden Seeds. Rm. BROOES é& co. -— eee different kinds. free of cost. Reasonable Rates. -Hearse in connection. Atwood, April Ist, 1890, Parties P {may have goods delivere WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of all kinds af Furniture,. lain and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabmet Photo rames, Boy’s. Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, urchasing $10 and over worth to-any part of Elma township- heb sd or Baggage taken to ani from Station at Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at any time. First-class: Furniture Rooms opposite P. 0. with it for peerless and perfect. want in quality and price. And Borderings:” WE OFFER, These are Genuine Offers and Genuine Bargains. New Dry Goods, — ee New Groceries, _ 2 New Boots & Shoes NEW HATS & CAPS, New Wall Paper WA Grand Display A GREAT STOCK! GENEROUS BARGAINS! We invite your inspection of our new and extensive stock of Spring and Summer Goods, with the certainty that you have never yet seen anything that will compare: variety or general excellence. the stock has never been seen in this aeesnice (TN is. The equal of JUST WHAT YOU WANT. It has been my endeaver to provide just what you Think what we offer you: The widest choice for taste or fancy. The newest goods, patterns, and styles on the market. You the best values you ever receiyed, You the lowest prices ever made A Catt Souicrrep. J. L. MADER.

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