THE BEE. FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1890. The Land of the Pharoahs, Written for THE BEE. “There's ‘a land faraway inthe East we} are told, Renowned for it pyramids and tem- ples of old; “ of the Pharoahs his sceptre wie O’er the children of Israel, and forced em to a But oe ea us’ m the result that When” Ppa one Pharoah this rse purs ~And ascending his throne witha smile on his face, : To think he had conquered so famous & race. Pharoah no doubt thought he was lerd of th 6 lan Thought at power, centered in the an -But fs cy peor’ Pharoah his vision dim For wall power: as yet was not vested in ~A message there came might- ier than Demandin Israel free; ~And though en wondered he first answered 60, Very soon his — hardened and it could not be "Then in order er that Pt Pharoah might well un That he did not rule as he thought all the lat “God — his "servants the waters to the enslaved sons of And ft rope sain forth, a plague in his sig So when Pirareah paces everything he would ea Was infested with | frogs, he reclined in his seat; *Though with the keenest repentance he said they might go, Very soon his heart hardened and it could not be so. .As the pestilence of frogs did hardly 3 sultice, ‘The Pt of the | land was now turned ice; Yetstill he was nen and would not consent To liberate his captives, though for this he'll repent; Next bicorell baad fies im innumerable And ventered his house like troops un -His Noe, was vain and again he But a5 oan ‘his heart hardened, and it could not be so. «God told his servants some ashes to take, To sprinkle towards heaven and boils they would make, "Thas zhatoeh, his accra his beasts of 2 ree h + etd. iland rain accoanpani2d with | ! er, Destroyed all his Bock leaving Phar- oah to wonder; ~And again — his’ lips escaped the word g But 2 again ita heart bao, and it could not de so Tis doubtless Ngee paused for a moment in sorro ey waiting the events of the "*Vhen 5 at at breaking of dawn locusts cov- ~Twas 1 a ; pecaitte —— more than Phar- oah could sta -More surprised ret id he at next dawn- | of morn, To ial — had seized on his lovely So Pharoatr 8 > hemati softened by sorrow woe, Submitted at last and allowed Israel to go. * * * * "The persecuted nation receiving con- + * * To the land ——— their weary f en “When ae e distant sound of Pkar- oah’s mighty host, Was borne by the breeze as they near- ed the coast; “With the Red Sea in front and Pharoah in chase, The Israelites feared the host they “Fear mot” —. his words, “ ‘for the Lord will provide, And before Pharoah’s hosts your foot- steps will guide.” At his master’s command Moses stretched forth his rod. And then he revealed the mighty power of their God; "The — rolied back at the word of and, anit the — — through on a path of dry land Believing not the power of the God m on high, ae rush in in pursuit with a rlike c "The eo rolled back and Israel was While Paisoak Land warriors found a watery: gra = * * * * + * ™T was pomeser he bw land of the Pharoah’s nVhen / ‘Albion? S$ sons arrayed iin the pride of their might, And led by poor re Wolesley at the dawn- ing o Marched omvail to victory, which was soon tobe borne. «th littiegireamed Arabi and his slum- bering host, When the brave 42nd landed there’on pit coast, _ brn ay was at hand when his wand the 10 ry of Bitaiera al e glory 0: should the glory o — Within five hundred yatds on a littk incline, The cig was given to form inte e; And ae oe c word from him ia man ~The ‘British and Bgptians were locked hand in han And now inthe dawning. the doomed er flees, S His fgnt tomaral Cairo being borne TEeZE; ve 3 great Arabi f orever is done, Bo Be E ait at ctory! T Tel-el- Aner i ‘ow W. &. Morrison. Newry, May 2, 1890. PATIENCE. Written for THE BEE. Why should there be such whining And sad dissatisfaction Because the sun’s not shining On our side of the section. The time may seon be coming When joy may be our portion, The happy bee 6 humming Around our lovely garden. For grandly in our favor The tide may soon be turning, And we be ichly paid for The lessons we are learning. "Tis best to wait in patience, Contently persevering, To look with caim expectance For brighter days appearing. —T. E. Hammend, Elma, April 23, 1890. H. F. BUCK Furniture Emporium WALLACE STREET, LISTOWEL. I wish to intimate to the people of Atwood and vicinity that I have on hand a most complete steck of ail lines of Furniture. BEDROOM SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, SPRINGS & MATTRASSES, AND PARLOR SUITES, All goods best of their class. I am bound to sell them. Call and get prices. THE LARGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS For Picture Framing in Town. UNDERTAKING A ipl ey Pull lines funeral goods always on 1-3m J, H. McDONALD’S FLOUR ——AND— FEED —AND— Grocery Store MAIN STREET, -~LISTOWEL--- One Door Exst of Post Office. H. F. BUCK, Wallace St. Higgins’ Liverpeo! Salt, Flour, Beef, ‘Cheese, Oats, Peas, Bran, Shorts, Potatoes, Turnips, Glover and Timothy Seed, Salt, Tobaccos, Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour, Sugar and Teas, CROCERIES In Full iatt {Pure Drugs, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Begg’s celebrated Road Carts. carts that are made. NEW: aman: peste New Gashmere Prints. Our first stock of these are sold out aheady. ‘ Lace Collars, Lace for Collars Handkerchiefs, and trimmings, Ladies’ ‘Vests. Ribbons and Ties Our Stock of Staples is Always Complete. Grey and White Cottons, Cottonades, Siirtings, &e., al- ways at close prices. Our Boots & Shoes Are the Best Value. We have the Nobbiest Felt & Straw Hats, NEW LINE IN BOY'S SUITS, JUST OPENED. OUR TAILOR SHOP Is crowded with Orders, but we always find room for more. Just Follow the Crowd And you wall find yourself in the store of YOURS TRULY, James Irwin. Patent Medicines, Fine Stationery. School Supplies & Wall Paper| +.) Call in and Look Around. ATWOOD DRUG STORE. MARTIN E. NEADS. Prescriptions and Recipes a Specialty. The TTT Store. The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please CaHi.and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RICGS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long and Short Wood. Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECIALTY. ‘WM. DUNN. ~ Atwood Carriave and Blacksmith Shop. Carriages, Wagons, Sleighs and and Cutters, and all kinds of Repairing done en Shortest Notice. Horseshoeing a Specialty. Prompt ard special attention given to Horseshoeing. Also Agent for Hawkey’s and hese are tavo-of the best See and be convinced. : HENRY HOAR. at 2tf GO TO. J.S.GEE’S __FOR YOUR _ STRAW HATS | . Youth's & eS READY-MADZ --S UITS-- A Fine Range selling at Close © -rices. i J.S.CEE, GENERAL MERCHANT, Weave sT. Jas. Nenderson THE PEOPLE’S Shoe Maker, 6 ATH OOD, Keeps a first-class stock of French Calf, Canadian Calf, Kip, etc., and is prepared to do fine Sewed or Pegged Boots, in guaranteed, Prices — to suit the fames. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. SHOP—One Door South of 1'HE BEE Publishing House. RM, BALLANTYNE =THE LEADING= Merchant Tailor Of Atwood, is determined te Cut Prices te suit the hard times. Biggest Reduction In Ordered Clothing EVER KNOWN. Men's all wool Tweed Suits $11 for $9 a“ “ a a $12 “ 310 “ - 5.8 “ $15 -“ gi2 Black Worsted from $16 up. WE KEEP THE BEST TRIMMINGS AND GUARANTEE AN A 1 Fit or No Sale. Call and Examine Our Goods and see for yourself. R.M-BALLANTYNE, — ATWOOD.