Atwood Bee, 29 Aug 1890, p. 3

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oo SKILL IN PARSING. Prof. James W. Robertson ata Dairy Con- vention at Seaforth, Ont, A great many people have the idea that a man who farms does not require any skill in. —the-carrying on of his occupation—that skill belongs’ to professional men, and is neces- sary for thenronly. Now a man who farms, from the nature of his calling .Ust.casen-- Rk ath it a Of skillan then a man of strength, and not first a — of strength and then a man ot skill. A man can over- conmie difficulties much shuns aaonedele through skilful operations than through the applica vation of mere physical strength. The day for purely Sr agen strength has long gone by and men who would farm with pro- fit must farm withskill, The prevalent idea is er this, that the dairyman among farm- ers is aman whosesole occupation consists in pr Saline or manipulating or selling milk. He may perhaps rise to bea manufacture? of the products.of milk, but, beyond that mea- gre outline of work, men think he requires to know nothing and do nothing. I will try and —_ bing meaning clear, and speak, firs why a man_ needs skill in - “ca rr vying bog " = the work of a dairy farm. business to find food for the thoes a the race, because most of | ° the food we consume from our tables comes as a product of some dairy farmer's skill, if the single commodity, called fish, be except- . If you go throtgh the w hole list you will find. that most of them belong to ‘the products of dairy farming. The man who finds food tor allthe world must be a skil- ful man, because his occupation demands skill. It gives him a sphere for the exercise of skill of the highest order. As aman produc ces food he will have to seck that foo beconas a acturer of foods asare made by wuimala on the ferm—iilk, cheese, butter, beef and things of that sort. In that way you seea man requires first the deepest and highest and farthest reach- ing skill, that he may control the forces of nature and make them operate for his service. ior that, he felgment must first determine the kind of pe that will render him the most ser- vice directly, or indirectly, through animals. A man would never think of growing: ome berries for the —— ef milk. tha case his cow would consume more E+ in strawberries than she w msl produce in milk. I have known a cow to eat two basketful of strawberries, but they did not increase her oa supply in the least. I have merely n that absurd illustration to show that, while men do not grow strawberries as a rule for the feeding~of dairy cows, they sometimes grow a product on their farm that is in manner, but not in degree, as = travayant for the production of milk. 4 may’s skill shall solve for himself the question of the cheapest fo so far its potentiality and efficacy is concerned. There is ] hero, surely: Then a an’s skill, shall not merely select the kind of plants that he shall grow, but his skill select the varieties of the plants. In the growth of oats © man may select any one of 20 varictios, and if he selects them in a hap- hazard fashion they will serve him in a hap hazard way. riend, Professor Saunders, told me that by careful selection of single grains of a variety of the oat plant he obtain- ed three thousand nine hundred odd grains from the planting of one secd. If we can_be ——skilfubin selecting seeds of equal again vigor, we would not mere but a three- Macias f rl, service from the oops that we grow. man growing crops may even get o five ve- hundred return om the seed if he will sow the right sort. Then a man’s skill shall make preparation for the furnishing of food, for the seed which he plants, and many a man if failing to supply food for the plants which grow on his fields is unable to find tood for himself. Beneficent ‘nature. is always just and generous, and she will rich- ly repay a man for the application of thought and skill that he m: ay bestow. on her. The tiller of the soil will find the proper kind of plant and place it in the ground. A man’s skill rakes preparation for its food by culti- vation, 1en a man cultivates his soil he is not merely probing about with instru- aents s and tools; if he does this he is exer cist no skill, A man’s skill shall look right :nto the soil,and shall go on, so acting upon ind acting through it that his skill shaliterch up through t the soil and govern the sun that shines over his farm. It is the duty of the farmer to exercise his skill in such a way on the soil that he may harness the oll sun every morning and make it do his will, He cannot do that if he has not skill. The sin, with his strength, energy ond po- tentiality, thrills down for our service when te tries to store these into plants. re eat to get strength that we may control the strength and do something. Whence comes the strength? From the old sun. from food strength and sunshine, and when I get really strong butter ¢ strength and no sunshine, (Laughter.) The old sun ad atre uining like this on all the fields ; if he mes to x man’s farm whose fields have no plant fon. ttea the old sun looks into that man’s soil, and finding no material into which. to store his strength, he merely loafs around that field. Whena horse pulls me in a waggon the horse is merely expending what he got from the sun ; when the engine is putting along it is only expending w the eld sun stored in the fuel centuri When Teat my own food lam merely get. ting for my that the ( e 4 E sun ok: direction of the skill of some man whose right it was to rule his acts and make lin subservient tohim. A man who would be a successful farmer needs to be a man of skill and then a manofstrength. If aman goes at his work -with his fist he is not so successful as if he goes at it with his head, because with the latter he could clear away for the application of the strength which he las. Therefore let a man exercise his skill in such a way that all the Soil nD uatire will serve him, and that he will have don ninion aver the sun and over the water . A inan not only needs skill, but Le needs to apply his skill. The man who applies his skill to the growth « of a plant can do so best along two lines. Tirst along the line of skilfully adapting suitable lants to conditions and circumstances of his arm and locality, and then along the line of handling plants, that the strength of the old sun shall not be wasted or lost. First, let try to get within his g ome of nature's powers for his service, and then let him so use that power back out intoethe world that he will not a : any thing: P bat ‘thereby increase its intensit Sparrows Stop n Clock. , The Sarnia town clock cone at 4:30 ch: i Wir ees on going to ascertain the cause, found that the hands had been securel tied dows y strands of twine.and grass, The mischief had been done by a pair of sngtiale Fs ater who had selected the angle form adh ry tlre hands as a site for a nest, The in ow e- ments of the hands interfered with their plans, and the birds put their wits to work to devise a remedy that would secure the stabillity of the nest. Their first scheme was to wind the shaft on which the hands are pivoted round and round with grass and cords. That failing, they tied the hands to each other atid to the ramework in such a manner that it took considerable time and a great deal of ne n Mr. Williams's part to remove the ob- hig The engineering skill displayed birds in accomplishing their object stowed that they possessed reasoning power f n n order, besides an amount of Endtsetey: 8 persev erance in gathering og material within the few hours at their di posal that is almost incredible. —<_—- i Wise Employ ec, Bov—How do you stand in with you dh so well, Tom, you never nugh at | his joke: Tom— "No ; but I dine at his restaurant, ; and pretending not to seehim, I retell all his stories, saying loudly, “I can’t tell itas w ~— as he can, but here’s a rattling ood Mr D. told us this morning. ‘ve been ig | Promoted three times this year. CANADA'S G GREAT PAIR. A Great List of Entries and Many Atlrac- tions for the Coming Show at Toronto, From Sept, 8th to the 20th, The success that has atteaded the Great d2- dueirtel re es is held annually at T ro} emarkable, and it is ev ident that the ‘exhibition tor the rope ent year, which 0 be held from the 8th to the 20th = next ~ “e ; month, will again surpass its predecessors, The entries which have already been receiv on ‘trom all parts of the Domin cen, the United Statesa Great Britain, are suflicicntto ‘nt all the build- ings on the groun be of a much fi exhibited. A a: eae Matis generally a good c “ Ca::ada and the adjoining Sates, this rai tion will doubtless be fully rerificd on the pri sent occasion. The Go Ms ea “General «<nc Prince George of Wales wi ably visit the Exhibition, Severa more isa , haliaines have — erected 7 zee § and still there is no space to -pare. cial exhibits have been ene | toro Poway Bpain, MMritish . a Manitoba, = om ot her sections ;and largo dis- Las catkiog ine agre on pl ute rand amu of other features that canned f. to entertain the many thous ‘ands that will pe Loss op full’ particalars of all that to bescen will be contained ia the ¢ anita een rammes which will be is ina r tivo. rer two hundred and fifty theusand ‘poanis : Lewes the ‘I o Fair Jast year, and, as the etings are to bo during the Fats r, among which are those of the Stock Breeders, "Manufacturers, Ontario Creain- ra, &e. 7 and visitors tothe hi ea! oppente n ee of attending these mect- in AlLentries close on thé Ith inst., and in- tending exhibitors should govern theimnselves accordingly Rice bailed very dry is acceptably served with fish instead of potato There must be great merit in SLOCUM'S preparations. His OXYGENIZED EMUL- SION of PURE COD LIVER OIL has taken the first place as a cure for consump. tion and kindred diseases. Every druggist sells it and no householder should be with. out it.. The remedy is reliable and invalu- able. Who on carth conld live justly? were al] judged NOTICE, Dr. Harvey's Southern Red Pine for Coughs and Colda, is the moat reliable medi- cine in use. iM ELEN RORKE, graduate-of Ams AMIS (HELEN has bee bor several years Henoracnee ee and type-wri to M. Mon- ford, Superintendent of the Sichigan Cen tral R. R. sponsible and valuable She is one ofthe best short d writers of Canada and like all graduates of Alma Commercial vouee well fitted for her oman-carrobtainr t 60) Ww pp. Cileniae by addres PRINCIPAL Avstis, B. DL A. P. 517. Bermuda! Bott d. “You must 590 Bermuia. §F u do-not ¥ wiil mnt be rey po onsi« bie for the eonseqnen ces.” **-But, or, It can aiford neither the time ter the money.” ‘Well, if is intpossibic, t SCOTT'S EMULSION OF PURE NORWECIAN COD LIVER OIL. Ksometimes call it Bermuda Bote tiled, and many cases of, CONSUMPTION, Bronchitis, Cough I have CURED w advantage is that the most sensl- tive retonrnch ean ta t ing which commends it {fs the ropert ye COTT & ROWNE, Belleville. GENTS WANTED—B’g money. Choicest ooks. Control of territory. Apely ot at once, E,N. Mover & Co..120 Yonye St.,Toro C: PRIVATE nosriTat FoR THE CURE os Nisgare Bt, SALESMEN bad Whole qioct te Piece without the kn ' TRE STARK NUR NUR SERIES, M enistinke Mo Dook free. G.11. MeRICHAEL,2.D, BUFFALO, 5. Ye $3. PER DAY— Fast se'ling article. J. E. 43 Victoria street, Toronto. Good men and women. ‘LOSE, procured in Canada, U.5, and Foreign —— o : Ww. J. “GRANAM, it Yonge St. ANTED iney rid town in the Do ominion reliable men to pee the Dominion Bidg end Loan Axso'n, 63-67 Yonge St., Toronto E (ed LE out of town coming to the Exhibi- he resses Darisian | yard ; C ‘pildren’s skirts or Mis 3 Stackhouse, 427 Yonge tion ceca have their ¢ aang Bese, cape Stre leeten ALBERT COLLEGE, BELLEVILLE, ONT., a Lai other Colieges in Canada in she num- of matrioulante prepared ann ex Special inducements are offered % those uiring a Business Edacation., Send for oniondar: “Address Pruxcrrat Dy ER, M.A. SPECIAL <* SUMMER SE: S1ON—Ji ijy 8th A” ee skecping. Penman ship, Shorth Ey typ iting. Unique Pinn, Instruction senile Mela speci oop enone ns afler- | noons. Circulars free. Colleze of Commerec, Public Liteay Datiding. Tor onte* EACHERS can make money during vaca- Write pees LINE 'STEAMSHI PS. anal weekly Wetarneas MONTREAL ard LIVE Saloon Tickets $41, 5° and $69 se Mekoks. $89, $18) and $110, steamer and accommodation. niermediate $20 Stecrage $20. Apply tof. EK. MURRAY, — pao Manager. Canadian Shipping Co. A CU House SQUARE, er hinge to Loc hf Agents in all. Towns and Cities. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh Is tho Best, Easicst to Use and Che Sold by cruggists <r sent by mall, Sc, ms E. T. Hazeitinc, Warren, Pa., U.S.A. COLIGNY _ COLLEGE, OTTAWA, UNG LA = . lighted with ga: Spacior - bu fhe s, heated rrit The Guatemala foress defeated the revo- after a fiv c- hour fizint, Ali Men. young, old, or middle-aged, who find rae selves nervous, Weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exces or ov -orwork, resulting in many of the following syim toms: Mental depres ‘sion, premature oka | age, loss of vitality, less of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, w aating of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, bashfulness, deposits in the urine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to slecp, f failure to be rested by sleep, constipation, dviness of hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround. ed with LEADEN CIncLE, oily lookin skin, etc., are all symptoms of nervous debilit that lead to insanity and death unless cure The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed i ignorance may be permanently cured, Send your address for book on ali dicases peculair toman, Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., a On. Books ser:* : free sealed. lutionists e3, rush head, dui pain inthe heart w ith beats stone, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast a, etc., hoe sitively be cured. Nocure. tne for book. Address M. V. N, 30. Front Street East, Toronto, A dn. It is uow generally known that many cases | ef consumption of loug standing as we! advanced cases of cataurrh and asthma have | been permanently cured by SLOCUM'S OXYGENIZED EMULSION of PURE _ LIVER OIL. This famous medicine manufactured at 186 West Adelaide St., Toronto, - , and every druggist in Canada has it for sa It isa ky business trying to get to heaven on your wife's church membership. o > Ar : For. cir- culars write to __ReVe _DR. WARDEN, Montreal. Send at once for a E DOTTLBA and a valuable Treatise. FRE his romedy ig nal rade cal cure and is perfec tly Sho tajarions drugs are used fe he “T will wareant it to. cure _BPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS ses where other remedies have as gi Myre re se for sending 1 =e tee tattle is: n. It con trial, and a "rat ital care in, Give Express.and Address : i certain, Yost Uitice. 4. Cc. ROOT M. a 186 West Adoilaido St, Tcronto, Ont. BUSINESS CHANCES. w ill buy } interest in a thorough’ $5 0 0 is established M'f'y us fully S ancted by pa alt To ut able to handle the Nec retaryshi pany a guarantce of fifteen hundred we oe given. Closest investigation solicited. Call or jaddress, ELDRIDGE & €O., Room 13, Cor. Queen and Victorin hse, Tore: ato aeeniece “£€O.. Cor. 4 and a Streets, Toronto, wil! ex hy ihe anni exhibition, er ainsene ‘ing + p Seaine the 20th, a fine display of Can. ' to ha make satisfactory arrangements by the abore MAN who wishes a good position and has éix or seven thousand dollars to put ina | Feliable eee ag can new get the oy Lg tebe by addre ELDRIDGE & CO., | and Victerte Sts., room NY apartics hay ing amall ¢ apital to Tto invest est | find it. to cae interest to » yin DE addres‘ing { inapteate ee ith E K ‘o, Cor, Qu n Sis., To pol nto, Manufacturers Agents and Commieten Merchants. Patents i: sought anc d sold. Business chances nego tinted Canadian Headevarters * ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES TeVvVV NESS O44 CRAIG ST) MON’ REAL ‘LEATHER BELTING. CO., Makers, 70 King street East, T DOMESTIC REVIEW) For Fall fswor mnt -Bovs Gaementn Price | Ladies! Misses" ie ooknie ri 30c In stamps, jogue, fall, 3c. Garmontic Mont ly for Sept., (5c New York Domestic Fashion Co., 32 Temperance Street, Toronto. or at any of Pattern Agenaies. GRAVING JESGONES, FaCL a WOODENCRAVER las shine Streereasr, . TORONTO; CANA Salesmen — Ke Choices rs. Best Trees. Best Terms. a ak Plan Best Outfit Free. Special Aids for Be- ginners. Mo. Nursery €9., Louisiana, Mo ARTIFICIAL LIMBS , For Circular Addresa J. DOAN & SON, %7 Northcote Ave., Toronto. Chm and REST PLACE ‘i Address WHALEY, KOYCE “e ahd = Yong Sircet, Toronto, Sena ror Catalog DRESSMAKERS’ MAGIC SCALE. The Tailor System of cutting improv- edand simplified- Compleic in one piece. GENERAL AGENT, Perfect - Fitting Sleeve a : specialty. Waist Linings d Dresses Cut. Corsets Made to Order. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Wire-Dress Forms for Draping, etc. 4383 198: Yong 8t., just South of College ENTIRELY CURED. After many years cf heart indigestion, weakness, headache,ete, ST. LEON WATER Cured we Entirely. Tnow * yoiee in goo Yhealth.- =J. Cloutier. Mo th Thousands voucl tothe truth of above, Why then drag along in mis- ery and pain? Drink St. Springs in “pe n for reception of sitors, For particulars address The St. Leon Mincral Wnier €o., Ltd., TORONTO, ONT., Or to St. Leon Springs, Que. The Best Goods Seld by the Principal Boot aj and shoe Bealers. ~ Every Pair Stamped, ta An Terk Best value a the Dominion. F. i date ote &} 4a Send for Price Lists and. Diioonutces a 0 \ MISS CHUBB) 2 TELEPHONES “ME ute ist a yp . Ny meee for Bchnors and Beauty of Coloriagy’ They are the oxsLYy ou TF wi LL NOT WASH WILL NOT FADE Our { There is nothing like them for Strength, Coloring * or Fastness, ONE Package EQUALS TW bolanzctherDpols tho market, If you doubt it, try It! Your money will be re- funded if y: not conv rs fourcolors are made in Turkish Dyes, embracing ew shades, and others sre added as soon as they become fashionable, | They aro hep in to dyé than any other Dyes. Samo Price as Tnferlor Dye, 10 cts. Canada ‘Branch: 481 St. Paul Street, Montreal Book of Instructiont THE WONDER OF TEALING! BS 0 ATARRE, REEUMATISM, NEU- RALGIA,SORE THROAT, PILES, rg: FEMALE COMPL CUR ig RREAGES OF ALL KINDS, Sete ‘zternally. Prices S0c.$1,$1.4 POND'SEXTRACT CO, Now York &; London 3 The People’s Annual Holiday CANADA’S GREAT NDUSTRIAL AIR AND AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITION TORONTO Sept. 8th to 20th == 1890 -- The best and largest Exhibition | of Live Stock, Agricultura! Products, Fine Arts, Mannfactures of all kinds, and adies’ Work, etc., ctc., in the Dominion of Canada and attended annually by over 250,000 WISETORS including every Stock Breeder of any im- portance in this country, THE emma a aloe’ $50, 000 For PRIZES and educational, instructive and enjoyable SPE TURES. o Newest and Bost Attractions attain- zie. Grand International Dog Ehow, cte. . BRIGHTER £ GREATER THAN-EVER — The best time oo Sie —, t tho hietropolis of Cheap Excursions | low rates on all Railways, Entries positively ewe ‘August 16th For Prize Lists, Entry Forms and all other information, drop a pest card to J.3.WITHROW, Ww =H. J. SILL President Jiauager, fs oronto, ok a MA wld "5 STOMACH % A PERFECT SUBSTITUTE FOR MEAT To those who cannot eat meat in hot weather. all the NUTRITIOUS form that CAN BE DIGEST ED by the WE AKEST It contains ELEMENTS of prime Beef in a CONSUAFTION SURELY x er TO THE EDIT On? :—Please infor Send for catalogue. FIRE-PROOF CHAMPIONS With Upright or Horizontal Boilers, Suitable for all work, 12, 16, 20, 25 FRreang San es acs and 30 H.P. a Traction Engines 12, 16 and 20 Horse-power. STRAW-BURNING ENGINES ~ For the North-West. Send for Circular, Waterous Engine Forks (4 BRANTFORD auc Winnie:

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