THE WEEK'S NEWS. Mr, John Todd, of Toronto,-has-been-ap-|— estes ne, of flour. Several cases of leprosy are reported at Baciahtewn, Caps Bre Gangs the Three Rivers an ebec districts. John T. Moore, ek ated ofinland revenre for New Brunswick, died -suddenly on Friday night ‘Peihbeidne e,in the Canadian Northwest, will ‘soon connected with Great Falls, Montana, by rail. Archbishop Cleary has borrowed $200,000 which is to be ap. nlied to the clearing off of debts of the arc Ainsaes A plague is ravaging ne ths fishin sie iB the French shore * powieunts nd, disease is terribly fa A party of Jews sae the persecuted com- munities in Europe have arrived at Quebec in the steamship Orean mn. Hon. Mr. Dewdney has returned from the Pacific coast, and reports that British Col- umbia is in a prosperous condition. Hon, Mr. Rob mon a been sworn in as Attorney-General, and Mr, orien Lange- lier as Provi neial Sec uae of Quebec. The infant child of Benjamin Norwich was hae on Sunday by its oe roll- ing off th eprom strect wharf, Tor: H. M. Buzzard has been ace toi Jamaica back to Halifax on account of yel- low fever having broken out among -ber crew, Mr. Mackenzie Bowell, a Minister of Cus- toms, and Mr. Parnielce, tant Commis: sioner of Customs, will shortly muaKe an offical tour through Manitolia, e Archdiocese of Montreal is the St ue the continent, coming York, it is expecte division will be “ecided upon. t a sub- The Canadian Pacific railway has given ont contricts for 1,000 box cars, to be read the first week in October, for the purpose of adequately moving tlic season’s.crops. A correspondent of the Montreal L’£ten- dard has \.cen trying to find out how many St. Annes there are in this country. He enumerates 41, and is sure these are not all. At the annual convention of the North America United Caledonian i held at Detrcit, Mr. W. D. Toronto, was elected president for éhe cur- rent year. A third erop bulletin issued_by the Mani- toha Government states that the wheat yield of the province will reach twenty million bushels, and that onts will average 44 bush- els per acre and barley 4: ‘Pa idiot, ‘ho cet vo rare t in Montreal. dan cre -OPISNTAl Aress itt > SW varthy fe Ines. and web wuc NW attenti » at lity in the wal cities of Cannady ae r “the month ci - published by th e Federal Government, +): that the Soe rate in M Yis: v " Th onto © ae i 42 in Le cde 2° Ww, e for ~ watk hile examining a Police etatier; and the eg of his friend Mato, and lodged in his back. It is miei if Malo will recover. Of conrse Isat kle dil net knew the revolver was Seturinats Wc Weupon, merge t wh the neck ie dman, an eblerly woman, residing at Tite ¥ ork, Toronto, is held ona : havi 1 iw. uv Poe inch Ire, aged eight cused of having iilren to swallow a ureen spread over bread Dey: utment of Public Iustrue- tie: n has published ix report srmaiin | ~— af a total of 989 prin 1 vince of t ‘tanght In 7TU Protestant Lite us sotsoambking wit & y tt eG :overnment in wh ich French GREST BRITAIN, Mr. Gladstone thinks lnad ¥alues in Eng- land are destined! to impreve. The hay crop in Ireland is said to be ruin- ed, and the cendition of cereals is bad. An 1 for the colonization of Pal estine has bee cn established in London. Mr. Glalstone, speaking ef land eniture in England, strongly alvewsted more exten- sive fruit far ming. Twenty thousand miners who met at Chesterfield, England, voted in favor of an eight-hour wor king day. There was a great demonstration at Lim- erick on Sunday te protest pemows Bishop O'Dwyer’s attack on John Dillon, At a meeting of og National League Dublin on Tuesday T. M. Healy sae eetad very plainly that ¢ tenants aon keep their rent to support theie familie Mr. Henry J. Moore, citi ot the Mark Lane Express, and agricultural editor of the London Tims, is at present on his way tothe North-West to witness harvesting operations. The potato blight in Donegal, Irelanc, is greatest in congested yee like Faloar- h and Gweedore. en in the richer parts of the country ther re is less than half an average crop. The London Chroxic/e advocates migration from the congested districts in Ireland to waste lands which only require to be'‘re-; claimed and cultivated to afford a subsist-! ence for the surplus population. associa An afternoon performance of “Judah” was: Probably the explans of church ites: are operating in { « a movement is on- foo UNITED STATES. The New York Central strike remains | practically un Twenty persons were killed ie omens railroad accident at “MeVicker’s theatre in Chi yesterday morning. Loss, The switchmen on the Giicas & Alton Railway at Chicago are out on strike. Jacob Bergold and Frank Olean; who were ured uring ra cyclone at Wilkes- barre, have died, making 12 deaths in all, Physicians connected with the Presbyter- jan hospital in Philadelphia are. highly elat- a ov id soul fact of having successfully mend- ro eck. ‘oO au bathed: "Misa Prauoes Wid said in Chicago that to amalgamate the Women’s Christian Teispesinae Union an the Salvation Army. Samuel Cody, an wey ts of Buffalo Bill, died on Monday at his near Ottawa, Ill, In the fifties he cmistel many negroes to aig to Canada. The in portions of Moxthern d Soattion: Dakota are a total fa: » and nuinber of farmers are already geet ing and receiving assistance. A druggist in Knoxville, Tenn., madea mistake Se miedicitie, and John P. Smith, aged 11, and a boy named Hutchins are dead, Morphine was used instead of = ine. frost was reported last week in Kittan, i arshall, Norman, and Polk coun- ties, Minn. ; in all the border counties o! Northern Dakota and Manitoba westward to Minnedosa. Senator Plumb, of Kansas, has civen no tice of an amendment to the tariff hore: whieh will restrict the operation of rec ar: rangements with Cacails to wannkestire! articles and minerals, Mrs. Mary Wilson, with her habe in her arins, was in the cemetery at Carbonadey Vash., on Sn Hany sitting on the grave 0: one of her children, when a tree tell and killed the woman and child. The tunnel! under the St. Clair river was opened on Monday from end to end and Mr. Joseph Hobson passed throug The work Was itt spected on Tresday any Sir Henry Tyler, president, and Sir Joseph Hickson, panei of the Grand ‘Trunk railway. IN GENERAL. Cholera is waking great’ healway in Je- The striking ber 18, os The French are preparing another expedi- tion akin Dahomey. Eight thousand miners are on strike in the Borinagne disirict of Belgium. A man 166 years old has been imprisoned | in the City of Mexico for begging: The Anzlo- rk ing Afri miners in Belgium now num- rtuguese ayresment regard- n interests has been xi iene: There are r sorted | to be 4.0%) smilipous in the Province of R 3,000 of cent. of which cases of nbiucea, here have heen about ‘era in Japan, 60 per in the ¢ sty of Toledo. deaths were report exitth €s amd tive ‘ ay. : uy torr is npre eb on Sand At Mai Austria, lightuing struck vey train and threw twenty tracks down en yviay Addastaauha orew 4 ox German ives in one of the vessel have heen New } exacts tribute f rom wand el vief in Cu : ,t their hreateni inig to wreck is if he is refused. The St. Petersburg Zeitung says there is ground for a belief is 1a peaveful coexistence ef Russia and Germany. An Odessa despatch says that the anti- Jewish edict in Russia will be promulgated in Uctober in spite of all protests. Dr. Peters, whose death in Africa was so many times reported, arrived in Berlin on Monday and was given a banquet. Comte dé Paris has accepted the invit tion to a dinner to be given him by his form- er comredes in the Army of the Potomac. The Berlin Post says Empero r William has written to the Empere rof Austria ai clabo vio letter explaining the dismissal of Iti is mated the Czar has refused to givehis consent to the propesal that the frontier forces of Germany, Austria, ond Russia be withdrawn The governor of Ning- -Poo, China, has sup- pres seed the native Chinese nunneries in that, istrict onthe ground that they are dens of in:niorality. The French and Italian Governments are anxious to establish an international marine service on the Red Sea, with the object of suppr easing | cholera. E ngland’ s adhesion to the proposal is doubtful. -— oe Many men fallin love and claim to have lost their hearts, whose expericnee atter- ward convinces them that they lost their heads instead. After much loss on the part of the com- panies and untold misery and distress on that of the men, the great railroad strike in Wales has at length been settled cn a basis that is declared to be equally satisfactory to both parties. The gee ge between the two were never ve and a compro- mise was spcedil Melted t as soon as the men decided to deal directly with their employ- rs, and to‘abandon all ext.aneous interfer- ence on the part of the Sovialists and profes- sional agitators. The investigation that the new Covern} ment of the Argentine Rep ubhe 1s making into the conduct of its predecessor discloses that the country had been ‘ w "by its late President for quite all it was wort!, The only wonder is why CeLuax, when he had squeezed his country dry. aft had re- duced the value of Government paper toa quarter of its face; should have tried to maintain a place of which the usefulucss had been exbansted He would have been more comfortable, one would suppose, removed jfrom the criticisms of his countrymen which wese likely to assume a violent form, and enjoying in foreign part: the £10,060,- (09 he is said to Save Segosited a Lendon. tio: ts fouud in the given in London on Friday for the benefit of | old saying. * Whom the gee would destroy, the city clergy, who attended in large num. desi to convince th well- -con- sted theatre re is by no netics a stitution, qotleas in- bers a on the sb ase ewe Willard, who'he must have been ta 1 i or mad ‘and blind Sa aeons that such wholesale plundering is the public ppc carried on forever, and that the day‘’o reckoning coulg be indefinitely postponed. } the ey first make mac Legalized Rebbers. ‘We have reported about the usurers called “Kulaks” who ruin Russian peasants by the thousand and rob them of all serpin fey of Moscow reports from Orel Gail ieharkoy that agriculture in both thease vernments has dwindle d down - of these aplaks. The beat and most: active peasants, having been robbed of their land, have emigrated either as new geckos on the Government jands in the Caucasus or are seeki rers elsewh paluing seems to nts th i OW acune eit eotaets but how to hold their own against the Kulaks. It was discover- ed, moreoy ee that bankers of good standing helped the Kulaks in their nefarious enter- wo banks in Orel advanced money to 5 Kalai at forty-eight which the latter lent to the or four times that rate, ie the of Kharkov 864,531 acres of land, half of the entire agricultural area, are mort- r} gaged to Kulaks. Thus it appears that the system of robbing the pease was ponent in the highest financial cir years. The credit for aiscn varia nouncing this ope belongs to gan ‘la, a weckly paper of St. Petersburg, which the first to D comment upon it about two months ago. A Dangerous Place. The people of Speen Indiana, are stid to be living in considerable dread these days. And no wonder, when they know not what moment eis ground beneath their feet nay take to leaping and dancing as it dida few days ago, <A correspondent thus de- -evibes the occurrence which has alarmed the inhabitants : At 9 o'clock yesterday morning the far- vers near Waldr county, were startled by a terrific aonb When they reached the Oglen Graveyard, which is on « bluff near the Flat Rock stream, they dis- covered that fully 10 acres of the carth was ina commotion... Geysers were shooting up to the height of six and ei feet, and pas was blazing from ten to fifteen fect above he waters of the geysers The iver bed wes ‘orm up and the water ae stopped running ie low the graveyard. Flames are still shoot- from different fesucesis the earth. The “onnty had not been considered in the gas belt, although local nee age have sunk wells. The skeletons of the dead can listinetly seen in the fractures of the earth. Gas flow a ttoety from th: entire rate of were thrown two T he whole county was rake up, tist my the ten niles, und the Not many persons are so strangely con- stituted as to prefer livink ever the mouth af a pent up volcano. And this is abhor it the situation of the inhabitants of Shelbyville. not to “intellect The equality, af the female de oe dre 9 of twice the dail of athing continnes a Stitt notiee will soca be taken of women execl the men in sp! he ienge willsoon be looked upon a and will cease to excite s The revolutionary s se active in South ts rica cd: few months, and has w changes in Brazil and the entine Repub- lic, is reported to he stirring ‘in Chili where 1 -serious conflict has arisea between the Executive and the Lezgis!: For refus- ing to give them_a Cabinet enjoy ing their confidence the Sey tore 1 Congress has re- taliated u e President and has abso lutely refused to vdieo any supplics. Conse: qu rently,ev" ery thing isin astate of confusion : rade is paralyzed; while thousands of workmen are thrown ont of work and are on the verge of starvation. Mobs, rendered desperate by want, are forming in many places, "the insurrection bids fair to apecads throughout the country. Unless the deadlock is speedily. rel lieved the country will be given over, to anarchy and ruin. A political movement. which has already concn, “conalilernblo force has recently been vet on foot among the Presbyterians of Ireland, who feel that “hitherto Pr resbyteriaz interests have not-heer- pre: sperly-represente it in the House of Commons. 1¢ mutter is bets ¢ discussed in the various presbyt “8 and action taken in the direction of forr z a large and thoroughly representative com- mittec to forward the movement. ae leos there are arguments that can be ad- vanced in faver of such action, and probably it ag ars to these people the only practica- of having their claims regarded, rein iple is philosophically unsound, while its ap pucation tens on ih. Anything and everything “that canis to narrow the outlook of a representative to chat which concerns those and only these tu" whom he is responsible for his must be condemned. Instead of sueh see- tionalism, which is the reproach of much of our mofern legislation, the endeavor should rather be, to encourage that t lofty sentiment which ‘‘knows no man” where conflicting claims are involved. The ruthless modern critic has again been engaging in his destructive work. This time it is one of childhood’ scherished idols he has shattered. Who has not telt lis youthful heart, as by the. story of _Wilham Tell 10 } | : head? %? in twain by the uncrring sh not felt like praising the purpose " the father ‘in carrym second arrow which to pierce the srant’s heart he chanced to harm his son? aul we are asked to believe that all th: and that the thrilling events w hich Ee) mei ney never occur red, “The authorities of one Swiss Canton,” we are informed, ‘have issued positive orders pro- hibiting the oft-told an penerely accepted parrative of William Tell f ing taught in the public scho#@fs as a part Fi Swiss hrs- tory. The order treats the narrative of Tell | and Geosler as pure fiction, for which there | is not a suspicica of historical agama Alter all, though the disillumoning may b painful, it is better toknow the truth, which f. tothehonest heart must ever bemore precious ‘ than any or all things else. our vy euth idee mercurial column has nethin Oak tree: can not be raised in flowerpots. aaa ere Mam male go ty toy Mie Never look ectuck. t) back and you won't want to Indecision face of the oa nied “wl won't forgive is the one rong. is — biggest robber on the The who is in You are : ti iS Riche, an he ak ss a leader unless you are To Natures pistol ce ope thy bosom’s door, Hketer guests shall bid thee than be- ore. heaven-torn love illuming everythin, Sweet re borne ania on thy spice es whatever be itssource, gets nota 0 out of the Scriptures. The Herods of today get no answer from Christ. The — of skepticism makes the oo casei lent,—[{The Rey. William 3. Taylor, Think truly, and th thoughts Shall the world’s nae feed ; each great and noble (Dr. Bonar. Tf you succeed well, and act well, and be convinced what is God’s interest, and pro- pocete it, you will find that you act for a ery great many who are God's own.—{Oli- ver Cromwell, Be true to your own church. Don’t r ‘down either its pastor or its members ; either its doctrine or its policy ; either its "ordin- ances or its usages. Give it e ea rty and loyal support by word and deed. Remem- ber that it belongs to you ; that it is part. of yen relizious life ; that in and by it yonare heing trained for usefulness here and im- mortality hereaiter ; that its honor is much in your Keeping 5 ; that its growth and purity are affectee to te extent of your influence by what you say and do; that people who have faith in your word will look upon it largely according to your representation ; that you have a advance its inter- ests; and that with its good ee and pr osperity are bound yp the glory of the Dtessed Jesus. Then do morning to injure ts Silesian or to weaken its power for wl, or tomar ite peace and ‘ellowahin: —- (‘The "vresbyterian. ——__ What Imbibers Drink. Sm :I thought it might interest ven to know what i is being done by this Berlin—— house Fra x Horsonpy- To Distilters aud the Wholeende Wine Trad Dear Sirs: We oes leave to draw your attention to some ¢ ecialties concérn- ing your trade, and ‘should eoubider itagrest favor if you on give same a trial wien an 0 porky ity offers. Yo my an a rnate ire “1, Esse: nces for the spirittrade especis il- +7 nce ty—C ‘ogni for 160 gallonsof sirit 1Ounder proof). Price be sek “priind, tree honse, London, duty paid. Run essence (about 4 powrds of es- sence for 1%) gallons of gpirit l2over procf.) Price Gs. Gd, per pon nd, free honse, London, lut Gin. esschee, price Gs. Gd. per pon ond, house, Lendon, duty pail. We have been repentedty -highly corp: mented by the trade for producing s tine essences, and we venture to say there are not similar essences in the market that can compare with same. “2. Every description of wine flavera, especially port wine essence, at 3s. ie per pound, free house, London, duty paid; sherry’ essence, at 3s, Gd. per pound, duty paid, & at-9: "Vegetable colors, in powder, guaran- teed harmless for every purpose, we only mention: Port wine color at 3s. per pound. ted wine color at Ys. 9d. per ognaccine color at 20s. per pound, a ful and rich alae for coloring brandies and spirits generally ; its use will be found far moa advantageous than adopting sUgAT ring. Rum color, for rum our R. 2h. will be found the most suitable. Price 20s. per pound. It is equally-rich; about eight drachms are sufficient for color: ing one gallon of uid. “+4. Isvery kind of pre paral ion &e., for the clearing of dark aie light wines, elearing tec: pelatioe ag ar: caer, gela- tine lime, terra di vino, ‘5, Every description of sugar colorings in casks of arenes 6 ewt. or 7 ewt. Rum coloring (in 4 .) spirit coloring (in 5S -)s and wine ¢ coloring 4s. 6d. to 7s. per) as gallon BER; dee. 1. Forecasting Thunder Stra. When the daily weather charts xre drawn, if we find that there is an unevenness in the isobaric lines—that is, if these are wavy, or bulge out irregularly —we know that aes der storms are likely to burst somewhere other over the country, but that is all oe can say. At each station the barometer a nnsteady ie mercury moving up wn in the tube—during the actual con- ‘* Seasitee of the storm, but this oscillation of to do with the ee in the isobaric lines above nese storms is, therefore, always an uncertain and thank- ess task, for local success is rarely attained. ye ee the earliest symptoms of the ap- Llp of a thunder-storm is the appearance n the western horizon of a line of cumulus rs ne ack) clouds, exhibiting a peculiar turreted structure. say on the western hoviron, for most of our changes of weather e from that quarter, and ‘ has been OF fe that thunder-storms, like. wind re ag advance oe the mesg > generally ; i bank of on, and over it appear first streamcra aaa then sheets of lighter upper pee! (or mare’s tail), which spread r the sky with extreme we th The hea y clone mass comes wo? saa er this film, cirras, ee from its upper surface, are visible when the cloud is looked at side- ways from a distance. . > The peasant women_of Southern Italy work in the fields in gee — and at spin- ning during the winter, ing’ pay for the latter very often in co. gor they can only sell with dithculty and at the buyer's price. ir state ue ntly ver wretched, ail. Savion the philan ey effor ort of their more favored country Church of e Inca’ we rnatio. dj consi the most di ist of her sex in the count and in’ chi in California, . Bhe genius for music, which ¢ : ° has been by a truction at New York. Daring this time soe cio sy riper her studies - - for = or fifteen h d has com- me setae ‘aaa beantifal sti son aa er success illustrates that patient Serer and earnest effort form the only sure highway to eminence, Unless Portugal succeeds in prathice =, little breeze concerning her “ri it may be presumed that all the ‘talk about Acjpining the spheres of European influen a in Africa is drawing to an end, aad thn for the very good reason that there is very little left to divide, The latest evont of importance in relation to the Dark Contin- ent is the Anglo-French ment which are ie England the protec- torate of Sart arrangemend which, ‘rance recognized and her claim-to an immense territory in Western Africa: be scknow- ledged. * Under the modezn doctrine of inter land or back country, F\ south of Algeria and Tunis, a territory bordering on that over which the Haglish Royal Nie Company claim jurisdiction. It was, therefore, necessary to define the Mmits of their respective s li influence. ‘Tle line sgrecila upon gives a large part of the wostern Lake Tchad to the Niger Com- north-west. f Augie: French dispute concerning Africa. Sy scems a pity that in settling this conten- ewfoundland trouble had not edas well, It was expsoted by rd Salisbury would have made the aeiacuire ed Premier win Westérn world game scem to outsiders to be gre: tly reduced. Long “has. the scientific av industr‘al world waited for the genius who would. in- vent some practical and cheap method for separating aluminium from the substances with which it is associated. This tactal, hich ia bes nese Fo as dirt,” being the ie i dien t of common clay, y & uly valuable: in ‘the industrial arta, Li ij whter than wood, stronger thin stcol, pos- sessing wall the useful qualities of iren besides peculiarities of ita own which cnable it a be more casily worked, all that is wan sth howt I it ches ly. Ir york peaks truly the secret of its early cx ‘traction has at length keen diacover- A Chicavo chemist ‘declares his belief arrived at amethed of ext “p- u The imagination can-hordly—pietire whit this discovery would mean to the world, or what revolutions it would intro- duce into all branches of industrial pureuits. Many will await the confirmation of the re- port with great interest. )The success which has attended the at- témpt to utilize for industrial purposes the “arrowy Rhone,” scarcely less renowned in history than the Rhine, will prolably en- courge those who have been contemplating a similar project with respect to the wor d- renowned Niagara, Itisstated of the Euro- pean river that the portion of it which passes on the left of the island at Geneva een diverted into « canal which conducts the water into a building contaming tw dain ur- bines with 4,400 net horse pow The power is utilized ina variety of et from running sewing-machines to supplying 2 aha for an electric-light company, and the tur## upon the enterprise already pre katt to Le very profitable to the municipality, The following rema co-operative advertising, from Printer’s Ink, wil be ap- _preciated by large advertisers who havo tried bot systema. Those who are still following the old lines sinder the impression » that they are saving what the ‘‘advertisin agent” makes, have only to test the co- operative plan once to become convisced that they b take : ‘To the overworked Sivedaiae man- ager who is experiencing all the annoy- ances incidental reas makeing < contracts with a great number of ha suing from more or less insignificant b amiots se oaehony she. country, the amostvaluedaid. Heisdelighted to find that through this means he can procureinsertions inal arge e number ipaneee with not as much seas asingle publication’ beg gives. ‘One contract and a couple of electrotypes are all that is requi is not strange, therefore, that with the men rwho have the work of placing adv aio nients the co- operative system should be r garded with favor.” Principal Diamond of the Ontario Institu- tion for the Blind, objects to the applica- tion of the term “asylum,” which, he says, conveys a very incorrect and ined unte conception of what the institution really is. He prefers that it shall be known as an educational school, where industrial train- ing, if needed, is supera: radded. That ench sits proper character is demonstrated by the, fact that at the late Trinity University matrienlation examinations one of the suc- cessful candidates we a blind youth, eigh- teen years old, who for eight ~yeers has been attending the RAPE EE at rantfoid Certainly this is no ht—praise for the institution of which Mr. Diamond i in Princi- Fel. an easily believe him when he ys, ‘Tew can really understand how aaah patient effort on the part of the teachers, and how much steady application and persistence from the pupil i s demanded when every subject has to astered by blind methods.” In the Tight rg this a.tirast ing fact the people of Ontario will requit evise their notion of this valuable insti. tution, if hitherto they have thought Lo - as simply an-azylum for those of ¢ would reudiseit-ox-—-—__—_——+