Atwood Bee, 12 Sep 1890, p. 8

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" v1 Duncan MeDonald and John McNeil] have been Appo pointed tax collectors at a ry of S45 each. The division on to be| rateaen Frayne, lot 10, con 8, thresh- . some fe yptian oats that turned me sf ae 4 the bushel. This is a weight ner will not be easily ik, Jno. D. Campbell is home on a aes from Duluth. He is nursing his right hand, or at least what remains of it, as (iene S Keeps a large stock of G old = ue oe "[OMO}STT Watches, Silver. Watches, Gold C hains. Rolled - Plate | Chains, Genuine Diamond Rings, 18k. Gold Wedding Rings, carved Band Rings, | plain Gold Rings, Friend-|¢ ship Rings for 50e. and $1, witha nice bangleon. Large stock of Clocks, Silverware, | Spectacles, «&e. Fine and complicated watches ed and adjusted. J. H. Gunruer, “Watch Specialist Golds: nith's Hat, Main St., Listowel, Two Doors East of Post Once. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W, G. & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North ! aud South as follows ; SS s0U vTH. GOING NORTIL Express 7T:2l a.m. | Miked .. 8:07 a.m. Express 3 12 24 pn. | Express 2:34 pam. Mixed . ati Op.m. {| Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Atwood North and South us follows : GOING SOUTIL GOING NOWTI, Atwood 8x) a.m. | Mitehell 2 )y.mi. Newry 8:05 dam. | DP rnhotn 3:50 p.m, Maonuktun tam. mtg I: 13 p.m, Prnbe'mests am. i Mitehell 11:15 p.m. i Nev 33 yr! n. Sa epad a y).m2. ¢ Pa UtEL Ay € Calle. _ tase Over 81.000 was distributed for cheese from the Donegal factory last week. J6hn Peebles, of Listowel, was in the village on Mor vay in conneetion with | lis business, James Diekson, jr, was Millbank on Monday atte nding the} ineeting of tho Presbytery Lectures on Phrenology * were deliver- ed in the school house ou Th 1ursday and } Friday evenings by Prof. W. D. Lamb. John Regersand George Anderson, of Atwood, were in the village last week | eave-troughing C.Mason’s barn. John! kuows low to do a good joo. presence of a band of Gypsies on Satur ‘Taken altogether they were a} king collection of dogs, wag- ldren, dean horses, laziness and protanity, any last toug ous. cli in Low fp Monkton, Fruit is a good crop this year. Miss Mary oem ireturned home Turonto last wee) Miss Nellie Hopk = of Ethel, spent Sunday in thi Mrs. (1: wy.) It ar on is visiti ing friends | in Ridges ‘town this wee rhe werchants-in this Village appear | to be doing a rushing business now. doing a rushing line this sea- — James Holman is business in the threshing son. We are pleased to learn that Miss a in is recovering from her severe | Ines The Fo vesters of the giving a grand caucert soon, lars later, Qi tite anumber of our tow nspeople | attended the races at Mitchell on Mon day of last week. Quite a number of our townspeopie intend taking in the Toronto exhibition this week. We wish them an enjoyable Ime. village intend | Particu- | subjected to, } Mr: | he had the most of this. useful member ; taken off ina planing mill, Rev. Geo. Baker and wife, of Tupper- | ville, have been enjoying a visit with Mrs. Baker's pareits and other old ifriends, Mr. Baker was pastor of the Cranbrook-eirenit under the Primitive Oe regime about. ten. years oe arger acreage of fall wheat will he sown this year than has been put in for years, People have not lost faith in this rop yet, althongh a good many hold to thet opinion that other produce could be grown that would not be subject to the repeated failures that wheat has been Miss Jane Mitchell was awarded a het ee for admission to the High shool. She was recommended. by the | ex: uniner, being afew marks deticient 'on one subject. This makes two suc- cessful pupils froni No. 1 this year and is-1s creditable to Mr, Pickard consider- ing the large number plucked. face Turnberry. and Mrs. Reddaway, of New Hamburg, are visiting friends here. Arthur MacKersie, son of William MacKersie, postmaster, who has been ;¥ery low with intlammation on the | lungs, is recovering rapidly under the illful treatment of Dr. MeDonald, of | \ foot am. Obitv AR -Death has removed from } Ourmidst Mrs, James Scott, an old and | respected resident. Mrs. Scott and her | insband settled in T urnberry when it}: hats in bush so that we have ‘lost anoth- | er of our pioneers and carliest settlers. Although $5 years of age she remained | healthy and strong up toa short time before her death. The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hartley, of Bluevale, after which the remains were taken to the 13 ne rile cemetery for in-4 jterment. she was a native of Scotland} and a faithful bite nber of the Presbyter- | ium church, j i spoons patie Elna. | The farm ers are busily engaged with | their fall wheat seeding at present. The probability is a big acreage will be put | in this fall. Fixncen Crvsiep.-—Last Monday | Aaron Holman’s little girl, ef the 17th! feou., had the painful misfortuneto gett one Of her fingers so badly ernshed in ithe eogs of a fauning mill that Dr. — liamiiton, ef Atwood, had to amputate | Utes of last ee read * e jit at the second joint. The little suf- | jterer endured the operation untlinch lingly. Far. Fam Society's fall —The Elma Agricultural | show, at Atwood, is the , 0, ¢ 2 away at| subject of discussion amongst our farm- |side line opposite lot 49, con. 1, (or bet }ter Known as opposite | ers at present, and it is expected the ex- | jhibits this year will surpass former } }years both in quantity and quality | Eve ry farmer in the township sh rould be | | } a member of the Socie ty room contribute | to the’success of the fall fa PROLIFIC the columns of Tue LEE | noticed an account of a Grey last wee I | of oats. think Lean make the Grey farmer takea back seat. While in my garden one day last week, lot Sima, I noticed ) oats growingina bunch, and upon closer | cations for the oflice | follows:——Mov ed by Mr. Lochhead, see- OATS.—While vee KING ¢ shige | pairs on side liné between lots 10 and| far ne i's | ~ witli nein , : | proli fic Lata ag from a single kernel | seconded by Mr. Lochhead, that Mr. Our village was favored with the Coulter be hereby appointed to inspect meting ou Thursday evening, at 8) Lillico’s bank, Listowel. 2. con. 4.}b a number of stalks of i hen pen by Mr. Bray, that A one-horse curiosity show came to town bn enytntae bie ow hme don't oW. H. Kerr left Wee for Montreal to attend the general conference of the Methodist church which is in session dj there, Mr, Kerr is one of the delegates. Key, Wm. Saye , Of MHarriston, preached two excellent sermonsin con nection With the Methodist $.S. an. niversary last Sabbath. His morning course was addressed to the children, ae in the evening his text was “The boy who stayed at home,” the brother to “the Prodigal Son” as found in Luke} 15th chap., from the 25th yerse. to the} 3ist. Mr. ‘Smyth is always a-weleome}-- supply inthe Methodist church. The S. choir supplied the music TORR ING | ane afternoon, Cavanagh leader, | and Miss ‘Tillie Knect ul, organist. Brussels never had so many “stop”| watches within the corporation as on | last Friday evening. ‘fhe purchaseis were kept busyon $ Saturday telling peo- ple the time of day, “Charlie” told them “Don’t show your watch to your neighbor, for if itticks you will make him feel bad and if it don’ t tick he will have the joke on you.” It isneedJess to say the watch did not “tick” and a num- ber of old heads got badly left. It was a nice example to set the youths of this locality to paya dollarfor atin box with a paper dial enclosed, a\ very successful and interesting S. S. entertainment was held in the Meth- odist chureh 1: it Monday evening. The following is the progr =u Rada speaks for itself: Singing; Prayer, by Rey. R. Paul; solo and cherus, Heginala Fietch- er,S.5. choir; recitation, Miss Lizzie Roddick: duet, Professor Morgan and Fairy; dialogue, “The Rainbow,” by 7 Nittle’g girls in character; solo, Miss M. 43 Sellery, “Only a drop inthe bueket;"| 1! address, Rev. W. Smyth; solo, * attle Be! Prayer,” Miss Fairy Morgan; recitation by four little girls, “Christmas offering;” quartette, “Drifting away,” by Messrs. {¢ Cavanagh, Will, Hood and Hill; recita- tion, Farry Morgan; ald Fletcher: Solo, “Far away where Angels dwell,” Professor Morgan. Rev. Mr. “Selery was chairman; proceeds over 12. 3 ELMA COUNCIL. The Council of Elma. met at Newry on Saturday, 6th inst., for the purpose of holding the Court of Revision on the municipal drain, known as the Aikins drain. ‘The members haying subscribed their declaration and after carefully | considering the appeals found that it} would be impossible to decide them | fairly in the absence of the Engineer, | who made the assessment, and a resolu- | tion for adjournment was passed as onded by Mr. Richinond, that the ourt | of Revision be now adjourned to_meet on-Wednesday, the 2ith inst., at one ‘o'clock p.m. Carried, ‘the coupe then met for general business. Min and signed. | Moved by Mr. Loch ~ seconded. sec- | onded by Mr. Bray, that T. B. Steven- m be notified to Neve | ‘4 dentin dug and | the Emporium ~~ LAMONT’S MUSICAL EMPORIUM ! LISTOWEL, - ONT. FOR 6 +QUESTIONS< 6. THE PEOPLE OF ELMA TQ‘ANSWER lie Do you pu rpose buyin: . 2. Do you wish to venta Pj aN Hive Your Seen our a el a3: ‘ Y Po you kaw i hit Lams Ten Go Whom yon ef aint Dade Qe, Pa BP ee oe 1 my bowel, y i. . 4 recitation, Regin- | Ol! Piane, Do you wanta Sew a iding the Lis and see the Parties atte beagitiul Six-Ociave an Organ or Piano? nano or Orven? Piano~. ine Bros, ae the only men in can purchase the celebrated nea cacdand Creeciing it vican procure an Al Organ towel Fair should call a Wonderful Orchestrome. +S DERI FURNISHED A MUSIG+ T HALF PRICE, LAMONT BROS., - LISTOWEL. | Severed across his land on the water course running from a drain crossin Mr. Hardie’s ; — ! orchard) without delay and thus save | j the costs of either re ‘ferring to fence- | | viewers or township engineer, Carried. | aoren by Mr. Lochhead, seconded by | Il Coulter, that Mr. Richmond be | Leethietes “1 ta make the necessary re- | Church Directory. EPISCOPALIAN, Preaching every Sabbath as follows: eniryn, 11 a. aie Lrowbridge, 3 p.m.; Atw ood, 7 +p. REY. Mr. , ee Tneumbent. 11, con. 17, as he may consider judic- ious, Carried. Moved by Mr. Bray, of the I4th con,}° Moved by Mr. Loeh- | sd construcetion Carried. Sabbath School at yh. A PTIST. Preaching every Sabbath at 3:00 p.m. 2:00 pan, Prayer Rey. Dp. Dack, Pastor, appli- of township Col- | jexainination 1 counted 1S fully develop- | lector be received and considered at! jed heads, averaging about SU grains to) meeting of Council on the 24th inst: | Each altern: ate Sabbath at 6: 30 p.m. iso 17 other} same buneh, bers stalk. There were wks grewing from the Carried. Moved‘ 7s r. Pace d by Mr. Lochhead that orders be | in the heads of which were not shot out, | issued tor payment of the se ac- | at 7 | thus ms iking the grand totalof 35 stalks ft ny the single kernel. Who ean beat , th J. Giapretrr, Hentryn. initia Cc Coulter, ‘se¢e- | Sabbath Seliool at 10 a.m. METHODIST. Preaching every Sabbath at.11 a.m. Prayer Meet- BS. 9 “hens aia and Friday evenings, Rey. D. Rocens, Pastor, counts:—J. Fenton S18, gravel; T. Code $3, gravel; It. Malpenny 60¢., a W. | rown S1, repairing bridge gravel road; ‘| A. Lochhead 31, repairing bridge grav el} road; C_ Querengeszer--eo9,32; sse { £ : : Bre — Karbon a Parker $2.50, repairing three cul- Jimmie Thompson is visiting in De- verts: J. Bray 34, plans and specifiea- | M | sr., has moved into Si — Walker, Wh, "ia wry Willis, of Mitchell, was in town : Sunday. Rey, W. E. Kerr left for the Montreal | | College last Wedne vm ay. Rey. 8, Sellery, M. jin Harriston last seit, Mrs. (Rev.) Swann returned to | | home in Glencoe last Tuesday Mrs. Sparling is v isiting her ai wughter, | | Mrs. Watson Ainlay, this’ we Rey. John Mulholland, of Daten! is home on a visit to his parents. | Miss W. Babb, of Sydney, Mantoba, | B. D.. preached | her | The annual tea meeting in connection | | Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mulho'lana. with the Methodist church, of this vil- | lage, will be held on September 21 and! 22. All welcome. We anticipate a few weddings in the ; neitr fnture after last Sunday's furious driving, Ri@hard of the boundary, east, seems to be rather merry of late. Where was our pornaman last Week | that he dicn’t atter lis duty, as | sume persons entere d the garden of a certain bachelor of the village and help- ed themselves to his plums. No doubt if they are found outthey will be deserv- edly punished, wt Grey. The township rate of taxes this year is 2 mifls on the $. 2 additional’ mills for cotinty rate. The persistent of two tax coilect- ors for this township is a good idea and will work sausfactorily it is thought. Mrs, Robt: Inglis is fa) Sa trip to the East on a visit with relatiyes. Jas. Mitehell hed 2 a killed b foxes recently. He i ranging wi Mrs. W.H. Kerr and Leslie left Wed- | nesday for avisit with relatives in Galt | land Dundas. A temperance ere: in connection | (with the Y. P.G. A. the Methodist | — next outing. A good pro-| gran Walter Smith has a sunflower stalk | growing in his garden that measnres 12 | teet in height. There are 25 tiowers on | it. | was | in town a in “roping in” his watch rack. “Mexican Charlie” week and succeeded lot of our citizens in et. Mrs. Geo. Haycroft and Fannie, and abe Lizzie Ross, who have been’ yisit- ing in Kansas for some months, return ed home last we Sacrament in Spon church last Sab- bath, services condueted by Rev. ‘Me- Neil. Theservice was withdrawn ‘in Melville church in the evening. The first Monthly Horse Fair will _ held in Brussels on Thursday, Oct. 2n the first day of the East Huron Fall Show. ag umber of buyers will be in g Ww the Brussels Gun Club for their exter- attend Egzs per doz. te ebeeeerees tions Mth con, bridge; J. A. Hacking! ¥ 33.15, stationery; R. S. Belton $12, | ot gers Shes law Aikins drain; T, Ful: . Fullarton 315, preparing By-law and | PRESBYTERIAN, Preaching every Sabbath-at41 MN; tamber; | Bible Class 6u Sabbath ey ening at 7 00. | Sabbath School atw:30a, m. P rayer eeling on Thursday evening at 7°00. oung People’s Association meeting 1 gh mis evening at7 Rey. A. Henver Gee “M. aA, Pastor. | erving copy of By-law on all interest: | led Aikins drain, and 810.74, postage to | (date; ‘Breasurer of Ellice Elma’s_ yearly | | bay ment for drain $501.98; M. Harvey 33, expenses to Sebringville and discount | Business Byes lon’ cheque. and W. Dunn 364.82, lum. | ber. Carried. ‘ouncil then adjoururd, T. PULLARTON, Clerk. | CRADI=. 'Hormes.—In Elma, on the 6th inst., the wife of Mr. \W. J. Holmes, | Graduate o! | treal. sicians ¢ Gunontie Tue Bre oitice. of a) Queen J.R. HAMILTON, M.D.C.M. “seeGill University, Mon- ind Surgeons, Ontario. Ofice— Residence— street; night messages to be daughter, left at residence. ATT AR. | PELTON--Mc ‘Bain.—In Brussels, on |} LEGAL. the 10th inst., at the residence of the Bey mother, by Rev. John | Ros Mr. Jolin Pelton, of At-} shed. to Miss Maggie McBain, of | &c. Brussels. ra + to. Toes. | TENNANT.—In Grey, on Sunday, Sept. Every Wednesday at 12 remain until the 9:12 p. m. train, W.M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyancer, Notary Pnblic | Private funds to loan at foment Collections promptly attended | Office—foerger's Hotel, Atwood. | 24 p.m., - tes. ith, _ Mrs. A. E. Tennaut, aged 86 ye en DBEIWTAL. Sateen Grey, on the 26th ult, Margaret, daughter: of Mr. Leter Sinclair, aged 13 years, J.J. FOSTER, L. D.S., Uses Vitalized Air, &c., for: painless | extractin Satisfaction guaranteed in At a + el dfariket. al) opernifjons. ‘Oftice—Entrance beside Fall, Wheat 9% 00 | Lillico’s Bank, Ligtowel, Ont. ) )| ; ‘ Barley nL add 80) W.ML BRUCE, LDS, DENTIST, Oats .....5. Pitenoveseeenes 32 34! Is extracting teeth daily without pain ORS six cowin nen naa ve 288) 52 5d Bebo ol th aid of “The Electric EMILE 9a bist gms.s gana p-voninn 5 00 5 20 Phe mogt satisfactory re- Hides per Ib. .............. 3. 38Yy re ae attained by the use of thi ig skins, each.......... 50 1 oe eniertal instrument, fur which he Bo ae i Se 115 150 rage — exclusive right, References, Bots oes per bAg........... 16 may be seen at his dental a Butter per it; 26sec is 12 4% ard over Thompson Jsros.’ Tos i4 En trance, “Main, St,, Listowel. Meme ¢ of the College’ of P hy- | t | _aAvotion=nEns. ALEX. MORRE: ISON, iL icensed Anctioneer for Per th County. All sales attended to promptly and at moderate rates. Information” with re- gard to dates may be had by applying at thi $ onice | THOS. BE. HAY, ! Licen sed Auctioneer for the County ot | Perth. Rates moderate, Ofice—Over All orders left at Tue LEE oftice will be attended to promptly. Dtoney te Gusaz, lat Lowest Rates of Interest, | FARM FOR SALE. | Tenders will be réceived by the under- jpigned up to Monday, Oct. 6th, fora rm, being lot 11, con, 13, E Ima, con- Canine 100 actes:-70-cleared- andthe lrest can be easily cleared. -A house and 1a goo d frame barn, 42x58, also a barn 25x36, anever failing well and a good a Hus | bearing oreliard on the premises. | farther particulars apply to JOLIN }ROWLAND or GEO! RUWLAND Executors, Monkton P. O. Butt THOMPSON BROS, | | =| | ‘CORNER STORE, | Listowel, - Ont. | | _—_— ] } \Leading Dry Goods | House. ~MILLINERY- | aA SPEC IALTY, Boots and Shoes, Flats ang Cars, GROCERIES. TWEEDS AND Cents F urnishinge,

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