« ths oe, eM Patina oe Lapras : e a Re eG ce RONG ae alma a * Be. OS - Ch pee Rey ~ " ~ 3 . wal Mts aL Lae 4 # ee ! .. New ideas upset all his caleulations—| _»-s" eo +H BEE they spoil everything. He is prejadice,|- 7 HE BEE iiberal a8 bound, henceis the; -.—. ae | E Se gangrene R.S.PELTON, - - #DITOR.| What w me ah to Tiaprosa i 8 that if any |: farmer holds these moralistic views the _ FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1890, sooner tisquite f ning i geet tH COTMINETC , an everythin is ee Soo saan es una.“ : Re ay measured by the standard of profit and q W Mustar d, Gloves : Ss : ieee . The Dominion’s Finances, loss. Instead oi morals we use machin- ea ery, improved methods, etc. : =F Sr The account books for the fiscal year os HN ‘ending June. 30 last were closed at the B hol om A Red P epper 9 Mace, : . Finaneé Department last Saturday, Sep. ofnholm, : ‘bth, the otticial Oetctt showing sur. Miss Penfotd, of Brantford, is visit- Shad 000,00 ing some of her Yriends in this: vicin- 0 Bl’k Pepper, oO Currie P owder I OLD AND YOUNG. previous fiscal year was as follows: Sits ss. $23,971,351 "lia tae John Ward were sud- Competition, io 71) ae i grere sabe eae eve 7,601,426 | denly called away to Woodstock last : é cis Post-ollice....5. 055. .23% 2'357,889 | Week to attend the sick bedside of the 3 Cinnamon, U Mixed Spices, G 2 *ublie work includiugr’yS 3,800,110! latter’s mother; Rowerer we are glad to ! | Miscellaneons............ 2,131,002 soot that she is recov ; 1 : 2 Gi 3 oo | Mrs. Harvey, 14th Rae recently wen | E N e E OAL ree ont evens seed $39,861,368 / to Toronto Hospital, where she under- ce) PEN TO ALL Inger, Turmeric, axpenditure.......4...... 35,857,130 | went.the painful operation of pene a - ee ‘Borel sii eae remoye - vo a great l l r S ice t “ PEDUUG Ga ie Secale bce paerae 2 eal better, she is not wholly recover- 0 A 1] }) N Ss Lhe revenue and expenditure for a6 p 3 u meg e ‘ ROVENNG 50005. 500 22. 12 B08, TSB Poole. 5 “Expenditure............... 86,917 534 Mfs. (Dr.} Wilkins and Miss Hill, of ; ( ALL AND TRY THEM AT ithe expendltire on capital account| Chicago, are visiting Mrs. A. Large. FE have decided to publish a Special : 4 : during the year wi ag $5,737,357. The}. Misses Jane and Nettie Shearer, of edition of Tt BEE, on Noy. 14th, net debt on August 31, 1890, was $236,-| Bright, are the guests of Mrs. Jas. Bur-| 1890, on pink paper, and BuTpORe stra: nett. dicing new and attractive features, 650,930, a decrease of debt in the twelve ‘ montos of $1,438,707. The revenue for}! Reéy. Mr. McDonald, of Stratford, held | such as Original Poetry, Short Stories, M. E. NEADS, — ATWOOD. July aud Aug ust, 1890, was $6,525,691, | & prayer meeting at} Mr. Kineés’ residence Literary Sketches, etc., and invite es ang the expenditure 34,274, 434, about | last Thursday everiing. hearty co-operation of our friends to! —— —— : the same asin the corresy g months | Mr. Corrie let the contract Monday} #Ssist us, As an incentive to draw ont | of last year. | for buflding the approaches to the new the literary talent in the community ——— | bridge on the boundary between Wel-| We will give. the snoceset at Some ae Faults in Farming. ilesley and Mornington. The contract he ee meri ee 2 § WOMC-Tenowne’ was secured by Mr, Opper. OOK, CMulile Farming, to be as fi success, must brought up toa professional standard. EWS 7 } ? : : Sees NEWS OF THE DAY. With that, as with all the vocations in| NEWS ee 665. f HPS life, knowledge, skill and ability are the | Ten thousand of the Belgian strikers 4 n Darkest Africa hecessary prerequisites to prospe ey | have resumed work at the mi and profitable investment. Witho ‘A Now Orleans fispaten says: i aot: these farming is all vanity and yexz . ; ' epaiend ore aul ation |, on crop this year is the largest ever IN TWO VOLUMES, The learned professions are wont to | 8tOW8- look down upon the farmer asa sort of | At Moncton, N. L.,a girl has been beast of burden, ignorant, unskilled and | sleej ing nine days and nights and it is fitted only for a condition. of servitude. | impossible to rouse her, ‘fhe truth is, that to be a successful } ‘The steam barge Stimson, owned in ‘Sariner requires more and better brain | 'T oronto, carried away the gates of lock fuive tian js usually allotted to nine- 18 Welland Canal, last Monday even- tenths 6f the lawyers, decters and ing. eee oo See Mb preach crs, and is also secondarily afact! Ovn young friend, C. J. Wynn, teach- - 45 many of the farmers are wholly ig-! er, lias one of the finest ponies that has rn a a eT, wood. norant, unskilled unit | unscientific, and entered this I¢e ality. Pioneer | i e Ml Cr i { t j j FOR THE LEST SFORY ON It is a three-year: deserve no better designation than} old, and was purchased froin Mr. Love. quiaeks, preten1s and agricultural | of Barrie. Chatlie justly feels proud of HE ae Has on aa a lar ge assortment of all kinds a Fur ee pettifoggers, ,Snch are not farmers at his stepper. plain and faney Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo aE, but ieee ava. rs—drudges. or dron es—who, if lind £ ners, will eventually | care = Frames, Boy's Wagons, Baby C arriages, different prices, sooner or later, he 1 L-to-—the scaffold | SECERES 1 a ’ . and oe swung olf xt the era of a. inort:| SD) We will also rive a strong and hand- diffe Y ent kinds. ls urties purch: ising $10 and over wor th pois THE BEE FROM | somely bound Look, entivled niay have goods delivered to any part of Elma tow nship One o1 the principal fanits ror Ae ; | free or cost. : vile oulel eal } Ge) 08 Sila im Xi WwW TO JAN 1, 1801, Sera Veumacall aaiy gto fa ee ee ee eee eic'ic or Baggage taken to. and Trom Station at ERE RG Beas Spectator,” Résisoth able Rates. Dr: ay always on hand. and help. . Fertility is, of course, a very imports ant consideration, but what sig. 2) | | Indevtaking-attended-to-at any time. First-class labor —does not bring it up to the point ag TTWood. An] |Heaise inconnection. Furniture Rooms opposite P. Q, Saban he nd how Sis nok eutlieient help |* eNxXce at chance for intending purehas | W ith Totreduction and Index hy DP of. | Atwood, April Ist, 1890, at hi: and Ce Ti Niles. siokhin g condt gnosnh jes “For particulars apply at eae vv Morley, 920 pages, for the Det t ; osu x mueh towards f¢ rtility as scientific iil. AMP 3p LL’s Harness Shop, Atwood. | sseay on I tivation. vr ere are fi os in the Mia- pice os fom JOO to MM acres. | f mn ioe | ‘Ne + Notice to Creditors, | ew Tweeds s Arriving Daily ae THE BEE =n Hy an All notes in favor. of the Executor’ of | 3 ihe) the late Francis Grahain ave noW past | 5 the i due and we hereby notify all parties | indebted to settle by Dee. 1, 1890. All] lal yer ¢ f 2 for eoilin rwas al well ¢ Ir undertake n. For) notes net met by. this date will be hand- | er’ mee Ba Tae ice ater ue as] raatsy cas wus ttt ie th “ We w0 i ed over for collection, | have in it the emblem of I Patclotisit un Mccchank Tailor, Atweod, dorn bush and we th the woo GEO. GRATTAM,) [1 just hich are the most essential} a7 yoleboea . ‘immortal b We ini as Executors | }ndustry, wiitc 3 me zi id corn, wheat JOUN DELL, } searrgi eens in eon bulwarks of a great) And are being marked AWAY DOWN. ‘We have roud, Sept S90, Jd-! i EOpPie soheiacrialivgs laser ies iil su sgutimsat i ve pba ight the best goods in the market and bought for cash. lat a discount of 6 per cent., which we give our customers 7 «firms m1 diacetate goes <reraleaiiaraead ee i the benefit of. #aise corn, Wheat and oats in the face Momta. Fainting { f an impoverished soil, increased tax y ; — “— | | ation. a hig igh protective tariff, thede-; |The under i mead hit ss gpieeabanpe til Contributions must ba in the office i Ine Yercoa , Va ule d ven Way. won! nof silver, ay ] Heient : 4 fis of Aiwood and surrounding} — farm | The idea of smal _Acerage | Ce iV that he is fa a-pesition to do} ‘ painting ‘a first-class style, | publication not later than | For each and i purchase of $5 is ash down) worth west All orders en-| tances on their ands. f rsied to tue same wi receive prompt | Oct. 15, 1800. also, they tug a por goods will evititle the purchaser to a Ticket. Every person settling their account This Month will chew: can without h ri ane A Talat ’ > haggle it in and hag; ig of aa en a otal as be entitled toa Ticket. the year are financially: behind. ‘The _ Each production will be submitted to | ve : te 4 ; rante , 5 mortgaged farms’ ar listi WM. RODDICK, a competent judge, (ourselves excluded)|, A call solicited. An A 1 fit guaranteed or ‘no sale. nter, Brussels. se de hall be final. ; fe y atte aunte whe se decision sha Yours respectfully, not failte pick out them Satan ies or some,” EL EF. BUCK THE PRIZE STORIES WILL AP- SS M. B Soe but ai J . Scag : intends to get ont soon by as ng a crop of corn, wheat and oats. ‘tter 4 . * Sager Be ae ae ay PEAR IN THE net say anything to _him-about dis toes ey 2 my, traweiries, raspberrie hee blackberries iy uiniture im orm & me > | RS wie =) ete., it you don’t want to fasalt him, } 5 P| ) Oe *@ ¢ He has raised corn for “ff ty : if permitted to live fi teva pleat sence) Pe eo erp pp ~ iwi he would raise corn all the time, Jn “big | WALEACE STREET, SPECIAL EDITION. The 7 (75 crops,” as he ealls it. Ile's a th F nered-may trying to force himsele | 7,1 S sie O VV L. iets ah a ; pie eee +2 é DO of fis 100dires eed then: ohn then OW # For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, maining 50 in diversified crops and ac- : cording to improved methods, and te n}| Iwish toint’maie to aie to is people of Owr Object is to male The Dress Goods &e. _ towne he'll order you to go along and) Atwood aud vie‘u‘iy tbat I have on : ? \ nind year own business: Such a man) band % moe st complece stock of all lines} See the - don't know that farming was originally of Pursitere, ‘Plense Call and See Us when you Come to Town. an invention, and always, and still to tows in the wake of new idea and the ‘_pEDROOM SUITES," “ inventive genius of progressive minds. | SIDEBOARDS “. Pe J O H IN R i GCs. He don’t know that dad.and the’ bull | ws = a : D an sa el 4 Hricsk, ee, plow are both laidaway fo rest. ~ He} EXTENSION TADLES, “aes "t Khow the old rots have Spagna doned And ALewW groove made Hi | SPRINGS & MATERASSES. ai saad Atv d Sa & Pl. Mi His. i foned aud a mse sbi wary wane a eos AND PARLOR SUITES} ~ Uciwsicst, twoo aw aning l Ss. back. _ They follow the beaten paths of | | | eerste renner tyre erat an } ! | Store-is Headquarter in Listowel for their great grandfathers witha resolute; All goods best of their class. I am ; istemainetoe todo or die.‘on corn, | bound to sell them. Call and get prices, Chiceapest Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar wheat and oats. They keep themselves | a ee 4 : . strictly within the olf rutsand everan THE LARGEST STOCK OF Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese ~ 2yt © ancient landntaitt: tis t : ve aT be exactiy thething to doin mor MCU LDINCS PAPER IN THE COUNTY, o : als, bit ib hever Will sueceed in farming. Boxes, also Long and Short Wood. ; In nibrals it ts best ae the beat- For Picture Framing in Town. D d Fl —— + d g a an pa of honor, honesty, civility, een — s Ci i vourtesy aiid all the virtues of life. I rT resse ooring an 1aq1n, als rood is: teeny Tooke an and ad- Ui nN D E RT a K i N CG g & ~* ~ be “+ x . nT a " - heres p-eecniein to the antique re-| A Specialty. Full lines funeral goods R..S3. PELTON, A, SPECIALTY. gime, The moralist hatesa new idea;}always on hand. i t=] or peere ne fe never. originates one himself nor al- ne ‘hws another to do so if he can help it, | 1-82 H, F, BUCK, Wallace St.. EDITOR AND Proprietor. || WM. D UNN,