Strange Reptiics, An extraordinar _ creature of this time was the ‘fish-li t had a head nage a lizard, jaws and reat like a crocodile, backbone of a fish, the dles of a pid iow and the trunk and tail ofa quadruped..The rat skeleton of this animal was discovered in England by a country girl. She used to make her living by selling fossils, which were very abundant in her native place. One day she discovered some bones project- ing from aclif. Clearing away the rubbish, she found that they belonged to the skeleton ofan animal embedded in the rock. She hired some workmen to dig’ out the entire rock, and ae monster proved to be thirty feet long.- What a sensation it created ! That region, se me Regis, was found to be a veritable graveyard of these wonderful animals. Fie jaws of some of them were eight feet long and contained one hundred and sixty teeth, Whenever a tooth was Tost in a conflict, a duplicate tooth in the jaw was aes to take itsplace. Their eyes were larger than a man’s head, and possess- ed of very powerful ae far-seeing vision, 80 that no matter how the sea nor how far distant the prey, there could be no es- caping those eyes ! Its stomach was like a great pouch, and it swallowed its food with- out chewing. It was so greedy a monster ie it ate even smaller animals of its own nd! Hi Nobody can say for certain whether its skin was covered with scales or not. Still, as no remains a scales have been found, it It had to cave mad Hy ! Another animal of this family had the peed of a serpent upon the neck of a gigan- tic swan. It was fitted for quicker motion than ‘the fish-lizard. It probably swam on the surface like a swaa, and thrust its long neck down in search of pre The most wonderful of a 1, however, was the ‘‘dragon” of which I told you. It is called by a hard Greek name which we will translate into ‘* wing-fin "There were two points in which it peaecaliled a bat ; its eyes were so formed that it could see in the dark ; and it had enormous wings joined to its claws like those ofa bat. 1t was pro ably a water animal, whose wings were used to take flying leaps throu ae the air, as the flying fish does, ae hot y it could remain longer on the w wcctaniatutisies im France. Protestantism in France sprang trom the same general causes which gave birth to simi- lar reactions against the Roman Catholic Church in other countries of Europe. But, almost from the first, a peculiarly secular character was peso ae upon the French movement, partly by the character of its leader, saves by the early adhesion of the nobility, partly by the establishm lent of the Reformed hal 58a separate political power. e leaders of the Hug guenbts were rather Seatensh, politicians, or captains than men of spiritual ,mind. Calvinism, With its logical completeness and systematic theology, quic kly ‘stiffened i intoan academic, orm t would be difficult to name a single book of devo- tional piety which. was-the-work-of French Protestantsin thesixteenthcentury. Second- ly, most religious movements have ascend- eto the nobility. In races: was the rile: Protestantism descended from the nobles to the people. It was, therefore, never, ina strict sense of the word, popular, hut was always associated with aristocratic privileges or ie gl al independence wastly, the ct of Nantes ests ablished the Reforn = Charches as an “imperium in imperio,” State within the State, a Protest uatrepublic in the heart of a Catholic monarchy. I gave them a compact organization, “based on representative principles, guaranteed by some of the strongest fortresses in France. word, it materialized and secularized -the faith of the Huguenots: An Under-Secretary’s Misadventure, A most amusing misadventure befel one of the Under-Secretaries of State last week says a London correspondent. An hon. gontle- man invited two ladies to dine wit h him at the House of Cominons, and after dinner they were shown round by the host. ‘Who's coom is that?” asked one of the fair strang- ers. “‘Oh, that’s So-and-so’s room; let's go in. Seeing a door in this apartment the ladies opened it, entered and found the Under- Secretary thus—He had just got out of adress suit, and had not got intoa travelling suit. Of course the ladies screamed, and rushed out in great consternation, the party flying the room, the host even more concerned than his guests, The feeling of -the Under-Secretary may be easily imagined, and not knowing what next to expect was dressing wit h feverish haste when the division bell rang. This only increased his excitement. The second bell was ringing before he had quite finished dressing, “but being a sound party mnan he resolved to vote against the enemy and buttoning his vest as he went rushed for the House, reaching it just as the third and last bell signalled the closing of the doors. Fortunately he passed ‘the por rtal, but in his excitement eneocrnately mistook the | obby and voted against the Government. caer ig Woma JAMES NEWTON MATTHEWS. Uncomprehended and’ uncomprehending, The cee ling, -but the despot of our Smiling ihe smites us—fondling us, sho Still ms i ‘loving us, yet still contending, And proudest when her conquered heart is bendin a And most ny yisiding when she most oO gitde's She is so £ fashioned that her face betrays The st aaa ended, long Lefore the end- it She's like a bubble borne along the air, Forever brightest just before it breaks — Or like_a “Iute that’s mutest ere it In trembling g ecstacies of love divine ; Woman is alwa ays just across the line Of her own purposes. Bawace ! beware ! At the same moment the stranger seized his arm and he saw that it was not the pos- tillion he had expected. Emperor William’s declaration that the rapa Settee of Heligoland has completed the German Empire has produced an excel- lent effect in Russian cia! circles, as it suspected that Germany had a hungry eye on the Baltic provinces, A isk TRIP — THE WORLD! The people are all such a ag R! oT Sse A Free T ely Around the Ww ori ‘roo tr. pto F $63; A $00: “Ladie ) 8’ oF Gent 8 Mk. Go: I eng welil bo on toanyone : ot hot = th: 1 25k inglish 1 words, of not lesa than four k s, for nd i n Webster's or W orcester’s Dictionary, alloy RbIS. Enclose ®) cents to pay a Gran d Prot mium atalogue and eet hs trial subscriptio ee he beautifully strated family ry ines ne Home Fase nie ATOR. Th 1 5K mading in tho largest list of correct 3 may not bet sition, or care to make thee xtensive trip offore xd, the publishers give such person tho-okelecot: ~~ iy orgluwin cash. “THE HOME FASCINATOR,” MONTREAL. The man with the most “horse sense” is the one who lets horse racing severely alone Training Boys and Girls. The choice of a school is very important, almostas much so as the choice of a hume. This choice is in the hands of parents chief- ly. Let erent investigate Buy the claims Stop that CuRonic Cough Now! For if you rion not {ft con engi rath at sumptire. For ee 7, ’ Pipe gad Wastin 9 Diseases, SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES ©Of Lime and Soda. It is almost as palatable as milk. Far better than other so-called Emulsions, A wonderful flesh producer, SCOTT’S EMULSION ts put up in a salmon color sure ante get the apres GO0c. and $1.00, SCOTT & BOWNE, Belleville. wrepper. Sold by at of se hools and col Heges. that are do- ing honest work are siwiy' 8 eendy to give names of graduates and. full par Soares The surroundings of the school shoul fmorally pure, For instance, a billiard pom in the same building would neutralize a great deal of the Bool a boy would get. The new premises of ee C anadian College of Com- merce, 385-395 Yonge street, corner o Gerrard St. -, are beautifully situated, hand- somely farnist ved und the sur paundiags are spec ially Messrs. and W arriner are oxpe rta in shor pene book- , and the other subjects taught in tu Visitors will be made welcome and cia u ebkouge the pleasant apartments, When thou uny, reach not thy hand out choice hgougn sittest anks m a t of al OTICcr, One dose of Dr. “Mhat vey's Southern Red Pine will instantly stop a severe fit of cough- ing. The old appear in conversation in two characters; the critically silent, and the garrulous anecdotic, Graduates om ainien of ALMA LADIES OLLEGE, St. Thomas, Ont., may now ound in oem ablo and lucrative em 1 ment, in shop, store and cffice, in Sch poland College senor the Atlantic to the Pacific, in both Canada and the Davee ee Scores are teaching suc cessfully an i large salaries as Stenogray keepers. A 60 pp. Calenilar cation to Prisciran At sTis, B.D. Nature has wis: ly arranged matters so that a man can neither pat his ow: bac! 2k nor kick himself, it on appli- Pure Cod Live Oiled seria eat ly made from it are undoul remedies for pulmon ary c ol ti emulsions have he On ee sing o uST preper- e be 2st @ st Ces ed to ONYSENIZED E MU LSI08 of TP URE COD-LIVER-OH: Their Laboratory at 186 West Adelaide St., Toronto, Ont., is kept constantly going and every dtuggis st in the country ‘is supplied with the famous remedy. One thing can always be found, even where it does not exist—that is fault. The base-ball player has become o favor- { ite theme of the engraver for designs on silver novelties. All Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are-broken down from exces overwork, resulting in many of the following sym toms :. Mental old age, loss of vitality, loss of A ym bad dreams, dimness 0 sight, palpitition of the heart, emissions, Jack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, apecks before the eyes, twit tching of the les, eye lids and elsewhere, muse Street, Toronto. EOPLE out of town coming to the Exhibi- tion s tet have their iPpee Bet Sree . 10 td yard: Childre: irts Stackhouse, 427 Yonae Street, Toront LEATHER BELTING. Best value in ae an inion. F, E. DIXON & Makery, 7 & street East, Toronto. _ #@ Send for Price Lists and Discounts. @a& EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS. | fet J men eeceuen MONTRE. ret and : Saloo n Tickets imal and 360 nmedia rage 3X —_ a ne Canadian om Hou BE SQUARE, 'S EVERYWHERE. CONSUMPTION WAREHOUSE TELEPHONES Send for catalogue. COLIGNY _UOLLEEE, (ottAW A, RE ean vce hs Ue shied with gas, hes at ted y hot water, all mo sengel in room, Frenc 3 Thorsughl? efficient Music ane ane Arts De- partment. S. aanion opens Sept. For cir- culars write tc REV. oR. ENGRAVANS 3 - JUL SONES. 3S \WOODENGRAVER OWKincSTREETEAST WARDEN, Montreal. Py rien WHALEY, ROYCE 4¢€ oe Yonge Sena ror Catalogu Canudian Headavarters ERE CICAL SUPPLIES AY ae | a Ss & | Kees RAIG- ST . MONTREAL Send for cataiogne. basifulness, its in the urine, loss of Ww tenderness of i scalp and spine, flabby muscle reat ed by alec , constipation, hearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- citability of temper, sunken eyes surround. ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily, looking skin, te., are all symptoms of nervous debilit that lead to insanity and death Maleexcured. The spring or vital force having lost its tension every function wanes in consequence Those—who “through committed aa e may be‘permanently cured. Send your address for book on al! dieases peculair toman. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front St. E., Toronto, On. Books seat free sealed. Heart disease, thesymptomsof which arefaint spe Ila, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain inthe heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast sitiv ely becured. Nocure, Address M. V. East, Toronto, abuse no . * LUBON, 59 Front Street nt. . “T would like you to give my son a chance in your printing-office.” ‘What can the J boy do?” “Well, at first he couldn't do any- thing more than edit your roe and take eneral charge of the mechanical depart- ment, but later on, when he learns sex use, he'll be handy to have around to wash vrin- dows, keep lamp chimneys clean and sift ashes.” A. P. 519. AGIC SCALE <For dros 35 cutting, taught Mw’ Lies © ane bb, General Agent yo On. trec foron 0, Ont lar.o, By, j s 5 $3. 5 re D. AY - Good men and women, Fast se'ling article. J. E, Cloax 69 Victoria street, Toronto, CANCE! Tumors Suned. ee hou Sénd f iin alee ftr d tes: G.H.MeMichae!, M, D +6) Niagara . \ GE NTS W ANTE Bg & mo : Ce rol of terr once. EN. the knife, als, free, oNLY. TORL Suflalo thoice C3 st ply at ory > once. E “Moy ‘Moyen § x Co,.120 Youges St. sia PATENTS TANTED in every wnin the Dominion reliable men to e epresent the Dominion Bldg and Loan Asso'n 7 Yonge St., Toronto EAC HERS can make er durin proou a enue US, and Fo erika, 71 Yonge at + Toronte T es pst dele oh C9.,0F CANADA, Established fi Bolicitozs Grea. C Ross, ChiefEngineer., A, Fraser, Sec, To perfect digestion. To re bowels, To cure Consti a To cleanse the To purify pe ‘bloo Tocure Kidn m, To ‘annihil ate ay = psia To the To free from He: adac he. The St. Leon Mincral ane d., and Shoe Boiler Se »rovention of steam boiler explosion by pr e r inspo ctions. i sare oH, K.C. Head Oflice o Street, mt. < sotigelltinie Muatacers and Patents. Never Knew it Fail. y Di _ Be, To ‘eradicate Rhoumat drink, tie chanwo ral Water Co Tor Leather. The Best Goods. Sold by the Principal Boot alers. Every Pair Stamped. A J. RATTRAY & C0. Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated Crusader and Horo Brands Press this year. at our works, wher? inte:e .ed Supplies, Gri » Pulley, WHOLESALE TOBAGCONISTS,— MONTREAL, Sy" reason for vend er ot i want tho poset he be i: Icon ectoee ing for 8 atral,snil a radical poco ve Express Post Ofice. Address: H. G. ROOT M. Forties. 186 genet Adelaide St. One trial is guarantee for continual use. TORONTO COLLEGE OF MUSIC, LTD. In affiliation with Toronto University. F. H. TORRINGTON, Director. 12 and 14 Pembroke St. Toronto, Ont. Send for prospectus, McGILL cone, wouben OF “HEALINOY RALGIA SOME THROAT te OUND BURNS, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. me EMOBBHAGES OF ALL ALL EDD, d Internal’y & Externally, 7. POND'S EXTRACT CO, Now Yor York & London UNIVERSITY, SESSION 1890-1. The Matriculation Examinations in Arts and Applied Science,.and for entrance into the Special Course for Women in the Faculty of Arts, and also for Exhibitions and Scholarships, will begin Monday, Sept. 15th, 1890, AT 9 A. M. THE LECTURES Will commence on Friday, Sept. 19th. Intending students can obtain all necessary een on application to the under- J. W. BEARENRIDCE, B.C.S., CTING Srcretany, Ist Sept. "90. HE cee boners YR Unequalled for Behness and Beazty of Coloring,» They are the oNLY prgs se) WILL NOT WASH OUT WILL NOT FADE ouTi There is nothing restora for Strength, Coloring or Fas ess, “ites stat ty Wt Lone moey wil ee more goods and do it better t se veay other ry at Same PriceasInferlorDye, LO Cte. Canada Branch : 431 St. Paul Street, Montreal, netructiong the Nutritious PRIME BEEF digested plied by -asily Elements in the form Send postal for Sample Card and Book af I of JOHNSTON'S most «ow Fluid Beet. CORSURETION SURELY * CURED you. TO a EDITOR :—Please inform above named it: -eaders that I have a we a fos tia; timely use tho csands of bs ho) aie ates MET ¢ been The difference to you in a season’s cut of, say; 3 millions, means a loss or gain of over One in ou- bu . ding, however, for a Fire Engine, Aeriel ‘Truc ck, Hook and Ladder Truck, Fire 00 adder Truc Engines, Shingle and Chopping Mills and our Patent Friction- The Waterous Engine Works Co., Ltd., Brantford, Canada, of orders, Lo: @ vad foreign, prevents our exhibiting a Band Mill at Toronto a customer in Hungary, will be erec We will exhibit Steam partment ED A