Atwood Bee, 19 Sep 1890, p. 3

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. The Sabbatical Day. will come up and interview him always first, and then, whinnying gently to him, leads him to the others, when @ very plain process of introduction is gone thmngh. If the stranger is not found to be a desirable ac- quaintance the.colt will-remain between it and the other oe han and prevent acquaint- ance, Such traitsas these certainly go to show that horses a think and reason and act One would have said that a holiday every seventh day would have struck men évery- where as expedient, and more especially = Asiatics, who never deny, even if the Chinese, that meditation is one of the ties as well as the privileges of man. Asiatics at all events, are not bemused with the no- tion that industry is‘ av irtue, irrespective of its motive; they, at all events, do not intelligently. question that life has ‘higher objects than —_—_———_— living, and they, at all events, have shown their ability to convert any customs they think expedient into immutable laws, They, too, set the first exapple, though on the minutest scale, for the Sabbatical day began as an Asiatic and not as an European insti- tution. _ One would he ave tancied, too, that | the Sunday bands at Windsor on the follow- as they arose, ing g grounds: ‘The unfitness of ordinary w ther sages like Munoo or Guatama or | and secular amusements for the holy day of Confucius, or kindly sovereigns like Anton- | Wee <a ; the incentive which the bands ines, or defenders of the poor like many of | § upply y to "Genitar work, traveling, shop- the Roman agitators and Middle Age leaders | | ping and to the drink traffic; the confusion of revolt, would have insisted in the inter- jand unrest which ac 1e ests of humanity that labor should periodi- | of crowds of persuns at any one point, ant cally pause, that the toilers should have time | the harm and injury done to quiet-loving to draw breath, that life should not, by a ! pec ople and to the sick ; and because the ar- never-ending pursuit of gain, or even of food, | ranging of attractive amuements on the be penelewy soelags re zed. It was not so, | I however. as we know, the little! christian persons to instruct ‘the young and Syrian clan’ Shich i ld through ages so lofty } to win to holiness multitudas who are ig- a creed, yet could never be kept ‘to it for a | norant of the gospel, and who Ac get in sore generation without such special promises and threats, stood alone in the ancient} world in ape that labor should stop on every seventh » use of his official authority to. encourage The anata faa plenty of holidays, but | the free Sunday party at reenwich Park they never made them weekly, amb never | and elsewhere in ENace maraged by his de extended. them “. as to cover the entire | lois nt. n Asia there never has een, so far as we Foe a‘d there is wot A FREE TRIP AROUND THE WORLD ! now, any frequently- recurring day of rest, | ethenmeskionee a Win (adble-erecalt the Chinese, in particular, who are a third | Per tod and cultivatod to such a dogree that of humanity, working on from year to year. | in the hearts of almost cvery ore the sre isa long: generation to generation, and century to ing scaoa Toren neha ant view century, without cver insisting on a pause. Home ares akin ait Pub, Co Indeed, we may say there never was any | pand opportunityto see the world. pause in Europe, for outside England, aud | non 46 nding them the largest nunbe Wer Majesty's Muile, The Lord’s Day Observance Society has addressed a respectful letter to the queen, pleading with her majesty not to continuo holy word. The society has ‘ee a protest to the clfief commissioner o! works against the <s =e = & excepting fitful periods in limited localities, | } volta Np gtr dl d from lettorscont i in ne work went on on all days more or less, a | be given 4 he ‘ rip Around the We z ‘lao, recognition of Sunday being vr ather | in onde merit the ‘1 prize tom highly Bpprored by the ee than | [will be aw amied: A Free trip to loridn : A @ . ' . Silver S68: A ett Sewi one universally adopted. ‘The necessity b ridnis, . £0 ‘Ladies’ or Gents’ Hk.G or a general weekly holiday © seems ent twill be wiven t LeAny nD goniltne a list never t> have been much han 25 English worcs, of HoETo wethan have been recognized by law, or by one of fork ‘thers, found ip W. Eile fob. Wion esters those. customs -based’ on an instinctive | pop a Grand Premium Catalog:e and aGmonths sense of convenience which are 50 much | trial kubscription T the tc autifally illustrated stronger than all laws. ‘The fact, as we Famly a ory pa soot HES target pat i aetlecnd sie unas | The Sc ng in the larg sto have “nid, is an exceedingly curious one, wars Sty ria ay in a position of care to make much more curious than the present te »extensive trip offered, the publishers give dency to make Sunday a peremptorily cont | stich pez Sch itiscrols cot the trp or $1000 in cash, day t is*possible that the dominion of | “a j = NTREAL. polis had something to do with the mat- THE HOME FASCINA’ OR MONTRE ter, soldiers’ habits becoming fixed in war- One ofthe most striking and attractive time; and war i pgiizing. no hol roars and! oshibits at the Toronto Exhibition this possi bty too that, the’one universal work year, was that of Messrs. Samuel Rogers & wing agriculture, the ideas of peasants (Queen City Oil Works, manufacturers greatly influenced their rulers. With all} ¢ the Peorleas Machine Oil, and other well- cultivators, work, being regulated by the known brands. The pleasing combination of seasons, is necessarily fierce or intermittent colora shown in the. armuganents. of-mnany in patches, and the instinctive desire is for srades of fine Oils, Wax at inde 3 1 ee . ax i Hi long holidays in slack times, as, for eX-| The exhibit one of unusial lyauty and i inter ample, just before harvest, rather than for | | es st. Messrs. Rogers’ ihe received recurrent intervals of leis re, Even now, | jo gokt medals during the lst 12 years, a and in England, the opinion of laborers “reco unequalled by “all theothor oil firms excuses haymaking on Sunday, and if + Cupada combined, ‘Th S Peerless the saaceit ‘ + wn ‘ majority owned the soil wi eal aoe M: whine Oil is the favorite be farmers’ use; e nS Bos Greases, plenty of Sunday Jabor in the-tiok rand sold hy dealers everywhi —— | on liquid perfumes the ‘oe imported is A Princess "Masher. | Persian lilac, very fragrant, md really call- | ing to mind the flower. SOTICF. One dose of Dr. Harvey's Southern Red | Pine will instantly stop a severe tit of cough- ing. Cnffs with turned over points’ like the aiars, which have recently been introtuced, ake to offe uninate for ‘ manly men. } The Petite Presse tells a funny stery eo t the young prince royal of Greece. ‘ ago this. young nian was cng: ged to the | princess imperial of Germany and imme- diately set out on his sparking en | The young lady lived in the palace of Pot dam, and the prince used to go there fre. quently from Berlin. At first he made sta visits, and was taken ina carriage fran For Lun; Diseases only those E inulsions the railway stration to the palace, But one which are scie ntifically prepared can expect day he took it into his head to pay an in- to succeed. SLOU UM'S OXYG formal visit. Dressed in plain’ civilian EMULSION or PURE COD LIVE clothes he boarded a train, and on arriving compounded at their manufactory in Toron at the railway station took the first vehicle , Ont., has, from the start, won a place it he could hire. When he reac hed: 3 © palace ve ic confidence e which surpasses uny suc a sentinel was, of course, at the |} cess achieved by a like y prepa ation, Iti “Wer da?” growled the big | handled by all dr uggists ‘Tis I,” said the prince, ake crow n| prince of Greece and the fiance of the prin- cess; Let me pass. i “You are a nice looking prince royal, you | are! Ant a princess masher, eh? G et | away The prince insisted and got angry. soldicr thought he was a poor crank, and tricd to bring him to his senses. ‘Now, ) resulting in many of the following symp- my tine fellow,” said he, ‘don’t make a fuss, toms: Mental dep ression, premature old You can talk as much as you st but 1 | age, loss of vitality, loss of memory, bad know my business. A prince, my boy, al- dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the ways has fine uniform, with a cocked hat heart, emissions, Jack of energy, pain in the and feathers and a bushel of decorations. | kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or I saw our F ritz z, and you can't fool me. | body, itching or peculiar sensation about the Now, co away ! i scrotum, wasting of the Organ, dizziness, Noticing a lackey, the prince beckoned to specks before the eyes, twitching of the him, and, after scr ibbling a fawlines- om the muscles, eye lids and elsewhere, hashfulness, back ofa card, told hint to take it to the deposits in the urine, loss of will power, empress. The lackey went offon his errand. tenderness of the sc alp and spine, weak and The sentinel grinned. A crazy man might! flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failure to be fool a lackey, but an old soldier wasn't tobe rested by sleep, constipation, dvlness of taken in. But what was hig astonishment | hearing, ‘loss of voice, desire for solitude, ex- when he saw the princess coming to mect , citability of temper, sunken eyes surround- the poor crank and w eleoming hin in the | ed with LEADEN CIRCLE, oily looking skin, most affectionate manner. ‘Then she took | etc., are all symptoms of nervous Yebility him into the palace. that insanity and death unless cured. “Well, PU be d—!" exclaimed the senti- The spring or vital force having lost its nel. “If'a beggar man comes up to me thé tension every function wanes in consequence next time I’m on guard and tells me he’s the Those who “through abuse committed in pope I'll kneel down and get his blessing.” | ignorance may be permane ae ured, Send 1¢. ON Slack lace fans, mounted over with gauze, wii with tortoise-shell sticks, are much used by elderly ladies. All Men, | young, old, or mick Hle-aged, who find them- The | selves nervous, weak and exhausted, who are broken down from exces or overwork, your sddren for book on all dieases peculair lie man. Address M. V. Ls UBON, 50 Front . ¢ : . : ‘ E., Toronto, On. Books sent free Thevintelligence of a horse is something to, at sealed. : é Sactdimnne, thesymptomact which are faint that few persons take notice of. A man } } spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, should always talk to his horses. ‘They have = » beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the a sort of understanding, if not of the words ead, dull pain inthe heart with beats strong, at least of the tones, and their conversation : ( reid and irregular, the second heart beat with each other is thus carried on. The | quicker than the first, pain about the breast whinny of recognition and of companionship | is clearly understood by these animal: | bone, etc., canpositively be cured. Nocure, . “1s “3s a ils ‘ } r y © anins'ss 82° | no pay. Send for boo Address M. V. Intelligence In a Horse. the owner ’s TAnguage i is certainly understood er 7 by them. It is reported that a horse occa- | — BON, 50 Front Street Enst, Toronto, sionally visiting a stable for a short time | . A. P. 520 each day in the city of Boston is regularl fed by the horse in the next stall to hin | who passes hay through an opening at the} ‘\ head of the stall to the visitor. The favor- ite riding horse of the writer-—a young stal- lion—is in the habit of cemi ing out of his} box into the yard when a visitor calls, and, TAN TED in every town in the Dominion re pong ne n to re prose a the Dominion | Bidg and Loa so'n, 6507 Yonge St., Tore somes “DAY iced men and womon, Fast se ling art icle. J. E. SE, gy Victoris 1 stre el, r YORONTO CUTTING SCHOOL. and H ’ . ith dae Gr. atter rut bbing noses with the strange | e for young men to ac payize a tirst- horse, cal}s him into his stall by ale bas trade ‘erias moderate, for parti- pectliar low whinny ard then returns; culars.03 } King Street AL ABI, E PATENT FOR SALE. ON to the yard while the other horse is eating. | The same horse coming alone from a large | V cal Compound, to aid and hasten pasture toa stump in a near corner where | | digestion and prevent amt core dyspepsia. salt is occasiorfally placed for the horses an | bargain. Address, INVENTORS’ UNton, ‘Toronto. finding a renewed-supply there will gallop back to tit middle of the -field and call the W t C h D other horses, who at-once gallop ep helter- atson ’s oug rops 7 the best in the world for t eh stand for the voice, Uncqualled. & skelter to the stump for the salt, while he T. W-. stamped on oe drop, waits to the last for his share. Whena Sazange horse is put into the ficld this colt | F- the Unront ana|m : CANCER and Tnmors cured without the knife. ‘or book of treatment and testimoni G.H.McMichael, M. D., 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, NY. 3 Goce sCiperamenh ron rn aa AND PRICE LIST DOES CURE CONSUMPTION In its First Stages. Palatable as Milk. Be sure you get the genuine in Salmon color wearers sold by all Druggisis, at SPand SCOT T & BOWNE, Belleville. TELEPHONES, mee hic Instruments, hanes onde, Burnley Dry, and Hussey Bluestone Batteries, Also all other kinds of Batierics. Canadian sage noe for everything T. W. NESS, 644 GRAIG ST., MONTREAL. Send for large Catalogue No. 2. Mention this paper. eo WANTED—B g money. pe hoicest »oks. Control of territory. Apply at once. ELN. Moyer & Co..120 YoneeSt.,Toront procured in Canada, U.S, p ae vlad Countries. w. J. GRAHAM, 7i Yonge 5 ronto FALUABLE PATENT TOF WAL EC HEAP KINDS. ernal'y & E: 60c.$1,$1.75 POND'SEXTRACT CO, Mow York & Londow Used Interna FE cREAE EUROPEAN DYE On Seatfold Bracket, far superiof to any 2 thing of the kind. Address, Isv ENTORS' Address WHALEY, ROXYCE 4¢0., Yonge Un NON, Toronto. Street, Toronto. Sena ror Catalogue T Unequatled f for Richness and cad Resi of Coloring? ™ FEB COLIGNY _ DOLLEGE, vTtaWa; Sz: ¥ eerie ct his abides 2 They are the ONLY DYES SF S: sure and fede al cure and is f ety Spacious bullion, iter w ot gas, heated »y hot water, al onveniences, ext en- sive grounds. yt rt o ans : Principal from Kurc Board, furni al 5, Eige room, fucl, light, ear un ‘in Engl Cit dere French and German from ou F Thoroughly pak lout Music and Fine atte De- “ITS: oni aL sidk oe Aysnge vending a “tree ttle medicine. to be its mendation. It cots git pierre ing for a trial, an: Spee om is certain. Give Ep Yost Office, Addre: partment on opens Sept. 10th. For cir- culars write ‘ EV. DR. WARDEN, Montreal. H. @. ROOT M. oe 186 _—— Adelaide St. ‘eronto, On J. RATTRAY & CO. WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, MONTREAL, Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, NEACHERS can make money during vaca y_-canvassing for one or morc of our of C nada, by best edition ever published, prices low, liberal, Write for illustrat ol siroulars and terms. WM. BRIGGS, ‘Publ isher, Toronto EAVER LINE STEAMSHI PS. Sailing weekly between moxsEean and LIVE RFOOL, i Salo loon Tickets $49,800 ond $60, including Return Ticket 80, $90 ¢ I 'sii0, necording to steamer and acc ‘ommiod xtlo mn. Inte rmediate $3) Celebrated Crusader and Hero Brands Steerage $20. ply tol. BE. MUR ¥, Gen eral Manager, | ¢ snadion Sipping “4 oO. 4C us House Square, Mc am REAL, to Loca At gents in all Tow! naand c it LEATHER BELTING. Best, value in the Béminton, F. E. DIXON & CO., Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. _ &a Send for Price Lists ant Discounts. "S& DR. NICHOLS’ -- Food of Health For Children and Adults. ‘enemas: for ni | glial and One trial is guarantee for continual use, FRANKS + & c 0., outage x engl saa 8 Ezopesaie device, aii hole) dictetic ee in many di TOR OvT0 COLLEGE OF MUSIC, Lm. HISes, wreak fast dish, 1 a ve it to 0a In affiliation with Toronto University. ment, for the & reguli — of the |! bo wels if can . not be surpi ae" 1d forsamiple FR EE F. H. TORRINGTON, Direcior. - — I12 and 14 Pembroke St. Toronto, Ont. NS Send for prospectus, Ul warrant it to cure WILL NOT WASH OU WILL NOT ADE ouTt There is nothing ppt for Strength, Coloring ness, ONE Package Sori Shab et dd ether Dyeis the market, i yt doubt it, t ! Your aang wit be re funded if you are nak convinerd afte Fifty- fouraniocs are mace in in » Turkis h Dyes, crabraciig all new shades, nsw become fashional) are warranted to dye more goods aud re it better than any other Dyes. Same Price as Inferior Dye, 10 cts. Canada Branch: 481 St, Paul Street, Montreal. i postal for Samp J and Book of Instructionf McGILL | UNIVERSITY, SESSION 1890-I. The Matriculation fons, Sexactiniiein in Arts and Applicd Science, and for entrance inte Women in the Exhibitions @ Se ¢ S ~ c va o and Scholarships, will begin Monday, Sept. 15th, 1890, AT 9 A. M. THE LECTURES Vill commence cn Friday, Sept. 19th. Int nding students can obtain all necessary uformation on application to the under« sane J. W. BR ARENRIDGE, B.C.S., ING SECRETARY, , CONSUNPTIO SURELY # CURED — THE EI TON :—Please fofores sumption if they wil M.C., [86 Wust acne eivs St. By its timely vse thousands of nopeiese acer re € you. .eaders that I have a positive remedy for tig) been permanently ci re Shy 9 your readers who haw com: ‘“espectiully, T. A. SLOUUIGE, . TORONTO, ONTARIO, The Alliance Bond CAPITAL ne orported Fe Small Peerless Machine Oil is especially made ior farmers’ and threshers’ use. Sold by deaicrs Th yw aa SENCS every here. ful atte nntion to management of estates, the colle . debentures, bonds, tHe ater ¢ of stock ts c ‘ompany undertakes agencies of crer, nds or “(ae EI ALL 5 ("wi COR ENCHAIER apital forcompanie sant jother rs, conversiono? bills, notes, coupons an: lot he I “sect ri tic and Investment Company of Ontario Limited, bruary 2 aie if, $1,000,000. Ganete: Offices, 27 & 29 ils Street East, 34 & 36 Front aise eg reigta Toront?, , dese ription, and tra 3 carrying oub uiway andothe r securities: will ivecare ction Lot loar nts, in ntcrest, divident other obligation 1 cys ge nerally for others and otters the be st “terms ther or ses Ever rind ¥ Ito: BA \ inve st ted with’ or through this aa earns the BL wa returns and is absolutely safe. A i SING \\ 3 bas el dae Sasa guarantecd, THE INVESTMENT B& Sof ne c ompany are issuec inamoun‘a fae SE le) A EH a e100 no upw card and offer unparallelled induce abur for amounts, mouth is not only abs retur ns consist Fi pa E t mse periods for tert wy. -PISO°S: CURE FOR with socuri ity. Corresponde ALLIANCE i OS AND INVEST? ected Against loss of na of yea a single: dollar rst-class Ge ne ai and Local Agents can aman ren.un srative contracts by phe ing to IENT ENT CO. OF ONTARIO, eth LEORUNTO: ee : BOLD BY DEVGGISTS EVERYWHERE. ph FORONN BON i al Oe ARTIFICIAL LIMBS For Circular Address J. DOAN & SON, 77 Northcote Ave., Toronto. ORGANIZED I6871. REMEMBER AFT POLICIES ARE 2: THE PATENT :- Pinless Clothes Line. cather, docs not rust or THEE NEw anwuoxr AFFOR BAHL WZ Holds clothes in any we re BND DS ABSOLUTE PROTECTION AGAINST HEAD OFFICE, TORONTC, ER THREE YEANS INCONTESTABLE Free from all restrictions as to residence, travel or occupation. Paid-up Policy and Cash Sarrender Value Guaranteed in onch Polloy. Ow Mums FPortroir if in Provides an INCOME in old age, and is a good INVESTMENT. dine olor them, boing. galr aneno da, the clothes do Policies are non- forfeit. rble ged the payment of two Pints annual Premiums. ot freeze vo No clothes pegs required. Pre ofits Which are unexeeled by any Company doing business in Canada, are allocated every T NT DANDY BAC HGLDER. five years from the j issue of the oh he , or at longer pe ainiss asm ay be selected by the insured. THE PATE Profits so allocated are baolinte and not Mable. to be reduced or recalled at any Age nts wanted for both. For circulars and tuthye time wider any clrenm 7 terms send three cent sutmp. rlicij poo'y | Policy Holders % are entitled n the « c pe and for the past. seven years have ac TARBOX BROS, W. C. MACDONALD, 73 Adclaide Street West, Toronto, ACTUARY, to not less than yA Be ee ies of the profits carned duallyre eee wr cent. of the profits sovarned i 2 K. M: AC DON ALD, MANAGING Drrecror. Drink ing Imp ure Watcr Causcs Much discasc. “Often so dangerous tINK IN AMERICA, has been reduced by the glans ata COS, “To fight and conaner a disease 5t. Leon is the mosi. row werful agent Say n." say physicians. THE ST. LEON MINE WATER CO. (Lta.) AL Head Office 101} hee streét west. Branch, _ Tidy 's Flower Depot, 164 Yonge street, Toronto. 12, 16, 2-, 28 FIRE-PROOF GHAMPIURS With Upright or Horizontal Doilers, t Suitable for all work, Threshing, Saw and 3° HP. ) Br rickmakiag, ste, Traction Engines 12, 16 and 20 Horse-power. an STRAW-BURNING ENGINES For the North-West. Send for Circular, @ Waterous Engine Works Co. BRAATFOaD aid WINNIPEG

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