Atwood Bee, 19 Sep 1890, p. 4

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* Tor and ther efforts an PO, ee eee ee =i * wane ae RS. PELTON, - - FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1890. Church. Directory. Elouse end Tot for Sale. - EPISCOPALIAN. List of. Fall Fairs,. Sat \ 23-94. South Grey, it. 23-24, ( wot -_ = Northwestern, teaver Tr qktsres’ rreat Central, "Hamilton—sept 22- 2, In Memory of Peter Baker. COMPOSED BY HIS FRIEND MAGGIE HAMMOND. Written for Toe BEE. A brother dear, a ay -mate true, He ever was to But he from friends and playmates dear Jesus saw fit to call. Il@ has called him to a better world, A happy home above. To meet with dear ones gone before And those whom Jesus loved. Although his playmates ae his smile | ; Whene’er they meet for DAY: The lips that once so sweetly smiled Now moulders in the grave. Though in the grave his body lies, lis: ‘spirit there is not; But now to sing the angels’ song, His child like lips are taught. May all his friends and playmates dear Who read these words of mine, Je ready and prepared to go At any place or time. Elma, Sept. 17, 1890, The Price of Wheat. There appears to be sufficient reason for the present advance in the price of wheat and cause to believe that it will ‘be sustained. .Ata recent Millers’ Con- ference at Edinburgh, James Rusk read a paperon the crop of wheat of the world, by whichit appears that this year is not in excess of the consumption and that the existing stocks will prob- ably be reduced Hi. the course of the vear, The foliewif Are his conclus- iyns:-- Ist. That. the great decline in wheat values in the past fifteen years. has been due to lessened cost of trattsporta- tion from the exporting countries, to over production in the first part of the period in question, and to the very iavorable stete of the India and Rus- sian exchiing rt i That popu ition has for some li oa beim steadily gaining on wheat production, andthat the theory of over- — tion no longer holds good. Sra. Phat. America—is approaching ihe time when she must considerably increase her wheat acreage, or fall out rp! ranks of wheat-exporting coun- tr ath That the competition of Ameti-} ean tlonr in England next season must perforce be much less acute than inthe past season, because of the deficient | crop ther oth. Tha it the material re« -overy in be | indian nud Russian exchanges may De} expected to assist val Yi tising the plat: | form of wheat yalu bth. That Russia rom Roumania have taken the first position in the scale of wheat. exporters; which is, perhaps, matter for a certain amount of con- | yratulation, amongst us, since those countries are not in the habit of form- | ing “riugs’ hp aaa inal fictitious- | ly raising price And, lastly, th: it the ensuing se — is not going to be one of undue abund- nee, nor of any serious scarcity, so far ns Wheat is concerned. County Notes. | — | The Stratford hospital will be com- | pleted next month, t The Mitchell Sporting Associ: “a were just $32 out on their late races On Friday Sept. 5th, Perth evening, the | Baptists of Fallarton ‘Tield an ice-cream | —— hall) the socal and_ bazaar—on—-the--town grounds, which was well attended, proceeds amounting to over 540, Wm. Johnstone, ex-clerk of the town- ahip of Dl eee was thrown from his buggy at the G, R. crossing west of | St. Marys, one ee recently, and nar- rewly esc aped seyious injury. His horse shied ata passing train and ran into the ditch. A painful accident of peculiar nature hap ypeued recently on the farm of Hen- MeNaught,of Sarnmonock. A young Tad named Detwiller was working a binder when a swarm of bees eame along and settled on one of the horse’s heads. The boy was stung nearly thir- ty times, but the horse fared much worse. It was stungso badly that at one time its life was de spaired of, but | it nuw seems to be recovering. Suesday of last week at a threshing | Tlugh Lennon, of the 4th con. of Ellice was injured so that he underwent a Very narrow escape from death, stohe or some other hard substance got | ‘iu the threshing cylinder, knocking out | # tooth, which tlew with’ terrible force | striking hin in ihe tempie, and wound- | ing the : artery. ‘There was danger of jiis bleeding to death, but those with him. with comuendable ong ages and ee of mind put him in a dad aud drove him to “Stratford as fasta eee and beek him to Mr. Goetz’s iiytel. Drs. Deniiu and Ellis were sent skill were en- disted gone too seuu to save Mr. J.en- Mins Ee i¢is fortunaiery past all «anger ngw, at Winch his many ifiends aynd_ acquaintances, saying nothing of | iis fami y; wil piadvetiuly iejusce. | bs signed up to Monday, . SPRINGS ‘13m, Preaching every ery Sabbath as follows: Atma tp a.m.; ‘lrowbridge, 3 p.m.;/€ R. 2. BooLEsTon, Ineumbent. PTI. Preachittj wth f Sabbath at 3:00 p.m. Sabbath Sc ol t 2:00 pm. Prayer meeting, on Thursday evening, at 8 o’élock: Rev. D. Dack, Pastor. METHODIST. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 & m. Each alternate Sabbath at 6:30 Foceliyeent School at 10 a.m, Prayer feet: gia Wi y and Friday evenings, at Rev. D. Rogers, Pastor. PRESBYTERIAN. Preaching every Sabbath at 11 a.m.; Bible Class on ape” evening at 7:00. Sabbath School at 9:30a. m. Prayer Meeting on. Thursday evening at.7:00. Young People’s ooo pai meeting on F pany evening at7 REy. A. Beaneeneon; “M.A., Pastor. Business Directory. MEDICAL. J.R. HAMILTON, M.D.C.M. Graduate of McGill University, Mon treal. ember of the College of Phy. vicians and Birreons: Ontario. Office— Opposite THE Bre office. Residence— Queen street; te da messages. to be lett at residence LEGAL. W.M. SINCLAIR, Solicitor, Conveyantes Notary Public &c. Private funds to loan at lowest rates. Colleetions promptl attended to. Office—Loerger's Hotel, Atwood Every Wednesday at 12:24 P. m., and remain until the 9:12 p. m. train. DEI TA. J.J, FOSTER, L. D.S., Uses Vitalized Air, &c., for painless extracting. Satisfaction guaranteed in all operations. Oftice—Entrance beside Lillico’s Bank, Listowel, Ont. W. M. BRUCE, L.DS., DENTIST, Is extracting teeth daily without pain through the ga Slectric Vibrator.” The most satisfactory re- sults are attained by the use of this} wonderful instrument, for which he} holds the exclusive right. Reference 8, | &e., may be seen at his dental apart- ments, over ‘Thompson Lros, store, Entrance, Main st., Listoavel. AUCTIONEERS. ALEX. MORRISON, Lice — a for Perth County. AWS nuded to promptly and at Pe et ite 2 sien Jnformation with re- gard to dates may be had by applying at this ollice THOs. E. WAY, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Perth. Rates moderate. Office--Over | | Lillico’s bank, Listowel. All orders left at Te Bex ollice will be attended to ramets. Dfoney te Iocan At Lowest Rates of Interest. FARM FOR SALE. Tenders will be received by the “—y" Oct. 6th, for farm, being lot 11, con. 13, Elma, ot taining 100 acres, 70 cleared and the rest ean be easily cleared. A house and a good frame barn, 42x06, also a barn 28x36, a never failing well and & goo bearing orehard on the premises. F further P ern apply to JOUN W. ROWLAND Gko: ROWLAND Executors, Monicton P.O, 30tt H. F. BUCK Furniture Emporium, WALLACE STREET, LISTOWEL. I wish to intimate to the people of Atwood and vicinity that I have on hand a most complete stock of all lines of f Furniture, BEDROOM SUITES, SIPEBOARDS, EXTENSION TABLES, & MATTIRASSES, AND PARLOR SUITES. All goods best’ of their class. I am bound to sell them, Call and get prices. TIE LARGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS For Picture Framing in Town, UNDERTAKING A Specialty. Full lines funeral goods alWays.lvn hand, HU, F. BUCK, Wailace St. int he thriving eens chance for intending pa an rticulars ms at PALEX. CAM PBE L's Harness hes, Atwood. Notice to Greditors, All notes in fayor of the Exééutors of the late Franeis Graham are now past due. and we: hereby notify all Belong indebted to Settle by All notes not met: i this date will be De baad. ed over for collection, GEQ; GRAHAM, JOHN BELL, t Executors Attwood, Sept. 11, 1890. 33-4in* Eicuse, Sign; ama Orna- mental eles: The undersigned be begs to inform the citizens of Atwood and surrounding country that he is in a position to do all kinds of painting in first-class style, and at loWest rates. All orders en- rusted to the same will receive prompt attention. REFERENCES eM. McBain, Mr. R. TForrest, Mrs. Haryey. WM. RODDICK, 8tf. Painter, Brussels. esirable Tlouse nse and Lot for sale >+PURE< W Mustard, G Cloves 5-4 H Red Pepper, R Mace, | P © Blk Pepper, O Currie Powder [ L Cinnamon, YW Mixed Spices, CG. E Ginger, Hi Turmeric, E Or Allspice, D Nutmegs. b39 CALL AND TRY THEM, AT M.E.NEADS, ~ ATWOOD. pa ==THE BEES Competition, | | OPEN TO ALL | | OLD AND YOUNG. ‘TE have decided to publish a “yt ial edition of Tre Bree, on Noy. ith, 1890, on pink paper, and purpose ine ducing new. and attractive features, ie as Ovigiial Poetry, Literary Sketches, ete., ‘and invite the} | hearty co- operation of our friends to assist us. As an incentive to draw out ithe literary talent in the community we Will give the successful competitor lenny M. STANEEY's world-renowned Look, entitled. 64 ® in Darkest Africa’’ |- IN TWO VOLUMES, > Ton THE LEST STOKY ON oA: ee me RGN! Pioneer Life in Perth RS BIO ras We will also giye a strong and hand- somely bound Look, entitled “‘The Spectator,” With Tvtroduction and Tndex by Prof. Henry Morley, 920 pages, for the best {essay ou THE BEE grand theme for iry effort; we have in if the emblem of Patriotism and Industry, which are the most essential elements in the bulwarks of a great} ~ nation and people. Contributions must be in the office of publication not later than Oct. 15, 1590. Each production will be submitted to a competent judge, (ourselves excluded) whose decision shall be final. TOE PRIZE STORIES WILL AP- PEAR IN THE SPECIAL EDITION. Our Object is to male The Bee the Uentest, Urwsicst, Clicapest PAPER IN. THE COUNTY. This subject should and does afford a WM. FORREST, Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on haad a lave assortment of all kinds of Furniture, plain and ‘ancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo Frames, Boy’s Wagons, Daby Carriages, different prices, different kinds. Parties purchasing $10 and over worth Short Stories, may have goods delivered to any part of Elma township free of eos. Freight or Baggage taken to and from Station at Reasonabls Rates. Dr: ay always on hand. Undeitaking atte mnded to at _any_time.—First-class Hearse in connection. Furniture Rooms opposite P.O. Aiwoud, Apil Ist, 1890, New. ‘Tweeds Arriving Daily —e fh To R. M. BALLANTYBE’S, Merchant.Tailor, Atwood, And are being marked AWAY DOWN. We have bought the best “goods in the market and bought for cash, at a discount of 6 per cent., which we give our customers the benefit of. Fine Overcoat, valued at $40, Given Away. For each and every purchase of $5 (cash down) worth of goods.will entitle the purchaser to a Ticket. Every person settling their account This Month will also bé entitled toa ‘Ticket. A call solicited. An “1 fit guaranteed or no sale. Yours respectfully, R. M. ae FRE 777 S¥FOR The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c: Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town: z JOHN RIGCS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills. Lumber, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Long an and Short Wood. _ Dressed Flooring and Siding \ A SPECIALTY. WM. DUNN...

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