Atwood Bee, 10 Oct 1890, p. 7

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i ecchaeeaprmennenraaeies mementos tere Eve thrift wie, happen * receipt of price (0c. small size, ~army, and for sixlong months held it at bay until i os ie 1 deci ingen eccecmern See ee far geaatieeneeemaheatirenerreteisiecrecenm reenter Siciivare eases * Beme Curious Namcs. ry-one-knows’ the story of the spend> ing to bear the pal aeely suggestive name of “Owen Moi complimented by a sitter wag with ‘the jay Rabi sto Lect h— as ay, Owin' ‘more ne there he comid pay: But such coincidences are by no means rare as one might think. One of the newlines made nobles of Louis XV.-was the Marquis of Avantere (‘ Avant-hier,” * the day betore reece: ree erin aati name of Pitt and Fox, ry ago, gave not & few jests us yy w hetiee a the Sox would find the pit too bpd for him.” During Lord North’s term of office his chief ‘ape was & Mr. Pole, ead & persistent otfice- seeker who ‘haunted both was nick-named ‘Com apes) ig as being ‘‘ constant to the Agen and zeeave tact towards the Pole.” 1€ arag commencers defeated oy Admiral Haw! aio signifying ‘‘ Lark,’ and ‘ the hawke. pouncing on t ‘+ that-un —}—No English 6 msg of Mr. Gladstone, is more com r. Jose li | frequent in private than in public ife. tavern keeper named sree and a pastry- cook namec Pi were jest o the’ Eueton ae in London for many # hea @ partnership of two lawyers, etcham: and ehesthar is still a standard joke, and any one who has visited Western Australia must have heard of the mereantile house of Hogg, Bacon & Fryer. The writer himself knows of two next-door neighbours called Mr. Blood and Mrs. Gore, and two young ladics, warm friends of cach other, whose respecti ive initials were . ane M.E. W. But of all these meee coinci- , dlences the most striking was the case o! British frigate that figured in the Ameri ai War of Independence, which was for some time left almost withont a crew, owing to the superstitious terror of the English sen- men for the cluster of ominous names which chance had gathered on board of her. And well it might be so ; for the ship’s name was the Sepulchre, her commander was Captain Death, her first lieutenant Seen Deville and her surgeon John Ghost ! } Aphorisms. We make ore fortunes, and we call them fate. —{Disra: A pound stantrey with an ounce of talent will achieve greater results than a pound o talent with an ounce of encrgy.—{ William Mathews. The world isa looking- glass, and gives back to every man the expression of his own face. sh at-it-and it will in turn look sourly ou; laugh at it and with it, and * ia a Fa golly, | kind companion, and so let all young persons take their choice.— | -{Thackeray. How much trouble he avoids who does pot ook to see what his neighbor says or doe or thinks, but only to what he does himself, that it may be just and pure.--[Marcus Aurelius: One cannot always bea i ut one may always be a man,—{Goethe _THE 6, T.R, AND CP. BR. A Combination of Interests Between These wo Great Lines Possible, Mostrean, Oct. $90.—From time te time rumors. have Ae ae th that se ag | weft on fcot between the Grand Trunk a ‘Canadian Pacific Railways looking ta a union of these two great trunk lines—or, i not a union, at least to closer relations and, perhaps, a pooling sl rig ‘Is there anything in it ?” the question an inter- ested pu Ublic has ssked ? ? T ius far apparent- ly there has not, but once more the atten- tion of the public is ——— drawn to these rt and the wing ones assert that this time-some united move is contem- lated. Tho prolonged visit of Sir Joseph yler; bis visit tothe Northwest, and the! proposed hostile legislation threatened hy | the United States towards these two grext! roads, give rise to various rumors, ami the question is pee asked, “What will be the result ? Will tdey combine to protect their mutunl interests?” Ti ime wi tell ; but, in the meantime, there is one matter upon which those connected with these great railways unanimously agree, namely, that Nasal B:lm is the only remedy tor’ the effectual cure of cold in the headand catarri, | in all forms and. stages, he following testimony from two well-known officials of these lines bear out this assertion D. Kennedy, G. T. R. agent at Brocky. ie, says: ‘‘A short treatment with Nasal Balm radically removed all symptoms of my catarrh. The preparation is pleasant and easy to use, and gives immediate and _per- manent relief,” Mr. Gordon Starr, C.P.R. agent at Brockville, says : ‘*For some years Ii was troubled w ith a severe case ot catarrh, and was seldom freefrom catarrhal headache. I tried many remedics, but without avsil. procured a bottle of Nasal Balz ny and in less: than a week mny headaches had disappeared, together withallother symptomsofeatarzh. I i believe Nasal Balm isa Loon ta all suffering | from this terribie maindy.” Every sufferer | from cold in the head or catarrh shotld at once procure a bottle of Nasal Balin. No j other remedy can possibly take its place. For sale by all dealers, or sent, post paid, on and $1 larg size bottles) by addressing Futronp & Co, Brockville, Ont. Denth of a Famous General. Among those who perished in the recent foundering of a Turkish ironclad was Osman Pasha, a unique Sgure its hisiery, as the; only General of high capacity devel: ope “don | the Turkish side during the Russo-ur — war, His military achievment but notable. He was stationed at Wir | on the Danube, ene the arn wns crossed | atSimnitza. he threw his ped in pre of thre :cenenty and | hastily fortified it in oa naturally strong! ition at Plevna. There, with a ragged l-fed, unpaid and half- trained army he opposed himself to the flower of the Russian | Wats St battalions were shattered tremendous but futile oneets. t his lines were unbroken resistance So-lintiniatied in vigor. en in despair thé Russians ordered tho: aged hero o Selnstepsl. Gen, T ‘odleben, ta’ take command, the position which had resisted every assault was rendered-untenable by aly movement, and Osman ca Lislstog His military career ended there. ea whe great fighter, and his move from Widdin to in To. the and his ‘a|33 ; ete, Plevna Ene enough of genius in it to 5 jer better conilitions” he-might been a ios strategist also. wa Mr. Chamberlain's Opinion. Vong Lives, iat from the question of nationality’ and old age, « remarka circumstance to be observed is that “more women attain statesman, with the exception oseph Chamberlain to 8 usiness, ad Sopa e atn comparative ely oanty age is ample proof of his pra city. € was a member of Mr. Gladstone’ % fe abinet in the years when that cabinet hae a tower of strength to the Liberal party. He has vd ritten his name on the British Re ative og a lasting way by securing the passage of rane excéliont commercial laws. He has the courage of his opinions in a marked es gree, and the public car is always o him. Well, here we have Mr. Chaniverlaia aa sad and o nly rejoicing over the Mc- » bill; “taal interview at New York ae Micki ivered nine as follows: ‘‘As an 2 paeencent Tam glad to see the United es adopt thé Mc Cinley or ay other bill that will serve to maintain the bulwark o protection that has been erected around this country. The high tarilf which the United States has exacted for years has served to increase England's trade and enrich her mer- chants.” A Mathematician. Do you know anything abont figures, sir?’ saida merchant to an applicaut for ‘Yes, sir.” “Well, if I were to lend you five pounds, and you promised to pay me one pounda rail: how much would you owe me at the le xpiration of three months ‘Five Pounds, rie fi m afraid you don’t know, much about fiz sures.” ‘No, sir; but Ispecs I knows atl about myself.” <> <> Royaity Notices It. (From the London Free Press.) Lord Aberdeen on his way down Rich- mond up to the station yesterday afsernoon remarked to Col. Lewis, who was an occu- ant of the cab with him, that he had a iking for nice iat atte equipment, and he thought the disp P Alec sone ston & Co.> in the Main Boilding. was as fine as anything he had the p easure of looking upon in Old London or Glasgow, and that he would have liked to have had a minntes Taapect minutely: also joined with the noble Earl in praise af the beautiful exhibit. Although no prizes are given the firm deserves special reference, pee! show some spec cial lines in Valises, abin, Tourist md Club Baga.-The Roller Teny Trunk, manufactured Ly J. Eveleigh & Co., of Montreal, with whom Alex. John- . Ston & Co. dow large trades deserves more ;.than.a-passing notice. The tri ty rolls back in the lid, and a lady desiring to get any article out of the bottom of the trnnk need not lift everyiling out to reach it, but simply rolls the tray into the cover. The firmy-nasured-the-Free-Pi7ss reporter that in avery short time the Roller Tray Trunk wi seule supersede the old style, and from the number of enquiries for the “new depart ure” in trunks, and also the sales made, the orter was forced to agree with the lead- ing member of none firm in this respect. The | prices of the trur and enquirers, The firm show wnke from up; also some —— choice ones with ; brass trimmings, made ~from Eveleigh’s ova hide Fibre, a patent material which is very light and dur: site. Some solid leather work in trunks, — = — is also exhibited. "i me por manteau on display splice A che Rev. Father Trernan’s eye and the lost no time in Aa chasing it for his own , use Johnston & Co. are to be congratu the ineritovions display they 1a hope is expressed that they will ¢ the Western Fair Board to make bition asuccessin their line, as it this year. rte ted on wid the sain assist » the Exhi- has been All Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find selves nervons, weak nnd exhansted, are broken down from exces or overwork, re sulting i iu many of the follows, é symp: : Mental depressic rubture old ave, loss ef vitalit ‘ heart, emissions, lack of enerzy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation sloutthe scrotum, ‘Ww: asting r of the organs, dizziness, specks before the cycs, twitching of the ecaclon, eye lids and elsewhere, bashininess, deposits in the urhie, loss of will yowe tenderness of the sculp and spine, weak afd ! flabby inuseles, desire to-sleep, failure to he | rested Ly sleep, constipation, dv'ness of | hearing, loss of voice; desire for salitu, le, Cx-} citability of temper, sunken eyes surcomnd-: | ed with LEADEN CIRULE, oily looking skin, ajl_ symptoms of nervous debility | that is = to insanity and death unless cured, The spring or vital force hi aving lost its} tension every function wanes in consequence Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be pet —_! cured, Sead your address for book on all dieases pegulair toman. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Frent | St. E., Toronto, On. Books sent free sealed. | Heartidisease, thesymptomsoi hich arefaint ells, purple lips, er Ipitation, sich beats, hot fash 3, rush o f blood to the scr | dull pain inthe h cart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat quicker than the first, pain about the breast bone,-ete. ;canpositiv ely be cured. No cure, no pay. ‘Send for bo ok, Address M. V, LUBON, 59 Front Street East, Toronte, j Out } { | | i Adams’ Tutti Fratti Gum :— Used by all ‘baseball players, ete. 5 cents. An expensive gum-pot for a desk is of eut glass and ‘silver, imitating e flowg:, stem, and leaves Recommended to Sufferers. Gibbons’ Toothache Gum. Price 15 cents. Yellow and lilac flowers are mixed Jor millinery, dress yarniture, and tableglec ora- tion. ‘dl The easy quiet way in whish 7. A. SL CUMS OXYGENIZED EMULSION Ct PURE COD LIVER QIL has won its wa st public favor speaks volumes for i testimonials while any druggist will zell you that for all pulmonary difficulti&s it stands unrivalled. he | GH! { those dendly ' prcathigstey eins. grunge to Fin nary fact :—'*The mM; equilibrium wa pliabi ity of a female body seem fora cortain time to give it more dura- - | bility, and to render it less spnsceptible of injury from distinctive influences, But male strength is w mathonb doubt etionca! toarrive at a ver) there- ty Pia ol In the even a te int nl and uni- d of an idler hari ing Aine ton goers great nage. Rich and nourishing food, andan immoderate use of flesh, do not prolong life. Tagan ot the greatest age are to be found among me who, from their youth, lived principally a vegetables, and, m some cases, hud never tasted flesh.” Moreov er, let those who will not marry take heed ! The same anshority just quoted dlesleced that ‘* there no one instance of a bachelor having attained ' great age, and that the fact was as applicable to the female as to the male sex.” Many examples illustrative of this sensible theo willoccur to the reader. Scarcely a week goes by but the fact may be met with of some aged individual dying and_testifyi ing, in the number of children and of children’s children to the third an] fourth generation, to the forceand truth of the physiclogist’s statement. The most pede 551 ° ye was supplied i in the a Fi ertain . Dr ae Longneville, who lived to ‘the age of 110. He had been married to no fewer than ten wives, the last of whom he wedded when in his nincty-ninth year, and Boba Lore hima sen when he was in his 1 101s es ore men, , but fewer every voML "3 age, an active, ting Tife i is conducive es lon 1e oat half,a life Meeks i8 Ed ete Antonin Scenery Along the Hud- son, as viewed from the trains of the New York Centra], & Hudson River Railroad, whose tracks. skirt for » distance of 148 miles the east shore of that noble river, is beautiful in the extreme. By taking the famous vesti- bule New York and Chicago Limited; leav- ing Grand Central daily at 9:50 A. M,, the Southwestern Limited, leaving at 10:2 0A. % or ae Chicago Express, leaving at 10:50 M., or corresponcling trains leaving i uffalo for the Fast, at 7 230 A. M., passengers are afforded a day light view of natural scenery unsurpass- ed for picturesque beauty and grandeur on this continent, Moreover, the ini ignificent equipment of all through trains by the New York Central route, including drawing- room, sleeping, dining, and bullet cars, four tracks, casy grades and light curves, offers to travellere-the acme of comfort and lnaury in travelling facilities <aalinrmeemnanre 2 © Catch-all * boxes of Dresden china are lined with-silk and framed in silver. OTICE. Dr. Harvey's Senlieern Red Pine will in- stantly relieve, as well as stop, a severe fit of coughing. zh. yee 5 A. P. 523. ——~sy TEN POURDS THINK OF IT! be Semen eee ooo SCOTT'S EMULSION Of Pare Cod iver oil and Hypophesphites iit ae pl Mane: oave Seieel a pound a day by tke us ofit. It cure CONSUMPTION, ULA, yay eg ie nae Hw AND we DIS. SB SEE S MILK, Genuine cele cas Sowa, Dolinaie Sateen Weapper: al all Druggists. 0c. and $1.0) L_——-— AG 1G SCALE- = For firo-8, enlting dang B z Tiree © ‘ubb. ¢ a’ Acen iar.o, 42th ce tri o, O: Ty ALD ABLE cet on Velori Henson, Lg healt SCROF conus AND ALL a EASE AS PA Te ron ane ‘for-sale Address, Bev ity ; but}. diseases coming we EVERY MA peers fi (Pall copes eee eee enorgics, one weet; aor men Y WOMAN : ead take these Prius. They wijl curo the re- peck of youthful bad habits, and strengthen the et t L regular. For saic Lad Sosy a Fupeiets or wil bo sent upon } réceipt of pr ox), by addr ene THE ‘DR. eg at 3 EN. Brack vite Ont. GOOD HEALTH :. Kéepit explain: -Cl in the HEALTH H my fo Danrple cons Pe tg th Bei, tC. Dyes Buttato NPECUAL NOTICE TO AFFLK'TED 1 a inorder that you may know tha AK BALM isa po: sai iv re for feréale compinints, I will send to any ‘address one_mont rea ment or $1 er nyiee sample to all w fia aaare aR withstamp. J. TROTTER, 5 Richmond West, Toront to, Can, Watson’s Cough Drops ! Are tho the an for the throat and chest and for the nequa BR. ww. sanapel on cach eek WORMS..2357233 CHOCOLATE CREAMS. Recommended by physicians. | Be boing - ae form oho che rcolate they_aro —— take them isi = itably should take them. ' Theso I’u,Ls will | seh T ore and how son's and ake no other. Sold every whore. 25 cents 0 Ko Ba wson Medicine Co.,.! Montreal. ee sone drop everything and sell ke — Bd x. sr, entith Ve territory for torms, ahd Buices, THE BEST COUGH MEDICINE. Lp BY DRUGGISTS EVERY WEEE. EAVER LINE STEAMSHIPS, | oo B.... weckl LIVERPOOL. a ane between MONTREAL and oon Hers te 800 and Lar Nescedings to $39 Apply . RRAY, Gen oral Hananer Caundinan Shtpping e 4 Cus Tom Hovusk Square, Mon TREAL, 0 to Loca Agents i all Towns and Citie Addross WHALEY, ROYCE tier Street, Toronto. Sena CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Company. Office, Toronto § ) Ste, Toronto. ee ee prety ote rec ees for loans onl e “tate security. Ap- 7 sfeation may be made to the Company’s local App: praixcrs, HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. au notor: tho Blood, curing mt adores pabetante tually needed to on- i ==|GIVEN AWAY. The above amount will actually be given free. h person answer- ing this advertisement will receive a present. e¢ nbove offer is made to introduce Hep- burn’s. Blood. Purifier, which ry sale i my this localitvfor the The conditions are as fol or the largest list. of English Af sed con structed from the | word “BLOOD EWEUFINS® Received up to November ith, Biee Received up to December 15th, be Received up to December 8th, - 25 There will also be three prizes of ten dollars each, and seven prizes of five dollars cach given in cach section of time as indica ted above. : re, to the next ten largest lists in in the order recoine m do not win one of the cash prizes euaran ntood to gh or roduced for eos relid and 4 Aiea les. Circulars w ith re ationials and full aig tek neta ‘atic ation sent on cent stamp ocho! at closes ‘Doce ty 28th, the list Uo Tae winners will be publishod in the News ; quale: ‘the following week, The Reeve of Iroquois. References { Postmaster o} Tronticik 4 Address—C., E, pace oO js wy in an, Tock box 230, iy - 47 Cut this outns it may not appear again {to cnr JLJONES i. 2O1018) ENGRAVER ring STREE pk ONTO. CANS !J. RATTRAY & CO. WHOLESALE TOBACCONISTS, MONTREAL, Manufacturers of all kinds Domestic Cigars, including Celebrated-Grasader-and Hero Brands One trial is guarantee for continual use. SOLID Leather, ' 0 a ~The Best Goods. Sold by ‘the Principal Boot and Shoe Dealers. Every Pair Stamped. \ ‘a Unequaticd fer Richness a heat of Colortsa, ’ They are the ONLY Drzs asi: WILL NOT | NaN OUT WILL NOT FAD é oOuTi There is nothing ike Essent for Streugth, Coloring If you 1 doubt it, try it 1 Your moncy will be rox fandedi if you are not convinced atrial, Fifty fourcolors are made in Sapir isk Den, soon ne theg all new shades, others ~ puore pools aud doit whey ace warn other Dyes. a Price as InfericrDye, LO Cte. ada Branch : 421 Be Paul Street, Montreal, uct omg nion. ‘Toronto 2 and ‘Yrmors Soul without the knife. 1 for bo reatment and testimonials, free, SteMic! nael, M. 1). 63 Niagara St., Buffalo, N.Y. °F PAY—Good men and women, Fast -¢ ling article. J. E. Cus " | Inven to te v <r a> — pad) Victoria street, onto, “A GENTS WAN re —Bg money. Choicest st. Foro at » once, ER & © O.. wo ) Yon. eSt.,Toronto port ba oy vw Dominion. F. E. DINON& co., ers, 70 King strcet East, Toronio. G 1A books, | Coutr al of Ps crritory. Moy? LEATHER BELTING. & Fe idicr Price Lists and Discounts. a at once mr a FREE BOTTLA Se a Sealuabie pm This remedy is a sure and radical cure and is perfectly Se: ess as HO gente us drugs are u its preparation, 1 will warrant it to cune “ITS: oR FALLING SICKNESS reason Werr sen lig e! virco. pate Gt i 3 ae Ss medicine to be its ioe f oF a tial, and a oe HI CURE [). Give Fost Ullic a. Adder Toronto, Ont. BLOOD POISONS. To absorb and expel x her remedii Ik co as "you thy H. G@. ROOT M. eye 186 West Adelaide St. secre tions n wisely and w o THE ST. LEON MINERAL WATER CO 4 Aged an Infirm, rere The J 0 H N STO N’ S Has — FLUID BEEF. ustaining Power, yay SURELY x CURED X% EDITOR:—Pleas + an you, .caders riAbigegyt ly iteliy tl carrteitntchaeaer Seite, peta ~ases have ay < red. ia cal: ie Sip Paley Saves Time—Quicker lhan a shift- ing belt. Saves ; Belt—_No“wvear ; belt stands idle when not working. Saves Room—on shaft. Saves Money—Inasmuch agg all the above cost money. Send. for New Shafting and Paley Circulpr, stating your

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