Atwood Bee, 12 Dec 1890, p. 3

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A Fine Chicken. Ss wees are you doing there?” exclaimed a ily turning upon an old negro w ohn joa slipped w dressed chicken under is-coa ‘Toa! but’am’ up my coat, sah. Feels er e weder, ‘‘ Hump,” h his cont, “Y's gittin growin’ all my cloze. Wall, I mus’ be goin.’ Say, before you go, take that chicken out from = your coat and perhaps you can button i he Whut chicken ? ” “The one you've got, nnder your coat.” “T declar,’ boss, 's de mos’ 'spicious pussen | I eber seed i in aie life. vk +S me in mind o'er gen’leman I knowed onct ‘« Never mind about gentlemen you u_have known, Take that chicken from under your coat or I'll call a policeman.’ ‘«« Whut, jes fur er little bit uver chicken ’ like dis?’ he asked, i the oe and pet hh pt into a tub. hate mightly ter be ez close << erse rf is. Dat chic en ain't ‘aaah bigger’n er snowbird nohow. *f Now, get out of here.” ** Whut fur ** Because you area thief.” “Yer ought ter be ‘shamed o’ yerse’f ter talk da t way ter ez old er pusson ez Tis. I wouldn’ ’cuze er pusson o’ stealin’ tell Thad dun prubedit on ’im. er ain’ willin’ ter trus’ ‘me, please, sah, step back dar de stove an’ git my hat fur me. When the grocer had turned his back, the old rascal took up a large chicken and hid i ‘“‘Thankee, sah,” he said when the grocer had given him his hat. ** “Jighty sorry ast yer spices: er Asad > boss, de | truf is, I’s one o’ pter- maniacs of Yea ” you are one of these klipter thiev re Wall. I won't argy wid yer. Good night I tell you whut it is,” he said to himself when he had passed out, ‘* er pusson r pay fur callin’ me names. I puts er fine on em right dar. Huh, whut er monst’ous fine chicken dis is.’ - She Won by a Day. Astreet car incident which has come to us seems to illustrate the unconsciousness arent age, An old lady on entering © tram caught the strap, and by shane took her stand directly in front of a lad a apparently as old as herself. ~The po ssessor of the seat was up in a mo- as wT Has seat, madam,’ with audible courtesy. than Tam.’ ‘Older than you!” retorted the other; “‘T beg a thousand pardons for contradicting my ck er, but, indeed, madam, you are mis- en eep your seat.’ «But I am sure you are older than I.” ** And Iam equally sure that Iam not. Will you be good enough to resume your lace ?” re Not while an older woman stands.” The situation was growing interesting ; but, though all smiled, no oneseemed mov ed ll relieve matters by offering a second ’ she exclaimed ‘You are older eB oth old persons were preity well-warm- ed up by this time. First one sniffed and then the other, as old ladies. sometimes will when sorely trie The vacant geat was still before them. Finally an overture of peace came from the owner ak the seat, the last speaker. “Td want to be disagreeable, mac adam, and if In m older than you I'ilsit down. Let’ tell our ages and the older yields.” ‘he aggrieved woman did not relish this much, ens the pressure of an audienco for- bade a retreat a Well, po she replied, forcing the semblance of a » “I shall be mos Will you announce your “ee ? Then And what hay did you ini ay? “The seventh. And you?’ There were Soap vats —— on the cheeks of both old ladies to say,” was the able Jaughter. There is no diminution in the demand for marquise rings, which come in a variety of styles of equa! splendor.: Do you want to pet a College raters or to take special college or prepara courses at home? If so, you should pairs le yo with the correspondence methods ~. Chautauqua College. Address, John HL Daniels, Registrar, New Haven, Conn. The Nihilists of France declare that out of ussian police officials condemned to deatn by es organization eight have been already ex Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills cure Suppres- sions of the mal eakness, Nervousness, etc. They never fail ; good for both men and wemen. A trial will convince. The Supreme Court of the United States has decided that Jugiro, the Japanese mur- derer confined in Sing Sing prison, must be executed by electricity. The most eminent medical authorities en- dorse\Acams’ Tutti Frutti Gum for Dyspep- sia and Indigestion. Sold by all druggists and confectioners. 5 cents. The Allan line Brazilian, the last ocean vessel in the port of Montreal, left for sea yesterday morning, just one e day later than the last departure last yea It is now generall known that many cases ef consumption of long standing as well as ong ——s cata. pone ~~ asthma have tly ¢ by SLOCUM’S Oxy Fe ED EMULSION of PURE COD LIVER OIL. This famous medicine manufactured at 186 West Adelaide St., a aes and every amgyit i in Canada it ccsaaeess Coty, of Montreal, ‘who is suf- ferin See the early stages of consumption, has left for Berlin, to place himself under the care of Dr. Koch. Why go age? pane and spitting when Yasal Balm will speedly relieve = per- ee rethe worst case of rrb and Cold Head ? Sold by all declere. It is stated the French Government is not anxious to capture the assassin of Gen. Seliverakoff, being doubttul whether a Paris jury would bring in a verdict of guilty. on your Oyclones, Western cyclones are indeed thin, The editor of ie Pomville "Catt all over on the com the forms, whirled t jerked them clear ixtedgh © press, an rinted seven hundred copies before the orce could get control of the machine—and the only mistake made in the whole thing wasthe misplacing of a patent medicine‘‘ad” that ought to have gone ‘‘ top col, next read- ing matter.” ‘‘Bring on your cyclones.” says the Call.—Light. A Portland author brought out a play re- cently, which <7 ae Plato. It mig it hive ccess had had any Roisin Plato. Put Me in My Little Bed. Iam dizzy, dizzy, gies : And I want toge ae v . no itkbtie rad racks may head. In stan pers es am-—suffering-from a bilious attack, but Dr, Pierce’s Pleasant ase awe ey me around all right by to- often cure headache in an ont. "I on e og Be oe ~ best cathartic pill in existence. The oduce no nausea or gtiping, but do ‘bar work thoroughly. They are convenient to carry in the vest- pocket, and ‘pleasant to take. In vials; 25 cents Heavy gales have prevailed on the south and west coast o Many wrecks an reported, and it is feared the loss of life heavy. The Bird of Wisdom. n owl sat upin a hickory tree, ‘And said in an impudent manner to me, *Ter-hoot! ter-hoot! ter-hoo!” I asked om politely, “You lovely old bird, is She ruled h of the * Golden Discovery’ heard r ti her feathers and aDOkS. but a word— dreary, monotonous * W 8 Pieree’ s Golden Medical Discov ery is a bo lung, liver and blood remedy, a powerful tonic and panies and a reliable vitalizer for weak persons ; acea for scrofula, hip-joint diveanee, fever-sores, swellings and-tumors; contains no alcohol, and is a medicine without a peer. There is no risk in buying a guaranteed article. Your money back if it don’t benefit or cure. The Italian elections on Sunday resulted in the return of 137 Ministcrialists aga:nst 20 Opposition members of all classes. Lives of others oft remind us ot life may be sublime. We trust_to be forgiven this gop of lines from Longfellow’s immortal ‘* Psalm of Life.” Husbands who are i, and How can woman ntend agi the trials and worries of “housekeeping, if she be suffering from those ola tn Sash Sas SOOTHING, CLEANSING, EALING. instant Relief, Permanent Cure, Failure impossible. so-called vr ris RM af Er 8: FULFORD & CO, Brockville, LEATHER BELTING. Best valuein the Dominion. F. E. DIXON & CO., Makers, 70 King street East, Toronto. A CUTTING SCHOOL, — Grand chance ood Brn men to soayre a first- a moderate, Send for parti- Btree est. aah LINE STEAMSHIPS. sarSend tor Price Liste and Discounts."& Saili: — La toaieg 4 ete ‘y LIVERPOOL. Sal Curonic Couch Now! For if you do not it a 2 become _con- aomapsice. Debility and W Westiny Diseases Scrofula, an Stree noching like _— SCOTT'S. EMULSION Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Or Xuizme amd Soda. It ts almost as palatable as milk. Far better than other so-called Emulsions. A wonderful flesh producer, SCOTT’S EMULSION ts put up in asalmon colorwrapper. Be sure va Sp the genuine. Sold by all Dealers at 50c. and $1.00, SCOTT & BROWNE, Belleville. VALUABLE PATENT—Recent'y granted, for sale at Inventor+’ Union, Toronto £ NV AGIC SCALF. Our ate #8 cutting, taught by Miss peta oe ral Acent for Ont- tario, 428) Yonge st ronto. CANCE‘ and TUMOKS Lured. No Knife Bock free, G. H. MCMICRASL M.D. 63 Nisgara St.,Duflalo, N.Y. irregularities, ae and weaknesses pe- culiar to her sex ? Pierce’s Favorite Pre- scription is a specific for these disorders. The only remedy, sold by druggists, under a bag . from the oe in every casi See printed quivaates ing ‘money refunded. on-bottle-wrappers The Dublin Freeman's Journal says there is a serious famine in Connemara, the result of the failure < the potato crop. One D Dr. Harvey's Southern ~~ Pine will ‘eat stop a severe fit. of — commended to Sufferers Gibbons" ‘Toothache Gum. Price 15 cents, Panams canal shares are nominally quoted at. 31f., and it is believed that the scheme will be definitely abandonec The Mead Surgeen Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be con sulted either in person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who are broken down from excess or overwork, ee many of the pomions sym : ental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, loss of ting eams, dimness of sight, palpitation of ‘he heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation about the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, e eyes, og of the bashfulness, tion, esire for wcities, ignorance may be secmanentl cured. Send — address forbook = all diseases pec’ toman. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front ol Bs Toronto, Ont. Books sent free sealed. rt disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, -comgenni ay palpita- tion, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of blood strong, ne al = er than the firs wou wig “rs M.V. LUBO. onto, Ont. , 50 Front Street East, Tor A. P. 532 YOUNG MEN get a for an honorable roe inarestee profes by attending Cuttin: rae es “Terma ow. Write GOOD HEALTH ® HEALTH emit ged vem i editor, Drs » - DYE, orks es . vee Valley in "Herth THE Dakota, offers fine inducements RED © Ont., for Maps,looks. Piso’s Remedy for Catarrh is the and Cheapest. o aig ts, Best, Easiest to Uso and PIT! ad ‘explained d re she tfat to. New - _ Write to F, leas Paul, Minn, - 1M. HUCKINS, Sold by druggi-t or sent by mall, 50c. E.T. Haseltinc, Warren, Pa. U. 8. A. MACBONALD MANUFACTURING CO’Y, Ming Street East, Toronto. a@ ow 7. Poh 18 iT! MISE after cure. THE GERMICIDE ., Toronto, \ GENTS WANTED—Bi money Cone <«. Control of ee Apply . Mover & Co, YongeSt., ‘i tlle once, . Wwe; ANTED—Ladies to manage a profita’ nd philanthropic work at their oe i. homes. “For particulars addr: ess with stamp. J. Trotter, aichmond St. W., Toronto, Canada. RM Som DAWSON’S Chocolate beagayn ho , Recommended by physicians. Boi ATARI ee ED FREE for testimonial Address taste, Children nover refuse a ch salon sant cream cine. Ask for Daw- no other. Sold everywhero. Dawson Mcdicine Co., Montreal RACING SKATES $4.50 CRYSTAL Ti on Spe s ne cis the Crys’ soln ater. ag of all a Bgetn of 9S AT “Te W BOY! YD & § gon. 041 NOTRE D ~ AGENTS: "WANTED For the Paten PINLESS CLOTHES LINE, A wire line with which No Pegs aro requ! red, Illustrated circu ra FREE, Address: TAR- BOX BROS,, 73 ‘Adelaide St. west, Toronto, BUSINESS CHANCES. rae Gren’ pi 100 or more _ Hiontana § A..G ity. St. P of J; Mi. HUCKINS, | ® Toronto, Ont., for Hooke, Maps, &c. SAUSAGE CASINGS. Tmportations of =n = lt Arm Sheep Casings eS wee! merican Hogs’ Cc ky. lots to eait pte JAS, PARK & SON, Toronto, WATSON'S COUGH DROPS: Are the best in the world for the throat and chest and for the voice. Jnequalled. R. & TT. W.. stamped on each drop, GENTS shonld drop everything and sell Rs 12 meer Lire or CHRIST, entitled, — Over 60 at paintings ; tare in Rope ten foot in y of Crucifixion. sive 3, Wa. Brices, coms 7 400 illustration Pub isher. Toron gecesi CUBE. t Canadian h Re Asthma, Brong itis Catarrh. © by all L anu return. ESTER, Taeauchetiore "Street, Shoateent, Send three - cent stamp for samples tion this paper. DOMINION PANTS CO 962 and 364 St. James Street, Montreal J. RATTRAY & CO WHOLESALE TOB “aos MONTREA Manufacturers of = kinds fcetin Cigars, nciu ing Celebrated Crasader and Hero Brands One trial is guarantee for continual uce. DHOWO OF fharsniess as mo ne nro regs ae u its rrant it to cure EPILEPSY OR FALLING SICKNESS © remedies where sending a fr severe cases Myr cason peep 1 ‘be its own dation. It costs you noth log er ing for . trial, jana a vadicas cure certains ve Fxpress Post Office. Address: H. G@. ROOT M. C., 186 West Adolaide St. Toronto, Ont. Typhoid Fever, ts Causes and Prevention During Typhoid, Bac terin . Se foaae ie blood and s es comnr by inhalation. ines: wa eimeicule. perms ° 3 velop int the system, feed ids and vitals, { eoeuatiet tv tsers ant Beep of Og ee aah CATT With ba @WA £ H OUT? Witt Not r FAOe geri nothing like ee puskageiiGtala sweeter Sant if you doult it, try it! ¥cer moosy yi Ra funded if you are not convinors ai i, fourcolort are made in Turkiel me geomet = new spades, are added as rere hy ihey | ur arapied wo dal bame Priceas Inferior Dye, LO ct. more goods and do it better than Water Company, Limite Jpany B Ganads Branch: > ie plot talc neenecye hentaes 1 ffi King Stree wes —— affice, Tidy's flower depot, 164 Yonge Street, Toro The Canadian Mutual Life Association, Lite Imsuramnce at Cost. ‘ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. A long-felt want supplied. Insurance in the reach of these who need it. [Copy.] NAPANEE, July 18th, 1890, fucccters” “The Canadian Ba reat Life Association,” Toront Deak Sir.—I here knowledge payment of $2,000, as claim on Policy of my late wife gg ia J. Bates, for wh ch { fecl truly thankful to you and “The Canadian Mutual Life Asso’ promptness.and kindness shown me during her sickness and everything in eye P folic, boing, 80 mein th considered and liberally treated, is deserving of my greates titude. ank you fo pail your many fave ors. yo n to any and all persons who desire a free from any ToeaaTneen ear of trickery Or advantage somo might venture to may or make abar to payment of proper claims. Yours most respectful ly (REV,) M. J. BATES, Large Reserve rend, AGENTS WANTED. pay to good me LQ Hinge ne Bact nto. Ww. PEMBERTON PAGE, SUREW CONSENS % CURED Please inform your readers that £1 ave a positive remedy for tha cly use aay eee of —— cages have been permanently cured, t shail be wo bottles of my rem to any of your readers who have con+ — tion fines will ad me their E: ssand Post Ofce gala Respectfully, T. A. SLOQUY &, 186 Weat Adelaide St., T RONTO, ONTAR The Alliance Bond and Investment Co. ot Ontario, Limited. rperated February “Ss Sad Sel CAPITAL, $500,000. Wellington “Street Hast, Toronto. PR 1D ’ — , ’ A. H. Cl ’ SOLICITORS, MCPHERSON, CLARK gan, MTOuOMTO. issue Bonds guaranteed to — face ame. These sr are for amounts from bougtit for any number of yea ese Bonds are payable ta and t ir are poe hice protected aR vy i "Yo ne the All Claims paid prompyy- 4 Manager OTHE EDITOR :— a pert te Lege Fy dahon anion $1, gaa The Com $100 and can by instalments er annum, and & mortgages. This Company Trustees, Assignees, Liquidators and Agents under hair Having special facilities for the winding up of estates, the solicited. Bein a ble financial Company, creditors can epen' and quick winding u nay entrust to the Company. ALLA ANC E BOND AND INVESTHENT cO., OF ONTARIO, LTD. Assignees, a taiahatenlers, and Financial Agents, 27 and29 Wellington Street Eas’, Toronto. The Universal Verdict Here is a sample from a large farmer, Marsden Smith, Brussels,’ Nov. 8, 1890: “I enclose $63, second pay- ment on Chopper. I certainly never paid for anything more cheerfully than I pay for this 20 inch Mill, “It surpasses my expectation every way and is beyond the representations of your agents. It does seem to me it must require a wonderful stretch of conscience for these iron plate machine fellows to claim they have the best chopper on earth, Surely they nev er w your Standard Mill running.” (Mr. Smith had an oh plat- mill previous to the Standa Keep Your Engine AT WORE —_- BU yy OU Shingle Mills, Chopping Mills, Lath Mills, Veneer Machines All Pay Large Het Returns. o 12 inch CROPPER, New Style. Several socond-hand iron | plate Grinders r sale chea:

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