_. ee ete ee * GBAND TRUNK RAILWAY. |A letter mailed immediately after gave the fucts of the meeting with Stanley. Ga. & B. The second Jetter liad net reached Can- ada before Mr. Liv i a went to New Trains leave Atwood Station, North York to meet Stanley, * and South as-follow ae Campbell hire gente ec se nt . cital with u piecs o rollery-elaracter- BORMUTH: _ GorxG ows istic of hin.” t concerned an-“alleged Express 7:21 a.m. | Mixed .. 8:07 a.ni. piece of true Scotch humor “which Mr. Express 12:24 p.m. | Express 2:34 p.m. Livingstone was credited-~with getting Mixed:..10;00 p.m. | Express 9:12 p.m. / Of While in New York at that time, “T pever said a word of it,” said Mr | Livingstone, whose inte grity would not el him-to-remain silent, “Bu u forgot, tis a long time ago” retor ted the other, “J's no mi utter if ‘twas fifty years ago; its no’ true The convers: at on turned tothe rear guard of the late expedition. Mr, Livy- Jugstone listened till. someone said it Me as unpleasant for Stanley and then he broke in: “Ah, he’s a grand mon; he'll come out a’ richt, 2 He would not hear a word against 4 B BE E | Stanley's honor,uand when he hadr if —s to speak histative tongue asser nee Mr. Livingstone near Glasgow. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. ~ stage leay es Atwood North and South us follows GOING souTH. GOING NORTH, Atwood 8:00 _ me | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Newry 8:05 | B'rmho’m 3:30 p.m. - Monkton 9:00 it. | Mankton 4:45 p.m i Bornho’m10:15 a.m. | Newry 5:55 p.m - Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6:00 p.m. self emphatica'ly. EDITOR. wa as‘born at Bigutyre, ecame to Laoark, ‘Ontario, in 1810 my removed to Listowel in 1860. He is the father of eleven children and many Goneinaeaninen. aaah eetmaname Mitchell Loyal: vi ‘ae Legion has now 93 member ~ RS. PELTON, * FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1890. Atwood to San Francisco, AN ATWOOD LoY'S DESCIIPTION OF A A MOVING ALE! Martin E. Neads has The TTT Store. The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us whén-you Come to Town. pone JOHN RIGGS. Atwood Saw & Planing Mills: Lumbe;, Lath, Muskoka Shingles, Cedar Posts, Fence Poles and Stakes, Cheese Boxes, also Lone an and Short Wood, Dressed Flooring and Siding A SPECIALTY, Removed > His Drug Store To the premises lately occupied by R. Brooks & Co., And he is-‘now ‘prepared to receive the crowd that are moving along to his place to DUNN. was Poe — ve The patrons of the Avonbank cheese factory in Fullarton arewell satistied with the priee ebtained viz., ten cents per pound. As there are over three months’ makein the factory it took over 30 teams to remove it toSt. Marys last week. Mr. Ballantyne, of Stratford, is the lucky man. $1 NOW TO JAN 1, 1892, Written fer Tug bei : at 4 o'clock, viveddat Port) [Luron rordly avier we were roll- terit MM chigany and at 9 ved. Oar berths were wycurbens so that we could rest qiuivily and unmolested, When we awole oar train was palling into Chicavro. [ler* we liad te remain w eeorrt the time in visiting ‘es of interest, leay. 1 ord “thg alow. o'clock We rei * closed in by hi {SECURES THE BEE FROM catd aver the vouch a beautiful | We passed thousands | aiml-once in awhile a | nered. Sume farm- | lieir second crop of | usv ep ee aun Indian re- THOS. FULLARTON, OMMISSIONER IN THE H.C.J.; Real Estate Agent; Issuer of Marriage Licenses; Money to sheep ranches. The|lend on reasonable terms; Private flown are very close | Fuitds on hand ; all work ne: atly an yed in Council Blutis | correetly done; Accounts Collect ng over the river to} Atwood, Nov.1f, 1890. iW te BERKSHIRE BOAR We then FOR SERVICE. var) fleld of ovis nol wa iiviny AD. On: ih Lwe 4 nt look? endy plains of sr cyenne next “1.u0eky Moun is: ivelled lu out “| Nebraska, arriving’ ionight. Arter * tams the seeoery ts Bly ni ugnilicent, especialy al Mount Suc srman, where a fF monument has been eretted in honor of the great suldicr, This mountain is 3,- * 500 feet above the sea level. On Sept. 14th we p ssed oyer @ “very -monuntain- ous country to Ogden, where we chang- cars, “ttkine the Southern Paeitic and traveled tong Satt-Lake for sever The undersigned ha has a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for Service, on LOT 29, CON. 14, GREY. TERMS.--$1, ‘to be ‘paid at time-of service with privilege of returning. purchase their >XMAS< —AND— New: Year ' PRESENTS. | He has the Largest and Finest Selected Stock in this vicinity. WM, FORREST Furniture Dealer, Atwood, Has on hand a — ge assortment of all kinds iv Furniture, lain and fanc *icture Frame Moulding, ) ee. aoc wee pt ain é 4 3 — Cabinet P hoto ; _— rps, |Hrames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, FOR YOURSELVES. | ~ different kinds. Parties purchasing $10 and over worth M.E. NEADS, may have goods delivered to any part of Elma tow nship Atwood Drug and Book Store. free of cost. Freight or Baggage taken to and. from Station Reasonable Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at any time. First-class at npg ened _ for all Newspap- ers and ve al hovrs, “}'ext day we passed through; 45 3m* JOUN HISLOP, Prop. the Sierra’ Nevada Mountains. Here |]. we Witnéss a W ouderful Variety of God's 4 = handiwork in Nature. it is impossible Reform Meeting. fon ste a fie to” im i apprec ciated.” W 4 The annual meeung of the Elma Re and | form Association wil! be held in E pute iité Sacramento at 6 p.m., after changing cars we were hust ed = — . through some great ranches and pretty GRATLAMS MOTEL, ATWOOP; ———ON We reached San Francisco on Sept. SATURDAY, DEC. 27, | at 10 p.m., where [ joined my fticnds’ 1 purpose making my home. GEORGE Boy vineyards until it grew sodark we could I spent a week here and then proceeded vi pem. A full attendance Noy. 28, "90, a a | no longer discern mountain from an. to Mendocino City via San Jose, where | re queste JAS. DICKSON, Jr., sein Mendoeino City; Cal.; 46-3in HOUSE, SIGN AND Omamental Painting, The undersigned be begs to inform the | citizens of Atwood and surrounding | country that he is in a position to do | all kinds of painting in first-class style, and at-lowest rates. All orders en- trusted to the same will receive prompt | attention. REFERENCES :—~Mr. | Forrest, Mrs. Ilarvey. WAM. RODDICK, -ainter, Penis, Broesels. Mr. Livingstone in Toronto. “Whe following is is from the Empire: ‘Onerof the most Peikieg paue kent the platform at M. lecture last evening aay John Tivieg: stone, of Listowel, the brother of David | Livingstone, with’ whose explorations in the dark continent Stanley’s career will for ever remain ‘closely associated, John Livingstone will be 70 years of | agein May next. His features are commanding yind closely resemble in al- ‘most every Hine those of his illustrious | brother. His iron grey oe Ls minds one of Stanley. His sroniders are stooped, but he is a Full | =. posséssion of his faculties. He was a in| Edinburch, Scotland, when Stanley re- trraed to ‘London to-have honors he ap- | *Lupon him, Mr. Livingstone brooked | ‘he rivalin his admiration Yor the in- trépid travellers. However, he ‘did-not :| M.D. M. A... C. P.8..0., M. Cc. PLS. M, THE SCOTTISH SPECIALIS7, O} Then they met: in New York. TORONTY, Scotchman believed Stanley and his! faith in him has never since been shak-| Specialist for the treatment of all very old fashioned Scotchman in that way. He met Mr. Stanley and his! wife.in the parlor before th : beyond. measure to meet the Ds ypoud oar " ead, distinguished lookin man, of whom she had heard | ed PS: | nate- ce me:down.to London, though Stanley | en. He came down ‘from Listowel |Chronie Diseases, Private e lecture | began, and the rie ig rs. Stanley greeted him yery -affectio e | | | McBain, Mr. R. t he , Di- Lungs, and Consultation Free. Dr. Sinclair will beat Toerger’s Eictel,- Atwood, ON MON DAY, Jan. 5th, 1894 ‘Jonathan’ Buschart, Listowel, says-— “After spending ,all’ my mon: ey ning prop perty to no purpose on medical m or what they termed a hopeless case | of ECO, Dr. Sinclair cured me.” Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: | —“When all others failed , wr, Sinclair | ‘Donald; Lakefield, ons me Oftfits Dr. Sinclair cured me of ca telegraphed an invitation tol im. hal not seen Stanley since the time the | hewspapers were disputing abont} whether-the envoy-of Gordon Bennett | had really:discovered: Dr. Liv ingstone, yesterday in company with his gon, | Viseases of the Brain ¢ John Livingstone, Lieut.-Col, I), | Seases of the Heart and Campbell, 2:in law. The gentleman pur- | Successfully. chased’his' ticket to the hall, Tie is a/| was very hearty one allaround. } Stanley — Dr. Livingstone’s daughter, Mrs Bruce, 6. -Edinbargh, are friends, and Mrs, Stanley was very de presentative-of the Empire had a on faik with Mr. Livingstone subse- | quently, {Ie spoke with animation of his feclings when ‘he: heard — his rother kad been found, urious | ‘thing which showed his faith x Stan- Ont, says: —| ley wasithat about that time'he «had a h.” ‘ “Dr. Sin- s je ro itten before the! i* ania A ae a a as inapatiiiad to the ases of petrnloaniare brouglit on ©4e01$t ont he firs stay ain bie opportunity. ‘yy folly Di D x, Sinclair certainly cures. | lat Rock Botto:n Prices. ‘BUTTE POULTRY | bee 1, of Listowel, and J. W. Scott, | Diseases of Women positively treated | | Going, so" kindly bring along; All Kinds : OL. Meats |Hearse in connection. F urniture Rooms opposite P. Q. Atwood, April Ist, 1890, A. A. GRAY, (FORMERLY OF LISTOWEL) or THE FIRM OF JOHNSON & CO. Royal Art Studio, {513 QUEEN STREET W., TORONTO. | | eres First - Class _ GOODS At Reasonable Prices FALL TRADE Is Now.Complete. Santa (las HAS MADE J, Danbrook’s Grocery TIS HEADQUARTERS ATWOOD! ~— C a is beoann nuts, toys es for the girls and boys; Raising ew or thing you couid conceive | Danbrook Keeps for glad Xmas Eve. | ‘Boots & Shoes. Ladies and Gents Underwear, Dry Goods and CROCERIES, Crockery -and Glassware, &c. These g ORs cannot be beaten for Quality. xamine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. : Mrs. M. Harvey. HAWKSHAW’S Meat Market, ATWOOD. ‘The undersigned _ Wii, (| begs to thank the PAVING sectired a mar-|<Ee34! Public for the hber- be ket for the sale of/al patronage aceorded him Butter, Eggs and F owl I am him in.the past, and solicits ‘prepared to pay the ia cntinuance of the same: A choice stock of Highest: Prices Enlargements for the Trade, Solar, Bromide, Platinum, Opaland OP rints. PORTRAITS Christmas CGroecries And Fruits {n Crayon, Ink, Water. Oil and Pastile Colors, ~ Full line of Artist's Material kept in stock. Oil and Water C olors, vanvasses, Brushes, Palettes, Crayons, Get your &e., Ke, Holiday Supplies from JAS. DANBROOK. SAMPLE OF WORK On Exhibition-at THE BEE Publishing House, where Full Particulars may be had and Orders Taken, H. F. BUCK Furniture Emporium, ‘WALLACE STREET, LISTOWEL. I wish to intimate t to the people -of Atwood and vicinity that 1 have on hand. 0 a oe See stock of all lines of Fura. =xoonee: SUITES, SIDEBOARDS, ‘EXTENSION TABLES SPRINGS & MATTRASSES, AND PARLOR SUITES. “All goods best of their class. I am bound to.sell:them. Call and get prices THE LARGEST STOCK OF MOULDINCS For Picture Eraming in Town. UNDERTAKING a : --EGGS AND-- ‘your produce and receive 'profitable-remuneration for}Kept on hand. Meat deliv- the same. ered to any part of the town .| Free, Our Stock it is Fiil..and Leave vour. drders - the Prices Right. twood .Meat’_ Market, sone _— 3 hig — north.of TgeiBer Office. ApSpoctaltr Full dines funeral goods Wm. Hawkshaw. !:- $n 1 A. F. BUCK, Wallace st, j J. S. GEE, NEWRY,