Atwood Bee, 1 May 1891, p. 1

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VOL. 2. ATWOOD, ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 1, 1891. NO. 14, Girls are simi 3 Creatures. IRLS are queer rereaties: remark- ed one of them. ‘They’re not a bit like men. For instance, you can know aman for yeurs and see aud be quite sure that there are depths in his nature which you have never fathomed, nor even so inuch as approached, But you know a girl after you have seen her half a dozen times, and what is more, you know her | thoroughiy. You have heard all her stories, you have memorized everyone of her phrases and tricks of expression, und you can divine the course she would pursue under any kind of cir- cumstances. lil inay use a simile, a virl is like an oil well whieh flows nbundantiv for a week and gives prom- ise of Keeping it but peters ont completely at the end of that time anc runs quite dry. Or, to vary ita little, : girt is iike “Old Faithful,” that geyser in Yellowstone Park, which spouts .ev- ery lilty-eight miuntes remularty. At: teryou have seen it once you kuow exactly when the next eruption will take place, you know to an inch how high and how large the colamn of wat- ter wtil be, and you are perfectly cer- ain thatat will never be different in the smallest degree from what if was when yon it. But men are like thost other geysers that sometimes sponta feeble siveam and at others rear it tremendous bulk, so that you never know Whatto expect and always have at feeling that the next eruption will be wuiihty “beyond all previous ones.’ To be plain, you can nevér flatter yourself Ua you realy Know a man, And then there is always the shaduw of his wa- kuewn ee up, i se Ww , row piste, Mr. Wherry, of AtwWood, here last Sabbath morning, Jacob lack is making preparations to build a beautiful brick house this suiner. On Tuesday morning of last week J. RC ‘ode's youngest cliid died with the preached “Tere man Witmer has returned home ‘rom Sarnia and has goue to Listowel to work. The Misses Porter have from Trelind to visit their sister, Alex. MeLeod. Moss Bertha Fack tay far Elora where she purposes work- jug at the dressmihuig, Albert Witmer left here last..week Tor Pordwich, where he iutends working at his trade during the summer, The Good Templars of this place have organized a Juvenile Teniple. We hope they will meet with great stecess in this noble work. W. EF. Mann, of Minnedosa, Man., ar- rived here ust week and has revurned | lhome week ae spompente by his! brother, Joho Mam fiss M. Deiven is. going,to -hListewel next Wwe am to stert dressmaking. Wilhno donbt be pleased to have jady frieuds of this vicinity call on he come out Mrs. som left-here-Satur thic Las . a tinea County Notes, Seaforth K upholstered fire | with easy Chief Murray, of the Was presented plush you fel Deru 4 JrINes zille, loxboros MM: Taille, tinishead seeding ou Wednesci Avril v2nd. This is the ed on last year. Dr, Ferguson beer W prac Using tends removins: and will t ake Sloan in that «. EB. Mason, Brucefield, has disposed | of the first prize dbl: tilt mt Monksman (S050) Myer, Youngblat Jt mr sboro’, for SUNK iw friends of County ‘Clerk A of Gade vvich, Will be alud) to Know | King cons ide rable jurprov- Himess, win ere are LOW ids fur the —— uf his recoy- Som Ht iY, date Lefinisia , of Seaforth’ who has ; Luere for soink time, ta sto Blythin a fewideys “up the practice of Dr. Village. Vol. XIE, & arg ee ie Tny aatr thy ul ssoud grou ary. John Jarrott has sold his farm on the | ! pear tliils Gar Walthim The tarmeontains — 2 hbusonita good brick house ! nda large bunk Yarn With stone li wut Mderneath, The Seaforth firemen a grand tireman’s tournament town om 23rd and i June next, Bight handred and tifty dallars will be offered in prizes, Each tire depay that takesa band of twelve men more, wadtake part in the parade w the band will receive $25. David Sanderson; of the 4th con of llowick, has aecow which gave birth a roto acalf with two heads, whend, six legs, in three pairs, stad two tails. The tails are attached to the side of the body just about the two ceutre legs. Thisis one of the str: angest cuses ever repor ted in this township. On Friday, April 17, a Yery lament: able aveident happened to alittle six year old girla child) of Mr. Flanigan, Wingham, [ft appears that a teapot full of stove, and she taking if from the stove to the table, not setting it far enough on ii upset, the whole contents going over her head and down the back, scald ing her so severely that she died from the effects thereof on Mguday morning following. Parr line, Consit Lor Sb,.000. ith aa lier | S-year-old Clydes dole SUtb- | intend holding ; ‘tment |: or} boiling hot tea stood on the The Census, When the census enumerator calls it may be well for you to bearin mind that you are not supposed to answer these questions:— . Do you owe for your paper? 2. Hlow much do you owe? 3. hy don’t you pay 4. Why dayou bodice: sounnetehbeiete papers * ? 5. Where do your boys spend tsa evenings ? 6. Ts your back-yard-clean? 7. D vou believe in the whate story ? &, Are you vaccinated 9 Downy of your di ragsbens chew gum ? i . Tow do you vote? » Have you bought your new spring hat yet "Who owns thr: it dog? Why-did you ¥ 4, Will you ever doit again? 15, Good afternoon ? ” or Perth County Notes. All hote!s and liqnor stores in Perth will be obliged to keep closed May 2ith mad July 12th. The new ilicks House stables, Mit- chell, ave under way, aud will be ready for teams by May 24th. Ilenry Dinsmore, of the 10th of Blanshrd, is suffering from a severe fracture of the collar bone. Noble Johusten, one of Anderson’s | aceom plished sportsmen, shot severa wild duck on the shores of Goose Lake the other da Miss Annes Knox, B.E:, will giye a recitalin the St. Marys Opera TTouse 60 the evening of May Loth, in aid of Knox church, St. Marys John Square, for mi any yrars a resi- dent of Mitchell, died in Stratford early on the mormung of ao 23rd, from the effects of heart dis Cephas Wood: oar appeared before Po- lice Magistrate Flagg, Mitchell, o Tuesday “of last week and had to pay $2.70-for using insulting language to a married woman. Mitchell Advoecate:——-On Monday. April 20th, a protest, with a deposit of $1,000, was filed at Osgoode Tall against the return of James Trow, and in due time another td also be entered ager Mr. Grieve Fenders were re poised on Tuesday of last week for the stock of stationery and-faney goods of Wm. Colwell, Mit: chell, an isolyent, Nine tenders in all were received, and they ran all the way from 20c, ta dilge,-onthe-dolar. That of Isaac Hord being the highest was aecepted, Organizer Tames MeLwan, the Lamb- ton county farmer, has trganized the following Patrons of Industry associi- tions: Banner lodge at Melntyre’s Corners, 21 members: Avonbank, 24 members; Summervile lodge at Fallar- ton Corners, 20 members; Motherwell, 129 me ane rs } J. NX. Hae king, Listowel, reports the following passengers for the West:- Arnoli i, Austin, Texas; Fred Kee- . Voicht, W. J. ¢ Viinie, J. Paul, “Albe: ta; John. Hudson, Du eo hebinson, Mr. Wetzel, Van- Lcouver, Hs, C.: Thos. Robinson, W. Men- ; to clected officers iStr: itford: In NY ‘dat Trade are: (1. T. Dutton: | Ay) at secretary, {eil,. Duggan n . of the President Vice-Pre ie nt, A.J. Me- ist . Mowat; coun- LV. S erenson, PSD. aie init m, HG. fiopiirk W. Marna Si : ~ MeLaren, J.P Maedonald, y John Payne, T. Semcon Trew and John Walsh. "At the recent con uty promotion ex- lamination the Millbank schoel passed | 138 that being 160 per cent of the num- bersent up. ‘Phits imkes | promotions in the school this season to- gether with 260 promotions in the first classes, thus the total number promot- el ofall grades being 78. The average ‘attendance for the month of Jan was S82, February 50, March 76, inumber registered during ‘Phe the quarter M-; G7. St Marys is seriously cous idering the -advisal rility of purchas jug a standaid chemieni engine, This would ritise the fire rate in th ownfrom eluss Do to C, | thas: ifecting a luction of weap e vetrt. on premiums, “Phe-yearly 1 rin the stone town are Cosi $709,000, so that a redue tion aft per eenl. means 700 per annum on in sur ance. A chemical engine enn be : | for 32.5), or Su40 a. year for eleven year “ ay MMiehell, Hibbert, Dlanshard, arys, Seauth Ensthope, Logan, i who held shop and tavern licenses rear have agin been gran ted them. In | Downie ‘we Nufritch and E. Chowen have xlso been granted licenses, but ue: ‘iston as $ toi unanplication from) Pig- , Whaile J. ik Fullactoa, floch gets priv tlege to se Al again, tusseldale and Fullarton under consideration Thomas Freebora, of ornington, was up before the police magistrate at Stratford for practising surgery unlaw- fuily. It appears that about a year ago Mr. Freeborn treatel a Mrs Baunon, of Ellice, for cancer a@ the face, After -wards she gave hims29.) The informa- tion was laid by Deteetive Webb, of London, acting for ie Ontiuio Medicat : evidenee did not ‘ t t tie offence had been committed within wveur berore the in formation was laidjand as the defend- DM ewnade no reaulat charge and asked for no puy.the mugistrate dismissed the cas hotels are xf au 52 written | George | while THE SYNOD. Rev. A. Tolmie Unanimously Elected Moderator. THE RETIRING MODERATOR DELIVERS N ABLE SERMON, WE P sentry: of Hamilton and London was convened in the Park Avenue church, ponder, pore week, Following is a sim- of the business of gener- al juturent tautisar ted: MONDAY EVENING, The Synod met at the ap ae hour, Moderator A. McLeai Bly pre siding. Afte the usual TY exer- cises, the singing being “Ted by the able choir, the rev. gentlemen delivered an excellent sermon on “the qualifications and work of the preacher.” — The foun dations for the ren irks which he made wis found in the 13th chap. of Matthew and the 52nd yerse, where Jesus says to His disciples, “Every seribe which is instructed unto the kingdon of heaven islike untoa man that is an louse- holder, Which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old”—a commend: ition by our Lord of His dis- ciples for the progress they evinced in mastering the subject which He sought to teach them. At the time of Ezra the scribes were looked upon almost entirely as the representative scholars and not only the custodians and ex- pounders of the scriptures, TLenve we saw the force of the word “seribe” as in the New Testament, and -so_the true preacher should hi ive’ the quiulifieation of being first among the = of the land. ‘This was one ideal, always held uy the Presbyterian chure h, and attain- dalso. Every preacher ‘should be as ‘ “— in who ha’ his trade “built unto his mind.” The kingdom of heaven would veto us akingdom on paper only until we had it thus locked upinour hearts. The work of the preacher Was “like unto an householder , hich bringeth forth out of his treas- re things new and old.” The word eer ses i was one which thrilled the soul as seareely any other cold. It im- plied “home” and ‘what word has such fascinations? Around it were entwin- ed the dearest associations of life. We A our country and fought for it. Vhy? Because our bomes-are-there: perl iipsthere was no figure employed my Scripture implying more aptly the relations between pastor and people as did-the-term“housthotder” beeaase he is, next to those of the home, the near- est friend. THeis expected to toil and wear himself away for those among whom he labors Was it not by great suffering and loss that the treasurer of the kingdom of heaven had been pro- cured forus? And the whole mind be- came chaotic compare the treasures of heaven with | those of any earthly kingdom. An- other characteristic of the houschokler! was that he Giiployed his trensures for the benetit more especi: uly of those of his ewn household, and the true preach- er poured forth his treasures in living treams, refreshing all those around | him. in the kingdom “ef many nite | sions” we had the Great Father bring- ing those around Him to” tains” continually, and from siw that one of Christ's employments , in heaven wonld be to bring belore his chosen the -glories “of the redenrpiion purchased for them, as the patriot tels io his children the “battles fought fer their freerom. Christ hiding be ever : le suing His people to higher trensnres “rea and eld” as the householder in the text was portrayed. Agreeable sur- ) Pi ‘ises Were no small part of the pleas fures of this earth, and the preacher Finast bring toeth from the abundance of God's word “things new and obi.” iThe speaker had nosympathy with sen sational preaching, but every preacher i should have a seuse of origin: lity tn tris psaul. Every child and man lad an in dividwuity distinctly his own. Man} was nota machine, and whatever he i id wits i vimitable, Was it nota ret th: at Le V vothing new under the sun? Whiat “were the discoveries of science? Did not the ithe elt rock, or te the old swing inthe heavens long, lourr feo wick vei did not they bring forth * it * that convulsed the wort ? the preacher conld bring forth from the Old Word new things—a pardon forthe tigate, signed long, lunge ago, eon. fort for the “sorrowing, a salve for the hwoes of all mankind, charged with being derelict in her duty, nd it wasne new thing ta find purve nis sac could not control their own famil- ies sutticiently to sendihem to school, condemning the preacher if he did not draw their unruly Arabs to the Snndiy Schoo}, the ehureh_lor the i ble class. Batas faras the Presbyterian chureh | was coueerned, it had not lost its power | lor vitality, and was continuing its grand work for the good of inan. Hear- ers of the gospel tac a _— to perform | as wellas the ministry; the minictry had inexhanstahle resoures s todraw from, and the preacher must of nevws- ity be diligent in study, were lessons with which the speaker summed up ips concluding. ELECTING THE MODERATOR. Rev. Dr. Cochrane, clerk of the Synod thenenlled the roll, after which the Moderator intimated that the time had come for the Synod to Sag his success- r. Hethanked them for the honor contarren aa him lasty ext, and hoped they wo a mas ny, year select a more worthy m \ tl stirs that vines’ prany * when it attempted to | living foun- | this we} scientist ro To | ww And The charch was | obayripiacggocens for ae Moderatorship were then eiv Rev. Finlay MeQuaig was the first named by Rev. Mr. Fletc Rev. W.S Bal nominated Rey. An drew Tolmie, of Southampton, and the motion was supported by Rev Dr. Mc- Mullen. Rey. Mr. Fletcher then withdrew the name of his nominee, and Rev. Mr. Tol- mie’s election was unanimous. TUESDAY. The snbject. of the Toronto Mail's “Most popular ee fake was in- troduced by Rey. Munro, who said he thought the ttn of that new spap- erwas most disgraceful. He moved that a committee be appointed to take cognizance 0 » matter, ashe felt quite sensitive averit: thongh his name had not, as yet, appet ared' in this con- nection, (Langht er.) He was very certain, however, that the respectable | ™m brethren whose names were being used had not sought the publicity they were receiving. Rev. W.S. Ball saidhe felt with the previous speaker, but regarded the best way to bury the matter out of sight would be to take no notice of it at all. “Wecannot prevent a dog from bark- ing at our heels.” Such literature should be put in the stove, ‘rhe report of the Stratford Presby- tery regarding the claim of Rev. Thos. McP herson, of Stratford; stating that $1,500 had been recognized as payment in ay was adopted. yr. W.T. MeMullen moved-a vote of tines to the retired minister. ack A. Tully took exception to the motio “Tt is enough,” he said, “that the areneiy has paid,in a matter the details-of which should not be dis- cussed in this synod.” Rey. Dr. Cochrane Bc a the re- port of the Brantford Young Ladies’ College fur the present year, giving de tails of the highly. satistactory.condi- tion of the College in every department. There had been alargely increased ai- tendance during the. year, sixty-one boarders and over seventy day pupils being enrolled, nearly double the nuin- ber that wasin attendance two years ago, when Dr. Cochrane resumed closer relations with the college at the direct- ort! request. The staff of teachers was hever- more-complete thin it the pres ent moment. ‘There has been a large representation. at the college of the The Successful Merchant. HE merchant w who is successful in tends to it. He should always be pleasant, patient and attent- ive to his customers as this is the way he gains their good will and patronage. It should always be a pleasure to hint to show his goods to customers, and-if after so doing they don’t care to pur- chase at that time, they may see goods that they would come in later and pur- chase if they get the attention and courteous treatment due them. Even the children should be received with a welcome, and asthe parents love their children they natatally have a kind re- gard for the mere pene gt has a good word for the little o The children tipi always re- member the “nice man” that has a pleasant word for them, and even though their purchases pre small they are most always cash anda source of profit to the dealer, besides they almost always recommend their little friends to trade there too, A good word spok- en of you by the children has a great influence over the parents toward re- spect and friendly feeling to the dealer. Now don't get too old-fashioned so that you would not take a bargain offered youinthe way of trade, as trade is progressive and you should keep up with the times. Yet, asa rule, I don't think it advisable to be coutinually oh inging your places of trading, Be economical, but not stingy. close and pay cash. If you ean’t don't buy. Sell for cash even ouph you sell less, Advertise your business in the home papers, Don't hire small boys for clerks, but men of brains and judgment who will take an interest in your welfare and work for your inter- ests faithfully, so they may advance with you as they help build up your trade:Grocers” Advocate. ay Promitiik z sntnations, In our report of the Promotion Ex- aminations last week the names of the successful pupils of Union &. 5. No. 1 were accidentally mixed {ith those ot SS Neh Phe names of the pupils of the respective schools appear below in their proper order, together with those of U8. 8..No; 2: daughters of clergymen and elders be- -forzing to this Synod and other parts of the church. ‘The report referred par ticularly to the greatly reduced fees for | tainisters’ daughters, and the system of | yursaries that had’ beer initiated: in | order to assist the daughters of clergy- men, who thight not otherwise be able o secure a first-class education in such | acullege, The members of the synod; were appénied to to continue their pat- lronage, and endeavor to secure that of | their respec EAB CONEEEE ano nable the directors from year to ar, bring the eeileze to the highest sosstht e! state of efficiency. | The report of the committee on | TEESTATE OF RELIGION ) was submitted by Rev, Mr Farquhar: | / son. ‘The report dealt with’ stien qnes- | tious as What enconrageme nt muniste had experienced in their work duri the year; whit enjoyment the elders phe ubin-the-disemiree of their duties: what was done int natter of pustor- a visitution;in the exercise of discip- line: What organizations ex iste “tin the | congregatic ms, such Rs Mi ssionary So- leleties, Ten ¥ ‘ties, Mission | Bands, Lili ie as" A $6 ciations, Young P eople’s Societies of Christainy | ! Budeavor, ete row Saubath services |: are appreciated; how the prayer mect ing ‘und after mectings are pended: { j | j | < he te any young people have identilied “Johu Martin 236, themselyes with the church, and what) are the pi ey ailing hindrances to reliz-! ious life, »auswers to these cues: | tions from the various sessions inidicat- | ed that while there was many evils and imperfections to be deplored, yet on the | whole there was abundant cause for; thankfulness. WEDNESDAY. The Striking Committee presented the following draft for standing com- mittees for the year:— tate of relivion—Revs, FE. Cockburn feonvener), A. Beomer, and A. Suther- | | and, Sennuior A. Vidal, John Chariton, | P., Dunean Stewart, John Mca Vr co Jains NS ebbath st oaks i. . Re ist sd . Dey i i s be yy | Ny ‘Thompson, Ck OTE | | vention ford, aad? MI. Tlossie. | Sabbath Observance-Revs. Peter Mus- trove (convener), Dr. Thompson, Ty | Laidlaw, and. io Gray, D. K. MeKen- lex. Bartlecl, Peter Marshall aifd | Thos, Gordon, | The report was amended by the addi- i tion of Rev. J. M. | Obser vance Coran nitte e, The Synod dex ide 4) ta meet In iehureh, Stratford, ou the tuird Moadey lof Apri 1, 1892. - ae a | { tw aANNOR NE Ws OF TH Ane aceide: Kootenay ra resilie dl in the di Dolte ex the ‘Britian farmer W ts reVe ft yte : i PHULISE ¢ Journeys, yoyl entitled “My Canadian ist2 “ep od SS NOT: } Raven $ pchts cae 220; Senior hi | t oar be + | Poreblig i Tsane Eby's Mitehell to sabbath | Le beige and 187% 3 —Promotion to Fifth class —Wesley Collins 262, Edwin Halpenny 225, Jessie c aswell: 257, Fred Collins 24h. Senior Fourth class—-Clinton Smith 244, Fred Stull 283, Edith Jacksen 244, llerbert Love 341, Ettie Code 254, Maud Kellington 285. Junior Fourth class— Chester Friar 238. Senior Third class —Wim,. Tughan 302, Clara Smith 220, } Mand Cosens 215, Waiter Li: penny 266, Eddie Code 197, Elwood Code 289, June J. MeCormics, ‘ P Love. 226, Teacher. a nion Ss. -S. kid. % No. 1.—Promotion to Me denies U6. benior Is it Cattell 806, Mary James Gordon 349. Tunic r —Enima Leslie 280, Darey 247. Muaggie Rit, Mina Claiss— By: ‘ PieT- E ont 5B uty Gvierson 553, Mabel Gibb a Jatin Gompf Gordon Third ‘Gordo 06, Russelb-Cogihine tess, son Currathers 207. D. G. ANprErson, Teacher. Promotion to Fitth orTy in jst, Kdward Tomp- ‘Aideeiy Llenderson . Men- I ourth Class—Jennie Whaley 250. Fourth e¢lass—Wim, MeLaren Marks. 256; Annie Irisbin Tompkins 261. heuier ‘rhird Milburn 226, Charies Annie Sandersoa 241, Senior i Win, 7 Norman ins 1), vot, romps Miss Ipa McBary, Teacher, Mark required, to pass S50; Senior i ‘ourth, 244: Vaniur Phird, PSs Pickaw al Sorin # —<Pitth ¢lass, Fourth ra) & Show. of speets ‘tars iny, \pri es es rite pouty, eX Hibit of prize There was a large crows the sprig si OW Of 1 { spite of vi MOSS tarir anh a Following nt in { Phe day was Heh quality “he hig is the list: i meht John “end, lL, Cc ol- Vy DT est, ver: lel oft Jlisuu & L bpports 4 Hs ison & J ‘ Ist, Cal- * 2nd, Ine, »& ‘Hay’ $ . Canadian Heavy Draught, any age— seroft.” yy Dranght, 3years and Thompson ’s “Young Jas. MeNeiizie’s an: a n tmderets “t Lod, anv age—-Ist, Ceo, oo sir Pranedis;” 2nd, E. Winstone'’s “ “Dray man Warrior.” d Ilorses—Kidd Dros’. Thoton cpp, with registered pedi- gree— Kitki itros,” “Len Broeék jr. i i n—Collison & Lavan's Roads: ¢ Stulion—tIst, JT. Wl Ro Is “Kentue) ky star,” 2nd, Kidd bros.’ “Corn Cracker.” B i —Messrs. Geo. M. Lyons, Weston; Henry Russell, Toronto. PGIrs.

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