Atwood Bee, 29 May 1891, p. 2

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——— THAT WELSH TRAGEDY. ous Attack by Her Husband. —~o—— ®MALL HOPE OF HER RECOVERY, A London cable says : The latest ard to the lady found weeks ago at the Benar ton, arrived three View Hotel at. Bettws-y- Coed, acco ayrmed b oung duced as his wife. known at the hotel, where he stayed _ Taesday hotel, eye for the purpose of going to Li , but having lels their lngeage a the railway station they returned to the hotel. ey started at midday apparently on friendly terms to takes walk. At 6 were unable to og the nature of the women’s injary with his ssory. H fractured over the right ear, ob- The operation of iB fig! Eps family in Washington at por social tion. Is is stated that met his wife Stockholm, and that gs father is a cigar manufacturer at Abo, in Finland. Danosn is still unconscious, and there is enly the smallest hope of her recovery. Danocan's = for the orime has not P been explained NEXT-OF-KiN FRAUDS. Beware of Big Stories of Money Awaiting | Seirs to Claim It. A London cable says: Notwithstanding repeated warnings that have been sent out from time to time by the United States Legation here and by the press of America concerning the fraudulent character of s0- called Eoglish estate agenta in Amerioa, reoent ree show the namber of dupes is increasing Daring the past few weeks more letters than ever before have been ‘received from America, inquiring after imaginary estates of fabulous sums awaiting the writers in the Bank of Eog- fand. In the case of many estates, such as the Jennings-Lawrence, Townley, or Chase- Townley, Hyde-Herne, Bradford- Hedges and others, -epeoial circnlars have had. to be printed to answer the namerous appli- eants. The frandulent agents insert advertisements in newspapers regarding estates and oollect fees for pre- soe gna eto, from the parties are persuaded that they are heirs. The dupes often pay money to these agents several successive years. During Mr. Lincoln's term as Minister here nearly all the letters have come from small country Texas, —“— Towa and the Var West seem to lly ace peregeha Amorg the letters resentty reosived at th Legation are communications from Sale: ants to some thirty-five estates. Ol all the claims investigated by the English solicitors, not one has been found to have any validity. In any oase the Legation here is powerless to help claimants or even investigate these onses. A statute of limi- tation fixes a period within which un- claimed estates revert to the Crown, and riod is twenty years. The limit within which action oan be brought for the recovery of real property is twelve years. There are no large sums of money awaiting claimants in the Bank of England. There are very few amounte of £1,000 and none exceeding that eum by more than £100 or £200. The amcunt of money in Chancery belonging to unknown heirs is altogether less than £1,000,000. KILLED BY A sOW. Herriple Fate of a Aix-Year-Old Boy Who Was Playing “Burying.” A Wiohita, Kas., despatch says: In eg Kiowe County, on Monday, Johnnie Ren- ner, the 6-year-old son of a farmer, and an picker sister, were playing at “burying.” Abole bad been dug. Johnnie sat down in it and the girl had piled up she earth until it reached the boy's chin, and he was tightly embedded. At this janoture an old gow and her brood appeared and attacked the girl and drove her away. The sow then turced on the boy and sank her teeth én his face and head several times. By the time help arrived the boy was dead. Murdered During a8 Prunken Eevel. A Jersey City despatch ig hl Wm. and Mrs. Caraon, and Wm. and Mrs, Kerrigan, were curousing at the equalid apartments @ccupied by the Carsons here this evening. The two women were sisters, and the Kerrigane were here from the country on a bosred In the oourse of the revela row and Mrs. Carson's throat was cat. husband of the crime, bat Carson asserted his innocence, and olaime that Kerrigan! Mr committed the maurder. Mrs. Kerrigan also declared Oarson is the guilty one. Carson was arreated Kerrigan flied, and the police are looking for him. oe to be Excused. Boston Herald: New England acknowl- edges with thanks the polite invitation of Mr. Mills of Canada for ber to join the ™ Maritime Bj nereing A but she begs to excused, o 8 pees engage- ment with | the U United Bta A despatch from Buenos Ayres anys the that eal sity is prectically insolvent. ment employees have not been ir i for weeks, and there is now due them oe suena necessities. —— Mrs- Doncan-Was-the Victim of a Murder=}- advices |p. | the Pablio W Mra. | T Mr. T f The assistant en who was a well-kno Bsates (La the old flsg. had subsidized the or ten yesre t the old part his a He had said, a. daty ; tween Mr. Laurier an to rend the motion: arte moves that to carry ont the Quebec, the vee bey said works ; “an were aw dred, ther becoming stated thas he had Ginst 00 and secur That the said Tontac of the That mee order toy to secure the sai” carrying out Pil remova M Pilkington from their wi fact so remove Henry ¥. Perley, That tory —— that in 1882 having been voted ~ the oe of Canad ae the harbor duce legislation to meet them. THE M'GREEVY SCANDAL. ormation on the oriers of the day being | which he did the secrets and as a member of the Quebeo ormed | Commission agsinst the public interest nt cocasions. It was his life. wo Liberal. | called, rose to a question of privilege. He then ssid that he gave notive of his inten- aoe a few days ago to the Pablio Worka and the member from Que- beo West (Mr. MoGreevy) to bring before the House this motion, and before doing so he might be permitted to cffer a few remarks. Those charges were to the effect that since 1682 or 1883 of epartmen Minister of mt of Pablic Works had been id year by year, contract after contract, fares sums of money; period of time Mr. MoGreevy influence as a member of this Parliament shat during thas hed used his Har. vir] there was something rotten and wrong in Works Department, and in the Harbor Board of Quebec. For years Minister of Pablie Works, =, beeen he had never been an engineer in was a strong combination of men with common interests. Members of both polit- ical parties were interested. The head the firm of contractors was Mr. Larkin, This ead of Then there was Mr. R. H. MoGreevy, who waa a strong Conservative. The other mwembera of the firm re three Americsn citizens, who had had large experience in the United Mr, Lander in bat they are loyal to Mr. Tarse said that this combination a organ of those who Gared-to resist it, and ite political associates = charged with treason to the old persy. he old leader and the old fleg. respondenc would show that for the last 6 men had the con- trol, direction and organization of the Conservative party in Quebeo. Was it these circumstances suse he d bimssif. Tarte, am should have been losing ground? With many otbers, he had been accused of having betrayed the old fleg = in th the Conservative party a proper to tek» the course he hed taken here. He wae elected ag an inde- pendent Liberal-Coneervative. Mr. Laurier had never agked him to repudiate his party. He had never asked him to give up avy of He would not have done eo. “ You are performing 8 great I extend to you my help.” bere was never any other agreement be With the permission of the House he would proceed t Mr. member in eclared from this seat in this of Commisioners ing ; ti . order to secure the nen — Hon. am nsulted the e called for ee for dredging in connection hat Mesera, Larkin, Connolly — tendered, arded the contract for the said r of ue c f Government of Canada— = Connolly & Co., with tbe “knowledge * mem ae cGreevy, partner Robe: Greevy. bis trocher, ge him an aiere of tbirty per cent. in That the said Thomas McGreevy consented to bro a member of the acm, nae the Minister of popped Works, “sir Hector Lange, on the 25th of 8 September, 1882, contracts tat the works there- be ed y fhe sg of Nov ' aforesaid, is, of —_ Tanacds Te ee ue bor Cu missioners, and that thete resident engineer for of the works was Mr. Woodfor Thatin ¢ concert with Larkin, Soneatly # oo. the eaid Thomas McGreevy undertoo She died in 20 minttes. She acoused her} t of Messrs. ig ed ‘the & pea yt prices therein mention tot in of 1886 ; *nalb Larkin, Connolly & Co ging co ntract, the said agrr - ston and ee give « hel aoe mis- d ear, 1883, tenders were called with the consent the Public Works ; Rn That in the same for a cross wall and! look in connection arbor works at ater anh specifica: wich Se . eaeordane wi prepared in the Depart. As t of Public = a er the direction verai haw: were made, and atocngst others who tendered were Moesra, Larkin, Con o cent. interes’ i=" : f3 4 ae gS ° Q mn Ps om - y& ' The t before tendering, and in order to eecure the influence of the Hon. Thos. McGreevy, theo i and now a member of the Parliament of Canada. com: y & Co., and to said firm individu«lly. That to the peor nian ge dy ye — Thomas Tr an kin, Connoll the ag thesaid Thomas Mo- Gree e the acceptance of the tenders of Lai aekin, ‘Connolly &Co, and that he a at , aD ce thereof indi visual , to make arrangements in i e said thi ose aged of the eald firm, ig ~ ali pos llr pase secure the tract for — Coonolly & Co.,and that “maid arr ange! and manipulation ‘were carried ous as as cunpenia aby him: That in consequence of the — arrangement and manipu'ations, wherein e said Thomas MoGreevy direct aaah th e contract for the cross-wall and lock Ld, commsetion: with the awarded to Larkin, mp oly ey eri as to Council made by he Hon. the Min'ster “_ public Works, under date seth May, 1883; That a few “days thereafter on sum of $25,000 was,intalfilment of the co t arres Sears above stated, ai to the paid Th Thomas M in promissory notes ed by the firm of Leria Connolly & 7C0., which said notes were duly That about the same date, namely, the — 3 of i i ,000 was pai "by the of Larkin, Connolly & Co. towards the loca tim: Fund—s fund destined to be given to Sir Hector Langevin ; omes MoGr recvy, then and now a ieouibet of the Parliament of ee and a ber of the Quebec a oo ion by fngreed. wi pith auld receive ot thoussnd doliars in the co: price the detriment of py pute interest a emtae was signed in or about onth of for the performance of "the said rhaetine firm of Larkin, Seanolly ¢ 4 pied were amon. —— who tendered, and tu con- tract wi ed em in Eman Br of a report te ‘ ‘ounell dated Mth October, 1884, aad signed by the h ore wig of Public Works ; That Nyomey pee h Wimacs McGree' communications and — we — they ts) secu tervi ti with the Department of Public Works in order to secure the said contract ; , and that he did That them in fect oe. eters n divers ways, and amongst others b ining from the partment of iagll Lee inleenaitos , figures a nd calcula- tions, communi ated to t hem That | to the knowledge and with rage consent ot the — ¥ Thomas McGreevy, and for tb Bertin securing for themastves ‘kin, Connoly & Co, too themselves his brother, Robert H. Mo- Greevy, ving hima twenty per cent. interest ‘That during the execution of the said contract the eaid Thomas McGreevy was the agent or one of Me pent in. the pay of Larkio, Connolly & a ling with the Department of Public ‘ork: That’ ‘be endeavored and did r them, at their requ important alterations in the worksand more yes con- to le 0) That the said more favorable conditions and the said pe hecethns enabled them to realize, to the detriment of the public interests, very large ‘du uring the bag par of the works large sums were an P7 ut Co, to Thos. McGreevy rvic the Minister of. Public Works, with the _fficers or t) as amember of the Parliament of Ca “Minister and in the exe penton: i the works, alterations oo have cost large sums of money to the pub- ic treasury ; ean he himself took steps to induce certain mbers of the Parlisment of Canada hog effore orte mj; Thato his naar members of the Parlia- ment of Cavada were approached by memberso the firm or Darkic, oor & Co. re of the said firm have Parliament, on being 80 approached, ba for a certain = of money for comet their influence in favor of Larkin, Connoll Co, with the Minister of Public Works, and that Larkin, Connolly & Co. had agreed to give them 08! Mc oGreevy, acting in concert with "Lerkin. “Connelly & Co. did at their request corruptly endeavor to procure the Connolly & Co., the f inourred ised ill- — of. askin, Cocaeily “ Co. use th them to carry out and contract, according to the ter c: That doriog the winter of 1886 and eT “the said ed toand made with whereby the firm pay to bim he sum of $ on condition that he would obta:n for the firm the sum of 45 cents per cubic h yard for the dredging nog cubic yards in the a of the wet basin in the barbor o That en, ig of the same kind, and even more difficult, had previously, and up to that time, and to the knowledge of the a Thomss ts works ; , That the eal er toma McGreevy used bh uecce as & mem of this House with Lo with Henry ot Public Works, and iu particular ry " ce bim to report to the Quebec sion in favor cf the payment of she: said sum of 35 cents per cubic yard ; That the correspondence on this subject be- tween pane = erley and Larkin, Connolly & re the Quebec Harbor Co! cG | with his knowledge — | Particip manner cone m the eyes of Parlia- ee | nel consent of tne said Hon. Thomas | ment and on the Pablc et corrupt character o: McGree Thabane emcee named George Beaucage and 0; Thomas McGree @ tender; uihat with the kno ucage the parties tendering ~_ % con- e John That it was on the suggestion of the said Hon. reevy that Beau consented to the thre of, the sald Theenes “Thomas MoGreery ta ree 6 ie mnoliy the general election of $1837, in in the bands of one pina f Aad and of Gallagher were pre- of the who, finding that rosa ant tract, ia nnection with which he rent Thomas McGree ia fulfilment of f the _ loved, d that at his own uest a sum of eft, to secure the election of the said to the House of Commons at members of the firm, Sodas bietinairn o his dealings with them ; oe tes} rectly, I never asked t| notes from them for my use, mentioned and through the efforts, the infinence, and the intervention and without any public tender having been called for, a contract een the ‘bor Com missioners and Larkin, Counolly & Co., for all beige material in the west basin of the orks Quebec Pca execution of the ata el ve frands were ww the yp orheager ge of tt the public treasury, and ae 1S money were to officials under the control and direction of Henry F. Perley, end eppointed by the Quebec Harbor Commis- That by an order-in-Council dated 10th May, , the Govern pence hg harsnyrgy ber ggmee to Rey years to man Angad of his causing a da hy men 4 ots y to er between yer , forming a connection with the In the paid’ sum of twelve thousand five hanared pees has since a in the man- ber preser od ancil and the ereunder That Panag i Salien Chabot was merely a screen for the benefit of — ~~ Thomas Mo- Gree rwbo then as and continued to be fora long © thereafter the proprietor 0 of the Ad- miral in ‘whole or at least in 4 part ; That previous to the 10th o! co 1883-84, tbe same subsid of $12,500 was paid ier the ae steamer Ad m representing the said Thomas Mc- That’ the ssid Thomas MoGreev. in that connection a sum of abent $120,000 while being @ member of the Parliament of That in 1886 tenders were asked for by _ Quebec Harbor Commissioners for the struction o—™ cailed the “ south wall, ro Thomas re procured from pabie < ciate Is the tenders edand show them to Mesers. O. EB. Mur, urpby. | Connolly meee. H icGreery, for whom he acting, ern an undue aavantene over thair ream : Toat they had the said tenders in their sion during several hours, after which the: returned to Henry F. iaeer: then in Quebes, 1 by Thomas ——- was wen averted to That the Gall figurehead for the said Mur- phy. eersliv ace aod B. H. MoGreevy, who aid the work for their own profitand advan That changes detrimental to the public inter- est, but of a nature to ey t profits to thi contractors, were carrying ona pe — warke, 8 and securi out in the contract, through the "a mont ond interven tion of the said Thee. McGreevy; That from the year 1883 to 1890, both inclusive, the said Thomas McGreevy for the considera- tion oo indicated received a sum of about oresaid he was the agent and oe re eet of Larkin, Con- gf one Jobn tion with the Department of Public W at the said Thomas ort Ss exacted and cesawan out of the su d by Pariie- ment for the construction of the Baie des or works, reg at subsequently the said Thomas Chaleurs Railwsy a sum of over forty thousand McGreevy received the price stipulated in tne | doll corru t arrangement above mentioued, namely, That the said Thomas McGreevy on several eM. gy Meet in the name of ng en That in 1863 and 1864 tenders were asked for ee «f Public Works and ——." rom by the Government of Canada for the comple- in, Connolly & Co. sums of mon tion of the graving dock at Esquimalt, British Mrpat the moneys ex connection with the wae mentioned a the present motion sre moneys voted bythe Par iament of Canada amou million mt oabout five ars; red of pers, That ental m the Connolly & Co. paid and caused to be somsof money tothe Hon Minister of Publ le bef out of t a = contracis, D order to putin the mind of Larkin, B, Connony & Co. the impression that he had o n. Minister an absolute control, oat "tbat he was acting as his re resentative in his c corrupt tran ee That in fact occasions he used th —s of the eee =a “Miniter of Public Works in ndertaking a obtain pe on, oF rhe aring that had That a hele the Board of Quebec Harbor Com- saleneners Se often also used the name of the ssid Ministe: b enquire tony into the sai specially, but without limiting the scope inquiry, to as ge all the circum reference, and that rule 78 of this House as to the election of committees be sus: seepneet. on that said com- mittees be composed of Mi Sir Hector sonnei ssid this matter being a matter of privilege, and there being a court sppointed by the Houee, which wae the Commitiee of Privileges and Elcotions, this matter should be sent*’to that court, His name wae connected with this matter of privilege by Mr. Tarte, and under these circumstances he thought he should make a statement to the House, which he would do as follows; ‘I never communiosted in any way to any one tenders, or a of tenders, or rélative positions of —_ or names of tenderers, at any before the contract was allotted and weuen and the work progress ; y persons having the same ‘edioematicn being the members of the Privy Counoil aod saoh of the officers of the department as were intrusted with the opening of ten- ed | dere after the period fixed for their reoep- tion. I never found or knew ‘any such or other cffisera of my department to be guilty of any indiscretion or breach of trust in connection with any tender or contracts. Tenders accepted have been and are £0 accepted strictly according to law. If the parties named in the motion as having contributed to a testimonial presented to me tome eight or ten years sgo have #0 contributed to it, I never asked them to do 80, and up to this moment | never knew them to have done so. Direotly or indi- the contractors named in the motion for money, oheques, or notes, nor did receive any such money, cheques, or rofis, or ad- vantage. Continuing, he said that he had no reason to suspect Mr. Perley of having done wrong in connection with sy matters Inid before the Houseby Mr. Tarte If he had done go it was out at his (Sir P Hector’ 8) knowledge, and having known him for many a ag @ teithtal officer of his department he could not make up his mind that he had violated his trast and Rr rendered himeelt dear ong by the Gov. ernment. In eo faras Mr. MoGreevy was concerned the hon. gentleman, was in his place, andit was for him to say what he bad tossy. If the matter was referred to the Committees on Privileges and Eleo- ears — he would be there resdy to give Mr. MoGreevy ssid he was not present when this matter was referred to in the ‘ last Parliament, but he left the statement with Mr. Curran which was read on his ~ pid ‘behalf. To thet statement .be still adhered. ’He characterized the whole statement which had been made by Mr. Tarte as a ‘al , and untrue from beginning to end. It was a foul cons cy made to injare him by a oertain ue, use he to | Leroy, who kee +] ork. would have some himself. gh - seagten: associated wih the men named in the letters I have him are forgeries, I will not only apologize to this House, but I will haveno other ex- pectation than togo from this House, to do it very quickly. (Applause.) The mete bills were introduced and received | read ry tim: To amend she Dominion Franchise Act —Mr. Charlton. Respecting the Niagara and Grand Ieland Bridge Co.—Mr. Mont Railway Co.—Mr. Taylor. To confer certain ee on the Cansdian _ ‘aylor Repentng the E. B. Eddy Manufactur- ing Oc., and to change its name to the E. B. Eddy Company—Mr. Mackintos ye ey the River 8+. Clair Railway ge aa. to incorporate the ae Printing ny Publishing Co.—Mr. nison. Peopecting the Lake a Colonization Company—Mr. Mr. Bergeron moved that ibe “the time for presenting private bills be extended to Friday, 29th inst. Oarried Sir Joho Thompson, in moving the first reading of a bill to codify the criminal law of Canada, said the object was expressed by ita titlh. It was intended to codify the common law as well as the statute law of Canada. The bill was drafted on the lines - of Imperial codification o aggart,in answer to Mr. Lander- kin, “said that ‘ee sale of registration eng in 1890 gave a revenue of $104,526. Mr. Perry, on 8 motion fora return re- garding the Government steamer Stanley, which plies between Prince Edward Island and the mainland, complained of the char- soter of the service there. That service last year, he said, was shamefally neglected by the Department of Marine and Fisheries. He contended that the Government was | pledged to construct a tunnel beneath the _ ‘Lhe motion after being amended was carried. The House adjourned at 4 45. DEOCOXYED TO RUIN. The Victim of a Procuress Escapes and Prefers a Oharge Against Her, A New York despatch says: Frankie Belleau, a pretty 20-year-old girl who says she belonge in Troy, was in the Jefferson Market Police Cours yesterday, in the es of complainant against Madame May a house of ill-fame on Fortieth atreet. The girl stated in oo Hi shat Mademe Leroy met her in Troy some weeks ago, and by promises of fine clothes and easy life induced her to come to New hen the Madame got her in the bouse on Fortieth street she tcok away all her clothes and only allowed her to have a low-necked dress to wear about the house. All the money the girl got the Madame took away from her also. The girl grew desparate over her mig og and on Wednesday she ran away e house clad only in her wrap mae ali ippers and went to the police etation an complaint sgainat the woman of keeping “9 disorderly house. Justice MoMahon, before whom the case was brought, ad- journed the hearing until Saturday at the reqaest of Mademe Leroy's counsel. The juaye released the Mademe in charge of her counse!, and ordered the girl locked up in the Honee of Detention. EXPELLED FROM FRANOE,. A ®cotch Member of Parliaaent Ordered Out of the Country. A Calais oable says Mr. R. Cunning hame Graham, Giedstonian Liberal mem- ber cf the British Parliament for North- weet Lanarkebire, Scotiand, who is promi- nent as sympathizer with advanced thinkers, has been expelled from France by the authoritles. After attending a Socialist meeting in Paris on Suoday night, on going to his hotel Mr. Graham was informed that Police Commiesioner Brssceur wished to eee him in on acjoin- ing room. On enteriog the department M. Brasseur, after rencing the warrant of his expulsion, took bis arm and informed him that he must proceed at once to Calaia in order to catch the boat leaving for Dover at 1.30 this morning. Mr. Graham was not allowed to returnto his room to obtain his. laggege or to say good-bye to is friends. Tobacco Smugglers Hilled, A Gibraltar despatch saya: A patrol of Spanish soldiers and a nomber e the tobacco company’s guards last a surprised a smuggler near the frontier an attempted his ——, The smuggler drew @ revolver and opened fire on the soldiers and guards. The Istter returned the fire and killed the smuggler. To-day the in- habitants of the neighboring village etoned the tobacco company's guards and fired upon its employees, wounding two severely, Tho officials then fired upon their sgsail- ante, killing two and wounding many otbere. Finally the authorities were oom- ed to summon the military to qaell the istarbance. Great excitement prevails on aor ea and farther trouble is antici- pa London now has a number of women of aristocratic Nosene so are in trade as ers or dresamakera. The pioneer of them all is Lady Granville .Gordov, who six years ago opened a little shop in Park street. Her capitsl at the start was only 2150, but she has been remarkably suo- tague. Respecting the 5s. Lawrence & Ottawa.

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