AERIVAL AT HAMILTON. ee if Lady Aberdeen’s Trip Through Oanada i With a Kodak. =z PIRST GLIMPSE OF THE AMBITIOUS OITY. cahmteettigpinnarsany (From Onward and Upward for May.) That was a mistake when I said the boat was waiting forua at Lachine! I must have been thinking of the Lachine Rapids, which are oné of the sights which all right- minded visitors to Montreal go and see, and down which they generally descond in @ gteamer. ed to in- rater ncaa We determined to make the most of our last day at Montreal, and so, instead of joining the boat either at Montreal itself or a3 Lachine, we left late in the afternoon by train to Coteau, about 30 miles weat ot ‘the city. There we had ‘¢ machine" to meet ua to drive us for ee wmile anda half between the atation and the river. But our “machine” did not turn op,and we fell to the meroy of a youthfal Jehu, with an extremely abaky and antedilavian trap, who took s mis- chievous pleasure in landiog us ever and anon in deep black ruts in which the road abounded, looking back with a twinkle to enjoy the ‘anxious glances of his passengers at the angle in which the frail wheels found themesives du these plunges. Bus the rough transit did not biind our eyes to the peaceful French Canadian goenes throngh which we were passing, nor to the gorgeousness of the golden sunset which was glorifying the whole landsos Soon we were esta in our new abone, the Corsican, with its clean cabins and attentive stewards, and its genis!, oailor- like captain, who had been navigating the river for twonty-eight years, but who came originally from Maidenhead. He was good enough to invite us to his own upper deck, near the eteeraman’s cabin, and once having clambered up the precipitous ladder whioh led thither, we epjoyed a moagnificent view. That first evening waa lovely; the xlow of the sunset melting into full moonbght in an inoredibly short space of time, and we gat and sketched, and congratulated our- selves on having taken the neat instead of the bot stuffy train. Next day was too hazy and grey for a proper view of the far famed Thousand Islands, throagh which the Corsican threaded her passage. No namo could better desoribe the ecens than the Thousand Islands. The broad river,|® which, a places, is seven miles sorosa, is literally studded with islands of al! shapes and sizeg, some aoarosly more than a rock on which a bush hag taken root, others large ance to maintain a small colony. Nearly every island bag its villa and its flag, and its little pier with brightly colored plessucé boata lying around. team launches ply busily from one point to — whistling importantly their ap- proach ; fishermen are seen purading their orals devotedly in every little bay. The air resounds with the laughter of picnio to- arties, for thia is one of the great rong A Srosnw of the Americans. both from tho north and south of the B83. Laweases, and at night the villas and the hotels vie one with another as to who oan beat illaminate their respective islands. Is is, therefore, a gsy and attractive socne that the river presenta at thia point, but we agreed that it has not the same impos- ing beauty that we eaw further eaat. But now, in the afternoon, we are approsching historical associations The little picture does not do it justice, for it comnmands the river iu a moat pictar- e way. Onrocaptain told us we could kaye juat two hours ashore, and so we hur. ried off, desirous firss of ali to aesure our- selvoa of the well-being of a daughter of one of Lord Aberdeen’s tenants who had emigrated hither two or three years back. We foand cher happy and bright, and quitea Oanadiar, giving her verdict in favor of the “new country’? most emphatically. She had been with the same oy evar since she oa) an a great favorite avith the latter. Having received thie far- imony in favor. of tho emigration to Canada of the gen sort of hard-working round the sights of the he well-known and elog jrant. Then, after a arg eange rd little tea at the hotel, we scurried back in good time before the bell of departure sounded, and we sailed out into Lake Ontario in the rays of the setting sun in the happy delu- gion that we were to 6 over waters as amooth ag the river which we had jaat lefts, till wa found ourselves at Toronto, w we were to reach next morn. We descended to z t Preabyterian University presided over by ‘| G port sweeping, its passage. what happened in the supper saloon after at. re each alone in our narrow weloom chain? Are we opbind 2? Yes, fndeed. And is there any not our name or our +} a8 agent for steamboats. He we wanted any , he with to atir up a cab in : d i anyway, gonuin fally ia we we of the pier, in the dark,and in the midst of the gale, and fish for water, and ¢ m our tes in the shelter of the office, listening to the storm outside. To prevent you from pega us too cowardly sailors, give you a pictare of a vessel battling with 5 egale on one of the great Canadian lakes t is no joke, I assure you, and if you are not good sailors, remember our advice an keep to the train when you come out to Canada. Mr. Orneo was as good as hig word, and in due course a cabman who had been unwillingly aroused out of his early morning slambers appeared, and sbont 5 a.m. we boarded a train bound west, in which with diffioufty we found a corner among the half-awake passenger: who had been bagponaes 3 all night. From the window wo caught a glimpse of = peor ship ploughing her way the wavez, and we congratulated cursive —_ on ourescape. We got long befora her to Toronto, but not even here at the Queen city did we halt. We went to make acquaintance with her a fow days later under more auspicious circumstances, and 80 we only stopped long enough to change from one train to another, whiohb, skirting alovg alake brought ns, afteran hour's journey, within sight of a moss attractive firat view of our new Canadian home, you shall not sea this view yot. I will but pat you down on the platform at Hamilton, and we will go on to “ Highfield” and prepare breakfast and a warm reception for you. RXOUSSS BY WHOLESALE. An Indulgent Parent Who Was Tired of Writing Letters. ‘« Pa," said Johnny, as he was proparicg to start for school, “I want you to give me a note to Nee teacher.” ity Wha r?” “To sober my bein’ absent yesterday.” * Look hare, Johnoy, that’s abont the sixteenth notel’ve had to give you this term. Why didn’t you go to echool yes- terday ?” “Qh, ‘cauze I was late starting an’ couldn’s get there intime. You onn say I wes siok or something, can’t you ?' “ Well, I suppose T oan tell some kind of a lie. Let’ a , I've given you oolds, coughs, chilblains, measies, sore throst and presty nigh all those ailments. This note businces makes me tired. It's always ‘ Pa, I want 4 note to the teacher.’ I'll give you a note this time, but don’t you dare tq se me for another again. T'll pat : stop to this note foolishness—see if I d sat down, says the "ewan Standard, and wrote the following extra- ordinary commanioation : Miss Eudora Briggleswade : Please excuse Johnny for absence yesterday, he day after to-morro rb m, aracne, en peas broken pr “ne tho leg, gout, d pepsia, Bt general debility, cone ption, canoer, erysipe- las or ani bec] jointly or severally, as = considered necessary or advisabl gooord- with the ree etaliy, E of educational discipline. —Very respectfully, P.Q. McGonuick. “ There, Jobony.” he ssid, handing the document to his youthfal offapring. “ Thav'il do the business onoe for all, and if you ever say ‘note’ to me again I'il half +} kiil you." WHAT THEY WORE. The Average Man's Ideas of Feminine Apparel, The seminary where Mra. Langham’s only daughter waa 4 pupil gave a reception ai which that lady waa unable to be pro- aent. Her husband, however, was there, and solemnly promised before he left home to bring back information regarding the prettiest a worn a. be og “Now,” said Mra m, when he returned, “ “aid Edith look as well ag any of the girls “Oh, — yes; ix better than most,” gsid Mr. Langham, “« What did Somala Sears wear ?” ‘s.Well, I should thinkthat Jenny had on a nm sack, or something, and a kind of blue caps over her ehoulders,' “ A cape and a sack, and at a reception | My dear, do think sgain!” “Qh, I'm quite sure of it! I noticed her particularly. And then there was Belle Smith. She hada light blue dress trimmed with purple.” Mrs. Langham regarded her huaband in ‘« My dear,” said she gently, ‘» what did Edith wear ?” “Oh, Edith? That black and white cheok 9 be sure, that she wears to sohool.” “ That proves it," she said. ‘ After thig I shall know exactly how much to depend on your knowledge of dress. Edith wore a pew white muslin. Never mind dear! Go to sleep. Weoan'tall be clever in every direotion !"'"—Youth's Companion. By Laying on of Hands! Woman restored to perfect health! Juat faith and confidence enough required to lay hold of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, administer it with a little patience and a little, perseverance, and complete restora- tion to health and vitality is ensured. Not far, indeed, from the miracul of the wonderful cures of lost womanhood it bas There are few oases, indeed, within the requirements of sick and suffer. ,| ing women, cutside or beyond its se peared wi "| influence. Bo confident are the makers of | Ploy of the defendant. po a gine ir at the crane al toe ent cabins-at | Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription of its eres ie om, Boe eg het of her hus- the same poly and confronted one power to heal all female ee that shay Lag tw pre seek oe ne be is Gn with the same question. The thought Warrant 6& in 6 @ eyen O aw, ed quickly put into action, Lord d money. ‘Largo bottles S100. 6 "tor employer pe _ : berdeen had obtained the kindly oo vera | $5.00); at druggists. > opamp roe Mh - pe theca Poiana and adm her} Mildly Suggestive, . about 70 years of age, Mra. Revis that it had come up a pretty un-| New York Weekly: Mr. Spriggins ; 2B aly al 45 years old. There are no - Sxpeo And a few on ter (gentiy)--My - y See, a Wahiegie, a ove case. icing erted 0 burglar, with panghl toe tent, a = pal, hd | oa gaved by a ation a which the balls struck. ate late se ae = con, Oe -~_ ourhands. Buta Mrs. : ; cago newspa man hom le Gennes + paier—as fate would] Mr. 8 (meekly)—Nothing, only eo eon vertgrer ym preesio The have it, hawas Ornso By name, ba} be ous the batton must have been on. pablic d—, distino- Us in bis ability for the eet Shelton Sanford, ex-U. 8. Minis- aay ae eee a Seay, See sehatever strangers came way. He‘ ter to is dead. excepted. ous, are many cau {| August Flower’ For two years I suffered terribly with stomach trouble, and -was for all that time under treatment by a physician. He finally, after trying everything, said stomach was about worn out, and that I would have to cease eating solid food for a time at least. I wasso weak that I could not work. Finally on the recom- mendation of a friend who had used your preparations A worn-out with beneficial re- sults, I procured a bottle of August lower, and com- It seemed to do g at once. I gained i strength and flesh rapidly; my ap- petite became good, and I suffered no bad effects from what I ate. I feel now like a new man, and con- sider that August Flower has en- tirely cured me of Dyspepsia in its worst form. JAMES E. DEDERICKE, Saugerties, New York W. B. Utsey, St. George’s, S. C., writes:® I have used your August Flower for Dys Spepsia and find it an excellent reme 3) Stomach. get aang it. 5 A BEAUTY sROP Where Ladies Ars Made Beautifal te Order, A Mias Sheppard who keeps a beauty shop in London, is said to bs making money renovating the faces of society women. She hae been s magsense, and thereby bas acquired prsotioal exparience. Her method is simple, and is the more commendable that, after the neceseary course of treatment, she teaches ladies the entire process, thus enabling them with a listlecare to keep their complexions in order. Miss Sheppard begins by washing the face thoroughly in soft tepid water wi:h s honsyoomb sponge well sosped with a croxmy whitesoap—the last is a speciality, she alone possessing the receipe for making it. A warmer lather is then introduced, when a third and fourth follow, till as hot as oan be he faso being thus thoroughly cleansed and heated, s yellow | 1 white cream, comprising soothing emol- lients, is then rubbed in, the whole surface gently bus firmly massaged, the lioes being carefally rabbed in an opposite direotion. Thia friction, it capably done, tends to restore muscular power to auy tissued wasted by illness or other oauges, giving the becoming rounded costour. Now the face is well rinsed in scented water, re- moving any particles of grease, then it is steamed by am vaporizer, the fames of which exha toaio wator, whiok can bs made in various kiads to suit different skins and their requiremente. A soft towel should always be used in wiping the skin, and a oooling powder being applied, the complexion hag during the process acquired s fairer appearance, while it ig soft and cool to the touch, thus obviating the great diecomfort all must experience from bitter ensterly winds. Few people are, perhaps, aware that the face ia the most sensitive part of the hody, the framework being covered by a network of delioate nerves, arteries and veins, whioh readily become Songeated by coatact with heat, cold or fatigue. Nothing ralieves pain caused in "his msoner Jiks oarefal massage on the parts affected. Is ia -_ that neuralgia haa its sont often in m scrious causes, but in many oases it yields readily to surface treatment, and many sufferers would readily testify to the relief given by the process here desoribed. Assigoments in Untario. The Bradstreet Merosntile Agenoy ra- porta the following assignments in Ontario: aay Andrews, carriagemaker, oE.A. Miller, Aylmer. Brant- tord—O. ‘A. Gillespie, “olotning and hats, assigned to E. R. O. Olarksop, Toronto ; a ie Slater & Son, wincey mill, assigned o E.R. O. Clarkson, Toronto. Burgesa- ville_O. Oollver, genera} store, assigned and stook, efo., advertised to bs sold by public auction on 22ad ings. Grimsby—H. E. Thornhill, jeweller, assigned to W. W. Kidd, Grimsby. London—E. Leonard & Sons, engines and boilers, Hou. E. Leonard deceased ; MacBean Bros. (Alex. MacBean only), groceries and liquors, assigned to E. A. Oleghorn, London. Petroles—John Craig, general store, assigned to a , Barnia. iverton—J. O. Ewan, general store, asaigoed to J. A. Mo- Pherson, Kinoardine. Toronto—W. J Flynn & Oo. (Thos. <<" aig stoves and tinware, assigned to Carlisle, To- ronto: A. Smith, tarnivare, assigned to Campbell & May, Toronto. Waterloo— Mrs. 7 A. a fanoy goods and jewellery, assigned to R. E. Gunther, Toronto. Wind- hae ig os Moynahan, tobscoonist, assigned to J. C. ler, Sandwich. A Toronto Breach of Promise Case. GILT. EDGED TERA; Righty-Five Dollars a Pound is too Bich for American urious Tea Ke- turned to . Just think of ped d for a it is peyine tea ie A at 6 pro tion, traly, and one an energetic man 6 es: <abtay tO invesligita. = 7 a and vacun produce the bulk of the tes used in os and the prices at retail are from $1 25 down to tea aa 25 cents per pound. ‘The varieties are green, black and nixed. Green tea is produced by pouring a coloring liquid over the plant, eee hin the cheaper forms is considered pgerous. In the English market, however, the tea grown in Ceylon and India by Britiah plant- ers, and which naturally has the patronage of the Government, has almost entirely supplanted the China and Japan teas. Both are muoh atronger than the latter varieties, and the Ceylon tea is said to bave a much better flavor. A pound of Ceylon or Indian téa is equal to two or three of the others. In India tea raising is modern, whilé in Ceylou it is only a late en “ the island, —— ie only alf th of the State of New York, now valeee ‘halt the poe of the United States. people in this ~—— atili incline to pny China and Japan teas. There are o constantly to be on tbe ontlook for spurious tes. An Act of Congress probibits the importation of adulterated tea into this coantry, but loads of it are taken “ Eng- Li chests of tes haha mber, which we mixed with the lena ‘of the akoi tree ood other ingredients. The tea New York condemned ae consisting of an expert, appointed by the consignee, one by Oollector Ooopsr and another appointed by thess, Spey: the tea spurious, and it wae sent ba hina. High-priced tea never oe to thia country, and the deslers who were seen pa ay never heard of tea over $10 or $12 d. They ridiculed the ides of ca 4 g at suction or anywhere else for $85 a pound. The highest priced sold in this country is $1.25, and it ap to suit even the most fastidious tastes. ‘Of course,” ssid & prominent Front street tea merchant, ‘you oan pay all you want for tea, but no tea has ever been worth, nor do I believe sold, for that money or even any way approximating it." Saar 8t., Brockville, Oat., Jan. 11, 889: ‘I was oonfined to my bed by a severe attack of lumbago. A lady friend of mine sent ms a ps art of a boitle of Bt. Jacobs Oil, which I spplied. The effeot was simply magloal. Ina day I was able to go sabout my household daties. I have ussd it with splendid sucoese for neuralgic toothache. I would not be without it.” Mrs J. RiIncnanp. = Figs and Thistles. Tae hypoorits does an immense amount of work for the devil for very small pay. If an alligator could talk he would pro- bably deolare he had « small month. It is hard for a man to serve the Lord as long aa tho devil bas hold of hie tongue. Where there ia the right kind of fsith there is sure to be the right kind of works. Every time a Obristian goea wrong he row it harder for some sinner to go The man who seeks for truth will never rr vy much of it while w at ‘A patoeigle that is wro Olitioa as itis in reli here iaa plessure grea renter than making money, and that isin giving it away. = Ey deg just as wrong in skewered and sas ek ‘* First I wae skewered and then I wag cured,” says Jones, and he ne heartily over his little joke. Well, let him laugh, Let laugh who wins. He wa 9 skewered throu ngh and ee by dyspepsia and its attendant train of il was oured by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dissovery: Do you foel dail, pry low-spirited; ex- perience a sense of fallness or bloating ‘after eating, tongue coated, bitter or bad taste in the month, irregular appetite, dizziness, anee headaches, nervous prostration or exhaustion, hot flashes alternating with chilly seneations, sharp, biting transient pains here and there, cold feet, drowsiness after meals, wakefulness, or disturbed and unrefreshing sleep, constant and indesori- bable feeling of dread, or of impending calamity 3% These are symptoms of Bilious _ pepsia, or Torpid Liver, aseociated with Dyspepsia or Indigestion. Dr. Pierce's A. eon Medical Discovery will subdue the 0- use, if taken according directions, for 7 qeovedeies length of time, or money paid for it will be cheerfully refanded. Lovers Are Blind, Boston Herald: Old gentleman, to suties—You want to marry my daughter, do Sains young man? man—Yes, sir. Old i alia a ms, I gave credit for being a level-headed young Yel. ow. The General Assembly of the Presby- = Oburoh will mest this yoar at Kinge- Jane. Extensive preparations are | yon i made for the a of the 400 delegates who are expected. THE ABT OF WALKING WALK. 4 Gentle Heminder for Gentle Malds Whe Lack in style. —_ wingitn os waik with as some with bad on on pich-tecken ihnet. sass. cr Ot lager in new ones, wiy others slow seep aie, some hobble, and hy fact there are very few who walk correct! What a glorious thing it with be if would be organiz3d in some of our The ia not a mother who has not stood de before her daughtere, and paraded up down ee them, showing them “ how she en ¢ their she mei po "and how serribily | they walk in com- “| believe that there is as much character poo a woman’s walk, and it is as demon- trative of her nature and ways as the dnintily gloved hand or booted foot. A person may be very carefol and all that in crossing a muddy 5 rp pi ne bus if she has not that dainty knack of stepping she will undoubtedly spoil all the dresses she may put on. Watch and oriticise yourself very acca- rately, that you may be able to tell where your faulta lie.—Miss L. Agnes Paige, tx New York Fashion Bazar. Waraing to Uanadians, Montreal Herald : According to the Bos- ton Herald — or fifty short-term endowment ordera ch sprung into exis- tence ia a short time i in Philadelghia. have gone into ‘asa nt, and the two stayers are shaky. Oanadians whom itis sought to befool with the same hambug wo well to take notice. * Ce hard words, made into pills, Simply to swell the doctor Litie. are not what constitute Dr. Pierce's Pleas- ant Pargative Pellets. They are tiny, sugar-coated, purely vegetable pills, ag pleasant as confectionery tothe taate, and acting upon the stomach and liver gently but effectually, and as naturally aa Nature herself. For sick head biliousness, seetention, and all the re- sulting diseases, no laxative equal to them has ever been discovered. A Scotch Lessic May Be Queen, The London Times explains why the people are jabilant over the birth of a aug later to = eT mi _ so PRing the English there is now an heir pa oa Eeelish, ‘blood in ite veins and not German. The baby is the only pure English in the royal family, and this baby will hold a mip position whlot hag not been held timate randohild of an English ‘overaign for Fondvels of years. Her rank, altered by the Queen, will Susitn ply the daughter of a Duke, and as such her title will be lady and not prinoegs.” The use of the candle in the dining-room and parlor inoreases steadily. The light has the reputation of being more be- coming tg woman's complexion. BD. O, ® LE 23. 91 JACOBS a BREATHE ay ine RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Frost Bites, Sprains, Bruises, Burns, Etc. Bold Lo Roop aoe Dealers rare t ey Smee THE CHARLES a: voueLEn — ., Baltimore, Mid. Canadian Depot : Toronto, Ont. $s Tiso’s Remeay er es is tho eo i Bet, Easiest to Use and Cheapest. op dceaglate OF ant eenalE: Ss, pire Warren, Po, T. 8. A. B SELFAGTI 3 MENS SUADERO i g Zew me 9 of Imitations. AUT nite ov) ¢ ghd. ONSUPPTIO SUREL* * CUE” ‘HE ITOR:—Please inform your. ers that I omatt ors = ea cd disease. ae Gaely ese thousands of be of “0 melon cases meebo auient: 7 ~4 . o send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any o1 your ers a 3 implant Oley ay S will send me send me and Post Office Address, Respewtfallv. . NTO. ONTARIO. CURE FITS a ous wre Lag ovre | des retaur again. 0 AN ARADICA) RE. Ths > made the disease Eplicney oF Fallin neues a ib pr ee rate aay reeaeie peng case Becansy others have failed is no yt & ° Post Office. It costs trial, and it will cure $2.0. Braneh ptt oF ADELAIDE STREET, TORONTO. THOUSANDS OF BOTTLES J GIVEN AWAY YEARLY.