EXGURSIONS MANITOBA Ii run _ ‘The Grand Trunk and Uanadian Pacific | Loud Railways will ° {hree Cheap Hacursions To Manitoba and the Northwest =, are on, June 2, 9, 23, | : Good to Return in Forty Days. Fares to Deloraine, Bosworth, Moosomin, &c. S2a8.ceo. Regina, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, SSoC.co. Prince Albert, Calgary, SSS5.ce. a Route via Nae ra North Bay and ©, P. R. Full particulars of J. A. HACKING, LISTOWEL, ONT. Ethel. Mrs. Abel Tindall and Mrs, J. King are on the sick list. John Heffernan puipped a carload of hogs se ee last w JI-R.B ned Mich,, is /vis- iting at his m iroilier’s, R. Barr, sr. Messrs. John Pelton and D. Bell, of Atwood, were in the village last week. Bornholm, Two young ladies from Baden are this week visiting at Rev. Litwain’s, R. Smith, of Monkton, occupied the pulpit here last Sunday in the absence of Rev. Mr. Brdndon, who is slowly re- covering. We are glad to learn that R. Wilkin- son is again able to be around after a severe attack of pleurisy and inflamma- tion of the lungs, A pienic in connection with the Deer- bank Sunday school will be held next Saturday, June 13, in Mr. Campbell’s grove on the boundary. Brussels. A ged a has been put down at the d Harry a is tow time keeper on the electric railway at Ottawa. Brussels will celebrate Dominion day im —_ style. Big preparations are on oot. Melville church received 19 new mem- bers at the communion services Sunday, ES tal t forget that a trades’ procession will be held on the morning of Dominion Day in Brussels. Isaac Fitzpatrick left for Stayner last week where he goes into business with his brother Albert. Mrs. Fletcher, Mrs. W. H. Kerr and Leslie left Brussels on Wednesday of this week for Winnipeg, where they expect to enjoy a visit of two or three months, Rev. J. L. Kerr and wife are attend- ing the sessions of the — ~ ference at Berlin. Rev a. their youngest son, was Ordained last Sabbath, Jonathan IIill, of Gorrie, has leased the tannery from John Shannon, of London, and has set to work to put the building and its appurtenances in a workable condition. L. Hembly, of Salem, who is in part- nership with W.F. Vanstone in the National Flour Mill, was in town fora tew days last week. Iie purposes mov- ag here with his family in a month or Robt. Ross has been playing a few games of baseball with the New West minster, B. C., seam W nine are as good as Bob they should out up a No.1 game. Murdy McLennan_ surprised some of the denizens of London on May 25th by winning the fat man’s race and thereby securing the custody of a 25 pound ham. He is as Se as a “didn't-know-it- was loaded” gun The names of Drs. Knechtel and Shaw appeared in Saturday’s dailies, of May 20, among the list of students success- fully passing the Medical Council. They have now full authority to write M. D. We hope the initials will often mean “Money Down.” The return match between Brussels tl and both c ubs ac The visitors won by six bh , ar- rett was refetee and K. Leatherdale pulied the traps, Friday afternoon, May 29, a meetin of rac church congregation was held. Rey. D. Forrest, of Walton, presiding. for the purpose of ryt on the call of a pastor, occasioned by the resignation some months ago o . GB. Howie, Ph. D. The aa alee’ was largely in favor of Rev. J. D. Edgar, a young man who has just completed bis course at Knox College, and a son ot Jas. Ed gar ; a well-known resident of How! ick, work. — m, J A. McLaughlix an bees The cheese wean Wepre ig of booming under the ase of Mr. James W ed home on @ ravi rh rei eo rites leaving for ae The 8 ainga ppear. te be greatly ty enjoyed Acs the young folk driy- ae of our 10th line nimrods has been n loitering around the. post offiee at nights lately. Foss i ha trying to learn the operating, A The sigan og saitoh of this place has been undergoing some cleaning of late. We think if alittle paint were added it would make things look still ae ety Mill ular hotel-k er, our Pop ar hotel- reper idewalk in front o be p cis it would be very ereditable to the citizens. . Mr. Amy preached a very beau- tiful and pe Ha sermon on Sunday, the 81st ult., on the death of the la Mrs. B. Johnston. He displayed some very clear and beautitul points, and urged upon ail young | and old, to “pre- pare to meet their G Grey. Reeve Milne and Deputy-Reeves Oliver and bryan are attending County Council this week. Alog barn belonging to John Rod- dick, 14th con., was burned Friday night May 29th. “The cause of the fire hcat spark from a burning pile of b The cheese factories are complaining that, owing to the large number of calves being raised by the farmers, the milk soph : posh nearly sdlarge as it should be this Mrs. French, of Hamilton, was visit- 4 Sage sister, ‘Mrs, George Crooks, and er relatives in this locality last week. She came upto attend the funeral of eo brother, Wm. Armstrong, 3rd line, On Monday night of last week during the heavy rain storm a wire fence on the farm of Wm. Taylor, 10th econ., was struck by lightning. The four top wires were stripped off and several posts split. This is unusual, An association of Patrons of Industry was organized on Wednesday evening of last week at Whitfield’s school house. be following officers were duly elect- :—Wm. Carnochan, President; Isaac Lake, Vice-President; Joseph Whit- field, Secretary; John Whitfield, Treas- urer: Elizabeth Whitfield, Mi erva; Sarah Doughert: y Demeter: John Pat: terson, Guide; Wm. Buttery, Sentinel. STATISTICAL. —The following is a re- capitulation of’ the Township Assess- ment Roll for 1891, as furnished by Clerk Spence:—Value of real rae $1,696,470; Personal property, $4,300; Real and personal pro perty, ai, 700,770; No. of acres, 64,6064; acres cle ared, 38,- 793; Children between 5 and 16 years, 975, betwéen 5 and 13, oe over 16 and under 21, 245; Do gs, 366; Versons in family, 374; Cattle, 6,470; Sheep, 3,282; et ee s709; ‘Horses, 2:05 ; Acres wood 050; ‘Acres swamp, 17, T6046; acres orchard, 45117; acres wheat, 3,501} 144. Turnberry. Mr. and Miss McGee, of Wawanosh, hand visiting friends in the village last we Mrs. Wylie, who has been suffering from a sprained ankle, is now able to be about again, Just within the meadow, Underneath the tree, Near the snow-white daisy, Eager sings the bee. The Bluevale Ironsides played a game of football with the Gorrie feugtc in bd hago on 25th of May, for a silver The Ironsides succeeded in carry- ing off off mig cup, defeating the Rangers |} yl MAKE A STAND For PROHIBITION. Yes, I’m 'gainst that politician, Who with cool and calm derisi Seeks to hinder penenen Every time. on True, he holds a high a, et this is no Why he att. gainst pro & prohibition All Yes, we find in each division Men for sake of opposition, Who oppose grand prohibition Every time. Then ye men for prohibition, Fight against this superstition, Aud the anti- -prohibitio i the time, What! not fight fur prohibition, And against a coalition Formed to ruin prokiiticn, , Every ti -| Bring the cabinet to decision, Make them give theirneeded sanction Toa bill for ar ig Every time. Cast your vote for prohibition, You shal! never rue the action, But will hasten prohibition All the time. Live no longer ’neath delusion, And you'll gain the approbation Of all men for prohibit Every time, ‘Rum has been the ruination a ll the If we wish a land Etysian, je must have that one piggies - | Namely, “total prohibition” A 2 time; f his| towns if} allowed to shake the dust off their feet Elma. What about T. M. W’s family group? Wo epee ot Mien N. dolar oe a at this place is N ere p It is the intention of many . | teachers of our township to attend the tore | International Teachers’ Convention be held -in Toronto Say 14th to ith. J.T. Anderson, 0: teok in 700 dozen ou in cently. Andrew Robb, 12th con., east, who underwent an operation in Listowel a der the treatment of Messrs, Rutherf and Parke, is speedily recovering. We hope 2 soon to welcome him back to Logging bees are now the chief acntsenent for the young men of. ene In_most-instances they by “tripping the nent fantastic” until at wee sma’ hours. essrs. Robt. and Eli Moore and ‘sis- wn ot Trowbrid tSaturday night and wy te with, Wek ye uep rey of here see attraction in the srtheckes village ect pa for the former young gentle- ae committee of the vations pte be held on the 12th con., on riday, 19th inst., are working with might and main to have a success- On Wedn y. Hamilton, 14th oF Dae, e work of 8 lar rm. The same day Geo. Nichol, 10th con., west, also placed the timbers of a barn 60x60 in their laces. It is gra na og, see - armers p ——_— back-bone of our: country. On-Tuesday last a 13 year old am = Andrew Peebles, 8th con., had the fortune to get kicked in the face by si a he was walking behind. The shoe left an ugly wound which may disfigure him for life. Dr. Hamilton was immediately summoned, whosewed pp ae the hime and attended to his other nju the. any friends will regret to learn the death of Mrs, John Shatford, 8th con., aged 37 years and two months. Consumption was thecause of her un- timely end, which took place on Mon- day of this week. A husband and three small children are left to mourn her loss. Funeral took place on Wed- nesday, interment in the Donegai ceme- A remarkable coincidenceis related of Sir John Maedonald's memory. Many de Ts ago Moses Harvey, the worth ony gt oa Elma township, was a del- egate e Conservative conyention, held in To Srorit, and, among others, he was introduced to the Premier. Durin Sir John’s recent. visit to Listowel nap dreds of people took oecasion to shak hands with the Old Man, and when Ne Harvey’s turn came to reach forth his hand the veteran Premier at once re- cognized the face he had seen long A betore and fervently grasped both of Mr. Harvey's hands in his own with that] 4 warmth of genuine friendship and com- mon brotherhood — was a pleasing and winning characteristic of the dis- tinguished man all through ie Sir John seldom, if ever, forgot faces. Onsrt.—The announcement of the death of the wife of Wm.Ingles, 8th con., at 6 o,clock ‘Thursday evening, June 4th, filed the breasts of her many triends with an unfeigned sorrow. Many circumstances combined to make the death of the deceased a peculiarly affecting one. She wa3 but 26 years of age with bright prospects. She h bee tried only four years; the four mere infant the other but two years of age, are left without a mother. How we are reminded that those that can be least spared on earth are most wanted in heaven. As far as will Meloy let us draw aside the curtain that hid the private life of our departed friend. Mrs. togiee was the —at daughter of Thos. Forman, 4th con.of Elma. Mary was the favorite of the family. Father and mother could confide in her their anxieties. Theelder brother and sisters found in her a lovingcompanion. The younger members of the family one who could sympathize with their child- ish griefs. The sweet influence of her life filled the home with a continual sunshine. While special services were being held in Listowel by Messrs. Cross- ly and Hunter Mrs. Ingles was led to the Saviour and she has since beena consistent follower of her Master. She remembered inthis school ments and in the Sabbath school her yoice was heard leading in song. Her cheerful manner and contented disposi- tion made for her friends wherever she eceased Christ was often on her lips. The dying words spoken to the now lonely hus- ac and stricken father and mother in the happy days as the family cir around t a oad athome wasa fav- orite. in sweet clear ton Higher! fH ery t did lift heru to God. ty enceforth that voice sh join in the celestial choir in thesongs of and the Lamo. The burial took since on Saturday at 2:30 by m. The v. A. Henderson, M. esday, of last week, Wm.! ral oh é IEDs, These goods YOULN'S, BOY'S >SUuITS< From $3.50 up to $12. Extra Values. are apprec- iated by all who have seen them. We deem it a pleasure to show You through at all times. J. L. MADER. ae A. FRAME. formation wanted respecting th Mutual Fire — oe Co. Ry oy Ete bon Pal Pavlisking RAME, Box 14, Stratford, Ont. ———4 50—CENTS-—50 —sECURES— THE ATWOOD BEE From Drow toTan.1,189=> THOS. FULLARTON, C OMMISSIONER IN THE H.C.J.; Real Estate Agent of L Funds on hand ; all work neatly and correctly done; Accounts Collected. Atwood, Nov. 11, 1890. 42- ty | treal HOUSE, SIGN AND ««| ()rmamental Painting. The undersigned d begs to inform the citizens of Atwood and surrounding country that he is in a position to do all kinds of painting in first-class style, and at lowest ra’ All orders en- trusted to the same will receive prompt ae cana cEs :—Mr. McBain, Mr. R. Worrests| Mrs. , Hiarvey. WM. RODDICK, 8tf. Painter, Brussels. TEAS! Everybody should Try UNCOLORED |\JAPAN TEA! /% LBS. —FOR— : J. Ss. GEE, NEWRY. J.S.GEE’S $100.38: Business Directorv. DMIESDICATZ. J. R. HAMILTON, M. D.; C. M., ee of McGill University, Mon- Member of the College of Phy- sicians and Sur eons, Ontario, Office— Opposite Tur BEE office. Residence— Queen street; mene messages to be left at residence L. E. RICE, M. D., C. ML Trinity University, ahr ee by examination of tap fis edical Col- lege, Toronto; pipecee Lose Physicians ands ber of the Co Surgeons, Michi iven to the I Siar Office and residence, next door to Mader’s store, Atwood. Office hours: 16 to 12 am.; 1 to 2:30 p.m. and every evening to 8:30. DEWALT. J.J. FOSTER, L.D-S. Is using an im oe Electric Vib- rator, Vitalized G painless extractin i tion guaranteed. Office—In block south side of Main street bridge, J.istowel. W. M. BRUCE, L.D.s., DENTIST, Is extracting teeth daily without pain through the aid of “The Elec may be seen at his dental apart- ments, over Thompson Bros.’ store. En ntrance, Main St., Listowel. AUSTIONSESEs. C. H. MERYFIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County of. Perth, Monkton, Ont. tes moderate For particulars apply at this office. ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County All sales attended to ‘promptly and at moderate rates. Information with re- ng es dates may be had by applying at 8 Office, THOS. E. HAY, Erasing! Auctioneer for the County of moderate. Office—Over bank, Listowe]. All orders office will be attended At Lowest Rates. of Interest, * .