~~ You have Currant Bushes Therefore you should Buy Helebore to kill the worms ‘You will have Flies in the House, Therefore Buy Insect Powder Fly Paper, &c. ‘You can get them Pure at M. E. NEADS, Drugs and Boolrs, Atwrecd.. Gown @alk. Itcap.J.S. Gee's advt. en page 8. J. M. RORENTSON, representing Mes- ser & W ard, shirt firm, Galt, is visiting his sister, Miss Aggie Kobertson. JAMES Irwin, Atavood, has a written letter received from Sir John during the last general campaign. The Premier’s signature, written by himself, is attached. Iixv. SAMUEL Woops and daughter, of Spokane Falls, W. T., spent Sunday with Dr. J. R. Hamilton. ‘The rev. gen- tleman preached Sunday morning and evening in the Presbyterian church. JONNSTON MCCORMICK and Miss I- R. McBain, teachers, will have a union school picnic in Thos. Jackson's bush, near Trowbridge, next Saturday, 13th inst., instead of the 20th as announced in the a correspondence ‘last week, <A “lar time may be antici- pated. All are weltomts. PEOPLE cannot be ‘too. frequently urged to keep out of debt and all the perplexities which debt entai This can only be done by a fixed determina- tion to pay at once for things you pur- ‘chase and by practising the most rigid economy in oe This duty should not be postpomed; conrmence now, Many are careless and during the sum- mer mohths thoughtlessly spend their hard earned wages in a feolish manner, forgetful of the fact that ahard winter _ pall to be faced. Ponder upon | ORY type- Tas | is tie opportunity that you have waited fi H.S. Earl, the weil es sewing i a and clothes wringe pairet, of 317 Dundas St, Lond/a, i now stoping at loerger’s hotel, At con for one week only, todo repairing on the above named articles. He guaran- T chance. Mr Earl saya it Atwood” wall | to pay his expenses he will call every time he comes to Brussels and Listo- wel. He has afuil line of springs bobbins, needles, and shuttles for Fil machines. Give himacall and save money. OvuR SuB-Eprror.—Some people, ig- norant of what good editing imag: ine the getting up of soloed’ mation the easiest work in the world to do, whereas it isthe nicest work”one on a ee If theysee the editor with scissors han ey ama sure to/o say: “Bh, that’s the way you get up original matter?” moma penying their new, witty ge an idiotic wink or 8 mile. Thefacts are that the poh sei! ete who would not les: they select. A sensible ed- esires considerable select m because he knows that one taad can- be a encyclopedia, “ad Bre Th ve think 7 -] 2.40 trot, an open trot and a three-quar- as be Able 40 wateuany. of merge toe altho Pose ier mourned | general p at AN awning improves the front of the Atwood bake: THE Stratford Times has begun the padlication of a semi-weekly edition. _ “REv. MR. Baycis, of Trowbridge, |“! = TuE BEE a pleasant call on Wed- “J. H. ‘McBaix will preach next. Sun-, day morning on evening in the Pres- hyterian chure r Byron phar theological student of See Coliege, » sich, waa vintticg relatives here this rat is the hes ‘policy, because itis the only Bisset Se which ures against loss of character. Wa. Forrest removed his stock. of furniture and undertaking supplies to his new building this week. een ALL that is mortal of Sir J,A.Macdon-; ald was laid in Catariqui cemetery, city of Kingston, on Thu y. II. Knox, student‘of Toronto Uni-4 Po R. versity, is in the village this week shak- =e with old friends, R.H. looks A REPORT of the proceedings of the Waikerton Association of the a church, held here ay week, will be giv- en in our next issue. - R. uastata noted and_ stables have recently undergone “decided improve- |: ments, The Pacific is now one of the ae best furnished hotels in the west. Mrs. JAMES Ferauson and children are visiting relatives in Mount earost this week. Mrs. Ferguson has not very well of late and the change will doubtiess prove beneficial. THE Methodist pulpit was acceptably filled last Sabbath morning by Samuel i. herry, and in the evening J. H. Me- Bain preached a sound, practical sermon from the text: “ As aman thinketh in his heart so is he Ho'ror Guereaithe date for the North Perth Farmers’ Institute Sra ion to the Model Farm, Guelph, been fixed for Saturday, June 27th, 1890 Elaborate preparations are being made by the management to make this the excursion of the season. ticulars regarding fares, étc., given next we Doarston Davy Races.—The Su mer Meeting at Listowel is on July 1st and 2nd, ‘There will be two days @ game races from the word go. The first day there are two trotsand and a mile and a quarter dash; the second day a ter mile run, besttwo in three. Their — track never was in better tape. They are in the Great Western Trotting Circuit and some of the best horses in Ontario will be on the tradk. f you care to see good korses go for all they are punts visit Listowel on one or both da Ir has, not without reason, been’ suggested that the remains of Sir.John. Macdonald be placed in Westminster Abbey, as the proper resting place of one who ‘has contributed to the ‘confed- eration of the British colonies on this continent, who was-so loyal to British institutions, and whose unusually long term of public service has been fille with important events. The Imperial government, in thatevent, might send a vessel to*bear his remains across the ane to be placed among those of dis- tinguished Englishmen who have been faithful to the empire. Tue ILvustrious DEAD.—As will be seen the first page of THe BEE is in mourning, which is regarded as the highest tribute of respect that can be paid to departed greatness by the-press Only once in the history of this journal (June .27, 1890) have we felt it our sad uty to “turn the column. rules.” ‘On that occaslon the township of Elma, nay, the Province of Ontario, lost one of her noblest and most gifted psa the late George A. Harvey. ‘Today mourn the loss of the :father of -U nited! Canada and the central figure in our our national life for half a century. PASSED wir Honers.—While many young men get plucked in their axams. at Toronto University every year, itis bors Har to know thatour ’Varsity boys, larver, Knox, Elliott and Me- ast each, R. H. itably his third took honors jects :—Mineral- Science (Chem- Sciences (Practical BY); sees tical Biology inerolegy and Geol- University exam. held’ Knox passed very cred year’s course. Rk, | in the following su Sag (Prasticaly, Natura istry); Natural Chemistry); N a Sciences (Biolo Natural S Natural Senoant gy). ressed him- ae of for Hon. OLIVER MowatT e self as follows foun Sir John Macé “ h by education an rsonal leanin was Conservatiye, edid not shrink from dealing .w very large ogg which were novel r with new ideas. His success in pub- tie life demonstrates his possession of important qualities to which success was | ly owing. He wasa concilia- te? Rog an “eg administrator, Fed ef- so,inan eminent easing those whom he came in a keen sense 0: f hunior and consi wit, Sow tans with like will, al (same eOnen Oe Oy ome reerare a oe sae Fuller par- |’ Newry g ive! Balance & 1891 8150 CENTS Doveras R. PELLY, who was such a prominent isin a Bi dedi ope and oes Sighly yesoncaieutl- ed. See bills, ; CRADIS. TAYLOR.—In Grey,on June Ist, the wife of Mr. Wm. Taylor, of a son. uatest Dfaricet Feports. ATWOOD MARKET. segemrges ‘GOOD STORY = FEW inur When You Want Dry Goods, Boots rk Hides per Ib, . Sheer sins, each. Woo Potatoes bed bashel ...... Butter per lb Baws per. aon cata TORONTO GRAIN Fali Whea eoaseaSss GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W.-G. & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : GOING SOUTH. Express 7:21 a.m. Express ‘12:24 p.m. Mixed ..10:00 p.m, ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Atwood North and South ollows : GOING NORTH. Mixed .. 8:07 a.m. Express" 2:34 p.m. Express 9:12 p.m. GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Atwood 8:00 a.m. | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. ° 8:05 a.m. | B’rnho’m 3:30 p.m. Monkton 9:00 a.m. | Mankton 4:45 p.m. Bornho’m10:15 am. | Newry 5:55 p.m. Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6: :00 p.m. } 5 re ry , Crockery, Glassware, Hats, &c., You Can’t do Better than T JAMES IRWIN. always paid. Butter, Eggs and Dried Meat bought. Highest Price & Shoes, Groceries Atwood, Ontario. \ A pamphlet of information and s\ maenct ot the laws, showing How to HORSEMEN ! GET YOUR Route : Bills PRINTED AT The Bee Office ! RATES MODERATE. --TRY-- TBE BEE Wool Wanted! Highest Cash Price Paid for Wool AT THE Listowel Woolen Miill E wish to call your attention to the fact that we still want more wool and we are determined to make this wool season ps of the largest, for we have a tremendous stock on hand. It is essary that you should look “arouiat before you dispose of.-your wool to.see hace you can make the best purchase with your Wool in WOOLEN COODS. Do not fail to come and see our Tremendous Stock of New Fine Flannels in all shades and patterns—something never ‘hefore shown to the public. Come and See for Yourself. We have made up a lot ef Fine Summer Halifax Tweeds, just i thing oe school beys. We have also.a big stock of Fine Tweeds, Coarse I'w ani Cloths, Fiannels, Bed Blankets, Horse Blankets, R obed Skirts, Cotton Shitings, Cottonades, Shirts and Drawers, f ‘or this season’s trade which we offer at Botto Prices. Do not be deceivediyy pedlars, but come and deal direct at the factory where: you can rely od getting:'a good an aeprate ie choose from. Everybody should come and try our fine t (ray Flannels that t shrink in washing, and outwear the common Gray Flannels sold to the pe uolie. Roll C&rding, Spinning, Fulling, and Manufacturing Tweeds, Flannels, Blankets, &c., on short notice. 143m B. F. BROOK & SON. Richmond. Pea Harvester HIS attachment is great] ined ioe 1891. Itis the best, simplest.and cheapest-device for harvest- ing peas ever invented. It can be attached to any machine, and will work well on any ower will cut grass. I have the sole Price of pea harvester, com- T gurinary mowin ned where a agency, SS aa township. ete T also manufacture first-class Buggies and Wagons. Tire closest attention given to HORSESHOEING AND .REPAIRING. I keep road carts, all makes. Anyonereqmiring a cart ishoutd call and get prices before purchasing elsewhere. “12 4m HENRY HOAR, Atwood.