pt | THEASE BEE R.-S-PELTON; PURPLISHER. FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1891. BY-LAW NO, 288, Of the Township of Slmea. To raise thesum of Twelve Thousand Dollars for the purpose of paying certain maturing railway debent- ures of the Municipality and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor. Whereas certain railway debentures of the said Municipality will mature on | = the 24th day of September, A. D. 1891, and it‘is ectains to raise the. sum. of ‘““welve Thousand Dollars for the pur- pose of paying the same, and in order thereto it will be necessary to issue de- bentures of the Municipahty of the Township of Elma for the sum of Twelve Thousand Doll herein provided. And whereas it is desirable to make the principal of the said debt, hereby created, payanie by annual instalments during the currency of the period of Twenty years, within which said debt is to be discharged, such instalments to be of such amounts that in the aggre- rate amount payable for principal and nterest in any year shall be equal as nearly as may be to what is payable for principal and the interest during each of the other years of said period. And whereas for that purpose it will be requisite to raise the several sums in each year, respectively, hereinaftef set forth in this By-law. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipal- ity of Elma according to the last revised Assessment Roll of the Municipality umounts to the sum of One Million Five Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Nine Ifundred and Ninety Dollars. And whereas the existing debenture debt of the said canny eng amounts to the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Dollars and-no principal or interest is in arrear. : Therefore the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Township of Elma enacts as follows:— 1. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality ef the ‘Township of Elma for tke putyeses aforesaid to borrow the said sum ef Twelve Thous- and Dollars and isswe debentures of the said Municipatity to the amount of Twelve Thousand Doilars in sums of not less than Six Hundred Dollars, each payabie in the manner for the amounts and at the times respectively set forth in the schedule to this By-law. 2. Tae said debentures as t® principal |" ayable at the amilton in the and interest shall be agency of the Bank of "Town of Listowel. 3. It shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality and he is hereby authorized and instructed to sign and issue said debentures hereby authorized to be issued and to cause the same and each coupon attached thereto to be signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality; and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and instructed to attach the seal of the said Municipality to the said debentures. 4. There shall be raised and levied in each year by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Munici- pality a sum suflicient to discharge the several instalments ot principal and in- terest accruing due on the said debt as the sume becomes respectively payable according to the following schedule to this Bylaw, that is to say: In twenty equal annual payments of Six Hundred Dollars each with interest thereon at the rate of Fiye per centum per annum, payable in each of the years 1892, 1893, 1x94, 1895, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1WOL, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1910 and. 1911, 3. This By-law shall take effect on the Eighteenth day of July, A. D. 1891. _ 6. The votes of the ratepayers of the snid Municipality shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and places, that is tosay on the Eleventh day of Juiy next, at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon and continuing util five o'clock in the afternoon 6fthe sume day, and the persons also herein- after named shall be returning officers to take votes at the respective polling places hereinafter set forth, that is to say: Electoral Division No.1, Cosens’ work shop, Charles Cosens, Returning Otlicer. Electoral Division No. Grange Hall,-lot 15, con.4, Wm. 9 rf Shear- er, Returning Officer. Electoral Divis- ion No, 3, Orange Hall, Britton, Wm. Stevenson, Returning Officer. Elector- al Division No. 4, Orange Hall, Newry, Thos. Fullarton, Returning Officer. Electoral Division No. 5, Orange Hall, Donegal, Jas. Dickson, jr., Returning Officer. Electoral Division No. 6. Dav- jes’ school house, J. R. Hammond. Re- turning Officer. Electoral Division No. 7, Lambert’s school house, Ferdinand Doering, Returning Officer. 7. On Wednesday the Twenty-Fourth | day of June, A. D. 1891, the Reeve shall | attend at Clerk’s office, Atwood, at the | hour of ‘Ten o’clock in the forenoon, to appoint persons to attend at the various polling places and at the final summing up of the votes by the Clerk, respective- ly, on bebalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law. 8 The Clerk of the Council of the said Municipality shall attend at the Clerk’s office, in the Village of Atwood, on Saturday the Eleventh day of July, 1891, at Seven o’clock in the afternoon, and sum up the numberof votes given for and against this By-law. TAREE norice That the above is a true copy of a pro: By-law which has been taken ~. June 16th, 1891. ars payable as J FE wnto consideration and which will be finally passed Prine Couneil of the Municipality of o Tagnship of Elma in the event of the assent of the elect- ors being obtained thereto after one month-fronmtthe first publication in the mewerere gla ! ATWOOD BEE) which first publication was on the Nineteenth day of Jun .D. 1891, an that at the hour, day and places therein fixed for making ie votes of the electors the polls will be held. : THOS. FULLARTON, Clerk of the Municipality 2. of Elma. Note Lost. OST, a note given by Robert Bu- +——--chanan, onthe 16th a 1891, for the sum of $225.00, due in twelve months, and payable to the order of Wm. Dunn at the Bank of Hamilton, Listowel. e payment of said note is hereby forbidden. 16-4in WM. DUNN. For Sale or to Rent. The undersigned will rent his. house ay of April,| W. J. Marshall’ - PAINTER, - - Ontario, A.turced, Terms reasonable. « Gspamaneaan Assured. /To Flax Growers |): The Shareholders of the Ontario Farmers’ Flax Manufacturing Co. may have what SEED FLAX They ap Se at es timeafter Monday, March 28rd, by applying at the mill. WM. LOCHHEAD, Secre 8tf tary. and lot on Main street, Atwood, at pres- nt occupied by J. Johnson, about July Iuatest Maricet Reports. | Ist, 1891 Pas property is also for sale — n easy terms. For particulars appl ATWOOD MARKET. CAMP BELL, aie yall Wee ont i iy ate eee ae $ 8 $1 2 twood, Ont pring GAC ..ccovcevese 5) Barley scamnenenagedeieentt 45 48 JERSEY BULL. eee cece rece erestecece 0 AKT PCRS ic 0's otc tctwccncse cone 60 65 My thoroughbred Jerse Bull is now PORK cases scty eave enceee 5 00 5 50 ready for sarvice on. lot_15,_.con.. 12, Hides per 1b......e0see sees 4 44¢/Elma. Heis of good milking strain Sheep skins, each.......... 50 1 25/and will therefore make a valuable hs seagot siaseaeegcabens 15 1 50] cross for either butter or cheese. Butte : lb DSDEL . + +00. ‘ a pt ERNE; 80 to insure. Cows must waa @vaie Sareea returned regularly otherwise the ERRB DEE GOE..+-+ns+-+-+- 10 10/ wil be charged whether insured or TORONTO GRAIN MARKET. ‘| not. HOGG 5:0 6s: s4sdnacoae $1 05 $1 05 CHRISTOPHER SKINN Spring Wheat............. 103 1 05| 18-4in. Newry P.O. Barley. .vvc vice vccesene cece 50tC*# Sed een sse Sean vee. 45 46 : 8 PEAS... cccvvsccaracanwenene 75 7 PEAY vesneie wins sovseeae cote 800 8 50 e ] Dressed Ilogs ......-.+.-45 5 00 5 50 Eggs Siiteah «sanaeaeeaeens : 1 2 ULCED bo cectveoctve siaeees 2 Potatoes per bag ......... 106 110 PREV AILS. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTIIERN EXTENSION W. G. & B. Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : GOING #UUTH. GOING NORTH. Express 7:21.a.m.| Mixed .. 8:07 a.m. Express 12:24 p.m. | Express 2:34 p.m- Mixed . .10:00 p.m. | Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Atwood North and South as follows : GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Atwood 8:00a.m. | Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Newry 8:05 a.m. | B’rnho’m 3:30 p.m. Monkton 9:00 a.m. | Mankton 4:45 p.m. Bornho’m10:15 a.m, | Newry Mitchell 11:15 p.m. |.Atwood 6:00 p.m. —NORTH PERTH— Farmers’ Institute ! EXCURSION. GUBLPB! The North Perth Farmers’ Institute have made arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway to run a grand Cheap Excursion to the Agricultural College, City of Gruelps, on Saturday, June 27th, 91. The een: is the time train will leaye the different stations and the fares for the return journey: BRUSSELS, Leave 6:53 Fare 80c- ETHEL, «705 S : HENFRYN, “412 * — 80c. ATWOOD, “4921 “ ..76e. LISTOWEL, «4:37 “ 0c. Arriving at Guelph at 10:20 a, m. and leaving Guelph at 6:39 p.m. As will be seen by the above, this is the cheapest excursion that has ever taken place in this section. We would advise everybody to come along. WM. KEITH, Secretary N.P.F I. When its easier and cheaper to be in the Right is there any excuse for being wrong ? Do You Know What Right means? It is a big word, look in the dic- tionary. Our Goods and Prices are Right, Not because we say 50, but because they are. What a good thing it is to be in the right, so come along and BUY FROM US And be in the Right. BONNETT & BOWYER, Main St. Bridge, Listowel. LUMBER | ATWOOD Planing Mills. The Atwood Planing Mill keeps on hand a’good gen- eral stock of Lumber, in- cluding Pine Lat Dressed Flooring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! kept in stock 24c, per 100. Wm. Dunn. —FROM— $12 to $20! The warm summer days are at hand, and you are doubtless meditating a change of clothing. Perhaps you are in need of a SUMMER suit. Ifso,leave your measure with us, we keep nothing but the best goods at right p Let dogs delight to yelp and bite, For ’tis their nature so, At Currie’s shop, across the way, They say his goods are low. In Scottish Tweeds and Pantings fine, His styles attract the gaze; So to be neat your purchase make Which best your form displays. Canadian Tweeds and Worsted Suits From figures Twelve to Twenty, Are said by some to be as low If not lower than McGinty, And he’s at tne bottom, etc. CURRIE & HEUGHAN, ATWOOD, ONT. Agents Wanted. a FONTHILL NURSERIES—LARG- EST IN CANADA. men to sell our Nursery VV stock; previous experience not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed ; either ralary or commission; outfit free. Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice new specialities, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us, such asa complete list of Rus- sian Sd the Ritson Pear, Saunders Plum, Hilborn Raspberry, Moore's Ruby and Black Champion Currants, oore’s Diamond Grape, ete. We have given particular attention to the propo- tion of Hardy Varieties suitable to he Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, Toronto, Ontario. E want reliable energetic 12-2m DR. SINGLAIR M.D.M.A,, L.C. P.S. O., M. o.P. 8. M, Specialist, - Toronto, —WILL BE AT— Ieerger’s Exotel, Atwood, ——ON: Wednesday, JULY 8, 1891 Consultation Free. —— Jonathan Buschart, Listowel, says’— “After spending all my money and property to ne purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me.” ~ Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: —“When all others failed, Dr. Sinclair cured me of fits.” W. McDonald, Lakefield, Ont, Dr. Sinclair cured me of catarrh. Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says:—“Dr. Sin clair cured me of heart disease and drop sy; wher att others failed.” says:— ” Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. FARMERS !! and see that you get it. For sale by all firs For Sate BY Manufactured solely by McColl Bros. MILLMEN ! ! ATTENTION!! HEN buying oil for your machinery ask for McColl’s Lardine Mach It is considered best machine oil in the world for all sorts of machinery. t class dealers throughout Canada. ne Oil by all to be the & Co., Toronto. J. ROCERS, Atwoop. THE 777 STORE ! The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RIGGS. THE VERY LATEST IN MILLINER Y Hats, Trimmed And Untrimmed. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS ETC., ETC., ETC. =| Pongee Silks & Satins In all the Newest Shades. Blouse Silk Laces in all colors. few choice pieces of DRESS GOODS. Hosmery, GLoves anp Em- BROIDERIES. t[3” Eggs taken the same as Cash. Mrs. Johnson. different kinds. may have goods free of cost. delivered to Reasonable Rates. Undertaking attend Hearse in ¢onnection. Atwood, April Ist, 1890. Has on hand a large assortment of all kinds of Furniture, lain and fancy Picture Frame Moulding, Cabinet Photo rames, Boy’s Wagons, Baby Carriages, different prices, Parties purchasing $10 ands over worth any part of Elma township Freight or Baggage taken to and from Station at Dray always on hand. ed to at an Furniture Rooms opposite P. O. time. First-class