A EXCURSIONS |= MANITOBA ! The Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacifie Railways will run Three Cheap DHarcursions To Manitoba and the Northwest on June 2, 9, 23, Good to Return in,Forty Days. Fares fo Deloraine, Bosworth, Moosomin, &c. = 3) Regina, Moose Jaw, Yorkton, SSo.co&. Prinee Albert, Calgary, SSs5.00C. t= Route via Toronto, North Bay and GC. P. R. Full particulars of J. A. HACKING, LISTOWEL, ONT. Perth County Parliament. JUNE SESSION. JURY CASES. W. G. Mowat et al v. Mary J. Brad shaw. F. W. Gearing for plaintiff; Mc- Pherson & Davidson for defendants, Thomson _& Williams Manufacturing Co. v. City of Stratford. McPherson & Davidson for plaintiffs; F. W. Gearing for defendants, Samuel Sanderson and Wm. Bell v. Mary J. Stinson. J. M. Carthew for plaintiffs; Guthrie & Watt for defend- ant. NON-JURY CASES. Geo. Ford v. John Askin. G. G. Me- Pherson for plaintiffs; J. M. Carthew for defendant. Thos. J. Moore y. Harriet Ilammond. F. W. Gearing for plaintiff; McPherson & Davidson for defendant, GRAND JURY. The first proceeding was the swearing of the Grand Jury, composed as_fol- lows: Anthony Allen, Hibbert; W. A. Beatty, Blanshard; Robt. Beattie, ‘Thos. Brown, Ellice; Jas. C. Balfour, Fullar- ton; John Bell, Robt. Barbour, ITibbert; J.S. Bowman, A. Cooper, Listowel; Coppin, Logan; Samuel Doupe, Blans- hard; Thos. Edwards, Fullarton; John Etty, Logan; Wm. Forrest, North East- hoper#qmes Gadsby, Stratford; Thos. Hicks, ogan: Geo, Hyde, North East- hope; A. IL. Ilipple, Thos. ILenderson, The seventh pris- erage of 82 => g trial forindecent as- oner was awai “That we believeghe matter of Pro- viding a House of Refuge for those who from any cause are unable mee themselves sliould be no longer delayed. We found a number of rsons in the jail whose only crime was that a were poor andfriendless. To treat suc unfortunates like criminals is neither charitable nor just, and as the Ontario Government offers 1 grants to- wards the bnilding of such institutions, we strongly urge that the county coun- cil take up the matter at once instead of treating it with indifference as is their usual custom. “That we visited the new hospitaland after being shown through the building by Sheriff Hossie, chairman of the board of trustees, were unanimously of the opinion that the building is eminently adapted for the purpose for which it was intended, and that it fills along felt want in our community. We con- sider too, that it reflects creditably up- on the munificence of the citizens of Stratford and the County of Perth. “That we desire to express our sincere regret at the death of the Right Hon. Sir John A. Macdonald, Premier of Canada. The losstoa country of a man who for 80 many years has been i virtual ruler, cannot but be serious, and while we believe that Canada is greater than any of its citizens and will survive them, and that a kind Proyidence wilt continue to control the destinies of our nation, we feel'that in the death of the distinguished statesman ourcountry has suffered an almost irreparable loss, It is gratifying to know that his name will always be.prominently connected with the history of our country, the Confed- eration of the provinces ng & monu- ment to his greatness which so long as Canada itself exists cannot be over- thrown. (Signed), “Gro. HYDE, Foreman. Grand Jurors’ Room, Court House, Stratford, June 10, 1891.” COUNTY COUNCIL, John Corrie, road and bridge Inspect or, presented his annual report. He had made a thorough inspection of the county. He recommended some at- tention to pointing abutments of bridge near Lisbon; also to Armstrong’s be- tweeen Mornington and Wellesley; that cedar span about 60feet between Huron and Perth; also a new wooden structure near Tackersmith; Kirkton bridge needs new flooring; the iron bridge be- tween Downie and Blanshard should have its approaches widened, and stone work pointed. Contract for gravel on Huron road has been let. General ex- pense will be less: He estimated that $1500 would cover all expenses. The wooden bridge between Downie and Blanshard has not ore of a span. It should have from eighty to ninety feet ‘ The report was referred to the roa and bridge committee, : Wm. <A’exander, Publie School In- spector, presented his annual report a yery elaborate one containing much use- fulinformation. The report showed a statement of receipts and expenditure for 1890 for the 11 townships and village -| of Milverton:— Receipts 48 Expen- Blanshard yews) Downie North Easthope South Easthope Stratford; Wm. Johnston, Mornington; Ellice ames L. Rae, Milverton; Geo. Studder, Ellice; James D, Stanley, St, Marys; C. Young, Gore of Downie—24. THE JUDGE'S ADDRESS. His Ilfonor after referring to the cases before the court called the Grand Jury’s attention to the fact that there were 6 persons at present confined in the coun- ty jail for the “crime” of vagrancy,. Ail were aged persons, the average age of the five being slightly over 80 years. A blind managed 49 had also been com- mitted to the jai! by the magistrate, out of kindness, as the unfortunate had no place to go to for shelter. ‘The judge remarked that this incarceration of the aged poor and the unfortunate in the common jail was a strange commentary upon # civilization and a Christian feel- iug that could tolerate the like. He in- viled the jury to give the subject its cousideration. iis Honorin closing paid a high tribute tothe memory of, Sir John Macdonald. PETIT JURORS. The roll of petit jurors was then call- ed. The following gentlemen compose the Petit Jury: Henry Alstadt, Strat- tord; John Brown, Blanshard; Fred. Becker, jr., Geo. Brickman, jr., Ellice; John ‘I’. Barley, Fullarton; J. Bennett, Listowel: Jas. Brandy, Stratford; D. M. Collins, Jas. Coulter, Elma; Jas, Clark, Fullarton; John M. Climie, Listowel, Lang Challenger, Logan; John Dufton, Thos. Darling, Blanshard; Wm. Dewar, jr., Elma; August Elligson, Logan; Jas. Fotheringham, Wallace; James Gray, Elma; Joseph Graham, Wallace; Mat. Hurburn, Francis R. Hamilton, James Hislop, Hibbert; Wm. Henry, Logan; Thos. Ilanley, Thos. H. Hall, Morning- ton; Marlin Halpin, jr., South Easthope; Geo, , Leonard Humphrey, Strat- ford; Ben Johnston, J. k. Kerr, Morn- lngton; Thos. Lawrence, Logan; James Lockhatt, jr.. Wallace; Simon Martin, Robert Miller, Bernard Murray, Down- je; David Merklinger, Milverton; James McLeod, ‘tore of Downie; Duncan Mc- _ ‘avish, Chas. McTavish, North East- hope; David Neil, Wm. Ogilvy, Henry Ross, John Russell, Downie; ‘thomas Ridley, Ellice; Wm. Thompson, Isaac Eltiott, Robt. Whaley, John 3B. Young, Blanshard—18, Wednesday the Grand Jury rendered the following presentment and were dis charged: ‘ “We the Grand Jurors of our Sover- eign Lady the Queeion oath presen ‘That we inspected the jail and found the same carefully kept and scrupulous- ly clean, tLe prisoners being w for and having no complaint to make, We found seven inmateseontined there, six of whom have been committed for careqd+Hib > cima “ullarton libbert 2ogan Mornington and Milverton Wallace 5841 53 8159 93 5255 3d $73745 29 61890 17 The total receipts for the year are $1,445 less than in and total ex- penditure 31,990 less. The amount paid for teachers’ salaries was $44,471, being an increase of $459 over previous year. 7123 19 4808 18 this shows that teachers’ salaries have slightly increased for 1890. The total amount received from school tax en property was $47,232 being an average of 3433 to each section. Number of schools and teachers:— Townships. Schools. Teachers, Blanshard 1 13 Downie North Easthope South Easthope Ellice elma ‘ullarton libbert Logan Mornington Wallace Village of Milyerton _ Whe CH OROAwW 7 et et al 109 The average salary of 67 male teachers was $416, an increase of 32 over the previous year. The average salary of the 57 female teachers was $295, a de- crease of 83. The highest salary in Blanshard was $500; Downie $480; N. East $600; S. Easthope 8440; Ellice $550; Elma $500; Fullarton $492; Hib- be ; Logan $400; Mornington $550; Wallace $485; Milverton $475. The highest salary $600 was paid byS. 3. No. 5, N. Easthope. The annual promotion examination was held on the 8rd April at which 2,174 presented themselves. The num- bers were as follows:— Candidates. Blanshard 245 Downie Haima North Easthope South Easthope Fullarton ogan Mornington bert Wallace Milverton yagrancy, four of them being of the av- As the number of teachers is the same, | E Attendance at four high schools: — Stratford Coll. Inst. St. Marys Coll. Inst. 3 eee Mitchell high school Listowelhighschool 154 _ 763 The total expenditure was:— Stratford St. Marys Mitchell Listowel Deducting from this say $4,000, ex- ended by Stratford on building leaving Palance for maintenance $18,686.44. The Finance committee’s report, pre- sented by chairman Tgwecee, Was adopted as submitted. The following accounts were ordered to paid: Herald office $19, Davis Bros., $42.86, Walter Stone $3.50, Stratford Times $19.50, D. Bartlett $5, P. Dunn and A. Tracey $17.60, Drs. Matheson and Gunn $11.50, T. A. Thistle $10, P. Whelihan 38.60. A few accounts were held over for further enquiry. he usual grants were allowed to Mitchell, Listowel and Milverton. No action was taken on the various motions for school grants tothe various townships. To the North and South Perth Farmers’. Institutes $25 each was granted; also $150 each to the North and South Riding to be distribut- ed equally between the various agricui- tural societies andthe Mitchell horti- cultural society. The treasurer's esti- mates for the year ending May 31, 1892, had been examined and as aresult it was recommend that $40,000be levied and collected over the amount required to supplement the legislative school grart. The receipts for the year eud- ing May 31st, 1891, were found to be $28,326.35 and the payments $17,782.58, leaving a balance in the treasurer’s hands of $10, 543.77. Warden Schaefer presented the re- port of the County Property Committee. Some slight improvements required to doors or gates were authorized and it was recommended that the clerk and warden be instructed to take the steps necessary to get a building complained of by the jailor removed. ‘The report was adopted. Chairman Freeborn presented the re- rt of the Equalization Committee which was adopted. ‘The valuation of the county valuators in 1887 was again adopted, the following to be the equal- ized assessment for the county for 189}:— Acres. Rate. 119 $48 796 Real Prop, N. Easthope 43, $2,069,706 S. “ 23, Downie Llanshard Fuallarton Hibbert Ellice Mornington Logan Elma Wallace Mitchel! Listowel Milverton 2'135,150 2,070,650 1 84 * 2,197,180 2,046,600 2,386,200 2,076,690 520,260 688,160 110,600 $24,288,280 Mr. Cleland for the committee ap- pointed to inspect bridge on gravel road near Poole, reported that as the require- ments of the Act hadnot been complied with, no action was recommended this session, Adopted. her 325 assessing an equivalent to the legislative school grants for 1891 was passed. By-law 326 levying $40,000 to meet ex- penditure for the enrrent year was pass- ed, the amounts required for eac muni- cipality being: North Easthope South Easthope Jownie 3lanshard Li Milverton By-law 327 authorizing the warden and treasurer to borrow asum not ex- ceeding $20,000 as may be required un- pe the taxescan be collected, was pass- ed. e At the meeting Thursday morning the Education committee’s report was adopted. It brietly reviewed the in- spector’s report and expressed pleasure at the gratifying and encouraging pro- gress of education inthe county. The usual grant of $100 toward expenses of the promotion examinations was recom- mend Mr. Coveney EY ay ee for the commit- tee on roads and bridges. Mr. Corrie’s report had been adopted with its various recommendations the smaliness of the outlay required for repairs 2s per his re- pore was a matter for congratulation. he letter of complaint from Mr. Car- penter was referred to the Reeve of Lo- an to act in conjuncton with the road nspector and the Reeve of McKillop, to report atthe December session. ‘The report observed that “the custom of peo- ple when draining their lands to (if at all possible) deliver their surplus water on the roads, thus necessitating the deepening of the roadside ditches to in most cases avery dangerous extent in order to carry off the water, is becom- ing far too prevalent in the county, and he would recommend t inso far as the roads in charge of the inspector are concerned, that he be direc to puta stop to the further deepening of any of the ditches on the roads under his sup- erintendence, except where the deepen- ing may be made under an award of an engineer acting under the Ditches and Watercouses Act.” ‘he report was adopted. The business of the session being at an end the council adjourned, YOUTHS, BOY'S *$UITS< From $3.50 up to $12, © Extra Values. These goods are apprec- iated by all who have seen them. We deem it a pleasure to show You through at all times. J. L. MADER. : &) 9 : —— ae A. FRAME. Any information wanted respecting the Perth Mutual Fire Insurance Co. will be cheerfully given by giate! to R.S. Pelton, of Tue Bee Publishing House, or__- A, FRAME, dl-ly Box 14, Stratford, Ont. 50—CENTS—50 —SECURES— THE ATWOOD BEE =S"rom Wew tovTan 1,1892 THOS. FULLARTON, OMMISSIONER IN THE U.C.J.; Real Estate Agent; Issuer of Marriage Licenses; Money to Lend on reasonable terms; Private Funds on hand ; all work neatly and correctly done; Accounts Collected. Atwood, Nov. 11, 1890. 42-ly HOUSE, SIGN AND is| Ornamental Painting. The undersigned begs to inform the citizens of Atwood and surrounding country that he is in a position to do all kinds of painting in first-class style, and at lowest rates. All orders en- trusted to the same will receive prompt attention. REFERENCES :—Mr. McBain, Mr. R. Forrest, Mrs. Harvey. 82 __WM. RODDICK, 8tf. Painter, Brussels. TEAS! Everybody should Try J.S.GEE’S' UNCOLORED JAPAN TEA ! & LBS. ——FOR— $1.00 J.S.GEE, - NEWRY. Business Directory. RNDPDICATZ J. R. HAMILTON, M. D., C. M., Graduate of McGill University, Mon- treal. Member of the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Ontario. Otlice-— Opposite TuE BEE office. Residence— Queen street; night messages to be left at residence. L. E. RICE, M. D., C. M. Trinity University, Toronto ; Fellow by examination of ‘I'rinity Medical Col- lege, Toronto; member of the College oi Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; mem - ber ot the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Michigan; special attention given to the Diseases of Women and Children. Office and residence, next door to Mader’s store, Atwood. Office hours: 16 to 12 a.m.; 1 to 2:30 p.m., and every evening to 8:30. DEWDAL.. J.J. FOSTER, L.D.8., Is using an improved Electric Vib- rator, Vitalized Air, or Gas, for the painless extracting of teeth. Satistac- tion guaranteed. Oflice—In block south side of Main street bridge, J.istowel. W. M. BRUCE, L.DS., DENTIST, Is extracting teeth daily without pain through the aid of “The Electric Vibrator.” The most satisfactory re- sults are attained by the use ot this wonderful instrument, for which he holds the exclusive right. References, c., May be seen at his dental apart- ments, over Thompson Jros.’ store. Entrance, Main st.,-Listowel. AUSTIONSEERS. €. H. MERYFIELD, Licensed auctioneer for the County ot, Perth, Monkton, Ont. Rates moderate For particulars apply at this office. ALEX. MORRISON, Licensed Auctioneer for Perth County All sales attended to promptly and at erate rates. Sper eps with re- gard to dates may be had by applying at this oflice. shiniariten THOS. KE. HAY, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Perth. Rates moderate. Oftice-—-Over Lillico’s bank, Listowel. All orders left at this office will be attende:, to promptly. Money to Loan. At Lowest Rates of Interest,