THEMES BEE} R.8: PELTON, PUBLISHER. FRIDAY, JUNE 26, 1891. “BY-LAW NO, 288, Of the Township of Elma, e To raise the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollars for the purpose af paying certain maturing railway debent- ures of the Municipality and to authorize the issue of debentures therefor. Whereas certain railway debentures ‘of the said Municipality will mature on ‘the 24th day of September, A. D. 1891, and it is necessary-_toraise the sum of “’welve Thousand Dollars for the pur- pose of paying the same, and in order ‘thereto it will be necessary to issue de- entures of the Municipality of the Township of Elna for the sum of Twelve Thousand Dollats payable as herein provided. And whereas itis desirable to make the principal of the said debt, hereby ‘created, payable by annual instalments ‘during the currency of the period of ‘Twenty years, within which said debt 4s to be discharged, such instalments to De of such amounts that ip the aggre- mote ape payable for principal and nterest in any year shall be equal as early as may be to what is payable for principal and the interest during each of the other years of said period. And whereas for that purpose it will ee requisite to raise the several sums 4 reach year, respectiyely, hereinafter ‘forth in this By-law. And whereas the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipal- ity of Elma according to the last revised Assessment [oll of the Municipality «amounts to the sum of One Million Five Hundred and Thirteen Thousand Nine Miundred and Ninety Dollars. And whereas the existing debenture ‘debt of the said. Munici vality amounts ito the sum of Twenty-Five Thousand Lae and no principal or interest is Therefore the Municipal Counei}) of ‘the Corporation of the Township of Elma enacts as follows:— 1. It shall be lawfel for the Reeve of ‘the said Municipality of the Township ‘of Elma for the purposes aforesaid to borrow the said sum of ‘Twelve ‘Thous- and Dollars and toissue debentures - the said Municipality to the amount. of Twelve Thousand Doilars in sums of not less than Six Hundred Dollars, cach payable in the manner for the amounts and at the times respectiv sr set forth om the schedule to this By-law. The said debentures as to principal sari interest shall be payable at the ‘agency of the — of Hamilton in the Town of Listo 3. It shall os ‘awful for the Reeve of ‘the said Municipality and he is hereby sauthorized and instructed to sign and issue said debentures hereby authorized to be issued and to cause the same and tach coupon attached thereto to be ‘signed by the Treasurer of the said Municipality; and the Clerk of the said Municipality is hereby authorized and tnstructed to attach the seal of the said Municipality to the said debentures. 4, There shall be raised and levied in each year by special rate on all the rateable property in the said Munici- pality asum suflicient to discharge the ‘several instalments ot principal and in- terest accruing due on the said debt as the same becomes respectively payable -according to the following schedule to this Bylaw, that is to say: In twenty equal annual payments of Six Hundred Dollars each with interest thereon at the rate of Fiye per centum per annuin, payabl&in each of the years 1892, 1803. i6Y4, 1895, LSO6, IS97, 1808, 1899, 1900, 1vol, 1902, 1903, 1004, 1905, 1006, 1907, 19U, 1909, 1910 and 1911, 5. This By-law shall take effect on the Enghteenth day of July, A. D. 191. 6. The votes of the ratepayers of the said: Municipality shall be taken on this By-law at the following times and places, that is tosay on the Eleventh ‘day ot Juiy next, at the hour of nine o'clock 10 the forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of the same diay, aud the persons also herein. atter nanied shall be returning ofticers to take votes atthe respeetive polling places Lereinafter set forth, that is to say: Electoral Division No. 1, Cosens’ work shop, Charles Cosens, Returning Otlicer. Electoral Division No. 2, Grange Hall, lot 15,con.4, Wm. Shear. er, Returning Officer, Electoral Divis- ion No. 3, Orange Hall, Britton, Wim. Stevenson, Returning Otlicer. Elector- al Division No. 4, Orange Hall, Newry, Thos. Fullarton,— Returning Officer. Electoral Division No.5, Orange Hall, Donegal, Jas. Dickson, jr., Returning Officer. ‘Electoral Division No. 6, D: ies’ schoo! liouse,.J. R. Hammond, Re- turning Officer. Electorai Division No. 7, Lagnbert’s school house, Ferdinand Doering, Returning Officer. On Wednesday the Twenty-Fourth day of June, A.D, 1891, the Reeve shall attend at Clerk's office, Atwood, at the “hour of Ten o'clock in the forenoon, to ‘appoint persons to attend at the various ‘pulling places and at the tinal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, respective- ly, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the passing of this By-law. 8. The Clerk of the Couneil of the tsaid Municipality shall attend at the ' Clerk's office, in the Village of Atwood, ‘on Saturday the Eleventh day of July, 1891, at Seven o'clock in the afternoon, iand sum up the number of ‘votes given ior and agaiust this ie By: -law, TARE nworrice That the above is a true coPy of a roposed By-law which. has been taken Hoss consideration and which will be: & a passed by the Council of the Munieipalit ty of the Township of Elma in sie event of the asséfft of the elect- rs being ob btained heseto after one ple from the first publication in the | 72d newspa known as THE ATWOOD BEE) ghich rst publication was on the Nineteenth day of June, A.D. 1891, and that. at the hour, day and places therein fixed for taking the votes of the electors the polls will be held. THOS. FULLARTON, Clerk of the Municipality of Elma. June 16th, 1891. final! Brussels. Brussels races on August 21. W. Roddick was laid up last week witha lame foot. James. Wilson purchased two well bred Jersey cows at Guelph last week. A.M. Taylor has opened a law and real estate office in Superior City, Min- nesota, Acnew band stand is being erected on Victoria Park to replace the old one which was too sniall. We understand that Councillor Stew- art bas leased a roller flour mill in Dur- ham and will take possessionin Aug- ust McBain sprained his ankle Wed- nesduy evening of last w eek while pla ing football in the park. He was laid up for a few days. _ Gapt. Freeman and wife, of Wyom- ing, nre the 8. A. oflicers ap ointed to Brussels. Capt. Sweet and Lieut. Fer- guson have gone to Drayton. Melville church choir will manage the ag exercises without a precentor for atime as atrial andif satisfactory “ apse on the same line. Thursday of last week G. A. Peniuike sinned a colony of pure Ital- ian bees to High River, 40 miles from Calgary N.W. T., a journey of over 2,000 miles. He sent another colony to a purchaser at Pembroke, Ontario, the same day. W. B. Ballantyne, who has been on The Post staff for the past six years, left on Tuesday of last week for Tor- onto where he expects to sojourn fora while, He may see the Pacific coast thissumm er. Willisa ti -top composi- tor = a crack job hand. We wish him suc TODS. Mann.—In Elma, on Saturday, June 20th, daughter of Mr. Thos. Mann, , aged 16 years, 5 months and 20 ays. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. SOUTHERN EXTENSION W. G. & Bé Trains leave Atwood Station, North and South as follows : GOING oe GOING NORTH. Express 7:21.a.m.| Mixed .. 8:07 a.m- Express 12 24 p.m, | Express 2:34 p.m- Mixed . -10:00 p.m. | Express 9:12 p.m. ATWOOD STAGE ROUTE. Stage leaves Atwood North and South as follows: , GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH. Atwood §:00 a.m. ; Mitchell 2:30 p.m. Newry = 8:95 a.m. | B'rnho'm 3:30 p.m. Monkton 9 00 am. | Mankton 4:45 p.m. Bornho'm19:15 a.m. | Newry 5:55 p.m, Mitchell 11:15 p.m. | Atwood 6 :00 p.m. —N On’ r mn PERTII— Farmers’ [nstitute ! EXCURSION GUELPB The North Perth Farmers’ Institute have made arrangements with the Grand Trunk Railway to run a grand Cheap Excursion to the Asricultural College, City cf Guelph, on Saturday, June 27th, ’9{. The following is the time train will leave the different stations and the faves for the return journey: oe a Leave 6:53 Fare 80c. ETI « 9:05 #.. --80e. 1B 3: EN ERYN ‘ “ 7:2 “ §80e. AT 4 oOoD “« %21 “Fade. LISTOW B “ 737 * %e. te Arriving atGuelph at i &.m. and leaving _ p.m As will be seen by the above, this is the cheapest excursion that has ever taken place in this section. We would wdvise everybody to come along. WM. KEITH, Secretary N.P.E.L. JERSEY BULL. pet thoroughbred J Jerse: eg for on 15, con. 12, Elma. He ere good tile strain and will therefore make a valuable cross for either butter or cheese. TERMS.—$1,50 to insure Cows must vat pprotagi regularly otherwise they wir De harged whether insured or not. CE ETOSErs oid 18-4in. ry P.O MAES) A pamphiet of information and ab- \ stract of the laws, showing How to fe —_ tie Right Way CHT ia ICHTE Right an Right Eavetroughs. Deal With Us And we will use you right. Way to make money Way tospend money Way to save mone Stove is he Model. BONNETT & BOWYER, Main St. Bridge, Listowel. HUMBER | J ATWOOD Planing Mitils. The Atwood Planing Mill keeps on hand a good gen- eral stock of Lumber, in- eluding Pine Lat - kept in stock. 24¢. ve 100. Dressed Flooring, SIDING AND Muskoka Shingles ! Wm. Dunn. Bull is now}- W. J. Marshall. PAINTER, Aturood, Is prepared to do all kinds of House Painting, Graining, Glazing, Kalsomin- ing, Paper Hanging, Carriage Trim | ming, etc., in the Latest Style. Derms Reasonatle. Satistaction Assured. To Flax Growers ! The Shareholders _ of the Ontario Farmers’ Flax Manufacturing €o. may have what SEED FLAX They require at any timeafter Monday, March 23rd, by applying at the mill. WM. LOCHHEAD, 8tf Secretary. —FROM— $12 to $20! The warm summer ot ta are at hand, and you are doubtless meditating a change of clothing. Perhaps you are in need of a SUMMER Sur. Ifso,leave your measure with us, we keep nothing ~ ~~ best goods at right Let dogs — to “Sie and bite, For 'tis their nature so At Currie’s shop, across the way, They say his goods are low. In Scottish Tweeds and Pantings fine, His styles attract the gaze; So to be neat your purchase make Which best your form displays, Canadian Tweeds and Worsted Suits From apes Twelve to Twen Are said by some to be as low If not lower ‘tran McGinty, And he’s at tne bottom, ete. CURRIE & HEUGHAN, ATWOOD, ONT. Ontario, FONTHILL NU. RSERIES—LARG- EST IN CANADA. —_—_— E want reliable energetic men to sell our Nursery stock; previous ie not necessary; any man with tact and energy can succeed ; either ralary or commission; outfit free, Our agents have many advantages, such as selling home-grown, hardy Canadian stock. Choice new specialties, which are of value, and which can only be secured from us, such as a complete list of Rus- sian Apples, the Ritson Pear, Saunders Pium, Hilborn Raspberry, Mopre’s Ruby’ and Black Champion Currants, ¢ | Moore’s Diamona Grape, ete. We have given Pe attention to the propo ' gation of Hardy Varieties suitable to the Northern section of Canada. For terms apply to STONE & WELLINGTON, 12-2m Toronto, Ontario. DR. SINGLAIR % M.D.M. A., LC. P.S. O., M. c.P. 8. M., Specialist, - Toronto, —WILL BE AT— Icscerger’s Exotel, Atwood, ——on-——— Wednesday, JULY 8, 1891 Consultation Free. Jonathan Buschart, Listowel, says-— “After spending all my money and roperty to no purpose on medical men, for what they termed a hopeless case of consumption, Dr. Sinclair cured me.’ Mrs. Mary Furlong, Woodhouse, says: —*‘When all others failed, Dr. Sinelair cured me of fits.’ W. MeDonald, Lakefield, Ont , says:— Dr; Sinclair cured me of catarrh.” Geo. Rowed, Blyth, says:—“Dr. Sin clair cured me of heart disease and drop sy, when all others failed.” Diseases of private nature brought on by folly Dr. Sinclair certainly cures. FARMERS MILLMEN !! ATTENTION!! HEN and see that you get it. ying o.l for your machinery ask _ for McColl’s Lardine | It is considered by all to be the Machine Oi best machine oil in the world for all sorts of machinery. For sale by all first class dealers throughout Canada. Manufactured solely by McColl Bros. & Co., Toronto. For SALE By J. ROCERS, Arwoop. THE 777 STORE The 777 Store is Headquarter in Listowel for For Dry Goods, Groceries, Clothing, Dress Goods, &c. Please Call and See Us when you Come to Town. JOHN RICCS. THE VERY LATEST IN MALLINER Y Hats, Trimmed And Untrimmed. RIBBONS, FLOWERS, FEATHERS ETC., ETC., ETC. Pongee Silks & Satins In all the Newest Shades. Blouse Silk Laces in all colors. A few choice pieces‘of DRESS GOODS. Hostery, GLoves aND Em- BROIDERIES. = Eggs taken the same as Cash. Nirs. Johnson. WM. FORREST Furniture Dealer, r, Atwood, Has on hand a large assortment of all kinds Furniture, Se and fancy Picture Frame Baby Carriages, different prices, Parties purchasing $10 and o¥er worth: rames, Boy’s Wagons, different kinds. Moulding, Cabinet Photo may have goods delivere to any partof Elma township free Z Bisa? ht‘or Baggage taken to and from Station at Reasons Atwood, April Ist, 1890, le Rates. Dray always on hand. Undertaking attended to at an Hearse in connection. Furniture time. First-class. ooms opposite P. O- Agents V Wanted. a