Atwood Bee, 26 Jun 1891, p. 7

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a NEWS OF THE WEEK. - Alsd named pe hi a was drowned at London last evenin The natives of Matengs have massacred, roasted and eaten a French a from ~~ under M. Cram — Swedish Rigsdag has passed a law prohibiting Roman Caibolios from seeking | ‘ ake converts to their faith. ” The agreement between the Britich and United States Governments relative to a olose season for seal catching is ready for signature. An Osborne oy ——. man with a pack of hounds i from ten to fifteen wolf scalpa 2 ae on which he real. ines $3 apicce. Ed. Spellman, the millionsire distiller, died at Peoria, Ill, yesterday from the effects of injuries received ina fall from a iadder a week ago. The Portuguese Senate yesterday, by a ‘vote of 83 to 6, ratified the convention with England, which was signed, and gocs into operation immediately. Last October nine women were appointed station agents on the elevated railways of Brooklyn. They have been so successful that the managers will appoint more. The eraption of Vesuvius continues. The eruption is —— ag yet, but it ie expected it will beco violent a. Tourists are flocking to "Maples to witnegs the eruption. A number of Parisian ladies recently applied hair bleach to their jocks ag the intention of turning them only succeeded in producing a beautifal mate of in. The Ontario Convention of Universaliats for 1891 will be held at Bloomfield, Prince Edward County, June 26tb, 27th and 28th. A cordial invitation is extesded to those in- terested. j The Baroness Helena Boethy, living in Vienna apart from her bosband, died on Baturday. Her only son, Edwin, 19 yeara be salt 80 stricken with gricf that he killed man named Ingald, of Appenzel, iticeend engaged as a clown in Herzog's cirous, now in Ohemnitz, has absconded with the manager's money chest, oontsin- ing 18,000 marke The fund to guarantee the proposed na- tional exhibision in Rome now amounts to half million franos. Unless two millions are raised the Government will not subsi diza the enterprise. Yesterday morning the six young minuia- ters of the Reformed Presbyterian Charch, oharged with heresy, were expelied from the charch by the ong at Pittsburg, Pa. The vote was 95 to The French aaeal Council, by a voto of 69 to 57, has voted amnesty to T'urpein, the inventor, who was accused of conspiring to sell to foreigners the sccrets of the manu- facture of smokeless powder. Jas. A. Luke, sacoused of stealing oats from a tarmer, near Petrolia, came up for i trial 8+ Sarnia. He was let go on suspended Sentence. The man Taylor, the alleged principal, is undergoing his trial now. A letter from Dunoan, the American charged with attempting to marder his wife in Wales, to hie brother in Maryland, wae read at the trial, in which he said that his companion on the Welsh mountain was 6 man. He asked for £100. A break occurred lates yesterday after. noon in the Erie Canal at Sprakers, N. Y. The break is on the fourteen-mile level and repairing the break, and it will probably be completed by morning. The Treasury Department at Washing- ton has iesued « ciroular to customs officers enjoining strict enforocemens of the act Pg hat August 30%h, 1890, prohibiting oa oie pe of adulterated articles of d drink, and providin Specie of foreign cattle, eto. There bas been grea’ loss of life and destruction of property in the overflowed valleys of the Red River in Texas and the Territory. Since Sunday the river has been higher than known for years. Dvwell- ing and business houses have been swept away, crops destroyed and stock drowned. Four or five yeara ono farmer George egope of Ancora ing for an , died, leaving 12,000 to ener ie lag the. Henry George works. The heirs oontested the will and the case has been carried through nearly all the courts of the State. The only reason it is not carried further seems to rd because the estate is exhausted. The legates bas reocived $266 and there is only $318 left Rev. Mr. ra ans the olergyman, = — from the attacks of liquor men, lies w condition. Erysipelas has eet ie the wound in bis face, and fears are —_—oe that is will end agen oa Rattan is well advanced in yea grave fears are entertained that even Sabon he pr iacpiad he will suffer from the effects e remainder of hia days. Freen, the ay who struck him, is under arrest. BE Lecture Postponed. New York Weekly: Diidereau—Did you attend is sealant | of Prot. Hardbead on “ Grip, a Malady of the Imagination ?” we oar did not lecture. ” Down with the grip.'’ & meeting of the Toronto Diocesan Brood ofthe Chtrch England yesterda Olark declared “amidst loud and pponenta ; by uss they had in many ahora of true temper- the field the ae rte oe the English authori by the, Dr. Taogtey war was also spplauded when he said effort should be the enloee; the legitimate | + forth to close net pan supplied all reasonable requirements and the saloon only served the purpose of —— the community to = money pd ogee ; the saloon in wordy Ber pol gate to » bell. The thickness of the human hair varies from the two-hundred.and-fiftieth to the’ eix-hundredth part of an inch. THS PRENTIOE BOxYs. Officers Elected at the Annual Meeting at rday. Lindsay Yeste 's The Grand Lodge of Prentioa 8 met in sunusl session at Lindsay ye ay and Bel officers es follows : H. Ketche- Wo Le L. Beli, jun, D. G.3 G. M- Wd: Bt Blosn, inch, A. G.1.; “Joho Ballingaes, G.T.; R. D. Baker, G. L.; W.d. Sanders, A. G. L.; H. Bell, G. D. "ot 0. John Symons, * T¢ FT. Ww. — oO. T.; E. M. onsvan, D. D. G. M. No.1 Div. ; —. Monoghan, . D.G. M. No. 2 Div.; H. grove,D.D.G.M. No. 8 Div.; Thos. Joost, D. D. G. M. No. 4 Div. The Physician as a Despot. Without an — of faith in any doctor who regular, and without prejadice to a sincere intention of calling in a thoro structed and expert practitioner whenever occasion demands, it ia still permissible to smile amiably at the profeesional jealousy of quacks. succeasfal physician, with exceptions which happily are much more numerous than they were, is the most intolerant despost on earth. And we encourage him to beso. We are vaguely aware of the Hteaftastons of his knowledge; we know = he bas to guess firsts what is the mat- with us, and next what do us moh, and thas though ice are facts his acquaintance with which helps him to guess right, many theories that regulate his professional action are still hypotheti- oa], acd may or may not be correct. We know that be has discovered that many of the methods his father used were unwise and deletrious, and that the doses his grandfather pave often hastened the result they were intended to presen and hindered what they were designed to induce. 6 know not only that he is a man, and there- fore fallible, but that his professioal science like his father's and grandfather's, is pro- greesiv, and ia still very far from being exact. Nevertheless, when anything ails i ow of hie limita- he is, he kpcws more than we do, and that his knowledge is, on the whole, the best that stour command. This childlike trast in our physicians isa phenomenon which is oreditable to us and to our dootors, and from which we both get nefit. Undoubtedly our physicians do us good ; and indeed they ovght to, even if |) they knew less and guessed less fortunately than they do, else were faith a much less potent virtue than it is declared to be. But it is one thing for us to flook of our own accord to the dootors, and quite another thing far those professional gentlemen to hold that we shall come to them and to none elee, and that we may neither be legitimately born, nor die legally, except i the concurrence of the lea faculty.—From ‘ The Point of View,” in June “ Scribner.” Spiders and Their Young. Exbibisions of maternal affection are by no mesnus confined to the higher animals. Even the spider is displaying great heroism, where her young are cerned. It is ssid that one spider, “the lycoss, when her egg-bag was captured by an ant-lion, refused to leave it, preferring to sbare the fate of her eggs, and be swal lowed up. When tsken away by force she = | pereisted 1n returning to the scene of A “French naturalist tella the following anecdote of one of the minute yellow spidere which live in nests made among the stalks of growing oats: On lookin into a nest, the naturalist found there great number of little 8 in vario atages of development. The mother spider became very much frightened at his pro- ocedings, and vainly endeavored to sollect her treasures. She evidently had no idea of fleeing from the danger threatened b: the monster hovering over her. From another nest the observer tore away the Pro tecting web, but the diligent reared mediately began spinning a patch + cover exactly the breach oe had made. He several times repeated experiment, and the spider as often repaleed the miscbiet. The lyooga gathers her eggs, as soon as they are laid, into a ball, which she covers with a thin bat compact web of silken tissue. This ball, fastened to her web, she drags cocoon, ehe stops at once end defends it, often showing great courage and fighting capac- ity. Ifthe cocoon is destroyed, the lyooss | retires into a corner, and in a short time dies. When the eggs are hatched, mother. spider takes her young upon h back and oarries them about with her. Naturally quick and jerky in her move- ments, she acquires a much gentler motion in bearin, treasures. She carefally avoids all dangers, only attacks easily-won prey. and, in short, accommodates herself to whatever conditions are most favorable tothe young which swarm by hundreds about her os neo it Was Bacca-ratt. Ohicago News ; ‘* What I object to,” said Kuowitall, ‘tig the absolute absence of rhyme in your uatrain. For instance, one line finishes with baccarat and the other th spa. The lines should rhyme.” More Than Some Others Have, a Pot: “B ee, You surpr What ve to “rn with 2” et Dangerous Bat Not Fatal, Buffalo News: Youth (to Teele Did you ever run into an Oabby—Debt. —— Ontario Medical Ooun y afternoon in the Modioal 0 Council ion — Drs. Shaw and —— ann i of city, ~ ae — present. The officers for the conncil Be ines year ol. 92 are as follows: President, Dr. Williams, Tagereoll ; Vice. President, Dr. ‘Fowler, - Re A. Pyne, ; | those rned | Pitiable-looking obj Y | formed, but it cil met} has no PHYSIOL‘ANS AND SURGEONS. Business Transacted at the Annual Mect- ing in Toronto, ual meeting of the Ocuncil of the College of of Physicians and Surgeons ternoon in gh an Shaw, of Hamilton. The election for ident resulted in the pg rn eee of Dr. J. S gry age Mr. B. B. r, Q. 0., was ma cchohel Solicitor for she C Council, Dr. R. A. Pyne, Registrar and Dr. r Aiking Treasurer. following appointed a commit- tee to deal witte protested eleetions: Drs. ri Philip, Day, Moore, Bergin and Fen- withe a elected the following airmen; Registration, Dr. Rosebrugh ; ivsaiive, Dr. Harris; Rules and Regu- lations, Dr. Day ; Printing, Dr. ‘Oliphant : Property, Dr. Gerkie ; Finanoe,Dr. Philip ; Education, Dr. Fow! The council met at ‘to o'clock tlt neg | morning, the newly elected President, Dr ms, in the -* sir. is the annual - It wy —— to as ae 5,000 copies of the cal Register, to contain the names of sli the members of the oollege; the Ontario Medical Act with amendments, and other information of interest to the profession. Une Act From a Beal Life Drama, ‘* ] witnessed a most touching and dra- in from the south was a distin- enised- looking old gentleman, an 4 to his arm wey if most beautifal girl I over saw in my life. To take the Joliet. train there came ‘irs the stone steps a burly officer in citizen’s clothes, and by his side = the onoe society favorite, Geor ipe, victed of forging his mother's name oe valuable documents, who, in spite of all the influence ——, = bear, must serve his term inthe peniten ‘* A steel band was bow ‘the risoner's wrist, attached to another about the officer's wrist. The two couples I have described met directly in front of the big gates. “Qh, papa,’ exclaimed the girl. as her face lighted up with pleasure, ‘here Fenty come to meet us after our long oe Bbe rushed forward to meet the oon- vict, and impetuously grabbed both his hands. The ;shock the sight of the manpacles —— was positively fright- ul. Her great eyes opened, her face blancehd, a tried t to speak but could not, and then she fell fainting into the arms of her father, who bore her to a carriage. “ The convict, during this ordeal, was a sot. He uttered no word, but as he Pag! pen: through = gate . saw his low Pp was cover: He had bitten throngh is. “The girl, I learned, was the felon fiancee, who had been in Mexico all winter." —St. Louis Globe-Demoerat. Royal Good Girls. Aooording to the Court Journal the Prin- oesses of Walesare paragons of girla. Thay eew 80 well pas can make their own gowns, they oan go into the kitohen and cook, they ir the art of bread- making, they can make butter, play the epee draw and paint, havea zisy, toe of sculpture, and can read and speak three or four languages. What more cana human dy bsg become a helpmeet for crowned oommoner rT Yes there have been nonacunes hitches in the — matrimonial programme, for they won't arious | wed with those they may, aaa the +. catches of Europe do not see! _ themselves with the corel house ot England. Just where the sticking point is the vast outside world has not been in- speaks well for this fin de siecle royal family that ite daughters have not been ooerced or driven into loveless marrisge. ans Woman Should Know That moire is different from watered silk, the i of the first being smaller than # _— of the pant. galine h effect of a gro grata, but aa itt the rooed had neh been about after her wherever she goes. pursued, she rune as ra aly as the That surah is a soft Meee: den the threads of welght of the egg-ball will allow; but if} Which mingle rather than look straight, as any attempt be made to seize the they do in most other That eating isa general term for all ‘abrics. That olive is a green, just the color of veg. That heliotro ee an eee being od pe deep lilac ra’ the heliotrope That bodice is the proper name for any fitted pa worn above the waist.— New York Sun. Efficacy of Prayer. Christian Guardian : It is justly thought avery questionable and damaging pro- ceeding that the heir to the throne, for whom prayers are offered up all over the empire from Sabbath to Barba, and who is —ore bodiment of the virtues which paar: ro and en royalty, should be found in such low company as a patron of pular indigna and kind disposition will doning of the = in hope that he will forsake associates and sof a ques- tionable — A Tough Trath. New York Herald : ‘t Jones is the best | 4o5% man for Governor gic but the "best man never gets the Te anita: alate Not a Music Back. _—_ “ Mr. Ledger saye he “That's 60; ty an hire vine Bri ‘ and heir, is a tall, stalwart and remar per pameerf handsome man. He is fond of field is a horseman and all his ne hke lives in Maryland, a few cultivated taste, ; Among the paseengera leaving the the Chicago D- | represent a ina in Western On- SELLING A POODLE, Various Remarks to a Chicago Street Pet Vi or. “Oh! Ign’t he sweet?” “Do look at the dear thing!” “ How pretty it is!’ ‘Mamma, you must, you must, buy it for me." “John, dear, that is just what I've been wanting tor such ‘ long time.” “Te's e tes sal you have | there, sir.” “Ob, how msthetioally beautifal! Jost | notice the lingering lights and the sofs- ened shado ows and the absolutely pure white. “Yes, but what a Ly should be so rained These vivid coniesata - the effeot by ue ribbon. Oo BO nae upon the ys it has quite spoiled its beauty for me.’ “Bay, Min, don't you think we better invest in that? Sappose the landlady would object?” “Qh! oh! how lovely! How much is it? Twenty-five dollars ? + is too much. | Won't youtake lees? No? Iam Bo ‘How lucky! Here's just what I've looking for. I suppose will want $50 for it. I'll ask him and then offer him $85. He willtake it quick eno ae much do you want for it? What ? F-i-f-t-e-e-n dollars! I can't be fall bloo ica take it. Please give it to my coach mevhat was ¥ is It was s combination of a sunny afternoon, a man and a j, | ronthrat a semi” at the corner of Ohi- ’}cago’s largest dry goods emporium, says 0 Herald. It ag about two and one-half minutes to sell the dog. = ao) He Let His Light Shine, anada Presbyterian: The Ohief Justice Dorion reminds us of an incident that has ita iessons. Years ago a friend of the “lela” a stalwart Protestant, trained in a a school, was elected to tario. He went to Parliament with a feel- ing against Roman Oatholios which he himself described as strong prejadioe. He was not long there until he became inti mately acquainted with Mr. A. A. Dorion. The purity of Mr. Dorion's life, hia polite, refined manner, his high aime and scrapu- lous honor so impressed our friend that he nearly lost his aversion to Roman Catholia- ears of arg ope with the late Ohiet Justice when he was a member of Parliament led thia re icion Protestant to think that even a French Roman Catholic pe ihe may be an estimable, lovable man. There ia an important lesson here. a Roman Catholic can eo live, even in Parliament, as M1 disarm prejadice and almost commend his religion to one who wag trained to look upon that religion as repulsive, how mach more should Protestants be able to com- mend their religion to those who do not like it.? Afser all, daily life ia the most power- ful kind of argument. Whero we all fail is in living in euch a way ag to commend the “| religion of the Lord Jesus Obrist to those around us. The best Protestant is the man who commends Protestantism by his y life. Photographing the Dead. It appears that a somewhat morbid ous- has been issued by the Austrian of the Interior absolutely forbidding md photographing of corpses in studios open to the public, and the photographing of bodies of persons who have died of any infectious disease ns essi photographers, even in private houses. Exoeption is made of cases in which such photographs may be required for police or m -le ar- 8. Inthe oase of persons who have ed of non-infectious digease, the corpses a be igh oso ie at the — resi- the deceased, subject to the appro- oar pt on the responsibility of the medi- cal official whose duty it is to verify deaths. This ordinance came into force on April 1st.—British Medical Journal. Progress of the Dude, Minneapolis Journal: The degrees by which a man may fall are thus summed up by a labor agitator : 1. He owns a dog. 2. He carries a (on 8. He smokes cigarette 4. He combines the abovs practices on ~ public streets. . He sports a gaudy vest. é. He a the spike-tailed or claw- hammered ooat peri After thio, it it conceded on all sides that permanent reform is next , OF, atleast, is very A Sad <> Case. von Post : ‘Poor Morrow, he is hope- | °b. about ?” « Really ? What bro t “ Hougecleaning. Ee inks h Pleased sopeun It. —— r Evening Tele you like the little d “T never saw one the next day.” “ How I ae your wife?” liked better. It died death of} 5j i “~ OOBDREN ON CANADA. On March 20%h, 1865, Richar d Cobden wrote #8 follows to Colonel Cole: ‘‘ The most interesting debate of the hitherto has been on Canadian aff Thia is a sadjsct of increasing ee, ad the srojione confederation of the British No rican ooloaies will bring it into great peominense this session. It seems to be generally acce ve here = a tino power. en I canno intereat the British people have in the con- a aa ye ages them for tei ing four coavigens living in Canada et another community of vee ving in Pec neig rhood. We are indeed o Me ni of the Gunsdiane ; 3 he this yong ironical term to apply people we ro ager Bey our taxes nor ie our laws, nor d themselves lisble to $ our battle who would repudiate our right to the sovereignty over an -~ ." wren terri- tory, and who claim imposing their own oustoms du ‘ee al to the — of our manufactures. We are two poems a all intents — ra guared dfn it ons Bang th ies to attempt to up rr sham patient an Lata ob will soap asunder if it should awe be pus to the etrain of stern reality. It is _ very well for our Cockney novepapers to talk of vy igmr a at all haza’ It would be jast ble for the Gaited Biates to aati | kshire in a war with England, as for us to enable Carada to contend against the United States. It is mply an impo . Nor must we forget thatthe only serious danger of s quarrel between those two neighbora arises a m4 — of Canada with this coun In my opinion it is "for the in- ees "at both that we should as speedily as — sever the political thread which are as communities connect and ate the individuals on both sides to cultivate the relations of commerce and friendly intercourse as with other nations. I have felt an interest in this confederation scheme, because I thought it wasa step in the direction of an amioable separation. I am afraid from the last telegrams that there may be some difficulty, either in your Province or in Lower nS in . carrying out the project. Whatever the colonies will moet re the cononrrence of our Government and Parliament. We have recognized their right to ooontro] their own fate even to ihe point of aseerting their inde- pendence whenever they think fit, and which we know to be only a question of time. AJ] this makes our present responsi- ble position towards them truly one- — — ridiculous. There seems to be so g like a dead-lock in the Titioal ise Rand of the Csnadas, which has driven their statesmen into the measure of confederation. I suspect that there hag been some demoralizstion ey — in that quarter, and shat it is in effort to purify the political system be , cg algo, I herent weakness is the parody of our old _— eee, which is performed on ature soenes of the colonial capitals, in, with their es from the throne, votes of confidence, appeals to the country, changes of ministry, éto., and all about such trumpery issues that the game at last becomes ridiculous in the >| ove of both spectators and actors.” Advice to Amateur Photographer s. If you would succeed in your experi- ments, les everything you use be the best of ita ge A poor camera oe and weak lens will not pm good 308 Have the dark on and everything in it = perfect order. = = se great care in every pa @ pro- cess. Oarelesanesa never succeeds. Do not be satisfied —_ any kind of an impression, because 80 told se that you are doing splend: If are anxious to succeed in pholo- sear, ‘nace to sl the negative and to print from it. Do _ carry your to a professional to develope and print them for you. If ty do, how much of the picture is of your own production ? pvt inots’ can pué a plate in a camera and pore Do not attempt portraits of friends ; ‘Taney will find feult with them and laugh at you. Your sister like his or her expression, and they will say it is your fanit. bs your plates to make landscapes or Do ‘everything deliberately. Do not —— to dua’ the plate before agate. it in the alide, or the picture will be spoiled by dust en to on cellable plate and do not dean to use Use ‘one formula for s developer, and keep on doing so until your are master of it. Master the difficulties, and don’t get disoouraged.—A. Bogardus, in May Lippin- cott’s. Lightning Ualculation, Detroit Free Press: ‘I am a little short and will propound to you # conundrum in mental — said a Detroit man to his i John Staurt sce egies the at nro —¥ his friend. The out-put of whisk feos the Ken- ga ato Inat reer to 35.08 "000,000 gallons, nearly 8 nnoual product, The smallest known inseot, .the Pter- atomus Putnamii, a rasite of the iohneuman, ia but one-ninetieth of an inch frien: “All might; les me hear it,” answered “ Well,” ale _— that was bie gee “‘ suppose you in your I fae} Cahould ask you for $5, how much would remain ?’ em Ten dollars,” was the prompt reply.

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