PONTIAC; But Pies cone szoused eer a furiously, wonted | man from extermitation. N pers after. e bold THE CZAR AT HOME, Nid dea has oe akened by ee leaped. from their | shouting like d : Soom Saat 4 hic amcor cepa Or the Siege of Detroit: beds and wildly out upon the gleam | time to give one volly ofmusketry when the| | Pontiac’s messengers continued down the Babe th ie ents Na of Aleka ing bayonets, and listened with. beating | Indians ver the wes | ssissippi till they vesched New Ori ie hearts to the mniled tread till itdied away and it became fherop band-to-band 42 eat! Ta the Russian Wis fie at Gatschina, b; ‘SY je wai pee ies pe ee Brown commanded The whites ‘once that the nee Governor. rs He threw cold wateron ia whole | the seaside at "Peterhof, or in fog Danis! (coxciupen.) Capt. Gray the center, and Capt. Grant the| their lives ae. aes Fut ae ra nee ee pvtegirem The siege had now: lasted between two | T2" The utmost precaution hi en | critical moment the age called oee ta a rife ildren: “Gea, and three months, and both parties. were | ‘skeD to preventany noise that might alarm | up the schooner. ‘The order rang o fectly idolized by his family, and all those sulforing soverely from want of provision, | %°eNemny But it was useless ; for all this | and distinct over the ‘din of the ocak an way, are oversflowing Pontiac way atratd to porn hin warriors to| te dusky forma were fitting from bara | some. 0 understandi of his kindly, unassuming dispose ‘seize them from. the Canadian: force, field, to cornfield, noting each | import, Aah @ alarm. The sudden ag teen +h, and only on ti sb hom not even Sd taghsenein his Wieser mmpel. | movement and reporting them to Pontiac, | side of a frigate within pistol-shot would not | promise ‘* cused of a Ted to issue ies, "written on This chief had already broken up his camp | have ereated su: ‘The frightened single f ainst his wife, he is a most af- birch bark, with which to buy them. ‘To his | rns is way ed surprise Dalzell. wretches did not: on the order of their | ed. Baftled ietinat fa sah the companion and friend credit it must be said, that he afterwarda anced guard bad just crosood the Going but wath unearthly yells plunged over. boys. scenes were faithfully redeemed in this state euiah a aaaibe ati bate ea te it, when popes ts from the rigg- yin Russia of affaires negotiations were again opened, | there arose a yell out of the ground Bgon ‘which phibrel ye -gliretieeon: Russias of- end lots and Pottawatomies came | Very feet, Jollowed Bras solley that shots ed shore, ducking ‘hei heads like ott he children’s revels theme tay make ce, When depata: ed half their number earth. In an |&8 if they expec! very momé aig it assembled fcn teats thoes telloe fitst visited thet fice nite all-was contusica’y Peat eee) TT ith the Basing fragmenta of the nbagen, superintending eee te ft es Chie ee, gals iled the air| 8 hit easel. They were so thoroughly | comina: a all their games and participating in all the hb mmiosader, noticing on Ottawa |and fierce rolleys flsied “in their faces frightened that they did not re return, and the | Ange. While here he heard thet thece w re was No r among them, called in the to arrest | Dalzell confuse, | Temainder of the night ee tly. where were the English children, i This intinidated Gienand thoy ny raised ‘hin sr patie ‘Be ca and ral-| The fight lasted but a ts, id ae sequently ratified a treaty o} a6 aus | So llnee aid es - of it. Ott 1d Ojibwas, howorer sie overthe bridge. Pushing si charged on up n Indians ly haditben ri panded, is i peril the siege and very day there were more or ridge on which Pontiac's entrenchments | while of the crew of zen only four remained cle Sasha,” and it Tess firing and casuali ; dismay he found no foe, | unton e next morning the sF Unely Sashes all over “esate, uniknewa the garison, though behind, around, and on every side | hoisted sail, and soon her answering salute | had beer d with @ barrel of whisky Bs abe e would up in syle fiero ‘Niagara |tie deadly volleys flashed and the yells| told the anxious garrison tha n English reap se ireep | the midst of the merry throng and challenge naa the aliot of etre Tt was placed un-|@toxe, At | e became completely en- a ¢ behind the seaport ee ne i oe * head nother, and then all together, the bevy of | Ilinois defended the: ce and a te me ildren of the Ane a ih Cen Gekie ones ah * “Bat ae ‘companie mH Grant eal able est fe 4 t provisions suf- | Pontiac’s eloquence gathered together from ut al- ly is reached the mouth of the Detroit | #ecure the bri Rsceten thi dead and Panis Beient ta last enya shor time, andall we aa far and nea, ‘and torrents of blood flowed ene 5 les below the fort. That | ed were p board the batteaux, and | put on short allo eng ignominious death. The iration and the night a dense fog settled on the water, and | the crippled column began to fall back to- |" ‘The long and. weary summer at length |Hlinois never recovered from the, terrible ie Bees ler cover of it Rogers began slowly to | Watd the fort. It had proceeded only about | wore away, and the frosty nights and elull, | Punishment ees ae ces Pee aprg ‘stem the stream. His progress was tedious | half a mile when it came to some outhouses, | ing winds of autumn reminded of the | S22 of one of the! ® aes end the ‘same dense curtain |and.a new cellar, behind and in which the A eae ene say this barbaric chieftain, cules for iis and muscle, “and. “Uncle “that svar ieee Indians lay packed, waiting for their enemy ied the same relative posi | Sasha” al nddenly a yell its volley was poured ir d_have been one of the| faces. “The m Baile stricken, rushed to- a vat the world. His body lay upon in Russ gether in esate ly to fall a more easy | oq re it had fallen until St.) Ange ground, May prey to their foes. Dalvell, although bleed. fee it and buried it with martial though he is stow to mo ing oa oe aes rushed among them, No mound or tablet | xtrem: bo} liated into fragments, sailed were friends o1 eng! Lise | move upward, and Beal gently breaking racefully away abot ison did not know whether they eard on the ning breezes. nigh the , bis grea ersonsl. exertions ‘h vapory mist that still floated i spiral | Succeeded in restoring par cpialondan Feet dim, Wreaths ‘surface | Tetreat c ed. 5 2 & the rear, revealing their to his resoue stall dead by his side. their enemies, instead of By | in their eng! glorious hues of a wi It was not yet daylight and the invisibl be which'at the aan 5 pale-faces, ed Me Phe rere ute mays TWO OF A KIND, id le | possi not resist it, and rushing back | distant ocean Buball this Deanty pasted unnoticed by the little bele: dg leagueres ed at Lausanne a few At length ch od aed swept the wild- hires returned to Yverdon by erness, filling the heavens with leaves, and he repeated seve from Fort Chart ge, as he could not tell us, | if there is any ground for this beli To Avoid Publicity. _ Here are a few su; eye to be by men who re of the news jon’t have ae Sinn. Dave have any friends. story is of a cat, a black cat cal- their names out read in thousands over a fhe fokeptien grave of the forest her Seer Sita Ris mother, saying, “Bijou is with-us ; he appeared on Monda; ie ah ani T cannot ief ? followed e & | ceived by the forged des gi io which a weak man woul 2 was pie saint confession, have made grudg ingly, “and after which he would” ha modified as little as possible the policy based upon ._ Not so Alexander , and he ackno dged it, and frankly readjusted his polley etaybee! Ase IT WAS 4 GIRL, And the Enraged cance Tried to Kill the Ansonia, Feb. oe wife of Patrick li ni oj agli Se 4 on bein, ortified, he broke up his) 20°F handles are different from ours, going | that it was a girl wild with rage. poe retired with his warriors to the | UP aud down, nivard found by jump-| Going to the bedside he demanded the ing on the handles he could open the «i his wife, say that he would kill it Ay psi! orc Pontiao left word arrived from | 720072 fe Bison thi hones a.cray outs who| at once, ‘The sick woman, too wea ‘kine, wk g eter was| ny, ee de ta itera, oR ihe, who mn hey | ution tae Mra | et, ama oe ied ora in it, Ats kee the last of the column, | been overtaken by astorm, hii s wreck. |W88 busy writing and took no notice. | just recovered from a severe illness. eid Ratea, anal seater pele wa cre Sire ® chais is_head and | doct, took pias thealdceeantoanes six hours this disorderly o conflict had raged, | was gloomy tidings with which to commence | listened, and seeing Peter's wants still un-| him away. ‘Then mesh ars inwhich fifty-nine soldi either | the winter the river was bridged ; Sttended to, he got up, walked across the Heats gaint the Ast the babe, and killed or ee :; The i ians had suffer ith ice ; the rifting snow piled up around | £00™, pe fe a door and admitted his) its mother. Dr. r walked out of the comparatively little, and wore wild with | the fort, friend. Ihave heard that black cats are i cad fort, and the iwintor in that the most intelligent and tortoise-shell cats | Foo™ and is yar ie Tope that every direction with the x b) tribe. I successful. In the yard the dri olloy x f who came and pulled him off. Reardon waa ted. arreste: me em 0 DE BRAZZA'S EXPEDITION. He is Buried int pths of Africa on a na he debarkation th w i tril indians, who S Mysterious ‘Mission d marched into the town, with colors fly- | by the increased strength they had received, | again commenced their attacks on the f Tim ERNST aes ‘and drums beating—the inhabitants | were more elated than even ‘The sirott| this was kept up till mid-summer, Don ae an Wied tainad rk is famous re welcoming, them with lon; {Rad continaed | presented faneral sapeot, and the hearts Brad sues aresverl mith. Iitue foros, and tel Tay lotto eon is now ris tavaise howevae ste astane ers. ‘was no for them, how- relieved the garrison from 15 months’ close i : ry ever, in the barracks, and they had to be TanPAis While: to Lie annie ar He logainieeni : pee ocnee Meese igs A Htc ok aha har quartered on the inhabitants outside. That | muffled drum, as it acc sta re ‘The posts that had fallen intothe hand of| Dow't commend SAS Bieuiicted: ThA Sted ccnetsowatenee yaa feasting and joy in Deirolt| dead to their graves, The bodies of many the Indisns were regeined, and Capt, Morris HeRy ce tae spite that De Brazza bad with him. 2,000 ermed e gloomy stree: ed gay and cheerful | could no’ ered ; fanadii to Ponti fer terms of peace. 4 is ss again, and a brighter sun never went down|as they went to their harvest folds in the | The axl phipy allintiabs asaived ius (ene Teron cne as Pee ome te ed yi pen tk gets en this oasis i wilderness than that] morning, stumped over many a stalwart | outskirts of hi and refusing to give| Douitregister at a hotel. 3 teat vegina tothe Weis: doe e sight flooded the heavens with glory. The| soldier stretches nthe aon: swaid H1b| hi hia taal lane fishing eye on him, | Dont: a adjoining town- Taleced the Guvccanmrtiaebe Cal: “mournful death-march and the parting vol-| wasa gloomy day, and the boom ot the even-| and exclaimed. ‘The eee aes aoe ew ae prone derrtbol: eh Guinean ley over the graves of those who had fallen | ing gun at sunset that night awoke mourn-| Ho indignantly spurned all proposals, and pare vin Sree [a ep roam Goce ay ne ‘$n their efforts to reach them, was the taking with him his 400 warriors, Ear ae ices eee aie | tanh erecta ate Oskar tee ee aes zad interruption to the abounding gladness| of the garrison, The Indians now grew bold-| bis ca een crossing the| “font moet lone lost fi 1 1. Se Beeson ieft tabeoville, ce asl and joy. erand reinforcements coming in, the coun-| Wabash, cf ts. “tilleae to village cee, Pia tiends or rela- ‘Oiows Riconnsber Fi Capt. Dalzell, hs had won great renown | try was covered with their encamp among the berpes calling on them to arm in] OS iy liege forced Gear Se a8 a partisan warrior with Patnam, propos-| Previous to the attack on Pontiac’s camp| a common cause. Finding them Eaneeoe Davie eens Ee a ales to inate ‘tire cudcess of Ine wares <1. Bveace any & wight surprise of Vontaneia.| ts ost cone Gla tqets tad: Bueet oen¥ sta Seon’ elie vapeated abe Uuerrente they bad Rd ese An known tts: Be weak is leed gampment. This had been fixed just beyond | Niagara with letters and dispatches. Her | ceived from the English, he threatened them, Don’ age a Pr a : tb s force Frotn tlie’ Mobengh arent’s Creek since called Bloody River | return was narrowly watched by the Indians) eayii you hesitate, I will cousume| , 272 50 S0ye Sos igh Srpaehis 0 north toward pr ines River which —which was about a mile and half from the ter our tribes as the fire consume the dry grass | * Y0*°0 A aa pe e poe ars ‘The night of June 31 was fixed spon for . What the result might ha een kent impossil ‘but some Cenadians gave information of it to Pontiac, wl measure: to defeat it with that pert which distinguished | yar F te say 311 : Paeee che Waset | ed. The ala on ell at il nightfall, ir elien the ¢ to anchor within y was heavily overcast, so so ti when night had fally set in the darkness was almost st total. smembering her former ex- ww that if they cculd fo the Indians, who once reach the schooner without being swept grape-shot, they could soon over-power the feeble Keeping on his fiery way, Pontiac rea | ed Fort Chartres on nt Mississippi. St, apr hi abled ess , enough by the pyri par ‘was com- Sletely.dlalieat veal when Ponkee, with eee Donen ee eee ee 400 warriors at his back, stalked into the| | The drying up of alton Lake, the great fort. He made all sorts of explanations and | body of w: thie scheme. o h fruit, and quiet farm: honses, the little column kept sey eels givea, however, th no common mind that plan- | the moist had not been borne up by a ty Burpos ile long to abandon it now, and still clinging to | breadth, with thirteen inches of water the hopes of French aid, d to the | the t. countl ibes that swarmed the western | thirty y wilderness, and endeavored to band them in | Numerc ich ne great united crusade against the English. | have deepal It is esoreht by recent Haughtily leaving the fort, he encamped | observers that the lake was formed princi- without, and immediately dispatched mes-| pally by the general Wreriowing of the Col- sengers down both sides of the Mississippi te River for many mil ts bank enlist the Bem along its banks in his gran: ion water carried the sec ofthe mesquit ning | | vigorous growth of mesquite has started ¢ san ee enterprises . They believe the Eogieh are rely trying to scare other nations off, ir. Younghusband (coming home finds ing jis wite Ae tbe 9 jo you are doi your own cooking? Tell me, now, what it is that you are cooking at that stove, jolly Molly —You musn’t have so much oui the} osty. | T don't tae jopalt yee via ec & known English astronomer, is dead. He in 1818. THE WEEK'S NEWS. The nis of Lorne has been appointed EM Duchess of Bavaria, mother of Em-{ Am American Writ 1 Description ofthe! TI was inexpressible charm in the -- governor and constable at Windsor Castle | press th of Aust ages "Tuceday. | mighty Portal to the Midite j bare scintillant sea and the soft, low wind Me. aces tant of the cael ets ee seacks riding is Paste op "100 daily. Ee PO es yl ca aie Ae spp "'Howrs passed ond we. were of the accountan' ‘s y in Paris const . anton Diiawes ie eas ported that Prince George of | N, 7 eae ea ough .2 | Moorish coast and knew that Malaga was rae egotintions as to extradition are in pro: impression our first vie’ Se ihe bead ot thee teneciatiast ia She coe, oe Lieal A. Chaples a has as fone Wales” will become a rear admiral ia the sn France and the United Ie ae of Spain. ‘Then came I lights in forty ‘across which we were steaming, and that to weeks for = all ithe land the Moors have mourned for 400 Archbishop ze ne Beeaassed is con- Buton, — Nec cag inventor, | The priests! prokibisian of the use of to- sal is r W8S/ years was behind the sierra whose spurs fine aks son il clas nt be as which will revolu- | bacco in Persia has drawn, and exorable name Trafal- | Were visible in the northeast. Next the at Tac of Guelph, brother | nize the artillery the world. | the people are again allowed to smoke. a tled the question of | iraction was a covered with repre Sherif “iacDonal’ ‘of Goderich, . Brewer opponent of calttdinal Ledochowski has been appoint the supremacy of Kngland over the ocean | snow—two remarkable summnite nearly 12,- died Saturday nig! a platiorm of the and other esac ts Car fiteal Simoont oir Prefect ind his consolation at | 990 feet hi igh. iee adi by meade tha ice Gadi ing ied the other day in = Prince and Princess of Wales have Mr. W. W. Oni has donated $1,000 the proposed ¥. M,C, A. building at Win, UE: Mishebe tastes oe abated Sliver of Montreal by acclamation his opponen‘s having retired from the field. Me i nant-Governor Campbell, of On-| jj cf ween tario, has contributed $50 to the Macdonald Maj eubjects at home and Setieae oS presenting a typical, Irish village at 4 Roean the Chicago World’s Fair, that lemorial fun his project is now assured of 5 ‘The ice is two feet thick at Orillia andTo-| ‘The influenza al aa ae ronto, icemen are cutting large |ing in London. A prominent medical jo quantities. | it declares tho disease to ‘be infectioas, The annual meeting of the Canadian As- ! and recommends isolation and disin fection. the idea los Stl ones abe eed recen obae hel opposed le Crar has ordered the confiscation of ly screw, For i ke St. Duke o pe ree ed cB nto the wioat bel ig seen vice for the galt i or ¢ | drove Ber wit of sal oe Besytil Olair is pls! so solid rates sat aa oe nucleus of a national pension, so it is ikely refuse to gives fairy prloe fo may be pardoned for speaking of from the paces shore across to Canada the disposal of the fund Will’be left to the | Traffichas been interfered wit ch in Bae varia, om the swell | agai, y never lent to a gentler scene a even as far up aa the mouth of the Thames. | Princess Mary. owing to the railway employes = ibralter. The kindlier illumination, and on the Spanish mG. W. Ross \dressed a mectingo | The high bail of £20,000 has been fixed in | 4°W# with grippe. mighty rock, one af the pillars of Hercules | rocks were lighte from the lamps that guide hers in Montreal on Monday ascot George Woodyatt Haat p,,|, The betrothal is announced of Archduc- | thats end cf ‘the werld arn the navigator of these transoan i ini reed with cmbemlement, The | hess Stephanie, widow of Crown Prince one of the gate-posta of the new astes, ich the air and the wat fe exceptionally heay: ‘ac. | Rudolph, and Prince one of Br Bene: vee paren Sar are so Teecttally coher 10, when jumping on apeasing sleigh count of the evidence to the prisoner's own | , Empsror William has given offence to | strike the be nmagieaaont CTe cooker ders fell and was trampled on aby ote His | diary that he eae the country. | English Court circles by ordering he Talees Gasbentincgta: tam eRene ante : a sar shed and i | ithur E- Smithers, managing director | owning for the Dake of Clarence for only | Memories and fan See en «Pesos Russia and the Drei’ Hugh Smith, M. P. eH APS of the English Bk of the River Plate, was | te day age instead of Se e eager to see the reality so often jecess which the bullying of Russia fell cat a loft of his barn while threshing las Ic sentenced to four years penal ser- | P&cte’ tured. Over twenty were goi ing to leave | met in the matter of the passag rm on Friday, and is now und fer the care of made for embezzling the’ funds and for ta- ar refrained from going to bless the | the com ny for a tour in elles has doubtless encouraged the advis- doctors and in a serious conditi ing the accounts of the bank. waters of the River Neva on the advice of f the lieve that the Sultay The residents of Rat Porta, ey me, intent ravages from la grippe are reported nown as Minesobic, Van Horne, or in Ariz a. Ver: Peter J, Hennaert, Vicgr- ‘Acauel Ganeal at Detroit, is dead. A London despatch says: Col. A. hasbeenappsinted assistant pajntast general The Democratic National Conventian in of Canada in succession to Col Gol | Chicago will be held on Jun A young man named Frederi res ‘An epidemic of smallpox is eer in of Usborne, Ont. while felling trees in the the Italian part of sens woods the other day, was struck bya falling | ‘Two old neople Baer ca Aesth 00 Too nd sostently Eillod. 1 eintedsi ac Kgein Ales Mr. O tz. has resigned his office jpohool trustee and treasurer of the board for |Natem Mon or ee elper was yeehedas Preston after a continuous service in that | and mee ad of 53. years, Mrs. Ira Heo _ Thousands ri eae are starving to death in sonthern Idaho, owing to the great depth St sabwenigaye Joshua Gao of Pine Creek, Mich., 103 {years old, has had a wrestle with la geippe | and came out * it. Js is feared that the whose husband was killed on the electric railway at fow weeks ago, died on Saturday at Sietcnite | ae uth named Albert Long son of a hotel Mceeper ia Hamilton waa acoidentally shot dead by a companion while out rabbit | hunting one day eck. i, Stewart of Ottawa, for many | 0 activ Saige orkee ER loeb. Belle, oct etn of the be iad; Pretoea fearenter ‘of li. | Supreme Court of the United 'S conses in vole of the late Rev. J. W. Man-|last week at Washington, aged 7 7 ing. Three hundred mules and sixteen horses loss of cattle in years nie Robinson, ap inmate of the Ciel” Home, Toronto was scolde: aY-| Hive membersof the fam‘ly of Mrs, Johan than Bane, Philadelphia, have died of the burning down the Sang, pies suet a however, aver EB. aoelid has been elected _The doctors say that if Secretary Blaine other attack of illness similar ee they fear it will p: astions of the Montreal Board of Trade. reduce the duty on barley to ten cents per | between the old and the new, and there is Sir Richard Cartwright is confined to his ee tnt paste pull |e ieaiaas nny ae tevtanl ocdng, tet] GagMbatte shake aualevan ine soac : epee oy Kingston wuss dhe. gripe, {tion Congeem far'reliet! "tenet it writhpay dae attention tothe sngger | <Wen gre. found cur. walllig place: the 4 con Hon. John Carling is confined to his be: mi Ed whole of the =e Soe Aletrict in| tions which may be submitted from parties | ship was surrounded ats, the first of distrust- Sos ‘ronchitis and his physician, Dr. | with snow and there is |most interested, It is understood that ex- | which were manned by enterprising traders, ne me; M. F., orders abeolate rest. leon sulfering among the poor. ‘ator Platt has taken ahand in this | and soon there was.a brisk trade in Spanish a - Peter Phelan, of Peterboro’ 0 le | The total number of immigrants arrived | Sah, and that he is using his influence to | fans and handkerchiefs, pictures with the | bu Canadian voya, Nile Sree in the United Statos Gari the 12 moaths bring about a reduetton of the barley duty. | beauties of the Lan f the | gain by war, nor Ital g substan of 1864, is dead in British Columbist lending December 31, 1801, waa, 690,686 0 is very much interest | all-ighters in thelr gaudy dresses, sprang. tial,nor Austria anythingsndstantial enough — The I ! * * subject and has a representative, who said ahs Reale ned. Close at hand wi to be e risk of war. Nor has the e Imperial deck. load law has been sus- ane + | “British f th belied their pre- ented ng regards Canadian vessola until| “Snage M. F. Ka «tne Now 9) — There isno question but that the reduc- nd behind it. the big tg demeanor of these powers belied their pi Risy ig app, of the New Jersey | tion of duty on barley to its former figure fondled Thanderes, ready_at snp hour to | tensions, “In the. recent. troubles -of the Arcibinon Langevin, of Leontopolis see es delereing Schatee the | Would result in increasing Hae igo iliink | Jostiy bar oak? nee een eobere tyg Hace ete ee oe ets died?o Toeday ities “IS noceeate i iis lies ley to the farmers in New I make |from our foremast, and the cross of St, ; many has displayed the conciliatory temper pater ter grand jury in Jersey City ontse, aastantirs tie: val kuewn ieee George never had looked to me quite so | which so strong a power ow. See is Tat styean He wana brother 0 | A teh Chinaman residing in Tdianapolia that the New York State mli-housee were |po’ brilliadt and formidable. _-Auiong our |Ta the gnestion ning the e je ea vin |was married on Monday-night to a young | built for the purpose of malting Canadian | passengers were Briton Canadians, | of the Dardanelles, the members of the — in Pacific railway, for the jaqy, danghier of wealthy pa el rae f ley. Under the existing law it 1s impos- Eedies ang Bae ae they were radiant | Dreibund showed so much torbearance as better handling of trie prior toad ducing residents o! ible for them to do this with profit. Con- | with p to profess that they were sincerely averse OE A lteter ae dre ep pees | mea Beet Sugar Producers’ As. |eavently they. are com: lied. ure the PRIDE OF BRITONS, towns, Lf they had desired » pretext, the sor, On! nin int, and has let cor he merican Beet Sugar lucers’ As- r western, and the barley of the Ne case furnisl em a very more eae tea kre of over a quarter | soviat en formed in San Francisco. | Gen State farmers being mixed with this |_, There is no spot over which the Beitish | Sieusible one than that with which Peg! ae of dock: mi object of the association is toencourage | shea i a ndard fies that 60 appeala to the lory hadouie supplies ‘* The League th and vanity of ios 'y of Robert Stevens a clerk em Site of the beet, sugar industry nown. He ws and leaves a wife and five 45 years of age State: a, caused by the eold gpell, will amount | ry the The. with tl Jupiter ure at =: tne tani ill has in the New South ly. The Government officials, wl jot to i Darin, with renewed severity in Vienna, 891 deaths havi ing | previous as Portuguese Cabinet having decided 7 ren Aa cathe raging at the Cape of Good Congregations! de cable which is to connect the he rest of the eases e Constantine, ria has adopted the tariff treaties with Germany, Belgium, Switzerland ant |* ich from Sydney reports that —— its in fear of a the past week influenza has raged ted as against 221 for the en ries, the oat tl in the las oS Cock w with s M wo petiti should apply to ‘The Kh take the oath of al is_ manifest officers in the Egyptian service will take ath. hat immortality exists Fe a Jan. the King desires that the reform 8. edive tae required the troops giance. Mucl Sedan ths “Bogiah | it ti Cato Pollard, of the Salvation Army, | t} left London for Berlin to begin an inves- toa seriou: ranks, and that discipluie is very THE BARLEY BILL. New ao heeled Greatty Parte in © Props osed Redu: 30. resentative cod bad ‘an interview this ‘mornin, ome of the : 2 for 20 years. shildren. alone Templars of Massachusetts have GREAT BRITAIN. tne The death is ae in Ireland of the | the Chien Exposition in deciding to allow Bishop of Do the sale of intoxioating Nquorson the Er sition grounds during orld’s Fair. a Archon sede mogh, Lord Primate) ‘The accident’ on the Wabash near Eas Res, Chas. Spurgeon is ea im a critical | # sondition. Sir Oscar Clayton, surgeon-in-ordinary to the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edin. burgh, is dead. There is a likelihood that proceedings will largreaves- ase. The detectives eee up the signe ink notes rae a decision as to what action will yet invite ia Great Britai he thinks the feeling of the English Cabinet is such as gE tases tg a cided to omit the so-called select Clydesdale stu from the recogni: ister of Seg eon is suffering with an| brood animals entitled to free entry under attack otgout inthe head and hand. Heis| the Tari Era, The United ae seers relery of the trea- itted estimates of $175,000 EP in ceteeten aoa nipment of a revenue stec eal for lakes lichi, Saperior, an (00 for another for lake Michigan and eee an day last week there was the u Safe 157 death notices in The London Times. The possibility ofthe Duchess of Fife su. seeding one causes much comment in Togas e & a ce river. A few days since four schoolboys of Li Dios “oe ran; At Nottingham, Eng., a woman ce a her two children and then committed sui- ° side. Li ie has written for the Queen's Prime Ministers Norton's ifoct Lond Palinse: ton which has just been issued in London. MoLaughlta, their toncher. ‘They sttad the girl and bent her seretey so that her life and when her young broth The Queen, for the benefit of the Sone Be SE iaear the toate tg tradosmen, has epi es holdin, who are now held ons charge of rats iy shel Brasco ‘led bim on the pid tatebary, ho was confined to his pape errtolpe rer ra TN GENERAL. ~ sats Os a Government has decided to Fs! nd shipyard helpersat Sun- | make Peers in co-operative farming. Lend, Bag., have struck against a redue- William of Germany was’ 331; rages. Em Mend in eee Ww years old on Wednesda; FE Tasole ad Bees! isaicooied to fa F iver question. if we ig been another for lake Ontario and the St. pa Ane Sit be detained at (gonrention. heb! into The: aol ed for it so did Pope's bealth, sends rumors to the contrary, is said to be excellent, Pacther reports ace received of fearful ‘a superabundanco of mon: featon eee week, and stagnation paces m the stock exc John Couch ‘hla, F.R S., the well, ol worl pa died ie an eet oft three YELLOW FEVER. The Crew of a somd Attacked by the s rese Ne jens Jan. von _The steamer Mercia» | rhe town inconsiderable, buat not imposing, which arrived at Shields, Sogund The and fireman no sickness Sputh Wales is fortunate in the pos: ion »f n jurist who for a clear insight meh age oe of justice 0 out-Daniels feadant pled that be had eubsceil the work on the representation that id —-, a i ogra, but found it | the fadio ne void on the ground sod bre) Saree of Mack” was humbug an eee: e those of ential sai uncle of the | red, Guar =a rare of the Queen of Greece, is ‘second reading | *2°"Y sles agudativa Amenity Ge world has arrived at | seated light. the distinct res the: famous st e 8 how pl is the souther Severs shocks of earthquake ware flt on Friday night in Reme and other parts of | i28 *? the 1 Peaks be Keay, Some buildings collapsed, bat there THE MEDEEERRASEAS St tid view 20 far no report of any lives having been | — We had at last cromed the ocean and were | of to longed in land. While hreads apparent, ani rvoirs for and the gene tg fea nom o0d-by, thousand to Y | exchanged are adieu, farewell forever. It is Fare th Still fore west as rock was 51 ‘ast a fy lin mds MISTRIC GIBRALTAR. i ania i m4 flashed on In the former Ttis Gibratas a oom bulk with sened, the light increased. The red arked the pak projecting ae into jrizon, commands attenti there are oe der Tu jumps of mountain swell- 80 Athy ley ship hed just strived, and canal and the Sirs of Gibraltar, for Eng- aor Aslan tion ship had been plowing the Indian ocean ant an find the Bay of Gibraltar the half-way bouse |i 8 to gro Ration is conspicuous. ‘The steep places wind they ascend the Toftiest peak are like the * f a 8c iiThere are dividiog walla whose and the great cisterns that are grea lita itgorfensal seen rough an opers: glass it tells of the tawny they s sccm aight be ‘ete the stupendous sur- ;,| The service 18 cheap, th handled, and the ladies hit the enjoyment | #10 is i of the idea of adventure without dao Yes, yes,” said the bali ie, encouraging: jiscomfor te Ti Boge the patings that are now more eas on zo eang som he sgure Ze salty, wasreat ‘ale, Gas Cyber tce abie | keep on up High street till ye come to al a pum ny the the companionship of long voyages rot Pr ee ging and we are wi the coc yasness A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE. A pisture grand and lovely was in the 3 editerranean sea— ‘aterm ca ‘the ancients. ‘The | — poly the wile + of the \deut hiils were presently indistinct and thea lost. le mountains were impressive and beyond them and the yeen ‘isers. | in their ae raiment, as l’a day in June, “a when the 18 | sun withdrew its glories and inf an abyss of beauty the moon took up ths tale, and the wake ofthe ship was broad river of quiver- ing silver. We were floating like dreamers of delight on an encha re was an at- mosphere of tender lig Sate The ship was caressed by brillant waters through kc seemed e day th ‘hum all aver | ers of the Cz Ye leitae 11200. beeed would be equally pliable in the pres the cnet Srna Ee fees nth ay truenlent and Delon, ec *gemi-official” an of the British lion | it ws ly unders spe win iso point en which the Dreibund fer the bullying of RE its ithout and ted he Mil that ly pillar of Hercules loomin, ion, an teuaty oe outli strange, rot in condition to wage an aggres: She is short of supplies send short of mone ing, and steaming near ia, by way of the Suez re were tossing ‘in the west- | n 30 we Bene 4 m its summit the signal to the summit, and as Eastern question ‘The announcement that the British Foreign Office is actively ~ e representatives ot and Germany is precisely what is not yain-water are conspicuous. fect is pleasing, There An Unexpected Reply. ‘A.small Scotch boy was summoned to give evidence against his father who was of making @ pean in the racer Beck immortal rivers of the east n yr in dreams of Asi: * sis Bailie to i st: tobeno tugs at, ‘or aba sand | speak the truth, and let us know fa yd eas mmmodious enough, though about this affair.” kas dose “« Weel, sir,” said the lad, “‘d’ye ve ae er eee i ie,” eel, yogang cite oh and turn Eien ilo tke ies and across his tion are be- coe | fantile simplicity, * st jay gang and pump to bright an - eg | it, for ye'll no pum one that the w« ‘His Picture, hile Mr. Hankinson is | waiting ¢ to come down)—Sis has got co well, and if forever ee well -Willie (w! for fhis heart ues wildly) outlines show- pire sl = and | fraued in touched wi colors, peal eed wider hs and eeestaps de not tell What name under it, Willie?” ee loveli- think eet ae in ee left the ish shore was or something of that . “any on Onin igh the the Atsican mle Me. Hankins :