Shea mre Mk Vol I_No. 15. THOS, WY. WY, WHALLEY ——_—_ MEDICAL porstpebeigons | BRUNNER DISTRICT NEWS MILLBANK 7 BOBERI, M. BM. Pigs a Larne Spee ofa Respected Lady—Suiecess-| Surprise Party exe Interesting Items Culled from the | 4 Northwester—The Chimacy Is Smoking liege of ee “ ‘ol — ¥ Burgeena at Untasioy an oe: eas rty—Contract Let—| Mp Jo. Grorr’s saw can be heal See oe _Obp winter ee ive renewed student of London Hospital, Lo Tr hat ae ‘lage | Buzzing from morn till night these Min Tis. Teoh, see P, ecaes his base since last writing. If that’ ae land. Office in rear of post of zz inhabitants of this village were! 4... Mn. Jas. Trow, ex-M. P,, is serious-| wasn't a wing of a real Northwest Xe phone connection ¥ terribly shocked Banday noon to heat" s... young couple from this section |!Y il! at his home in Stratford. blieard’ that struck us \aféw, days . | the sad ne Mrs. Willi sof the sudden death. of drove ox to the surprise party on the| _ Itis not theory bucfuct—thatHood’s| ago, then we have not. yet mucosa mn Se penck. She did her) 54), at Mr. Wm. Heiden’s, in Ellice, | Sarsaparilla makes the weak strong. -A'|in picturing that distinguished prod ippe morning work as séuak and verte Mites ev ody li fair trial will convince you of its merit. ot the’ plains ‘to our Sng aroO Be phone pervicein. wis yangelees chureh, and fantastic to’ the strains of excellent| Decision in the North Perth appeal| Anybody whose business requires cee D ectioese in her usual good mi sie furnished by. Merers., Coupes, |ease will not be given before April 4th, travel along the sideroads now, realizes” Fe hoe ght ost Alva 15 minutes after leav-|Pentz and Hulauk, eve ing| to which time the Supreme Court has |an unusual number of ups and downs ° } Soficen Pe oe ns, ua Ra fceawtell aati ed with the he’s fun adjourned. n life, ive piteh | tole cae tae pits nesiat ERS OA: «the eae hl Gronat Dorris, nerlmerchante| fF whatever you may ph: aba gs ___|Schenck and family have the deep ayett rh pattem easter beh pamiceatncat 1H. EIDT, L. Drs. | sympathy of the people of this locality. - errs Ee PE Rance, 5 Be tetas Sate iia caasornakeni ernie Mr. Jake of this place has let the roubles wero noted some codes lead im he ; Boa 82 be ae de Wed ett ‘st |contract of building his store and ae hell’ Hot. dwelling at Proedliagey to Mr. Chas. Inesday of | Rock of that: pla: assigned toHenry Barber &Co. Toronto; Begining b to give forth: tokens. of “tt Mrs. Dr. onmron left town on|and usefulness, As a former friend of nz ting tii ours would have said, ua) ere's ons nce of Mr. a5. - ime Walter Gohl on >| Monday Mr. Kuhry y of ch 21st, the occasion | reside in a ‘at the home of her|comin’ frae the lamin.” Now tl last. week was a su par- ell party given in honor another, Mrs, Fraser.—Port Elgin | chimney is a if putaeptisiog ticular, which might be expected when |0f Mr. Andy. Gohl and. Mi Lin man from a northern town is going to *. Mr.-Pearson wields the hammer. Sieling,. of Hesson, by their sughter of William Shan-|"° revive the repair ain ese ae The surprise party at Mr. Heiden’s| #24 ee doquiihtimives,y a& th. rion, Bhi cane ak a a caught aca +p 0M going, Bo. manfuact ie 2 , on Thursday evening grand | Pe} 0 go to Tangerine } itoba, ina cutting-box, resulting in dislocating vertu jar ines inn 8. - : success, Every-body seemed to en- “March 22nd, After om| her arm at tho oulder and otherwise | RY 18 6 before, to have ad i we place in the work. h the en- cu j pemuelres nenaly | injuring her arm pico thes pauer and family of rprise suc Hue A FARMER sal Yousie, of Shakes-| “Ta gripe is loth to let gor his hold.” (| Peate, ran the shaft upon the ee ity. ne re are still: not a few his evil |inio, the hors’sside, killing the animal Ip “The ince now de ae ; | The horse ‘belonged to C. Bab amount of suffering from this strange Peantints: on ihe SaaE Beep Sabie Pa sus Strat tod Was | disease. 2 | take care, Geordy, it is the first ot arrested Friday at Niagara Falls on fea Tee Apu us charge of forgery and embezzlement MILVERTON MATTERS ee eartineait Muatoral TAGe Tolin sheimer got. the-| Preferred against him by the Macdonald The Gf the (contrat (Sir Building the new ¢choo! | Manufacturing Company of Stratford. Pris : ‘ arning of this| fence. Anderson appeared in the Police] Typ following were the winners in AL HOTHL, Milverton. | village, who died in Stratford, was|, ‘The sleighing in. this at is es Court this morning, when a telegram | ‘Theo. J. Rugg! e contest: First et thee a cit angely attended on Tha ‘ng Sf that |bad, Business.dull- gad ews soa was read from prisoner’ s counsel, Mr. | prize, awarded to Miss Enid: Wormem,. mig Bet bans Mr, Blunck conducted - hy, Q. C. of Toronts,. asking] Milverton.» entitled to two dozen’ Main, and. the funeral ceremony. Hatese” News? ¥ for an adjournment of the penny cabinet photés. Second prize, award- Ae Tn 1890 Canada exported to New-| Proceedings until Tuesday next ed to Mr, John Langford). Milverton foundland’ 19, barrels of flour; in| A union meeting was held in Berlin P. O., entitled to one aneet cabinet 1891, 99,438 barrels. Tuesday afternoon by representatives |photos. Third __ prize, The man ae who was ernshed | from the Evangelical Association and | Henry Zoeger, Newton entitied to one JCal 1s, nt Winx |Methodist churches for the purpose | dozen eard size phote ied. of coming to an agreement to ts the Birthday Celebration sian, of. the Allen [0 churshes., inton one. has] A tarae number of frignds and’ rabout one thousand | one of the largest Evangelical Shunahe relatives gathered at the cate? ce r of Marriage Li- rosch’s boot and % cal HOTELS: ea 2, C ie) L, Milverton. The beri of Wines, Loa Cigars al. Good stabling Mil an : and plenty of Osh, HR Di omeesall oe arge sample | Monday afternoon and ethiadet del on the bi arn " in Canad gether] Ve. G i h W ae in Canada, and if joine: 8 Mr. George Tangtond, of the torn and plenty “of shed room, 7 ‘8. Smith, | the aid or the Yortl s fi . g , of t oe hid Som: ng peaple from here drove| _ Mns:. Winutam, Sane, living g about aiethodien would be very strong in} of Mornington;. near Milverto E, livi, eA it those present at eer. iuiles from Cheltenham, | Ont| seating were: Rev: Dr: Grifin,|iihday) sing tate ie J. to Li a last Monds mini birth to three boys on Mareh 20. | Gal + ae W y was spent in social games, songs a W owells, M.A., Goderich ; Ss ent. . € e 16,000,099 busheley of Uanch, of the E. A. Sse oem SAA pede, a ap and marketed by Manitoba | Rey, Mr Richardson, ator of Teiaity furnished by Miss Morris and the 3 agi ba) Rev. Mr. Richa 4 000,090 bushels remains | Methodist church, of Berlin. The team of trotters for sale now ; they well imatebed fe will likely be a ae te m most! r. Agnew, fia alo Philadel-/of German speaking people and the] numerous and costly. Among th pebgei who! ststended the late ajority are friendly to the union. resog = se tid up with! resident ( sail after ‘the shooting| This church had intended to erect a Proce” “ice Breathwate ea shat, iuitean, diet day. larger edifice, which, however, will not Lindsay and SF under the doctor's care he will likely! Ese iy. is| take placé ifs union'crn. be effect kph; be all righ inn short tine. serious! between the two bodies, daughters, of n k e n with heart disease. ar, be x: Davidson, wife ait nite Sake of. ‘also: ldtdent eruciating pain, is effecting his brain. Spring Shows Logan. y isin Mornington attend. Mr. Rosert Romaine, clerk of| Milverton—Wednesday, April 20 “Keep it Oni of The sakes yi al of ister this week. | stationery in the House obs Son Mitchell—Tuesday;. April” iat | “Kerr it out of the paper,” is the died Monday, aged 72. He was for- Nee Hamburg—Tuesday, April 5. ery which the local Pa pub- Bee: publisher of The Pate edi ences April 6 lisher daily hears. To oblige often- 2 Wellesley—Thursday, April 14 costs considerable, though the party Bored Wine Reenter aes s that owing to the] Shakespeare—F nda’ April 15 who makes tha inal thinks 4 ihe sc? fe ih sovedinte ich .d and better avcommoda- Be Mis rio April 22 granting scarcely worth saying “thank: ity hoenjoy many happy {tion siven by the German Tines of At: t. Marys—Tuesday, April 19 you” for. A newspaper is a peculiar sich lantic steamers, they are rapidly taking Pewiea that ‘April 12 article in the public's eye. The news Sige Mt carioalChacise welane or af wep passenger trade from the En: Tavistock—Friday, April 8. gatherer is ae med fa pe he Bets 2 » | glish lines. + one item, and is abuses cause Ae = ) pager Se elas pa Ta strike of the English coal min- Eima Counoll does not get another. Young meme Success attend you, |€TS Controlled» by’ tie federation has} Ar the last meeting of the council the and often young women, as well? ag following i were appointed pathmasters in| older, perform acts which become es tive “divisi Dipple, A: |legitimate items for publication and 1 party in honor of G. Munroe fi Z Webe nee “MM sAy He a Je ; ake Hotes of Robt. Dowd | the strike continues, and the struggle Tar Ban ng Follies efaon, J W.Werit,| then rash to the newspaper office tp t when quite a num- there is likely to be a severe one. Acne W. Hewitt, T. Forbes, J. Brock, | beg the editor not to publish their org pts spent @ very pleas-| __Ir was stated in the Imperial House W Rett, Guenan A Pech be of Commons yesterday that a final’ un-|W. Jackson, E. Medd,” derstanding between Great Britain rar lelan Ww. a D.Co ‘ae, oD same hing Shey were guilty of, for- Bolltical Proverds An's a good deal of difference bet- es had not yet been reached, bit nd made politician and a ations were still in progress. jeen-made one, Tr reported that the strike on the some men voted like they shot | Canadian Pacific railway in the soe |they wouldent hit the ballot box one| West has exten nded over the wey division of the line, and that in xe 088, Ef law was past givin’ every Portage ne strikers-are committing Howl A ‘Findall R. acer Ww. ishun a marbel sake ity two| lawless ac : es yd Rozell, A. Porter, T. New! igging ard, W. Burnett, J. Gre, D. Hagar, T. aru fann: sean, “G. MeNichol, te Fa rd. Lucas: a expect to read the news, and care ise v4 rt J. Nichol; @. MeMane, H. ie ,| always wonder, when for charity’s* mith, J. Buchanan, A. Hird, J Houze, sake, an item on the street and co Maho, ee Mone, F- | everybody’s mouth is not found in - | next issue of the paper. eres 38 hundred-foot high, it wouldent make i i uch of a boom in the quarry biziness A ey pre, Hatin, W. Gl, 83. KSiain Ne Part ONDE OS ee aD a 1K pension’ a plaster that draws|_ Gzorce 8. Lrrmx, of Greensburg niet E.. Parkinson, | Monkton, C. H.| by name Inaudi, was introduced to the THERE 18 HOPE FoR THE DYSPEPTIC | votes Ind, is the owner of a 3-year-old horse ea Peer eae road, W. | Paris Academy of Sciences on Monday, | Nine members outen ten baz an idec which i entirely. destitute of. any Ww Wherry Meth, W, | and greatly astonished thatlearned body, Diamant: = Ve atever, ifi Bro by the rapidity and accuracy with whie#* Ta who i examined the ese they Penge Viewers 25; A. Turnball W. Jack- he solved byt mere ior work the most” . Cee are many, have been unatie to explain | sen, A. Taghan, J. W. Boyd, R. Ballan-| abstr t a Chase excopt by ds Aer eS eee Stevenson, ed him on what day of ie week fell ett, J. Sproul, W. Brown, 8. Bermett, Row stint that nature repeats itself. It is record- slatd, A” Coxon, W. J. Gilkinson, | March 11,1892. "Heimmmediately replied | z seep Tan ican, | onus eatwuatien ed in some natural histories that at the Gilmer. “Monday,” and simultaneously” form Sour Stomach || Giddiness jon intclijent pattrotism, fick a “fit a | Peginning of the present century there green icon a tem | Se aciinrone Soa ONO usUe ae Uae Heartburn | Nervousness | jam sort. of hairless horses belonging Coghlin, , Ve Toe peashspaig es a Font, ‘Nausea | Indigestio SEA aati Sa aaa to the South Seasiands. ‘The nativet A. Hing W. Jolly, G. Steaf, J. Lambert | in algebra and reson were equally | Low Spirits | haction. Sites hab teeatcaaieixty. sind on the eet laud 3 edie: astounding. M. Tnaudi is a native of Cn eo Poh Sat ooh ol BBP d-hors Sp eagtit| Moved by: Me Hcumbad, “ooo nded “by Piatinortt and bia eal reported by begin forth and the people prostrated them: | M*- Bray, that this council do now adjoura| Professor Broce to present extras CANADIAN DEPOT, 44 8 46.LOMBAED ST. | Farmar, ¥ March 25.—Farm, farm stock and 4 | ye aad ete a canes to meet at Ioeger’s hotel, Atwood, on ty eer P ‘TORONTO, ONT. | inuplements Pes Favand Fowler, Jo: | Selves before them in: supplication for | oq, next, at, 10.a.m ay features. He is only fanptonet | 7, con. 15, Ellice, atione o'clock. futureblessing. ‘T.-Foriarzoy, Clk. } 3°83 of age.