Milverton Sun, 21 Apr 1892, p. 1

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“IT SHINES FOR ALL.” Vol. I—No. f MILVERTON, ONT, I PERTH 00., THURSDAY, APRIL 21, 1892. W. W. WHALLE® ag and Pabiisher Post. anton. E . Milyerten, t Wedn Totel, Millbank, ast Wednesday of e pall over V isitin Schaefer, von, meets ine e Rigel . Boeckner, tae aad Oh Bost Iran vet nd. r l- wl shel I or Lelegr: 3 pranptly ded to, Smit lverton es f the Apes sticat i te ion will be paid to dentistry. ‘Telephone to either drag FISEMENTS | =Instruction‘on Piano or Organ. is Reasonable. Mrs. WHALLEY, CARRIAGE | ALL XT CLOSE CUT PRICES. ALL RGES ‘DS DELIVERED CHA! aa fs L. Br anew: eae be) ra- | Wisitors—Bae Fair & ; | London and. Edinburgh. MUSSELBUEG | | sain of the Debater s- Im marsrinn riend tnd a spr keenl. |Ui Yost spent remaining four, we are pleased to e imp roving. Barn Raising Sickness—MIM Net Running 08. o-day hentth does. not seem he M a improve much, as she sad another teley Bhan come into athe man 1 A. Genth N tcher sons ste, re putting in tele He ce ly to extend among the P idences, owing to its great conven- ience in, orderiz the household. Wedne g as Mr.. Me- D, egy eaorrf for Mr: Wilson of | hy. h: supplies for that would lies supplied ‘m Easter break 7 caused by ae e eoewill lack va ners frites hich practical doker had fastened to a of the r sp when the wagon started, a dangerous trick, yand the ves deserves to be punished should ne be local Dr. Parke of this town intends leaving for the old country about the 5th of A The Dr. intends: spend- ing several ‘months in the hospitals of Mrs. Parke, we understand, will take an Ocean to, ee Kaufman m, joining her | wo DISTRICT NEWS" Some Titteresting Heme Called from the Netghboring Jonn B the nion Hotel, o'clock a “ie ay forenoon after nes m la gri Spe at 0X hae disposed of his on th on. of Elma <h for the tegaesectd ot It is an excellent farm and "iy situated. night last the barn bf rfiel it! oh horse ¥ and “Warrior.” fine drivers were also burnt. {rs. Jno. Kavurman, _ livi miles from Neustadt, hanged fherselt with binder twine on hoo the: in ceiling above the kitchen stove while v apne in the house. has been ailing all winter. ss Aracaucus of the Stratford dele- gates to the Conservat is understood tha: fie ill bes rews Salad by a senator- ship—Beazon is ning. farmers, 7 Goong ee Tinie Ehy, living in the ip of Marlboro, about three istics thwes! objected to its removal eee him if he did. so the fence, when George | « o his house and brought out ped on his knee, ant took fred. “The shot struck Eby ger ttendance on the wounded man | and it. is ages he G "ge n arrested. The Conaolly Conspiracy Trial Pat Of Tue legal fight between Uncle Thomas and side and the Government on the other, which opened in the Assize tt nday morning Judge Macha ended in w draw, McG ant Jonnolly carrying their pon for a Ret pocetace until ext term, but only on th that all the books grabbed at Quebec, which are not ae — property of the Connollys o1 evy, shall restored to the everett and on the books of the firm placed comedy of Sam Bilal i n the ree ssling hie Me: voyage later in the season, hu his retu We have selected two or three lines from letters freshly received from pa- its who have given German Syrup te Abele children in the emergencies You will credit these, | beste they come from good, sub- stantial people, h: what so many fam: icine containing noevil drug, which mother can administer with con- fidence to the little ones in their most. critical hours, Croup. Daughters’ es hi de eon ey aoe then preparation jon act like: with m Te is simply mie eee Fully one-half of our customers are mothers who use Boschee’s Ge: man Syrup among their children. A medicine to be su peel ot the peat S Bee be @ treatm terrible ; Boverotheny nothing it will be hard Osler is is to hav ponement on_the round of Perley’ ichol nolly and. Dr. ome se were read in which it was stated that Mr. Perley was improving inbigalth but was ®t able to attend court, and the motion for postponement was made. Mr. Osler opposed ae but. after-: “soma a gument the moti as granted’ ‘conditions tnt one This wil mit of the civil suits being dec’ in the meantime, and these civil cits Raz: reason a e crimi- ‘tovconvinee a jury: that. there was a conspiracy. e osher hand the iris are tang big chances, ie prietor of ‘died at Be 1 |last week, and kept up a continual pe the genial landlord | apes oesia ates On Bia toei 0 " midst to dis' anne our ar gatoe little ham- Ehy proceeded ti felt doing all other cugtom work that comes# alon lonnolly on the one | ¢ ne condition in: CARTHAGE prem prngesen te taht eo ho) Manitoba Farmers at Mr. Wu. Wapprii Sais ted the promotion examinations cis wali Mr. A. Urquhart rotten to his business in Stratford last Alex. Campbell and Alex: Mate departed for Manitoba last Friday, We wish them every success. say who have or the pt week, returned on a seri was in tl vil on M y. Mr. cee of the Presb: ar chureh, is attending a of the Synod in Rarity this aye There will he no prayer meeting in the pada pacers here on. Wednesds ny | EEarthere Wrettmely eis at present. RELSOME individual put in an appearance here one fine afternoon * | noise until a Jate-hour, daring any;man | he came across to face hit ;. when, at, thought he would try the landlord h zn ca route. in come into our dent soon put he will n let. is ting in a 509 Mest Ictetk aeons building a stable in the near future. se G. Schneider, blacksmith etl hard at work ; h 8 already this spring ride et eee 1,000 harrow pins, besides ¢ above speak well-of- Mr: deserves it all, ashe is a z, industrious and tough tale ree haky say was that of Weduesday of leat weck fo Kl two lambs, ere” says breeding don’t eher desc eae our village last week, this time pen sick for a few weeks prior to her father’s sudden departure, and it was apparent by the Rev. Mr. cig NEWTON Personal—A New Merchant Miss Apams of Chicago was visiting her sister, fei C. Gies, last week. Wm. McDonald was spending Sun- i day and Monsey deeiteenas aie ehts - bi keg St th Carry and.Henry Zoeger spent | Sondey in Wellesié iter, hardivare merchant, few ce Mr. James Tuompsoy, of Palmer- red in agony untill ihe lock vials death reliaved! hie is pain Palmerston was. sent A ‘Trank Benes ‘an engine and coach at 1, but her husband died are ee before she arrived. jompson went eae and ise ama of all the trainmen this section; for her thet was a et, y was | PleaGE report the ged eel Pi k for —Our Busy Blacksmith—Another Death | ex; Mr. A. sete ha arn whieh y, oieiaee Ponied Aes ate pions in th bear si re Cook’s o1 | ever particular. —lIst, nd, Jos. Vance, “Wat rside Sed Daniel ‘McFurlane, olteade MILLE ANG Spring Work—The Horse Show—A et: ial Seen “Knox Church ver ppd, advancing, rapidly. ‘The weather is all in its favor. The round, for the nost part, in fine condition for them. .~_ Seaee on; romor says that — soine farmers in n Wellesley have finished ae venues sowin; ings pe fale thee a was their friends of "tho ss erience of ald es as may, sid them hereafter to ol e Golden Ase ule, “ Whatsoever - ‘vould that @ e home | aid grounds ar ae decidedly “in the ~ righ 2 The offer good opening for the steoily Ohad OF Hear Pine shortly after fe ahnetan e—l, es “Teta rodiconts ob ters oie were ~ shocked to hear on Tue: ae of the sudden death of Herby, youngest r. David McCloy, « ae ey the Dae kanirsasiatiens highly> res) residents in this vi ceased had alw: ek Fah a sudden departure. The family? have the sympathy of the whole» ad hour of affliction, n_ by the large concourse” of friends Bae t followed the remains to pte last resting place. acob Gatschene was © wit young folks assembled at 1 n Monday wae where they 2 nual spring show was: asi Ean es Wellesley on Thursday nst., and was a decid Sa ae Seg ‘The weather was ae that could be desired, and thé roads : Tate Heavy RsK 2 D Jos “St. adn Hoary Drought

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