Milverton Sun, 21 Apr 1892, p. 3

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oe ge ee a POST OFFICE BUILDING A Fresh Stock of B. B. B. ‘And ether Blood, Purifiers fastiopened up Ail Prescriptions Promptly Attended to. Subscriptions received for all newspapers CENTRAL TELEPHONE OFFICE Post Office hours from 7.30 a. m. to. Savings Bank and Money Order office ie at 6 p.m, JAS. TORRANCE, ‘Miss Huxpenson, Asst. Postmaster Watches of the best m: Large stock of facture, such as Helgi, Waltham, Columbus, English Lever, Wat Entel re Wiese prices, arp guar LADIES’ Solid gold or silver watches, and solid gold rings—a nice assortment. els and ax low prices sean it desler ean te ae 2 Ponts aivaga frat “peace PEAFES seweun “Tone Tam weekly produ sv patterns es and Clocks at 2d, I guarantee all_ my watches and clocks. 3d, the general publie appreciate them, which is the Dest evidence of alts 2 a1 ur intention Scioute that trom the gratifying and increas: they have given me, that all now rem BOE Sra i Sag mipPort doub ie ae Peciates he 1 sufficient: guarantee that class watchmaker. : Watch and Jewelry Re- pairing promptly executed at lowest prices, THURSDAY, A APRIL 21 ” 186: Ir is said that indictments are being prepared against ex-Premier Mercier, and that weshall shortly witness the unusval spectacle of a defeated politi- cal Jeader on trial for misconduet, Ar the Liberal convention recently held at Mitchell, says the Stratford _ Beacon, enough of the “influence” d by those present, to make ‘the initiatory steps in protesting the South Perth election. was r From present appéarances it scems that our Liberal friends were a little premature in denoxneing Sir John _ Thompson and those who supported him, for declining to have a committee of Parliament. appointed to enquire| Fi into the charges made by Mr. Edgar]? against Sir Adolphe Caron. The in- dications are that, hazy as the charges may appear to some, there will be an investigation at no distant day. If Sir Adolphe is innocent of the charges -~and he has denieé them—-he should certainly court a full and satisfactory investigation. ‘iW examiners at the recent public rchool examination, we understand, iscovered that the papers on which the questions were printed, 1 liad beou MEDICAL WALL! ‘Hood's Sarsaparilla is oda [dt Gidea and In Milverton, must confess, the health of the public has not been given as great consideration as its importance de- serves, Within the corporation limits there: are situated three grave-yards all of which are thickly surrounded private dwellings. The parties living adjacent to the grave-yards all se well-water, and. 1t_ certainly must become affected. A union burying | ground outside the village limits, in a 7a sist suitable location should be selected without delay. Ifwe are not mistaken this is @ question which should takenin hand by the board of health. While the board ara about taking action to have other existing nuisances removed outside the corporation limits, the removal of the dead to a suitable place should receive the hoard’s best consideration. THE LIBERAL CONVENTION Bearer —Ofilcers -Elected—The Assocta- tion will pay the Costs of the Protest and Appeal Tue Liberals of North Perch met test the riding at the coming eléction’ The following ee were elected : President—J. ford ; seen ae towel ; Secretary-Treas.—Dr. eat Stratford ; Vice-Presidents— W: ‘lism Shearer, Elma; J. Hacking, Listowel ; Dr. Johnston, Mornington; J. omnolly, Logan Armstrong, Ellie re Grosch, Milverton ; J. Frank i | Strutford ; Geo. Re pcan “Ese Hope: John Brisbin, W: :. Grieve was then Cae by seconded by Jas. Dunean. The nomination was unani- mously tendered Mr. Grieve, and. ac- delivered by the cz . Thos. Ballantyne, Messrs. Cleland, Haggarty, Jefirey, solution was passed that ae as. 80 ition assume all thes cos the protest-and eieat and Sere Mr. Grieve z the sam Is are going into the con- cess, and all that they Grate for North ‘The st, eetident of suc emned thoroughly sati ill again return Mr, Perth. ee anne Latest News Notes A petition has been filed against the return of Mr. Pridham for South Perth. A Niacara Farts, Ont., despatch sa there is a great boom in real estate there just now, owing to the move being made to harness the water power of the horseshoe fall. ‘The Ben der property: has heen sold for $80,000, and Gane land is being bought at high pric Gol. Albert: D: Shaw, of Teron, is one of the pepmiofets of the project Sore a big elephant, who came ae East Indian Ports on the steamer City of Bangkok, reached New York City Monday morning. ame from Rangoon: i is about 40 years 0° age, and is said to measure 11 feet 11} inches in height, or two inches more than Barnum’s famous Jumbo, who was imported from England and was killed in a railroad Seu at “St. Thomas, Ont. & North Verulam Township, near SESE Yeollowed the dog to the tay hunting gounds ae amustard -mé’ relieved his stomach of the depois Walker, the hired nee is now in, jai, charged with attempting to poison his ae joyer. x years azo a man Et cue Mo Kos, cattlé dealer from min, his pact ner, Tein shertly after. As Knox h sum of money inhis possession it wassup- posed he was foully dealt with. i hed for the missi but eual P found no trace. It is no how Bis 10 days ago a.ckull and partial remains were found in an outhouse in the rear ie “| Nothing but {materials kept in- black, and McPherson, Str: a aR Shipments Last week we added to our stock of dress goods some very elegant material This last shipment is direct from Ger- many. They excel~ in plaid and fancy effects, and we are show- ing some very dressy styles. For. real stylish delaines in pure wool, you can be well served at our counter. Prices 35, 40, 45 ands5o cts. Union delaines 20 cts. Recent arrivals complete all the wants of our black dress goods department. We keep only the better class of goods’in black. All unions are prohibited. useful all wool with us can always be found the new weaves. Many very effective designs are showing in black this year. Our prices run from 50c. to $1.75 per yard, — Those intending to. buy a best © dr are. ‘confidently asked to visit our Dress De- partment. Elegant trimmings for color- ed Bia black dress: goods. The best linings. W. J. FERGUSON 31 Market St, STRATFORD NEW MANTLES. Har x MARR: day, A na 10, 1 at the of tha bride fa ee aes by i: BI z—fn Milverton, on Thursday, 14, 1892, Sainuel Attridge, aged Dortaxp—In | Milyérion, Thursday, ‘April 14, 1892, Gilbert’ Dorland, son Wm. Dorland, Esy.; aged 21 years, 5 imonths and 7 days: THERE ta eer Foe ae DYSPEPTIC = Mae Tmo puri {GULATE! of » residence on Hudson Bay res pow iseriture FOR To2Acco no puncari ve 8 ~ engstions led the examiners to bolieve that sorte Grregularities had tak bits of cloth which hs i the bones there’ i re port maa Knox. refuse to give any pariaar bat - is understood | they are wor lead to the mines tad ature of up aclew which my yw f | Dyspepsia 7 Sour Stomacii Nausea Food Rising Drugait docs mot heap it, wen 25 ct. for @ 200, oF "$1.00 for jize buses free by Post. LADIES. The system by which I cut Ladies’ cloaks and mantles guarantees a fit every time. Ladies who have got their jackets from us aré Well-pleased a of them this Those Ladies who have not yet bought their spring coats will save money by buying from SCHAEFER the TAILOR season. HE: CoRNER - STORE Opposite the Post Office, Milverton Sa a Our Millinery season so far has Been a most successful one, the ladies recognizing the fact that we are’ the leaders in this, as in all other Pee: The season for Millinery has only y opened, and we have many new shapes on hand ae have not yet seen the light of day. We guarantee first-class workmanship, and cordially ex- tend an invitation to all who have not yet visited us to do so, and we feel confident you will be pleased with our display. NEW PRINTS _ NEW DRESS GOODS Guenther & Schmitt Centre Store, opposite post office, Milverton: SCHNEUKER & ROTHARRNEL'S Is the Cheapest Place to Buy Saws, Nails, Glass, Putty. Scales, Axes, Fence Wire, Oils, - TINWARE e & GOOD STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Schneuker & Roths.ermel Main Street Milvertes, Horses Wanted! . Any = weight or color, to put some of my le Harness en. of which I have a fine assortment, and ieee Sa snough = anyone to buy aset. Come and examine them before you, buy alsewhere Success Sweat Pads! T have just received a big stock of the celebrated Success Sweat s Pads, which I have bought right and am going to sell righé- Come and bay your Sweat Pads of me for Fifty Cents. ‘They are fi rst-class A Brantford ko. 1 Bic; ae es Sale, Meany ag Can be bought cheap: STRAW WAN Wm. PC "The Harnessmsker, MAIN STREET, MILVERTON ADOUESS OAUAOUH DEPT 44. 48 LOMBARD ST. TaRtNT, ote d we have made a number : MILVERTON es PRUG STORE Aa and oe rere ere pa eNO IEE West side 6: Bata Street, -+JUST ARRIVED A LARGE STOCK OF— Pp #8 CEERa re ee OFFICE Dr. J. F..GA TTERNOLE. ¢ NEW STORE! Gowan NEW GOODS I} J. H. Gunther Invites you to call and examine his fine new stock of Watches, Clocks, z Jewelry, ete, which he has'now on —_| of the hand in his new quarters, Grand Central Hotel block, Milverton. Mrs. ae in the evening the e inv! ionof the newly The Milverton Sun aie eljoueant to Mr. a Sohne ane Hate lea new residence eck man died, t! Previous x his es: ad the busines 8 collie. at eat Ow 'Thursda Milverton a well known’ man in thie ann Attri had lg which order convey ‘brother to his la: st resting large number of Salon, from Listowel and Atwood also attended the funeral. erton Gees Sho ie ‘Tue esl Spring 8 entire horses v don eek of this } ee a decided succéss, there heing 22 horses entere i tion. In the Canadian tate tear elass there were of as hrought out as bat) entel show ting, and the judges ha considerable difficulty in mak i fine array, ae being five entries in shis class. ‘The decisions of the judges | in v § ae ee Pullowita as the. prise “mpi Heavy Draught 4 entries . McFarlane, “Meck 2d, J. L. Turnbull, “Sir. Patrick? 3d, Ned iilesey “ Aken oe wn.” Canadian Heavy Draught—2 entries —Ist, Jas. MeKenzie, Sandy Scott ;” 24, Mark Kelly, “ Decécde. Canadian Heavy Draught Three ean Old—5_ ent Connell, Charley McKnight ;” a, one's. ad “ eine Frederic ral Purpose eee ae “Lord Haddo, ner Coach—2 entries ‘asti Bros., “Kuno; ? 2nd, ea. ‘Weis, “Morn- | play ornament ee Star 3 entries—Ist, V: By, chy Worford ;” 2nd, ere “ Drap Dior.” isters- Bz Chee R. Thom- “Grand Sentinel jr. ;” as John Hproule, ' ‘You Chicane Volunteer.” Tudges—W. A. Kumpf, V. 8, and on, sais arising from the pixs kept cheese factor mh if not eeisioes to health, < and should, 1° removed outside the town Res Goodl INK AND fonrtand in the day t a fue action, as Ke would | p, an MUCILAGE | nd JEWELER: br by Rev. J ed Goodale, broth her of t! Mi large sume ‘of tae se tandsome ts down to a splendid ng | friends and relatives. “ten ion. | where othe: = preparations fail. % meliinal merit pecul Eoard of Health Meeting A userixe of the Board of Health, Messrs. Honderich, Gleiser, | 3770 rosch, was held rtainly very offensive, hand = was} imits. t was rather late | remove the es of the boar omit 1 to remove fall. After two hours ei jo Sund evening were wo large attendance is quite, “éion those who are deeply interested in the tablishing of rogul jican services, e Milverton, on attended. sermon was Sliver by the ble ter tara) Mr. Card. ‘The lesso: Hamil iba ai a studebt at McGill Univertigy, Montreal, anc ot ~ pected resident, Rich. Hamiltos he service was very impressive “apd i “The cuitinued niraging to lar services her P e tiently for ours under trials by physical endur- ce, but when prolonged to years, we But why showld we suffer There is a suré and prompt Bet M 0. S.A., Aug. ya years vith, neu. 3 fi aie cured ays ee use of St. Sani “Oi. » DB. Sa joodh ummer, other mir oussed, after whieh the board ad- ed. t the "residence of and was performed sence of , in the pre grvomtinan, while } eda e around, was evinced ved, oni bel Dg almost entirely ile with the ngs of frie e nuptial eae had been tied, thee present sat dejeuner, in the prop: aration of which none can surpass on Main St; where the of the night was ae oa) ee in music, games aie n Wednesday morning ae ide ae groom took the R. Detroit and other pomts, amid the t pest wishes of a large circle of remainder 1) ipa ae ap Galt, is home on his holiday 5 Sle pms is laid up with-a severe attack of pm hémas, of Norwich, is visit- of Durham, spent .’ John Goodale’s. Winnie Park, holidays at M Mr. J. H. town on Monday, and g —Ms. W. J. Hamilton, of McGill Uni F ity Montreal, is for Kaster holidays. Doeri in returned 1 aftr ieee months’ stay at Philadelphia, Good Friday wae observed in Milverton in the Evangelical and Lutheran has reached ow presenting painting ,epidem Loth, tl store a bright yellow front. Wn St. Jace wel coke Polacco Mr. Robt. Attridge, aia Mich. has beet eae hot ka & the he e de: is brotha ny n, of ‘Tav their dae Miss Keon in gtk —Mr. David Goetdke left Monday for Lynden, where ehe has secured employment ‘A. Thompson & Co.’s grist mills. d's Sarsnparilla absolutely cures it possesses ae sak = it—a first-class straw hat 25 cents, at Grosch & —John tel: who left here tending Alma home at the parsonage here for the Easter holidays: —Citizens can do mu arance of the town by pla ach to b ieaprove the appe ting maple tees on the streets ‘They are the clean os = 7 and the photographer have the bine that is their busing has been painted an ultramai e—which is more we than artistic. | Weppler and Mrs. Weppler, bagi in was . R. agen Our Maton isan expert in the Mil linery line. Ladics; call ai our vy of new hats; flowers, spina dees, a just received Gleiser’s. , in practicing for the last three months, has returned home and ititends leavin; seer, proptiétor House of Com wa sho, Ottawa, —A number of 1 : spent by the} 7} ep. Sheriff Wheeler Boes Not Care to Live If He Cannot Have ©oD Sarsaparilla It would be difficult to find a man better kn he vicinity of Burling. ton, Vt., Winooski of B sssare qt to ving depends po Hood's if scold hie ould not nly to, and sufer as I used n years. fered the MEDEA demise Sciatic Rheumatism i 8 with anything ith hy at: awful It seems to me as if all other ng were compressed into iat of A ala er I began taking Hoed’s Sarcaparills Thave taken it now pretty regulaily for parila.” R. Sheriff, Winooskd Falls, Vt Hood’s Pilis cue Liver Ills Look! Take this Chance alJ. G. GROSCH & CO. MANUFACTURERS. OF AND DEALERS IN Boots and ee - ARE GIVING A ‘ Solid Vietoria Silver Spoon with each 4 oz botile of Sik Bdge Dressing. The spoon eannot he bought in any regular jewelry store for the price you pay for both spoon and dressing, Our spring stock of boots and Shoes is just about complete, try us and be Convinced, : ; Bible DepéBitory Here, Agent for Genuine Singer Sewing Machine, Main‘ Street, Milverton + NAILS # HAvNs purchased a car load of Nails before the late advance, I am in a po-— sition to furnish intending builders ho Nails at surprisingly low prices. Call an examine them and get prices. SEE OUR GALT AXES AND CROSS.CUT SAWS BEFORE PURCHASING ELSEWHERE Parlor and Gock. Stoves Always on Hand Ww. ACHESON The Hardware Man ” Milk Cans Dairy Pails and Creamers cE be a necessity, and those in need of such will find everything in the line of Tinware, at right prices, and in - endless variety BAVETROUGHING, ROOFING and REPAIRING WILL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENT! 10N Lining and Repairing Cheese Vats a Specialty Ww. D. SU ‘Aclieson’s Block, Main Street, Milyerto™ STRAW ce WE ity raitha te est of aegis and I consid- st aives e na John ‘Unger, "Waterloo 3s success for the purposes adi vlog a ‘i-Dandruff, and ive The Hustlers. HATS =3« Just arrived 20 dozen Canada Straw Hats, which we sell at 5e. each or 6 for — 25c., usually sold at 10c. each. the higher priced goods we have full lines of white and colored straw, which In are offering at much lower prices than in former years. GROSCH & LOTH for Trade at the Yellow Front

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